RHS the Garden Magazine Index 2020
GardenThe INDEX 2020 Volume 145, Parts 1–12 Index 2020 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 Coloured numbers campestre ‘William ‘Voodoo’ 9: 78 ‘Kaleidoscope’ lauterbachiana Plas Brondanw, North in bold before the page Caldwell’ 3: 32, 32 ‘Zwartkop’ 7: 22, 22; 11: 46, 46 1: 56, 57 Wales 12: 38–42, 38–42 number(s) denote the x freemanii Autumn 8: 54, 54 ‘Lavender Lady’ 6: 12, macrorrhizos 11: 33, 33 Andrews, Susyn, on: part number (month). Blaze (‘Jeffersred’) Aeschynanthus 3: 138 12; 11: 46–47, 47 micholitziana 2: 78 hollies, AGM cultivars Each part is paginated 10: 14, 14–15 Aesculus ‘Macho Mocha’ Aloe Safari Sunrise (‘X5’) 12: 31, 31 separately. griseum 1: 49; 2: 14, 14– hippocastanum 11: 46, 47 6: 12, 12 Anemone: 15; 11: 34, 35; 12: 10, 10; ‘Hampton Court ‘Mayan Queen’ 11: 46 Aloysia: ‘Frilly Knickers’ 9: 7, 7 Numbers in italics 12: 83 Gold’ 3: 89, 89 ‘Pineapple Express’ citrodora (lemon Wild Swan denote an image. micrantham 10: 80 ‘Wisselink’ 3: 89, 89 11: 47 verbena) 6: 87, 87, 88; (‘Macane001’) 5: 74, palmatum 4: 74–75; x neglecta ‘Silver Fox’ 11: 47 to infuse gin 4: 82, 83 74, 76 Where a plant has a 12: 65, 65 ‘Erythroblastos’ Aglaonema (Chinese gratissima angelica root to infuse Trade Designation ‘Garnet’ 10: 27, 27 3: 88, 88 evergreen): 1: 57; 7: 34, (whitebrush or gin 4: 82, 82 (also known as a selling platanoides Agapanthus: 5: 82, 83 34; 12: 32, 32 spearmint verbena) Angelonia Serena Series name) it is typeset in ‘Walderseei’ 3: 87, 87 ‘Blue Dot 9: 109 ‘King of Siam’ 1: 56, 57 6: 86, 88 8: 16, 17 a different font to pseudoplatanus ‘Bressingham Blue’ pictum ‘Tricolor’ Alstroemeria: angel’s trumpet (see distinguish it from the ‘Brilliantissimum’ 9: 109 1: 44, 45 Indian Summer Brugmansia) cultivar name (shown 3: 86, 86–87 ‘Cally Blue 9: 109 Agrostis nebulosa (‘Tesronto’) 8: 16, 16 Angwin, Kirsty, on: in ‘Single Quotes’).
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