Minutes of the Meeting of the Council Date: Tuesday 18th September 2018 Time: 7.30pm Place: Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall Present: Cllr Durrant (Chair) Cllr Bell (Vice-Chair) Cllr Tomblin (Vice- Chair) Cllr Ansell Cllr Capel Cllr Flooks Cllr Marshall In attendance: Maxta Thomas (Clerk) 6 member of the public Cllr Robinson (Borough) Apologies: Cllr Whorton Cllr Rowland (Borough) Cllr Vaughan (County)

Action 1 Apologies for Absence As listed above. 2 Declarations of Interest None. 3 Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting 3.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2018 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record. The minutes were signed by the Chairman. 3.2 Matters arising None. 4 Open Forum Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. The following questions were asked:  None. 5 Planning & Development 5.1 Summary of Planning Committee meeting – Cllr Flooks gave a brief summary of the Planning Committee meeting held on 30th August 2018 (see draft minutes at appendix A). 5.2 New Planning applications 18/02491/HSE – Barefoot House, Olivers Lane, Bramley Erection of garden shed/store No objections unanimously agreed. Clerk to process. Clerk 5.3 Update of Minchens Lane development – it was noted that planning permission has been granted for the phase 4 reserved matters application. Cllr Flooks has requested a meeting with Persimmon about the s.106 Cllr Flooks/ requirements, and the Clerk is chasing officers at BDBC for a meeting with Clerk them about the same.

Cllr Tomblin has confirmed that payments already made against the

transport component of the s.106 agreement were made to HCC

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Action Highways, and that any further payments for this component will also go to Highways. Cllr Flooks has queried with Highways about the access to the development, which is not functioning as it should. A reply is awaited. Cllr Durrant has been in touch with key contact for the site and Cllr Durrant/ highlighted a number of issues with regards to the bridges, the ditch, and Clerk the low level lighting. This needs to be followed up.

Cllr Bell highlighted that no reply has been received about the foul water

provision at the site. Clerk to check with the planning officer and Cllr Bell will check with Thames Water. Cllr Bell/Clerk 5.4 Upper Cufaude Farm proposals – the public exhibition held on 17th September was noted. Most councillors were able to attend this at some point during the day. Cllrs Bell and Tomblin gave a summary of the information gathered from the exhibition:

 Only the west side of the site is being considered for development at present – the east side will be considered at a later date.

 There will be no access into Cufaude Lane.  The HCC representative was asked about the planned access for the development – a solution is apparently in place, although Bramley PC has not seen this as yet. It was noted that the HCC approved solution for the Minchens Lane development is not working as expected.  Attention should be paid to the traffic study once the planning application is in.

 The national cycle path through Cufaude Lane may be re-routed

through the development.  Developers believe there should be a junior school on the site. An alternative site for a new junior school is at the Redlands site (near the Incinerator). However, HCC have given no indication of where the school is likely to be sited, or even if there will be a new school. If the school is not agreed, this will put severe pressure on both Bramley School and Four Lanes at


 All 350 dwellings will be two storey.  No slate rooves, brick and flint design is proposed.  Cllrs believe that Croudace will take not of and respect the Neighbourhood Plan.  HCC representative was asked why the west side of the site was not being considered at present, but no conclusive answer was given. Cllr Tomblin noted that there are considerable issues (noise abatement, flooding, etc) with this area, which will be

difficult to overcome.

 Flooding and drainage – HCC view is that any excess water will be expelled from site through existing aquifers and Bow Brook. CT stated that HCC responses will need to be watched.  Green space is where it is as the developers do not wish to interfere with the National Trust view from the Vyne; however, this needs to be watched given that there may be more development on the west side of the site.  CIL money from site should be going to Bramley PC. However this

needs to be confirmed. The Parish should also be getting the precept for the development. 2018-09-18 Bramley_PC_Minutes final Page 2 of 15 12st September 2018

Action  It was also noted that Bramley has a number of community facilities and does not really need more; this should be checked when the application is submitted, and when the s.106 requirements are published.

 The outline planning application is due by the end of the year.

Cllrs felt that a meeting between Bramley PC, the developers, and BDBC

officers should be considered once the outline planning application is in. Ward councillors to assist at the appropriate time. Clerk IT was noted that the exhibition might be considered by Croudace as consulting with Parish Council – this is not the case. However, as stated above, a meeting with Croudace is to be requested when the outline application goes in. 5.5 Update on Planning Enforcements - no new date has been scheduled at present for the planning and enforcement appeals for Cufaude Lane. It was noted that there has been new activity at the site in the last few weeks. BDBC enforcement officers are aware of this and are taking the necessary legal measures. Unfortunately the site is not covered by the new Borough-wide injunction against unlawful encampments as it is already covered by its own separate injunction. Residents in Cufaude Lane have met with BDBC officers, which has set up a dialogue between the two. 6 Parish Environment 6.1 Concrete blocks at Road – The new Borough-wide injunction against unlawful encampments was noted. New encampments since this was implemented have been moved on by the police very quickly.

Therefore, Cllr Durrant proposed removing the blocks at Bramley Green

Road. This was unanimously agreed. Clerk to take forward. The tree trunk to be left in place. Clerk There was some debate about installing a stronger gate at the site. Cllr Bell proposed leaving the gate as it is – this was unanimously agreed. 6.2 Procedures for dealing with unlawful encampments – a draft document has been distributed to all councillors, outlining reporting procedures. Cllr Durrant felt that it should be made very clear that any resident reporting an incident should be strongly encouraged to report it directly with the responsible authority, as this will carry as much weight as any

report from the Parish Council.

Relevant authorities should be listed on policy, with names and contact information. Clerk to make changes and distribute for approval. Clerk 6.3 Update on WW1 commemorations – Cllr Bell gave an update.  Silent soldier silhouettes have been erected around the village, and have been well received by residents. A nurse silhouette is on order, but delivery is not expected for another 2 and a half weeks. th  Plans for the beacon ceremony on 11 November are almost complete. An item has been submitted for the next issue of the

parish magazine, and a poster is almost ready for display on the noticeboards and website. A risk assessment for the event is being prepared, and will need to be formally agreed at the October PC meeting. Catering will cost approximately £800 including prosecco and soup. This was unanimously approved. 2018-09-18 Bramley_PC_Minutes final Page 3 of 15 12st September 2018

Action Church bells may not be rung as there is a problem with the church tower – this is ongoing. A British Legion flag is required – Cllr Bell Cllr Bell to speak with the Church. 6.4 Poppy Wreath – the Clerk confirmed that a poppy wreath has been reserved for the Parish Council ready for the Remembrance Day service on th 11 November. Cllr Durrant proposed a donation of £200, and this was Clerk unanimously agreed. Clerk to process. 7 Clerk’s report & Administration 7.1 IT Project update -see appendix B. Cllr Ansell gave a verbal report. On hold until the PC contract terms and conditions are approved. These should be sent again to all councillors for comment. Clerk 7.2 Parish magazine article – Cllr Tomblin is due to write the next article. The deadline is 15th October. Cllr Tomblin 7.3 Casual Vacancy – the Clerk confirmed that a formal election has not been requested, and that the Council is now free to co-opt a new councillor. She confirmed that there are three possible candidates, and that co- option could take place at the October meeting – this was unanimously

agreed. Details of the candidates will be distributed to all councillors Clerk ahead of the meeting. 7.4 Litter Warden salary review – the Clerk confirmed that the grant from BDBC for this year is £4071. This represents an increase per hour from £7.50 to £7.83, in line with the national living wage. Cllr Durrant proposed the increase in salary, to be backdated to April 2018. This was seconded by Cllr Capel and unanimously agreed. Clerk to Clerk take forward.

Litter on the back lanes was noted – Clerk to contact Lengthsman for Clerk action. Cllrs noted a commendation to Wendy Castle for organising the village litter pick last week. This will be included in the Parish Magazine article. Cllr Tomblim 8 Reports 14.1 Reports from Parish Council representatives a. Allotments and Burial Ground - see appendix B i. Future plans for the allotments – this item was deferred to the October meeting due to the absence of Cllr Whorton. ii. The Clerk noted that BDBC have written to ask if the PC wish to adopt the proposed allotments at Vyne Park (Razors Farm).

Whilst they are just north of , they fall within the Bramley PC boundary. Clerk to check if Bramley PC will get the precept for the Razors Farm development. If so, then Cllrs unanimously agreed to take on allotments. Unanimously agreed. Clerk also to check what is Clerk being offered and what facilities will be on site. b. Village Hall Trust - see appendix B. The planning application for the extension has been granted permission. However, funding for this is not yet in place. The car park gate issue has now been resolved by Rocon. c. Clift Meadow Trust i. Investment proposals for Clift Meadow – a facilities investment document from CMT has been distributed. The Trust foresees

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Action that the cost of a purpose built brick storage facility will cost in the region of £40,000 ex VAT. The other option is to improve existing facilities which will be half the cost. Cllr Bell suggested a possible s.106 re-allocation; however, this would need a deed of variation, and would take some time. There may also be costs associated with this, and also needs full agreement of all signatories to the s.106 agreement. It was agreed that this would be pursued. CMT will be attempting to raise funds. There may be alternative funding options – CMT and PC should investigate these. Some PC reserves could be used. Need more concrete plans to take forward. Other expenditure items may include some fencing and offset barriers by or on the new path, and possibly lowering or removing the hedge. This will need to be considered by CMT. Other funding will be required moving forward for these items. Shutters at Brocas Hall will need to be addressed in the near to medium future. CMT are looking at various options. The CCTV is now working properly. ii. Plaques – PC does not have list and have recommended that CMT do audit as soon as possible. d. Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B. Cllrs asked what is being done about reported incidents – there is no indication in the report. Clerk to make enquiries. Cllrs Durrant and Bell attended a community court session recently for the two people who were caught damaging benches at Clift Meadow. The Community Court is run by the perpetrators peers, aged 16-20, and is aimed at showing first offenders the trouble they cause. Defendants are represented by their peers, and judgment is made by their peers as well. One of the perpetrators was there with his family. A formal apology was received from the defendant, and his parents have pledged to be active in preventing future problems. e. Highways/Footpaths – see appendix B. Issues with speeding lorries were noted– Clerk to write to local companies requesting that their drivers take care driving through Bramley. Clerk also to highlight issue with police and Clerk highways, but it is likely that there is little that can be done. f. Road Safety Project – see appendix B. Replies are awaited from HCC Highways. 8.2 Borough Councillor Report – see appendix B. Cllr Robinson gave a verbal update.  The injunction against unlawful encampments currently covers Bramley, and Chineham. is also included, and , as well as certain areas in Basingstoke. The injunction is initially for one year and if successful will become borough wide and permanent.  Waste collection – contractor changes to Serco from October.  Permitted development rights on offices being converted to residential – this can be done without planning permission. BDBC are applying for an exemption to this in key office areas such as Basing View.  Boundary review – there has been some discussion on what the ‘Bramley’ ward should be called. Cllr Robinson invited

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Action suggestions, and noted that the ‘Wellington’ Ward was being considered. Cllrs were not in favour of this designation, and suggested the ‘Loddon’ ward instead.  S.106 – Cllrs Robinson and Rowlan are trying to obtain clarification of and greater involvement in s.106 agreements. This is proving to be very difficult. There is no consultation between scoping officers and parties who know anything about what the parishes might need. 8.3 County Councillor report – see appendix B. 8.4 Chairman’s report i. Replacement plaque/honours board – the board has been received and installed in the Bramley Room. It is to acknowledge people who have made a significant contribution to the community – Cllr Durrant invited suggestions for additions to the board. 9 Consultation documents requiring consideration 9.1 Borough Council boundary review – the Boundary Commission recommendation for Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council is that there should 54 councillors in future, 6 less than at present. The councillors will represent 18 three-councillor wards, with the new ‘Bramley’ ward

including Sherfield-on-Loddon, , Silchester, and Mortimer

West End, as well as Bramley itself. Cllrs did not consider ‘Bramley’ an appropriate name for the ward. Clerk to collate councillor comments. Clerk 10 Grant Applications 10.1 ‘Muddy Fingers’ children’s garden – proposals for this have been distributed to all councillors, although a formal grant application has not been received at this stage. The club is moving forward, and a number of children have already signed up. It is completely separate to a similar scheme being run at the school. Cllr Durrant noted that the rules for Clift Meadow should be checked to allow for the scheme. It is believed that this should be in order. Cllr Tomblin noted concerns about the scheme needing funding on an ongoing basis, and also security concerns. This is being taken into consideration. Councillors were generally very supportive of the scheme. A formal grant application was requested, to be considered at the October meeting. 10.2 Bramley School Association fireworks – an application has been received for £1000 towards the annual fireworks event at the School. Proceeds from the event will go towards an outdoor allotment facility at the school, to be maintained by the children.

Cllr Tomblin noted that the PC should be acknowledged as contributing to

the event in any supporting literature.

The event will be charged for on the night for attendance, and this has been included in the budget. Cllr Durrant proposed giving the grant, Cllr Marshall seconded, unanimously agreed. Clerk to process. Clerk 11 Finance 11.1 Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix C

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Action The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation. She noted the following:  A statement of payments for August was sent out and agreed via email. This was agreed in principle at the July meeting.  An expenses submission has been received today from Cllr Ansell, for £109.44 for a lighting system for the WW1 beacon ceremony.

 Cllr Bell has submitted expenses of £32.40 for the attendance at a recent HALC meeting Clerk It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments– Clerk to process. 11.2 Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix C Receipts were noted. The Clerk noted receipt of the second half of the annual precept. She also noted that the quarter 2 VAT claim will be in the order of £1918. This will be claimed in October. 12 Date of Next meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th October 2018. 13 Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings None. 14 Confidential Items None.

The meeting closed at 10.02pm

Signed: …………………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………………… (Chairman)

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Appendix A – Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee

Date: 30th August 2018 Time: 7.30pm Place: Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall Present: Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair) Cllr Chris Tomblin Cllr Malcolm Bell In attendance: Maxta Thomas (Clerk) 1 member of the public Apologies: Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)

Action 1 Apologies for Absence As listed above. 2 Declarations of Interest None. 3 Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting 3.1 The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 11th June 2018 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 3.2 Matters arising No response from Thames Water re drainage strategy, or from BDBC. This needs to be chased again with both BDBC and Thames Water. 4 Planning & Development 4.1 New Applications a. 18/02047/HSE - Hunters Moon Cufaude Lane Bramley Conversion of part of garage to living accommodation No objections unanimously agreed. Concern that there is not more documentation to be raised with BDBC. Clerk to raise with planning officer. Clerk b. 18/02094/HSE - 3 Churchlands Bramley Erection of single storey rear extension No objections unanimously agreed. Clerk to process. Clerk c. 18/02336/HSE - 4 Leighton Close Bramley Erection of single storey rear extension and first floor side extension over garage Cllrs were concerned about the application for the following reasons:  The house is in a prominent position in the village, overlooking Clift Meadow. This is the most sensitive street scene of the whole Minchens Lane development.  The roofline will be altered, risking a terracing effect.  The apex of the proposed conversion of the garage takes it above the adjoining garage and emphasises even more the sharp edge to

the property against the barn effect of the neighbouring property. The street scene as proposed by the developers after great discussion with the Parish Council was acceptable to the PC and residents, giving an acceptable view from Clift Meadow but this will destroy that scene.  The design of the extension is not in keeping with the original building. Clerk to submit objections on this basis. Clerk 2018-09-18 Bramley_PC_Minutes final Page 8 of 15 12st September 2018

Action d. T/00290/18/TCA - Oakhearts Cottage Lane End Bramley Cherry Tree. Remove remains of previously pruned tree Cllrs have no objection and are happy to defer to the BDBC tree officer. However, the Committee would like to see a replacement tree planted if possible. Clerk to process. Clerk e. T/00294/18/TPO - Oak House Officers Row Bramley Trees T1-T6: tree work as per schedule dated 09/08/18 to include crown lifting and crown reduction The Committee are happy to defer to the BDBC tree officer decision – it was felt that work was reasonable. Clerk to process. Clerk f. 18/02375/HSE - 22 Coopers Lane Bramley Erection of single storey rear extension (Part Retrospective) No objection unanimously agreed. Clerk to process. Clerk g. T/00313/18/TPO - 6 Churchlands Bramley T1 Ash - remove. T2 Ash - remove. T3 Horse Chestnut - remove. Committee members noted that the trees are important to the street scene, and would request that suitable replacements be considered. Otherwise, the Committee will defer to the BDBC tree officer’s view. Clerk Clerk to process. h. Any other new applications None. 4.2 Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted. The Clerk noted that she has enquired about enforcement for the refused application at Cufaude Lane, but has not received a reply as yet. 5. Update on Minchens Lane development – s.106 issues Cllr Flooks has contacted Persimmon requesting a meeting about the s.106 requirements. The Clerk is chasing BDBC for a meeting about the same. Clerk also to query whether barriers are being placed at end of path at Clift Clerk Meadow as agreed, and check lighting is going in and planned.

Cllr Tomblin noted his enquiries to BDBC about the transport component of

the s.106 agreement - £200k has already been paid to Highways, another £200k is due very soon, with another £150k later on. All payments will go to Highways. It was noted that the access to the development is not functioning as intended, which is causing issues on Minchens Lane itself. HCC Highways to be contacted with PC concerns. Cllr Flooks to take forward. Cllr Flooks 6. Upper Cufaude Farm proposals The developer for Upper Cufaude Farm is having a public exhibition on 17th September, and has invited Councillors to a private viewing before the exhibition opens. It was agreed that this would work better after the public session – Clerk to contact developer to arrange. Clerk also to encourage all Clerk councillors to attend the public session. Cllr Tomblin noted that the proposals do not include the plans for the entire site; part of it has been held back at present. There are possible issues with access to Cufaude Lane, but it is difficult to tell at this stage.

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Action No planning application has been submitted as yet. 7. Update on Unlawful Development The planning appeal for the Cufaude Lane planning application was due to be heard at the end of June. However, the Planning Inspector at the hearing noted that there is an ongoing injunction appeal for the same site, and ruled that both hearings should be held at the same time, and therefore postponed the planning appeal. There is no new date scheduled at present. 8. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 12th September 2018.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Planning Applications for Consideration 1. 18/02491/HSE - Barefoot House Olivers Lane Bramley Erection of garden shed/store

Approvals/Refusals* 1. 18/02047/HSE - Hunters Moon Cufaude Lane Bramley Granted Conversion of part of garage to living accommodation No objection 2. 18/02094/HSE - 3 Churchlands Bramley Granted Erection of single storey rear extension No objection 3. T/00290/18/TCA - Oakhearts Cottage Lane End Bramley Granted Cherry Tree. Remove remains of previously pruned tree Defer to tree officers view 4. 18/00370/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham Granted Variation of condition 1 of 16/03842/RES to allow amended plans for inclusion of kickabout area within phase 2. No comments 5. 18/01028/HSE - 7 Taylor Drive Bramley Granted Conversion of garage to provide additional living space Objection 6. 18/01431/ADV - One Stop Sherfield Road Bramley Granted Display of 1 no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 3 no. window graphics Objection 7. T/00215/18/TPO - Land At Rear Of 1 - 4 North Row Bramley Granted Possible T5 (part of TPO BDB/0487) Oak tree: pollard the tree to 5m height leave main stem for habitat, to mitigate any potential future failure. Defer to Tree Replace with another 3m standard Oak during the planting season Officer’s view 8. 18/01623/FUL - Bramley Village Hall The Street Bramley Granted Erection of a single storey front extension and associated alterations No objection, comments 9. 18/00611/RET - Plots 6 And 7, Land At Cufaude Lane Bramley Refused Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian including the erection of fence and shelter Objection 10. 18/01690/HSE - 3 Bartlett Close Bramley Granted Erection of first floor side/rear extension and single storey rear extension No objection 11. 18/01730/HSE - 18 Strawberry Fields Bramley Refused Erection of two storey side extension No objection

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12. 18/00366/RES – Land at the Street Bramley – ADDITIONAL PLANS ADDED Granted Reserved matters approval pursuant to planning permission No objection, subject 15/02862/OUT comprising 65 dwellings (26 affordable dwellings) open to all matters being space, landscaping and car parking (matters of appearance, landscaping, resolved from layout and scale to be considered) developer meeting 13. 18/01122/FUL - 3 St James Close Bramley – AMENDED Granted Relocation of 1.8m fence to front and side of property and change of use No objection, of land from public open space to residential comments 14. 17/04282/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley – ADDITIONAL PLANS Granted Reserved matters application (phase 4) for the appearance, landscape, Comments re layout and scale of 83 dwellings, with associated landscaping and open drainage and space (pursuant to outline permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings) sewerage strategy

Pending Applications* 1. 17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley Objection Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a Appeal lodged – mobile home, utility room and touring caravan non-determination 2. 18/01226/VLA - Land At The Street The Street Bramley Clarification sought Removal of reference to the Designated Protection Order under clause 16.10 of the Section 106 agreement relating to planning permission 15/02682/OUT 3. 18/01517/GPDOFF - The Upper Barn, Middle Barn And South Barn Objection Minchens Court Minchens Lane Bramley Notification of proposed change of use of Class B1(a) office to Class C3 (dwellinghouse) consisting of 14 no. flats 4. 18/01665/VLA - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley No objection Request for modification of section 106 Agreement relating to application 15/02708/OUT to allow the change of 2 no. 4 bed affordable houses to 2 no. 3 bed affordable houses 5. 18/01982/LDEU - Cufaude Courtyard, The Lodge Cufaude Lane Bramley No objection Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of The Lodge as a single dwelling house (Use Class C3) 6. 18/02336/HSE - 4 Leighton Close Bramley Objection Erection of single storey rear extension and first floor side extension over garage 7. T/00294/18/TPO - Oak House Officers Row Bramley Defer to tree officers Trees T1-T6: tree work as per schedule dated 09/08/18 to include crown view lifting and crown reduction 8. 18/02375/HSE - 22 Coopers Lane Bramley No objection Erection of single storey rear extension (Part Retrospective) 9. T/00313/18/TPO - 6 Churchlands Bramley Objection T1 Ash - remove. T2 Ash - remove. T3 Horse Chestnut - remove. *Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.

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Appendix B – Briefing Notes ALLOTMENTS/BURIAL GROUND No written report received.

VILLAGE HALL TRUST No written report received.

CLIFT MEADOW TRUST  Slimming World started at the beginning of September.  Muddyfingers - a children's gardening club starting shortly.  Vandalism meant that the guttering has had to be replaced. It gets damaged when they climb up onto to the roof.  Shutter service due soon. Looking at alternative methods either inside or outside as expensive to keep replacing and repairing.  Infrared now working on security lights in the car park.  Litter pick last weekend was a success.  Shed tidied after break-in.  CMT have no formal list of the commemorative plaques that have been placed in the Meadow. Does the Council ?

POLICING & NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH August 2018 - Please find below the latest news summary of some of the crime which has occurred in the Bramley & Sherfield area over the past month. In the month of August there have been 23 incidents in Bramley & Sherfield which have been classified as crimes by the Home Office. This is 6 less than last month and 15 less incidents that were in August 2017.

Current Neighbourhood Priorities: 1. Dwelling Burglary / Non-Dwelling Burglary 2. Traffic Related Incidents/Speeding 3. ASB Burglaries - There has been 4 reported Burglary Business or shed/garage burglaries in the last month for Bramley & Sherfield-on-Loddon area.  Attempted Break into the office containers on the building site on Minchens Lane, Bramley  The White Hart in Sherfield-on-Loddon was broken into during the night. With cash from the till taken, a 45” TV, various soft drinks, tonics, juices and a red and black Mountain Bike were taken.  Sherfield Oaks Golf Club was broken into, 24 gold clubs were taken and a number of golf bags. Gained Entry drilling a lock on a fire door and then using a crowbar to open it.  Attempted break of a bike shed in the German Road Housing estate in Bramley. Thefts - We have had 4 reported incidents of theft in the last month  Theft of mobile phone in an argument between two parties in Walsh Road.  Theft of a Bomag BW80 Road Roller from the building site off Sherfield Road.  Theft of artificial grass from Sherfield School  Theft of parcel that was left outside of an address, has now been returned to owner. Speeding - Recent speed watch was carried out in Bramley on German Road on the 01/08 19 vehicles have been caught speeding, with 15 being their first time being caught, 4 2nd time offenders and have all received warnings regarding their speed.

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Anti-Social Behaviour - We have had 9 incidents reported to us regarding ASB within the Bramley and Sherfield area.  ASB off road motorbikes around the Cricket Pavilion/Clift Meadow area  Number of reports regarding young people potentially using Drugs in the Sherfield-on- Loddon in the football pavilion car park.  Number of reports regarding horse and carts going around Clift Meadow Pavilion, while attending this report two young males were found inside a construction site and ran off when police attended. If you would like your jumpers back you can find them in Basingstoke PIC property store.  Report of Ponies on the loose around Cufaude Lane, myself and Country Watch officers are trying to work with the owner and the owner of the land to resolve this issue. Search “Immobilise” online (immobilise) to register your pedal cycles, electronic devices and property so that the Police can identify anything found in future. Please ensure your out-buildings and vehicles are locked and secured to prevent theft. Avoid keeping valuables in out-buildings and vehicles where possible. Please consider installing CCTV and alarms in order to protect your property. This also assists Police with investigations. Do not leave your garage or car doors unlocked, even while you are in the property. Opportunist thieves have been known to operate in the area. Other Incidents - We have had another incident of criminal damage reported where persons unknown has killed around 40 Pheasants used for hunting purposes. On two separate farm areas along Olivers Lane, due to recent harvesting etc, many gates are left often, please report any vehicles that you do not recognise to 101. One male was stopped on Longbridge Road, Bramley by myself and a colleague, cannabis was seized off the male and was given a community resolution for his first time possession. A Vauxhall Corsa failed to stop for Police along Campbell Road, the driver abandoned the vehicle and ran into an address, leaving the keys in the vehicle. Cannabis was sighted in the front seating area. A search of the vehicle was completed and the vehicle was found with no tax, mot or insurance, the vehicle was seized and has yet to be claimed by the owner.

Please report any suspicious people, vehicles or activity to the Police via 101 or to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Follow us on Twitter @BstokeRuralCops for regular updates and advice. Join Alerts for personalised alerts and updates from the Police.

PCSO JOHNSON has now left Basingstoke Rural NPT to start as a Constable for to be based down in Southampton, he expects it will be a culture shock after leafy rural beat, but is looking forward to his future and continued career with Hampshire Constabulary.

PCSO 16452 Richard Fisher Bramley & Sherfield Neighbourhood Policing Team

If you would like to get in touch with either myself or one of the other PCSO’s, we can be contacted on the email addresses found below. Or if you want to be removed from this monthly newsletter please let me know on the e-mail address below. Please do not report crimes to us via email – my emails are not regularly monitored. [email protected] or [email protected]


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No written report received. ROAD SAFETY PROJECT No written report received

TRANSPORT No written report received.

IT/COMMUNICATIONS No written report received.

BOROUGH COUNCILLOR REPORT No written report received.

COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORT SERVING HAMPSHIRE – 2017/18 PERFORMANCE REPORT Performance highlights for 2017/18 included:  In March 2017, the Department for Education published an independent evaluation of the Hampshire Innovation Programme evidencing: an increase in the percentage of children’s social worker time spent with families from 34% to 58%; estimated notional savings through increased productivity of social workers of £9,000 per social worker; and an increase in the percentage of time spent on the initial engagement of families from 30% to 70% as a result of the new Family Intervention Team.  A new short-term reablement service at the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Basingstoke was introduced by the County Council. The Firs, located within the hospital site, provides specially adapted accommodation for up to 17 people who receive tailored support from social care staff. This additional capacity is helping to reduce the number of delayed hospital discharges by supporting more effective patient flow and discharge through improved multi-professional and multi-agency working.  98% of parents were offered a place for their child in one of their three preferred secondary schools for September 2018, with over 92% receiving their first choice of secondary school. Almost 99% of pupils transferring from Infant to Junior school received a place at one of their preferred schools – with 97% obtaining a place at their first choice school (consistent with the previous year).  65% of Hampshire’s students taking Key Stage 2 assessments in 2017 achieved the expected level in reading, writing and mathematics, compared with 61% nationally. Hampshire outperformed its statistical neighbours in these results.  Overall attainment in Hampshire secondary schools in 2017 remained above national attainment: 25% of pupils achieved the English Baccalaureate against 24% nationally; 68% of pupils achieved “The Basics” (a grade 9 to 4 in both English and mathematics) against 64% nationally.  CO2 emissions from Local Authority operations1 have fallen to 83,992 tonnes in 2016/17 from 86,684 the previous year (a reduction of 33.30% since 2011/12), keeping the County Council on track to meeting its target of 79,080 tonnes by 2020.  The County Council secured £12.9 million funding from Highways which, together with a £6.6 million investment from the County Council, will enable improvements to Junction 9 of the M27 and Parkway South Roundabout, Whiteley. £2.8 million is being invested in energy programmes, including LED Lighting, Electric Vehicles and Battery Technology, which will deliver at least £450,000 of revenue savings. The first phase of the LED lighting installation has been completed in 2017/18, with the rest of the programme to be completed in the next two years.

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Appendix C – Finance Bank Reconciliation 17 September 2018

Closing Balance from statement #071 03/09/2018 £115,180.92

Income 06 Sep 18 HMRC - VAT refund 2018/19 Q1 2,811.57

£2,811.57 Expenditure 20 Aug 18 300547 St Michaels Hospice - donation in memory of Phyl Davies 100.00 5 Sep 18 DDSEP01 Royal British Legion - Silent soldier x1 150.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP02 Buildbase - roller hire Clift Meadow 223.90 17 Sep 18 DDSEP03 Buildbase - roller hire Clift Meadow 814.38 17 Sep 18 DDSEP04 Buildbase - roller hire Clift Meadow 30.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP05 Clerk's mileage 36.90 17 Sep 18 DDSEP05 Spare keys for Brocas Hall 24.94 17 Sep 18 DDSEP06 Harman Oliver Ltd - Lane End pond clearance 1,295.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP07 BlockAid UK Ltd - Concrete Block Hire Bramley Green Road 134.40 17 Sep 18 DDSEP08 Clerk's salary 1,929.03 17 Sep 18 DDSEP09 Litter Warden's salary 325.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP10 NEST - pension contributions 87.53 17 Sep 18 DDSEP11 HMRC - Tax/Nics Q1 1,881.37 17 Sep 18 DDSEP12 Self Storage - unit hire 55.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP13 Bulpitt Brothers - Churchyard maintenance 570.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP13 Bulpitt Brothers - Grass Cutting Bramley Green 433.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP14 Bramley Village Hall - Hall Hire 24.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP15 Bramley Village Hall - Hall Hire 24.00 17 Sep 18 DDSEP16 DCK Accounting Solutions - payroll fees 30.00


Balance including uncleared cheques £109,824.04

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