A LONG TIM E has passed since Bell all so rts of sounds, We have psycho­ OTHER M CSIC I,\ ;\"S \\ho have visited Labs I-I a n ·ey Fletcher worked with logical techniques fo r interpreting Bell La boratori es a nd have had in demonstra­ the response of listeners. Yet. one profitable exchanges with people ting the a rtis tic implicatio ns o f of the most powerful of human fac· here in cl ud e Cerald Strang_h ead of , and since that ulties is that of being able to dis· th e Music Department at the Cali· time one fo rmer Bell enterprise, criminate and judge qualities even fornia State Co ll ege at Long Beach; Electrical Research Products, Jnc. when we cann ot mea sure the m. the composer Milton Babbitt, of the helped launch an entirely artistic Here, th e ear of th e trained musi­ fa culty of Princeton Uni ve rsit y and medium, the talking film. Through. cian may he as valuable as the digi­ of the Princeton-Columbia Elec­ out all the intervening years. Bell tal co mputer. We ma y find powerful tronic ~lu s i c Center : composer Laboratories' work on speech and tools in the trained responses and Vl adimir LTssach evsky a nd Otto hearing, and on visual pe rception perceptions of th e a rtist. Lur ning of Colu mbia, and Ja mes (as exemplified in early wo rk to­ O,'er th e past few yea r5_ a consid­ Roberts of th e Princeton ~Iu , i e al ward television l has had profound erable intercha nge has g rown up Faculty_ whose pi ce. " ~Iud ge tt ". implicati ons fo r the world o f a rt. beh \een Bell La bo ra torie ' engi­ fo r com puter-genera ted so un d~ and \Ve are in a period o f in· n eer~ and ~c j e nt js t s who a re inte r­ hum a n vo ice. \,as pe rfo rme d a t creasing app reciation o f the impact t'~ t ed in un d(' r~ l a ndin g as well as T anglewood in the Berk ... hires last that science a nd eng ineering can appft'ciating th e a rt ~ . and artists summer. ha,·c on art. \Ve a re also becom ing \\ ho heli('\'e that the understanding Deeper un d(~r5 t a n cl in g has b roken aware of th e fact that art ca n have of sc ienti 5ts and the di sciplined skill down ma ny o f the barriers between an impact on science a nd engineer. of eng:inc{'fS can he ,"alu able to the ,·a rious fi eld" of '-c ience. va rious ing. Some o f this interchange can be arts. The article in this issue on page fi eld s o f engineering. a nd indeed , ,·ery close to o ur int e r ('s t ~. T he de­ l 6 . ··T C'c hnology a nd the Arts". de­ ba rrier.!' bet\\ cen sc i e n c(~ and eng i­ sign of a te lephone instrument th at ~c rih t: ' s only one area of sti ch inleT­ net·ring. I-[uman undC' rsta nding a nd is good to look at as well 30; good change. human knowledge not o nl y span the to use can no longer be regarded as 1'1 T II F. FI ELD O F \1 I'S IC. for instance. inte llcclu <1 1 ba rriers o f til(' compart­ an occult effo rt o f a rtistic genius. the late Ed ga r<1 Varese frequently mentalizati on of th e past; they de­ Rather. \\t.. must ilH'oke kn owl edge ,·i ... il t., d Bell Labo ra tories with much stroy such ba rriers and sll ch com ­ of engineering requirements. talent enj o) ment and a ppreciati on. Fur­ partmentali zati on. P erha ps in the for design. a nd the p syc h o l ogi~ t' s ther. two Laborato ries m en. M. V. future thio; \\ ill become true o f the ability to measure the user's appre­ '\lathews and Ne\Hllan Guttman ba rriers of ignorance a nd tempera­ ciation o f both functi on a nd form. hel pt· d Va rese with th e electronic ment which divide science and en· To turn to another instance, qual­ portions o f hi ~ composition Deserts g ineering from tlw a rts, This could ity of tran5mitted speech i5 of very by spending long (, \!cning hours at surely open new o ppo rtunitirs. for real conce rn to th e Bell System_ ye t an eh'clronic mU !'ic !- tudio at Colum· arti . ts_ and I rea ll y beli ,,'e th at it the measurement of qua lity is ex· b ia l Tni H· rsity. The eminent con­ can quite as much open the eyes and eeedingly diffi cult. We have at Bell ductor. Hermann Scherchen, has cars o f engint'erR and scientists­ Laborato ri es means for producing \"i ~i t e d Be ll La bo ra to ri es seve ra l and (' ,·e n their mind'-. • time::- to ta lk a bout music. and he h a::-. t 'x pfl~~~t' d a cons iderable inter­ est in the artistic potentialities of animated and ~ till moti on pictu res drawn by compute rs- pictures ~ uch 35 th 05e ex hibited las t yea r at th e Howard Wise gallery on 57th Street by Bela Juie5z and Michael Noll.