Matt Allen Daniel Rixen Maarten van der Seijs Paolo Tiso Thomas Abrahamsson Randy Mayes

Substructuring in Dynamics

– Emerging Numerical and Experimental Techniques –

July 2018

To be Published by Springer in 2019

Springer Preface

One fundamental paradigm in engineering is to break a structure into simpler components in order to sim- plify test and analysis. In the numerical world, this concept is the basis for Finite Element discretization and is also used in model reduction through substructuring. In experimental dynamics, substructuring ap- proaches such as Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) are commonly used, although the subtleties involved are perhaps not always adequately appreciated. Recently, there has been renewed interest in using measure- ments alone to create dynamic models for certain components and then assembling them with numerical models to predict the behavior of an assembly. Substructured models are also highly versatile; when only one component is modified, it can be readily assembled with the unchanged parts to predict the global dy- namical behavior. Substructuring concepts are critical to engineering practice in many disciplines, and they hold the potential to solve pressing problems in testing and modeling structures where nonlinearities cannot be neglected. This book originates from lecture notes created for a short course in Udine, Italy in July 2018. We will review a general framework which can be used to describe a multitude of methods and the fundamen- tal concepts underlying substructuring. The course was aimed at explaining the main concepts as well as specific techniques needed to successfully apply substructuring both numerically (i.e. using finite element models) and experimentally. The course centered around the following topics, which range from classical substructuring methods to topics of current research such as substructuring for nonlinear systems. 1. Introduction and motivation 2. Primal and dual assembly of structures 3. Model reduction and substructuring for linear systems including Guyan and Hurty/Craig-Bamtpon re- duction, McNeal, Rubin, Craig-Chang, interface reduction methods and model reduction in the state space. 4. Experimental-Analytical substructuring including based substructuring or impedance cou- pling, substructure decoupling methods including the transmission simulator method, measurement methods for substructuring, the virtual point transformation, state space substructuring and an overview of finite element model updating (a common alternative to experimental substructuring). 5. Industrial applications and related concepts including Transfer Path Analysis and finite element model updating. 6. Model reduction and substructuring methods for non-linear systems are highlighted with a focus on geometrically non-linear structures and nonlinearities due to bolted interfaces. This text was designed to provide practicing engineers or researchers such as PhD students with a firm grasp of the fundamentals as well as a thorough review of current research in emerging areas. The reader is expected to have a solid foundation in and some exposure to finite element analysis. The material will be of interest to those who primarily perform finite element simulations of dynamic structures, to those who primarily focus on modal test, and to those who work at the interface between test and analysis.

Udine, Matt Allen July 2018 Daniel Rixen Maarten van der Seijs Paolo Tiso Thomas Abrahamsson Randall Mayes

v Contents

Preface ...... v

Contents ...... vii

1 Introduction and Motivation ...... 1 1.1 Divide and conquer approaches in the history of engineering mechanics ...... 1 1.2 Advantages of substructuring in ...... 2

2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models ...... 5 2.1 The dynamics of a substructure: domains of representation ...... 5 2.1.1 Spatial descriptions ...... 6 2.1.2 Spectral representation ...... 8 2.1.3 State representation ...... 9 2.1.4 Summary of representation domains ...... 10 2.2 Interface conditions for coupled substructures ...... 10 2.2.1 Interface equilibrium ...... 11 2.2.2 Interface compatibility ...... 13 2.3 Primal and dual assembly ...... 15 2.3.1 Primal assembly ...... 15 2.3.2 Dual assembly...... 17 2.3.3 Usefulness of different assembly formulations ...... 18

3 Model Reduction Concepts and Substructuring Approaches for Linear Systems ...... 21 3.1 Model reduction – general concepts (reduced basis) ...... 21 3.1.1 Reduction by projection ...... 21 3.1.2 The Guyan-Irons method ...... 22 3.1.3 Model reduction through substructuring ...... 24 3.2 Numerical techniques for model reduction of substructures ...... 24 3.2.1 The Hurty/Craig-Bampton Method ...... 24 3.2.2 Substructure reduction using free interface modes ...... 27 3.2.3 Numerical examples of different substructure reduction techniques ...... 32 3.2.4 Other reduction techniques for substructures ...... 35 3.3 Interface Reduction with the Hurty/Craig-Bampton method: Characteristic Constraint Modes ...... 35 3.3.1 System-Level Characteristic Constraint (S-CC) Modes ...... 36 3.3.2 Local-Level Characteristic Constraint Modes ...... 37 3.4 State-space model reduction...... 39 3.4.1 Structural dynamics equations in state-space ...... 43 3.4.2 State observability and state controllability ...... 44 3.4.3 State-space realizations ...... 48 3.4.4 State-space reduction based on transfer strength...... 52

vii viii Contents

4 Experimental Substructuring ...... 57 4.1 Introduction ...... 57 4.2 Why is experimental substructuring so difficult? ...... 58 4.3 Basics of Frequency Based Substructuring (FBS) ...... 60 4.3.1 Lagrange Multiplier FBS - the Dual Interface Problem ...... 61 4.3.2 Lagrange Multiplier FBS - the dually assembled admittance ...... 63 4.3.3 On the usefulness of dual assembly of admittance in experimental substructuring . . . 65 4.3.4 Weakening the interface compatibility ...... 67 4.3.5 Dual assembly in the modal domain...... 69 4.3.6 A special case: substructures coupled through bushings ...... 71 4.4 Substructure decoupling ...... 76 4.4.1 Theory of decoupling ...... 76 4.4.2 Inverse substructuring ...... 80 4.4.3 The Transmission Simulator Method for Substructuring and Substructure Decoupling ...... 83 4.5 Measurement methods for substructuring ...... 91 4.6 Virtual Point Transformation ...... 97 4.6.1 Interface modelling ...... 97 4.6.2 Virtual point transformation ...... 99 4.6.3 Interface displacement modes ...... 104 4.6.4 Measurement quality indicators ...... 106 4.6.5 Instrumentation in practice ...... 110 4.7 Real applications ...... 111 4.7.1 Experimental modelling of a substructure using the virtual point transformation . . . . 111 4.7.2 Experimental of two substructures ...... 113 4.8 Finite element model updating for substructuring ...... 114 4.8.1 Finite element model parameter statistics and cross-validation ...... 115 4.8.2 Finite element model calibration ...... 119 4.9 Substructuring with state-space models ...... 125 4.9.1 State-space system identification ...... 126 4.9.2 Physically consistent state-space models ...... 127 4.9.3 State-space realization on substructuring form ...... 130 4.9.4 State-space model coupling ...... 131

5 Industrial Applications Related Concepts ...... 133 5.1 Introduction to Transfer Path Analysis ...... 133 5.2 The transfer path problem ...... 134 5.2.1 Transfer path from assembled admittance ...... 135 5.2.2 Transfer path from subsystem admittance ...... 135 5.3 Classical TPA...... 136 5.3.1 Classical TPA: direct force ...... 137 5.3.2 Classical TPA: mount stiffness ...... 137 5.3.3 Classical TPA: matrix inverse ...... 138 5.4 Component-based TPA ...... 139 5.4.1 The equivalent source concept ...... 140 5.4.2 Component TPA: blocked force ...... 140 5.4.3 Component TPA: free velocity ...... 141 5.4.4 Component TPA: hybrid interface ...... 141 5.4.5 Component TPA: in-situ ...... 142 5.4.6 Component TPA: pseudo-forces ...... 143 5.5 Transmissibility-based TPA ...... 145 5.5.1 The transmissibility concept ...... 146 5.6 Substructuring to estimate fixed-interface modes ...... 149 5.6.1 Modal Constraints ...... 149 5.6.2 Singular Vector Constraints ...... 150 Contents ix

5.7 Payload and Component Simulations using Effective and Modal Craig Bampton Form Modal Models ...... 150 5.8 Calibration of an SUV rear subframe ...... 151 5.9 Coupling of two major SUV components ...... 159

6 Model Reduction Concepts and Substructuring Approaches for Non-Linear systems...... 165 6.1 Geometric Nonlinearities ...... 165 6.1.1 2D Beam ...... 165 6.1.2 Von-Karman Model ...... 167 6.2 Finite Element Discretization ...... 169 6.3 Galerkin Projection ...... 170 6.4 Nonlinear Normal Modes ...... 172 6.4.1 Periodic Motions of an Undamped System: Nonlinear Normal Modes ...... 172 6.5 Non-intrusive Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) for geometrically nonlinear structures: ICE&ED ...... 175 6.5.1 Enforced Displacements Procedure ...... 176 6.5.2 Applied Loads Procedure or Implicit Condensation and Expansion ...... 176 6.6 Intrusive Methods ...... 177 6.6.1 Modal Derivatives ...... 177 6.6.2 Wilson Vectors ...... 179 6.7 Data driven methods ...... 181 6.7.1 Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ...... 181 6.8 Hyper-reduction ...... 182 6.8.1 Discrete Empirical Interpolation and variants ...... 182 6.8.2 Energy Conserving Sampling and Weighting ...... 186 6.9 Hurty/Craig-Bampton substructuring with ROMs and interface reduction...... 187 6.10 Modal Derivatives Enhanced Craig Bampton Method with Interface Reduction ...... 189 6.11 Substructuring Methods for Flexible Multibody Systems ...... 190

7 Weakly Nonlinear Systems: Modeling and Experimental Methods ...... 191 7.1 Modal models for weakly nonlinear substructures and application to bolted interfaces . . . . . 191 7.2 Test Methods for Identifying Nonlinear Parameters in Pseudo-Modal Models ...... 192

References ...... 197 Chapter 1 Introduction and Motivation

Abstract "Divide and Conquer" is a paradigm that helped Julius Cesar to dominate on the wide roman Empire. The power of dividing systems, then analyze them as parts before combining them in an assembly, is also an approach often followed in science and engineering. In this introductory chapter, we shortly discuss the main idea behind domain decomposition and substructuring applied to mechanical systems. — Chapter Author: Daniel Rixen

1.1 Divide and conquer approaches in the history of engineering mechanics

The work of engineers consists in understanding systems in order to build new solutions or optimize existing ones. To analyze systems, it is very common and efficient to decompose them into subcomponents. This reduces the complexity of the overall problem by considering first its parts and can provide very useful insight for optimizing or troubleshooting intricate structures. In this introductory chapter, the general idea of substructuring is discussed and an overview of the topics treated in these lecture notes is given. One often refers to Schwarz [254] who proved the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a Poisson problem on a domain that was a combination of a square and a circle. By considering the problem as two separate problems on simple overlapping square and circular domains for which existence and uniqueness of the solution was already known, and devising an iteration strategy between the two domains with guaranteed convergence, he could conclude his very important proof. The algorithm that he devised as a means for his proof is still used today, underlying some very popular solution strategies on multiprocessor computers (see for instance [292]). But in essence, approximation techniques such as the Rayleigh-Ritz method [82, 225, 229], where the solution space is approximated by a reduced number of admissible functions, can also be considered as divide an conquer methods: the solution space is decomposed into functional subspaces in which an ap- proximate solution can be found. The Finite Element technique, pioneered by mathematicians like Courant [44, 45], can in fact be seen as a clever application of the Rayleigh-Ritz technique on small region of the computational domain, resulting therefore in not only a function decomposition of the problem within the element, but also a spatial decomposition of the problem as the physical domain is broken into elements. Today when we consider substructuring, most often we envison dividing a finite element model into subcomponents that each contain many elements. This substructuring approach was developed in the sixties, motivated by the need to solve structural problems in aerospace and aeronautics of several tens of nodes (considered to be very large problems at that time, given the fact that computers were just arising). Hence, the idea was to add another level of decomposition and reduction by subdividing the mesh of a finite element model into substructures and to represent the dynamics per substructure in a reduced and approximate way. Some of the substructuring techniques still commonly used today originate from that time where memory and CPU power were very limited. Later, in the eighties and especially in the nineties, solving very large problems using domain decom- position became a very active research topic. In order to efficiently use the computational power of new multi-processor , it was essential to minimize the communications between processing units and to ensure that each CPU was fed with enough work that could be done independently. Domain Decom- position is the paradigm to achieve this, by letting each CPU solve the local problems of each domain

1 2 1 Introduction and Motivation and searching for the global solution by iterating on the interface solutions [292]). Nowadays, high perfor- mance computing techniques solve engineering problems of close to a billion degrees of freedom on several hundreds of thousands of processors thanks to that paradigm [290]. The last wave of intensive research in substructuring came at the beginning of the 21st century, this time not directly powered by exponential grows of computing power, but by significant progress in techniques to accurately measure the dynamics of components. Experimental substructuring aims to build models of assemblies from the data measured on components, possibly in combination with numerical models. Al- though the theory of experimental dynamic substructuring is essentially the same as its analytical counter- part, many novel techniques needed to be developed in order to alleviate the adverse effects of measurement errors (even if strongly reduced thanks to novel sensing and acquisition techniques) when building a model based on experimentally characterized components.

1.2 Advantages of substructuring in mechanical engineering

In mechanical engineering practice, substructuring techniques are useful for the following cases: When working on a large project (for example the design of an aircraft), different groups and departments • work on different components. In that case, it is essential that each team can concentrate on the modeling of their part, and then have an efficient means for assembling to other components in order to predict the overall dynamics and optimize their design accordingly. In industry, it is common that models of subsystems must be shared. A classical example is the coupled • load analysis of the assembly of a satellite and a launcher: in that case, the satellite company needs to share its model with the launcher operator in order to perform a global dynamic analysis and guarantee that limits will not be crossed. In that case, exchanging information can be efficient if the different components have been modeled separately in such a way that their complexity (number of degrees of freedom) is low and such that they can be assembled on their interface. In many engineering problems, parts of the system to be analyzed are significantly more complex than • the rest. In structural dynamics for instance, parts of the model could be highly non-linear whereas the remainder can be considered as linear. In that case, it is very advantageous to substructure the problem in such a way that only the parts that are non-linear are treated with the appropriate techniques, whereas the linear parts are for instance condensed once and for all. Such a subdivision of the problem into substructures of different complexity can greatly improve the analysis speed and give better insight on the dynamic behavior. When optimizing the design during the development of a new product, or during an improvement of an • old design, one often wants to modify only a small number of parts (for instance change the bushings connecting the power-train of a car to the chassis in order to modify the noise and vibration harshness). When the parts that will not be modified are available as substructures and already precomputed (e.g. their dynamics on the interface is known), then recomputing the global behavior when only the compo- nents under optimization are changed requires a significantly reduced cost, enabling much faster design cycles. In experimental testing, it is not always possible to test the full system; often system level analysis is • needed before all of the components have been manufactured. In other cases it is impossible to test the full assembly because appropriately exciting a large structure would require forces that are beyond the capabilities of existing shakers. It is then very advantageous to experimentally characterize the structure part by part. This allows troubleshooting problems arising from the local dynamics in those parts, but also to build a full model by assembling the measured parts using experimental substructuring techniques. When parts of the system have not yet been built, it is possible to combine the measured dynamics of • hardware components with other parts that are modeled only numerically (hybrid substructuring). In some cases, the combination in real-time of the transient response of a hardware component (the phys- ical substructure) with the dynamics of a numerical substructure is essential to predict the dynamics of the hardware part in realistic conditions. Such hardware-in-the-loop tests (also called Real-Time Sub- structuring, Hybrid Testing or Cyber-Physics) allow testing very complex systems by having only a part in the lab, the rest of the system being co-simulated in real time. Substructuring methods open new opportunities for efficient analyses and design, including the develop- • ment of digital twins, or a model that can be used to monitor the heath of a system. 1.2 Advantages of substructuring in mechanical engineering 3

These are only a few examples of cases in which substructuring can be advantageous. For these and other reasons, substructuring has attracted a lot of attention over the years and is yet today a very active research field. Chapter 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models

Abstract There are several ways to formulate the dynamics of a substructure. The different domains in which the dynamics can be described will be reviewed since the manner in which substructures are char- acterized will later determine the substructuring methodology that can be applied. In addition to how the substructures are formulated, the way in which the coupling/decoupling problem is expressed will allow us in the subsequent chapters to develop different numerical and experimental techniques1. Two conditions must be satisfied on the interface between substructures: a condition on the displacement field (compati- bility) and on the interface stresses (force equilibrium). Those conditions can be accounted for following several different formulations, all mathematically equivalent, but each leading to different numerical meth- ods, experimental approaches and approximation techniques, as will be explained in the following chapters. In this chapter we outline the basic concepts of the so-called three field formulation, dual and primal as- sembly. — Chapter Author: Daniel Rixen

2.1 The dynamics of a substructure: domains of representation

In these lecture notes, we assume that the problem has already been discretized (using for instance an appro- priate Finite Element or Boundary Element formulation). The discretized problem describing the dynamics in a substructure Ω (s) can be written in the form

(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) M u¨ + fnl u˙ ,u = f + g (2.1)   The superscript (s) indicates that the equation is written for a given substructure s. M denotes the discretized 2 mass matrix , fnl the discretized non-linear internal force function, which depends in general on the nodal velocities and displacements u˙ and u. Two types of forces are applied on the substructures: the externally applied forces, denoted f, and the forces due to interactions between substructures, denoted g. The latter are in fact internal forces when considering the entire structure, but are considered as applied forces when analyzing the substructure problem. In case of small displacements, the internal forces fnl can be linearized and the substructure dynamics are described by

M(s)u¨ (s) + C(s)u˙ (s) + K(s)u(s) = f(s) + g(s) (2.2)

(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) where C = ∂fnl /∂u˙ and K = ∂fnl /∂u are the linearized (tangential) damping and stiffness ma- trices typically computed around equilibrium positions of the system [82]. The unknowns u in equations (2.1,2.2) express the behavior of a substructure in terms of its physical displacements (discretized at nodes) in the time domain. Therefore, we will refer to them as the equations in the physical and time domain. The first qualification refers to the spatial meaning of the unknowns whereas

1 A similar classification can be found in a different form in [146]. 2 Here we assume that the mass matrix is constant. This is not the case for models in multibody dynamics for instance [80], but this will not be considered here.

5 6 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models the second refers to the spectral description of the problem. Other spatial and spectral description of the dynamic problem will now be introduced since the way in which the problem is described has an impact on what method can be applied for reduction or experimental assembly, as will be shown throughout these lecture notes. A summary of the different domains in which the substructure dynamics can be considered is given in Figure 2.1. The substructure data in the different domains can be obtained either from numerical models, from experimentally measured data or from a mix of both. The different aspects are explained next.

Numerical Modelling Modal Representation

Physical Representation [ , , . . . ]

, , modal reduction FRF modal synthesis parameter dynamic estimation transformation sti ness to rst order form inversion Frequency (FRF) Representation time State Space Representation integration ( )

A B Time (IRF) Fourier Representation Transform C D Inverse ( ) system identi cation Experimental Testing

Fig. 2.1: Schematic overview of substructuring domains [259]

2.1.1 Spatial descriptions

Physical domain (continuous and discrete)

The description outlined in (2.2) expresses the dynamics of the substructure using the displacement at specific nodal location and is referred to as a physical representation. Note that representation in the physical domain can be either discretized (as assumed in this text) or continuous. In the later case, the unknown is the physical response field and the associated equations are partial differential equations describing the (non-linear) continuous dynamics in a body. This will not be considered here.

Modal domain (reduced and unreduced)

It is often handy and useful to consider the unknowns of a dynamic problem as a combination of vec- tors of a (sub)space. The most well-known subspace representation is probably the one obtained by mode superposition. The free vibration modes of a substructure defined by the eigenvalue problem [82]

(s)2 (s) K(s) ω M(s) φ = 0 (2.3) − i i   2.1 The dynamics of a substructure: domains of representation 7

(s) (s) where ωi are the eigenfrequencies of the free-free substructure and φ i the associated eigenmodes that have the fundamental property of being mass and stiffness orthogonal, namely

T 2 (s) (s) (s) (s) φ i K φ j = ωi δi j (2.4) T (s) (s) (s) φ i M φ j = δi j (2.5) where we have assumed that the modes amplitudes have been chosen to be mass-normalized and where δi j is the Kronecker symbol such that

δi j = 1 if i = j δ = 0 if i = j i j 6 A modal representation of the substructure is then obtained by the change of variable

n(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) u = ∑ φ i ηi = Φ η (2.6) i=1

(s) (s) where n is the number of degrees of freedom in substructure (s). Here, ηi are the amplitudes of the modal component of the response and are often called modal coordinate of substructure (s). Often we will use a matrix notation as in the second equality of (2.6), where Φ (s) is a matrix containing in its columns the vibration modes and η (s) is a uni-column matrix containing all modal coordinates. Usually only a subset of modes is considered in order to have an approximated but reduced representation of the substructure. This will be discussed in later chapters. In general, the response u(s) can be represented as a combination of n(s) independent vectors and we write

n(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) u = ∑ vi qi = V q (2.7) i=1 where V(s) is a square matrix containing the basis vectors for the desired change of variables. Substituting T in the dynamic equation (2.2) and premultiplying by V(s) to project the equations onto the same space, we obtain T T T T T V(s) M(s)V(s)q¨ (s) + V(s) C(s)V(s)q˙ (s) + V(s) K(s)V(s)q(s) = V(s) f(s) + V(s) g(s) (2.8) which is usually written as

(s) (s) (s) (s) M˜ q¨ (s) + C˜ q˙ (s) + K˜ q(s) = f˜ + g˜(s) (2.9) where the tilde superscript indicates that the matrices and vectors pertain now to a representation in a transformed space. The representation vectors stored in V(s) can be any set of independent vectors, in particular, they can be chosen as the vibration modes Φ (s), in which case the transformed mass and stiffness (s) (s) matrices M˜ and K˜ will be diagonal. The representation (2.9) will often be referred to as the modal representation, even when the base vectors are not vibration modes Φ (s) but general representation modes V(s). The associated degrees of freedom q˙ (s) are then called generalized degrees of freedom or modal coordinates and do in general not represent the solution at a particular physical location. In case an incomplete basis is used for the representation, namely when fewer modes than the number n(s) of degrees of freedom in the substructure are used, the modal representation represents the dynamics in a reduced subspace and in general only in an approximate way (this will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3). We will then call the representation a reduced modal representation. 8 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models 2.1.2 Spectral representation

Time domain (continuous and discrete)

In the form of Eq. (2.2), the unknown dynamic response is considered a function of time and we say that, from a spectral point of view, the equations are expressed in the time domain. The dynamic equation (2.2) considers the spatial unknowns to be continuous function of time and the dynamics are expressed as ordinary differential equations in time (the space having already be discretized in that equation). As was done for the spatial domain, time can also be discretized using methods related to finite differences (typically variants of the Newmark time integration scheme in structural dynamics [33, 41, 82, 196], but other approaches can also be applied such as Finite Elements in time or variational based approaches [158]). When discretized in time, we will still consider the resulting equations as being in the time domain since the unknowns are the responses at discrete time instances. The equations are then algebraic equations that are typically solved in a recursive form (time stepping), given the fact that the time problem is typically an initial value problem3.

Frequency domain (reduced and unreduced)

Similar to the decomposition of the spatial response in component modes, the time dependency of the response can also be decomposed into a combination of time contributions. The most classical one is the Fourier decomposition4 that writes the time function of the response in terms of harmonic functions. Using complex number notations, the Fourier decomposition can be written as

∞ (s) (s) iωt u (t) = u¯ (ω) e− dω (2.10) ∞ Z− where i is to be understood as the imaginary unit number. This decomposition is very suitable for linear systems since replacing in (2.2) and using the orthogonality properties of harmonic functions, the harmonic component u(ω) can be computed individually from the harmonic dynamic equation:

(s) ω2M(s) + iωC(s) + K(s) u¯ (s) = f¯ + g¯(s) ω ] ∞,+∞[ (2.11) − ∈ −   (s) where f¯ and g¯(s) are the Fourier components of the forces, for instance

∞ (s) 1 f¯ = f(s)(t) eiωt dt (2.12) 2π ∞ Z− The dynamic equation in the (2.13) is also often written as

(s) Z(s)u¯ (s) = f¯ + g¯(s) where Z(s)(ω) = ω2M(s) + iωC(s) + K(s) (2.13) − Z(s) is a dynamic stiffness matrix and is a function of the frequency ω. In this form, u¯ (s) is the complex amplitude of the harmonic displacement response (or equivalently the Fourier component of the transient response). A similar equation can be written for the amplitude of the harmonic velocity or accelerations in which case the operator Z(ω) is commonly called the mechanical impedance or the apparent mass respectively. The dynamic relation can also be inverted and written

1 (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) 1 2 (s) (s) (s) − u¯ = Y f¯ + g¯ where Y (ω) = Z (ω)− = ω M + iωC + K (2.14) −     Y(s) is a Frequency Response Function (FRF) matrix and is often called the admittance or dynamic flexibil- ity, or more specifically receptance, mobility or accelerance/inertance if u¯ (s) are displacements, velocities or accelerations respectively.

3 For an interesting matrix description of time discretization see [241, 299]. 4 Note that other base functions in time can be used (such as wavelets), but this will not be discussed here. 2.1 The dynamics of a substructure: domains of representation 9

Obviously, in practice, the harmonic components are calculated only for a finite discrete number of ω, and (2.10) is approximated by the Discrete Fourier Decomposition

Nω (s) (s) iωk u (t) = ∑ u¯ k e (2.15) k= Nω − choosing a frequency range covering the spectral range of the excitation. It is noteworthy that the decom- position in (2.15) is comparable to the decomposition of the space function of the response in (2.6) and can also be seen as a reduction of the transient response in the time domain. It is an approximation unless the excitation can be exactly represented by a finite combination of harmonics.

Laplace domain

Another often used representation of the time evolution of the dynamic response is in terms of the Laplace components. The idea is to look for the dynamic repsonse when modulated with a decreasing exponential function, namely

∞ (s) (s) st (s) u¯ (s) = L u (t) = e− u (t) dt (2.16) 0   Z This transformation changes the differential equation in time into an algebraic equation in the Laplace variable s thanks to the fact that Laplace transforms of time derivatives of u¯ (s)(t) can be written in terms of u¯ (s)(s) using integration by parts. For instance

L u¨ (s)(t) = s2u¯ (s)(s) su(s)(t = 0) u˙ (s)(t = 0) − −   Clearly, there is a similarity between Laplace and Fourier transforms since (2.16) becomes a Fourier trans- form if s is taken as imaginary. The main difference is that the inverse transform is trivial for the Fourier do- main (leading to the frequency domain decomposition (2.10) or (2.15)) whereas finding the inverse Laplace transform is far more difficult and not general. In structural dynamics, Laplace transforms are used for highly transient problems that can not efficiently be represented by harmonic superposition, such as impact responses and shock propagations (see for instance section 4.3.2 in [82]).

2.1.3 State representation

Displacement space

In addition to represent to space and spectral behavior of the system in different domains as explains above, the very state of the system can be described in mainly two different manners: either one sees the displace- ments as the only independent unknowns (velocities and accelerations being dependent on the displacement through derivatives) or the velocities are seen as additional independent variables for which the derivative relation to the displacement is explicitly expressed in the formulation. For the first approach, often used in structural dynamics, the dynamics of the system are described by a single set of second order equations as in (2.1) (for non-linear structures) or (2.2) (for linear ones).

State Space representation

In the second case, namely the velocities are seen as additional independent variables, the state of the system is described both by the displacements and the velocities:

u(s)(t) x(s)(t) = (2.17) u˙ (s)(t)   10 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models and the associated linear dynamic equation can for instance be written as

I(s) 0 0 I(s) 0 x˙(s) = x(s)(t) + (2.18) 0 M(s) K(s) C(s) f(s) + g(s)   − −    In this state-space representation the number of equations has doubled, but the order of the differential is now reduced to one. This representation is often used especially in control. This form is also commonly used in structural dynamics when strong damping is present since the concept of modes of vibration properly generalizes only when writing the system in the State Space (see for instance section 3.3 in [82]).

2.1.4 Summary of representation domains

From the short summary of the formulation of the structural dynamics problem, it is clear that many variants to describe the problem, combining a spatial, spectral and state representation, can be constructed. In Fig. 2.1, the different aspects are shown graphically and relations between them are summarized. Depending on the representation chosen, numerical and experimental techniques in substructuring can significantly differ as will be seen in these lecture notes.

2.2 Interface conditions for coupled substructures

Let us consider again the linearized dynamic equilibrium equation (2.11) of a substructure in the physical space and in the frequency domain5

(s) Z(s)u¯ (s) = f¯ + g¯(s) s = 1...Nsub (2.19) where Nsub is the total number of substructures in the system. It is common to write the equilibrium of all substructures in a block matrix form as

Zu¯ = f¯ + g¯ (2.20) with the definitions

Z(1) 0 .. Z =  .  (2.21) (Nsub)  0 Z    (1) u¯ (1) f¯ g¯(1) . ¯ . . u¯ =  .  f =  .  g¯ =  .  (Nsub) (Nsub) (Nsub) u¯ f¯  g¯             The dimension of these block matrices and block vectors is (∑ n(s)) (∑ n(s)) and (∑ n(s)) 1 respec- s × s s × tively. Since the substructures are part of a same assembly, two interface conditions need to be satisfied: inter- face equilibrium and compatibility. 6

5 Expressing the coupling of substructures in other domains (modal, time, state space ...) will be discussed in later chapters and use exactly the same approach. 6 These lecture notes deal with structural problems. Nevertheless, the general theory is also applicable to the coupling of other physical domains such as or thermal problems. 2.2 Interface conditions for coupled substructures 11 2.2.1 Interface equilibrium

The interface equilibrium requires that the interface forces, g¯(s), which are internal forces between the substructures, sum to zero when assembled. This is merely a manifestation of Newton’s “actio-reactio" principle. Considering for instance an interface Γ (sr) between two substructures s and r, one could express this condition as7

(s) (r) (sr) gb + gb = 0 on Γ (2.22) (s) (r) gi = 0 gi = 0 (2.23) where the subscript b indicates a restriction of the DOF to the boundary and where we assumed that the DOF are numbered in the same manner on both sides of the interface. The subscript i denotes DOF that are not on a boundary and are thus internal DOF. On internal DOF, no connecting forces should exist. In practice, the numbering of the DOF on the interface will not match across the interfaces and in addition more than two substructures can intersect on an interface (so-called cross-points in 2 and 3-D, and edges in 3-D). Hence in general, the interface equilibrium condition needs to be expressed using Boolean localization T matrices L(s) of dimension n ns that combine the forces on either side of the interface to satisfy force × equilibrium. Interestingly, these localization matrices also map the DOF of substructure s to a global and unique set of n global DOF, as will be elaborated later. In general, the interface equilibrium thus is written as

Nsub T ∑ L(s) g¯(s) = 0 (2.24) s=1

This equilibrium condition can also be written using the block matrix LT of dimension n ∑ ns acting on b × s the set of all substructure interface forces

T T T sub T L g¯ = 0 where L = L(1) L(N ) (2.25) ··· h i

I To illustrate the notation, consider the examples in Figure 2.2. The green numbers indicate the global nodes for which the interface force conditions are written (i.e. the row number in the localization matrices). For the beam example in Figure 2.2.a, the localization matrices are

1 1 0 0 0 T T T L(1) = 0 L(2) = 0 1 0 L(2) = 0       0 0 0 1 1       and the interface equilibrium condition can be written as

7 In general, we will assume that the decomposition in substructures generates an interface discretization that is conforming and matching, namely that the shape functions used on either side of the interface are identical and that the nodes coincide. In case of non-conforming or non-matching interfaces, the theory used in these lecture notes are still generally applicable, but the assembly operators are then no longer Boolean. Indeed, going back to the variational principle underlying the discretized problem, the part related to the compatibility condition over an interface Γ can be written as

µT vdΓ ZΓ where µ and v are the field. More details about non-matching interfaces can be found, for instance, in [230] 12 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models

(1) g¯2  h (2)i  1 1 0 0 0 g¯1 1 ALT generalg¯ = 0 0 1 framework 0 0  g¯(2)  = for0 dynamic(2.26) substruc-       2  0 0 0 1 1  (2)  1 A general1 framework A general for framework dynamic g3 for substruc- dynamic substruc- 1 A general frameworkturing   for dynamic   substruc-  (3) turing turing  g¯1  turing (s) (s)  (s) (s) (s) (s) M u¨ (t)+Cu˙ (t)+h Ki  u (t)=f (t)+g (t) (1) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) MFor theu(¨s) second((st))+ exampleCu˙ (tM)+ in FigureKu¨(s 2.2.b,()us()t)+(s we()tC)= haveu˙ (ft two)+(s() degreestK)+(s)gu of((ss) freedom)((tt))=f per(s) node(t (1))+ andg( thes) ( Local-t) (1) izationM matrixu¨ can(t)+ be writtenCu˙ (t as)+K u (t)=f (t)+g (t) (1) u(s)u(s) (s) (s) 1 2 1(s 0) 0(s 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(s 0) 0(s 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u1 u2 u u u01 1u 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0       0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3)  (1) (1) (1)0(2) 0 0(2) 0 1(3) 0(1) 0 0(3)u(1)10u(1) 02 0u 0(2)3 0u 0(2)1 0 0u(3)30u(3)1 0 0u 02 0 0 0 0 u (1)u (1)u (1)u (2)u (2)uu(3)uu(3)u u u u u  1u1 2u2 3u301u 01 03u 03 01 u1 0 02u203 0 0 01 0 03 0 01 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0       0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0       0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 AL generalT = 1L(1) L( A2)1L framework(3 general) = A general framework for framework dynamic for  dynamic substruc- for dynamic substruc- substruc- 1 A general framework0 0 0 0 0for 0 0 0 dynamic0 0 1 0 0 0u 0I 0 substruc-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 uIu   uI    turing turing turing0 0I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0uII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 turing uIIuII   uII2 3   20 03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 0u3 0III 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 u2III 3   u    (s) (s) (s) 0u( 0IIIs) 0( 0s)( 0s) 0(s 0)(s 0) 0 0 0 0(III(ss) 0) 0( 0s) 1(s(s)0) 0(s 0)(s 1) 0 0 0 0(s()s) (s) (sM) (s)u¨ (t)+MCu˙(tu¨)+M(s(K)t)+(us¨)uCu(˙t()+t)=)+(Cs)Kfu˙ (4t)+(ut)+(sK)5(gt)= u(ft)(t()=t)+fg (1) ((t)+t)g (t) (1) (1) M u¨ (t)+Cu˙ (t)+440K 05 05 0u 0 0( 0t)= 0 f0 04 0(t 0)+ 05 0g 0 0(t)0 0 0 0 1 0 (1) 0 0       0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0       0( 0s) 0 0((s 0)) 0(s 0) 0 0 0 0(s 0) 0( 0s) 0 0(s)0(s 0) 0 0 0 0 1 0 u u u   u u u u  01 0 0 021 0 02 0 0 0 0 01 0 02 0 0 01 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 1             (s) (s) (s)(s)(s)(s)(s)(s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (1) g(1)g g(1)g f(2)f (2) (3) (3)g gg1 fg2 f u u(1)1 u1 (1)2 u2 (1)u(2)uu(1)(2)uu(1)(3)u1(1)(1)(3)u2(2)(1)u(2)(1)u(3)(2)u(3)(2) (3) (3) 1 u21 u32 u13 u31 u113 u221 u312 u12 u33 u11 u23 u1 u2 2 1 2 3 1 (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (1) g g(1)g g(1)g g(2)g g(2)g g(3)g gg(2)(3)(1)gg(1)gg(2)gg(2)gg(3)gg(3) g (3) 1 1 2 2 1 1 3u3I 1 1 2 21 21 12 u 31 13 21 2 1 uI 2 I 3 uI a. A bar assembly uII u 2 3uII II uII uIII2 3 2 3 2 3 uIII(1)(1) uIII u(1) 1 2 1 4 2 5uu u III(1) 2 2 4 5 2 u2 4 (2)(2)5 4(2) (2)5 u1u1 u1 u 1 1 100100 0 0 212 (2)31003 00 02 231 30 (1) (2) u(2)u1 ==100 0u(2) (2)= 0 000100011 1 2 2 00 2 u2 = 600016(2)0001(2)77 1 1 (2) 0 0    u  6 67(2)7 6u63 377 6u3 67u 7  66(3)(3)77 6 (3)73 3 4 3 4 6u6u 77 6 67(3)7 (s) (s)66(s1) 177 6u1 67u 7 y g1 g2 f4 5 (s) (s) 6 1 7 1 2(s)4 (s) 5(s) (4s) 5 g g f(1)(1) g1 g2 f (s) 4((1)s) (s5) x (3) 1 2 g2g2 g1 gg22 f (1) (2)(2) (2) g2 110003 4 g g 0 (2) 1100022111000133 0 g1 0 b. A 2D assemblyT T (1) (1) (2)T (2) (3)(2)(2)(3)110002 (2)3g1 0 L Lg =g =0010000100g1 g2 g1L gg3 =g1g g00100g2 == 00 g 2 (2)=3 0 2 2 3L3T g22=2 (1)00100(1)22(2)33 (2)3(3) 2(3)g 2=3 0 0001100011(1) (1) (2)66(2)(2)00011g(2)7(3)7g(3)g00(1)g (1)g 6(2)g(2)(2)72(3) 0(3) Fig. 2.2: Examplesg ofg assemblies:g 6gg6 substructuregg37127g2 1 DOFs3 and16g interface32 7(2) forces.2 3 1 2 1 633 1 7000112 g1 g2 g1 3g36 g1 7g2 0 4 4 55664(3)(3)77 4455 5 6 (3)67g3 74 5 6g g17 6g 67(3)7 661(1)747 6 51 7 4 5 J 4 5 6g1 7 (1) 4 u2 5 4 65 7 (1)u (1) (2) (1) 4 5 These matricesu2 2 are in fact100100 identical tou the2 localization(1) u 100(1) matrices used inu Finite Element codes to assemble (2)(2) (2) u 2 1 3u 2 (1) elementary matricesu in1 the global100100 system, however 0u 2 here(2) the2100 localization0 is not(2) writtenu for one element but for u21 1 3 100 u1uI I(2) u 100(2)= uI 2 one substructure2 (that(2)3 one could2 consider23 as a3 super-element2 or macro-element).u1 Obviously,(2) it is not efficient (2) 0001=2 0103 (2)u1u 2= Luu110003 2u 3 u u2 = 010uu2IIII11=6=3(2)010Lu10027assembledassembled3 0uII (2)I= Luassembledu01 to store these Boolean2 matrices1 as100 written2 above,(2)6 03u but3 7 rather2(2) one should03 store them=2 as3 sparse matrices, or 6(2)(2)7 0012 (2)u 3 1 1002 3u2 0 (2) 0 6 6u7 7 60016 767uIII7uIII00012 6 6(3)001=7u2010=7 u1III uII = Lu0 assembled 6u3 37 6000167u3 7 61 7 0 26 (2)37 u2 = 6 (3)7 6 0017 6 (2)7u616 0001(2)7 7 u 1  0 6 6(3)u7 7 60016 76744(3)67u5657600167u60017 7 4 7 6u5III3 7 6 (2)7 6u6 17 7 6 6 767u 73 4 6 563 7 7 6 (3)7 6u 7  6 1 7 4 65 1 67(3)7 6(1)6(3)0017 7 6 7 3 4 4 5 5 4 5 6u 74g6 7 5 4 u1 5 6 (3)7 4 651 7 2u61 7 6 7 6u 7 6(2)4 7 5 4 5 6 1 7 110004 5 g4 5 0 (1) 2 1 3(1) g 4 5 T (2) g 2 (1) L g = 00100 g 2= 0 (2) g 2 3 2 (2) 2 3 g 2 0001111000611000(2)7g 0 0 2 1 3 (2)0 T 6g3 271 3 (2) g T L g = 6001007(2) 11000g =2 10 3 0 L g4= 001001 5 6 T(3)7g 4=5 0 2 (2) 1 2Lg1g =2 001001 3 6 (2)7 2g 3 = 0 2 6000113 67(2)7 2 3 6g 7 20 000114 5 2 0 3 3 6 (2)7 2 3 (1) 6g3 7000111 6 (3)7 0 4 6 7 5 6 7 64g3 57 u2 1004 5 (3) 4 5 g1 6 7 (2) 6g1 47 6 75 (3) 4 5 u 6 7 4 5 6g1 7 1 100(1)uI 6 7 2 (2)3 2 3 4 5 (1) u2 4 5 u2 u = 010 uII (1)=100Luassembled (2) 2 1002(2) 3u 6 7(2) 60017u uIII 2100100u 6u3 7u 6 27 1 3 (2) I 6 (3)71 100(2) u2I 3 2 (2)360012 7u4 3 =5u1010100uII = LuuI assembled 6u1 7 6 7 2 2 3 6 7u2 = 010(2) uII(2) = Lu2 assembled2 33 4 5 4 65 72 u60013 = 0107 uIII uII = Luassembled 6 (2)7 6u3 7 2 6u 7 60016 77 6uIII6(2)7 7 2 3 3 6 6 (3)77 6u60017 60017 4 57 uIII 6 (3)7 6001u1 7 4 63 5 67 7 6u 7 6 7 6 (3)7 001 6 1 7 6 4 75 6u4 7 65 7 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 1 7 6 7 4 5 4 5 1

1 1 1 AB AB ABAB ua Yab Yac AB AB ua Yab Yac1 AB AB AB A AB AB 1 uc = Ycb u Ycc = YYcc AB Ycc Y ABYcb Y ABfb Y A Y AB f AB 2 3 02 AB3 c 2 AB3 cb cc 1cc cc cb b ub Y 2 3Y 02 AB3 2 AB3 1 bb ub bc ⇥ Ybb ⇤Ybc 4 5 @4 5 4 5 ⇥A ⇤ A 4 A5 @4A 5 4 5 A ua Y 1 A 2.2 Interface conditions for coupled substructuresac ABua A 13 Y AB ABAB A 1 AB AB = A Ycc Y=cc Yaccb Yfb Y Y f uc Y A cc cc cb b even better one should construct the mapping tables based on the connectivity cc of the substructuresuc over theYcc interfaces. ⇥  ⇤  1 ⇥ ⇤ AB AB AB ABA ABAB ABAB A 1 AB AB ub = Ybb Ybc uYcc= Y Ycc YYcb Y fb Y Y f b bb bc cc cc cb b ⇣ ⌘ 2.2.2 Interface compatibility ⇥ ⇣ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ ⌘ 0 uAB f AB0 AB AB AB a a ua fa The second condition that needs to be satisfied on the interfaceZ is that DOF pertaining0 to theZAB someI structuralAB0 I AB AB uc 0 u 0 node have the some response on bothAB sides of the2 interface,AB orAB in other words that the DOF2 are3 compatible3 2 3 c ua YabAB YacAB 2 0 2 AB3 2 33 2 3 2 3 ua YabAB YacAB AB A 1 AB AB (sr) u 0 0 AB on the interface. Considering theu DOF of= twoY substructuresY s and Yr coupledAB Y onA the1Y interfaceAB f ABΓ , theb u 0 u c Y cbAB YccAB cc cc cb b = b compatibility condition becomes2 c 3 = 02 cb6AB3 2 ccAB3 Ycc Ycc Ycb4 1 f5b 7 A A = 2 ub3 02 Y AB3 2Y AB3 6 1I 6 u 7 640 757 u (s) (rY) bb6 Ybc A 7 a A I 6 ua 7 6 0 7 b u¯ u¯ bb= 0 on0 bcΓ (sr)⇥ Z ⇤6⇤ 0 6 AZ7 6 77 6 7 6 7 4 5 b @4Ab 6 5 4 5 6 A0 7 u 0 7 A 4 5 −@4A 5 A4 5 A 6 c 7 6 07 6 u 7 6 0 7 ua 6 YacA AB A 1 AB6 AB 7 7 c where, as before, the subscript b indicatesu thata the=6 compatibilityYac Y isAB writtenY A for the1Y boundaryABf AB DOF and7 where6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 AB = A Ycc Ycc Ycb6 fb 6 7 6 0 77 we assumed that the DOF are numbered identicallyuuc AB6 on0Y bothccA IAB sidescc0 of the I cb0 b 0 7 6 7 6 0 7 ua  c Yab  ccYac 6 0 I 0 6 I 70 6 0 77 6 7 6 7 AB  AB AB6  ABAB⇥ AB ⇤ A 61 AB AB 7 7 In general the numberingua onAB the interfaceY does not coincideY ⇥ and therefore⇤ the1 compatibility conditions4 are 5 4 5 uc = ABabYcbAB4 ABacABYcc ABYcc A Ycc1 ABYcb AB fb 5 4 5 4 5 ua uYab=(sAB) Y ABYacYABAB Y ABAB(s) Y AA Y1 AB4ABf ABAB 5 expressed using signed Booleanu2 matrices3 u b0B=Y2.Y WhenABbb 3 operatingYY2bc ABY on3cc u¯ , theseYcc1 operatorsYcb extractfb 1 the interfaces c ub = b ABcbYbbbb ⇥ABccbcYbc ABYcccc⇤⇥ A Ycccc ABYcbcb⇤⇥ABbfb ⇤⇥0 ⇤ 2uc 3 = 0Y2cb 3 Y2cc Y3cc Ycc Ycb fb 1 0 DOF and give them an opposite sign on eachAB side of theAB interface.⇥ The interface⇤ compatibility can thenT be AB AB AB AB 2 u4b3 5 02 @YAB4bb⇣3 25 ABABY4bc3 ⇥ 5 ⇤ 1 ⌘ A + u f +T ub YbbA⇣ Ybc ⇥⇥ ⇤ ⇤ AB⌘ A a Aa ua fa written in the following general form: Z A ⇥ ⇤ AB0 Z AB 0 4 5 @u4a 5 Y4ac 5AB 0 A u1 ABAB ABfAAB c AB c AB 4 5 @4A A2 5= 4A 5 Y Y 2uaY Af fa 2 33 3 u ABAB AY A cc cc1 ABa cb b a uc 2 0 3 u 0 ua a ucZ Y acY AB0 AB A AI1 AB ABABAB AB c Z= ac A cc0Ycc YccI Yucbc fb 0 0 2 AB3 2 0 3 u22 = Nsub AY Ycc Ycc2 3Y3cb 2fubc 3 2 0 3 2 AB3 2 3 uc c Ycc cc ⇥ u 0 ⇤2 ABAB3 2 3 u 0 u 0  6  (s) (s) a 0AB u 0 +T 7 b T b  ABB u¯ AB= 0 ABu2 A6u1bb AB= AB04 (2.27)5 4= + 57 = ∑ ⇥ ⇥ c ⇤ ⇤ A = A A A A u66b =6Ybb Ybc Ycc 4 I1Y5cc716uYAcb7 6fb 0 7 7 7 6 ABABs=1 ABAB ABAABu A 3AI 7AB6 uABaABA7 AB6 0 7 c 6A ua 7 6c 0 7 6 ua 7 6 0 7 uub b==6YY60 Y Y 0Y ZYA 4Yb Y Y76Y ZfAa 7f 60 7 7Z 7 66 bb bb0 bc bc ccZcc cc cc0= 7cb6 cbu Ab 77 b 66 0 77 6 A 7 6 7 6 A 7 6 7 6 6⇣ ⇥ 5 0 7⇤66uYcc 7 ⌘ 6 0 7 0 7 u 00 7 6⇣6⇣  7 6⌘ AB⌘77 66 77 6 c 7 6 7 6 uc 7 6 0 7 One can use a block matrix notation6 to write6 this condition⇥ ⇥ also in⇤0 the⇤ form760YABab 7 6 AB0 7 7  7 6 00 II 00 I 0 0 7u6 2AB 7 f6 0 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 66 AB6 + 0 0 AB 7AB66acb +AB77 AB66a+ 77 7+ 0 7 6 A ua u7@Y4ABAfa 5f 4 5 6 n 7 6 7 6 n 7 6 0 7 1 AAB4Z general6 0 frameworkuI 5suba 64bb for5 a A4 dynamic5 substruc-7A 7 1 A general1 A framework generalZ 4AB framework0 0 forI dynamic(10) a ABA( forN 5u4) c 0 dynamic substruc-30 0 0 substruc-0 6 0 7 60 7 6 7 6 7 1 A general frameworkBu¯2=Z0⇥ where for⇤⇥0 Bc dynamic= B⇤2Iu u3B3 AB substruc-c 0 cY AB (2.28)c 2 ⇥ 6 ⇤⇥2 3⇤ 3  c u206AB3 20 ac 3 7 7 2 2 ···32c 30AB3c 2 3ABY AB 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 0 2 +6uTT3 2 AB2AB30 AB 7 7 ABAB u 0 ub= AAB+ b 05 uua cc ffa turing turingZ 0 hb ubA=i A =Ya0 a turing turing62 6 Z 4h 40 =547ihI5A7c 4uh=3 ABABABi0 ih 5 i 5 These equations can be understood2 6 as compatibilityA constraintsA I imposed62ua776A ontoY6a3A37 the0 u7 independent4bc6 7 0 sets of DOF 66 0 Z 4 7I527 6 u6 7ac3 76ucc60 7 7Y3 0 6 60 (s) Z A Y6(AB7s) A770aY 6A 2 7AB3 2AB 30 0 6 0 Z 07 bb 0u6 6 u7A 7026 AB6 370 7cc2 3 in the substructures.(s) (s The) matrices66 (6s)B have(s( dimensions)) (s()s) nλ 7⇣n6(s7) ,c where77A cc(6csn()sλ) is(suu7) theb number(s)0 of0 interface+T(s) AB AB+T AB AB (s) (s) 6 (s)(s) (s)  (s) 06(s)6(su7(6)s)+TT76 7767(sb60) 75 7⇥ (s) M u¨ (t)+6M66Cu6˙ (u¨t)+M(Kt)+u¨Cu u˙2AB((t(t)+t)+)=CK×7fu˙ (47tu)+(t7)+AKc(+tg)=557uY(ftAB)(AtAB)=(t)+==f g (1)(t)+(At)g (t)u (1) (1) fA u f compatibilityM constraintsu¨ (t)+ thatCu6 need˙6(t)+ to beK imposed.u (Zt)=Z f  (t6)+6g76A (7t6)077706cc7Z6A 70 (1)7 Y 0 a a a a 660 6I0 0I 0 I 0 I AB0A0 7 077Y cAB 66 uua 77 66 0077A 66 0 Z 6 6 7bc6c 76 777⇥6760a 7 7 ccc,a c,a 66 06 I0 0 I6 0 Z 07 77 66 A 77 66 77 1 AB 2 3 AB 466 2 6 5 47 6 540274 775665u4A 77 526 0 7 33 u 0 3 u 0 6 4 6 45 0 5Y 7 64 ucc Y75A 6 0 7 c c 64⇥ ⇤⇥ ⇤ 0 5 AB76 7cc 6 70 Y AB 0 6 ⇥ ⇤⇥6 ⇤ 0 cc7 6 7 61 7 ⇤ cb 2 3 2 3 2 AB3 2 3 I Example: Boolean Compatibility6 (+s+) (s Matrix)6 (s) + (s)T (s) (ABs) 7(s6) n AB7 6 0 7 AB 6AB⇥ A ⇤⇥ ⇤A + 0 uT ⇥ 7 6ABfn 7 6AB0 7 Z6 0 ABuA u 060u 0 A 0uA1 u2 +0ua u7AB6u a 7 AB6fY 7 ub 0 ub 0 66 0ABZ cc16 0216 2 0cc 0 c 0 +TA 61ABu772 6aY 7f 46a AB 7+T 57 f1 4 +T 57 To illustrate this notation,2 consider again the4 examples 2 of FigureA3 2.2.3c u a 44ABA055 a⇤44cb 5A5 AB A = A A = 2 66Z 6 0 2c 6c3377AB cc 7 b 7 2 4h 2 ihI i0 2 3AB35Au2c 31 0 f AB 6A u 7 6c,a0 7 6 u 7 6 0 7 4h ⇥ ih 2i 03u6 0u5c 0 0 bc,a A a 7 a 6 0 0 T 0 b Z2 AB30 2 3 7Z 6 Z 4 + 57 0 22 AB=u3 2Y AB30 6 A 7 6 7 6 A 7 6 7 6 6 AB Z A 7 T6IA b ⇤ 7 6 6 A 4 6+ u+5TT7u7b 6ABAB0 7cb0 ABAB 7 0 u 0 66 06 ABAB Z 4 c +7TA5A7 a uuA= = "ff 0 # 6 uc 7" 6 0 7# 6 c 7 6 7 6 6 ZZ 6 A0 A6406A773Au6ABaa 7 0aa 7 7 66 (1)6 (1)(1) (1)(1) (1)(2) (2) (1)(3)(2)A⇤⇥(1)(3)I(3) (1)(3)(2)7c(2)c,a7 (3)u63(3)a 7 60 f AB7 6 7 6 7 6 6 62 0 Z (1)0 2c(1) 6(1)7u6c6(2)733736a (2)76a ABAB07(3)67(3)6 7 7 6 7 6 77 6 u61 2uu20 uu3 u61 u3 uZu1 uuu2uu u u7 I6 u677u3u2ABu76uAc 6+7 7⌘0b0 7+ 0 6 n 7 6 0 7 66 6 1 2 3 1 13 2+1 0u32 u1 7u30 07u15 +6uA2cu uc 7 u 6 0 7 6 n 7 6 7 66 + 6 + A 1 20 636n61A77u 22376cAB01A363720227 33 7A 7 66 06 A 0 0 A 0 0  70 6 7 770u6cABu6uAB7 7 6 00070 6 0 7 60 7 6 7 6 7 6 6 6c + 6 0c + 0 4 7 +6T6T7576b 7bb0c,a6 7 7c,a 7 606 6 + A + Ac,a 4 4A7+67c,a5u5676 74n 7365==f60AB70 7 4 5 4 5 664 6 6 A A 0 ⇤ 0 7 A7777An AA a 4 5 4 5 2 h0 60 c 0 601 c20 A0 3 0 06766a76617uu 776 66 70077 7 7 4h 6 6A +c ih c i 5 c,a 677 6 aa 7 2 6 7 6 c6 00 Z 7 u A 746 =7 57 046 57 6 6 6 4 0 77446ch77 657AA 47 65ih7 5 i 5 (1) 6 h (2) ih0 6 7667uuc i77 (3)66 00 77 4h4h66 ihih i i +T"1 5524AB5##377 4 cAB560 6 7 2 AB01 2uI3 4 5 6 A7 u 667 f 677 66 3 77 Z66 uZ0IA 2 uI0 0 a 777 a 0 a. A bar assembly Z ++ + c,a ABu 766nn677 66 00 77 2 AB 66 AA A 2 A +33T +T I77AB AB6 AB AB 6 ABABihu c T+ A0uc 5 66 0077 667 77 6 66 00Z c,ac,aII00u 0c,ac,a 40 0uIIA u77a ua 6 fa 7fa 6 Z A + II 0 c,ac,a2 AB3 4426 553 44 55 66 2 c 3 202 3 u 3uII77AB AB0 0 7 6 62 2 u 2 3 4 2 +T 57 3 3b 3 u 4 7 0 6 44hh III ihih iAuIII 0 23u A u55c=3 c 70 6 6 uIII0 A+ 0 7 AB 2 3 2 3 1122 33 44 55 66 77 A  c c,aT 6 uaua2III7AB36AB0 27 3 1 6 0 62 10 2 Z 57 6u AB u7 u6 57 0 0 6 66 6 4 5 4 4 +7T75+27T 5A7 b b 6 4 5 "0 40 A# 75A6c uc 7 A 6A=0 =7 1 0 66 6 0 i A 77u AB7 7u u 0 0 4 6 A c,a7c,a6b64 6 76a5 76a 767 6 7 7 2 h 6 6 0+ 0 + Z Z0 7 6 7n 773 f6AB0 7 A + 6 u76A 6 6A 7A 76 6 7 7 c,a 6 6 A A 7 6 6 7 77 6a 7 3 6 0 c,a 0 c,a 0 "0 "7 0 7a 0# #6 u6c u7c 76 60 70 7 (1) 6 6 (2) 7u6A 4 7=6775 0274 65 7 4 66 6c 7 77 6 7 6 7 0 6 + + 0 76 67n 7 6 0 70 46h Z A +ih 2 i+ 7 5 77 60n 7 6 7 5 6 A A AA A 4n 67 6 7 6 7 1 2630405 6 07 0 + 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 73 6 7 6 ih6 c,a c,a c,a c,aT 7 470 5 4 5 6 6 4 7 7 764 5 4 5 7 A + 0 6 7 4 c,a 4 5 5 60 3 4 h4h3 ihih 3i i 65 7 1 82 3 4 5 (6s)7(s) A 3u AB 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 (+s8) 9 10 11 12 40 7 9 0 g g(s)c,af (sT) 5 a (s) (s) (s) y 1 2 (s) 7u2ABg g f 7 10 1 g2 0 g f 7 c 1 2 (s) (s) 7 i(3) 1 2 7u AB 5(s) x 11 6b g g f 0 # 7 6 3 f AB1 2 7 u A a 3 12 7 6a 4 7 u6A =7 02 7 6c 7 b. A 2D assembly (1) (1) (2) (2) 7(3)6 (3) 7 0 5 4n 7 6 3 g1 g(1)2 g1(1)g3(2)g1(2)g(1)2(3)7(1)(3) (2)6 (2) (3) (3) g 7g g60 g g g Fig. 2.3: Examplesg of assemblies:g g g interpretationg1 5 g2 61 of the3 7 Lagrange1 2 multipliers 1 2 1 3 1 2 60 (1) 7(1) (2) (2) (3) (3) 6 7 40 g1 7g2 g1 g3 g1 g2 7 7 5 u(1) 2 (1) (1) (2) u u2 u 2 (2) 1 100 02 1 3(2) 0 u (1) (2) u 2 1 3 u2 1 u21002 1=3 0 (2) 0 00011 1001 0 (2) 0 0 u = (2)  0001 6 (2)7u  =11 1 2 u10 6u3 72 11 6 (2)7 2 3 0001 61 671(2)7 1000 0 (2) 0  6 (3)7u  6u3 7 u = u1 6 00013 7 6 (3)71 2 0 6 67(3)7 6u 7 6 (2)7 4 65u11 7 6 17 6u 7  6(1)1 7 3 11 g 4 5 6 (3)7 11 42 5 (1) 6u 711 (2) (1) g2 6 1 7 11000 g1 g2 0 (2) 4 5 2 (2)311(2) LT g = 00100 11000g = 0 g1 (1)0 11000T 2 g1 11 0 2 (2)3 g2 2 L g =3 600100(2)27 32 3 = 0 LT g =00011001006g 7(2) 0= 0 g2 (2) 2 3 g2 110003 6 (2)7 g21 3 0 2 6000113(3)7 2 3 2 0 3 4 000115 6 T67(2)74 5 0 6g3 7 (2) Lg1 6gg= 7001006 7 = 0 46 673 7 5 (3) g42 5 4 4 5 5(3)2 4 56g1 73 (2) 2 3 (1) 6g 7000116 7 6 7 0 u 6 1 7 4 5 6g3 7 2 100(1) 4 45 5 6 (3)7 4 5 (2) (1) u 6g 7 u1 u 1002 uI 100 6 1 7 2 (2)32 2 1003(2) (2)= 010u u =100Lu u 4 5 u2 u 2 1 3II (1) assembledI (2) 1 100(2)2 3u2uI 3 6 2 7(2)360012 u7 u3III= 0102 100uII = Luassembled 6u3 7 2 u2 6= 0107(2) uII(2) = Luassembled2 3 6 (3)7 600167 47 2 56u0013 7100uIII u 6u6 7(2)7 6u3 7 2 1 3 I 6 16u7 76 600167 7 u6III(2) 27 3 4 53 4 6 65(3)7 6u001= 70104 5 uII = Luassembled 6 (3)7 6001u1 7 4 6 2 5 7 6u 7 6 7 6 (2)7 2 3 6 1 7 6 4 57 64u 7 650017 uIII 4 5 4 5 6 3 7 6 7 6 (3)7 60017 4 5 6u1 7 6 7 4 5 4 5 1 1 1

1 14 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models

For the beam example, the compatibility condition can be written as

(1) u¯2  h i  u¯(2) 1 1 0 0 0  1  ¯ = (1) (2) (3) ¯ =  (2)  = Bu B B B u − u¯2  0 (2.29) 0 0 0 1 1       −  u(2)     3       (3)   u¯   1   h i  The side on which the entry in B is positive and negative can be chosen freely. The interpretation of B and its associated Lagrange multipliers is depicted in Figure 2.3.a. For the second example in Figure 2.2, the constraint matrix can be written as

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    −    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    −    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B = B(1) B(2) B(3) =     −  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0      −    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0      −  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0      −  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     −  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0      −        The interpretation of B and its associated Lagrange multipliers is depicted in Figure 2.3.b. Note that the last two constraints are redundant. The compatibility of node 4 in Ω (1) with node 3 in Ω (2), and of node 1 in Ω (3) with node 3 in Ω (2) is imposed in lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 of B, so there is no need to impose in addition the compatibility between node 4 in Ω (1) and node 1 in Ω (3). Adding this redundant constraint does usually not harm the computation and can even be helpful for instance in the parallel computing algorithms . J

As for the localization matrix L(s), the constraint matrices B(s) are, in practice, not stored as full but as sparse, or only connectivity information is used to apply them to a vector. To summarize this section, an assembly of substructures in the physical frequency domain (and similarly in other domains) is obtained by imposing compatibility and interface equilibrium conditions, leading to the set of equations

(s) Z(s)u¯ (s) = f¯ + g¯(s) s = 1...Nsub Nsub  B(s)u¯ (s) = 0  ∑ (2.30)  s=1  Nsub  T ∑ L(s) g¯(s) = 0  s=1   or in block matrix form 

Zu¯ = f¯ + g¯ Bu¯ = 0 (2.31)  T  L g¯ = 0  2.3 Primal and dual assembly 15 2.3 Primal and dual assembly

The form (2.30) (or equivalently (2.31)) of the coupled problem uses two interface fields, namely the primal unknowns u per substructure (i.e. on each side of the interfaces) and the substructure interface forces g called dual unknowns.8 Solving the dynamic problem of the assembly in the form (2.30) can be expensive since many interface unknowns need to be resolved. Hence, these equations can be rearranged in order to eliminate the interface forces and write the problem in terms of unique interface displacements (primal assembly) or by introducing interface forces satisfying the interface equilibrium (dual assembly).

2.3.1 Primal assembly

We can define as primal unknowns for the interface a set of DOF ug that are global and uniquely defined for the entire structure. The DOF of each substructure are then obtained by mapping the global set ug to the local DOF of each substructure u(s). Such a mapping was already introduced in the previous section, (2.24), to map the local interface forces to a global set. The same mapping, but now from the global DOF to the local ones can be used to write

(s) (s) u = L ug or u = Lug (2.32)

If the substructure DOF are obtained from a unique set as described above, they automatically satisfy the compatibility conditions that matching interface DOF must be equal. Hence

BLu = 0 u (2.33) g ∀ g This relation, mathematically means that L represents the nullspace of the constraint matrix B:

L = null(B) (2.34)

I In the example of the beam in Figure 2.2.a for which L was found in (2.26), this leads to

(1) 1 0 0 u¯2  h (2)i      u¯1 1 0 0 u¯1 (2)  u¯  =  0 1 0  u¯2 (2.35)  2      (2)   0 0 1  u¯3  u¯3          (3)    u¯   0 0 1   1     h i    Clearly it can be seen that the substructure DOF are “drawn" from a global and unique set of DOF and thus automatically satisfy the compatibility constraint on the interface: with the compatibility constraint matrix B obtained in (2.29), one verifies that

8 In these lecture notes we will introduce the coupling conditions using basically a two field approach. A more general three field approach can also be considered but will not be discussed here. See for instance [303] 16 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models

1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0     Bu = BLug = − 0 1 0 ug = 0 0 0 0 1 1       −  0 0 1    0 0 1       J

When choosing a unique set of DOF as in (2.32), the coupled problem (2.31) can be simplified and written as

ZLu = f¯ + g¯ g (2.36) LT g¯ = 0  where the compatibility condition is not present anymore since it is automatically verified. This expression is sometimes denoted as the Neumann-Dirichlet form of the coupled problem. The interface forces g can be eliminated from this relation by premultiplying the dynamic equilibrium (first line of (2.36)) by LT , which builds the sum of the equilbrium equations on matching nodes. Con- sidering the equilibrium of the internal forces (second line of (2.36)), the coupled problem can finally be expressed as

T T Zgug = fg with Zg = L ZL and fg = L f¯ (2.37)

This form is generally referred to as the primal assembly of the coupled problem and matrix LT ZL is the primal assembled impedance of the global system. This assembly is similar to the assembly of finite elements.

I To illustrate this process, consider again the first example in Figure 2.2.a, with the matrix L given in (2.26). The assembled impedance matrix for this example then writes

(1) 1 0 0 Z22 0 0 h i (2) (2) (2)     1 1 0 0 0  Z11 Z12 Z13  1 0 0 T (2) (2) (2) Zg = L ZL = 0 0 1 0 0 0 Z Z Z 0  0 1 0         21 22 23    0 0 0 1 1  (2) (2) (2)  0 0 1   Z31 Z32 Z33              0 0  (3)    Z11  0 0 1     (1) (2) (2) (2)  h i  Z22 + Z11 Z12 Z13   = (2) (2) (2)  Z21 Z22 Z23  (2.38) Z(2) Z(2) Z(2) + Z(3)  31 32 11 33    and the dynamics of the beam are expressed by

(1) (2) (2) (2) ¯(1) ¯(2) Z22 + Z11 Z12 Z13 u¯1 f2 + f1 (2) (2) (2) (2) Zgug = = fg = Z Z Z u¯2 = f¯ (2.39) ⇒  21 22 23    2  Z(2) Z(2) Z(2) + Z(3) u¯3 f¯(2) + f¯(3)  31 32 11 33   3 1       J 2.3 Primal and dual assembly 17 2.3.2 Dual assembly

Let us start again from the coupled form (2.30) (or equivalently (2.31)), but instead of satisfying a priori the interface compatibility as in the primal assembly, we satisfy a priori the interface equilibrium.9 This can be achieved by choosing coupling forces as

g = BT λ (2.40) − Note that, since BL = 0 and thus LT BT = 0, such coupling forces automatically satisfy the interface equi- librium:

LT BT λ = 0 λ (2.41) ∀ The minus in this definition is a choice to obtain a symmetric form later. The expression (2.40) can also be written substructure-wise as

g(1) B(1) . . . = . λ (2.42)  .  − .  (Nsub) (Nsub) g  B      showing clearly that the coupling forces are generated from a unique set of interface forces, whose inten- sities are given by λ and are attributed, with the appropriate positive or negative sign, to the substructure interface. The interface force intensities λ are unknowns pertaining to the interface. The size nλ of λ is equal to the number of interface compatibility conditions on the interface. Substituting the coupling forces by their form (2.40), the coupled problem can be written as

(s) T Z(s)u¯ (s) = f¯ + B(s) λ s = 1...Nsub Nsub  (s) (s) (2.43)  ∑ B u¯ = 0  s=1  where the interface equilibrium no longer appears since it is automatically satisfied given our choice (2.40). In block matrix form, we can write

Zu¯ + BT λ = f¯ (2.44) Bu¯ = 0  which is often put in the symmetric form

ZBT u¯ f¯ = . (2.45) B 0 λ 0      One observes that λ can be interpreted as the Lagrange multipliers associated with the compatibility con- straint (see the general theory of constrained systems in dynamics, for instance in [82]).

I To illustrate this form, consider again the first example in Figure 2.2.a, with the matrix B given in (2.29). The dually assembled form is then written as

9 For the description of the problem, it does obviously not manner if one first satisfies the equilibrium or the compatibility. This only determines which equation in the three-field formulation (2.30) is eliminated. The end result will be identical, but the mathematical form and the approximations that can be applied will be depending on the form that will be solved. 18 2 Preliminaries: primal and dual assembly of dynamic models

(1) (1) ¯(1) Z22 0 0 1 0 u¯2 f2 h i (2) (2) (2) h (2)i h ¯(2)i  Z11 Z12 Z13  1 0  u¯1   f1  (2) (2) (2) − (2) ¯(2)  0 Z21 Z22 Z23  0 0 0 u¯2   f2         Z(2) Z(2) Z(2) 0 1  u¯(2)   f (2)    31 32 33   3  =  3  (2.46)    (3)   (3)  (3)  0 0 Z 0 1  u¯   f¯   11 −  1   1        h i    h i   h i   1 1 0 0 0  λ   0   − 0  1     0 0 0 1 1  λ   0       −   2         Notice that this representation of the system is larger than the primally assembled counterpart, but in this representation the interface forces, λ are explicitly available. In future sections we shall see that this can be useful. J

2.3.3 Usefulness of different assembly formulations

In this section, we have expressed the coupled problem in three different forms that are recalled in their block matrix form below for clarity:

Zu¯ = f¯ + g¯ General form Bu¯ = 0 (2.31)  T  L g¯ = 0  T T Primal Assembly Zgug = fg with Zg = L ZL and fg = L f¯ (2.37)

ZBT u¯ f¯ Dual Assembly = (2.45) B 0 λ 0      To illustrate the primal and dual assembly, Figure 2.4 shows the assembly of components with forces or with displacements, and the corresponding matrices.

Primal Dual

Fig. 2.4: Primal and dual assemble illustration

Each of these representations is mathematically equivalent and, hence, one might wonder why consid- ering one form or the other might be advantageous. From a mechanical point of view the interpretation of these forms is different, and so each provides different insights. The general form considers each substruc- ture as independent (the DOF and coupling forces are defined separately per substructure) and therefore 2.3 Primal and dual assembly 19 requires writing all of the interface conditions explicitly. In the primal form, coupling forces are no longer part of the problem: the only interface unknowns are the interface DOF, which are unique for the entire structure. In the dual form, it is the interface force amplitudes λ that are unique for the entire structure and represent the interface unknowns (the interface DOF remaining defined per substructure). The different mechanical interpretations of the assembly can be used to develop different numerical and experimental techniques in substructuring. This will hopefully become clear in the other chapters of these lecture notes, but here we provide a brief preview to the various uses of these forms.

Model Reduction (Chapter 3) In model reduction by substructuring, the dynamics in a substructure are approximated by representing the behavior of its physical DOF in a subspace of representative modes. – When the primal assembled form (2.37) is considered, a substructure is seen as receiving information from its neighboring substructures over the interface DOF they share. Hence, a natural set of modes for the reduction might correspond to the static response of the substructure to unit displacements at the interface, and these could be augmented by vibration modes in which the interface is fixed (i.e. the Hurty/Craig-Bampton family of methods naturally arise). – When the dual assembly form (2.45) is considered, the substructure receives excitation from the neighbors as imposed interface forces. A natural set of representation modes in that case would consist of the static response of the substructure to unit interface forces and the additional dynamics would naturally be represented by vibration modes computed with the interface free. The reduction methods will thus be based on different approximated representations depending on which mechanical interpretation of the coupling is considered.

Experimental Substructuring (Chapter 4) In experimental substructuring, the dynamics of (some) substructures are obtained be measurements. Since in experimental dynamics one typically measures a component with free interface, applying ex- citations and measuring the dynamic response, one typically measures dynamic flexibilities (FRFs), namely the response of the component to excitations. Therefore, considering the dually assembled form seems more natural. Obviously, the measured dynamic flexibility could be inverted and assembled in a primal way (impedance coupling) which would be mathematically equivalent. In practice however, since the measured dynamic flexibility of the substructure always contains imperfections or are not complete, an assembly should usually be performed only in a weak sense : the degrees of freedom on the interface should not be forced to match exactly, but rather only some simple deformation modes on the inter- face should be made compatible, allowing for some local incompatibility. This alleviates the effect of measurement errors in the assembly as will be explained later (Section 4.3). References

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