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19_579851 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 10:51 PM Page 249 Index SYMBOLS AND NUMERICS Aslett, Tony (:after pseudo-element hack), /* ... */ enclosing comments, 14–15 50–51 3-pixel gap bug, 63–65, 189 ASP, dynamically controlling CSS output using, 37signals css_layouts Web site, 240 87–91 auto tag completion, Dreamweaver, 193–194 A a:visited pseudo-class a:active pseudo-class for button interactivity, 162 for button interactivity, 162 order of, with other pseudo-classes, 187 order of, with other pseudo-classes, 187 absolute value, position property, 135–137 B accessibility background features for, 5–6, 121–122 Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, problems print media style sheets, 125–128 with, 34 screen readers, 128–129 Internet Explorer 7 functionality, 45 text resizing, 122–125 Netscape 4 support, 12, 23–25 Web sites about, 240 properties, in Dreamweaver, 202 a:focus pseudo-class, 188 for rounded rectangles, 109 :after pseudo-element, 49–51, 144–145 Safari support, 52 a:hover pseudo-class shorthand syntax for, Dreamweaver, 195 for button interactivity, 162 background-attachment property Netscape 4 support, 12 in Dreamweaver, 195, 202 order of, with other pseudo-classes, 187 Netscape 4 support, 12 for tab interactivity, 172 background-color property a:link pseudo-class in Dreamweaver, 202 for button interactivity, 162 Netscape 4 support, 12, 23–24 order of, with other pseudo-classes, 187 Safari support, 52 All CSS Flyout Navigation Web site, 242 background-image property AlphaImageLoader, 116 in Dreamweaver, 195, 202 Apple Safari browser Netscape 4 support, 12 CSS support in, 33 COPYRIGHTEDbackground-position MATERIALproperty detecting versions of, 73–74 in Dreamweaver, 195, 202 Exclamation Mark Hack, 52 Internet Explorer 7 functionality, 45 :lang pseudo-class hack, 52 Netscape 4 support, 12, 24–25 problems with, 51–52 for rounded rectangles, 109 application servers. See server-side CSS background-repeat property processing in Dreamweaver, 195, 202 Arvidsson, Erik (PNG format support in Netscape 4 support, 12 Internet Explorer), 116 Baer, Jack (sandbag divs), 100 19_579851 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 10:51 PM Page 250 250 Index ■ B–C Band Pass Filter Box Model problem, Internet Explorer versions for Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, 36 5 through 6, 38–41, 152, 189 for Internet Explorer 5 for Windows, 246 box properties, in Dreamweaver, 203 Be Nice to Opera Hack, Opera, 53–54 Browser Detect script (Nott), 73–74 behavior function, Internet Explorer, 116–117 browser sniffers, 72 Bergevin, Holly (clearing floats), 144 Browser support — page layout properties Bersvendsen, Arve (Media Queries Hack), 54 Web site, 241 block elements BrowserCam Web site, 180 Box Model problem and, 38–40 browsers, Web. See also specific browsers properties, in Dreamweaver, 202 detecting browsers and versions of block snippet, Dreamweaver, 214 with ASP, 88–89 border-bottom property with ColdFusion, 96 in Dreamweaver, 204 with JavaScript, 72–74 Netscape 4 support, 12 with PHP, 92–93 border-color property, in Dreamweaver, dynamically creating style sheets specific to 195, 204 with ASP, 87–91 border-left property with ColdFusion, 94–97 in Dreamweaver, 204 with PHP, 91–94 Netscape 4 support, 12 hiding styles from a specific browser, 243–245 border-right property serving style sheets specific to, 75–76 in Dreamweaver, 204 showing styles to a specific browser, 246–247 Netscape 4 support, 12 viewing CSS pages in all target browsers, 180 borders which browsers to target when developing, Box Model problem and, 38–40 179 Netscape 4 support, 12, 21–23, 188 buttons, in navigation bars properties, in Dreamweaver, 195, 203–204 horizontal navigation bars, 164–165 rounded rectangles vertical navigation bars, 159–164 creating with images, 108–112 creating with Mozilla, 106–107 C shorthand syntax for, Dreamweaver, 195 Cameron, Rob (Flash replacement), 118 border-style property, in Dreamweaver, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 195, 204 advantages of, 2–6 border-top property hacking, necessity of, 8–10 in Dreamweaver, 204 history of, 1–2 Netscape 4 support, 12 limitations of, 6–8 border-width property, in Dreamweaver, Web sites about, 235–236 195, 204 Çelik, Tantek Bowman, Douglas (Fahner Image fixing the Box Model, 41 Replacement), 103 Mac Band Pass Filter, 36 19_579851 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 10:51 PM Page 251 Index ■ C 251 centering page elements, 156–157 showing or hiding styles using, 59–62, 244, Centering Web site, 241 246, 247 Centricle — css filters Web site, 236 storing externally, 61 Chandanais, Rob (flash of unstyled content), 177 for tabbed navigation in Internet Explorer, Child Selector Hack 175 fixed positioning and, 139 for Three-Pixel Gap bug, 63–65 for footers, 156 Conditional Comments in Microsoft Internet Clark, Joe (screen readers), 129 Explorer Web site, 237 clear property, 143 Conditional Comments — Hack-free CSS for code hints, Dreamweaver, 193–194 IE — Virtuelvis Web site, 237 Code view, Dreamweaver, 198 Conditional Comments — Microsoft ColdFusion, dynamically controlling CSS output Web site, 237 using, 94–97 containing block color absolute positioning and, 136 background fixed positioning and, 138 Dreamweaver, 202 relative positioning and, 132 Netscape 4 support, 12, 23–24 content, separating from presentation, 2 Safari, 52 Contribute (Macromedia) for CSS syntax, Dreamweaver, 192–193 CSS features in, 230–231 Comment After Selector Hack, 44, 104–105 limiting classes available with, 231–232 Comment Hack, Netscape 4, 14–16, 123 templates in, 232–233 Commented Backslash Hack Creating Dynamic Cascading Style Sheets with for floating problems on Internet ASP Web site, 238 Explorer, 145 Creating Liquid Layouts with Negative Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, 36–37 Margins — A List Apart Web site, 240 comments, syntax for, 14–15. See also conditional Cross-Browser Variable Opacity with PNG Web comments site, 239 Compressing your CSS with PHP Web site, 238 Cross-Column Pull-Outs — A List Apart Web conditional comments site, 239 definition of, 57–58 CSS, Accessibility, and Standards Links Web for downlevel browsers, 62–63 site, 240 for First Letter bug, 67–69 CSS Beauty Web site, 242 for fixed positioning, 140–141 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for Italics Float bug, 65–67 advantages of, 2–6 for margin property problem on Internet hacking, necessity of, 8–10 Explorer, 148 history of, 1–2 for min-width property problem on Internet limitations of, 6–8 Explorer, 147 Web sites about, 235–236 for navigation button problems, 163–165 CSS Creator: Useful CSS Links Web site, 236 19_579851 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 10:51 PM Page 252 252 Index ■ C CSS Filters — JS Filter Summary Web site, 238 dynamically controlling with ASP, 87–91 Css Hack — css-discuss Web site, 236 dynamically controlling with ColdFusion, CSS hacks. See also specific hacks 94–97 definition of, 8 dynamically controlling with PHP, 91–94 for hiding CSS from browsers, list of, external, attaching in Dreamweaver, 196–197 243–245 hiding from Internet Explorer 3 and 4, 27–28 implementing with snippets in Dreamweaver, linking instead of importing in Netscape 4, 214–218 13–14 for revealing CSS to browsers, list of, paths to, problems with, 186–187 246–247 print media style sheets, 125–128 Web sites about, 236–237 serving based on browser and version, 72–76 whether to use, 8–10 switching based on user preference, 76–81 CSS hacks — Stylegala Web site, 242 templates for, in Dreamweaver, 219–222 CSS Image Text Wrap Tutorial Part 2 — the CSS styles SandBag Web site, 239 applying, in Dreamweaver, 206–208 CSS Layouts for Netscape 4 —, 240 automatically created, in Dreamweaver, 209 CSS navigation menu Web site, 241 defining, in Dreamweaver CSS Pop-Up Menus Web site, 242 methods of, 198–199 CSS positioning — some reflections Web properties, 200–206 site, 240 selectors, 199–200 CSS properties. See also specific properties hiding from a specific browser, 243–245 defining, in Dreamweaver, 200–206 hiding from all browsers except Netscape 4, Netscape 4 support, 12 17–18 CSS Scale Image Html Tutorial Web site, 239 hiding from Internet Explorer 3 and 4, 27–28 CSS selectors hiding from Netscape 4, 14–17 defining, in Dreamweaver, 199–200 modifying, in Dreamweaver, 208–212 Netscape 4 support, 12 multiple styles attached to page, 4 specificity of, problems with, 185–186 showing to a specific browser, 246–247 CSS Stuff — XHTML/CSS — 3 column CSS Tabbed Navigation Web site, 241 layouts — Netscape 4 compatible Web CSS Transparency for IE and Mozilla, Firebird site, 240 and Firefox Web site, 239 CSS style sheets CSS User Interface by Ivan Bueno Web site, 242 applied after page first displayed, 177–179 CSS Vault — The Web’s CSS Site, 238, 242 attaching, 13–14, 27–28 CSS Zen Garden Web site, 242 changing values in based on user preference, CSS2 features, 121 81–85 CSS2 — background-attachment on any element creating, in Dreamweaver, 197 Web site, 239 design time style sheets, Dreamweaver, CSS — Conditional comments Web site, 236 212–214 CSS-Edge Web site, 235 design time style switching, Dreamweaver, Curing Float Drops and Wraps Web site, 241 222–225 cursor property, Dreamweaver, 205 19_579851 bindex.qxd 5/4/05 10:51 PM Page 253 Index ■ D 253 D document.all object, JavaScript, 72 Davidson, Mike (Flash replacement), 118 document.getElementById() method, Day 26: Using relative font sizes — Dive into JavaScript, 72, 82 Accessibility Web site, 240 document.images object, JavaScript, 72 Web site, 237 document.layers object, JavaScript, 72 debugging CSS, procedure for, 179–181 document.write() function, JavaScript, Debugging CSS — Common Coding Problems 75–76 with