The of St. Dr. S. Scott Hunter, 4800 Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48201 313.831.5000 fax: 313.831.0471

July 4, 2021

Dear Cathedral Community,

I am pleased to share the news that M Kathryn Twining will be joining our staff as the Interim Associate for Education and Discipleship. Mother Kathryn, as she prefers, will be joining us not later than September 1. It could be sooner depending on how her moving arrangements work out.

Mother Kathryn is coming to us from the , though she has native roots here in Michigan. She holds degrees from the University of Akron (Bachelor of Music in piano performance) and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University (Bachelor of Theology for Ministry). She was trained for ministry at Westcott House, Cambridge, with further studies at Sarum College, Salisbury. She was ordained to the priesthood in the of Southwark in the Church of England in 2008. She has served congregations in the of Southwark, Chichester, and .

Her position on staff at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul will be half time. Her focus will be to work with those in the Cathedral Community to discern the needs for a comprehensive lifelong learning environment, and to empower, encourage, and support those with interest and gifts to develop and implement the various components. As a , she will also take her place in the worship and sacramental life of the Cathedral.

We are excited to welcome her to this unique and blessed community. Some ministry highlights are included with this letter, and we will be sharing more about Mtr. Kathryn in the coming weeks through Living Stones and the Cathedral’s website.

Yours in Christ,

The Very Rev’d Dr. Scott Hunter

More on reverse

Episcopal/Anglican The Reverend Mother M Kathryn Twining SMMS SCP

Mother Kathryn is a Church of England Priest Member of the Sodality of Mary Mother of (SMMS) Member of Society of Catholic Priests (SCP) Professional Pianist, Member of Incorporated Society of Musicians, Educator/Teacher, Course Writer/Leader Visual Artist/ Graphic Designer, Liturgist.

Some Ministry Highlights

St. Nicolas, Guildford, priest – 2020-PRESENT Priest in a liberal Anglo-Catholic centre of 5,000 with strong choral tradition, and with Permission to Officiate throughout the Diocese of Guildford. National lockdown from March 2020 necessitated periodic closure of church building, development of online services, and socially distanced in person worship. The parish has been in vacancy since July 2020. Work includes co-leadership in School of Prayer and Lent Course, as well as presidency and preaching at Mass. Initiated, created and distributed Epiphany Packs, Lent Packs and Mothering Sunday Packs. Inclusive Church member, Eco Church award. St. Wulfran, Ovingdean, priest-in-charge – 2018-2019 Incumbent for parish of 1,500 on the edge of the of Brighton. The Patron is the Society of the Maintenance of the Faith (Anglo-Catholic). 11th C Norman, Grade 1 Listed building, housing the Kempe ceiling and murals, with assistance from The Kempe Society. Extended open churchyard for burials and interment of ashes. Notable destination for pilgrims, walkers and visitors, both local and international. Church Hall houses local independent nursery school. Popular for occasional offices of , Blessing/Marriage, Funeral/Interment. Common Worship, 1662 BCP and All Age formats used. Diocese of Guildford, free-lance priest – 2012-2018 From 2014 Team Member of “ on Call”, leading Sunday and weekday services in all contexts, traditions and formats at churches and chapels throughout the diocese in response to diocesan need, at times working in three or four different churches or on any one particular day. Cover included Manormead, Residential Care Home for Retired C of E Clergy, with specialized spiritual/pastoral needs. Work included all areas of ministry and mission; Christian Education/Formation, Pastoral Care, Outreach, Evangelism. Anglican/ecumenical public speaker, retreat leader, spiritual director, course writer/leader. All Saints Woodham, interim – Jan - April 2018 Ran the Parish of All Saints Woodham while incumbent on indefinite sick leave. Inclusive and affirming Anglo-Catholic, strong choral tradition; a widely gathered church community within a predominantly Muslim area. Delivery of all parish matters of ministry and mission, including the preparation and execution of all worship, Christian education/formation, pastoral care, outreach, administration, management. LGBTIQ+ services, Mini Masses for families, Lent courses and services. St. Edward King & Confessor New Addington, Assistant Curate – 2009-2011 Served Urban Priority Area (UPA) Council Estate parish of 18,600 marked by significant social deprivation (top 10 percent most deprived UK communities), as a team of two clergy. Ran parish on my own in final months of post, bringing stability to the administration and developing ministry and mission. Offered lively and uplifting liberal catholic worship within a mixed tradition congregation. Common Worship, 1662 BCP and monthly All-Age format. Creative and imaginative approaches to worship and education, often with great wit. Godly Play Classroom. Extremely high demand for occasional offices. Trained choirs. St. Alfege Greenwich – 2007-2009 Served UNESCO World Heritage Site inner city parish with an historical parish church, high civic profile, outstanding choral/musical tradition, and thousands of pilgrims/visitors through our doors each year. Urban Priority Area, diverse and multi-cultural parish of 9,000+. Grade 1 Listed building (Hawksmoor). Responsibilities at Old Royal Naval College Chapel, almshouses Queen Elizabeth and Trinity Hospital, and Governor for our St Alfege Primary School (church school).

We hope you enjoyed this glimpse. More to come through Living Stones and the Cathedral website.