Ecological effects of racemosa var. cylindracea on amphipod assemblages (Amphipoda, Crustacea) associated with shallow water habitats in the

Maria Teresa Vázquez Luis

Ecological effects of var. cylindracea on amphipod assemblages (Amphipoda, Crustacea) associated with shallow water habitats in the Mediterranean Sea

Efectos ecológicos de Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea en los poblamientos de anfípodos (Amphipoda, Crustacea) asociados a hábitats someros en el Mar Mediterráneo

Memoria presentada para optar al grado de Doctora, mención de Doctora Europea, en la Universidad de Alicante por


ALICANTE, Marzo 2011


Ecological effects of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea on amphipod assemblages (Amphipoda, Crustacea) associated with shallow water habitats in the Mediterranean Sea

Maria Teresa Vázquez Luis Marzo 2011

VºBº Directores de la Tesis Doctoral

Dr. Pablo J. Sánchez Jerez Dr. Just T. Bayle Sempere


Ecological effects of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea on amphipod assemblages (Amphipoda, Crustacea) associated with shallow water habitats in the Mediterranean Sea

Maria Teresa Vázquez Luis Marzo 2011

VºBº Director del Departamento de Ciencias del Mar y Biología Aplicada

Dr. Jose Luis Sánchez Lizaso

Los doctores PABLO J. SÁNCHEZ JEREZ y JUST T. BAYLE SEMPERE, Profesores Titulares del Área de Zoología de la Universidad de Alicante,


Que la memoria de Tesis doctoral titulada “Ecological effects of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea on amphipod assemblages (Amphipoda, Crustacea) associated with shallow water habitats in the Mediterranean Sea”, presentada por MARIA TERESA VÁZQUEZ LUIS, ha sido realizada bajo su dirección en el Departamento de Ciencias del Mar y Biología Aplicada de la Universidad de Alicante, y en el Centro de Investigación Marina de Santa Pola (CIMAR). Y para que conste a los efectos oportunos, firman en Alicante a 31 de Enero del año dos mil once.

Fdo: Dr. Pablo J. Sanchez Jerez Fdo: Dr. Just T. Bayle Sempere

Agradecimientos- Acknowledgements

Al fin llegó el momento de agradecer a todos aquellos que me han ayudado en este camino de un modo u otro. Lo cierto es que no sé muy bien hasta dónde remontarme en el tiempo para agradecer a todos aquellos que han hecho que llegue este momento. La verdad es que desde que era pequeña sentí un profundo amor por la naturaleza en general, y por el mar en especial. A esto contribuyó en gran medida mi padre ya que como amante del mar me enseñó montones de cosas y siempre hizo que tuviera una estrecha relación con él. Más tarde, en el instituto, la motivación y energía que mi profe de biología, José Luis León Nicolás, ponía en sus clases, me hizo saber sin ninguna duda que quería estudiar biología. Ya en la Universidad tuve la suerte de disfrutar de una beca Erasmus, y fue en Montpellier donde pasé una de las mejores épocas de mi vida, pero además Jean-Pierre Lumaret me abrió las puertas de su laboratorio con enorme gentileza. Esto me brindó la oportunidad de conocer el mundo de la investigación y mi jefe en aquel momento, Pierre Jay-Robert, me motivó mucho a seguir en este mundo…aunque me faltaba el mar!

Gracias a la confianza que Pablo Sánchez y Just Bayle depositaron en mi pude hacer mi sueño realidad. Siempre recordaré cuando Pablo me dijo: “así que te gusta la taxonomía y los invertebrados…podríamos hacer algo con anfípodos!”, fue el comienzo de esta tesis. Como director ha sido inmejorable, me ha enseñado prácticamente todo lo que sé: trabajar en el mar, determinación de los anfípodos, diseño experimental, tratamiento estadístico, y otras tantas cosas… Mil gracias. Muchas gracias también a Just que también depositó una gran confianza en mí y he de agradecer la oportunidad que me brindó al poder hacer lo que siempre he deseado.

En mi caso la falta de financiación, como ocurre demasiado a menudo en estos casos, empezó a ser un problema. Y fue gracias a la creación del CIMAR (Centro de Investigaciones Marinas de Santa Pola; Ayuntamiento de Santa Pola y Universidad de Alicante) que Alfonso A. Ramos Esplá me dio la posibilidad de poder seguir con la tesis y participar en otros proyectos de investigación. Gracias Alfonso por haberme ayudado a seguir adelante.

También el Instituto Alicantino de Cultura “Juan Gil-Albert” de la Excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Alicante, depositó una gran confianza en este proyecto de tesis concediéndome dos ayudas de Apoyo a la Investigación que han sido de gran importancia: en la modalidad de “Ciencias Experimentales y Técnicas” (para la realización del DEA) y más tarde la “Ayuda a la realización de Tesis Doctorales”. Muchísimas gracias.

Más tarde llegaron las estancias. En Sevilla tuve el gran privilegio de trabajar con uno de los mejores especialistas de anfípodos; con el Dr. José Manuel Guerra-García aprendí un montón de cosas y me acogió de la mejor manera posible. Su entusiasmo y motivación se contagian y hacen que el trabajo más tedioso parezca verdaderamente sencillo. Muchísimas gracias. Los agradecimientos los hago extensivos a todo el grupo Caprella y “anexo”: Pili, Elena, Macarena, Azahara, Susana, Gina, Aurora, Isa, David, Álvaro, Víctor, Ana Mari, Juanjo y Mar, ya que siempre habéis estado ahí ayudado en todo lo posible y siempre me habéis tratado como a una más del equipo sevillano.

Después tuve la gran suerte de ir a Malta a trabajar con el Dr. Joseph A Borg. Para Joseph tengo muchísimas palabras de agradecimiento, nada más llegar me hice un esguince y le tocó hacer parte de mi trabajo! Además, le doy infinitas gracias por revisar el inglés de los manuscritos y por todos lo comentarios que ayudaron a mejorar muchos aspectos. En Malta todo el equipo de Ecoserv fue muy amable conmigo: Sarah Gauci-Carlton, Mildred Vella-Magro, Julian Evans, Graziella Xuereb, Julie Tabone, Sarah Debono, Lucienne Borg y Aaron Hill. Thank you so much for everything and for all the moments that I share with you, I am really grateful!

Tampoco hubiera sido posible la realización de este trabajo sin el apoyo logístico prestado por la Unidad de Biología Marina del Departamento de Ciencias del Mar y Biología Aplicada, así como el CIMAR. Pero más importante aún ha sido el equipo humano que me ha ayudado en diversos momentos. En los muestreos: Pablo A, Dami, Celia, Mercedes, Tere, Irene, Sarah Gauci-Carlton, Joseph Borg, Julian Evans, Redsinsa S.A. y particularmente a Eduardo Minuéz director del P.N.S.G y su equipo. En la identificación de las algas: Alfonso. En la separación de algunas muestras: Lydia y Marianna. En la identificación de los contenidos estomacales: José Manuel Guerra-García y Estibaliz Berecibar, Yoana, Paqui, Vicky, Elena, José Carlos García-Gómez, Manuel Maldonado, Nicolas Sturaro y Loïc Michel. En las últimas correcciones de la tesis: Pablo A, Dami y Carlos. En papeleos varios a lo largo de este período: Ana Frutos, Marta Alonso, Ana Nuevo y Rosa San Román. Muchísimas gracias a todos y todas. A los demás de la Unidad de Biología Marina (a los que aún no he nombrado): Bea, Jose Antonio, Yolanda, José Miguel, Jose Luis, Aitor, Andrés, Cristina, Candela, Tito, Loya, Aurora, Lute, Agustín, Kilian, Esther, Tocho, Marko, Juan Carlos, Antonio, Pilar, Carmen, José Jacobo, José Vicente, Sofía, Mohamed, Isidro, Colilla, Juanma, Mari Loli,…gracias por muchas de las cosas que hemos compartido juntos (y si me olvido de alguien ruego que me perdone). Lo cierto es que de este camino me llevo una gran amistad con muchos de vosotros que espero que dure mucho tiempo.

No puedo dejar de agradecer a otras personas que me han ayudado en diversos aspectos como: Tony Underwood, Traudl Krapp-Schickel, Ed Hendrycks, Oliver Coleman, Tim Dempster, Marc Verlaque y Enric Ballesteros. Vuestra experiencia me ha resultado de gran ayuda para llevar a buen fin este trabajo.

Al resto de gente de fuera del Departamento que llevo en mi corazón, familiares y amigos (a los que están y a los que no), que me han demostrado su cariño y apoyo cada día. En especial a mis chicas: Judith, Fuen, Bea y Francián por que estáis ahí siempre y sois de las pocas que entendéis lo que hago (es lo que tiene ser endogámicos, jeje…). En cuanto a mi familia, a pesar de que no entendieran mucho a lo que me dedicaba, ni eso de las “becas” (a excepción de mi primo Marcos) siempre han mostrado apoyo y cariño; especialmente a las personas que dedico esta tesis, a mi hermana Fani y a mi bisabuela Tonica (aunque ya no esté con nosotros), porque ellas han sido los pilares fundamentales de mi vida!

Y por supuesto a la persona que ha estado conmigo día a día no sé cómo agradecerle todo su apoyo incondicional. Pablo A, millones de gracias por ayudarme en los momentos duros, compartir los buenos momentos, animarme a seguir adelante y por estar siempre a mi lado.


Resumen...... 1 4. Does C. racemosa affect colonization of General abstract...... 11 vegetated habitats by amphipods?...... 59 1. General introduction...... 15 4.1. Abstract...... 59 1.1. Invasive in the Mediterranean Sea 4.2. Introduction ...... 59 ...... 15 4.3. Materials and methods...... 60 1.2. The invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa...... 17 4.3.1. Study sites...... 60 1.3. Effects of C. racemosa on the Mediterranean 4.3.2. Characterisation of habitat features and Sea fauna ...... 19 amphipod fauna ...... 61 1.4. Amphipods as important component of the 4.3.3. Experimental setup and sampling design Mediterranean coastal ecosystem...... 20 ...... 61 1.5. PhD Thesis justification: Why effects of C. 4.3.4. Data analyses...... 62 racemosa on native communities should be 4.4. Results ...... 62 studied?...... 20 4.4.1. Habitat and amphipod fauna...... 62 1.5.1. Aims and thesis structure...... 21 4.4.2. Colonization ...... 63 Does C. racemosa modify the amphipod assemblage on hard bottoms? . 21 4.5. Discussion...... 68 Does C. racemosa change the 5. Does C. racemosa modify the feeding habits of amphipod assemblage on soft bottoms? .. 21 amphipods?...... 73 Does C. racemosa affect 5.1. Abstract...... 73 colonization of vegetated habitats by 5.2. Introduction ...... 73 amphipods? ...... 22 5.3. Material and methods...... 74 Does C. racemosa modify the 5.4. Results ...... 75 feeding habits of amphipods?...... 22 5.5. Discussion...... 79 Does C. racemosa affect amphipod 6. Does C. racemosa affect amphipod prey prey availability to predators? ...... 22 availability to predators?...... 83 2. Does C. racemosa modify the amphipod 6.1. Abstract...... 83 assemblage on hard bottoms? ...... 27 6.2. Introduction ...... 83 2.1. Abstract...... 27 6.3. Material and methods...... 84 2.2. Introduction...... 27 6.3.1. Prey availability...... 84 2.3. Materials and methods ...... 28 6.3.2. Animal collection and fish-holding 2.3.1. Study area...... 28 conditions ...... 84 2.3.2. Sampling and experimental design ..... 28 6.3.3. Predation experiment...... 85 2.3.3. Data analysis...... 29 6.3.4. Data analysis...... 85 Multivariate analysis ...... 29 6.4. Results ...... 85 Univariate analysis ...... 29 6.4.1. Prey availability...... 85 2.4. Results ...... 29 6.4.2. Predation rate...... 86 2.4.1. Habitat features...... 29 6.5. Discussion...... 88 2.4.2. Amphipod assemblage...... 32 7. General discussion...... 93 2.5. Discussion...... 35 7.1. Explaining the mechanisms of biological 3. Does C. racemosa change the amphipod invasions...... 93 assemblage on soft bottoms? ...... 41 7.2. Facilitation of invasion process by human 3.1. Abstract...... 41 impacts...... 94 3.2. Introduction...... 41 7.3. Effects of C. racemosa on habitat complexity 3.3. Materials and methods ...... 42 and heterogeneity...... 96 3.3.1. Study area...... 42 7.4. Effects of C. racemosa on associated fauna 3.3.2. Sampling design ...... 43 community...... 96 3.3.3. Data analysis...... 43 7.5. Gaps of knowledge and future research ...... 98 Univariate analysis ...... 43 7.6. Management and mitigation of invaded ecosystems...... 99 Multivariate analysis ...... 43 Conclusions...... 103 3.4. Results ...... 44 References...... 107 3.4.1. Habitat features...... 44

3.4.2. Amphipod assemblages ...... 46 3.5. Discussion...... 52

A mi yaya Tonica (D.E.P.)

y a mi hermana Fani



1. Introducción

El Mediterráneo y el Mar Negro son muy Caulerpacea, y específicamente al género diversos ecológicamente, contienen Caulerpa: C. taxifolia y C. racemosa. aproximadamente un 6.4% de las especies marinas a nivel mundial, a pesar de que la Es ampliamente aceptado que la diversidad superficie del Mar Mediterráneo sólo biológica mundial del medio marino y su representa el 0.8% de la superficie total de valor como productores de recursos los océanos. Recientes estudios han valiosos se ve amenazada por las estimado que existen 12.725 especies de actividades antropogénicas. En particular, la organismos marinos macroscópicos en el alteración y destrucción de hábitat, la Mediterráneo (11.594 metazoos y 1.131 sobrepesca, el cambio climático y la macrofitos; Coll et al 2010). Esta alta introducción de especies exóticas han sido riqueza de especies también se ve identificados como las principales causas de acompañada por un alto nivel de especies estrés, especialmente en las regiones endémicas, como promedio el 20.2% de los costeras (Norse 1993, Vitousek et al. 1997, metazoos y el 22.3% de los macrófitos son Carlton 2000). En concreto, las invasiones endémicos (Coll et al. 2010). biológicas se consideran una grave amenaza para los sistemas marinos (Ribera y A pesar de poseer esta alta riqueza y Boudouresque 1995). La tasa de endemicidad de especies, el Mar introducciones marinas, incluyendo la Mediterráneo es la región más invadida a introducción de las algas marinas, se han nivel mundial por macrófitos (Williams y incrementado en los últimos 20 años Smith, 2007), con más de 125 especies (Verlaque et al. 2007), sin embargo, el introducidas, siendo 21 de ellos invasoras o conocimiento actual de los impactos que potencialmente invasoras (Verlaque com. algas exóticas generan en los ecosistemas pers.). Según los datos disponibles, desde marinos es muy escaso. Este hecho principios del siglo XX el número de las contrasta con la percepción de que la especies de macrófitos invasores ha invasión de macroalgas presenta graves aumentado exponencialmente y impactos potenciales, ya que pueden alterar prácticamente se duplica cada 20 años la estructura y funcionamiento del (Ribera y Boudouresque 1995), siendo el ecosistema por monopolizar el espacio, ya principal área donante la región del Indo- que actúan como ingenieros del ecosistema Pacífica (Verlaque et al. 2007). En el y pueden, por tanto, modificar las cadenas Mediterráneo estas introducciones pueden tróficas marinas (Schaffelke y Hewitt ser el resultado de una variedad de causas 2007). (vectores), como el transporte de especies en los cascos de barco (fouling), las aguas Uno de los grupos de invertebrados más de lastre y materias sólidas transportadas ubicuo y abundante en la vegetación de por los buques, la apertura del Canal de hábitats marinos son los anfípodos, cuya Suez, las importaciones de especies de densidad a menudo llegan a varios miles de acuicultura, las transferencias entre individuos por m2 (Brawley 1992, Tuya et cuencas, fugas accidentales de los acuarios, al. 2010). En el Mar Mediterráneo existen liberaciones de especies utilizadas como alrededor de 48 familias, siendo la mayoría material de embalaje de cebos para la pesca de ellos especies de vida libre, con un alto o las especies epifitas que han llegado grado de endemicidad en lo que respecta a asociadas a otra especie exótica (al los anfípodos bentónicos (aproximadamente Verlaque et al. 2007). En el Mediterráneo la el 37% de las especies; Ruffo 1998). Los acuicultura es el principal vector de anfípodos bentónicos se pueden encontrar introducción de macrófitos, seguido por el en todos los pisos presentes en el Mar tráfico de buques y del Canal de Suez (Galil Mediterráneo, desde el adlitoral hasta el 2009). En el mar Mediterráneo dos de las abisal, exhibiendo la mayor diversidad en la algas más invasoras pertenecen la familia zona infralitoral, donde aproximadamente

1 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______el 69% de las especies están representadas disparidad en el esfuerzo invertido ante (Ruffo et al. 1998). Estos crustáceos habitan estas dos especies invasoras. La gran en todo tipo de hábitats, siendo un mayoría de los estudios realizados para compartimento clave en las praderas de evaluar el impacto de C. racemosa en la fanerógamas marinas y actuando como fauna asociada han utilizado muestreos importantes recicladores de materia puntuales y los resultados han sido orgánica (Sánchez-Jerez et al. 2002). meramente descriptivos, lo que dificulta También son importantes productores llegar a conclusiones y a crear directrices secundarios (Carrasco y Arcos 1984, específicas para la gestión de este tipo de Highsmith y Coyle 1990, Sarvala y Uitto invasiones. En general, las interacciones 1991), y muestran un amplio rango de ecológicas de algas invasoras a nivel de estrategias tróficas: ramoneadores, comunidad constituyen un marco filtradores, detritívoros, depredadores, importante de investigación y, por tanto, los carroñeros, carnívoros, omnívoros, y efectos indirectos entre distintos niveles herbívoros. Algunas especies pueden usar tróficos, la movilidad de los consumidores, diferentes estrategias de manera simultánea, y las restricciones de replicación espacial sucesivamente en el tiempo o en función de representan retos actuales en el ámbito de la las condiciones ambientales (Ruffo et al investigación (Williams y Smith 2007). En 1998). Además, son una gran fuente de particular Klein y Verlaque (2008) alimento para una amplia variedad de señalaron que no existen estudios en depredadores marinos (Stoner 1979, Beare profundidad sobre C. racemosa. Por tanto, y Moore 1997, Sánchez-Jerez et al 1999, es esencial incrementar el conocimiento de 2002; Stål et al 2007), y por tanto, los efectos de C. racemosa sobre los desempeñan un papel clave en el flujo de ecosistemas marinos del Mediterráneo. Con energía a través de las redes tróficas este fin, la presente tesis doctoral analiza marinas. los efectos que C. racemosa genera sobre (i) la estructura de los poblamientos de Los anfípodos son crustáceos peracáridos, anfípodos en diferentes hábitats someros lo que implica que tiene un desarrollo de las del Mediterráneo, (ii) sus requerimientos larvas protegidas en el marsupio de las tróficos y (iii) las relaciones depredador- hembras y un ciclo de vida completo presa. asociado con el bentos. Por tanto, los anfípodos se han descrito como especies 2. ¿Modifica C. racemosa al poblamiento que desarrollan poblaciones locales en de anfípodos de fondos duros? consonancia con las condiciones ambientales del medio debido a su bajo Desde los primeros estudios de la poder de dispersión (Virnstein 1987, expansión de C. racemosa en las aguas Sánchez-Jerez y Ramos Esplá 1996) y costeras del Mediterráneo, se han llevado a responden de manera muy significativa a la cabo varios estudios sobre la ecología de modificación del hábitat (Sánchez-Jerez et esta especie se llevaron a cabo (véase una al. 2000). Algunas especies tienen alta revisión en Klein y Verlaque 2008). Sin especificidad de hábitat, mientras que otros embargo, se hace patente la escasez de toleran un amplio rango de alteración del información sobre los cambios provocados mismo que pueden derivarse de la por el alga invasora en la fauna asociada contaminación, la invasión de especies (Argyrou et al 1999, Piazzi y Balata 2008). exóticas y otras perturbaciones, y por Para estudiar los efectos de la invasión de consiguiente pueden ser utilizados como un C. racemosa sobre la estructura del hábitat indicador de los impactos ambientales sobre del poblamiento algal en fondos rocosos los hábitats con vegetación (Bellan-Santini someros y, por consiguiente, la afección 1980, Virnstein 1987, Conradi et al. 1997). que tienen estos cambios sobre el poblamiento de anfípodos asociados a dicha A pesar del hecho de que C. racemosa es comunidad algal, se compararon dos comparable a C. taxifolia en términos de hábitats diferentes (invadido y no invadido) capacidad de colonización y modificación localizados en el SE de la Península Ibérica de comunidades autóctonas, hay una gran a una profundidad de 0.2-0.5 m. En dichos

2 ______Resumen hábitat se llevó a cabo un muestreo en por la expansión de C. racemosa, en verano y en invierno (acorde con el máximo cambio, especies como Ampithoe ramondi y mínimo desarrollo vegetativo del alga y Hyale schmidti fueron afectadas invasora). Para cada tipo de hábitat se llevó negativamente por la presencia del alga a cabo la caracterización de la estructura de invasora. La invasión del hábitat por C. hábitat en términos de biomasa algal, racemosa puede tener una influencia riqueza específica y cantidad de detritus, así importante en hábitats rocosos someros, como la identificación a nivel de especie modificando tanto la estructura del hábitat del poblamiento de anfípodos. como la fauna asociada, con efectos desconocidos sobre la totalidad del Los resultados mostraron que la presencia y ecosistema. biomasa de C. racemosa tuvo un marcado efecto sobre la estructura de la comunidad 3. ¿Cambia C. racemosa al poblamiento de macroalgas, afectando a la composición de anfípodo de fondos blandos? de las especies de macrófitos y generando un aumento de detritus acumulado. Todo El crecimiento peculiar de C. racemosa, ello causa importantes cambios en la con estolones y rizoides que se extienden abundancia, riqueza y composición de rápidamente en todas direcciones, hace que especies del poblamiento de anfípodos pueda crecer sobre sustratos blandos asociado a dichos hábitats. Los efectos de la arenosos compitiendo por el espacio con especie invasora en la estructura del hábitat otros macrófitos. Esta interacción puede fueron más importantes en el periodo más desencadenar efectos sobre otros hábitats y cálido, debido a la dominancia de C. en consecuencia modificar el poblamiento racemosa durante este periodo. La de anfípodos, como se observó previamente variación estacional de C. racemosa en fondos duros. Para estudiar estos observada en este estudio en términos de posibles cambios, se muestrearon en verano biomasa fue similar a la descrita en otras y en invierno 5 hábitats diferentes localidades, donde los valores máximos de localizados entre 2-5 m de profundidad: C. desarrollo se observaron en el periodo racemosa, Caulerpa prolifera, Cymodocea cálido. Además, los valores de biomasa nodosa, Posidonia oceanica y sustratos también fueron similares o incluso arenosos desprovistos de vegetación. superiores a los registrados en otras Igualmente, se llevó a cabo la localidades del Mediterráneo (Piazzi Cinelli caracterización de la estructura de hábitat y 1999). El patrón de colonización en términos de biomasa algal, riqueza resultante de la reproducción sexual y específica y cantidad de detritus, así como asexual (Panayotidis y Žuljevi 2001, la identificación a nivel de especie del Ceccherelli et al. 2001, Ceccherelli y Piazzi poblamiento de anfípodos para cada tipo de 2001, Renoncourt y Meinesz 2002), hábitat. permiten a C. racemosa colonizar un hábitat de una manera muy eficiente. Esto Los resultados mostraron que los hábitats da lugar a una fuerte modificación de la naturales más complejos, como las praderas estructura del hábitat, como es el caso de de P. oceanica, presentaron las mayores las comunidades de macroalgas. En cuanto abundancias y riqueza específica de al poblamiento de anfípodos un total de 33 anfípodos. Sin embargo, el nuevo hábitat especies fueron identificadas, dicho generado por C. racemosa presentaba un poblamiento se vio influenciado por estos poblamiento de anfípodos diverso y cambios en el hábitat, probablemente abundante en comparación con otros debido a sus diferentes requerimientos hábitats naturales como C. nodosa y C. ecológicos. No obstante, la riqueza prolifera. En general, la estructura de la específica de anfípodos fue relativamente comunidad de anfípodos fue diferente en alta en ambos hábitats, mientras que la función de la vegetación existente. En composición de las especies de anfípodos se cuanto al poblamiento de anfípodos, un vio modificada en gran medida. Por total de 63 especies fueron identificadas. ejemplo, algunas especies como Cabe destacar que algunas especies Apocorophium acutum se vio favorecida presentaron diferentes abundancias en

3 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______función del hábitat, como por ejemplo aumento de los valores de la riqueza Microdeutopus obtusatus se vio favorecido especifica y abundancia de los anfípodos por C. racemosa. Por el contrario la especie asociados, sin embargo, la presencia de Ampelisca diadema se mostró más detritus en H. scoparia parece no ser un asociadas a sustratos colonizaos por C. factor tan importante para la comunidad de prolifera, mientras que Hyale schmidti fue anfípodos. En cambio, el hábitat formado más abundante en las praderas de P. por H. scoparia presentó los mayores oceanica. La invasión del hábitat por C. valores de riqueza específica y abundancia racemosa puede ejercer una influencia de anfípodos, probablemente debido a su importante en las comunidades bióticas mayor complejidad estructural. Por último, asociadas a fondos blandos, modificando el sustrato artificial albergó a algunas tanto la estructura del hábitat como la fauna especies de anfípodos, pero no resultó ser de dicho ecosistema. tan atractivo como los hábitats vegetados. Algunos anfípodos, por tanto, exhiben un 4. ¿Afecta C. racemosa a la colonización amplio rango de distribución y no parecen de los hábitats con vegetación por parte verse afectados por la propagación de C. de los anfípodos? racemosa, pero cabe destacar que el detritus acumulado por C. racemosa es un factor Los anteriores capítulos han demostrado determinante para la selección de este que C. racemosa cambia completamente la hábitat para algunos anfípodos. estructura del hábitat, ya que establece una pradera monoespecífica y homogénea en la 5. ¿Modifica C. racemosa los hábitos que se acumula detritus, y además provoca alimenticios de los anfípodos? cambios en el poblamiento de anfípodos. Sin embargo, dichos estudios se centraban Algunas especies de anfípodos, como principalmente en la fase post-invasión, por Apocorophium acutum, Ampithoe ramondi, lo que se hace necesario estudiar cómo C. Elasmopus brasiliensis y Microdeutopus racemosa afecta a la colonización de obtusatus entre otros, están presentes en hábitats vegetados por parte de los hábitats tanto autóctonos como invadidos, anfípodos. Para ello se llevó a cabo un pero en cambio, nada se sabe sobre las experimento en fondos rocosos someros en adaptaciones en el uso de los recursos dos localidades del Mediterráneo (Malta y tróficos proporcionados por el nuevo España). Tras la caracterización del hábitat hábitat. Se estudiaron los hábitos existente en cada localidad, y la alimenticios de 14 especies de anfípodos caracterización del poblamiento de mediante el análisis de los contenidos anfípodos, se colocaron una serie de bolsas estomacales en función del tipo de hábitat de malla conteniendo 3 tipos de hábitats donde fueron encontrados. Diez de las diferentes, además de bolsas de malla vacía especies objeto de estudio estaban como control del experimento: Halopteris presenten en ambos hábitats (algas scoparia, C. racemosa y sustrato artificial autóctonas e invadidos por C. racemosa), (rafia de plástico). Adicionalmente, se mientras que dos especies se encontraban consideraron tres niveles de detritus para sólo en los hábitats de algas nativas, y las cada uno de los hábitats anteriores: sin otras dos especies sólo en hábitats de C. detritus, con poco detritus y con alta racemosa. Tras el análisis de los contenidos cantidad de detritus. Las bolsas de malla estomacales, se identificaron un total de 11 fueron colocadas sobre sustrato rocoso a tipos diferentes de elementos: detritus, una profundidad de 4.5 - 5 m durante un detritus vegetal, algas, tejido animal, período de 14 días, tras el cual se oligoquetos, poliquetos, foraminíferos, recolectaron con el fin de estudiar la crustáceos, sipuncúlidos, diatomeas y comunidad de anfípodos asociada. Los elementos no identificados. La expansión resultados mostraron que: (i) la riqueza de de C. racemosa en la comunidad de algas especies de anfípodos y la abundancia nativas produce cambios en los hábitos fueron mayores en las bolsas que contenían alimenticios de los anfípodos herbívoros, ya H. scoparia, y (ii) la presencia de detritus que su alimento preferido (algas epífitas) no en C. racemosa se relacionó con un está no está disponible en el nuevo hábitat

4 ______Resumen formado por C. racemosa, probablemente anfípodos, se introducía un individuo de debido a que la presencia de caulerpinas en Thalassoma pavo (previamente aclimatado C. racemosa retarda el crecimiento de algas y privado de comida durante al menos 24 h) epífitas. Sin embargo, otras especies no se durante 1 hora, tras la cual se examinaba su vieron afectadas o incluso se vieron contenido estomacal. Los resultados ligeramente beneficiadas por la invasión, mostraron que el consumo de caprélidos fue como es el caso de las especies detritívoras mayor que el de gamáridos para todos los cuya principal hábitat y fuente de alimento hábitats estudiados, que podría deberse al sigue estando disponible. En general, se diferente uso de microhábitat por parte de detectaron ligeros cambios en el estos dos grandes grupos de anfípodos, trofodinamismo de los poblamientos de pudiendo afectar a la susceptibilidad de ser anfípodos, pero no parecen ser muy depredados. No obstante, el consumo de relevantes en una etapa inicial. En este anfípodos también varió según el tipo de sentido, se deben analizar los efectos hábitat. La mayor tasa de depredación fue indirectos que pueden tener estos cambios encontrada en el hábitat de C. nodosa y la alimenticios en el metabolismo y ciclo vital menor en los hábitats de C. racemosa con y de especies de interés. sin detritus. La tasa de depredación mostró un patrón similar tanto para caprélidos 6. ¿Afecta C. racemosa a la como gamáridos en todos los hábitats, lo disponibilidad de anfípodos para los que refuerza la importancia del hábitat en la depredadores? depredación de anfípodos. Por tanto, se ha demostrado que las especies invasoras Tras estudiar los cambios que C. racemosa como C. racemosa pueden reducir la produce en la estructura del hábitat y en el disponibilidad del recurso trófico de los poblamiento de anfípodos asociado a dichos depredadores demersales como T. pavo. hábitats, tanto en la colonización del hábitat Estos cambios en la interacción predador- como en los hábitos alimenticios, cabe presa podrían tener consecuencias en las estudiar si altera indirectamente la redes tróficas de los ecosistemas costeros eficiencia de los depredadores alterando la del Mediterráneo. disponibilidad de presas para estos niveles tróficos superiores. Para probar los efectos 7. Discusión de los cambios en la estructura del hábitat como resultado de la colonización por C. Muchas de las especies invasoras ejercen racemosa en la disponibilidad de presas fuertes impactos sobre las comunidades y para los depredadores, se evaluó en primer los ecosistemas invadidos (Vila 2009) y lugar la importancia de dos grandes transforman las características del subordenes de anfípodos, gamáridos y ecosistema (Richardson et al. 2000), lo que caprélidos, como recurso trófico en el inevitablemente conduce a cambios en las hábitat naturales e invadidos por C. comunidades biológicas. Si una especie racemosa. Posteriormente se llevaron a introducida puede en sí misma alterar los cabo experimentos para evaluar los efectos procesos a nivel del ecosistema, tales como del alga invasora sobre la depredación de la productividad primaria o secundaria, la Thalassoma pavo sobre dos especies de hidrología, el ciclo de nutrientes, el anfípodos tipo: Elasmopus brasiliensis desarrollo del sustrato, o la frecuencia de (Gammaridea) y Caprella dilatata perturbación, entonces esta claro que las (Caprellidea). Los experimentos se llevaron propiedades de las distintas especies a cabo en diferentes acuarios con cinco invasoras pueden controlar el hábitats de vegetación tipo: Halopteris funcionamiento del conjunto del ecosistema scoparia, Jania rubens, C. racemosa sin (Vitousek 1986). detritus, C. racemosa con detritus, En esta tesis se ha demostrado que la ; y parcelas control. presencia y la abundancia de C. racemosa Primeramente, la vegetación era defaunada ejerce un marcado efecto en la estructura de e introducida en un acuario junto con 30 la comunidad de macroalgas de fondos individuos de anfípodos de la misma someros rocosos del Mediterráneo, especie. Tras la aclimatación de los afectando a la composición de especies y a

5 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______la biomasa de la vegetación, y aumentando (1995) encontró unos valores de abundancia a su vez la concentración de detritus. Con y de riqueza específica de fauna asociada al respecto a estos cambios en la vegetación alga invasora C. taxifolia muy bajos, resultantes de la presencia de C. racemosa, posiblemente debido a la baja complejidad se detectó una importante reducción en la del nuevo hábitat creado por esta alga. No riqueza de especies durante el período más obstante, otros estudios encuentran mayores cálido, debido a la dominancia del alga abundancias y riqueza específica de la invasora. En cambio, durante el periodo macrofauna en el alga invasora Undaria más frío, coincidiendo con el ciclo pinnatifida comparado con las algas vegetativo más bajo de C. racemosa, la autóctonas (Irigoyen et al. 2010). Dichos riqueza específica entre hábitats invadidos y autores sugieren que podría ser debido a no invadidos fue similar. Sin embargo, la causa de la mayor complejidad de hábitat biomasa algal en sitios invadidos fue creada por dicha alga invasora, la cual inferior. Esto sugiere que cuando C. ofrece diferentes oportunidades de refugio y racemosa está aparentemente ausente, la alimentación, comparado con los hábitats comunidad algal se caracteriza por autóctonos morfológicamente más simples. presentar valores altos de riqueza específica En el caso de fondos duros de la presente pero altos en términos de biomasa, tesis, tanto la riqueza específica como la característico de una etapa temprana de abundancia de los anfípodos fueron madurez sucesional del ecosistema (Klein y mayores en aquellos hábitats creados por Verlaque 2009a). Acorde con otros algas autóctonas. Por el contrario, ambos estudios, las algas alóctonas pueden alterar parámetros poblacionales en fondos blandos la estructura de las comunidades nativas fueron mayores en C. racemosa incluso cuando éstas se encuentran en fase comparados con los otros, a excepción de de letargo (Bulleri et al 2010). Por tanto, los las praderas de P. oceanica. Estos efectos negativos de C. racemosa se resultados podrían también ser explicados detectan durante todo el año, incluso por la complejidad y heterogeneidad del durante el periodo invernal cuando hábitat. El hábitat creado por C. racemosa supuestamente desaparece esta alga (Klein en fondos rocosos es menos complejo y y Verlaque 2009b). Además, uno de los más homogéneo que el proporcionada por impactos remarcables de C. racemosa es la las algas nativas, las cuales ofrecen un acumulación de detritus, la cual persiste a lo hábitat heterogéneo y parcheado largo de todo el año, a pesar de la compuestos por especies más complejas, y importante variabilidad estacional de así mismo ofrecen un mayor número de biomasa de C. racemosa. El entramado microhábitats formado por epífitos. Por el generado por los estolones de esta especie contrario, en fondos blandos el alga favorece la retención de detritus, mientras invasora añade complejidad estructural que la estructura multicapa formada por los donde no existía previamente. talos atrapa el sedimento. Esta acumulación podría alterar el ciclo biogeoquímico, Aparte de las diferencias en la abundancia y modificando la disponibilidad de alimento y riqueza de especies del poblamiento de nutrientes y afectando a la calidad de los anfípodos, se ha observado un gran cambio recursos en el ecosistema (Crooks 2002). en cuanto a la composición de dichos En las poblaciones de anfípodos estudiadas poblamientos. En C. racemosa se ha se ha observado que la expansión de C. detectado un aumento en la abundancia de racemosa genera cambios en la especies detritívoras y una disminución de complejidad, heterogeneidad y calidad del las herbívoras. Estos cambios, además de la hábitat. Los poblamientos de anfípodos estructura del hábitat, pueden ser explicados asociados a C. racemosa difieren de por los diferentes tipos de colonización de aquellas asociadas a las algas autóctonas. las distintas especies para un hábitat dado, y Diversos autores han demostrado que la dicha colonización dependerá de las modificación de la complejidad del hábitat preferencias de hábitat de cada especie, los afecta a las poblaciones de crustáceos recursos tróficos disponibles en cada (Stoner, 1980, Virnstein 1987, Sánchez- hábitat, así como por la diferente presión Jerez et al. 1999). Bellan-Santini et al. por depredación existente en cada hábitat.

6 ______Resumen

De los experimentos de colonización de efectos indirectos sobre las relaciones hábitat realizados en esta tesis se desprende tróficas que se generan. que en general, la mayoría de las especies estaban más asociadas a las algas Comprender los impactos de las especies autóctonas que a la invasora, por lo que la invasoras en los ecosistemas naturales es un preferencia por un determinado hábitat componente importante para desarrollar podría ser un factor determinante en la estrategias de gestión adecuadas. Esta tesis distribución de la fauna. La disponibilidad ha llenado lagunas importantes en el de alimento parece ser crucial para estos conocimiento de los efectos de la invasión cambios en las especies detritívoras y de C. racemosa var cylindracea en los herbívoras. Por un lado, el detritus ecosistemas receptores del litoral acumulado por C. racemosa es un hábitat Mediterráneo, pero ha abierto más vías de ideal para los detritívoros, donde el recurso investigación. Por ejemplo, los efectos que trófico es ilimitado. Por otro lado, las C. racemosa está causando en otros especies herbívoras se encuentran en importantes taxones de invertebrados desventaja ya que su recurso trófico bentónicos (poliquetos, moluscos y otros principal, las algas epífitas, no están crustáceos) debe ser investigado con el fin disponibles en los hábitats creados por C. de evaluar este tipo de efectos en el racemosa, y por consiguiente estas especies conjunto de los invertebrados bentónicos. necesitan adaptarse a nuevos recursos Los efectos indirectos causados por las tróficos. invasiones biológicas pueden ser más importantes que los efectos directos En cuanto a los efectos que C. racemosa (Gilman et al. 2010). Por tanto, las ejerce en términos de depredación sobre la consecuencias que genera indirectamente C. población de anfípodos, en esta tesis se ha racemosa a la comunidad de anfípodos evidenciado que dicha alga invasora reduce debe ser investigado. A pesar de que hemos la disponibilidad de las presas para encontrado una modificación en la dieta de determinados peces depredadores anfípodos herbívoros que viven en C. demersales como T. pavo, pese a las altas racemosa, se desconocen las consecuencias abundancias de anfípodos encontradas en C. para la condición biológica de la fauna racemosa. Además, la presencia de C. autóctona. Son necesarios futuros racemosa podría afectar al flujo de materia experimentos para analizar los efectos de y energía de los invertebrados a mayores esta modificación, como por ejemplo, niveles tróficos, aspecto propuesto por estudios basados en el crecimiento, la Crooks (2002) como uno de los posibles reproducción y la supervivencia de las efectos que podrían causar las especies especies afectadas. En esta tesis se ha invasoras en los ecosistemas. Si C. demostrado una alta disponibilidad de racemosa coloniza grandes extensiones de detritus como alimento para los anfípodos, sustrato, podrían darse fenómenos de pero la calidad nutricional de este detritus “bottom-up” que fuercen a los depredadores es desconocida. También se desconoce si la a utilizar nuevas áreas en busca de recursos producción secundaria de anfípodos u otros tróficos. No obstante, estudios con Undaria taxones bentónicos se ve modificada por la pinnatifida especulan que en algunos casos propagación del alga invasora y en las algas invasoras podrían producir un consecuencia sus efectos ecológicos, y se efecto “bottom-up” positivo en las cadenas hace necesaria más investigación básica tróficas locales, debido a un aumento de la enfocada a los requerimientos tróficos y abundancia de presas para una amplia hábitos alimenticios de los anfípodos. variedad de depredadores (Irigoyen et al. Además, son de especial interés futuros 2010), pero se desconoce la disponibilidad estudios sobre las relaciones tróficas entre de dichos individuos para los depredadores. diversos taxones de los ecosistemas Por tanto, las algas invasoras pueden bentónicos que permitan evaluar los producir efectos de “bottom-up” positivos o cambios de flujo de materia y energía en la negativos dependiendo de las características red trófica marina como consecuencia de la de las comunidades receptoras y de los llegada especies invasoras.

7 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______


1. La propagación de la Caulerpa específica fueron mayores en el alga racemosa en hábitats someros del nativas Halopteris scoparia. Mediterráneo causa un gran efecto sobre la estructura del hábitat con una marcada 6. En cualquier caso, las unidades estacionalidad, mostrando una biomasa experimentales de C. racemosa fueron de 3 a 4 veces mayor en el período colonizadas por varias especies con unos cálido, y en consecuencia, modifica la valores de abundancia relativamente composición de los poblamientos de altos, y la presencia de detritus parece anfípodos en comparación con los facilitar el proceso de colonización. hábitats nativos. 7. La expansión de C. racemosa en la 2. C. racemosa acumula detritus comunidad de algas autóctonas produce debido al desarrollo de la intrincada red cambios en los hábitos alimenticios de de estolones y rizoides. El detritus que se los anfípodos herbívoros Ampithoe encuentran en hábitats colonizados por el ramondi y Dexamine spiniventris, que alga invasora fue mucho mayor que la dejan de comer tejidos vegetales, encontrada en los hábitats formados por posiblemente debido a la falta de una vegetación nativa en las mismas comunidad de epifitos, y por el contrario, condiciones de hidrodinamismo, y esto aumenta la importancia del detritus afecta a la heterogeneidad del hábitat. acumulado como recurso trófico. Sin embargo, como se podía esperar, los 3. La abundancia y riqueza de hábitos alimenticios de detritívoros, especies de anfípodos en fondos duros como Apocorophium acutum, no se fueron menores en los sitios colonizados vieron afectados por la expansión de C. por C. racemosa, pero estas diferencias racemosa. fueron mayores en el período más frío. Sin embargo, en fondos blandos C. 8. La explotación trófica de anfípodos racemosa mantiene un poblamiento de asociados a C. racemosa por los anfípodos diverso y abundante en depredadores, como T. pavo, puede verse comparación con los hábitats nativos, a reducido en comparación con las tasas de excepción de P. oceanica en el período depredación en los hábitats autóctonos, más cálido. siendo muy importante el diferente uso de microhábitats por parte de las presas. 4. La expansión de C. racemosa afecta Sin embargo, la presencia de detritus en de diferente modo en función de los el hábitat de C. racemosa no mostró una grupos tróficos. Se detectó una mayor reducción significativa en las tasas de abundancia de las especies detritívoras depredación. como Apocorophium acutum, y una disminución de las especies herbívoras 9. La composición del poblamiento de como Ampithoe ramondi, Hyale schmidti anfípodos asociado a C. racemosa se y el caprélido Caprella hirsuta. diferencia claramente de otros hábitats naturales. El comportamiento trófico de 5. Hemos demostrado este grupo en parte se ve modificado, así experimentalmente que el proceso de como su disponibilidad para los colonización de hábitats vegetados puede depredadores. Por tanto, los anfípodos verse afectado por la presencia de C. son un componente clave de los racemosa. Por ejemplo, algunas ecosistemas marinos para entender los especies, como Elasmopus brasiliensis, efectos de esta alga invasora. Gammarella fucicola, Lysianassa costae y Lysianassa longicornis, parecen evitar el hábitat proporcionado por el alga invasora, y su abundancia total y riqueza


______General abstract

General abstract

Invasive are one of the most On the basis of these results, we obvious threats to biodiversity, but there is hypothesized that colonization of vegetated a dearth of knoledge of the effects of these habitats by amphipods will be modified by species on marine ecosystems. Caulerpa the presence of C. racemosa, and that such racemosa var. cylindracea is one of the an effect mainly results from accumulation most notable invaders in the Mediterranean of detritus by the alien alga. Overall, Sea, whose invasive ability and negative amphipod species richness and abundance impacts on macrophyte assemblages are were higher in the native alga H. scoparia, quite known. However, studies on the whose forests have a higher structural ecological effects that C. racemosa causes complexity than the invasive alga and serve on macroinvertebrates associated with as an important habitat for amphipod natural vegetated habitats, and its assemblages. However, some amphipods consequences to other trophic levels, have exhibit a wide distribution range and are not not been undertaken. This PhD thesis affected by the spread of C. racemosa, but focused on the ecological effects of C. the detritus accumulated by C. racemosa is racemosa on amphipod assemblages in a determining factor for colonization by shallow-water coastal habitats in the some amphipod species. Mediterranean Sea. Despite the fact that certain amphipod To better understand of the effects of C. species coexist in invaded and non-invaded racemosa on native assemblages, the habitats, sharing the space as a resource, influence that invasive species exert on nothing is known wether these species are habitat structure of hard and soft bottom benefiting from the same trophic resources. algal assemblages and, consequently, on the Through stomach content analyses of assemblage structure of associated amphipods from in both native and invaded amphipods was studied. Effects of C. assemblages, it has been racemosa on habitat structure were demonstrated in this thesis that the demonstrated, as the alga influenced the expansion of C. racemosa to native algal species composition and biomass of communities changes the feeding habits of macroalgae, and accumulating detritus. In herbivorous amphipods, since their turn, such changes in habitat features preferred food (epiphytic algae) is not affected the associated amphipod available in the new habitat produced by C. assemblages with different ecological racemosa, probably due to the presence of requirements. However, the species caulerpenynes. Nevertheless, other species richness and abundance of amphipods were not affected or benefited by the supported by C. racemosa were relatively invasion such as detritivorous species high. On one hand, the species composition whose main food source and habitat remain of amphipods on rocky habitats changed available. Altogether, slight changes in the completely, where some species such as trophodynamism of amphipod assemblages Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale schmidti did have been detected, which could have not colonize invaded habitats, while others unpredictable consequences for amphipod such as Apocorophium acutum were populations. favoured by the spread of C. racemosa. On the other hand, differences in the Not only does C. racemosa affect the assemblage structure among the different habitat structure and trophic resources for habitats on soft bottoms were also found, some amphipod species, but it also affects Microdeutopus obtusatus was favoured by higher trophic levels such as demersal fish C. racemosa habitat, Ampelisca diadema predators. In this thesis it has been was associated with C. prolifera beds, and experimentally demonstrated that Hyale schmidti was more abundant in P. amphipods were less available to fish oceanica meadows. predators (Thalassoma pavo) where C. racemosa was present independently of the presence of detritus. Therefore, alteration of

11 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______habitat structure by the introduction of the food webs. Understanding the impacts of alien alga may provide a better refuge for invasive species on natural ecosystems is an amphipods. Moreover, caprellids were more important step in developing management predated than gammarids in all habitat strategies. This thesis has filled substantial types, due to their different uses of gaps in knowledge of the effects of invasive microhabitat. seaweed C. racemosa var. cylindracea on recipient ecosystems, but has opened more Habitat invasion by C. racemosa can have avenues of investigation of major an important influence on biotic importance. Further studies about fitness of assemblages, modifying both habitat species, other invertebrate benthic taxa and structure and the associated amphipod food-web interactions in the ecosystems assemblages, promoting some indirect affected by invasions are necessary for a effects in the energetic budget of better understanding of how invasive populations, which may affect the life seaweeds affect the shallow water marine history of amphipods. Furthermore, the ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea. changes detected in predator-prey interactions could have consequences for


______Chapter 1

1. General introduction

1.1. Invasive seaweeds in the discontinuity between its native area and Mediterranean Sea the new area, and (iv) new generations of the non-native species are propagated in The Mediterranean and the Black Seas are situ without human assistance and ecologically diverse, containing about 6.4% constitute self-sustaining populations of the total world marine species, even (Carlton 1985, Ribera and Boudouresque though the surface of the Mediterranean 1995, Williamson and Fitter 1996, only represents the 0.8% of the total surface Boudouresque 1999, Boudouresque and of the oceans. An estimate of 12725 species Verlaque 2002). Additionally, an invasive of macroscopic marine organisms has been species can be considered as an introduced made for the Mediterranean (11594 species that is ecologically and/or metazoans and 1131 macrophytes; Coll et economically harmful (Williamson and al. 2010). Fitter 1996, Clout 1998).

This high species richness is also The kinetics of an introduction of species accompanied by a high level of endemic has four phases (Fig. 1.2): (i) arrival; (ii) species, with an average of 20.2% for installation (settlement phase). This phase metazoans and 22.3% for macrophytes ends either by elimination of the candidate (Coll et al. 2010). Even though the species, or by naturalization Mediterranean Sea is the most heavily (establishment): it can then be considered invaded region in the world for introduced; (iii) the expansion phase: the macrophytes (Williams and Smith 2007, species tries to occupy all biotopes and the Fig. 1.1), with over 125 introduced whole geographical area that are accessible; macrophytes species, 21 of them being and (iv) the phase of persistence. This last invasive or potentially invasive (Verlaque phase can take two different forms, pers. com.). depending on if there is or not natural decline (Fig. 1.2), during or at the end of An introduced species is a species that: (i) expansion phase (Fig. 1.2; Mollison 1986, colonizes a new area where it was not Boudouresque 1999, Wonham et al. 2000). previously present, (ii) the extension of its The change from one phase to another is range is linked, directly or indirectly, to called transition by Kolar and Lodge human activity, (iii) there is a geographical (2001).

Figure 1.1. Introduced range of invasive seaweeds (from Williams and Smith 2007)

15 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

Figure 1.2. The kinetics of an introduction of species without (A) and with (B) natural decline (Boudouresque 1999)

According to available data, since the early from aquaria, releases of species used as twentieth century the number of invasive packing material for fishing baits or macrophyte species is considered epiphytic species that have arrived on their exponential and nearly doubles every 20 exotic host (Verlaque et al. 2007). years (Ribera and Boudouresque 1995), Aquaculture is the main vector of with the Indo-Pacific region being the main introduction of macrophytes followed by donor area (Fig. 1.3, Verlaque et al. 2007). ship traffic (vessels) and the Suez Canal Following this tendency, 80 new species are (Fig. 1.4, Galil 2009). Once introduced, an expected to be introduced in the next 20 exotic species can spread by one or several years. In the Mediterranean Sea, those of the previous vectors (Verlaque et al. introductions may result from a variety of 2007). Among seaweeds, certain families causes (vectors), like transportation of contain more invaders than expected by species on the hulls of ships and offshore chance as is the case of the family structures (fouling), deballasting of waters Caulerpacea (Williams and Smith 2007). In and solid matters transported by ships, the Mediterranean Sea, two of the most opening of the Suez Canal, importations of invasive seaweeds belong to this family and aquaculture species from native regions, specifically to the genus Caulerpa: C. transfers between basins, accidental escapes taxifolia and C. racemosa.

Figure 1.3. Arrivals of exotic macrophytes species in the Mediterranean and the main donor areas (from Verlaque et al. 2007)

16 ______Chapter 1

Figure 1.4. Number of alien macrophytes presented by their means of introduction (from Galil 2009)

1.2. The invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa Verlaque, Huisman and Boudouresque (hereafter C. racemosa). The invasive C. The family Caulerpacea belongs to the racemosa is characterized by having a phylum Clorophycophyta and is in the slender thallus fixed to the substratum by order . This family contains 87 means of thin rhizoids having a length of 2- species grouped in two: Caulerpa with 86 20 mm and a diameter of 0.3-0.5 that are species and Caulerpella with 1 species closely arranged along the stolon. The (Guiry and Guiry 2007). Caulerpa stolon is 0.7-2.0 mm in diameter and bears racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh is a species simple or occasionally branched upright widely distributed in tropical to warm- axes up to 19 cm and 3-10 mm across. The temperate regions. Verlaque et al. (2000) basal part of upright axes is slightly inflated suggested that three distinct taxa of C. immediately above the attachment to the racemosa were co-occurring in the stolon. Upright axes bear uncrowded Mediterranean Sea: vesiculate branchlets that are radially or distichously arranged (sometimes both on - An intermediate between C. racemosa the same thallus) on a cylindrical rachis. var. turbinata (J. Agardh) Eubank and The branchlets are clavate (1.5-) 2-5 (-7) uvifera (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, known mm long and 1-3 mm in greatest diameter since 1926. shortly below the rounded apices, and upwardly directed (Verlaque et al. 2003). - C. racemosa var. lamourouxii (Turner) Weber-van Bosse f. requienii In just 19 years, C. racemosa spread (Montagne) Weber-van Bosse, known through the whole Mediterranean. It since 1950s. currently appears in 12 countries and most of the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, and - Invasive variety closed to C. racemosa also in the Canary Islands in the Atlantic var. occidentalis (J. Agardh) Børgesen, Ocean. In Figure 1.5 it can be seen that known since 1990s. most observations of C. racemosa in the Mediterranean Sea have been done in the Verlaque et al. (2003) identified this northern part, on the European shores. This invasive variety as may be due to a higher research and Sonder, endemic to south-west Australia, sampling effort applied in these countries, and currently known as C. racemosa var. but very probably C. racemosa is also laetevirens f. cylindracea (Sonder) Weber- present in the countries of the southern van Bosse. These authors, after Mediterranean coast. Figure 1.5 it must be morphological and genetic studies, added the recent detection of C. racemosa classified this invasive variety as C. in Ceuta (Rivera-Ingraham et al. 2010). racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder)

17 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

Figure 1.5. Distribution of C. racemosa var. cylindracea in the Mediterranean Sea.

There are many features that confer a high These variations are reflected in the invasive capacity to this alga, one of which biomass of algae, and the length and growth is its capability to complete its life cycle in of the stolons. A quite pronounced the Mediterranean, being able to reproduce regression in winter has been detected in both sexually and asexually by stolons several Mediterranean localities (Piazzi et (Panayotidis and Žuljevi 2000). It is also al. 2001a, Ruitton et al. 2005, Capiomont et able to grow on any type of substrate and al. 2005, Mezgui et al. 2007), almost other benthic organisms (Piazzi et al. 1997). reaching an apparent disappearance. Another feature that contributes to this However, in southern Italy, this seasonal invasive capacity and characterizes all decline has not been detected (Giaccone Caulerpa species is the production of and Di Martino 1995). According to this chemicals called caulerpenynes, which are pattern, the maximum length of stolons the most abundant secondary metabolites reaches the highest volumes between and cytotoxic substances produced by these September and November (Piazzi and algae. The levels of caulerpenynes found in Cinelli 1999). Similarly, the growth of C. racemosa and C. taxifolia are much stolons peaked in August (Piazzi and higher than those found in other species of Cinelli 1999). However, a variation in the genus (Guerriero et al. 1994). This summer has been also detected due to substances acts as a chemical defense temperature fluctuations by strong north- against several organisms; on one hand it wind episodes (Ruitton et al. 2005). Stolon avoids that the alga is preyed on by grazing growth was almost double in Livorno (1.26 animals and presents inhibitory effects on cm/day) than in Marseille (0.75 cm/day). the growth and fouling (Lemée et al. 1993, The highest number of fronds and stolon 1997) thus decreasing the number of length per m2 of C. racemosa has been macrophytes that grow around, completely observed in Croatia (Žuljevi et al. 2003). suppressing the presence of epiphytes on In terms of biomass found for C. racemosa, their leaves, and consequently avoiding the highest values reached up to 237.5 g dw interspecific competition. m-2 on rock and up to 447 g dw m-2 on dead Posidonia oceanica in October (Piazzi et al. It should be noted that there are pronounced 2001b). Using the data from the studies variations in the seasonal dynamics of C. cited above we can represent the annual racemosa. Being a tropical seaweed, its cycle of C. racemosa in terms of biomass, distribution and annual cycle are greatly length and growth of stolon (Fig. 1.6). affected by changes in water temperature.

18 ______Chapter 1

racemosa while crustacean assemblages decreased. Carriglio et al. (2003) observed an increase in densities, diversity and evenness of meiofauna assemblages invaded by C. racemosa compared to controls, resulting in increased percentages of crustaceans and annelids. However, no effect of the presence of C. racemosa on zoobenthic assemblages of the rocky infralittoral zone was detected by Casu et al. (2005).

Regarding the polychaeta assemblages, a higher species richness has been found in C. racemosa invaded areas (Cantone 1999, Box et al. 2010) suggesting positive effects on them (Box et al. 2010). Other studies have demonstrated that the decapod community of invasive Caulerpa species, C. racemosa and C. taxifolia, and Posidonia oceanica seagrass are similar in species composition. In addition, several species commonly found in P. oceanica meadows increase their abundances in the presence of invasive Caulerpa (Box 2008). Figure 1.6. Seasonal dynamics of C. Three studies on the malacofauna racemosa in terms of biomass (g dw m-2), associated with C. racemosa have produced stolon length (mm-2) and growth of contrasting results. While a low species stolons (cm per day). Modified from Piazzi richness (14 species) was observed by and Cinelli 1999; Ruitton et al. 2005 and Pandolfo and Chemello (1995), later studies Capiomont et al. 2005. (Buia et al. 2001, Box 2008) found higher species richness (42 and 37 species respectively), which fluctuated according to the seasonal biomass cycle of C. racemosa. 1.3. Effects of C. racemosa on the Furthermore, several herbivorous molluscs Mediterranean Sea fauna have been encountered on C. racemosa (Gianguzza et al. 2001, 2002, Yokes and Numerous studies have dealt with the Rudman 2004, Cavas and Yurdakoc 2005, introduction of C. racemosa, investigating Djellouli et al. 2006), despite the secondary its , biology and ecology, metabolites produced by the invasive algae. distribution and spread, seasonality and Moreover, two sea urchins, Paracentrotus dynamics, and impacts on macrophyte lividus and , assemblages; which are well described in consume C. racemosa (Ruitton et al. 2006, the review carried out by Klein and Cebrian et al. 2010, Tomas et al. 2010), and Verlaque (2008). However, few reliable some other zoobenthic taxa significantly studies have been undertaken to quantify feed on detritus accumulated by C. the impact of C. racemosa on the fauna racemosa (Casu et al. 2009). Furthermore, inhabiting the vegetated substrates. The first C. racemosa has frequently been observed study dealing with the interaction between creeping on various kinds of macrobenthic C. racemosa and the associated fauna in the animals such as sponges, gorgonian, corals Mediterranean Sea was carried out by and sea anemones (Žuljevi et al. 2004, Argyrou et al. (1999). They detected Tsirika et al. 2006, Kruzic et al. 2008). changes in benthic invertebrates; this was reflected by an increase in the percentage of Concerning the interactions with fish polychaete assemblages in presence of C. assemblages, some studies have detected no

19 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______significant differences in abundance, used simultaneously, successively in time biomass and species richness of fish or according to environmental conditions assemblages between invaded and non- (Ruffo et al. 1998). Additionally, they serve invaded areas, but suggested that as a food source for a large variety of Symphodus rostratus and S. mediterraneus marine predators (Stoner 1979, Beare and tend to decrease in abundance and biomass Moore 1997, Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999, in invaded areas (Martínez-Garrido et al. 2002; Stål et al. 2007), hence playing a key 2010). Nevertheless, other studies have role in energy flow through food webs. demonstrated that some fish species, such as Sarpa salpa and Spondyliosoma Amphipods are Peracarid crustaceans, cantharus, consume C. racemosa (Box et which involve having protected larval al. 2009, Tomas et al. 2010, Tomas et al. development in the marsupium of females 2011); although the first one suggested that and a life cycle completely associated with this ingestion might be unintentional. Some the benthos. Thus, amphipods have been other fish species have also been observed described as species with local population grazing on C. racemosa stands, such as development in line with the environmental , Pagellus acarne, Sarpa salpa conditions of the medium due to their low and Siganus luridus (Nizamuddin 1991, dispersal power (Virnstein 1987, Sanchez- Lundberg et al. 1999, Azzurro et al. 2004, Jerez and Ramos-Esplá 1996) and Ruitton et al. 2006). significantly responding to habitat modification (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 2000). Some species exhibit high habitat 1.4. Amphipods as important component specificity while others tolerate a range of of the Mediterranean coastal ecosystem habitat alteration that may result from pollution, invasion by alien species and One of the most ubiquitous and abundant other disturbances, and can therefore be invertebrate groups in marine vegetated used as an indicator of environmental habitats are the amphipods, whose densities impacts on vegetated habitats (Bellan- often reach several thousands individuals Santini 1980, Virnstein 1987, Conradi et al. per square meter (Brawley 1992, Tuya et al. 1997). 2010). There are around 48 families present in the Mediterranean, most of them free- living species. In the Mediterranean Sea 1.5. PhD Thesis justification: Why effects there is a high degree of endemism with of C. racemosa on native communities respect to benthic amphipods should be studied? (approximately 37% of species; Ruffo 1998). Benthic amphipods can be found in It is widely accepted that global marine all the zones present in Mediterranean Sea biodiversity and its value as producer of (adlittoral, supralittoral, midlittoral, valuable resources is threatened by infralittoral, circalittoral, bathyal and anthropogenic activities. In particular, abyssal), exhibiting the highest diversity in overfishing, habitat alteration and the infralittoral zone where approximately destruction, global climate change and the 69% of the species are represented (Ruffo introduction of alien marine species has et al. 1998). They populate all types of been identified as the main stressors, habitats, being a key faunal component in especially in coastal regions (Norse 1993, the seagrass beds and act as important Vitousek et al. 1997, Carlton 2000). recyclers of organic matter (Sanchez-Jerez Specifically, biological invasions are et al. 2002). They also are important considered a major threat to marine systems secondary producers (Carrasco and Arcos (Ribera and Boudouresque 1995). The rate 1984, Highsmith and Coyle 1990, Sarvala of marine introductions, including and Uitto 1991) and exhibit a wide range of introductions of seaweeds, have increased feeding strategies -grazers, filter and detritic over the last 20 years (Verlaque et al. feeders, predators, scavengers, carnivores, 2007), nonetheless, the current knowledge omnivores and phytophages (both macro of impacts of alien macroalgae is even and microphages)- which are sometimes sparser than for other taxonomic groups of

20 ______Chapter 1 aliens. This contrasts to the perception that general introduction, followed by five invading macroalgae present serious research chapters and ending with a general potential impacts, because they may alter discussion which, analyzes and compares ecosystem structure and function by with other studies all the gathered monopolizing space, developing into information in order to better understand ecosystem engineers, and altering foodwebs the ecological effects of C. racemosa. (Schaffelke and Hewitt 2007). The following points of this introduction Despite the fact that C. racemosa is present the issues considered in each of the comparable to C. taxifolia in terms of their five research chapters. capacity to colonize and alter native assemblages, there is a wide disparity in the effort and means used to attempt to cope Does C. racemosa modify the with these two invasive Caulerpa species. amphipod assemblage on hard bottoms? The vast majority of studies carried out to asses the impact of C. racemosa on the Since the first records of spread of C. associated fauna have used punctual racemosa along Mediterranean coastal sampling and results were merely areas, several studies concerning the descriptive, which present difficulties ecology of this species have been reaching specific conclusions and undertaken (see a review in Klein and guidelines for the management of such an Verlaque 2008). However, information on invasion event. Overall, community-level changes on the associated fauna brought ecological interactions involving introduced about by the invasive alga is lacking seaweeds constitute a major research gap; (Argyrou et al. 1999; Piazzi and Balata and the indirect effects between trophic 2008). The main aim of this chapter is to levels, the mobility of consumers, and assess the effects of C. racemosa on restrictions on replications represent current amphipod assemblages associated with a research challenges (Williams and Smith shallow-water rocky bottom habitat in the 2007). Klein and Verlaque (2008) south-western Mediterranean Sea, by particularly indicated the lack of in-depth comparing natural rocky algal assemblages rigorous studies concerning C. racemosa, invaded and non-invaded by C. racemosa. specifically on its impacts. Moreover, much The hypothesis tested in this study was that of the speculation remains to be tested and the invasion of rocky habitats invaded by C. the number of localities studied is racemosa should influence the habitat insufficient. More rigorous studies (as far as structure of algal assemblages and, experimental design is concerned) are consequently, the assemblage structure of needed, in order to properly evaluate the associated epifauna such as amphipods, in impact of C. racemosa in different habitats terms of species richness and abundance. and regions of the Mediterranean Sea. This is essential for a better understanding of Does C. racemosa change the how C. racemosa can modify amphipod assemblage on soft bottoms? Mediterranean marine ecosystems, as well as the potential extent of this invasion. On soft bottoms, C. racemosa grows on sandy substrates, either unvegetated areas 1.5.1. Aims and thesis structure or covering dead matte of Posidonia oceanica, competing with other This PhD thesis will focus on the general macrophytes for space. The aims of this aim of identifying the ecological effects that chapter were to compare the structure of C. racemosa causes on macroinvertebrates amphipod assemblages associated with C. associated with natural vegetated habitats, racemosa stands on soft bottoms with those focusing on amphipods because of their associated with unvegetated habitat and importance as key components of habitat vegetated by native species Mediterranean marine ecosystems. To reach (Caulerpa prolifera, Cymodocea nodosa this purpose, this work is structured in and Posidonia oceanica). The hypothesis seven parts, the first corresponding to the tested was that C. racemosa stands on soft

21 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______bottoms may increase spatial complexity, are affected by the spread of the invasive C. thus differing from the amphipod racemosa, through the analysis of the assemblages that can be found associated stomach contents of amphipods living in with unvegetated habitats or those having both native and invaded seaweeds native macroalgae and seagrasses. assemblages. Does C. racemosa affect Does C. racemosa affect colonization of vegetated habitats by amphipod prey availability to predators? amphipods? In spite of the importance of the spread of Studies dealing with the ecology of C. racemosa, data on the potential macrofauna associated with C. racemosa consequences on the trophic web are have shown that it may completely change unavailable. Therefore, the effect of the the habitat structure since it establishes a presence of this species on predation of homogeneous monospecific stand in which invertebrates by fishes was assessed. This is detritus accumulates (Piazzi et al. 2007). needed for a proper assessment of how However, such studies have mainly introduced algae can affect predation rates focussed on post-invasion assessment, of invertebrates by fishes and for a better while there is a dearth of data on the understanding of how invasive species can situation before invasion by the alien algae alter the flow of matter and energy through compared to that following invasion. We ecosystems. Thus, the general aim of the undertook an experiment to test the present chapter is to experimentally hypothesis that C. racemosa may affect determine whether invasion of colonization of vegetated habitats by Mediterranean vegetated habitats by C. amphipods, and that such effect may result racemosa generates any potential effects on from accumulation of detritus by the alien prey availability for predators. This work algae. Therefore, colonization processes also considered the importance of detritus among C. racemosa, native algae and accumulation by C. racemosa, since this artificial substrate with different levels of could affect prey availability. detritus were compared. Consequently, the predatory labrid fish Thalassoma pavo and two amphipod Does C. racemosa modify the species with different living strategies -one feeding habits of amphipods? gammarid and one caprellid- were selected. It was hypothesized that (i) the rate of From results obtained in previous chapters predation of amphipods by T. pavo is it is known that some amphipod species affected in vegetated habitat invaded by C. coexist in both native and invaded habitats, racemosa, compared to native vegetated using the space and maybe the available habitats, (ii) predation rates in C. racemosa trophic resources. However, it is still are reduced because of the presence of unknown if these species change their diet accumulated detritus (compared to and adapt to the potential new resources uninvaded vegetated habitat, where no resulted from the presence of C. racemosa. detritus is accumulated) and (iii) different The main objective of this chapter was to use of microhabitats by different prey asses if the feeding habits of amphipods species affects predation. associated with coastal plant communities

22 ______Chapter 1

Material published or under review

- Chapter 2 and 3:

Vázquez-Luis M, Sanchez-Jerez P, and Bayle-Sempere JT (2008) Changes in amphipod (Crustacea) assemblages associated with shallow-water algal habitats invaded by Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea in the western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research 65:416-426

Vázquez-Luis M, Guerra-García JM, Sanchez-Jerez P, and Bayle-Sempere JT (2009) Caprellid assemblages (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in shallow waters invaded by Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea from southeastern Spain. Helgoland Marine Research 63:107- 117

Vázquez-Luis M, Sanchez-Jerez P, and Bayle-Sempere JT (2009) Comparison between amphipod assemblages associated with Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea and those of other Mediterranean habitats on soft substrate. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 84:161-170

- Chapter 4:

Vázquez-Luis M, Borg JA, Sanchez-Jerez P, Bayle-Sempere JT Habitat association by amphipods: a comparison between native and alien algae. Biological Invasions, submitted

- Chapter 5:

Vázquez-Luis M, Sanchez-Jerez P, and Bayle-Sempere JT Does the invasion of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea affect the feeding habits of amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda)?. Helgoland Marine Research, submitted

- Chapter 6:

Vázquez-Luis M, Sanchez-Jerez P, and Bayle-Sempere JT (2010) Effects of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea on prey availability: an experimental approach to predation by Thalassoma pavo (Labridae) on amphipods. Hydrobiologia 654:147-154


______Chapter 2

2. Does C. racemosa modify the amphipod assemblage on hard bottoms?

2.1. Abstract

The effects of the invasive species Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (hereafter C. racemosa) on amphipod assemblages associated with shallow-water rocky habitats were studied. Two habitats located along the SE Iberian Peninsula were compared; invaded and non-invaded. The results showed that growth of C. racemosa affects habitat structure, influencing the species composition and biomass of macroalgae, and detritus accumulation. In turn, such changes in habitat features affected the associated amphipod assemblages with different ecological requirements. However, the species richness of amphipods was relatively high in both habitats, while the species composition of amphipods changed completely. For example, some species such as Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale schmidti did not colonize invaded habitats, while others such as Apocorophium acutum were favoured by the spread of C. racemosa. Habitat invasion by C. racemosa can have an important influence on biotic assemblages, modifying both habitat structure and the associated fauna, with unknown effects on the overall ecosystem.

2.2. Introduction and Connell 1987, Edgar 1992, Taylor and Cole 1994, Ayala and Martín 2003). The The green alga Caulerpa racemosa pattern of distribution and species richness (Forsskål) J. Agardh var. cylindracea and abundance of epifauna on rocky (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman et bottoms is affected by changes in the Boudouresque (Verlaque et al. 2003) composition of associated macroalgae (hereafter C. racemosa) was first detected (Connell 1972). Therefore, changes in in (Mediterranean Sea) in 1926. habitat structure of vegetated substrates More recently, during the 1990s, C. resulting from the invasion of species such racemosa spread steadily throughout the as C. racemosa could affect the associated Mediterranean region (see Piazzi et al. fauna, including amphipods. 2005). Recent genetic analyses have shown that the C. racemosa population originated Amphipods are one of the most important from the southwest coast of Western groups of invertebrates associated with Australia (Verlaque et al. 2003), and is not vegetated habitats, and they play an a lessepsian migrant as thought originally. important role as trophic resources for fish A remarkable spread of C. racemosa populations (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999, Stål throughout the Mediterranean has been et al. 2007). Amphipods respond to habitat recorded during the last 15 years or so, alteration and can therefore be used as an during which the alga invaded different indicator of environmental impacts on habitats located at water depths of 0 m to vegetated habitats (Bellan-Santini 1980, more than 60 m. The recorded rate of Virnstein 1987, Conradi et al. 1997, invasion has been much faster than that for Sanchez-Jerez et al. 2000). other invasive species such as (Verlaque et al. 2003). The rapid Since the first records of spread of C. spread of C. racemosa can be explained by racemosa along Mediterranean coastal its very efficient reproductive strategies, areas, several studies concerning the both sexual and asexual (via propagules), ecology of this species have been which is not the case with Caulerpa undertaken (see Ruitton et al. 2005, Cavas taxifolia (Panayotidis and Žuljevi 2001, et al. 2006). However, information on Renoncourt and Meisenez 2002). changes on the associated fauna brought about by the invasive alga is lacking Several studies have demonstrated that (Argyrou et al. 1999, Piazzi and Balata habitat heterogeneity and complexity play 2008). The main aim of this study was to an important role in influencing the assess the effects of C. racemosa on assemblage structure of epibenthic marine amphipod assemblages associated with a fauna (Johnson 1970, Stoner 1980, Dean shallow water rocky bottom habitat in the

27 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______southwestern Mediterranean Sea, by Several sampling sites, separated by comparing natural rocky algal assemblages hundreds of metres, with C. racemosa and and the same habitat type that has been without the alien alga, were randomly invaded by C. racemosa. The hypothesis selected across the study area. All sites tested in our study was: invasion by C. presented similar environmental conditions racemosa should influence the habitat with respect to wave exposure and light structure of rocky bottom algal assemblages (Ferrandis-Ballester and Bartolomé Pina and, consequently, the assemblage structure 1985). Three ‘invaded’ rocky habitat sites of associated epifauna such as amphipods and another three ‘non-invaded’ rocky may be affected, in terms of species habitat sites were sampled in September richness and abundance. 2004 (average water temperature = 27.5 ºC), which coincides with the period of 2.3. Materials and methods maximum vegetative growth of the alga (Piazzi and Cinelli 1999). Other sites were 2.3.1. Study area sampled again in March 2005 (water temperature = 13 ºC) which coincides with Fieldwork was carried out along the Cape the period of minimum vegetative growth. of Santa Pola (Alicante, south-east Spain; At each site, three random replications were Fig. 2.1) on a shallow rocky platform. In taken using a 20×20 cm quadrat by scraping Alicante, C. racemosa was first recorded in the whole surface using a trowel (Edgar 2002 at a site located around ten kilometres 1990). Samples were separated by tens of north of our study area, where it colonised meters. A 300 m mesh bag was attached to soft sediments and dead matte of Posidonia the quadrat to avoid loss of the motile oceanica. Following two months, C. fauna. Samples were preserved in 4% racemosa was detected on the rocky solution of formaldehyde in seawater. Each platform in our study area (Pena-Martin et replicate was sieved in sea-water through a al. 2003). The alien alga now occurs in 500 m mesh, obtaining the fine fraction of extensive areas of ecologically important detritus. In the laboratory, the amphipods rocky bottoms, on sandy and muddy were separated, identified, and counted. substrata, and on dead matte of Posidonia After that, algae were sorted as well as the oceanica. It also occurs intermixed with bigger fragments of detritus. Afterwards the Cymodocea nodosa in meadows of the macrophytes and the detritus were dried for seagrass within a wide depth range (0.2 - 24 h at 80 ºC, and weighed. The 1.5 m) and with patchy distribution. macrophytes were identified to the species level. Habitat structure was characterised 2.3.2. Sampling and experimental design using three attributes: species richness of macrophytes, biomass of each species (g) Shallow rocky habitat, located within the and quantity of detritus (g). 0.2 m - 0.5 m depth range, was sampled.

Figure 2.1. Map showing the location of Alicante on the southeastern coast of Spain, and the study area.

28 ______Chapter 2

2.3.3. Data analysis heterogeneous, untransformed data were analysed, as ANOVA is a robust statistical Two different statistical approaches were test and is relatively unaffected by used to identify potential changes in the heterogeneity of variances, particularly in amphipod assemblages and habitat features, balanced experiments (Underwood 1997), based on the null hypothesis of no change however, in such cases special care was in amphipod assemblage composition taken in the interpretation of results. between the two habitat types across Furthermore, in such cases, to reduce type I different sampling times. error, the level of significance was reduced to < 0.01. When ANOVA indicted a Multivariate analysis significant difference for a given factor, the source of difference was identified by Non-parametric multidimensional scaling applying the Student-Newman-Keul (SNK) (MDS) was used as the ordination method test (Underwood 1981, Underwood 1997). for exploring changes in amphipod and macroalgal assemblages (Clarke and Warwick 1994). The similarity matrix, 2.4. Results which was calculated using the Bray-Curtis index and double square transformation of 2.4.1. Habitat features data, was used to construct bivariate MDS plots. Calculation of percentage similarities A total of 24 taxa of macroalgae and one (SIMPER) was then applied to calculate the seagrass species were identified (Table 2.1). contribution of each species to the Species richness showed significant dissimilarity between sampling times and seasonal differences (Table 2.2; Ti=P habitats. (PRIMER software, Clarke 1993). <0.05). During September, the invaded habitat showed a reduced number of Univariate analysis macroalgal species: only five together with C. racemosa, compared with 11 species Algal biomass, C. racemosa biomass, recorded from the non-invaded habitat. The species richness of seaweeds, biomass of most important species in terms of biomass detritus, total abundance of amphipods, in the non-invaded places were Jania species richness of amphipods and rubens, Halopteris scoparia and Cystoseira abundance of seven amphipod species (the brachicarpa, while in the invaded habitat most important by SIMPER) were analysed C. racemosa, Jania rubens and Padina using ANOVA. To test whether the pavonica were most important (Table 2.1). abundance of amphipods was similar across In March, differences between invaded and habitats and times we used an analysis of non-invaded habitats were lower (14 where variance (ANOVA) which incorporated the C. racemosa was present and 16 species following factors: ‘Time of sampling’, a where it was absent). The most important fixed factor and orthogonal, with two species in non-invaded sites during March treatments: September-04 and March-05; were Corallina elongata, Jania rubens and ’habitat’, a fixed factor, with two Dictyota fasciola; and C. racemosa, treatments: macroalgal community with C. Cladophora sp. and Halopteris scoparia racemosa (invaded habitat) and without C. dominated at invaded sites (Table 2.1). The racemosa (non-invaded habitat), and ‘Site’, MDS two-dimensional representation of a random factor and nested with the both macrophyte biomass clearly showed main factors, with three random sampling segregation of sampling sites mainly related sites. to sampling time and habitat (Fig. 2.2).

Prior to ANOVA, heterogeneity of variance In the case of algal biomass, excluding C. was tested with Cochran’s C-test. Data racemosa, significant differences were were x +1 transformed if variances were noted for the invaded habitat with respect to significantly different at p = 0.05, and log(x the non-invaded habitat (Table 2.2; Fig. +1) transformed if variance was still 2.3). Total algal biomass recorded in heterogeneous. Where variance remained September was similar between the two

29 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

different habitats (347.67 ± 117.44 g dw m-2 for non-invaded habitat compared to 379.55 Differences in accumulated detritus ± 64.63 g dw m-2 for invaded habitat; Table biomass was significant between habitats 2.1), however, C. racemosa contributed a (P<0.05, Table 2.2). The highest values high value (74.6%), and replacing other were recorded from invaded habitats during native species. Non-invaded sites showed both sampling periods (472.48 g dw m-2 in the highest mean biomass value, which September and 466.92 g dw m-2 in March). reached a maximum value of 826.46 ± On the other hand, detritus biomass was 203.15 in September (Fig. 2.3). However, relatively low at non-invaded habitats total biomass (326.52 ± 79.21 g dw m-2) at during September (5.87 ± 1.51 g dw m-2), the invaded sites, without a recovery of the and higher in March (242.22 ± 47.25 g dw community in spite of the reduction of C. m-2; Fig. 2.3). racemosa biomass.

Table 2.1. Mean biomass (g dw m-2) values ± SE for the different species, together with total biomass, total species richness and detritus weight for the two sampling periods and habitats.

SEPTEMBER - 04 MARCH - 05 Species Non-invaded Invaded Non-invaded Invaded habitat habitat habitat habitat Acetabularia acetabulum (Linnaeus) P.C. Silva - - - 0.08 ± 0.06

Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål) J.V. Lamouroux 2.23 ± 1.02 19.4 ± 10.57 - 0.01 ± 0.01 Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh - 259.49 ± 65.99 - 68.91 ± 18.71 Cladophora sp. Kützing, 1843 0.30 ± 0.30 - 54.38 ±14.60 98.19 ± 28.9 Codium (cf) F.S. Collins & Hervey, 1917 - - 17.43 ± 16.87 - Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser 4.27 ± 1.55 0.78 ± 0.36 - 0.99 ± 0.63 Flabellia petiolata (Turra) Nizamuddin - - 0.13 ± 0.11 - Halimeda tuna (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux 0.09 ± 0.09 - 0.64 ± 0.64 - Ulva sp. Linnaeus - - 5.46 ± 1.64 15.15 ± 5.78 Phaeophyta Cladostephus spongiosus (Hudson) C. Agardh - - 0.15 ± 0.15 - Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbès & Solier - - 6.97 ± 4.99 3.94 ± 3.93 Cystoseira brachicarpa J. Agardh 34.75 ± 23.07 - - - Cystoseira compressa (Esper) Gerloff & Nizamuddin - - 63.92 ± 63.92 0.71 ± 0.71 Dictyota fasciola (Roth) J. V. Lamouroux 1.51 ± 0.97 - 134.78 ± 53.99 20.72 ± 17.44 Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau 35.81 ± 34.45 - 104.82 ± 57.53 68.04 ± 48.43 Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy 20.31 ± 6.86 26.87 ± 14.99 44.14 ± 34.64 37.16 ± 19.51 Sargassum vulgare C.Agardh 2.13 ± 2.13 - 32.83 ± 32.56 - Rodophyta Ceramium spp. (Hudson) C.A. Agardh 0.11 ± 0.11 - 10.72 ± 8.78 - Corallina elongata Ellis et Solander - - 186.77 ± 175.87 0.59 ± 0.59 Halopitys incurvus (Hudson) Batters - 5.13 ± 4.19 - - Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux 246.16 ± 83.17 67.87 ± 29.74 163.12 ± 113.76 - Laurencia pinnatifida (Hudson) Lamouroux - - 1.24 ± 1.24 - Peyssonnelia sp. (S.G. Gmelin) Decaisne - - - 9.88 ± 9.88 Alsidium corallinum (cf) C. Agardh - - - 0.29 ± 0.29 Seagrasses Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson - - - 1.81 ± 1.81 Total biomass 347.67 ± 117.44 379.55 ± 64.63 826.49 ± 203.15 326.52 ± 79.21

Species richness 11 6 16 15

Detritus 5.87 ± 1.51 472.48 ± 123.05 242.22 ± 47.25 466.92 ± 68.91

30 ______Chapter 2

Figure 2.2. Two-dimensional MDS plot for algal biomass; S: September-04; M: March-05; I: Invaded habitat; NI: Non-invaded habitat, for each of the six sampling sites.

Table 2.2. Result of ANOVA (three-factor) for the different habitat attributes: macrophyte species richness, macrophyte biomass, macrophyte biomass without C. racemosa, and detritus. MS = mean square; P = level of probability; df = degrees of freedom; Si= site; ns = non-significant; * significant at p < 0.05

Macrophyte Species Macrophyte biomass without Detritus F versus Source of variation df richness biomass C. racemosa MS P MS P MS P MS P Sampling time=Ti 1 53.78 0.0158* 6.59 0.2154 6.05 0.1066 191.75 0.3812 Si(TixHa) Habitat=Ha 1 2.78 0.5077 5.88 0.2395 10.04 0.0472* 1720.49 0.0241* Si(TixHa) TixHa 1 11.11 0.2029 12.34 0.1030 0.27 0.7110 210.67 0.3599 Si(TixHa) Si (TixHa) 8 5.78 0.0043* 3.64 0.0821 1.83 0.0002* 223.340.0001* Res Residual 24 1.47 1.77 0.29 31.75 Cochran’s C-test C=0.3585 ns C=0.3917 ns C=0.2616 ns C=0.3368 ns Transformation None Sqrt(X+1) Ln(X+1) None

Figure 2.3. Mean seaweed biomass (± SE) recorded from the two different sampling periods and habitats. Seaweed = biomass of seaweeds (without C. racemosa); C. racemosa = biomass of C. racemosa; and Detritus = biomass of detritus.

31 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

2.4.2. Amphipod assemblage abundance values with respect to macroalgal assemblage. Abundance of A total of 33 amphipod taxa, belonging to Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale schmidti were 13 families, were recorded (Table 2.3). significantly higher in non-invaded habitats Species richness was significantly different (Ha, P<0.05, Table 2.4; Fig. 2.6a, b). On (Ti, P<0.05, Table 2.4; Fig. 2.4a) among the other hand, Apocorophium acutum had sampling times but similar between a significantly higher abundance in the habitats. In September, species richness invaded habitat (Ha, P<0.05, Table 2.4; Fig. recorded from the habitat dominated by C. 2.6c). Significant differences were recorded racemosa was similar to that recorded from for Microdeutopus spp. in terms of the non-invaded habitat (16 and 14 species sampling times (Ti, P<0.05, Table 2.4; Fig. respectively; Table 2.3), while for both 2.6d), while it was more abundant in habitats, values were higher in March (20 September at invaded habitats but without and 24 species, Table 2.3). Only ten species significant differences. were present in both habitats and in both months: Amphilochus neapolitanus, With regard to differences between Ampithoe ramondi, Microdeutopus spp., sampling times (Table 2.3), several species Caprella hirsuta, Apocorophium acutum, appeared only in September (Amphilochus Elasmopus spp., Lysianassa costae, sp., Melita palmata and Orchomene Pereionotus testudo, Stenothoe humilis); or in March (Ampelisca diadema, monoculodes and Hyale schmidti. Seven Ampelisca serraticaudata, Lembos sp., species were found only in the non-invaded Leptocheirus guttatus, Corophium spp., habitats: Amphilochus sp., Ampelisca Corophium insidiosum, Dexamine serraticaudata, Ampithoe ferox, Lembos spiniventris, Gammarella fucicola, Melita sp., Leptocheirus guttatus, Lysianassa sp. hergensis, Lysianassa sp. and Stenothoe and Stenothoe tergestina; while there tergestina). Dissimilarity between sampling seemed to be a relationship between the times within non-invaded sites was not very invaded habitat and the following six high (48.09%); the most important species amphipods: Ampelisca diadema, contributing to this dissimilarity were Corophium spp. Corophium insidiosum, Caprella hirsuta and Hyale schmidti. Gammarella fucicola, Melita palmata and Dissimilarity between sampling times Orchomene humilis. Total abundance was within invaded sites was 51.71%, the most similar between habitats in September, but important species contributing to this there were significant differences between dissimilarity were Caprella hirsuta and the two habitats in March, with a maximum Lysianassa costae. value of 6497.22 ind m-2 recorded from the The abundance of two species (Caprella non-invaded habitat (Ti x Ha P<0.01, Table hirsuta and Elasmopus spp.) was not 2.4; Fig. 2.4b). significantly different between the two The two-dimensional MDS plot for the habitat types, but there was a clear pattern amphipod assemblages showed segregation of higher abundances in non-invaded of sampling sites that was mainly related to habitat. The abundance of Caprella hirsuta the sampling period, while moderate varied significantly with respect to season, segregation was noted by habitat type being more abundant in March (Ti, P<0.05, during March (Fig. 2.5). The main species Table 2.4; Fig. 2.6e). Elasmopus spp. responsible for dissimilarities in amphipod seemed to be more abundant on native assemblages were Caprella hirsuta, seaweeds, especially during September, but Ampithoe ramondi, Microdeutopus spp., not statistical differences were noted (Table Elasmopus spp., Apocorophium acutum, 2.4, Fig. 2.6f). Finally, the abundance of Hyale schmidti and Lysianassa costae, for Lysianassa costae, was higher in non- which an average dissimilarity of 64.73 % invaded habitats, but this was true only in was noted between habitats. Together, these March (TixHa, P<0.01, Table 2.4, Fig. species comprised 90 % of the total 2.6g); the pattern was opposite during amphipod abundance. September, but without any significant The seven most important amphipod differences. species showed different patterns of

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Table 2.3. Abundance of amphipod species (number of individuals per m2 ± SE) recorded from the different habitats for each of the two different sampling periods, together with total abundance and species richness for the two sampling periods and habitats.

SEPTEMBER - 04 MARCH - 05 Family Species Non-invaded Invaded Non-invaded Invaded habitat habitat habitat habitat

Amphilochidae Amphilochus sp. Bate, 1862 5.56 ± 5.56 - - -

Amphilochus neapolitanus Della Valle, 1893 2.78 ± 2.78 5.56 ± 5.56 50 ± 25.0 5.56 ± 3.68 Ampeliscidae Ampelisca diadema (A. Costa, 1853) - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 Ampelisca serraticaudata Chevreux, 1888 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - Amphithoidae Ampithoe ferox (Chevreux, 1902) 2.78 ± 2.78 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826 1619.44 ± 426.08 977.78 ± 425.11 830.56 ± 262.69 108.33 ± 33.07 Aoridae Lembos spp. Bate, 1856 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - Leptocheirus guttatus (Grube, 1864) - - 5.56 ± 3.68 - Microdeutopus spp. A. Costa, 1853 1130.56 ± 286.47 1433.33 ± 401.11 230.56 ± 87.28 230.56 ± 35.3 Caprellidae Caprella acanthifera Leach, 1814 - - - 127.78 ± 127.78 Caprella grandimana Mayer, 1882 - - 477.78 ± 477.78 383.33 ± 234.59 Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 116.67 ± 84.68 2.78 ± 2.78 3269.44 ± 754.05 733.33 ± 364.22 Corophiidae Corophium spp. Latreille, 1806 - - - 5.56 ± 5.56 Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) 58.33 ± 35.11 402.78 ± 108.29 27.78 ± 17.4 172.22 ± 108.45 Corophium insidiosum Crawford, 1937 - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 Ericthonius brasiliensis (Dana, 1855) - 2.78 ± 2.78 22.22 ± 15.28 8.33 ± 5.89 Dexaminidae Atylus massiliensis Bella-Santini, 1975 - 2.78 ± 2.78 105.56 ± 35.79 - Atylus guttatus (A. Costa, 1851) 2.78 ± 2.78 - 100 ± 60.42 5.56 ± 3.67 Dexamine spiniventris (A. Costa, 1853) - - 75 ± 50.69 44.44 ± 36.03 Guernea coalita (Norman, 1868) - 8.33 ± 5.89 41.67 ± 21.25 - Gammaridae Elasmopus spp. A. Costa, 1853 586.11 ± 241.35 272.22 ± 87.35 202.78 ± 63.25 97.22 ± 40.7 Gammarella fucicola (Leach, 1814) - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 Maera inaequipes (A. Costa, 1857) - 2.78 ± 2.78 11.11 ± 8.45 2.78 ± 2.78 Melita hergensis Reid, 1939 - - 16.67 ± 13.82 50 ± 44.1 Melita palmata Montagu, 1804 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - Lysianassidae Lysianassa sp. - - 13.89 ± 9.42 - Lysianassa costae Milne Edwards, 1830 127.78 ± 45.54 230.56 ± 51.67 258.33 ± 64.28 33.33 ± 27.32 Orchomene humilis (A. Costa, 1853) - 25 ± 17.68 - - Oedicerotidae Periculodes aequimanus (Kossman, 1880) 5.56 ± 3.68 - 2.78 ± 2.78 8.33 ± 5.89 Phliantidae Pereionotus testudo (Montagu, 1808) 2.78 ± 2.78 2.78 ± 2.78 19.44 ± 16.55 13.89 ± 11.11 Stenothoidae Stenothoe monoculoides (Montagu, 1813) 63.89 ± 30.08 5.56 ± 5.56 77.78 ± 27.15 36.11 ± 26.06 Stenothoe tergestina (Nebeski, 1880) - - 5.56 ± 5.56 - Talitridae Hyale schmidti (Heller, 1866) 52.78 ± 38.74 2.78 ± 2.78 605.56 ± 198.55 25 ± 13.82 Unidentified 5.56 ± 5.56 - 41.67 ± 25.68 38.89 ± 30.65

Total abundance 3861.11 ± 925.18 3383.33 ± 844.11 6497.22 ± 1586.08 2130.56 ± 793.68

Species richness 14 16 25 22

33 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

Table 2.4. Results of ANOVA (three-factor) for amphipod species richness, total abundance, and abundance of the seven most abundant species. MS = mean square; P = level of probability; df = degrees of freedom; Si= site, ns = non-significant; * significant at p < 0.05, ** significant at p < 0.01

Species richness Total abundance Ampithoe ramondi F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling time=Ti 1 78.03 0.0158* 6889.00 0.6864 13.28 0.0348* Si(TixHa) Habitat=Ha 1 42.25 0.0551 84487.11 0.1807 12.04 0.0420* Si(TixHa) TixHa 1 56.25 0.0321* 54444.44 0.0033* 2.47 0.3054 Si(TixHa) Si (TixHa) 8 8.39 0.0481* 39278.50 0.0033 * 2.06 0.0028* Res Residual 24 3.53 9534.44 0.48 Cochran’s C-test C=0.1654 ns C=0.2210 ns C=0.2488 ns Transformation None None Ln(X+1) Hyale schmidtii Apocorophium acutum Microdeutopus spp. F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling time=Ti 1 14.69 0.0104* 230.02 0.0980 23.49 0.0008* Si(TixHa) Habitat=Ha 1 16.63 0.0076* 890.02 0.0062* 0.82 0.3590 Si(TixHa) TixHa 1 6.96 0.0511 132.25 0.1934 0.0003 0.9853 Si(TixHa) Si (TixHa) 8 1.32 0.0508 65.58 0.7064 0.87 0.0943 Res Residual 24 0.56 96.77 0.44 Cochran’s C-test C=0.3841 ns C=0.3720 ns C=0.2565 ns Transformation Ln(X+1) None None Caprella hirsuta Elasmopus spp. Lysianassa costae F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling time=Ti 1 54289.01 0.0045** 15.39 0.1746 16.00 0.5058 Si(TixHa) Habitat=Ha 1 25281.01 0.0284 8.57 0.2986 53.77 0.2374 Si(TixHa) TixHa 1 21121.78 0.0406 0.21 0.8648 386.77 0.0090* Si(TixHa) Si (TixHa) 8 3549.97 0.1768 6.93 0.0033* 32.97 0.5053 Res Residual 24 2217.11 1.68 35.19 Cochran’s C-test C=0.5620 (P < 0.01) C=0.2690 ns C=0.3228 ns Transformation None Sqrt(X+1) None

Figure 2.4. (a) Mean number of amphipod species per sample (± SE) and (b) total abundance (number of individuals m-2 ± SE), recorded from the two different sampling periods and habitats.

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Figure 2.5. Two-dimensional MDS plot amphipod species abundance. S = September-04; M = March-05; I = Invaded habitat; NI = Non-invaded habitat for each of the six sampling sites.

2.5. Discussion Žuljevi 2001), together with dispersal of Our results show that the presence and fragments detached from the plant abundance of C. racemosa had a marked (Ceccherelli et al. 2001, Ceccherelli and effect on the macroalgal assemblage Piazzi 2001) and propagules (Renoncourt structure of Mediterranean shallow rocky and Meinesz 2002) permit C. racemosa to communities, affecting the species colonize a habitat very efficiently. This composition of vegetation and increasing results in strong modification of habitat the detritus stock. This causes important structure, particularly that of macroalgal changes in the associated amphipod assemblages. On the SE coast of Spain and assemblage, in terms of both abundance and other locations (e.g. Nervi, Italy; Modena et species composition. The effects of the al. 2000), colonisation by C. racemosa has invasive species on habitat structure were been mostly recorded from rocky bottom more important in September because the habitats located in shallow waters (0.5 m), alga was dominant at that time. The however, on a wider scale across the seasonal variation in abundance values for Mediterranean region (e.g. France, Italy and C. racemosa recorded from our study area Cyprus) more extensive spread of the alga was similar to that described in other have been recorded on soft bottom habitats localities, i.e. with maximum development in deeper waters (15-20 m) (Argyrou et al. in the warm season, while biomass values 1999, Verlaque et al. 2004), and on dead were similar or even greater than those matte of Posidonia oceanica. Therefore, recorded from other Mediterranean one would expect that the spread of C. localities (Piazzi and Cinelli 1999). The racemosa will extend to both rocky and soft peculiar growth of C. racemosa, with bottom habitats, as well as to degraded P. stolons that spread rapidly in all directions, oceanica meadows. and its colonisation pattern that results from sexual reproduction (Panayotidis and

35 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

Figure 2.6. Mean abundance (number of individuals ±SE) of the seven most abundant amphipods: Ampithoe ramondi (a); Hyale schmidti (b); Apocorophium acutum (c); Microdeutopus spp. (d); Caprella hirsuta (e); Elasmopus spp. (f) and Lysianassa costae (g)

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With respect to changes in vegetation web, because it could lead to a change in resulting from the presence of C. racemosa, the faunal assemblage structure resulting an important reduction in species richness from modification of trophic guilds due to was recorded in September. On the other different trophic requirements. hand, contrary to results from other studies (Piazzi et al. 2001a), species richness was With respect to the epifauna, various similar between invaded and non-invaded studies have demonstrated that modification habitats in March (the colder month), which of habitat complexity affects crustacean implies that some native species colonized assemblages (Hicks 1977, 1982; Stoner the habitat irrespective of the different 1980, Virnstein 1987, Virnstein and species composition and biomass of benthic Howard 1987, Edgar 1983, 1992; Sanchez- vegetation. Some authors have shown that Jerez et al. 1999; Ayala and Martín 2003). several years are necessary for the In our study, the amphipod assemblages development of dense and continuous C. were affected by changes in habitat racemosa stands (Ruitton et al. 2005); structure due to colonisation by C. possibly during the forthcoming years the racemosa. The total abundance of effects will persist also during the coldest amphipods was greater on native seaweeds, period at the study area, reducing the mainly in March. However, the species possibility of algae colonization. However, richness of the amphipod assemblage did the total biomass of C. racemosa recorded not decrease because of the spread of C. from our study (259 g dw m-2) is racemosa but because of an indirect effect; comparable or higher than that recorded namely the increase in detritus biomass in from studies carried out on French and invaded habitat resulted in an increase in Italian coasts, and is also higher than values the abundance of detritivores species (e.g. obtained for C. taxifolia and C. prolifera Apocorophium acutum), and decrease in the meadows at some localities (see a review in abundance of herbivorous species (e.g. Capiomont et al. 2005). Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale schmidti), hence resulting in a large overall One of the remarkable impacts of C. modification of the assemblage species racemosa is the accumulation of detritus, composition. which persists throughout the year. In spite of the important seasonal variability of C. The main modification in amphipod racemosa biomass, detritus accumulation assemblage structure was manifested as an persists in winter. The mesh generated by increase in abundance of Apocorophium the stolons of this species ensures that acutum in habitat invaded by C. racemosa, detritus is retained, while the multilayered which was four times higher than that of structure formed by the thallus traps the other Corophiidae species in eutrophic sediment (Piazzi et al. 2001c). Detritus habitats (Guerra-García and García-Gómez values recorded during both seasons were 2 2005). Species belonging to the genus to 6 times higher than those recorded from Apocorophium are tube-dwelling native seaweeds. This accumulation of amphipods that inhabit small U-shaped detritus causes important changes in the tubes and are selective deposit feeders structure of the sediment and in the (Ciarelli et al. 1997), and feed on bacteria, granulometric composition (Walker et al. algae, and diatoms adsorbed onto the 1991), leading to anoxic conditions in surface of sediment particles (Meadows and which toxic substances can be possibly Reid 1966). Several species of this genus accumulated. On the other hand, detritus are continuously exposed to toxicants in the plays a very important role as a trophic sediment, which they ingest while feeding resource for marine invertebrates, being one (Bat and Raffaelli 1998), hence they have of the main trophic pathways of the marine been used for sediment toxicity tests. The ecosystem (Valiella 1995) and is one of the accumulation of detritus in habitats invaded most important features of habitat structure by C. racemosa seems to favour in vegetated habitats (Allesina et al. 2005). colonization by Corophium spp., resulting Therefore, any modification of the detritus in a dramatic increase in abundance and compartment can affect the overall trophic establishment of a large population in an

37 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______altered habitat. Microdeutopus spp. also species composition of Caulerpa beds. showed a small increase in abundance in Stands of C. taxifolia are monospecific, habitat invaded by C. racemosa, but the while in our case; the C. racemosa grew effect was only recorded in September. This intermixed with other macroalgal species genus is generally associated with during both sampling periods. Posidonia oceanica and fine sand habitats Consequently, during the initial stages of (Ruffo 1982), but in experiments carried invasion of a host habitat by invasive out recently by Roberts and Poore (2005), seaweed, an increment in habitat the family Aoridae were noted to prefer complexity will occur if the initial cover is bare rock with a thin cover of sediment than low, hence a new and additional habitat for an algal substratum. Furthermore, other the local epifauna becomes available (Viejo taxonomic groups, such as the polychaetes, 1999). However, if growth of the invasive are favoured by accumulation of detritus species continues, leading to a amongst the C. racemosa stolons, as shown monospecific and dense meadow, it could by Argyrou et al. (1999) from their study lead to impoverishment of the amphipod carried out in Cyprus. assemblage as has been noted for C. taxifolia elsewhere. On the other hand, the abundance of some species, such as Ampithoe ramondi, Hyale Several studies have demonstrated that schmidti or Caprella hirsuta, was reduced consequences of C. racemosa in host in habitat invaded by C. racemosa, since systems are very important, particularly these species have a preference for native since it appears that this introduced species seaweeds (Kocatas 1976, Russo 1997, most invasive in the Mediterranean Sea Guerra-Garcia and García-Gómez 2001, (Verlaque et al. 2003). The presence of C. Roberts and Poore 2005). Other studies racemosa in the southeastern coast of Spain have also shown displacement of Ampithoe is an incipient problem. It was recorded ramondi resulting from the presence of from Alicante in 2002 and, in less than other Caulerpa species, e.g. Caulerpa three years, important changes in the prolifera (Sánchez-Moyano et al. 2001). structure of shallow rocky habitat The displaced species have a close assemblages occurred, although to date the relationship with seaweeds, as has been distribution of C. racemosa has been rather demonstrated by Viejo (1999). In the case patchy, hence its effects are not very of other species, such as Lysianassa costae, widespread locally. Several years may be the effects of C. racemosa seem to be necessary for development of a dense and seasonal, inhabiting habitats that have a continuous C. racemosa meadow (Ruitton large algal biomass, irrespective of the et al. 2005); therefore in the near future, one species composition. can expect dramatic changes in rocky bottom habitats, leading to a direct impact Comparing the results of the present study on marine benthic communities along the with ones on the effects of C. taxifolia on western Mediterranean coast. It is therefore amphipod assemblages, the species richness very important to increase our research recorded from the latter appears to be lower effort to establish the ecological (Bellan-Santini 1995). Furthermore, the implications of the spread of C. racemosa effects of C. taxifolia on the abundance of in the Mediterranean Sea, as this will amphipods also seem to be more critical provide the necessary information and tools (Bellan-Santini 1995). Such differences to develop new mitigation and eradication could be due to several factors, such as the programs.


______Chapter 3

3. Does C. racemosa change the amphipod assemblage on soft bottoms?

3.1. Abstract

The spread of the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea in shallow-water habitats can lead to a different faunal assemblage composition. We compared the amphipod assemblages associated with C. racemosa and natural habitats found on shallow-water Mediterranean soft substrata. Four vegetated habitats were compared: Caulerpa racemosa, C. prolifera, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica with unvegetated substrata. Samples were collected during two sampling periods (September 2004 and March 2005). A total of 63 amphipod species were recorded. The results showed that the vegetated habitats sampled, including C. racemosa stands, supported a higher abundance and species richness of amphipods. Furthermore, the assemblage structure differed between the different habitats, while the abundance of some species was significantly different, depending on habitat. For example, Microdeutopus obtusatus was favoured by C. racemosa habitat; Ampelisca diadema was associated with C. prolifera beds; and Hyale schmidti was more abundant in P. oceanica meadows. Habitat invasion by C. racemosa can exert an important influence on biotic assemblages, modifying habitat structure and the associated fauna.

3.2. Introduction ecosystems. First, exotics can affect the availability and flow of nutrients by altering Vegetated habitats allow a greater species biogeochemical cycling. Second, invasive diversity and abundance of individuals than species can affect the flow of energy those in unvegetated habitats (Irlandi 1994, through food webs. Third, invaders can Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999), which is usually affect the availability or quality of physical correlated with an increase in habitat resources in the ecosystem (including living complexity (Johnson 1970, Dean and space or ‘‘habitat,’’ physical materials, Connell 1987, Taylor and Cole 1994). sediment, light, or water). For instance, Several studies have demonstrated that invasive plant species that generate big habitat heterogeneity and complexity play changes in the vegetation of an area are an important role in influencing the often regarded as highly influential assemblage structure of epibenthic marine ecosystem engineers (see a review in fauna (Stoner 1980, Edgar 1992). The Crooks 2002). The Mediterranean Sea is the pattern of distribution and species richness most heavily invaded region in the world and abundance of epifauna on rocky for introduced seaweeds, with over 132 bottoms is affected by changes in the invasion events accounting for more than composition of associated macroalgae 33% of the total number of invasions (Connell 1972). Therefore, changes in (Williams and Smith 2007). habitat structure of vegetated substrates resulting from the invasion of species, The invasive Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) especially in the case of macroalgae, could J. Agardh var. cylindracea (Sonder) affect the associated fauna (Wilkström and Verlaque, Huisman et Boudouresque Kautsky 2004). (Verlaque et al. 2003) (hereafter C. racemosa) has spread extensively The number of introduced species outside throughout the Mediterranean during the their natural ranges is rapidly increasing, last few decades, invading habitats located although only a very small fraction of in waters having a depth of 0 m to more transported and introduced species becomes than 60 m (Verlaque et al. 2004, Piazzi et invasive, the ability of these species to al. 2005). The rapid expansion of C. restructure and, hence, radically change the racemosa is an example of how introduced functioning of a recipient habitat is great species are able to modify Mediterranean (Crooks 2002). Some authors (Vitousek habitats; this expansion can be explained by 1990, Crooks 2002) recognize three its very efficient reproductive strategies, principal effects of invasive species on both sexual and asexual, unlike those of C.

41 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

taxifolia (Panayotidis and Žuljevi 2001, 2008, 2009a). On soft bottoms, C. Renoncourt and Meisenez 2002). racemosa grows on sandy substrates, either unvegetated areas or covering dead matte of In Mediterranean coastal areas, two P. oceanica, competing with other seagrass species, Posidonia oceanica and macrophytes for the space. The aim of this Cymodocea nodosa, form meadows on study was to compare the structure of shallow-water sandy bottoms (Buia and amphipod assemblages associated with a C. Mazzella 1991). However, the two racemosa stand on soft bottom with those seagrasses have a contrasting meadow associated with unvegetated habitat and structure. P. oceanica is the largest seagrass habitat vegetated by native species. The species in the Mediterranean, with leaves hypothesis tested was that the assemblages sometimes exceeding one metre in length associated with C. racemosa stand on soft (Drew and Jupp 1976). It forms dense bottom may be different from unvegetated meadows (having a shoot density of habitats and from habitats vegetated by between 300 to 1000 shoots m-2) with a native macroalgae and seagrasses. compact root-rhizome mat and a high leaf stratum (having a leaf area index of around 7 m2), while C. nodosa forms meadows that 3.3. Materials and methods have a low leaf stratum and less compact rhizome mat (leaf index of 0.4; Rull et al. 3.3.1. Study area 1996). Similar to seagrasses, the alga Caulerpa prolifera may form dense beds on The study was carried out along the Cape of soft bottoms at water depths of between 1 Santa Pola (Alicante, south-east Spain; Fig. to 20 m, especially in areas that are 3.1) on a shallow sandy sea bed. C. characterized by a low energy environment racemosa was first recorded off Alicante in and considerable input of organic matter 2002, where it occurred on bare soft (Sánchez-Moyano 2004). substrata and dead matte of Posidonia oceanica at a site located some 10 km north Amphipods are one of the most important of our study area (Pena-Martin et al. 2003). groups of invertebrates associated with It now covers large areas of rocky bottoms, vegetated habitats and play an important bare sandy/muddy substratum, dead matte role as trophic resources for fish of P. oceanica, and also grows mixed with populations (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999, Stål Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera et al. 2007). Amphipods respond to habitat within a wide depth range, showing a alteration and can therefore be used as an patchy distribution. indicator of environmental impacts on vegetated habitats (Bellan-Santini 1980, Virnstein 1987, Conradi et al. 1997, Sanchez-Jerez et al. 2000, Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, Vázquez-Luis et al. 2009a).

Since the occurrence of C. racemosa along Mediterranean coastal areas was first recorded, several studies concerning the ecology of this species have been undertaken (see Ruitton et al. 2005, Cavas et al. 2006). It is known that fauna associated with exotic algae can differ from natives (Wikström and Kautsky 2004,

Schmidt and Scheibling 2007). However, information on changes in the associated Figure 3.1. Map showing the study area in fauna brought about by this invasive C. Santa Pola Cape, southeastern Spain racemosa is scarce (Argyrou et al. 1999, Piazzi and Balata 2008, Vázquez-Luis et al.

42 ______Chapter 3

3.3.2. Sampling design Univariate analysis

Five habitats occurring in shallow waters Plant biomass, detritus biomass, number of within the 2-5 m depth range, were species and total abundance of amphipod sampled: C. racemosa stands, C. prolifera fauna, and abundance of the most abundant stands, Cymodocea nodosa meadows, amphipod species were analysed using Posidonia oceanica meadows (P. oceanica) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). To test and unvegetated substratum (bare sand). whether the abundance of amphipods Several sampling sites, separated by differed significantly across habitats and hundreds of metres, were randomly selected time we used a three-factor ANOVA, which across the study area. All sites had similar incorporated the following factors: (i) environmental conditions with respect to ‘Time of sampling’ a fixed factor and wave exposure and light (Ferrandis- orthogonal with two levels: September ‘04 Ballester and Bartolomé-Pina 1985). Three and March ‘05; (ii) ‘Habitat’ (fixed and sampling sites were allocated within each of orthogonal) with five levels: C. racemosa, the five habitat types, which were sampled C. prolifera, C. nodosa, P. oceanica and in September 2004 (average water sand; and (iii) ‘Site’ (random and nested in temperature = 27.5 ºC), which coincides ‘Time of sampling’ and ‘Habitat) with three with the period of maximum vegetative random sampling sites. Prior to carrying out growth of C. racemosa (Piazzi and Cinelli the ANOVA, the data were tested for 1999). Additionally, the stations were heterogeneity of variance using Cochran’s sampled again in March 2005 (water C-test. Data were x + 1 transformed in temperature = 13 ºC), which coincides with cases where the variances were the period of minimum vegetative growth. significantly different at p = 0.05, and log(x At each station, three random replicate + 1) transformed where the variance was samples were collected by SCUBA diving, still heterogeneous. Where variance using a 20 cm x 20 cm quadrat, by scraping remained heterogeneous, untransformed the enclosed area using a trowel (Edgar data were analysed, as ANOVA is a robust 1990). A 300 μm mesh bag was attached to statistical test and is relatively unaffected the quadrat to avoid loss of the motile by heterogeneity of variances, particularly fauna. Replicate samples were separated by in balanced experiments (Underwood tens of metres. The collected samples were 1997). However, in such cases special care preserved in 4% formalin. Each sample was was taken in the interpretation of results. then sieved in sea-water through a 500 μm Furthermore, in such cases, to reduce type I mesh, to retain the detritus and fauna. In the error, the level of significance was reduced laboratory, the amphipods were separated, to p<0.01. When ANOVA indicated a identified, and counted. Macrophytes were significant difference for a given factor, the sorted and identified to the lowest possible source of difference was identified using taxon, and the detritus separated. The Student–Newman–Keul (SNK) tests macrophytes and detritus were dried for 24 (Underwood 1981, Underwood 1997). h at 80 ºC and weighed. Habitat structure was characterised using three attributes: Multivariate analysis species richness of macrophytes, biomass of each species (g), and quantity of detritus Non-parametric multidimensional scaling (g). (MDS) was used as the ordination method for exploring differences in the amphipod 3.3.3. Data analysis assemblage composition (Clarke and Warwick 1994). The similarity matrix, Two different statistical approaches were which was calculated using the Bray–Curtis used to test for potential differences in the index and using double square transformed amphipod assemblage between the different data, was used to construct bivariate MDS habitats, based on the null hypothesis of no plots. The percentage similarities difference in the amphipod assemblage (SIMPER) procedure was then used to composition between the five habitat types calculate the contribution of each species to and across the two sampling periods. the dissimilarity between sampling time and

43 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

habitats. (PRIMER software; Clarke 1993). with lower values in March for all habitats, A permutational multivariate ANOVA except C. prolifera stands, for which the (PERMANOVA software; Anderson 2001) opposite trend was observed. ANOVA was used to test differences in amphipod indicated a significant difference for plant species composition following the same biomass between habitats (Ha, P<0.05; experimental design than the univariate Table 3.2 and Fig. 3.2); this difference was analysis; after the permutational test a pair due to significantly higher biomass wise test was carried out to test differences recorded for P. oceanica meadows. In C. among groups. racemosa invaded areas, this species contributed in September with a high biomass value (62.3%). However, during 3.4. Results the coldest period the biomass was only 7.62% of total, the most important habitat 3.4.1. Habitat features features being dead matte of P. oceanica and the red seaweed Jania rubens. Mean A total of 18 algal taxa and two seagrasses shoot density values for P. oceanica were identified (Table 3.1). The highest meadows were 1525 ± 4.6 shoots m-2 in species richness was recorded from habitats September and 1147.22 ± 4.89 shoots m-2 in colonized by C. racemosa in both sampling March. periods (Fig. 3.2). During September, habitats invaded by C. racemosa were The amount of detritus present in the characterised by a low number of associated different habitats was highest in March. algae (9 species plus C. racemosa), but a Significant differences for this attribute higher species richness of macrophytes was were recorded between habitats (Ha, recorded in March (16 species plus C. P<0.05; Table 3.2 and Fig. 3.2). The racemosa). highest value of detritus biomass was recorded from C. prolifera beds during both Values of plant biomass recorded from the sampling periods (830.02 g dw m-2 in different habitats showed the same pattern, September and 1123.85 g dw m-2 in March)

5000 H abi tat featu res Caul erpa racemosa 4500 Caul erpa prol ifera seagrasses 4000 dead matte P. oceanica ) native seaweeds -2 3500 m detritus w d g 3000 (

-2 s s a m 2500 io Bg dw m 2000




0 C.racemC.racemosa osa C.prolifera C.C.nodosa nodosa P.P.oceanica oceanica sand sandC.racemosa C.racem osa C.prolifera C.prolifera C.nodosa C. nodosa P.P.oceanica oceanica sandsand

September-04 March-05

Figure 3.2. Values of mean plant biomass and detritus (g dw m-2) recorded from the different habitats during the two different sampling periods.


______Chapter 3 Table 3.1. Values of mean biomass (g dw m-2) ± SE for the different species, together with total biomass, total species richness and detritus weight recorded from the two sampling periods and five habitats. SEPTEMBER - 04 MARCH - 05 Species C. racemosa C. prolifera C. nodosa P. oceanica sand C. racemosa C. prolifera C. nodosa P. oceanica sand

Chlorophyta Acetabularia acetabulum (Linnaeus) P.C. Silva - - - - - 0.06 ± 0.05 - - - - Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål) J.V. Lamouroux 10.07 ± 7.729 335.47 ± 63.94 0.82 ± 0.7 - - 4.34 ± 2.89 250.07 ± 28.15 3.01 ± 2.27 - - Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh 122.24 ± 24.57 - 0.69 ± 0.65 - - 42.49 ± 4.98 - - - - Cladophora sp. Kützing, 1843 1.02 ± 0.79 - 0.11 ± 0.11 - - 0.54 ± 0.54 - - - - Codium sp. F.S. Collins & Hervey, 1917 - - - - - 0.19 ± 0.13 - - - - Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser 0.08 ± 0.08 16.95 ± 16.95 - - - 0.15 ± 0.11 - 0.79 ± 0.79 - - Flabellia petiolata (Turra) Nizamuddin 0.344 ± 0.34 - - - - 0.24 ± 0.24 - - - - Halimeda tuna (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux 0.17 ± 0.11 ------Ulva sp. Linnaeus - - - - - 0.83 ± 0.35 - - - - Phaeophyta Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbès & Solier ------0.39 ± 0.39 - - - Cystoseira compressa (Esper) Gerloff & Nizamuddin - - - - 4.26 ± 4.26 - - - - Dictyopteris membranacea (Stackhouse) Batters - - - - - 0.21 ± 0.1 - - - - Dictyota fasciola (Roth) J. V. Lamouroux - - - - - 0.91 ± 0.62 - 0.63 ± 0.6 - - Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau 3.35 ± 3.35 - 3.18 ± 2.82 - - 1.43 ± 1.23 - - - - Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy - - - - - 5.4 ± 4.56 - - - - Rodophyta Corallina elongata Ellis et Solander 0.37 ± 0.37 - - - - 0.09 ± 0.09 - 2.35 ± 2.35 - - Halopitys incurvus (Hudson) Batters - - 0.19 ± 0.19 - - 1.18 ± 1.14 - - - - Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux 14.21 ± 10.2 - - - - 26.67 ± 20.81 - 0.63 ± 0.63 - - Seagrasses Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson 44.31 ± 18.62 - 79.76 ± 25.88 - - 4.21 ± 3.9 - 97.05 ± 36.46 - - Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile (leafs) - - - 783.61 ± 80.57 - - - - 1257.31 ± 132.56 - Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile (rizhome) - - - 2612.22 ± 612.98 - - - - 2965.14 ± 515.17 - Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile (dead matte) - - - - - 464.41 ± 137.73 - - - - Vegetal biomass 196.18 ± 28.11 352.43 ± 60.35 84.76 ± 25.92 3395.83 ± 672.16 0 557.73 ± 121.12 250.07 ± 28.15 104.86 ± 39.13 4222.44 ± 590.79 0 Species richness 10 2 6 1 0 17 1 7 1 0 Detritus 127.21 ± 27.54 830.02 ± 275.13 7.66 ± 3.32 169.96 ± 47.11 21.47 ± 10.51 453.86 ± 94.49 1123.85 ± 268.57 31.55 ± 9.71 322.28 ± 80.49 58.63 ± 30.19 45

Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

Table 3.2. Results of the three-factor ANOVA for: macrophyte biomass and detritus biomass. MS = mean square; P = level of significance; df = degrees of freedom; ns = non-significant; ** = significant (p < 0.01). Macrophyte biomass Detritus biomass F versus Source of variarion df MS P MS P Sampling Time =Ti 1 0.7807 0.2840 19.2287 0.0984 Si(TixHa) Habitat=Ha 4 58.9994 0.0001** 57.5446 0.0003** Si(TixHa) Ti x Ha 4 0.7064 0.3853 1.8053 0.8861 Si(TixHa) Si (Ti x Ha) 20 0.6442 0.0001** 6.3995 0.0001** Res Residual 60 0.1277 0.6847 Transformation Ln(X+1) Sqrt(X+1)

3.4.2. Amphipod assemblages the rest of the habitats. Nevertheless in March C. prolifera, C. nodosa and P. A total of 63 amphipod species, belonging oceanica were similar with differences with to 20 families, was recorded (Table 3.3). sand and C. racemosa. The species that Species richness was significantly higher in contributed most to the dissimilarity September (TixHa, P<0.05; Table 3.4 and between amphipod assemblages were Fig. 3.3a), with the highest values recorded Caprella grandimana, Stenothoe from the P. oceanica meadows. Total monoculoides, Microdeutopus obtusatus, abundance was similar between habitats in Apocorophium acutum, Ampithoe ramondi, March, but there were significant Ampelisca diadema, Hyale schmidti, differences in September, with the highest Ericthonius brasiliensis, Leptocheirus value (4886.11 ind m-2) recorded from P. guttatus and Elasmopus brasiliensis. These oceanica meadows (TixHa, P<0.05; Table species comprised between 60.09 % to 3.4 and Fig. 3.3b). The lowest abundance 85.74 % of the total amphipod abundance in values were recorded in September from C. vegetated habitats. prolifera stands and unvegetated bottoms (50 ± 19.54 ind m-2 and 50 ± 21.65 ind m-2 The ten most abundant amphipods had respectively). Of the two Caulerpa habitat different species abundance values with types, C. racemosa had the highest respect to the macrophyte habitats from abundance values, which were similar for which they were recorded. The abundance both sampling periods (1577 ind m-2 in values of Caprella grandimana and September and 1672 ind m-2 in March). On Stenothoe monoculoides were significant the other hand, C. prolifera stands had the higher in C. racemosa stands in March lowest abundance values in both sampling (TixHa, P<0.01; Table 3.5 and Fig. 3.5a, b). periods, with the lowest values recorded in Microdeutopus obtusatus was significant September (Table 3.4, Fig. 3.3b). higher at C. racemosa (Ha, P<0.01, Table 3.5, Fig. 3.5c). Apocorophium acutum was The two-dimensional MDS plot showed more abundant in C. racemosa stands in segregation of sampling stations mainly by September but no significant differences habitat; two main groups can be were found (Table 3.5 and Fig. 3.5d). The distinguished: the first corresponding to P. abundance of Ampithoe ramondi was oceanica meadows and the second significant higher in habitats invaded by C. corresponding to C. racemosa and C. racemosa and in C. nodosa meadows (Ha, nodosa habitats, while the remaining two P<0.01; Table 3.5 and Fig. 3.5e). Only one habitats (C. prolifera stands and bare sand) species, Ampelisca diadema, had a were the most dissimilar to each other and significant higher abundance in C. prolifera to the each of the other three habitat types stands (Ha, P<0.01, Table 3.5, Fig. 3.5f). (Fig. 3.4). The multivariate response of On the other hand, several species seemed amphipod assemblage showed significant to be more abundant in P. oceanica differences among habitats regarding meadows; for example, the abundance of sampling times (PERMANOVA, TixHa, Hyale schmidti is significant higher in this P<0.01, Table 3.4). After the pair wise test, habitat (Ha, P<0.01; Table 3.5 and Fig. in September P. oceanica was different to 3.5g). In the case of Ericthonius

46 ______Chapter 3 brasiliensis these differences were detected same abundance pattern as Ericthonius only in September being more abundant in brasiliensis, although no significant P. oceanica meadows (TixHa, P<0.05, differences were found, possibly to the Table 3.5, Fig. 3.5h). Finally, Leptocheirus highest variability of their abundance guttatus and Elasmopus brasiliensis had the among sites (Table 3.5, Fig. 3.5i, j).

16 7000 Spe cie s richne ss a b Total abundance 1 14 C.racemosa 6000 1 C.racemosa C.prolifera C.prolifera 12 C.nodosa C.nodosa 5000 P.oceanica P.oceanica 1 10 sand sand 4000 8 2 1 1 1 3000 6 2 1 2 2000 4

1 2 2 2 2 1000 1 1 3 2 3 3 0 0 September-04 March-05 September-04 March-05

Figure 3.3. Values (± SE) of: (a) mean number of amphipod species recorded from each of the five stations, and (b) total abundance (individuals m-2), recorded from the two sampling periods and five habitats. Groups defined by post-hoc SNK test after ANOVA were done within each time period and are showed by numbers.

Stress: 0,12




S-Cym3 S-Cp2 S-Cp1 M-Cym2 M-Cym3 S-Cr3S-Cym2 M-sand3 S-Cr2 M-Cp3M-Cp2 M-Cym1 M-Cr2 S-Cym1 M-Cr3 M-Cp1 M-sand1 M-P3 M-P2 S-Cr1 M-Cr1 M-P1

S-P3 S-P2

M-sand2 S-P1


Figure 3.4. Two-dimensional MDS plot for amphipod species abundance. S = September ‘04; M = March ‘05; Cr = habitat invaded by C. racemosa; Cp = C. prolifera stands; Cym = C. nodosa meadows; P = P. oceanica meadows, and sand = unvegetated soft bottoms. The number indicates the replicate samples.


Ecological effectsofC.racemosa onamphipod assemblages

48 Table 3.3. Values of: Species abundance (number of individuals per m2), total abundance and species richness of amphipod fauna recorded from the different habitats and sampling periods (mean ± SE).

SEPTEMBER - 04 MARCH - 05 Family Species C. racemosa C. prolifera C. nodosa P. oceanica sand C. racemosa C. prolifera C. nodosa P. oceanica sand

Amphilochidae Amphilochus neapolitanus Della Valle, 1893 - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - 8.33 ± 5.89 - - - Ampeliscidae Ampelisca antennata Bellan-Santini & Keim-Malka, - - - 94.44 ± 34.3 ------Ampelisca brevicornis (A. Costa, 1853) - - - - 5.56 ± 3.67 - - - - - Ampelisca diadema (A. Costa, 1853) - 16.67 ± 8.33 - - - 8.33 ± 4.17 25 ± 14.43 2.78 ± 2.78 - - Ampelisca rubella A. Costa, 1864 - - - 25 ± 25 ------Ampelisca serraticaudata Chevreux, 1888 13.89 ± 11.11 - 2.78 ± 2.78 102.78 ± 39.63 - 52.78 ± 49.73 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - Amphithoidae Ampithoe ferox (Chevreux, 1902) - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 ------Ampithoe helleri G. Karaman, 1975 - 5.55 ± 3.67 2.78 ± 2.78 - - - - 50 ± 18.63 27.78 ± 12.8 - Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826 308.33 ± 190.3 5.55 ± 5.55 102.78 ± 65.8 75 ± 21.25 2.78 ± 2.78 94.44 ± 20.32 30.55 ± 10.01 252.78 ± 95.96 25 ± 9.32 - Aoridae Aora gracilis (Bate, 1857) ------8.33 ± 5.89 -

Aora spinicornis Afonso, 1976 - - - 63.88 ± 63.88 - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 2.78 ± 2.78 - ______Lembos spiniventris (Della Valle, 1893) - - - 11.11 ± 7.35 - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - Leptocheirus guttatus (Grube, 1864) - - - 502.77 ± 199.32 - 47.22 ± 47.22 - - 27.78 ± 14.7 - Microdeutopus obtusatus Myers, 1973 488.89 ± 242.39 5.55 ± 3.67 61.11 ± 23.6 - - 469.44 ± 161.58 80.55 ± 27.36 38.89 ± 12.58 2.78 ± 2.78 - Microdeutopus stationis Della Valle, 1893 - - - 175 ± 88.39 ------Microdeutopus versiculatus (Bate, 1856) - - - 219.44 ± 121.18 ------Calliopiidae Apherusa chiereghinii Giordani-Soika, 1950 - - - 19.44 ± 9.1 - - 5.55 ± 5.55 - - - Caprellidae Caprella grandimana Mayer, 1882 27.78 ± 27.78 - - - - 488.89 ± 133.6 - 16.67 ± 9.32 - - Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 2.78 ± 2.78 - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 5.56 ± 3.67

Caprella santosrosai Sanchez-Moyano, Jimenez-Martín and 5.56 ± 3.67 - - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - - - García-Gómez, 1995

Deutella schieckei Cavedini, 1982 - - - 30.56± 14.89 - - - - 5.56 ± 5.56 - Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769 - - - - - 5.56 ± 3.67 5.56 ± 3.67 - - - Pseudoprotella phasma (Montagu, 1804) - - - - - 5.56 ± 5.56 - - - - Colomastigidae Colomastix pusilla Grube, 1861 - - - 50 ± 24.65 - - - - 8.33 ± 4.17 -

______Chapter 3 Corophiidae Monocorophium acherusicum (Costa, 1857) - - - 8.33 ± 8.33 ------Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) 452.78 ± 217.24 - 5.56 ± 3.68 83.33 ± 71.32 - 11.11 ± 8.45 - 25 ± 13.82 36.11 ± 15.65 83.33 ± 62.36 Corophium orientale Schellenberg, 1928 22.22 ± 22.22 ------Monocorophium sextonae Crawford, 1937 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 27.78 ± 14.1 - 152.78 ± 152.78 - - - - Ericthonius brasiliensis (Dana, 1855) 30.56 ± 17.1 13.89 ± 9.42 63.89 ± 31.21 2388.89 ± 596.3 - 5.56 ± 3.68 250 ± 89.92 33.33 ± 15.59 400 ± 113.19 - Siphonoecetes sabatieri de Rouville, 1894 - - - - 13.89 ± 9.42- - - - 33.33 ± 33.33 Dexaminidae Atylus massiliensis Bellan-Santini, 1975 - - - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 63.88 ± 42.1 - - Atylus guttatus (A. Costa, 1851) - - - - - 61.11 ± 26.1 11.11 ± 7.35 5.56 ± 5.56 - - Atylus swammerdami (Milne Edwards, 1830) 11.11 ± 6.1 - - - - - 13.89 ± 13.89 16.67 ± 9.31 - - Atylus vedlomensis (Bate & Westwood, 1862) ------13.89 ± 9.42 - - - Dexamine spiniventris (A. Costa, 1853) - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 25 ± 11.79 63.89 ± 29.2 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 Dexamine spinosa (Montagu, 1813) - - 5.56 ± 3.68 5.56 ± 3.68 - - 11.11 ± 8.45 - - - Guernea coalita (Norman, 1868) 2.78 ± 2.78 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - - - Gammaridae Elasmopus affinis Della Valle, 1893 - - - 11.11 ± 11.11 ------Elasmopus brasiliensis (Dana, 1855) 33.33 ± 33.33 - 16.67 ± 13.81 230.56 ± 108.15 - 27.78 ± 21.83 - 2.78 ± 2.78 5.56 ± 3.67 - Elasmopus pocillimanus (Bate, 1862) 36.11 ± 30.36 - - 38.88 ± 22.09 ------Gammarella fucicola (Leach, 1814) 27.78 ± 19.3 - 41.67 ± 35.84 22.22 ± 8.78 - 16.67 ± 11.79 33.33 ± 17.18 - 33.33 ± 11.78 - Maera hirondellei Chevreux, 1900 11.11 ± 11.11 - - 5.56 ± 5.56 ------Maera inaequipes (A. Costa, 1857) 72.22 ± 50.59 - - 500 ± 121.26 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - 13.89 ± 8.45 - Maera hamigera Haswell, 1880 - - - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - 8.33 ± 8.33 - Megaluropus massiliensis Ledoyer, 1976 - - - - 13.89 ± 8.45 - - 27.78 ± 12.1 - - Melita palmata Montagu, 1804 8.33 ± 5.89 - 52.78 ± 39.63 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 47.22 ± 25.5 - - Haustoriidae Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana (Bate, 1857) ------2.78 ± 2.78 - 44.44 ± 19.44 Ischyroceridae Ischyrocerus inexpectatus Ruffo, 1959 - - - 30.55 ± 30.55 ------Jassa marmorata Colmes, 1903 ------2.78 ± 2.78 - - Leucothoidae Leucothoe spinicarpa (Abildgaard, 1789) - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 22.22 ± 19.3 - - 5.56 ± 5.56 - Leucothoe venetiarum Giordani-Soika, 1950 ------2.78 ± 2.78 - Liljeborgiidae Liljeborgia dellavallei Stebbing, 1906 - - - 25 ± 15.02 ------Lysianassidae Lysianassa costae Milne Edwards, 1830 5.56 ± 5.56 - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 33.33 ± 21.65 5.56 ± 5.56 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - Orchomene humilis (A. Costa, 1853) - 2.78 ± 2.78 ------Oedicerotidae Monoculodes acutipes Ledoyer, 1983 - - - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 - - - - 49

Ecological effectsofC.racemosa onamphipod assemblages 50

Perioculodes aequimanus (Kossman, 1880) 2.78 ± 2.78 - 8.33 ± 5.89 5.56 ± 3.68 8.33 ± 5.89 36.11 ± 19.15 - 19.44 ± 11.62 - - Pontocrates arenarius (Bate, 1858) ------2.78 ± 2.78 2.78 ± 2.78 - 11.11 ± 11.11 Philiantidae Pereionotus testudo (Montagu, 1808) - - - - - 5.56 ± 5.56 5.56 ± 3.67 - - - Phoxocephalida Phoxocephalus aquosus G. Karaman, 1985 - - - 2.78 ± 2.78 ------Stenothoidae Stenothoe dollfusi Chevreux, 1887 ------5.56 ± 5.56 - Stenothoe monoculoides (Montagu, 1813) 11.11 ± 11.11 - - - - 72.22 ± 20.6 - - - - ______Talitridae Hyale schmidti (Heller, 1866) - - - 63.89 ± 30.65 2.78 ± 2.78 - 2.78 ± 2.78 - 27.78 ± 12.1 - Orchestia kosswigi Ruffo, 1949 ------2.78 ± 2.78 - - - Unidentified 2.78 ± 2.78 - - 52.78 ± 22.6 - 11.11 ± 8.45 5.56 ± 5.56 - 66.67 ± 60.67 - TOTAL 1577.78 ± 721.33 50 ± 19.54 369.44 ± 165.77 4886.11 ± 1066.57 50 ± 21.65 1672.22 ± 462.32 577.78 ± 131.72 619.44 ± 160.17 713.89 ± 208.05 180.55 ± 90.88

Species richness 20 6 13 33 7 27 18 21 19 6

______Chapter 3

Table 3.4. Results of the multivariate analyse PERMANOVA for amphipod assemblage. MS = mean square; P = level of significance; df = degrees of freedom; ** = significant (p < 0.01).

Amphipod assemblage F versus Source of variarion df MS P Sampling Time =Ti 1 8285.94 0.0240 Si(TixHa) Habitat=Ha 4 21587.83 0.0040** Si(TixHa) Ti x Ha 4 3799.58 0.0010** Si(TixHa) Si (Ti x Ha) 20 9133.72 0.0010** Res Residual 60 2070.23 Transformation Fouth root Post-hoc test: September C. racemosa C.prolifera = C.nodosa = P.oceanica sand; March P.oceanica C. racemosa = C.prolifera = C.nodosa = sand

Table 3.5. Results of the three-factor ANOVA for species richness, total abundance, and abundance of the most important amphipod species. MS = mean square; P = level of significance; df = degrees of freedom; ns = not significant; * = significant (P < 0.05), ** = significant (P < 0.01).

Species richness Total abundance Caprella grandimana F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling Time = Ti 1 9.34 0.4340 3.85 0.2053 328.71 0.0115 Si(TixHa) Habitat = Ha 4 175.04 0.0001** 29.93 0.0001** 378.60 0.0003** Si(TixHa) Ti x Ha 4 84.93 0.0029** 9.66 0.0113* 301.04 0.0010** Si(TixHa) Si (Ti x Ha) 20 14.66 0.0027** 2.25 0.0001** 42.42 0.0247 Res Residual 60 5.74 0.65 21.78 Transformation None Ln(X+1) None Stenothoe monoculoides Microdeutopus obtusatus Apocorophium acutum F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling Time = Ti 1 5.38 0.0254 1.88 0.8921 214.68 0.1597 Si(TixHa) Habitat = Ha 4 10.00 0.0001** 1210.68 0.0001** 252.21 0.0746 Si(TixHa) Ti x Ha 4 5.38 0.0028** 11.24 0.9765 314.65 0.0377 Si(TixHa) Si (Ti x Ha) 20 0.92 0.2567 99.48 0.7548 100.64 0.1926 Res Residual 60 0.74 132.01 75.30 Transformation None None None Ampithoe ramondi Ampelisca diadema Hyale schmidti F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling Time = Ti 1 0.19 0.6991 0.54 0.3143 1.88 0.2212 Si(TixHa) Habitat = Ha 4 7.51 0.0025** 2.26 0.0101** 11.75 0.0001** Si(TixHa) Ti x Ha 4 1.74 0.2753 0.51 0.2535 1.91 0.2088 Si(TixHa) Si (Ti x Ha) 20 1.25 0.0006** 0.13 0.9063 1.18 0.8260 Res Residual 60 0.42 0.41 1.72 Transformation Ln(X+1) None None Ericthonius brasiliensis Leptocheirus guttatus Elasmopus brasiliensis F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Sampling Time = Ti 1 0.51 0.4878 263.51 0.2412 86.04 0.1270 Si(TixHa) Habitat = Ha 4 34.75 0.0001** 390.52 0.1105 71.65 0.1173 Si(TixHa) Ti x Ha 4 6.34 0.0020** 344.26 0.1488 70.02 0.1240 Si(TixHa) Si (Ti x Ha) 20 1.02 0.0002** 180.63 0.0001** 33.94 0.0063** Res Residual 60 0.31 20.77 14.60 Transformation Ln(X+1) None None

51 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

700 120 800 Caprella grandimana a b Stenothoe monoculoides c 1 Microdeutopus obtusatus 600 1 700 100 1 1 600 500 80 500 400 60 400 300 300 40 200 200

100 20 2 100 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 September-04 March-05 September-04 March-05 800 600 September-04 March-05 45 Ampelisca diadema d Apocorophium acutum efAmpithoe ramondi 700 40 1 500 1 35 600 400 30 500 1 1 25 400 300 20 300 200 15 1 2 200 1 10 100 2 2 100 5 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 September-04 March-05 September-04 March-05 September-04 March-05 100 3500 800 1 Hyale schmidti Ericthonius brasiliensis Leptocheirus guttatus 90 h i g 3000 1 700 80 600 70 2500

60 500 2000 50 400 1 1500 40 300 30 1000 200 20 500 100 10 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 September-04 March-05 400 September-04 March-05 j Elasmopus brasiliensis 350

300 Caulerpa racemosa 250 Caulerpa prolifera

200 Cymodocea nodosa Posidonia oceanica 150 sand 100


0 September-04 March-05

Figure 3.5. Values of mean abundance (number of individuals ± SE) of the ten most abundant amphipods: Caprella grandimana (a); Stenothoe monoculoides (b); Microdeutopus obtusatus (c); Apocorophium acutum (d); Ampithoe ramondi (e); Ampelisca diadema (f); Hyale schmidti (g); Ericthonius brasiliensis (h); Leptocheirus guttatus (i) and Elasmopus brasiliensis (j). Groups defined by post-hoc SNK test after ANOVA were done within each time period and are showed by numbers.

3.5. Discussion

Complex natural habitats, such as P. different vegetated habitats; this aspect can oceanica meadows, hold the highest be attributed to amphipod habitat amphipod abundance and species richness. preferences, as has been shown by other However, the new habitat generated by C. authors who have demonstrated active racemosa supports a diverse and abundant selection of substratum (Stoner 1980, amphipod assemblage compared with other Roberts and Poore 2005), but also to natural habitats. Overall, the amphipod differential predation among habitats (Orth assemblage structure differed between the 1992).

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C. racemosa could affect the benthic importance of this seagrass habitat, where communities in two different ways. First, present on Mediterranean shallow sandy adding a complex structure where none bottoms should not be undermined, previously occurred (e.g. if this alga especially during winter. Perhaps, for some colonises bare substrates), such as our study faunal groups, high structural complexity of case, or replacing other macrophytes. There P. oceanica meadows renders them too exist many studies showing higher compact and consequently there is less epifaunal abundance on vegetation available habitat compared with less compared to bare substrates (Stoner 1980, structurally complex meadows, such as Heck and Orth 1980, Hicks 1982, Edgar et those formed by C. nodosa (Sanchez-Jerez al. 1994, Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999). The et al. 1999). presence of vegetation enhances the heterogeneity and complexity of habitat The C. prolifera and C. racemosa habitats available for the epifauna, increasing the supported very different amphipod abundance and species richness of abundances. C. racemosa was the second amphipods compared to unvegetated most important habitat after P. oceanica habitats. In our study area we have not beds, while abundance values recorded detected C. racemosa replacing other from C. prolifera stands were relatively macrophytes in soft bottoms, but it is low. Nonetheless, other authors note the important to remark that C. racemosa in our importance of C. prolifera beds as an study area was present in an incipient stage. important habitat for invertebrates Nevertheless, the replacements of native (Sanchez-Moyano et al. 2007). It has been communities or competition with them have demonstrated by several studies that habitat been detected in other studies, for instance, patchiness influences total epifaunal a study carried out by Dumay et al. (2002) abundance, in general, epifaunal abundance reveal that C. taxifolia and C. racemosa in is highest in patchy or very patchy habitats competition with P. oceanica seagrass beds compared to continuous habitats, while affect the mean leaf longevity, leaf primary amphipods is one of the main groups that production and the sheath primary respond to this pattern of distribution (see a production of the seagrass. All the changes review in Boström et al. 2006). In our on habitat structure could affect the study, C. racemosa represents an initial chemical and physical properties of the stage of invasion, which means that it is macrophytes and, in consequence, the patchily distributed and surrounded by amphipod preferences. seagrass. The observed high amphipod abundance recorded from our study area The heterogeneous and complex habitat may be related to the high structural structures of P. oceanica and C. nodosa heterogeneity of C. racemosa habitat, while meadows exert a variable influence on the the alternative host plant habitats are abundance of amphipods, depending mainly affecting the amphipod assemblage (Poore on temporal changes in bed structure 2005). On the other hand, C. prolifera (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999). In our study, P. stands are continuous, compared with those oceanica meadows are the most important of C. racemosa, and this is reflected in the habitat for amphipods in summer. Of the recorded amphipod abundance. habitats found on soft sediment bottoms in the shallow waters of the Mediterranean, P. Regarding to species richness, seagrass oceanica meadows are considered to be the habitat keeps the highest values. We note a most structurally complex (Pérès and Picard very high species richness for P. oceanica 1964, Duarte 2000). On the other hand, C. meadows; 33 species in total. Other studies nodosa habitat did not contribute to such have reported 16, 29 and 16 amphipod high amphipod abundance during summer species (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999, 2000 but its importance in winter equalled that of and Borg et al. 2006, respectively with this P. oceanica habitat. Although C. nodosa habitat). In the case of C. nodosa meadows, meadows do not have a high structural values of species richness recorded during complexity, they supported a high diversity the present study are similar to those from of invertebrates; consequently the other studies (19 species, Sanchez-Jerez et

53 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

al. 1999; 18 species, Sfriso et al. 2001). between refuge against predation and the Nevertheless, in the Mediterranean, C. availability of favourable space for living racemosa meadows on soft substrata (Orth 1992). Therefore, it may be necessary support a relatively diverse amphipod to consider the effects of predation to assemblage, being higher than C. racemosa explain the changes of amphipod growing on rocky substrate (Vázquez-Luis abundance across habitats detected on our et al. 2008). This may be related to the study. Experimental studies carried out by reduced structural complexity of the latter Moksnes et al. (2008) revealed that seagrass habitat types. However, C. prolifera have communities are dominated by strong top- similar species richness to other invasive down processes that regulate the biomass Caulerpa species, C. taxifolia. Bellan- and assemblage structure of both Santini (1995) reported 7 species from macroalgae and mobile fauna. In a sampling carried out in September and 11 manipulative experiment involving from sampling in March; these values are treatment with a caged goby fish predator, similar to those obtained for C. prolifera size-specific predation reduced the stands in our study area (6 in September abundance of adult gammarids by 93% and 18 in March). Sánchez-Moyano et al. (Moksnes et al 2008). Caine (1991) also (2007) reported up to 17 amphipod species detected a substantial reduction of from C. prolifera beds, which is also amphipod abundance due to predation. similar to our values recorded in March, Predation pressure by fishes in temperate and C. racemosa seems to support richer shallow environment is very high during assemblages than C. prolifera. This could warm seasons, and all habitats, except P. be due because of the macrophyte oceanica meadows, had reduced amphipod associated with the invasive specie while C. abundance during summer. Perhaps prolifera is present in a dense and predation pressure in P. oceanica meadows continuous meadow with lower habitat is lower as a result of the high complexity complexity. of the leaf stratum (Orth 1992).

Temporal differences across the sampled One remarkable property of the two habitats can be attributed to changes in Caulerpa species is the accumulation of habitat complexity (e.g. seasonal changes) detritus, which persisted throughout the and alteration of habitat heterogeneity year. In both species, the amount of detritus (increase of epiphytes and associated was higher than in seagrass meadows, but algae). Seagrasses exhibit important was especially high in C. prolifera stands, seasonal changes in leaf index, leaf biomass which had up to 6.5 times more detritus and epiphytes, which ultimately affect the than C. racemosa beds stands. Detritus associated fauna (Stoner and Lewis 1985). plays a very important role as a trophic Both Caulerpa species are algae having resource for marine invertebrates, being one tropical and subtropical affinities and are of the main trophic pathways of the marine strongly affected by seasonal fluctuations of ecosystem (Valiela 1995) and is one of the water temperature. Both species show a most important features of habitat structure considerable decrease of frond biomass in vegetated habitats (Allesina et al. 2005). during winter and remarkable growth when Therefore, any modification of the detritus temperatures increase (Piazzi and Cinelli compartment can affect the overall trophic 1999). These temporal changes should web, because it could lead to a change in affect the population dynamics of the the faunal assemblage structure resulting amphipod fauna, which would explain a from modification of trophic guilds due to proportion of the temporal variability found different trophic requirements. The detritus among sampling times. Nonetheless, compartment could be supporting the high appropriate temporal replication is needed abundance of amphipods in both C. in order to test seasonal and intrannual prolifera and C. racemosa stands, but patterns of amphipod community. perhaps the detritus also serves to make the invertebrates less available to predators Nevertheless, the abundance of potential (e.g. fish), unless the latter are more food items could result from a balance specialized for foraging, such as Mullus

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surmuletus, which was frequently seen reported by Sánchez-Moyano et al. (2007) feeding in C. racemosa stands on soft as being typical of C. prolifera meadows. bottoms (per. obs.). Ampithoe ramondi has a preference for native seaweeds and seagrasses (Ruffo It has been demonstrated that amphipods 1982, Viejo 1999, Roberts and Poore 2005, can actively choose substrata and show high Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008). We have habitat fidelity (Nelson 1979, Stoner 1980, detected, as Sánchez-Moyano et al. (2001), Roberts and Poore 2005, Poore and Hill the displacement of this species resulting 2006). Further to this, our study shows that from the presence of C. prolifera. All some species have a higher abundance in ampithoids are herbivorous, so the value of specific habitats. For example, some of the the algae or their epiphytes as food could be species recorded in our study, such as important factors in the distribution. Caprella grandimana, S. monoculoides, M. Caulerpa species produce metabolites obtusatus and A. acutum, were associated against epiphytes, competition and with C. racemosa. We think that these predators and studies carried out by Gollan species are favoured by C. racemosa and Wright (2006) demonstrated that because of two main factors that are related Caulerpa taxifolia is low preference food to the stolon structure and associated algae: for the ampithoid Cymadusa setosa. Other reduction of hydrodynamism and increased important species, such as Hyale schmidti, sedimentation. Caprella grandimana is Ericthonius brasiliensis, Leptocheirus very common in algae that inhabit the guttatus and Elasmopus brasiliensis are intertidal and shallow waters along the highly abundant at P. oceanica meadows, a Strait of Gibraltar and other Mediterranean result consistent with other authors localities in the vicinity of our study area (Sánchez-Jerez et al. 1999, Sánchez-Jerez et (Guerra-García, pers com.) The same al. 2000, Borg et al. 2006). applies to Stenothoe monoculoides, which is usually associated with photophilic algae In conclusion, our study shows that C. in infralittoral zone (Ruffo 1998). racemosa stands present on soft substrata Microdeutopus obtusatus, is generally present different amphipod assemblage than associated with Ulva, P. oceanica meadows other Mediterranean habitats on soft and bare fine sand habitats (Ruffo 1982), substrate. The observed abundance and but has also recently been recorded from species richness of amphipods were sediments (Roberts and Poore 2005) and C. relatively high. It is important to note that racemosa stands on rocky habitats stands of C. prolifera, which is considered a (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008). In our study native species of the Mediterranean Sea, area, Apocorophium acutum was very had relatively low amphipod abundance and abundant in C. racemosa stands in species richness compared with the invasive September, while this species seems to C. racemosa. Since C. racemosa has spread prefer environments having a low very rapidly and extensively during the last hydrodynamic regime and high 17 years (Klein and Verlaque 2008), one sedimentation rate (Conradi et al. 1997; predicts considerable changes, in the near Guerra-García and García-Gómez 2005). future, in the composition of the faunal That Ampelisca diadema is closely assemblages associated with soft-bottom associated with C. prolifera, and even with habitats, given the expected colonisation of C. racemosa may be related to the increase large areas of the sea bed by the species. of fine sediment fraction trapped. This Such a change, which may occur alongside species appears normally at sandy and gradual regression of seagrass meadows, muddy bottoms (Ruffo 1982), and possibly may contribute to a major change in the the sediment accumulation by Caulerpa structure of the Mediterranean benthic species generates the perfect habitat in assemblages. within to live. This species has been


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4. Does C. racemosa affect colonization of vegetated habitats by amphipods?

4.1. Abstract

Invasion of algal habitat by Caulerpa racemosa results in changes to the habitat structure, part of which may be due to accumulation of large amounts of detritus. In turn, this leads to alterations in the assemblage structure of associated invertebrates. Since it has been demonstrated that amphipods can actively choose a substratum, the present work addressed the question: “Do amphipods associate with the newly available habitat provided by C. racemosa or is the presence of detritus responsible for changes in the structure of associated invertebrate assemblages?” Field experiments on habitat colonisation were undertaken at two Mediterranean localities (Malta and Spain), and at two sites within each locality. Using mesh bags, 3 different habitat types were deployed at each site: Halopteris scoparia, C. racemosa and artificial substratum. Additionally, empty mesh bags were deployed as controls. Mesh bags containing plant material were defaunated prior to deployment. For each of the three habitat types, three treatments were applied: no detritus supplement, low detritus supplement, and high detritus supplement. The bags were placed on a rocky substratum at a water depth of 4.5 - 5 m for a period of 14 days, after which they were collected and the amphipod assemblage assessed. The results showed that: (i) overall, amphipod species richness and abundance were higher in bags containing H. scoparia, and (ii) the presence of detritus is related to increased values of amphipod species richness and abundance in C. racemosa habitat but not in H. scoparia habitat. We conclude that some amphipods exhibit a wide distribution range and are not affected by the spread of C. racemosa, but the detritus accumulated by C. racemosa is a determining factor for selection by some amphipods.

4.2. Introduction effects of habitat complexity on benthic ecosystems are many. Two main aspects Marine benthic biota depend on their contribute to habitat complexity: (1) habitat substrata for physical support, whether heterogeneity or patchiness of habitat types surface or within sediments, as well as to across a landscape; and (2) habitat acquire food, be it prey or other sources of structure, the physical or architectural nutrients (Sebens 1991). There are at least component of complexity (Sebens 1991). In two architectural attributes that have a large general, Mediterranean rocky bottom algal influence on the diversity and abundance of habitats consist of mosaics and patches with species within a community. The first is the different algal species that are aggregated in physical complexity of the substratum; the space at different spatial scales. Habitat second is the structural element provided by complexity differs between algal stands other organisms on the substratum (Sebens formed by different species and is 1991). Habitat structure strongly influences influenced by factors such as whether the processes that determine the abundance and species is encrusting or erect, tall or low distribution of species (Orth et al. 1984, lying (turf), or if it supports epiphytes. Beck 2000). It has been widely Hence, algal habitats can be very demonstrated that the variety of habitat and heterogeneous, such that availability of microhabitat types, hence available niches, habitat/microhabitat space for colonisation affect the coexistence of species and species by other species varies greatly. diversity (Huston 1979). Clearly, the greater number of different habitat types, Disturbance events, such as the introduction the higher the biodiversity. In shallow of an invasive species, can modify habitat rocky marine habitats, macrophytes are the structure and, consequently, result in large most important organisms that contribute to ecological effects (see review in Williams habitat structural complexity and and Smith 2007). The number of introduced heterogeneity. Macrophytes act as species outside their natural ranges is ecosystem engineers; essentially by creating rapidly increasing, although a relatively or modifying a habitat (Crooks 2002). The small proportion of transported and

59 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

introduced species become invasive et al. 2005, Cavas et al. 2006). A main (Williamson and Fitter, 1996). However, concern is that the fauna associated with the ability of such species to restructure native vegetation can change with the and, hence, radically change the functioning introduction of exotic algae (Wikstrom and of the recipient habitat, is high (Crooks Kautsky 2004, Schmidt and Scheibling 2002). Invasive species may: (a) modify the 2007). Hence, several works have focussed availability and flow of nutrients in an on assessing potential changes in the faunal ecosystem by altering biogeochemical assemblages associated with Mediterranean cycling; (b) contribute to changes in energy vegetated habitats that may be brought flow through a food web; and (c) affect the about by colonisation by C. racemosa availability or quality of physical resources (Argyrou et al. 1999, Piazzi and Balata in the ecosystem, including the physical 2008, Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009a, b). characteristics of a habitat (available space, Studies have shown that C. racemosa may sediment properties, light regime and water completely change habitat structure, as it quality; see Vitousek 1990, Crooks 2002). establishes homogeneous monospecific Frequently, an invasive species acts as an stands in which detritus accumulates ecosystem engineer, hence, determining the (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009b). biota that will become associated with the However, studies on the ecology of habitat. When this occurs, the resulting macrofauna associated with C. racemosa community will have mixed characteristics stands have focussed on post-invasion that are attributed to the initial pool of assessment, while there is a dearth of data species and habitat preferences, and to on the situation before invasion by the alien colonization rate of the invasive species. alga compared to that following invasion. Amphipods are one of the most ubiquitous We undertook experiments to test the and abundant invertebrate groups in marine hypothesis that C. racemosa may affect vegetated habitats, with densities often colonization of vegetated habitats by reaching several thousands individuals per amphipods, and that such an effect mainly square meter (Brawley 1992, Vázquez-Luis results from accumulation of detritus by the et al. 2008). They are important secondary alien alga. Furthermore, our experiment producers (Carrasco and Arcos 1984, was replicated in two Mediterranean Highsmith and Coyle 1990, Sarvala and localities, separated by thousands of Uitto 1991) and serve as a food source for a kilometres, to assess occurrence of the same large variety of marine fauna (Stoner 1979, patterns over a large spatial scale. Beare and Moore 1997, Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999, Stål et al. 2007), hence playing a key 4.3. Materials and methods role in energy flow through food webs (Vázquez-Luis et al., 2010). Amphipods 4.3.1. Study sites respond to habitat modification (Vázquez- Luis et al. 2008, 2009b); some species Experiments were carried out in two exhibit high habitat specificity while others Mediterranean localities: Malta and Spain. tolerate a range of habitat alteration that In each locality, two rocky sites with may result from pollution, invasion by alien broadly similar environmental species, and other disturbances, and can characteristics and supporting algal habitat therefore be used as an indicator of which was not invaded by C. racemosa, environmental impacts on vegetated were selected (Fig. 4.1). In Malta, the two habitats (Bellan-Santini 1980, Virnstein sites were Gallis and Pembroke, both 1987, Conradi et al. 1997, Sanchez-Jerez et located on the northeastern coast; in Spain, al. 2000). the two sites were Albir and Sierra Helada, both located on the Benidorm coast In the Mediterranean Sea, concerns on the (Alicante). The four sites had similar water appearance of the alien alga Caulerpa depths and habitat type, which comprised racemosa var. cylindracea (hereafter C. rocky bottom colonised by a patchy bed of racemosa) have resulted in several studies native algae. on the ecology of this species (see Ruitton

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Figure 4.1. Map showing the two localities and sites within each locality where the experiments were held: Albir and Sierra Helada, located in Spain, and Gallis and Pembroke, located in Malta.

4.3.2. Characterisation of habitat selected because is very common in shallow features and amphipod fauna water Mediterranean benthic habitats. In the laboratory, the algae were defaunated and To characterize the algae and amphipod their wet weight recorded. Dry Posidonia fauna at the study sites, three random oceanica ‘balls’ (Cannon 1979) were used samples were taken by SCUBA divers at as source for the detritus stock. Mesh bags each site using a 20 x 20 cm quadrat. with different treatments (plant substratum Samples were collected by scraping off all and detritus) were then prepared as follows. the vegetation enclosed in the quadrat. A Bags containing algae (H. scoparia or C. 300 μm mesh net was attached to the racemosa) had 80 g (wet weight) per bag quadrat to prevent escape of motile fauna while those containing ‘artificial algae’ during collection. Samples were preserved (garden shade fabric) had a volume in 4% formalin in seawater. Each replicate equivalent to that of algae. Two different was sieved in sea-water using a 500 μm treatments were used for bags with detritus: sieve. In the laboratory, the amphipods low detritus supplement (15 g wet weight) were separated, identified and counted. and high detritus supplement (50 g wet Algae were sorted and identified to species weight). These detritus weights were level and dried for 24 h in an oven at 80ºC chosen because on the basis that they were to obtain dry weight. equivalent to the amount of detritus found in habitats colonised by native algae and C. 4.3.3. Experimental setup and sampling racemosa. Accordingly, 15 g represent design around 15% detritus, which is the typical quantity associated with native algae For the field experiments, two different (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008), while 50 g algae were harvested: the native H. represent around 40% detritus, which is the scoparia and C. racemosa. H. scoparia was quantity found associated with C. racemosa

61 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

(Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009a). Five abundance of amphipods, and abundance of replicate bags per category/treatment were the most abundant amphipod species prepared, such that a total of 120 bags per between different sites were tested using locality were used. The experimental design three-factor Analysis of Variance incorporated three factors: (i) ‘Habitat’ (ANOVA). Prior to carrying out the which was fixed and had 4 levels: H. ANOVA, the data were tested for scoparia, C. racemosa, artificial algae and heterogeneity of variance using Cochran’s control (only the mesh bag); (ii) ‘Detritus’, C-test. Data were x + 1 or log(x + 1) which was fixed and orthogonal and had 3 transformed in cases where the variances levels (without detritus, low detritus were significantly different at P = 0.05. supplement and high detritus supplement); Where variance remained heterogeneous and (iii) ‘Site’, which was random and following transformation, untransformed orthogonal, and had two levels (for each data were analysed, as ANOVA is a robust study locality). statistical test that is relatively unaffected by heterogeneity of variances, particularly In the field, all bags were deployed at in balanced experiments (Underwood random at each study site on a rocky bottom 1997). However, in such cases, special care supporting algal habitat at a water depth of was taken in the interpretation of results, 4.5 - 5 m. Each mesh bag had a mesh size and to reduce type I error, was reduced to of 1.6 cm, was 30 cm long and had a large 0.01. Where ANOVA indicated a pebble (collected from a coastal beach) significant difference for a given factor, the inside to ensure it remained stationary on source of differences was identified using the seabed, while the rest of the bag Student–Newman–Keul (SNK) tests contained the particular algae/C. (Underwood 1981, 1997). Affinities racemosa/detritus treatment, and had its between the amphipod assemblage structure upper end closed. Deployment of the mesh and treatments were explored by cluster nets was made during summer 2008. At analysis through a similarity matrix, which each site the area of seabed over which the was calculated using the Bray–Curtis index mesh bags were spread was around 20 m2. and using double root transformed data After two weeks from deployment, the (PRIMER software; Clarke 1993). mesh bags were collected. Immediately following collection, each one was placed in a plastic bag to avoid escape of 4.4. Results macroinvertebrates. In the laboratory, the collected samples were first preserved in 4.4.1. Habitat and amphipod fauna 4% formalin and later sieved through a 500 μm mesh sieve to retain the fauna and other A total of 19 algal species was recorded material, which was then sorted. All from the Maltese sites and 11 from the amphipods were identified to species level Spanish ones. Values of total algal biomass and counted. An index of complexity for were higher at the Maltese sites compared the habitat complexity of the two algae was to the Spanish ones (334.34 ± 63.93 g dw calculated as the ratio between the surface m-2 and 266.59 ± 51.21 g dw m-2 area and volume provided (SA/V) by each respectively). The species that contributed alga. A surface-to-volume ratio (SA/V) is a most to biomass at the Maltese sites were simple, but practical, measure of the Cystoseira spp. (182.04 ± 81.61 g dw m-2), complexity of biogenic habitats (Schmidt- Halopteris scoparia (70.64 ± 50.84 g dw m- Nielson 1984, Koukouras et al. 1992). H. 2) and Cladostephus spongiosus (46.03 ± scoparia had a higher structural complexity 46.6 g dw m-2), while at the Spanish sites compared to C. racemosa (4.38 ± 0.06 and the main contributors were Corallina 6.45 ± 0.19 respectively, N=4). elongata (111.27 ± 45.65 g dw m-2), Halopteris scoparia (75.5 ± 35 g dw m-2) 4.3.4. Data analyses and Jania rubens (21.41 ± 6.19 g dw m-2).

For each locality (Malta and Spain), A total of 37 amphipod species were differences in number of species, total recorded from the Maltese sites and 34

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from the Spanish ones. At both localities, bags containing H. scoparia than all other the abundance of amphipods were high, treatments at both localities (Malta: Ha, P < with values of up to 5000 individuals per 0.01; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.2a; Spain: Ha, P < square meter being recorded, but large 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.2b). Total abundance differences in values were noted between was significantly higher at the Maltese sites different sites. In Malta the most abundant for bags containing H. scoparia (Ha, P < species were (in order of decreasing 0.05; Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.2c); the highest abundance): Elasmopus brasiliensis values recorded were for bags having a high (602.34 ± 152.85 ind m-2), Ampithoe content of detritus (95.7 ± 11.22 ind/bag). ramondi (485.38 ± 98.06 ind m-2), No significant differences were detected at Dexamine spiniventris (362.57 ± 89.65 ind the Spanish sites, although a similar pattern m-2), Ericthonius punctatus (347.95 ± 72.96 was obtained (Table 4.1, Fig. 4.2d). ind m-2), Hyale camptonyx (301.17 ± Regarding the detritus treatment, significant 104.03 ind m-2) and Cymadusa crassicornis differences in species richness were (178.36 ± 113.01 ind m-2). In Spain, the detected at the Maltese sites, where bags most abundant species were: Ampithoe having low and high detritus content had a ramondi (514.62 ± 119.98 ind m-2), significantly higher number of species (De, Microdeutopus spp. (450.29 ± 80.61 ind m- P < 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.2a). Moreover, 2), Dexamine spiniventris (400.58 ± 236.91 at one of Maltese sites total abundance was ind m-2), Caprella grandimana (391.81 ± higher in bags containing high detritus 190.66 ind m-2), Caprella acanthifera content, while in the other site both high (321.64 ± 60.38 ind m-2) and Hyale and low detritus treatments presented schmidti (201.75 ± 83.74 ind m-2). higher values (DexSi, P < 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.2c). At the Spanish sites, no 4.4.2. Colonization significant differences were detected for the detritus treatment, but a pattern indicating Thirty four amphipod species colonised the an increase in amphipod abundance with an mesh bags in Malta and 33 in Spain. increase in the content of detritus was Species richness was significantly greater in noted.

Malta Spain 12 12 a Species richness b Spe cie s richne ss 10 10

8 8

6 6

4 Number species/bag 4 Number species/bag Number

2 2

0 0 ØL HØL HØ L HØ L H ØL HØL HØL HØL H H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control 120 120 c Total abundance d Total abundance 100 100

80 80

60 60 ind/bag ind/bag

40 40

20 20

0 0 ØL HØLHØLHØLH ØL HØLHØLHØLH H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control Figure 4.2. Values (±SE) of: mean number of amphipod species (a and b) and total amphipod abundance (individuals per bag) (c and d) recorded from each treatment in Malta (a and c) and Spain (b and d). Ø = without detritus, L = low detritus supplement and H = high detritus supplement.

63 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

The dendrogram from cluster analyses and the treatment without detritus were showed segregation of amphipod clustered at a lower similarity than the main assemblages mainly by the combination of group. In Spain, this pattern was clearer at a habitat and detritus content. In Malta, a similarity of 70%, where H. scoparia with main cluster can be distinguished at the three levels of detritus was grouped similarity of 75%, corresponding to the together with C. racemosa and control three detritus levels of H. scoparia, to low habitats with low and high detritus and high detritus treatment for C. treatment. Also, artificial substratum and C. racemosa, and to control with high detritus racemosa and control without detritus content (Fig. 4.3a). The artificial substratum showed the highest dissimilarity (Fig. 4.3b).

40 a

60 Similarity




80 Similarity


100 AL HL CL AH HH CH AØ HØ CØ CaL CaH CaØ Figure 4.3. Dendrogram based on the amphipod assemblage data showing similarity between habitat types and detritus treatments in Malta (a) and Spain (b). H = H. scoparia, Ca = C. racemosa, A = artificial, C = control; Ø = without detritus, L = low detritus supplement and H = high detritus supplement.

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Table 4.1. Results of the three-factor ANOVA for species richness, total abundance, and species abundance of the most abundant amphipods. MS = mean square; P = level of significance; df = degrees of freedom; ns = not significant; * = significant (P < 0.05); ** = significant (P < 0.01).


Species Richness Total abundance Elasmopus brasiliensis Elasmopus pocillimanus F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P MS P Habitat=Ha 3 91.88 0.0011** 17746.16 0.0221* 42.57 0.0259* 12.19 0.0516 HaxSi Detritus=De 2 87.06 0.0170* 11781.51 0.2333 31.1 0.0156* 9.58 0.111 DexSi Site=Si 1 20.01 0.0139* 5057.01 0.0013** 3.48 0.0693 25.52 0.0001** Res HaxDe 6 5.66 0.37 668.13 0.3921 2.53 0.3902 1.19 0.7662 HaxDexSi HaxSi 3 0.69 0.883 1053.87 0.0827 2.83 0.0473* 1.35 0.1651 Res DexSi 2 1.51 0.6241 3586.01 0.0007** 0.49 0.6208 1.19 0.2192 Res HaxDexSi 6 4.16 0.2413 529.07 0.3385 1.99 0.0826 2.22 0.0133* Res Residual 96 3.18 459.16 1.03 0.78 Cochran’s C-test C=0.0942 ns C=0.1626 ns C=0.1541 ns C=0.1530 ns Transformation - - Sqrt(x+1) Ln(x+1) SNK Ha: H>Ca=A>C Ha: H>Ca=A=C De: L=H>Ø De: L=H>Ø DexSi: 1: H=L>Ø HaxSi: 1: H>Ca>A=C 2: H>L>Ø 2: H>Ca=C>A

Gammarella fucicola Caprella acanthifera Microdeutopus spp. Lyssianasa costae F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P MS P Habitat=Ha 3 25.96 0.1024 1.31 0.0204* 1.29 0.4595 30.79 0.3824 HaxSi Detritus=De 2 11.14 0.5807 0.18 0.2301 1.19 0.1329 4.13 0.2832 DexSi Site=Si 1 5.29 0.1733 5.28 0.0001** 4.72 0.0001** 42.01 0.0001** Res HaxDe 6 1.57 0.9588 0.25 0.7638 0.1 0.6564 1.31 0.3297 HaxDexSi HaxSi 3 4.91 0.1623 0.07 0.8722 1.14 0.0078** 21.14 0.0001** Res DexSi 2 15.43 0.0055** 0.05 0.8395 0.18 0.5111 1.63 0.1409 Res HaxDexSi 6 7.36 0.0213* 0.46 0.1975 0.14 0.8021 0.9 0.3669 Res Residual 96 2.81 0.31 0.27 0.82 Cochran’s C-test C=0.1616 ns C=0.1093 ns C=0.1563 ns C=0.4439 (p<0.01) Transformation Sqrt(x+1) Sqrt(x+1) Ln(x+1) - SNK DexSi: 2: H>L=Ø Ha: Ca>H=A=C HaxSi: 1: Ca>H>A=C HaxSi: 1: H>Ca=A=C


Species Richness Total abundance Elasmopus brasiliensis Elasmopus pocillimanus F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P Habitat=Ha 3 55.09 0.0118* 4091.94 0.0585 2.11 0.0006** 1.0179 0.0552 HaxSi Detritus=De 2 13.41 0.3754 292.03 0.2269 0.25 0.3299 0.1218 0.6971 DexSi Site=Si 1 14.01 0.0811 913.01 0.1252 0.03 0.7793 0.0991 0.5902 Res HaxDe 6 3.89 0.8588 249.9 0.4604 0.19 0.8446 0.2362 0.579 HaxDexSi HaxSi 3 2.09 0.7072 496.94 0.2782 0.01 0.9911 0.1183 0.7902 Res DexSi 2 8.06 0.1729 85.73 0.7992 0.12 0.6709 0.2804 0.4406 Res HaxDexSi 6 9.88 0.0503 229.6 0.7283 0.45 0.198 0.2799 0.5532 Res Residual 96 4.51 3381.55 0.31 0.3392 Cochran’s C-test C=0.1451 ns C=0.6525 (p<0.01) C=0.1231 ns C=0.1326 ns Transformation - - Sqrt(x+1) Ln(x+1) SNK Ha: H>Ca=A=C Ha: H>Ca>C>A

Gammarella fucicola Caprella acanthifera Microdeutopus spp. Lyssianasa longicornis F versus Source of variation df MS P MS P MS P MS P Habitat=Ha 3 1015.84 0.0807 1.47 0.4701 4.38 0.1801 4.05 0.1566 HaxSi Detritus=De 2 166.07 0.5125 0.29 0.7863 1.67 0.5523 0.96 0.345 DexSi Site=Si 1 116.03 0.4549 7.79 0.0001** 23.41 0.0001** 0.95 0.0792 Res HaxDe 6 230.42 0.1855 0.49 0.5238 0.49 0.5661 0.65 0.0922 HaxDexSi HaxSi 3 158.46 0.5143 1.34 0.0392* 1.35 0.0294* 0.1 0.0149* Res DexSi 2 174.56 0.4319 1.06 0.1064 2.07 0.0106* 0.51 0.1901 Res HaxDexSi 6 106.68 0.7937 0.51 0.3627 0.57 0.2583 0.2 0.6663 Res Residual 96 206.12 0.46 0.43 0.3 Cochran’s C-test C=0.8863 (p<0.01) C=0.1524 ns C=0.1526 ns C=0.1527 ns Transformation - Sqrt(x+1) Sqrt(x+1) Ln(x+1) SNK HaxSi: 1: A>H=Ca=C HaxSi: 1: H=Ca>A=C HaxSi: 1: H>Ca=A=C DexSi: 1: H>Ø=L

65 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

The most abundant amphipods recorded Malta, the abundance of this species was from the two study localities were significantly higher on C. racemosa (Ha, P Elasmopus brasiliensis, E. pocillimanus, < 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.4g). For one site in Gammarella fucicola, Caprella acanthifera, Spain, a significant interaction for habitat and Microdeutopus spp., while 2 and site was indicated; the abundance of Lysianassa species, Lysianassa costae and this amphipod was higher on artificial L. longicornis were most abundant in Malta substratum at one site (HaxSi, P < 0.05; and Spain respectively. These species Table 4.1, Fig. 4.4h), while no significant contribute to 82% of amphipod fauna in differences in abundance were detected Malta and to 54% in Spain. The abundance between different habitats at the other site. values of the various species were different for different treatments of ‘habitat’ and Species of the genus Microdeutopus were, ‘detritus’, while differences among sites in general, more abundant on H. scoparia were also noted. Abundance values of and C. racemosa; in Malta Microdeutopus Elasmopus brasiliensis were significant spp. was significantly more abundant on C. higher in H. scoparia habitat in both Malta racemosa at one site (HaxSi, P < 0.01; and Spain (Malta: HaxSi, P < 0.05; Table Table 4.1, Fig. 4.4i). In Spain, significant 4.1, Fig. 4.4a; Spain: Ha, P < 0.01; Table differences in the abundance of these 4.1, Fig. 4.4b); for the factor ‘detritus’, the species were detected for habitat and abundance of this species was significantly detritus, with a significant interaction being higher for low and high detritus content at indicated at one of the two sites. The the Maltese sites (De, P < 0.05; Table 4.1, abundance of Microdeutopus spp. was Fig. 4.4a). E. pocillimanus appeared to be higher on H. scoparia and C. racemosa at more abundant in bags having a high algal one site (HaxSi, P < 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. content, for both H. scoparia and C. 4.4j). A significant interaction for detritus racemosa, however, no significant and site was also indicated for differences were detected by the ANOVA Microdeutopus spp.; at one of the Spanish (Fig. 4.4c). In Spain, this species was sites, abundance was higher in the bag abundant in all habitat types except the having a high content of detritus (DexSi, P artificial substratum (Fig. 4.4d). < 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.4j), while no differences in abundances were evident at G. fucicola had a high abundance in both the other site for the different detritus Malta and Spain, particularly in bags content levels (DexSi, P < 0.05; Table 4.1, containing H. scoparia. However, no Fig. 4.4j). significant differences were detected by the ANOVA, although a significant interaction Species of the genus Lysianassa showed between detritus and site was evident for overall abundance patterns whereby the the Maltese site, with significantly higher amphipods were more abundant in H. abundance of this amphipod being recorded scoparia. For L. costae, which was more from bags having a high content of detritus abundant at the Maltese sites, a significant at one site (DexSi, P < 0.01; Table 4.1, Fig. interaction of habitat and site was detected; 4.4e). The abundance values of this species abundance values were higher at one site on were also high at the Spanish sites (Fig. H. scoparia (HaxSi, P < 0.01; Table 4.1, 4.4f). Fig. 4.4k). L. longicornis, which was more abundant at the Spanish sites, had a higher C. acanthifera showed different patterns of abundance on H. scoparia at one site abundance at the two study localities. In (HaxSi, P < 0.05; Table 4.1, Fig. 4.4l).

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Malta Spain 35 10 a Elasmopus brasiliensis b Elasmopus brasiliensis 30 8 25

20 6 ind/bag

15 ind/bag 4

10 2 5

0 0 35 ØL HØLHØLHØLH 10 ØL HØL HØLHØL H Elasmopus pocillimanus S. scoparium C.Elasmopus racemosa pocillimanusArtificial Control c S.H. scopariumscoparia C.C. racemosaracemosa Artificial ControlControl d H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control 30 8 25

6 20 ind/bag

15 ind/bag 4

10 2 5

0 0 ØL HØL HØLHØL H Ø L HØ L HØ L HØ L H 40 40 S. scoparium C. racemosa Artificial Control S. scoparium C. racemosa Artificial Control e H. scoparia C. Gammarellaracemosa fucicolaArtificial Control f H. scoparia C. Gammarellaracemosa fucicolaArtificial Control 35 35

30 30

25 25

20 20 ind/bag ind/bag 15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0 7 ØLHØLHØL HØLH 7 ØL HØLHØLHØLH S. scoparium C. racemosaCaprella acanthiferaArtificial Control S. scoparium C.Caprella racemosa acanthiferaArtificial Control g H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control h H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control 6 6

5 5

4 4 ind/bag

3 ind/bag 3

2 2

1 1

0 0 10 ØL HØ L HØ L HØL H 10 ØLHØL HØLHØL H S. scoparium C. racemosa Artificial Control Microdeutopus spp. i H. scoparia C.Microdeutopus racemosa spp.Artificial Control j H.S. scoparia scoparium C. racemosaracemosa ArtificialArtificial ControlControl

8 8

6 6 ind/bag 4 ind/bag 4

2 2

0 0 ØL HØL HØLHØL H 5 5 ØLHØLHØLHØLH S.H. scopariascoparium C.C. racemosaracemosaLyssianasa costae Artificial ControlControl Lyssianasa longicornis k l S.H. scoparium scoparia C.C. racemosa racemosa ArtificialArtificial ControlControl

4 4

3 3

ind/bag 2 ind/bag 2

1 1

0 0 ØL HØLHØL HØLH ØL HØLHØLHØLH H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H. scoparia C. racemosa Artificial Control H.H. scopariascoparia C.C. racemosa Artificial ControlControl

Figure 4.4. Abundance (number of individuals ± SE per bag) of: E. brasiliensis (a and b), E. pocillimanus (c and d), G. fucicola (e and f), C. acanthifera (g and h), Microdeutopus spp. (i and j), L. costae (k) and L. longicornis (l) recorded from in Malta (a, c, e, g, i and k) and in Spain (b, d, f, h, j and l). Note that E. brasiliensis and E. pocillimanus present different scale bar in y axis. Ø = without detritus, L = low detritus supplement and H = high detritus supplement.

67 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

4.5. Discussion Poore and Hill 2006). A third alternative is that, following recruitment of juveniles, Both species richness and abundance of adults select favoured habitats (Underwood amphipods were higher in bags containing and Denley 1984, Crowe and Underwood H. scoparia. Furthermore, for C. racemosa 1998). In our study, the possibility that habitat, the results suggest that the presence amphipods prefer H. scoparia compared to of detritus results in increased values of the other habitats may explain their amphipod species richness and abundance, observed distribution among treatments. even though the recorded values did not However, since such processes are not reach ones recorded for the native algal exclusive, a combination of these may be species. H. scoparia forests have a high responsible for the observed patterns of structural complexity and serve as an distribution of amphipods. important habitat for amphipod assemblages, as shown by the highest Several studies highlight the importance of values of species richness and abundance habitat structural complexity in determining recorded for amphipods in the present the abundance and species richness of study. Artificial substrata provide a refuge associated mobile epifauna (Orth et al. to amphipods, but natural vegetated habitats 1984, Martin-Smith 1993, Beck 2000, may be more attractive to this faunal group. Chemello and Milazzo 2001, Grabowski and Powers 2004). The present results show In general, three main processes may that some amphipod species have a higher account for faunal distribution patterns. One abundance in specific habitats. For is different rates of settlement/recruitment; example, some of the species recorded in larvae or juveniles can recruit in larger our study, such as E. brasiliensis, G. numbers to one habitat than to others fucicola, L. costae and L. longicornis, were (Moore and Lopez 1972, Dayton 1975). In associated with H. scoparia. These species our experiment, rate of recruitment should colonised the mesh bags with H. scoparia not be used to explain the observed patterns in higher numbers compared to the other of species richness and abundance since the treatments, possibly because of the higher study was not carried out over a sufficiently structural complexity of this alga. On the long period, while relatively small numbers other hand, the artificial plant substratum of juvenile amphipods were recorded in the used in our experiment had a relatively high mesh bags. A second alternative is that structural complexity and should therefore populations are distributed randomly in have resulted in a higher abundance of available habitats, but differential mortality associated amphipods. Therefore, apart leads to reduction in numbers in from habitat complexity, other factors play unfavourable habitats (Levins 1968, Russo an important role in colonization of 1987). The random distribution of fauna substratum by amphipods; possibly, may be related to that of the host plants availability of food, chemical cues, and since neighbouring plants may affect the palatability, are important factors in ability of faunal species to locate their influencing colonisation by amphipods preferred host (Poore 2004). Moreover, distribution in different vegetated habitats. previous studies have demonstrated that predation rates on amphipods are different Artificial substrata usually support a depending on species, and on the habitat community that is not representative of the where they live (Vázquez-Luis et al., 2010). local species pool (Smith and Rule, 2002). Nevertheless the general pattern noted in The artificial substratum used in our the present study is consistent and it would experiment had a relatively high structural seem that amphipods association with complexity, but the presence of natural habitats results from specific selection and, habitats would present a higher quality possibly, similar predation pressure on habitat for some species. E. pocillimanus replicate bags. It has been demonstrated and Microdeutopus spp. were more that amphipods can actively choose abundant in mesh bags with H. scoparia substrata and show high habitat fidelity and C. racemosa; the plant content seems to (Stoner 1980, Roberts and Poore 2005, be a determining factor for some species,

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while C. racemosa does not appear to be an amphipod assemblages, as has been shown unfavourable substratum. Moreover, in other studies (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008). species of the genus Microdeutopus have It appears that gammarids are able to been reported to have higher abundance exploit the detritus as a microhabitat, while values on substrata colonised by C. this is not as useful for caprellids which racemosa compared to ones colonised by prefer the external canopy (Aoki, 1999). native algae (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, Usually, the feeding mechanisms of 2009b). In contrast, C. acanthifera showed amphipods have been considered to depend different patterns of abundance at the two on the morphology of mouthparts. Recent localities; in Malta it was more abundant in studies (Guerra-García and Tierno de C. racemosa habitat, while in Spain it was Figueroa, 2009) that have assessed the diet more abundant on artificial substratum. of amphipods based on gut content analysis Several caprellid species were recorded showed that, in caprellid species, detritus during the present study, but only C. was clearly the main dietary component. acanthifera was consistently present in the Moreover, the only relationship found by mesh bags. C. acanthifera has been these workers between the gut contents and reported as a common species on many mouthpart structural features was that a different substrata (see Guerra-García 2001) predatory mode of life of caprellids is and can tolerate stressed habitats having directly related to the absence of molars. low water movement and high rates of Therefore, detritus appears to play a very sedimentation and organic matter (Guerra- important role for amphipods as a source of García and García-Gómez 2001). The food may serve as a very important different patterns recorded from the two attractant. localities may have resulted from differences in such environmental Some species were abundant in their natural characteristics between the two localities. It habitat but were absent in the mesh bags. should also be noted that the mesh per se One explanation could be that the biology serves as an ideal substratum for the of a given species could be playing an attachment of caprellids using their important role. Herbivorous amphipods, pereiopods, while amphipods belonging to such as those belonging to the family this group are also predominantly found Ampithoidae and the genera Hyale and attached to the more exposed parts of plants Dexamine, had high abundance values in (Aoki 1999, Sudo and Azeta 2001). their natural habitat but lower abundance values in the mesh bags at both study Availability of food may play an important localities. Some species, such as Ampithoe role for substratum selection by the ramondi, Dexamine spiniventris, Hyale amphipods. Our results showed that the camptonyx and H. schmidti, are strongly species richness and abundance of linked to the algal canopy, and are very amphipods increased with an increase in sensitive to habitat alteration, and hence did detritus content. The same applies to not respond under experimental conditions. species abundance since values of this A. ramondi lives in transparent, gelatinous attribute increased with an increase in tubes on algae and seagrasses (Ruffo, detritus content. Detritus plays a very 1982), and is therefore a sedentary species important role as a trophic resource for that does not displace from their host. In marine invertebrates, and serves as one of any case, lower abundance values of A. the main trophic pathways in marine ramondi and H. schmidti in habitats ecosystems (Valiela 1995), while it is also invaded by C. racemosa and C. prolifera, one of the most important features of have been detected in some studies habitat structure in vegetated habitats (Sánchez-Moyano et al. 2001, Vázquez- (Allesina et al. 2005). It is suggested that Luis et al. 2008, Vázquez-Luis et al. amphipods do not consume algal biomass 2009b). Moreover, the preference of directly, but feed on associated material amphipods for one or more habitats from a such as detritus (Enequist, 1949). The variety of potential habitats would be detritus stock associated with C. racemosa expected by this invertebrate group; in our appears to play an important role for experiment the amphipods may have

69 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

actively selected the natural habitats instead better in algal habitat that has been invaded of the manipulated ones, for instance, by by the alien species. The present findings preferring the algae surrounding the mesh suggest that the total abundance and species bags at our study sites. The results of our richness of amphipods is higher in algal experiment can only be interpreted in the stands formed by the native H. scoparia, light of higher association or colonisation but is also positively influenced by the with H. scoparia habitat, since this is the presence of detritus. As a result, the only alga (apart from C. racemosa) used in presence of C. racemosa affects our study. Therefore, it would be interesting colonization of vegetated habitats by to carry out similar experiments in which amphipods, given that this alga the preference of amphipods for other accumulated detritus. However, native plants is compared to that for C. colonization of invertebrates is a complex racemosa. However, it is very important to process and seasonal changes of algal carry out such experiments using biomass and the life history of amphipod appropriate experimental designs to avoid species may also be very important in confounding influences (Olabarría et al., determining substratum selection by 2002). amphipods. Further experiments on habitat selection and the diet of amphipods are In conclusion, when introduced, C. necessary to obtain a better understanding racemosa modifies rocky algal habitats, of such potential changes to benthic which results in changes to the abundance ecosystem functioning that may result from and species richness of associated the spread of invasive species. amphipods. However, some amphipods fare


______Chapter 5

5. Does C. racemosa modify the feeding habits of amphipods?

5.1. Abstract

Invasive species are one of the most obvious threats to biodiversity, but there is a great ignorance of the effects generated by these species in marine ecosystems. Caulerpa racemosa is one of the most notable invaders in the Mediterranean Sea. It is well known that C. racemosa changes the amphipod community in terms of abundance and species richness with respect to native habitats. Some species coexist in invaded and non invaded habitats, inferring that they share the space as a resource. However nothing is known regarding the common use of the same trophic resources. The aim of this study was to assess if the feeding habits of amphipods associated with vegetated habitats are affected by the spread of the invasive C. racemosa, through stomach content analysis of amphipods living in both native and invaded seaweed assemblages. A total of 240 specimens of 14 species of amphipods were examined. Ten species were present in both studied habitats (native and invaded), while 2 species were only found in native habitats and 2 species were only found in C. racemosa habitat. Ten individuals of each species and at each habitat were selected and their gut content was examined. A total of 11 different items were found in the gut contents: detritus, vegetal detritus, algae, animal tissue, oligochaeta, polychaeta, foraminifera, crustacea, sipuncula, diatoms and non identified items. The expansion of C. racemosa to a native algal community changes the feeding habits of herbivorous amphipods, since their preferred food (epiphytic algae) is not available in the new habitat produced by C. racemosa. This community change occurs because of the presence of caulerpenyne in C. racemosa, which retards the growth of epiphytic algae. Nevertheless, other species are not affected or benefited by the invasion, such as detritivorous species whose main food source and habitat remains available. Altogether, slight changes in the trophodynamism of amphipod assemblages have been detected, which are not seen as important in an initial stage. However, they might be promoting some indirect effects in the energetic budget of populations, which may affect the life history. Further studies on food-web interactions in the ecosystems affected by invasive species are necessary.

5.2. Introduction important contributors to structure the habitat in terms of complexity and Habitat structure plays a very important role heterogeneity. Macrophytes act as in marine benthic ecosystems, where biota ecosystem engineers; essentially they depends on their substrate for physical create, destroy or modify a habitat, which support, as well as to acquire food or influences the associated epifauna. provide shelter (Sebens 1991). The variety of habitat and microhabitat types, hence Amphipods are one of the most ubiquitous available trophic niches, affects the and abundant invertebrate groups in marine coexistence of species and species diversity vegetated habitats, with densities often (Huston 1979). The habitat structure reaching several thousands of individuals strongly influences processes that determine per square meter (Brawley 1992, Vázquez- the presence, abundance and distribution of Luis et al. 2008). They are important species (Orth et al. 1984, Beck 2000), secondary producers and they exhibit wide determining the functioning of food webs. feeding strategies: grazers, filter and detritic Consumers will feed on prey depending on feeders, predators, scavengers, carnivores, their trophic guilds, the abundance of each omnivores and phytophages (macro and prey in their habitat, the ability to capture microphages) (Carrasco and Arcos 1984, prey and their preferences for a particular Highsmith and Coyle 1990, Sarvala and prey. Moreover, in shallow rocky marine Uitto 1991). These various feeding modes habitats, the particular predator-prey are sometimes used simultaneously or combinations will be strongly influenced by successively in time according to ambient vegetation characteristics (Heck and conditions (Ruffo et al. 1998). Moreover, Crowder 1991), as marine algae are amphipods serve as a food source for a

73 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

large variety of marine predators (Stoner However it is still poorly known if these 1979, Beare and Moore 1997, Sanchez- species are benefiting from the same trophic Jerez et al. 1999, Stål et al. 2007), hence resources. The main objective of this study playing a key role in energy flow through is to asses if the feeding habits of food webs (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2010). amphipods associated with coastal plant communities are affected by the spread of Disturbance events, such as the introduction the invasive C. racemosa, through stomach of an invasive seaweed species can modify content analysis of amphipods living in habitat structure and consequently, result in both native and invaded seaweed large ecological effects (see a review in assemblages. Williams and Smith 2007). Such species present a high ability to restructure and radically change the functioning of the 5.3. Material and methods recipient habitat (Crooks 2002), determining the biota that will become A total of 240 specimens of 14 amphipod associated with the habitat. The species were examined. Ten species were Mediterranean Sea is the most heavily present in the two studied habitats (native invaded marine region in the world with algae and C. racemosa), while 2 species respect to introduced seaweeds (Williams were only found in algae habitats and the and Smith 2007). Caulerpa racemosa var. other 2 species were only found in C. cylindracea (hereafter C. racemosa) is one racemosa habitat (for further details about of the most invasive. Some studies have the provenance and abundance of the demonstrated negative effects of C. individuals see Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008). racemosa on native seaweeds (Piazzi et al. Ten individuals of each species and habitat 2001c, 2003, Balata et al. 2004), on food were selected, and their gut content was choice of invertebrates (Gianguzza et al. examined (see Table 1). For the gut content 2002), on invertebrate assemblages study, individuals were analyzed following (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009a) and on the methodology proposed by Bello and prey availability for fish (Vázquez-Luis et Cabrera (1999) with slight variations al. 2010). Other studies have found positive (Tierno de Figueroa et al. 2006, Guerra- effects on polychaete assemblages (Argyrou García and Tierno de Figueroa 2009). Each et al. 1999, Box et al. 2010). In the case of individual was introduced in a vial with seagrass density both effects have been Hertwig’s liquid (consisting of 270 g of found (Ceccherelli and Cinelli 1997, chloral hydrate, 19 ml of chloridric acid 1 Ceccherelli and Campo 2002). However, N, 150 ml of distilled water and 60 ml of the possibility that non positive or negative glycerin) and heated in an oven at 65°C for effects happen cannot be ruled out (Dumay 3 to 6 h, depending on the cuticle thickness et al. 2002). of the specimens. After this, they were mounted on slides for examination under Amphipods respond to habitat modification the microscope, equipped with an ocular (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999); some species micrometer. exhibit high habitat specificity while others tolerate a range of habitat alteration that The relevance of stomach contents in the may result from pollution, invasion by alien amphipods studied was evaluated by species and other disturbance. Therefore calculating the percentage of the absolute amphipods are good indicators to show gut content (%GC= total area occupied by environmental impacts on vegetated the content in the whole digestive tract), habitats (Bellan-Santini 1980, Virnstein and Vacuity Index (VI=100 x [number of 1987, Conradi et al. 1997, Sanchez-Jerez et empty stomachs/total number of stomachs al. 2000). It is known that C. racemosa analysed]). The importance of different changes the amphipod community in terms prey types was evaluated by calculating the of abundance and species richness and relative gut content (Ab=area occupied for some species coexist in both native and each component within the total gut invaded habitats sharing the space as content), and the frequency of occurrence resource (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009b). (Oc=100 x [number of stomachs containing

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prey i/total number of stomachs containing higher values of detritus consumption (Fig. prey]) of each prey item. Finally, to 5.1). Caprella grandimana showed similar evaluate the degree of overlap in the use of diet across habitats feeding mainly on food between the two types of habitat detritus and some algae fragments when within each species the Morisita’s Index living on algae (Fig. 5.1). Caprella hirsuta (modified by Horn 1966) was calculated showed similar feeding habits among (M= 2x (P pxi x pyi)/ (pxi)2+ (pyi)2, habitats, with detritus being the most where px and py are the percentages of important item (Fig. 5.1). Dexamine occurrence in stomachs of the prey i). This spiniventris consumed mainly epiphytic overlap index varies from 0, for no diet algae (Fam. Rhodomelacea, Fam. Ulvacea overlap, to 1, for complete diet similarity and Fam. Sphacelariaceae) living in algae, (an overlap equal to or above 0.6 was while in C. racemosa showed higher values considered to be biologically significant, of detritus consumption (Fig. 5.1). following Keast 1978). The affinities Elasmopus brasiliensis and Elasmopus among species and habitats according to the pocillimanus showed a wide diversity of dietary analysis were explored by cluster items in their gut contents, feeding on analysis through a similarity matrix, which detritus, algae and different animal prey was calculated using the Bray–Curtis index (Fig. 5.2). Lysianassa costae was the and using double square transformed data species with a higher presence of vegetal (PRIMER software; Clarke 1993). detritus in both habitats, but also detritus, animal tissue and algae were found in their gut content (Fig. 5.2). Microdeutopus 5.4. Results obtusatus fed mainly on detritus and some animal prey in both habitats (Fig. 5.2). Two hundred and forty specimens of 14 Stenothoe monoculoides showed the highest species and two habitats were examined values of consumed crustaceans, but fed (Table 5.1). The values of vacuity index also on algae in algae habitats and (VI) ranged from 0 to 30 for all the species polychaeta in C. racemosa habitats (Fig. and habitat types, where Stenothoe 5.2). Regarding the gut content of the monoculoides in C. racemosa habitat species that appeared only in one habitat, showed the highest proportion of empty gut those living on algae (Atylus guttatus and A. (VI=30), followed by Dexamine massiliensis) showed high percentages of spiniventris and Elasmopus brasiliensis in consumed algae tissues; and those species C. racemosa; and Atylus massiliensis in living in C. racemosa (Caprella acanthifera algae (VI=20). Digestive contents were and Melita hergensis) fed mainly on found in 229 specimens (95.4%) belonging detritus and animal tissues (Fig. 5.3). to all species. The total area occupied by the content in the whole digestive tract At similarity of 50% the group of predators ranged from 16.7% for S. monoculoides to can be distinguished (Fig. 5.4), represented 55% for Microdeutopus obtusatus, both in by S. monoculoides in both studied habitats. native algae. Gut contents of the studied At similarity of 70% three groups amphipod species included 11 items: represented by , detritivores and detritus (organic and inorganic thin omnivores can be distinguished. The dietary particles), vegetal detritus (vegetal composition of detritivores and omnivores remains), algae, animal tissue, oligochaeta, was relatively similar, showing a clear polychaeta, foraminifera, crustacea (mainly segregation from the herbivorous group and copepods), sipuncula, diatoms and non further from the predators group. The identified items. Food items for each different values obtained from the Morisita species and by habitat are described in overlap index provided information about Table 5.1. Apocorophium acutum in both an overlap of food resources between both habitats fed exclusively on detritus (Fig. habitats for all species. These values ranged 5.1). Ampithoe ramondi consumed mainly from 0.79 for A. ramondi to 1 for A. acutum epiphytic algae (Fam. Rhodomelacea, (Table 5.2). genera Polysiphonia or Neosiphonia) living in algae, while in C. racemosa showed


Ecological effectsofC.racemosa onamphipod assemblages 76

Table 5.1. Gut contents of the species studied in the different habitats. Hab=habitat, VI=vacuity index, %GC=total gut content occupied in the whole digestive tract, V detritus=vegetal detritus, Ab=abundance of each item and Oc=occurrence of each item. ALG=native seaweeds and CAU=Caulerpa racemosa.

Species Detritus V detritus Algae An. tissue Oligochaeta Polychaeta Foraminifera Crustacea Sipuncula Diatomea Non ident Hab VI %GC Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Ab Oc Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) ALG 0 47 100 100 ------CAU 0 49.5 100 100 ------Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826 ALG 0 44.7 1.5 20 - - 98.5 100 ------CAU 0 51.5 72.5100 - - 27.5100 ------Caprella grandimana Mayer, 1882 ALG 0 29.7 87.9 90 - - 10 10 2 10 - - - - 0.1 10 ------CAU 10 35 87.5100 - - - - 2.5 22.22------Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 ALG 0 22.3 94 100 - - - - 5 40 - - 1 10 ------CAU 0 34 93.5100 - - - - 6.5 40 ------Dexamine spiniventris (A.Costa, 1853) ALG 0 24.7 - - - - 100 100 ------

CAU 20 21.9 29.537.5 - - 50.5 75 ------______Elasmopus brasiliensis (Dana, 1855) ALG 0 42.7 50 90 1.5 10 26 30 16.7 40 - - 0.5 10 0.3 10 5 10 ------CAU 20 35.5 30.187.5 - - 10.5 50 33.375 - - - - 5.1 25 ------Elasmopus pocillimanus (Bate, 1862) ALG 0 39.3 71.9 100 - - 3.5 20 15.5 50 - - - - 0.1 10 9 20 ------CAU 0 42.5 37.880 - - 3 10 58.590 - - - - 0.7 30 ------Lysianassa costae Milne Edwards, 1830 ALG 0 20 52.5 100 7.5 30 3 10 37 90 ------CAU 0 21.7 36 90 23 80 9 40 31 80 ------1 10 - - - - Microdeutopus obtusatus Myers, 1973 ALG 0 55 99.9 100 ------0.1 10 - - CAU 0 42.8 93 100 - - - - 7 20 ------Stenothoe monoculoides (Montagu, 1813) ALG 0 16.7 1 10 - - 39.9 40 ------59 60 - - 0.1 10 - - CAU 30 17.5 - - - - 10 12.5 - - - - 5 12.5 - - 50 75 - - - - 5 12.5 Atylus guttatus (A.Costa, 1851) ALG 10 32.8 4 22.221 11.1185 100 ------Atylus massiliensis Bellan-Santini, 1975 ALG 20 31.5 10 50 - - 69 100 - - 1 12.5 ------Caprella acanthifera (Leach, 1814) CAU 10 22.3 82.5100 - - - - 7.5 22.22------Melita hergensis Reid, 1939 CAU 0 19.1 80.590 - - 10 10 7.5 20 2 10 ------

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Foraminifera Polychaeta Animal tissue Algae 50% Detritus


0% ALG CAU ALG CAU ALG CAU ALG CAU ALG CAU i a is m d a t r n n t tu o a su u im ir c m d .h iven .a ra in . an C p A A r s .g . C D Figure 5.1. Gut contents in terms of abundance of Apocorophium acutum, Ampithoe ramondi, Caprella grandimana, Caprella hirsuta and Dexamine spiniventris for each habitat type.


75% Non identified Diatomea Sipuncula Crustacea Foraminifera 50% Polychaeta Animal tissue Algae Vegetal detritus 25% Detritus


is s e s es s u a u n n id e a st sat lo li m o u u i li .c t c s il L b o ra c .o n b o . p M o E .m E. S Figure 5.2. Gut contents in terms of abundance of Elasmopus brasiliensis, Elasmopus pocillimanus, Lysianassa costae, Microdeutopus obtusatus and Stenothoe monoculoides for each habitat type.

77 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______



Oligochaeta Animal tissue 50% Algae Vegetal detritus Detritus


0% A.guttatusA.guttatus A A.massiliensis A.massiliensisC.acanthifera C.acanthifera C M.hergensis M.hergensis C A ALG CAU

Figure 5.3. Gut contents in terms of abundance of Atylus guttatus, Atylus massiliensis, Caprella acanthifera and Melita hergensis.


60 Similarity


100 ALG ALG ALG ALG CAU ALG ALG ALG ALG ALG ALG ALG CAU CAU CAU CAU CAU ALG CAU CAU CAU CAU CAU CAU L.costae L.costae C.hirsuta C.hirsuta C.hirsuta A.acutum A.guttatus A.acutum A.ramondi A.ramondi M.obtusatus M.hergensis M.obtusatus E.brasiliensis E.brasiliensis D.spiniventris D.spiniventris C.acanthifera D.spiniventris C.grandimana A.massiliensis C.grandimana E.pocillimanus E.pocillimanus S.monoculoides S.monoculoides PREDATORS HERBIVORES DETRITIVORES OMNIVORES

Figure 5.4. Dendrogram based on the digestive contents showing similarity between types of trophic guilds.

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Table 5.2. Morisita overlap index calculated for primary production generated by the spread the frequency of occurrence for different items of C. racemosa appears not to be exploited for each species. by herbivores or primary consumers, but rather acts by activating the detritivore Overlap index (Morisita) pathway. Recent experimental studies Algae/C.racemosa reveal that species richness and total Apocorophium acutum 1 abundance of amphipods increased with an Caprella grandimana 0.98 increase in detritus content. The same Microdeutopus obtusatus 0.98 applies to species abundance since values of Elasmopus brasiliensis 0.92 this attribute increased with an increase in Caprella hirsuta 0.92 detritus content (Vázquez-Luis et al. Lysianassa costae 0.91 2009c). Detritus plays a very important role Elasmopus pocillimanus 0.90 as a trophic resource for marine Dexamine spiniventris 0.88 invertebrates and serves as one of the main Stenothoe monoculoides 0.87 trophic pathways in marine ecosystems Ampithoe ramondi 0.79 (Valiela 1995); it is also one of the most important features of habitat structure in vegetated habitats (Allesina et al. 2005). It 5.5. Discussion was already suggested that amphipods did not consume algal biomass directly, but With respect to feeding habits some species feed on associated resources such as are not affected by the presence of the alien detritus (Enequist 1949). Caprellids feed algae, nevertheless other species exhibited clearly on detritus (Guerra-García and different trophic requirements depending on Tierno de Figueroa, 2009) and some the habitat they lived in. Changes of feeding zoobenthic taxa feed significantly on habits were more significant on herbivorous detritus accumulated by C. racemosa (Casu amphipods, since their preferred food et al. 2009). Such results support the results (epiphytic algae) was not available in the obtained in this study. Therefore, detritus habitat colonized by C. racemosa and they appears to play a very key role for fed on detritus as an alternative. On the amphipods as a food source and the detritus other hand, detritivore species showed the stock associated with C. racemosa is least differences with respect to habitat type playing an important role in trophic because their main food source and habitat dynamics of littoral habitats. remains available. The changes in the ecological niche due to Vegetal content of C. racemosa has not C. racemosa do not seem to affect some been found in any of the analysed guts of species, but others need to look for new amphipods. Our results are similar to those trophic resources, in spite of having found found on other invasive seaweeds where trophic overlap. High abundances of the amphipods and other herbivores and fine-particle suspension feeder A. acutum omnivores fed very little on the invasive have been found in C. racemosa compared species, and therefore the spread of with native seaweeds habitat (Vázquez-Luis introduced seaweeds are not under et al. 2008). The accumulated detritus on C. control (Trowbridge 1995, Levin racemosa habitats seem to favour the et al. 2002, Britton-Simmons 2004, construction of tubes where they live in and Chavanich and Harris 2004, Conklin and feed on this “unlimited” food resource, as Smith 2005, Davis et al. 2005, Sumi and has been reported for Corophium sextonae Scheibling 2005, Gollan and Wright 2006, (Casu et al. 2009). The feeding habits of Box et al. 2009). Low herbivore diversity other detritivore species such as M. and abundance, combined with very little obtusatus were not highly affected by the feeding and weak habitat preference on spread of C. racemosa. Similar patterns invasive algae result in limited grazing have been found in three caprellid species, pressure, as has been reported for the C. grandimana, C. hirsuta and C. amphipod Cymadusa setosa on C. taxifolia acanthifera, which feed mostly on detritus (Gollan and Wright 2006). Therefore, (Guerra-García and Tierno de Figueroa

79 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

2009). Nevertheless herbivorous species, However a recent study on caprellid such as A. ramondi and D. spiniventris, are amphipods found no relationships between scarce in C. racemosa habitat and if they digestive contents and features of the use this habitat, they should modify their mouthpart structure (Guerra-García and feeding habits by the changes in trophic Tierno de Figueroa 2009). The only resources. They usually feed on epiphytic relationship that they found is that a algae that are absent in C. racemosa predatory way of life is directly related with because of the presence of caulerpenes the absence of the mandibular molar. In our (Léeme et al. 1997). Thus, apart from study we found a single predator, S. habitat structure, the availability of food is monoculoides, which lacks a molar on the crucial for those species to live in one mandible. Therefore, in most cases habitat or another. Some individuals of mouthpart structure (mostly mandibular herbivorous species were found living in C. features) by themselves are not a good tool racemosa (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008), but to determine the feeding habits of probably the scarce food quality for them amphipods. Gut content analyses are widely on this habitat could generate metabolic used to show the feeding habits of species. problems and may lead to survivorship Moreover, the results obtained from gut problems for the juveniles. Probably for this contents are usually correlated with those reason A. guttatus and A. massiliensis were from other analyses with higher temporal not found in C. racemosa habitats; indeed scale, such us fatty acid composition more than 75% of their guts presented (Graeve et al. 2001) and stable isotope epiphytic algae. It should be noticed that analyses (Kelly and Hawes 2005). within the same trophic guild, the feeding However, it is necessary to include a habits of some species were more similar combination of mouthpart studies with according to the type of habitat than the behavioural observations, gut contents, fatty species itself, such as the herbivorous A. acids and stable isotopes analyses to have a ramondi and D. spiniventris and the complete knowledge about the feeding omnivorous E. brasiliensis and E. habits of amphipods and food-web pocillimanus. Regarding other omnivores, interactions in the ecosystems affected by M. hergensis appeared only in C. racemosa, invasive species. probably benefiting from the spread of the invasive algae. However, the abundance of We conclude that the expansion of C. this species in C. racemosa was very low racemosa on native algal community (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008). It must be taken changes the feeding habits of herbivorous into account that within the omnivorous amphipods, which stop using plant tissues species some, such as L. costae, show because of the lack of an epiphytic scavenging habits. It was the most different community. In addition, the detritus species in this group and seemed little accumulated by the rhizoid network of C. affected by the spread of C. racemosa. The racemosa plays an important role in the only predator found in the present study, S. plasticity of the diet of herbivores, changing monoculoides, does not seem to have greatly their trophic strategy. Nevertheless, changed or modified their feeding habits by other species are not affected and some are the spread of C. racemosa, since it is able to benefited by the invasion, such as find prey in both habitats. detritivorous species. Altogether, slight changes in the trophodinamism of As we can see, trophic preferences of amphipod assemblages have been noted, amphipods can change if the trophic which are not detected as important in an resources are modified by environmental initial stage. However, they might be factors, such as the establishment of an promoting some indirect effects in the invasive species. Traditionally, species have benthic community and in the life history of been classified into specific trophic guilds, the species, with further unknown usually based on mouthpart morphology. consequences in the marine trophic net.


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6. Does C. racemosa affect amphipod prey availability to predators?

6.1. Abstract

Alien plant species, such as Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, that invade Mediterranean marine vegetated habitats, can affect habitat structure. In turn, changes in habitat structure may affect the associated invertebrate assemblages, either through changes in habitat selection or as a result of altered predation efficiency. To test for effects of changes in habitat structure resulting from colonization by C. racemosa on prey availability to predators, the importance of amphipods as a trophic resource in natural vegetated habitat was first assessed, and later experiments were undertaken to assess the effects of the alien alga on predation by the fish Thalassoma pavo on two dominant type of amphipods: Elasmopus brasiliensis (Gammaridea) and Caprella dilatata (Caprellidea). Laboratory experiments were conducted in separate aquaria with five vegetation habitat types: Halopteris scoparia, Jania rubens, C. racemosa without detritus, C. racemosa with detritus and Cymodocea nodosa, together with control. The vegetation was first defaunated, and then 30 amphipods were introduced to each aquarium and exposed to a single T. pavo individual for one hour, after which the fish’s gut contents were examined. Consumption (per fish per hour) of caprellids (11.7 ± 1.4) was higher overall than that of gammarids (8.7 ± 1.5) and likely reflects different microhabitat use by amphipods, which affects susceptibility to predators. Consumption of amphipods also varied by habitat type. The highest predation rate was found in the C. nodosa habitat (12.7 ± 2.19) and the lowest in the C. racemosa habitats with detritus (4.1 ± 1.78) and without detritus (5.2 ± 0.55), which did not differ. The pattern of predation across habitats, however, was similar for both caprellid and gammarid amphipods, indicating a more general effect of habitat on amphipod predation. Our findings showed that invasive species such as C. racemosa can decrease feeding by predators such as T. pavo. Changes in predator-prey interactions could have consequences for food web support in the Mediterranean.

6.2. Introduction

Predation affects the structure and overall trophic web (Nelson 1979, Stoner dynamics of marine populations (Conell 1979, Heck and Orth 1980, Williams and and Vanderklift 2007). In particular, Smith 2007). predatory fishes play an important role in regulating prey populations (Nelson 1979, The number of introduced species outside Dean and Conell 1987). The efficiency of a their natural ranges is rapidly increasing, predator is a function of detection, pursuit, although only a very small fraction of and capture of the prey, all of which may be transported and introduced species become hindered by greater physical complexity of invasive (Ribera and Boudouresque 1995). a habitat. Consequently, the abundance and The ability of invasive species to restructure diversity of marine epifauna are influenced and, hence, radically change the functioning by fish predator efficiency (Sutherland of a recipient habitat is high (Crooks 2002). 1974, Nelson 1979, Russo 1980), while Invasive species may: modify the predation efficiency may be affected by availability and flow of nutrients in habitat structural complexity (Stoner 1982, ecosystems by altering biogeochemical Russo 1987, Diehl 1988). In this context, cycling; contribute to changes in the flow of several studies have shown that the degree energy through food webs; and affect the of habitat complexity of vegetated habitats availability or quality of physical resources is an important factor determining the in the ecosystem, including the physical availability of prey for fish predators. As a characteristics of a habitat (e.g. available result, changes in habitat complexity, such space, sediment properties, light regime and as those arising from alterations to habitat water quality; see Vitousek 1990, Crooks structure resulting from introduced algae, 2002). Community-level ecological may affect the predation process and the interactions involving introduced seaweeds

83 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

constitute a major research gap, and the stock supported by the alien alga, where indirect effects on the trophic web present present. Second, we undertook a laboratory research challenges (Williams and Smith experiment to assess whether changes in 2007). Since the first records of occurrence habitat structure resulting from the of C. racemosa var. cylindracea along introduction of C. racemosa affect the rate Mediterranean coasts, several studies of predation by demersal fish (such as T. concerning the ecology of this species have pavo) on amphipods. We hypothesized that been undertaken (see Ruitton et al. 2005, (i) the rate of predation by T. pavo on Cavas et al. 2006). The fauna associated amphipods is affected in vegetated habitat with exotic alga can differ from that that have been invaded by C. racemosa, associated with native vegetation compared to uninvaded vegetated habitats, (Wikstrom and Kautsky 2004, Schmidt and (ii) predation rates in C. racemosa are Scheibling 2007); consequently, several reduced because of the presence of studies have focused on assessing the accumulated detritus (compared to changes in faunal assemblages associated uninvaded vegetated habitat, where no with vegetated habitats colonized by C. detritus is accumulated; (see Vázquez-Luis racemosa (Argyrou et al. 1999, Piazzi and et al. 2008); and (iii) different use of Balata 2008, Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, microhabitats by different prey species 2009a, b). However, data on the potential affects predation. consequences that could lead to changes in the trophic web are unavailable, and an 6.3. Material and methods understanding of how introduced algae can affect on predation rates on invertebrates by 6.3.1. Prey availability fishes is needed for a better understanding of how invasive species can alter the flow To estimate amphipod abundance, three of matter and energy through ecosystems. different vegetated habitats (native algae, introduced alga (C. racemosa) and seagrass Thus, the general aim of the present study (Cymodocea nodosa)) were sampled in was to determine experimentally whether summer and winter (for further details see invasion of Mediterranean vegetated Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009 a, b). We habitats by C. racemosa has any effects on used the estimated mean abundance of prey availability for predators. In caprellids and gammarids to estimate the undertaking our work, we also considered potential trophic resource available for fish the importance of detritus accumulation by predators in the different habitats. C. racemosa (Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, 2009b) as this can affect prey availability. 6.3.2. Animal collection and fish-holding In undertaking our experiments, we selected conditions amphipods and the predatory labrid fish Thalassoma pavo L. Amphipods are one of Using a hand net, individuals of T. pavo the most important groups of invertebrates were collected from the northern coast of associated with vegetated habitats and play Benidorm (Alicante, south-eastern Spain), an important role as a trophic resource for where the littoral zone is characterised by fishes (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 2002, Stål et al. extensive and heterogeneous rocky 2007), in particular for labrids, sparids, infralittoral bottoms, which are primarily serranids, blennids and gobids in benthic characterised by boulders of different sizes, habitats (Muñoz and Ojeda 1997, Sala and interspersed with patches of sand and Ballesteros 1997, Garrison and Link 2000). Posidonia oceanica seagrass. The collected T. pavo, which is abundant in south-western fish, which comprised females of a similar Mediterranean coastal regions (Arechavala- size, were immediately transported to the López et al. 2008), feeds on small laboratory, where they were placed in a crustaceans and molluscs (Whitehead et al. tank having a flow-through water system 1986). First, we estimated the availability (25ºC, salinity 38‰) exposed to an of gammarid and caprellid prey in natural alternating 12 h light/12 h dark illumination uninvaded habitats and in habitats invaded regime. While in captivity, the fish were fed by C. racemosa, to assess the levels of prey once at day with fresh food.

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to the vegetated habitat in one compartment Algae, Halopteris scoparia, Jania rubens and a single fish placed in the other and Caulerpa racemosa, and seagrass compartment one hour before the start the Cymodocea nodosa, were harvested off the experiment to allow acclimatisation. After Cape of Santa Pola (Alicante, south-east this, the fish was moved to the other Spain). The macrophytes were transported compartment containing the prey. Each to the laboratory, where they were individual of T. pavo was allowed a defaunated and attached to a metallic mesh duration of 1 h in the respective aquarium, to retain the plant structure similar to that after which the fish was captured and found in the natural environment (with the preserved in ice. Gut contents were algae covering 100% of the bottom in the analyzed by counting the number of aquaria) and at natural densities for the amphipods ingested and then expressed as particular algal species. The control trials rate of predation or feeding efficiency (in consist in the metallic mesh used before but terms of mean number of amphipods without macrophytes. consumed per fish per h). Also, the weight and the size of the fish were measured. To assess the effects of prey microhabitat use, the caprellid amphipod Caprella 6.3.4. Data analysis dilatata and the gammarid amphipod Elasmopus brasiliensis were used as the The effect of different fish size on predation prey subjects. In their natural habitat, rates by T. pavo was tested by examining Caprellids are found attached to the external the linear correlation (Pearson) between parts of plants using their pereiopods, and fish size and feeding efficiency. To test exhibit low motility. On the other hand, whether the predation rates of amphipods gammarids are much more motile and live differed significantly across habitats we associated with those parts of the plant that used ANOVA (Underwood 1981), which are less accessible to predators. These two incorporated the following factors: (i) species were chosen since they exhibit ‘Species’ (fixed) with two levels: E. behaviours that are quite different and brasiliensis and C. dilatata; and (ii) potentially affect their susceptibility to ‘Habitat’ (fixed and orthogonal) with six predation by fish. The amphipods were levels: H. scoparia, J. rubens, C. racemosa, collected from the fouling assemblages C. racemosa with detritus, C. nodosa and found at a water depth of 1 – 2 m on control (only metallic mesh). For each mooring ropes of fish farms at Guardamar, amphipod species and habitat type, the and were then transferred to aquaria in the experiment was replicated five times. Prior laboratory. Different species were kept in to carrying out the ANOVA, the data were separate aquaria each equipped with an air tested for heterogeneity of variance using pump and aerator. Cochran’s C-test (Cochran 1951). When ANOVA indicated a significant difference 6.3.3. Predation experiment for a given factor, the source of difference was identified using Student–Newman– Experiments were conducted using well Keul (SNK) tests (Underwood 1981). illuminated aquarium (30 x 60 x 37 cm). Each experimental tank was divided into 6.4. Results two compartments. One compartment contained the habitat with the amphipods, 6.4.1. Prey availability and the other contained a single fish. The two compartments were separated from Amphipods were present in all natural and each other by a removable opaque partition, invaded vegetated habitat types, being so that the fish was unable to see the especially abundant in native algal habitats. vegetated compartment prior to the start of Gammarids were more abundant than the experiment. Prior to initiating the caprellids in all habitat types; the highest experiment, the fishes were starved for 24 h abundance (3248.61 ± 552.48 ind m-2; Fig. to ensure that their guts were completely 6.1) was found in uninvaded vegetated empty. Thirty amphipods were introduced habitat. In vegetated habitat invaded by C.

85 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

racemosa, both amphipod species had value: 0.0401 for E. brasiliensis and 0.0014 intermediate abundances (2137.5 ± 522.8 for C. dilatata; Fig. 6.2). gammarids and 619.4 ± 325.53 caprellids per square meter). The lowest abundance Feeding efficiency (in terms of mean occurred in C. nodosa habitat, where number of amphipods consumed per fish caprellids were particularly scarce. per h) was significantly higher for the caprellid (Sp, P < 0.05, Table 6.1; Fig. 6.3)

4000 in all experimental trials (consumption of Gammaridea caprellids: 11.7 ± 1.4; and that of 3500 Caprellidea gammarids: 8.7 ± 1.5). The highest 3000 predation rate occurred in the control units ) -2 (20.6 ± 2.5, Ha, P < 0.01, Table 6.1; Fig. 2500 6.3). The next highest predation rate 2000 occurred in habitats containing C. nodosa (12.7 ± 2.19), J. rubens (11.4 ± 2.27) and 1500 H. scoparia (7.1 ± 1.5); while the lowest Abundance (individuals m 1000 predation rate occurred in C. racemosa without detritus (5.2 ± 0.55) and C. 500 racemosa with detritus (4.1 ± 1.78) (Ha, P 0 < 0.01, Table 6.1; Fig. 6.3). In terms of Native seaweeds Caulerpa racemosa Cymodocea Native seaweeds Caulerpa racemosa Cymodocea nodosa relative feeding efficiency (as a percentage Figure 6.1. Mean abundance values (±SE) of the controls), predation in C. racemosa of amphipod prey recorded from the three with detritus was 94.2% lower than the habitat types. controls for the gammarid amphipod and

66% lower than the controls for the

caprellid amphipod. Predation was more 6.4.2. Predation rate efficient in C. nodosa, where the

consumption of both amphipods was less Minor variation in fish size did not affect (38%) compared to the controls (Fig. 6.4). prey consumption across habitats as indicated by the absence of significant correlation between fish size and predation for both caprellid and gammarid species (R2

30 Elasmopus brasiliensis Caprella dilatata 25


15 R2 = 0.0014

Feeding efficiency 10

R2 = 0.0401 5

0 6 8 10 12 14 16 Fish size (cm)

Figure 6.2. Scatter plot for the test of correlation between fish size and feeding efficiency for the two amphipod species used in the predation experiment.

86 ______Chapter 6

Table 6.1. Results of two-factor ANOVA for predation rate. MS = mean square; P = level of significance; df = degrees of freedom; ns = not significant; * = significant (P < 0.05), ** = significant (P < 0.01). Predation rate F versus Source of variarion df MS P Species = Sp 1 132.02 0.0357* Res Habitat = Ha 5 375.34 0.0001** Res Sp x Ha 5 16.22 0.8162 Res Residual 48 36.61 Cochran’s C-test C=0.1873 ns Transformation None

30 Predation rate 25

20 -1


individuals h individuals 10



a s sa rol ari en o nt p b o .nodosa C .sco C H C.racem

.racemosa+detritus C Figure 6.3. Mean values (±SE) per habitat of feeding efficiency (individuals per fish per hour). Groups defined by post hoc SNK tests undertaken following ANOVA are showed by the numbers.

100 Relative feeding efficiency Elasmopus brasiliensis Caprella dilatata 75

% 50



s a ria n sa a o be tritus u e odos .n .scop J.r +d C H sa C.racem o

C.racem Figure 6.4. Values of relative feeding efficiency [relative frequency of consumption (individuals per fish per hour) with respect to control]

87 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

6.5. Discussion

Amphipods occurred in high abundance in energy from invertebrates to higher trophic both uninvaded and invaded vegetated levels could be altered. habitats. However, this did not hold true for C. nodosa habitat. These results highlight Higher values of macroinvertebrate that the prey stock in algal habitats is abundance and species richness recorded relatively important for predatory fish. It from benthic habitats are usually correlated was demonstrated experimentally that with a high habitat complexity (Johnson amphipods were less available to T. pavo 1970, Dean and Connell 1987, Edgar 1992, where C. racemosa was present. Therefore, Taylor and Cole 1994, Sanchez-Jerez et al. alteration of habitat structure by the 1999, Ayala and Martín 2003). introduction of the alien alga may provide a Additionally, when habitat complexity better refuge for amphipods. Furthermore, increases, the vulnerability of prey to predators can avoid C. racemosa due to predation tends to decrease (Nelson 1979, other reasons, such as the presence of Stoner 1979, Heck and Orth 1980). We antifeeding chemicals that are produced by expected that algae having a high structural the plant. On the other hand, the lower complexity, such as H. scoparia, would amphipod abundance in C. nodosa may be provide a better refuge for amphipods explained by a higher predation rate in against predators. However, a low predation seagrass habitat, which offers less refuge rate was recorded in C. racemosa habitat, and thus renders prey species more compared to that in the other habitats. Other available to fish predators. These findings authors also found that increased habitat also emphasize the importance of assessing complexity does not always provide refuge prey microhabitat in vegetated habitats to from predation (Holmlund et al. 1999, better understand predation processes. Mattila et al. 2008). It is possible that habitat complexity might be higher due to Vegetated habitats typically support a the presence of the dense rhizoids of C. higher abundance and species richness of racemosa. Other authors have hypothesized macroinvertebrates compared to that certain small invertebrates experience unvegetated habitats (e.g. Heck and Orth less predation by fishes due to their ability 1980, Peterson et al. 1984, Irlandi 1994, to live on and consume plants that are Heck et al. 1995). Amphipods, which serve unpalatable and which are therefore less as an important food resource for many fish frequented by omnivorous fishes (Hay et al. species, are particularly dependent on the 1989, Duffy and Hay 1994). Perhaps the availability of vegetated habitat. For foraging effort of fishes and/or changes in example, gammarid amphipods and algal palatability play an important role in decapod crabs were the most important the habitats studied. A change in the groups in the diet of nine carnivorous fishes population structure of Mullus surmuletus, (Muñoz and Ojeda 1997). Amphipods which authors attributed to the appearance constitute 59% of the food items present in of mats of the alien alga Caulerpa taxifolia the gut of bream Diplodus vulgaris (Sala has been recorded (Longepierre et al. 2005), and Ballesteros 1997) and they were while other works found that colonisation predominant in the diet of Limanda of shallow habitats by C. taxifolia resulted ferruginea (Garrison and Link 2000); in in a significant decrease in the abundance other works an immediate disappearance of of benthivorous species, compared to epibenthic caprellid amphipods in the field uninvaded sites (Harmelin-Vivien et al. on appearance of demersal fish species was 2001). noted, while gut content analysis of Cymatogaster aggregata indicated that Our results suggest that the different 80% of the gut contents comprised caprellid behaviour on the use of microhabitat by species (Caine 1991). Therefore, if typical invertebrates can affect predation rates, as it fish prey items, such as amphipods, are less has been demonstrate by other authors available for predators in habitats invaded (Sudo and Azeta 2001). In our case, by C. racemosa, the flow of matter and caprellids suffer a higher predation pressure

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than gammarids, these differences can be seaweeds H. scoparia, J. rubens, such as explain because caprellids usually occur on the caprellids Caprella hirsuta and C. seaweed thalli or on the epiphytes (Aoki grandimana. Probably the latter two 1999), while gammarids use different species, being much smaller than C. strategies, including epifaunal, shallow- dilatata, are less easily detected by T. pavo, burrowing, infaunal tube-dwelling and hence the feeding efficiency would not be deep-burrowing ones. Other important so different from that on gammarids. aspect is that, contrary to the general observation that increased seagrass habitat The Mediterranean Sea is the most heavily complexity reduces predation (Stoner invaded marine region in the world with 1982), the predation rates in C. nodosa respect to introduced seaweed. The region recorded in the present study were equal for has more than 132 species of introduced both amphipod species, and were also seaweed, which account for over 33% of similar to control trials (Fig. 6.3). We total number of alien species recorded attribute this high predation rate to the (Williams and Smith 2007). The potential lower refuge potential provided by C. effects of invasive plants must be nodosa, resulting from a lower habitat determined to better understand how the complexity compared to the macroalgae ecology of natural vegetated habitats may used in our study. Amphipods appear to be be altered. Ecological studies of different relatively available for predators in seagrass invasive seaweeds in the Mediterranean Sea beds (Bell and Harmelin-Vivien 1983) have focused mainly on changes in seaweed making this habitat type important as a community structure, seagrass density, feeding ground for fishes. Alternatively, C. faunal assemblages, herbivorous species racemosa habitat is characterised by lower and fish foraging (see review in: Williams predation rates; this appears to be linked to and Smith 2007, Vázquez-Luis et al. 2008, accumulation of detritus, which favours a 2009a,b). However, studies that deal with high abundance of amphipods. Therefore, more than one trophic level are unavailable, replacement of seagrass meadows by C. while there is a lack of information on the racemosa stands can severely affect the effects of invasive algae on the trophic web trophic resource for fish populations. within invaded habitats. The present work Caprellids have been shown to serve as has contributed to a better understanding of very important food items for fish during the effects of alien species on the their reproductive period (Caine 1991), and ecosystems they invade. therefore constitute a relatively important dietary component (see review in Woods In conclusion, the spread of C. racemosa to 2009). In contrast, some gammarid species native marine benthic habitats can affect appear to be the most important food item fish predation rates on invertebrates in a for red sea bream (Sudo and Azeta 2001) trophic web. Despite a high abundance of and very important for juveniles fish invertebrates, these food sources may not (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 2002). These results be available for higher trophic levels in corroborate the data on abundance of habitats invaded by the alien alga. To gammarids and caprellids estimated in summarize, the present study demonstrated natural habitats, and the predations rates that (i) T. pavo predation on amphipods was observed in the present study. It should be lower in habitats with C. racemosa, (ii) the noted that only two species of amphipods presence of detritus in C. racemosa habitat C. dilatata and E. brasiliensis were used in did not show a significant reduction in the present study. In the case of C. dilatata, predation, and (iii) different uses of this species is quite large and is probably microhabitats by amphipods affect much more easily detected by a predator predation by T. pavo. than other typical species living on the


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7. General discussion

Many invasive species provoke strong availability and flow of nutrients by altering impacts on invaded communities and biogeochemical cycling. Second, invasive ecosystems (Vila 2009) and transform species can affect the flow of energy ecosystem properties (Richardson et al. through food webs. Third, invaders can 2000), which inevitably leads to changes in affect the availability or quality of physical biological communities. Results obtained in resources in the ecosystem (including living this thesis show that C. racemosa, in spite space or ‘‘habitat,’’ physical materials, of reducing the habitat complexity by itself sediment, light, or water). and generating monospecific meadows where more heterogeneous patchy habitats Furthermore, biological invasions may disappear, maintains a diverse and abundant provide a useful framework for integrating amphipod assemblage. Nevertheless, the population and physiological processes into assemblage composition differed from ecosystem studies (Vitousek 1990). those recorded from native seaweeds, due Community ecology theory can be used to to an alteration of the natural equilibrium of better understand biological invasions by the initial assemblage was altered, by an applying recent niche concepts to alien increase of detritivorous species and a species and the communities that they reduction of herbivorous. The expansion of invade, so the response aspect of the niche C. racemosa into native algal communities is a key aspect determining the ability of altered the food web flows in two ways. alien species to invade (Shea and Chesson First, the feeding habits of herbivorous 2002). The existence of an empty niche amphipods changed since their preferred favours the development of large food is not available in the presence of the populations of newcomers, this means that invasive algae and they have to look to the an alien species succeeds because most of new food resources. Second, predation on the resources and biotic interactions that it amphipods by higher trophic levels, such as may need are freely available in the fish was reduced because of the new habitat environment (Elton 1958). Temporal and formed by C. racemosa. If an introduced spatial variation can also provide niche species can by itself alter ecosystem-level opportunities, which can occur through a processes such as primary or secondary relative nonlinearity of competition if the productivity, hydrology, nutrient cycling, invader competitor had a superior soil development, or disturbance frequency, colonization or local resource exploitation then clearly the properties of individual ability (Chesson 2000). Another factor cited invasive species can control the functioning by Elton (1958) notes that new exotic of whole ecosystems (Vitousek 1986). species should be released from competition with native species. 7.1. Explaining the mechanisms of Opportunities for development arise when biological invasions natural enemies, such as diseases, predators and parasites, are in low abundance or are According to some authors there are three less effective against the new species (Settle factors that can mediate biological and Wilson 1990, Torchin et al. 1996). An invasions: invasion pressure (that is the invader with few specialist natural enemies, number of propagules discharged per unit such as C. racemosa in the Mediterranean of time and space), post-transport inoculant Sea, could reach a high density, maintaining survival (propagule survival) and the generalist natural enemies that regulate the opportunities that the particular invaded population dynamics of the native community provides for the invader in community (Shea and Chesson 2002). question (susceptibility to invasion) (Smith et al. 1999, Occhipinti-Ambrogi and Savini It is generally assumed that high species 2003). Once established, three principal richness renders a habitat highly resistant to effects of invasive species on ecosystems introductions, while disturbances enhance have been recognized (Vitousek 1990, their susceptibility to be invaded. In this Crooks 2002). First, exotics can affect the way, the hypothesis known as Elton’s biotic

93 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______resistance hypothesis (Elton 1958) assumes several invasive seaweeds in the that a species rich ecosystem will be more Mediterranean Sea (Ceccherelli et al. 2002, resistant to introductions than a poor one. It Piazzi et al. 2003). Probably, as Occhipinti- has been also postulated that, in aquatic Ambrogi and Savini (2003) stated, invaders systems with high levels of human may be favoured in places and times where disturbance, a much wider range of invasive stress is causing trouble to the existing biota species can develop compared with low and therefore vacant niches are open for levels of human disturbance (Moyle and colonisation. Light 1996). In accordance to the biotic resistant hypothesis, several researchers 7.2. Facilitation of invasion process by have found a negative correlation between human impacts species richness and the number of introduced species in a habitat (Lodge Anthropogenic disturbance affecting in 1993, Ribera and Boudouresque 1995). coastal ecosystems, such as human induced This is usually explained by the fact that an climate change, invasion of other ecosystem with many species represents a introduced species, pollution, highly structured system with many eutrophication, physical destruction of complex inter-species interactions, such as habitats and overfishing may enhance the competition, predation, mutualism, expansion of invasive species. Expansion parasitism and transfer of disease. In and intensification of different forms of contrast, it has also been found that a clear human disturbance and their ecological relationship does not exist among effects on coastal ecosystems have disturbances, species richness and the increased and accelerated with human number of introduced macrophytes (Klein population growth, unchecked exploitation et al. 2005). Disturbance is commonly of biological resources, technological assumed to make available resources thus advance, and the increased geographic scale providing new opportunities for invaders, of exploitation through globalization of which frequency and magnitude determined markets (Jackson et al. 2001). Moreover, the success of invasion (Nichols et al. 1990, the effects are synergistic, therefore Van den Brink et al. 1993). On the contrary, creating more stressed ecosystems (Myers no clear relationship between the number of 1995). introduced macrophytes and disturbances acting on the assemblages was found in Thus, climate change could dramatically other studies (Klein et al. 2005). alter the adaptive responses of native species, and may therefore favour the Moreover, it has been considered of major introduction and spread of invasive importance the successional state (degree of macrophytes as C. racemosa, which present maturity) or age of a community, proposing tropical and subtropical affinity. Gilman et that it plays an important role in the al. (2010) predicted five scenarios for vulnerability to species introductions describing how species interactions will (Crawley 1989). Certain successionally influence abundances in open communities advanced communities are more resistant to under climate change. First, the degree of species introductions than younger ones, ecological adaptation could provoke that although species richness may decline obligate specialists might not effectively during the course of succession (Meiners et track changing temperatures if they are al. 2002, Sax 2002). Finally, it has been dependent upon a poorly dispersing species. also suggested that besides negative In this way, an additional problem to interactions between two or more specialist herbivorous, such as some introduced species in the host ecosystem, amphipods, could be the reduction of their the presence of an introduced species may main food resources as a consequence of enhance the success of a second one and the spread of invasive macrophytes. may, in this way, facilitate its establishment Unfortunately, limited data exists on the (Simberloff and Von Holle 1999, dispersal abilities and degree of Richardson et al. 2000). This synergistic specialization of most species. Second, mechanism has been observed among climate change could create ecological

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advantages for species that track changing brought about by human increasing use of temperatures better than their enemies or the environment, and biodiversity issues are competitors. Regarding C. racemosa, the at stake, not only because of the extinction absence of natural enemies in the newly of endangered species, but also because of colonized region might facilitate an new equilibria in the communities resulting enhanced physiological performance under from human induced changes (Occhipinti- extreme conditions. Third, differences in Ambrogi and Savini 2003). There are many dispersion among species can exacerbate ways in which human activities disrupt antagonistic interactions through indirect historical patterns of resource fluctuations, mechanisms and cause extinctions. These for instance, habitat destruction is interactions could favour macrophyte considered the single most important threat invaders, which generally are good caused by humans to biodiversity. When dispersers, and could drive to the extinction habitat cascade are hierarchically of a competitor if the macrophyte overtakes organized, the destruction of basal formers it during climate change (Davis et al. will cascade to impact on intermediate 1998a, Davis et al. 1998b). Fourth, habitats and focal organisms (Thomsen et independent range shifts could create al. 2010). Fishing nets and anchors have a encounters with novel species that further dual role enhancing the spread of Caulerpa restrict or promote range shifts. Novel species into the Mediterranean (Occhipinti- interactions can strongly affect fitness Ambrogi and Savini 2003). On one hand, because species lack a coevolutionary they plough the sea-bottom depleting the history with the new partner (Reznick and native seagrass meadows and preparing the Ghalambo 2001). They can cause local ground for an easier spreading of Caulerpa, extinctions or hamper the ability of a while on the other hand, they help species to track climate, leading to dissemination of the exotic algae by increasingly restricted ranges (Moorcroft et fragmentation of the thallus (Ceccherelli al. 2006, Brooker et al. 2007). Similarly, and Cinelli 1999, Relini et al. 2000). novel interactions among native and exotic Pollution by nutrients in marine ecosystems species can hinder and help invasions may at first stimulate the growth of (Colautti et al. 2004). Fifth, intermediate epiphytes and seaweeds metacommunity dynamics could be affected (McGlathery 2001), possibly with a net by climatic changes. Inferior competitors benefit for focal organisms (i.e., more sometimes persist because of their habitat becomes available). However, colonization abilities after disturbance excessive growth of the intermediate habitat dispersing into empty patches. Therefore, formers may ultimately destroy the habitat good colonizers might benefit from climate cascade. This can occur if the seagrasses change, particularly if disturbance and invertebrates are affected by epiphytic increases. Furthermore, an indirect effect of shading, physical smothering of the climate change might occur as some filtering apparatus, or anoxia (McGlathery ecosystems become less resistant to 2001, Holmer and Nielsen 2007). invasive species or more resilient to their Moreover, experiments carried out in the impacts under future climates. In extreme Mediterranean Sea demonstrated that an cases, climate-driven invasions could lead invasive alga (C. taxifolia) is favoured by to completely transformed ecosystems high nutrients loads in the sediment, while where alien species dominate function, the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa is not richness, or both, leading to reduced (Ceccherelli and Cinelli 1997). Decreasing diversity of native species (Mack et al. water transparency in NW Mediterranean 2000, Gritti et al. 2006). However, it must caused a reduction of the deep edges of be taken into account that anthropogenic seagrass meadows P. oceanica (Duarte et climate change may now be an important al. 1999) as a result of centuries of confounding factor but, in many cases, not overexploitation of the coastal area. Such the origin of the invasion (Jackson et al. phenomena could also facilitate the 2001). colonization of deep substrates by C. In addition to climatic changes, global racemosa, since it has been observed environment is undergoing modifications

95 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______growing up to 65 m depth (Cebrian et al. throughout the year. In spite of the 2010). important seasonal variability of C. racemosa biomass, detritus accumulation 7.3. Effects of C. racemosa on habitat persists in winter. This is a consequence of complexity and heterogeneity the mesh generated by the stolons of this species, which ensures that detritus is Many examples of invaders affecting the retained, while the multilayered structure physical nature of ecosystems can be found formed by the thallus traps the sediment. in the literature in both aquatic and This accumulation could alter the terrestrial ecosystems (see a review in biogeochemical cycling modifying the Crooks 2002). This physical alteration of availability and quality of food resources in ecosystems typically produces cascading the ecosystem (Crooks 2002). effects on many other biota, although these biotic consequences are less well However, it is conclude that effects on characterized because it is typically easier ecosystem may reach more dramatic levels to measure the effects on physical since C. racemosa was detected in an initial ecosystem properties than to assess the stage of invasion, characterized by a patchy many and variable ways in which other distribution surrounded by native species may respond to these changes vegetation. During this stage of invasion of (Crooks 2002). a host habitat by the seaweed, an increment in habitat complexity is expected to occur if Results obtained in this thesis show that the the initial cover is low; given that a new presence and abundance of C. racemosa and additional habitat for the local epifauna provoked a marked effect on the macroalgal becomes available (Viejo 1999). Later, assemblage structure of Mediterranean monospecific meadows of C. racemosa shallow rocky communities, affecting the were detected, and possibly the species and biomass composition of homogenization and lose of habitat vegetation and increasing the detritus stock. complexity have impoverished the An important reduction in species richness associated community, as it is known that was recorded during the warm period due to complex habitats provide different shelter a strong dominance of the alga at that time. and foraging opportunities than In contrast, during the coldest period (lower morphologically simpler habitats (Forrest vegetative cycle of C. racemosa) species and Taylor 2002, Schmidt and Scheibling richness was similar between invaded and 2007). non-invaded habitats. However, a big reduction on algal biomass was found. This 7.4. Effects of C. racemosa on associated suggest that, when C. racemosa is fauna community apparently absent, the benthic algal assemblages are characterize by the Changes generated by the spread of C. presence of high species richness but racemosa on complexity, heterogeneity and reduced biomass, which is characteristic of quality of the habitat were reflected on the an early successional stage of the amphipod community and trophic assemblage (Klein and Verlaque 2009a). relationship, as is summarized in Fig. 7.1. According to other studies, exotic seaweeds Amphipod assemblages associated with C. can alter the structure of native racemosa differed from assemblages on communities even when they are found at native seaweeds, in accordance to other relatively low abundances and when studies that have demonstrated that characterized by a seasonal resting phase modification of habitat complexity affects (Bulleri et al. 2010). The negative effects of crustacean assemblages (Stoner 1980, C. racemosa can therefore be detected all Virnstein 1987, Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999). the year, even during the winter apparent In this way, low abundance and species disappearance of this alga (Klein and richness of fauna has been found associated Verlaque 2009b). Furthermore, one of the to the invasive seaweed C. taxifolia most remarkable impacts of C. racemosa is (Bellan-Santini et al. 1995), possibly due to the accumulation of detritus, which persists the lower habitat complexity provided by

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the new alga. However, other studies reveal the invasive alga, therefore, preference for a higher abundance and species richness of given habitat could be a determining factor macrofauna in the invasive Undaria of fauna distribution. In addition, pinnatifida compared to the local native availability of food seems to be crucial for seaweeds (Irigoyen et al. 2010). These these changes on detritivorous and authors state that this could be a herbivorous species. On one hand, detritus consequence of invasive alga providing a accumulated by C. racemosa is an more complex habitat and offering different appropriate habitat for detritivorous where shelter and foraging opportunities compared trophic resource is “unlimited” available. to morphologically simpler native habitats. On the other hand, herbivorous species will In the present study case, species richness not find their main food resource, epiphytic and abundance of amphipods were higher algae, therefore facing disadvantageous on native seaweeds on hard bottoms. The conditions and the need of adapting to new habitat provided by C. racemosa was less trophic resources. Furthermore, the refuge complex and more homogeneous than that from predation provided by different provided by native seaweeds, which offer a habitats it is also important for invertebrate heterogeneous and patchy habitat composed benthic fauna (Heck and Orth 1980), which by more complex species with higher depends on the species and the use of availability of microhabitats provided by microhabitat by different species (Aoki epiphytes. In contrast, on soft bottoms, both 1999). features were higher in C. racemosa compared to other habitats except for P. Regarding predation, it has been oceanica meadows. This could be also demonstrated that amphipods were less explained by habitat complexity and available to the fish T. pavo where C. heterogeneity. As a result, the invasive alga racemosa was present. It is noteworthy to adds a complex structure where none mention than in spite of the high previously occurred. In fact, this idea is abundances of amphipods found on C. consistent regarding the other habitats, racemosa, they are less available for where lower complex habitats (such as C. predators. Therefore, the presence of C. prolifera, C. nodosa and unvegetated racemosa could affect the flow of matter substratum) showed lower abundances and and energy from invertebrates to higher species richness whilst the more complex trophic levels, as it has been proposed as habitat (P. oceanica meadows) showed the one of the possible effects of invasive highest values (Sanchez-Jerez et al. 1999). species in ecosystems (Crooks 2002). If high extensions of substratum are colonized In addition to the differences found for on by C. racemosa stands, a bottom-up effect abundance and species richness, results also could be taken place forcing predators to showed a great change on amphipod migrate into new areas searching new for assemblage composition remarkably food resources. However, studies with characterize by a high increase of Undaria pinnatifida have suggested that the abundance of detritivorous species and a invasive algae could potentially produce a decrease of herbivorous on C. racemosa. positive bottom-up effect on local food This pattern, in addition to habitat structure, chains by increasing abundance of prey for can be explained by different colonization a wide variety of predators, from rates and preferences of species for a given invertebrates to higher trophic levels habitat, trophic resource availability and (Irigoyen et al. 2010), but the availability of also different predation pressures among those individuals for predators were habitats. From the experiment of habitat unknown. Hence, invasive algae could colonization, it was demonstrated that, in produce positive or negative bottom-up general, most of the species were more effects depending on indirect effects on closely associated to native seaweeds than trophic interactions.

97 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______

Native habitats Cymodocea nodosa

Native seaweeds Amphipod assemblages Higher Posidonia Herbivorous trophic levels oceanica C. nodosa Fish predator Detritus Native seaweeds P. oceanica ?

Invaded habitats Detritivorous C. racemosa Caulerpa racemosa

Figure 7.1. Conceptual model of ecological effects of C. racemosa invasion through the trophic web on shallow Mediterranean habitats and associated fauna community. Grey arrows: interactions by native habitats. Black arrow: interactions by C. racemosa invaded habitats. The thickness of the arrows represents the importance of the influence between compartments.

7.5. Gaps of knowledge and future racemosa was found, consequences for research fitness condition of this native fauna remain unknown. Further experiments are needed Understanding the impacts of invasive to analyze the effects of this modification, species on natural ecosystems is an for instance on growth, reproduction and important component for the developing of survival of the affected species. This thesis management strategies. This thesis has has shown that the availability of detritus as filled substantial gaps in knowledge on the food for amphipods importantly increases effects of the invasive seaweed C. as a result of its concentration being racemosa var. cylindracea on recipient favoured by C. racemosa, but the quality of ecosystem, but has opened more avenues of this detritus as food resource compared to investigation. The effects that C. racemosa others available in different habitats has not is causing in other important invertebrate yet been analyzed. It is therefore important benthic taxa (such as polychaetes, other to examine if secondary production of crustaceans or molluscs) should also be amphipods or other benthic taxa are analyzed in order to evaluate such effect in modified by the spread of the invasive the overall invertebrate benthic algae. Finally, all of these investigations composition. should be firmly supported by basic research, since most of the feeding habits Specifically, the consequences that and trophic guilds of amphipods continue to indirectly C. racemosa generates to the be undiscovered. Trophic relationships of amphipod community should be tested this benthic fauna need to be clearly defined because the side effects caused by in order to effectively assess the effects of biological invasions could be more the invasion of C. racemosa on benthic important than direct effects (Gilman et al. communities. 2010). Even though a modification in the diet of herbivorous amphipods living in C.

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Regarding bottom-up effects in ecosystems, of the "ecosystem services" (Ehrlich and the availability of invertebrates for other Mooney 1983). Jackson et al. (2001) predators should be tested and future suggested that the characteristic sequence research should also focus on modelling the of human disturbance to marine ecosystems change on the flow change of energy and provides a framework for remediation and matter in the food web. Moreover, some restoration that is invisible without a specialised predators may obtain more historical perspective. The management of benefit from the amount of invertebrates population control is not based solely on developed on C. racemosa. As an example, consideration of the purely scientific, even feeding of Mullus surmuletus on C. those most eminently technical. The social racemosa stands was observed, but it is impact that might have the tasks of control, unknown if feeding efficiency varies interference with economic or recreational compared to other surrounding feeding activities, the costs involved against the grounds such as sand bottoms. Therefore, benefits obtained, the legal implications of trophic relationships within this new habitat different approaches to control or actual through higher links of the food chain are of resources available, are only a few areas special interest. taken into account when considering the control of invasive alien species. 7.6. Management and mitigation of invaded ecosystems In this sense, Dana and Rodriguez-Luengo (2008) suggested three management process In a changing world, it will be increasingly steps, first, obtention of resources, difficult to evaluate the impacts of alien definition of general objectives and species and prioritising species for removal, selection of participating entities. When and it is likely that the increasing presence addressing the control of invasive alien of “new” species and the decline of “old” species, the first issue to be solved is the ones will change successional patterns and allocation of sufficient financial and human ecosystem functioning (Harrington et al. resources for the tagged purposes, which is 1999, McNeely 2001). These changes pose to some extent dependent on the complex challenges for the management of participating entities. Given the biodiversity and could include implications multifactorial nature of the process of for ecosystem functioning, especially with biological invasion, cooperation between the addition or loss of ecosystem engineers multiple sectors is often essential for (Jones et al. 1997). Hence, management achieving a set of actions really effective, as practices with regard to the occurrence of to cover as many scenarios of invasion. ‘new’ species will require comprehensive Second, definition of specific objectives. evaluation of changing habitat conditions Outlining this objectives requires to and will depend on the individual case. establish, through scientific and technical They could range from complete criteria, the target species, the control or eradication to toleration and consideration eradication strategy, identification of of the “new” species as an enrichment of impacts, work of compensation (if the local biodiversity as a means to applicable), diffusion and environmental facilitate ecosystem restoration or to education to raise awareness of citizenship, maintain ecosystem function as native etc. Third, implementation and review of communities re-assemble and establish results (successes and failures). Once the under the new conditions (Walther et al. work has begun, it is needed a continuous 2009). re-evaluation of the results as well as to regularly analyze the effectiveness of tasks, Practically, an exotic species which alters being monitoring of the community of ecosystem properties would not merely major importance. compete with or consume native species, since it would alter the fundamental rules of Given the ability to spread of C. racemosa existence for all organisms in the area none of the mechanisms designed for its (Vitousek 1990). It could have significant eradication have been successful social or economic effects if it modifies any (Ceccherelli and Piazzi 2005, Institut

99 Ecological effects of C. racemosa on amphipod assemblages______d'Ecologia Litoral 2006, Klein 2007). C. aggressive expansion, which is presently racemosa spreads up to 65 m depth, occurring, Mediterranean communities however, autonomous diving imposes strict themselves activate response mechanisms limits both in depth and time. Eradication against these invasions that can thrive of species located more than 30 m depth is native seaweeds and build new almost impossible if not through cutting- communities, although slightly modified edge technology and high economic costs and not losing their Mediterranean identity. (Ballesteros 2008). Once an invader is Meanwhile, for further invasions scientists established and dominates a community the should learn to combat them, and society biotic and abiotic conditions may be altered have to take steps to prevent a recurrence of in such a degree that mitigating the causal such situations. To help with this task to disturbance(s) through the invader killing Mediterranean communities, human may not be the optimal control strategy disturbances on marine ecosystems should (Firn et al. 2010). Moreover, reinstating the be drastically reduced, trying to keep historical regime of disturbance does not ecosystems in good condition to face this guarantee reverting the changes faced by and other biological invasions. Occhipinti- the biotic compartment, due to ecological Ambrogi and Savini (2003) suggested that a resilience of the extant community or to robust native ecosystem can successfully demographic constraints of displaced fight competing newcomers. Therefore, a populations (Suding et al. 2004). On the healthy pristine community can represent a basis the rapid spread of C. racemosa, its natural impediment to bioinvasion; where ecological impact on habitat architecture and when this contrasting force is lacking, and sediments, and the differentiation of the alien species successfully outcompetes extensive meadows in the Mediterranean native ones. For that reason, environmental Sea, it has been classified as a new conservation plays a fundamental role in keystone species (Klein and Verlaque preventing further spreading of non- 2008). According to Ballesteros (2008), it indigenous species. can only be expected that after a phase of




1. The spread of Caulerpa racemosa in longicornis seem to avoid the habitat shallow Mediterranean algal habitats provided by the invasive seaweed, and causes a great effect on habitat their total abundance and species structure with a marked seasonality, richness were higher in algal stands increasing by 3 to 6 fold during the formed by the native alga H. scoparia. warm period. In consequence, it modifies the composition of amphipod 6. In experimental conditions, C. assemblages when compared to native racemosa were colonized by several habitats. species with relatively high abundance, and the presence of 2. C. racemosa accumulates detritus detritus seems to facilitate the because the development of an colonization process. intricate net of stolons and rizhoids. The detritus amount found in habitats 7. The expansion of C. racemosa to colonized by the invasive algae was native algal community changes the much higher than that in habitats feeding habits of the herbivorous formed by native vegetation in the amphipods Ampithoe ramondi and same hydrodynamic conditions, Dexamine spiniventris, which stop whichh affects to habitat using plant tissues possibly because of heterogeneity. the lack of an epiphytic community. In contrast, the accumulated detritus 3. The abundance and species richness of increases in its importance as their amphipods on rocky bottoms were trophic resource. However, as we can lower in sites colonized by C. expect, feeding habits of detritivorous, racemosa, but these differences were such as the Apocorophium acutum, greater during the coldest period. were not affected by the spread of C. However, on soft bottoms, C. racemosa. racemosa supports a diverse and abundant amphipod assemblage 8. Trophic exploitation of amphipods compared to native habitats, except associated with C. racemosa by for P. oceanica meadows in the warm predators, such as T. pavo, can be period. reduced compared to predation rates on natural habitats, different use of 4. The spread of C. racemosa influences microhabitat by prey being important. trophic guilds of amphipods in However, the presence of detritus in different ways. An increased C. racemosa habitat did not reduce abundance of the detritivore significantly the predation rates. Apocorophium acutum, and a decrease of herbivorous species such as 9. The amphipod assemblage Ampithoe ramondi and Hyale composition associated with C. schmidti, was detected. racemosa clearly differs from that of other native habitat, being partially 5. Experimentally we demonstrated that modified with respect to the trophic the colonization process of vegetated behaviour and reducing its availability habitats can be affected by the for predators. Therefore, amphipods presence of C. racemosa. Some are a target component of marine species, such as Elasmopus ecosystems for understanding the brasiliensis, Gammarella fucicola, effects of this invasive seaweed. Lysianassa costae and Lysianassa




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