Crunch Orion, It's Time for Me to Move On
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. -, . ~ ,- ,,' .. ~.. ~ -' --- -- -.- - .... -.... -- .~ .. -.. -.~ - ... -- -- '-- - ...... ~ ... - ,,-. - .. --- - .. '~"-- ......... - •••• Archives MERIAM i..tBRAI('t LD72'3.6 C5 075 Orion. DEC 1 8 2001 .. va 1 • 47 no. 15 Dec. 12, 20~1 CSU CSU)CHICO Meriam Library-- Chico WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12, 2001 , " 'r ,f , " INSIDE ."I .. OPINION, A6 ,I' po SPORTS, 61 DOWN AND DIRTY ,. ENTERTAINMENT, C1 ~u Kids just love cowbC!ys, and they always will. )J Chico State men's rugby ,. CALENDAR, C5 - RANGElt DOUG, RIDEIIS IN THE SKY toughens up for season .. COMICS, C7 EN r E8 r A I N MEN T .. C2 SPORTS,. &1 .. FOCUS, 01 .. CLASSIFIEDS, D4 uI ____ .__ Volume 47. Issue 15 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. CHICO h tIp: II www. 0 rio (] - 0 n I i 11 C . 1\ cl 2 Budget That's It fur me After two years with The crunch Orion, it's time for me to move on. (Is that a collective sigh of .,. Chico State to give back . relief from right-wingers 1 hear'?) $1.5 nlillion fl"Olll tins year's , Six years into college and : II Hiltepackages ami " " ' :, wrapped glftsgr' '. I'm just now realizing I h'ave to , ,. make sum Utey am budget, cut 5 percent in 2002 get out of herc. So if I'm ever .. :, '.' nDl easily visible' ; going to graduate, 1 need to go : from windows~' : .. ROSAUO AHUMADA back to being a real student for . STAI'F WRITER one more semester. Walkhg away from this University President Manuel Esteban saiu newspaper will be onc of the it's too early to panic nbllut budget cuts hardest things I've ever donc. passed on from the stnte's Iinandal crisis - It's been my life for a long time, especially ~ince no one knows how large they and while part of me is rclieved will be. • , to not have to always be the ~',_::':"M,RememberlQ Igc;k' "Nothing is going to happell next semes objective, fair editor who has to -,; '. ,: dOor.i; wln~gW$ ami ter. Students will not sec or feel ~mything nellt listen to people's ranting, most "} .sliding g!a$$' (foor.i. semester:' he said. of me is being torn up about my ': ~ 'Use deadlmltilt" ' As the result of thl! estimated $14 billion departure. "you can. budget deficit California is fncing. Chiw Even through uncontrollable Stnte University has cut $1.5 million from its , , 11ls of snippiness and budget this year nnd is preparing to cut $6.(, unbearable tensions. I have million 1'(0111 its budget next year. managed to make some Esteban said California State University wonderful friends and meet Chancellor Charles Reed has passed down a some fascinating people through recommendation to cut the Chico State bud my work. get funding by 1 percent this year and to cut _ My friend Nicsha Gates will 5 percent or more next year. take the Orion steering wheel and In the past. Chico State has l'cceivcu $101< trust mc, you are in good hands. million anllually through stale funding. "it could possibly change. but ut this point Parting shots we have to reduce our budget by $1.5 million Since this may be the last and return the money." Esteban said. time in my life thut 1'11 be The money the school has to cut from IhiS fortunate to have my very own year's budgct has alre:ldy been identit1ed. he column. 1 can't hclp but to lcave said. It will be taken from the $1.2 million thl! you with a few last words of !School received for having so many more stu wisdom. dents attending Chico State this yenr. Newspapers are not the Esteban said he has usked the three univer enemy, so don't be afraid of sity vice presidents to come up Wilh plan~ all lhem. They give people how they would cut the budget by 6 percent illforma,tion. If you don't want 'n,-:xt year. This is necessary because the chan lo be in the paper. then dOll't do cellor 'Isked to cut 5 percent or lIlore - hut stupid things. Chico Slllte will not know what the I1nal lig Next time, you arc sturing at a ure will be until the beginning of next year. bullot, don't vote for som~one "Between now and the beginning or the or something becuuse of your ilcademic year. next year. we will live in politfcul party affiliation. Inform limbo," Estebun said. yourself u11l.1 make your own The budget cuts will only ulTect Ihl! fund decisions. ing the school receives frol11 the state govern Women, don't let people treut ment und not the funding from till! fees that you unfairly becau!Se of your student!S pay, he suid. gendel' and don't let people get ESleban said he wunts to make sure, whell uwuy with dcgrading commcnts, considering budget-cut decisions for next even if they lire "joking." yem', that the school has enough clas!Ses Iu , Watch out for yourself and ensure thlll students call continue to progress your friends when you ure out toward receiving their degrees and that 110tll- drinking. If you ure worried about someOlle, tuke him or her to the 1'Iefl.\'O Sl't.! BUDGET. A2 hospitul. it could be a hassle, but it could prevent a deutll. ' FilluUy, treat people the way you'd wunt them to treut you. Chico grad escaped trade tower collapse Thunks fol' reuding. JASON GOI.DMANeHALL contacting the Chico State chllpter of the Golden Key N(I/(ls/Jer Klobas C:fltI bo rem:!JfH/ {It: OPINION IlIH'I'OII Internutionul Honor Society: of which he is u lifetime ATTACK aftermath managlngedltor@orloneonllne,net lIlember. ' or He shouted "Yeehuwl" us he exited Ihe stuirwell, "We wanted to mise uwurelwss of Ihe events, and get Tho Gallup ngws slIrvlclJ has r.omplle(J Infor lUllking his wlly out of the building umid dust-clouded u tirslhund view of whut huppened," suid Golden Key mation from polls dono around UtI! naHon uir lind the smell of burning jet fuc\' , treusure\, Diunu Grllshtchuk. after thu Sept 11 attacks.' ' Chico Stllte Univcl'sity graduute and Redding resi Nichols hud only been ill Munhullllll for tilrce dllY!S II elliS" til homo rOil:! BUQoust thnl up 10 20 porcunt 01 dent Tyler Nichols hud descended 61 noors berorll, the auacks. A linuncilll udviser fOI' Amerlcano knew someone who wlulllllolilng. hurt or killed In tho terrorloln\tuckll, ill just under 11 hlllf un hour, in II cl'Owded Morgull Stanley ill Redding, he wus in New stairwell only wide enough for two pCDplc to York for t1'l\illing. Before arriving in New I!I Foor lactor LOBS thari ono-thlrd 01 Americans Bold thoy nro highly concernod about lerrorlsm or'lhoy loat much wulk next to cllch other lit a timll. York; Nichols suld he had heurd ull or lhe 10BB Bulo In lIlal!' communltloB ilIOn batuttl Sopt. 11. Nichols und his co-workers, ulons with negtltiv!:: 'stereotypes of New Yorkcrs, but I!I sky'i tho limit Alurgelnll)orlty 01 Amorlcnn's nro war· hundrcds of oUler plloplLl. wcre in 'Jbwel' 'Iwo whllt hll found in the Big Apple wus COl11- rlud nbout Irnvullng by conllnorclal ulrptano and cl050 10 ot' the Wol'ld Trude Center on the l110l'11ing of pletely dilTel'ent. hnl1 at Amortcuns suld thoy uro IOB5 IIkuly to fly, Sept. 11. "They were the most frielldly people J The eVLlnls of tllIIt historic dlly, und the hud met unywhere outside of' Chico," he !lUb!lc'lllent joul'llcy IIcross the Unlled Stutlls TYI.ER NICHOLS !Iuld, "They told us to get off OUI' cell phones lind getuwuy 'rorilght';>i' ,;;(;, i'l , to hit! wil'c of Icss thun u yellr ChUllgcd the Worked In Tower lWo ul As crowds rushed down the stuirs, he suys frol11 the building - 'Doll't look up,''' Nichols slIid, , ~j,!,m{:L~::~. __"_c~.:.:· ~ ______ wily Nidul!!! looks at \ll'e, hi!! Clll'eet" lind his ,tho Worlll Trode center there WUIl littie pushing und shoving. EVen "The lirst thIng we did wus look up und WUllt to get 011 RE~F, "FIN~, , rolll In the wol'ld. whcn the Heeond piunc hit his building, lind OUI' cell pholles, cull OUI' loved oncs." J3cll,Memurlll! Union: ' "You don't evcn know the things we tuke 1'01' gl'l\nt dust lind smoke beglln 11111llg the stllirwell. people did Nichols did cull his loved Olle!!. He grew teary (IS he ""1", ,I'.r, ' -/ ', •. :,' , Pcc.~lCi~19,:,. " Lld all 1I lIully bushl," 111,1 Mulu. "This WlIS sOll1ething 110t punic. , " talked about the I'elief in his wife's voice whell she , ::G,p,;n~~tu:,:h~.ln:;:" we'rLl 1111 going to reel lind rell1Lllllblolr 1'01' the relit oJ' Nichols' voicc wuvercll slightly u~ he rccounted selol· found out he WlIs OK. She hud been wutching the, , " , : :, I>. ,o" ':',".',' .. !." " , ", ,'.' ,~, ~ ," .' •I • ' " OUI' lives," ing ulil'cl1ghtel' on cl'utche~ holding the dool' 1'01' pcople news ut homc in Redding with fl'iclldll. trying to ligul'c Nlchol~ Cll1l1e to Chico StlltLl 011 Thul'suay to Hpellk to leuve the building. It WlIS then, lie IllIld, thut he !'IllIl· to II gl'OUp or Illudentll III RooIII 170 ot' Holl Hall aftcr i~cd that HOlllclhing 11111jO\' hllll hllPPClllold, I'/UrlS" S(/(/ NICHOLS .. A2 , ,,\ , .' ,. H (l~" " ,''{. ... ,.' '-". I A2 THE ORION III DECEMBER 12,2001 ~ Students get . ~ taste of Harlem ~ at 'rent party' LEMmE DORNON Butts said her class wanted to keep the tra SENIOR \XI RITER dition of paying someonc's rent, sothcy donated the $150 raised to the Chico en Have you ever thought about paying some Community Housing Assistance and gave all one else's rent? thc leftover food to the Jesus Centcr.