
arXiv:1905.03476v2 [astro-ph.HE] 16 Sep 2019

hsitra togmgei edcnas otiueto contribute 2013). al. also (Vigan`o et can release energy field . magnetic neutron magnetic the the 2002). strong in interior al. internal from et This bumped (Thompson be may fields magne- twist that magnetic The be twisted reaso may have physical activities The tars 2018). (Coti the al. etc et for profile Esposito accounting 2018; pulse al. simple torque, et and Zelati decreasing spectra, cessation, ra- X-ray subsequent of softening appearance and spot, emission hot the shrinking dio phase, a show decay may outburst magnetar the and the During enhanced outburst, subsequently. be the decays may luminosity During X-ray timin 2018). persistent of al. magnetar variation et and (Esposito outbursts, properties flares), 2017). giant bu Beloborodov activities: (including of & kinds various Kaspi show 1992; they Observationally, neutron Thompson field magnetic & high (Duncan and young are INTRODUCTION 1 95 hmsne l 02.Smlrt h aeo normal of case ⋆ the to Wolfson Similar 1994; 2002). Boily al. & field, et (Lynden-Bell magnetic Thompson radially 1995; dipole twisted inflate a will For field it magnetic twisted. magnetar’s highly The be field. may on magnetic based is dipole Beloborodov argument mainly pure this a 2002; However, are 2009). magnetars al. al. et of Pavan et 2009; There- regions (Thompson m. line 50 previously about field discussed only closed small, very the neutron is fore, expected radius the cap period, rotational star long a such For s. 10 cetdXX eevdYY noiia omZZZ form original in YYY; Received XXX. Accepted MNRAS ag oa asfrtitdmgeopeeo magnetars Tong H. of magnetosphere twisted for caps polar Large c 1 colo hsc n lcrncEgneig unzo Un Guangzhou Engineering, Electronic and Physics of School -al htong E-mail: 05TeAuthors The 2015 antr yial aearttoa eidabout period rotational a have typically Magnetars 000 , 1 1 ⋆ – [email protected] 10 21)Pern 7Spebr21 oplduigMRSL MNRAS using Compiled 2019 September 17 Preprint (2015) wf J1822.3 Swift ees nteoe edln ein,tegoer ilb h aefor same the be will geometry the words: regions, Key line Fo magnetar. field tr etc. one general open in spot the outburst the hot catch in shrinking can luminosity, release calculations X-ray open will model decreasing the regions The in line outburst: release calculated. field energy open be Magnetic twiste c the field. can may a in magnetic which for in flow the cap, Particle of t open is polar untwisting outburst. become in radius large during and a inflate cylinder spot cylinder have light hot will light may of the magnetars lines Therefore, cross idea field field. will the the lines , field, field normal More magnetic to twisted Similar a direction. close For the in o magnetars. release that energy of with magnetic compared discussed twisted mainly be works may Previous magnetars of field magnetic The ABSTRACT − tr:mgea tr:nurn–plas niiul(T J181 (XTE individual pulsars: – neutron stars: – magnetar stars: 1606) P rsts ∼ n g vriy unzo 106 China 510006, Guangzhou iversity, 19)adPvne l 20)aeaotdi h following. the in adopted Wolfson are of (2009) system al. symbolic et Pavan The and 2017). (1995) Kojima 2016; al. et 09 afe ta.21;Gapdkse l 04 Akg 2014; al. al. et et Pavan Glampedakis 2012; 2008; al. Gourgouliatos et 2002; Parfrey 2009; 1995; al. Wolfson 1994; et studied Boily Thompson & been (Lynden-Bell has authors many equilibrium by force-free axisymmetric The equations Basic 2.1 FORCE-FREE AXISYMMETRIC 2 6. conclusio Section Comparisons The in 5. 4. given Section large Section is in a discussed in are of presented observations consequences is with mag- The magnetars This twisted 3. of cap. Section a polar polar For in large a demonstrated 2. have is Section may magnetar in the presented netosphere, is field dipole magnetars. in release independent energy an magnetic provide may the in regions for result line channel There- also field field. may open magnetic the This twisted fore, cap. the polar of untwisting large subsequent a to due period. enhanced rotational long their may despite caps magnetars the Therefore, polar cross large open. will have become lines field and more lines. cylinder field, field light dipole open twisted and a lines for define field Then to closed introduced between be boundary may the radius cylinder light the , EQUILIBRIUM h ueia n nltclsltoso twisted a of solutions analytical and numerical The be will regions line field open the in flow particle The antcenergy magnetic r edln regions line field d n fmagnetar of end repn othe to orrespond omlpulsars. normal f A edln regions line field T E tl l v3.0 file style X euti the in result magnetic d troduced. eradial he different 0 − 197; un ¨ n 2 H. Tong

The magnetosphere of pulsars and magnetars may be in the 1.0 force-free equilibrium state. Assuming axisymmetric condi- tion, the magnetosphere is described by the Grad-Shafranov 0.8 equation. In spherical coordinate, the Grad-Shafranov equa- tion is: 0.6 L

2 2 2 x H

∂ A 1 x ∂ A dF f + − + F (A) = 0, (1) ∂r2 r2 ∂x2 dA 0.4 where r is the dimensionless radial coordinate (in units of the radius), x = cos θ (θ is the polar angle), 0.2 A = A(r, θ) is the flux flunction, and F (A) is a yet undeter- mined function (Wolfson 1995 and references therein). The 0.0 magnetic field is related to the flux function as (Wolfson 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1995; Pavan et al. 2009) xH=cosΘL

1 1 ∂A ∂A Figure 1. Dimensionless magnetic flux as a function of polar B = rˆ θˆ + F (A)φˆ . (2) r sin θ r ∂θ − ∂r angle. The solid lines are analytical approximations. The dashed   lines are numerical calculations. The black, red and blue colors If the function F (A) is in the form F (A)= λA1+1/n (λ and n are for values of n = 1, 0.5, 0.1, respectively. are numerical parameters), then equation (1) can be solved by separation of variables. The flux function will have the following form calculation is straightforward (Pavan et al. 2009). It is found that λ2 = (35/16)(1 n), or − A = r nf(x). (3) − 35 From equation (3), the parameter n reflects the radial de- λ = (1 n), (5) r 16 − pendence of the flux function. From equation (2), the radial 2 dependence of the magnetic field will be B(r) r−(2+n). where the positive root of λ is chosen, which means the ∝ In general, the radial dependence of the magnetic field is field line in the southern hemisphere of the neutron star will different from the magnetic dipole field. The undetermined twist eastward (compared with field lines in the northern function f(x) can be view as the dimensionless flux function. hemisphere). The dimensionless flux function is By the separation of variables, equation (1) is reduced to an 2 22 5x 2 f(x)= f0(x) 1 − x (1 n) . (6) ordinary differential equation − 32 −   ′′ 1 Figure 1 shows the comparison of analytical approximation (1 x2)f (x)+ n(n + 1)f(x)+ λ2 1+ f 1+2/n(x) = 0. − n with the numerical solution of equation (4). For n not so   (4) small, the analytical solution is roughly consistent with the numerical calculations. When λ = 0 and n = 1, this corresponds to the For the polar cap region, the polar angle is relatively magnetic dipole field. When λ is different from zero, this small, e.g., θ 0.3, and x = cos θ > 0.9. This will cor- ≤ 1 means the presence of toroidal field, and the magnetic field responds to a hot spot of 3 km if observed . In this case, is twisted compared with the dipole case. The polar axis the analytical solution can match the numerical solutions should be a field line, this gives the boundary condition of quite well, even for n as small as n = 0.1, see figure 2. equation (4): f( 1) = 0. The boundary value requires that This feature of equation (6) ensures that we can use the ± there is an eigenvalue of n for a given λ in equation (4). analytical solutions when calculating the geometry of the For a twisted dipole field, the flux conservation gives the polar cap regions. Once the magnetic flux is obtained, the first initial condition: f(0) = 1. Symmetry about the equa- ′ magnetic field, shear, current density, and magnetic energy tional plane gives the second initial condition: f (0) = 0. can be calculated straightforward. In the following, we will Starting from the two initial conditions, and considering the try to provide analytical approximations when possible. The boundary condition requirement, equation (4) can be solved corresponding numerical results will also be shown for com- numerically. For consideration near the polar cap regions, it parison. is found that there are analytical solutions to equation (4).

2.3 Maximum twist of magnetic field lines 2.2 Analytical solutions In the above self-similar solutions, the footpoints of the mag- For λ = 0 and n = 1, the solution of equation (4) is the netic field lines will move not only in the latitudinal direction 2 magnetic dipole field: f0(x) = 1 x . For an decreasing − n from n = 1 to n = 0, the magnetic field evolves from 1 When using the Comptonized blackbody or other spectral mod- the dipole configuration to the split monopole. During this els, the seed blackbody can come from either a hot spot or the process, λ will also be nonzero. For values of 1 n 1, an − ≪ whole neutron star surface (Enoto et al. 2017). Only when the expansion around λ = 0 and n = 1 may be made. Following blackbody radius is about several kilometers, it is thought to the treatment of Pavan et al. (2009), denote ∆n = n 1, be from a hot spot. A clear example will be like that of XTE 2 − f(x)= f0(x)+ f1(x)∆n, λ = κ∆n. The expansion is made J1810−197, where both a hot spot component and a cold surface for λ2 because it is λ2 which appeared in equation (4). The component can be seen (Alford & Halpern 2016).

MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) Large polar caps of magnetars 3


0.15 2.5

2.0 L

x 0.10 max H Φ f 1.5 Æ

1.0 0.05


0.00 0.0 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 xH=cosΘL n

Figure 2. Same as figure 1, for magnetic flux near the polar cap Figure 3. Maximum twist as a function of the parameter n. The region. solid line is the analytical approximation. The dashed line is the numerical calculation. but also in the longitudinal direction (Lynden-Bell & Boily 1994; Wolfson 1995). The longitudinal movement will result (Thompson et al. 2002; Beloborodov 2009; Pavan et al. 2009; in the twist of the magnetic field lines. For a specific field Glampedakis et al. 2014; Akgun¨ et al. 2016; Kojima 2017). line starts from x1 = cos θ1 in the northern hemisphere and Therefore, in these works, the central magnetar has no open ends at x2 = cos θ2 in the southern hemisphere, the angular field lines and no polar caps. For a typical rotational pe- shear is (Wolfson 1995) riod of 10 seconds, the polar cap region is very small for a dipolar magnetic field. This is the taken to be the reason λ x1 f 1/n(x) ∆φ = dx, (7) why rotation is neglected in previous works. However, for a n 1 x2 Zx2 − twisted dipole field, they tend to inflate in the radial direc- where during the definition of the twist a minus sign is ab- tion. In analogy with normal pulsars, the open field lines are sorbed. According to the definition of the twist, the field defined as those that pass through the light cylinder. Then line starts at the north pole and ends at the south pole will more field lines will become open due to the inflation of field have the maximum twist. Therefore, the maximum twist for lines in the radial direction. Therefore, for a magnetar with a given equilibrium configuration is (Thompson et al. 2002) twisted dipole magnetic field, it can have large polar caps despite its long pulsation period. − 2λ 1 f 1/n(x) For a constant flux A = r nf(x) = constant (equation ∆φmax = 2 dx. (8) n 0 1 x (3)), it corresponds to the projection of magnetic field lines Z − in the r θ plane. The dimension flux function f(x) has For n 1 and f(x) 1 x2, the maximum twist is − ≈ ≈ − the largest value at the equator (figure 1). Therefore, the ∆φmax = 2λ. (9) maximum radial extension of the magnetic field line is also reached in the equatorial plane. The last closed field line can Figure 3 shows that the analytical approximation is quite be defined as those with maximum radial extension equal to accurate for a large range of parameter space. the light cylinder radius: rmax = Rlc = P c/(2π), where P For a specific equilibrium configuration, there is a one the magnetar rotational period, and c is the speed of light. to one correspondence for the three parameters: n, λ, and The intersection of the last closed field line with the neutron ∆φmax. In some previous works, the maximum twist is used star surface defines the boundary of the polar cap region. to characterize the state of the magnetic field lines. However, Since the flux function is a constant along a field line, then during the definition of the maximum twist, it is assumed f(0) f(x ) that the central magnetar does not rotate. Therefore, all the = pc , (10) Rn Rn field lines are closed field lines and there is no open field lines. lc For real magnetars, they are rotating neutron stars. The field where xpc is the angular radius of the polar cap, and R is lines near the polar cap regions will become open field lines. the neutron star radius. According to the conservation of Therefore, the definition of the maximum twist will be no magnetic flux f(0) = 1, therefore the angular radius of the longer valid. In reality, as shown in below, magnetar can have polar cap is determined by large polar caps. This will further make the definition of the n R maximum twist inappropriate. Therefore, the parameter n f(xpc)= . (11) R may be a better parameter to describe the state of a twisted  lc  magnetic dipole field. Physically, the parameter n reflects Note that f(xpc) is also the fraction of magnetic flux of the the radial dependences of the magnetic field. polar cap region. A typical magnetar is assumed to have rotational period of 10 s, and a neutron star radius of 10 km. For a magnetic dipole field, the parameter n is n = 1. Then − the polar cap will have a fractional magnetic flux of 2 10 5. 3 LARGE POLAR CAPS × For a magnetic dipole field, the dimensionless flux function 2 2 2 In modeling the twisted magnetosphere of magnetars, the is: f0(x) = 1 x = 1 cos θ = sin θ. Then the angular − − effect of rotation is neglected in several previous works radius of the polar cap is: sin θpc = R/Rlc. This is the p MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) 4 H. Tong

0.5 0.25 0.4 0.20

0.3 0.15 pc Θ

0.10 0.2 Magnetic free energy 0.05 0.1

0.00 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 n n Figure 4. Polar cap angular radius of a magnetar with twisted Figure 5. Magnetic free energy of a twisted dipole field as a dipole field. function of n. The black points are the numerical calculations. The solid line is the analytical fitting.

4 PARTICLE FLOW IN THE OPEN FIELD result in normal pulsars (Goldreich-Julian 1969; Ruderman LINE REGIONS AND UNTWISTING & Sutherland 1975). Typically, the polar cap radius is only 4.1 Magnetic free energy about 50 meters for magnetars. From equation (11), for a twisted dipole field with n< For a twisted dipole field, the appearance of the toroidal 1, the polar cap will have larger fractional magnetic flux. component of the magnetic field means there are additional Furthermore, in equation (11), only the value of f(x) at the magnetic free energy compared with pure dipole case (Be- polar cap region is required. In the polar cap region with loborodov 2009). For a twisted dipole field with radial de- −(2+n) x 1, the flux function can be further simplified: f(x) = pendence B(r) r , most of the magnetic energy are ≈ 2 2 ∝ f0(x)[1 ((22 5x )/32)x (1 n)] f0(x)[(15 + 17n)/32]. stored in the vicinity of the neutron star. Using the ten- − − − ≈ The angular radius of the polar cap for a twisted dipole field sor virial theorem, the total magnetic energy is determined is by the distribution of magnetic field at the surface of the neutron star2 (Wolfson 1995)

n 1 (R/Rlc) 3 2 2 2 sin θpc = . (12) EB = (B B B )dx. (13) (15 + 17n)/32 2 r − θ − φ s Z0 The total magnetic energy is expressed in units of the total 2 3 Figure 4 shows the polar cap angular radius of a magnetar magnetic energy of the dipole magnetic field: (1/12)BpR with twisted dipole field. For a angular radius of θpc = 0.1 or (Thompson et al. 2002). Then the magnetic free energy is θpc = 0.2, the corresponding polar cap radius is about 1 km 1 or 2 km. If the polar cap is heated by accelerated particles, 3 2 2 2 Emf = EB 1= (B B B )dx 1. (14) a hot spot of 1 2 km may be seen observationally. Equa- − 2 r − θ − φ − − Z0 tion (12) reduces to the magnetic dipole case for n = 1. If the magnetar’s magnetic field is twisted during a star quake, When there are open field line regions, the total magnetic during the untwisting process, the parameter n evolves from free energy may be modified. The above treatment will be n < 1 to n = 1. From figure 4, during the untwisting pro- employed as the approximation to the real case. The corre- cess, the polar cap will decrease with time. Observationally, sponding magnetic free energy as a function of parameter n this may corresponds to the shrinking hot spot of magnetars is shown in figure 5. For a pure dipole field, n = 1, the mag- during outbursts. netic free energy is zero. For a split monopole, n = 0, the The footpoint of a twisted dipole field will move both magnetic free energy is 0.5. Therefore, a not too bad analyt- ical guess for the magnetic free energy is: EB,mf = 0.5(1 n). in latitudinal direction and longitudinal direction (Lynden- − Bell & Boily 1994; Wolfson 1995). The longitudinal move- It is found that the following analytical expression fits the ment will result in the twist of the magnetic field lines numerical results better (see above). The latitudinal motion will also contribute to 1.5 Emf = 0.5(1 n) . (15) a larger polar cap of the magnetar. In the polar cap region, − 2 from the simplified flux function: sin θpc(n)(15+17n)/32 = This analytical fitting will simplify relevant discussions and 2 sin θpc(dipole). For large twist (n 1), the polar cap ≪ calculations. will be √2 times larger than the dipole case (θpc(n) ≈ √2θpc(dipole)) due to the latitudinal motion of the foot- point of the magnetic field lines. Therefore, the inflation of the magnetic field in the radial direction is the major reason 2 The numerical coefficient in equation (11) of Wolfson (1995) for a large polar cap of magnetars. should be 3/2 instead of 2/3.

MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) Large polar caps of magnetars 5

4.2 Particle flow in the open field line regions may result in a hot spot on the neutron star and be con- verted into X-ray luminosity of the magnetar. The physics For normal pulsars, the particle flow, acceleration and radi- may be similar to that in the closed field line regions (Be- ation process mainly happen in the open field line regions loborodov 2009). By colliding with the neutron star surface, (Goldreich & Julian 1969; Ruderman & Sutherland 1975; a high conversion efficiency from the particle luminosity to Cheng et al. 1986; Du et al. 2010). If the rotation of central the X-ray luminosity may be resulted. For a smaller con- magnetar is neglected from the starting point, all the field version efficiency, it will only affect the normalization of the lines are closed field lines. Only particle acceleration and X-ray flux. The decaying pattern is the same. By chosing radiation in the closed field line regions can be considered a higher magnetic field, a higher X-ray luminosity can be (Thompson et al. 2002; Beloborodov 2009). Introducing the obtained again. idea of light cylinder, as shown above, the central magnetar For normal pulsars, the particle acceleration and flow is can have large polar caps. Then we can consider the particle still an unsolved question (Zhang et al. 2000; Kou & Tong flow, acceleration, and radiation in the open field line regions 2015). The corresponding acceleration potential in various of magnetars, in analogy with that of normal pulsars. gap models is different from the maximum acceleration po- For normal pulsars, the energy loss in the magneto- tential. The flowing particle density can also deviates from sphere can be approximated roughly by the magnetic dipole the Goldreich-Julian density. The above treatment can be radiation (Kou & Tong 2015). The corresponding results can viewed as the strong particle flow case. When the twisted also be obtained by assuming a Goldreich-Julian current and dipole field is relaxed back to the pure dipole case, the polar a maximum acceleration potential for each flowing particle cap will return back to the dipole case. The corresponding (Harding et al. 1999; Tong et al. 2013). The maximum accel- particle luminosity (equation(19)) will also return back the eration potential is the potential drop between the edge of dipole case. In this way, the magnetosphere of magnetars the polar cap and the magnetic pole (Ruderman & Suther- and normal pulsars may be unified together. This is merit land 1975) of the above treatment. ΩR2B ∆V = p sin2 θ , (16) max 2c pc 4.3 Untwisting where Ω is the angular velocity of the central neutron star. 2 According to energy conservation, the untwisting of the For normal pulsars, with sin θpc = R/Rlc, the maximum 2 3 2 twisted dipole field is governed by the following equation acceleration potential is: ∆Vmax = Ω R Bp/(2c ). The cur- rent through one polar cap is (Harding et al. 1999; Tong et al. 2013) dEmf = E˙ p,twist. (20) 2 dt − Ipc = πR ρGJc, (17) pc It should be noted that the magnetic free energy is expressed where Rpc is the polar cap radius, ρGJ = ΩBp/(2πc) is the in units of the magnetic energy of a pure dipole field. so-called Goldreich-Julian charge density (Goldreich & Ju- The particle luminosity should be of magnetic origin lian 1969). Then the energy loss rate due to the particle flow (instead of rotational origin, Lyutikov 2013). This is one is (i.e. particle luminosity, which is the energy carried by the basic assumption of our model. Justification of equation (20) accelerated particles and associated electromagnetic fields) from the energy conservation point of view is presented in the appendix. Different modeling of the particle luminosity Ω4R6B2 E˙ = 2I ∆V = p . (18) will only result in quantitative differences. p,dipole pc max 2c3 This result is the similar to that of magnetic dipole radiation, except for a different numerical factor. 5 DISCUSSION For a twisted dipole field, the particle flow in the open field line regions will be enhanced due a large polar cap. For Observationally, the magnetar outbursts show a variety of a larger polar cap, the corresponding maximum acceleration changes: flux decay, shrinking hot spot, decreasing temper- potential and polar cap current will be larger. This will re- ature, softening spectra, simpler pulse profile etc. The out- sult in a higher energy loss rate due to the particle flow. burst may contain magnetic energy release from both the This enhanced particle flow is due to the twist of magnetic neutron star crust (Vigan`oet al. 2013) or the magnetosphere field lines. The particle acceleration and flow in the open (Thompson et al. 2002). Previous works considered the en- field line regions will consume the magnetic free energy and ergy release in the closed field line regions (Beloborodov results in the untwisting of the magnetic field lines. Similar 2009). As shown above, the open field line regions may also to equation (18), the corresponding particle luminosity for contribute to the magnetic energy release. In below, the outburst of the first transient magnetar XTE J1810 197 a twisted dipole field is − is taken as an example. We will show to what degree the 2 4 2 Ω R Bp 4 magnetic energy release in the open field line regions can E˙ p,twist = sin θpc, (19) 2c explain the observations. where θpc sin θpc is used for small values of θpc (i.e. polar ≈ cap regions). As there may be multipole fields near the mag- 5.1 Decreasing X-ray luminosity netar surface (Tiengo et al. 2013), a significant amount of the particle flow may be trapped by the multipole field. By col- The total energy released by the hot spot in XTE J1810 197 42 − liding with the neutron star surface, this particle luminosity is about 4 10 erg (Gotthelf & Halpern 2007). The peak × MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) 6 H. Tong

flux is about 1035 erg s−1, and decays exponentially with a & Halpern 2016). The warm component may due to contin- time constant about 200 days (Gotthelf & Halpern 2007). ued magnetic energy release during the quiescent state. Later more observations showed a transition from three to If a neutron star is a high magnetic field pulsar ini- • two blackbody spectrum (Alford & Halpern 2016). The hot tially, and a starquake twists it magnetosphere to n > 0.93 spot component may be dominated by the energy release in (or ∆φmax < 0.8), then its untwisting timescale will decrease the open field lines regions. For a typical parameter n = 0.5, with time. After sometime, it will return to a magnetosphere 44 2 the total magnetic free energy is about Emf 10 B14 erg, without twist. In this case, the maximum energy release rate ≈37 2 −1 33 2 −1 the particle luminosity is about E˙ p,twist 10 B erg s . due to the untwisting magnetosphere is 10 B erg s . For ≈ 14 14 From equation (20), the magnetic energy decays with a typ- young high magnetic field pulsars, their rotational energy ical timescale (i.e. untwisting timescale) loss rate will be significantly larger than this value. There- fore, the magnetic field powered activities in this case will be τ(n) Emf /E˙ p,twist 0.3 yr (for n=0.5). (21) ≡ ∼ insignificant. Only when the initial n parameter is smaller Figure 6 shows the untwisting timescale as a function of n. than 0.93 (maximum twist larger than 0.8), the magnetic The untwisting time scale is not a monotonic function of the activities may be significant. In this case, the untwisting parameter n. It peaks at about n = 0.93, which corresponds behavior will be similar to that of magnetars. Up to now, two high magnetic field pulsar showed magnetar-like activi- to a maximum twist about ∆φmax 0.8. For large twist ≈ (i.e. small n), the magnetic free energy is approximately a ties (Gavriil et al. 2008; Archibald et al. 2016; Gogus et al. constant. However, the particle luminosity decreases with 2016). increasing n. Therefore, the untwisting timescale increases By solving Equation (20), the theoretical flux decay can with n for large twist. For the small twist case, the magnetic be compared with the hot spot of XTE J1810 197. From − free energy decreases as the field line untwists. At the same the total released energy and peak flux during the outburst, time, the particle luminosity is almost a constant. There- a surface magnetic field at the magnetic pole is chosen as fore, the untwisting timescale decreases as the field lines un- B14 = 0.17. This will be the polar dipole magnetic field twists in the small twist case. This part is consistent with strength when there is no twist. This value of magnetic field the small twist approximation in magnetar closed field line is for an energy conversion efficiency of unity. For a signifi- regions (Beloborodov 2009). The over all behavior of the un- cantly smaller conversion efficiency (e.g., similar to that of − twisting timescale is determined by the magnetic free energy normal pulsar 10 3), by chosing a higher magnetic field ∼ and particle luminosity. Both of these quantities depends on (e.g., 30 times higher), a high X-ray luminosity can be ob- the parameter n in a non-linear way. This may explain the tained again. The flux evolution time scale and evolution general behavior of the untwisting timescale. pattern is not affected by the energy conversion efficiency. The untwisting timescale in equation (21) and Figure For a parameter4 n = 0.58 at the time of the first XMM- 6 represent a typical time interval for the twisted magne- Newton observation of XTE J1810 197 (MJD 52890.6), Fig- − tosphere to lose a significant portion of its magnetic free ure 7 shows the hot spot luminosity of XTE J1810 197. − energy. The total time for a twisted magnetosphere to be- Similar to Figure 4 in Alford & Halpern (2016), the lumi- come untwisted can be obtained by integrating equation nosities here are bolometric luminosities. The model calcu- (20). From Figure 6, the total time will be dominated by lations can catch the general trend of hot spot luminosity the maximum value of τ(n). Numerical calculations showed decay. At later time, the model calculation seems to over es- 3 that the total untwisting time can be as long as 600 yr, and timate the hot spot luminosity. However, at later time, the goes to zero as n approaches n = 1. However, this complete hot spot transforms to a warm-hot component (Alford & untwisting process will be too long to be observed. Further- Halpern 2016). Figure 8 shows the long term luminosity de- more, years after the outburst, the corresponding particle cay of XTE J1810 197. The first seven observational data in − luminosity will be too low to be detected (detailed in be- Figure 8 are the same as that in Figure 7. The later observa- low). At the same time, it may also be intervened by another tional data points in Figure 8 are the warm-hot component outburst. in Alford & Halpern (2016). The theoretical long term lu- − From Figure 6, we may get a dichotomy between the minosity is about 1033 erg s 1. It can explain the warm-hot magnetosphere of magnetars and the magnetosphere of high component of XTE J1810-197 during the quiescent state. magnetic field pulsars. If a magnetar is induced to show outburst, e.g. by star- • 5.2 Shrinking hot spot and temperature quake, with initial parameter n < 0.93 (or ∆φmax > 0.8), Observationally, XTE J1810 197 shows a transition from then its untwisting timescale will increase with time dur- − ing the untwisting process. Years after the outburst, it will three blackbody spectra to two blackbody spectra (Alford keep a magnetospheric configuration about n 0.93, until & Halpern 2016). It is possible that the central neutron star ≈ the next outburst. The magnetic energy release rate is about has a hot spot. The hot spot has a temperature gradient 33 2 −1 with the rest of the neutron star surface. The magnetic en- 10 B14 erg s . It may contribute to the quiescent luminos- ity of magnetars. Observationally, e.g. for XTE J1810 197, ergy release deposited onto the polar cap region may be − the quiescent luminosity contains a warm component plus a diffused to the rest part of the neutron star surface. Ob- cold component from the whole neutron star surface (Alford servationally, in order to explain the X-ray spectra of XTE J1810 197, a large neuron star radius is required R 30km − ≈

3 We note that the total untwisting timescale is the same order 4 At an earlier time, e.g. onset of the outburst, the parameter n as the twist accumulation timescale found by Akgun¨ et al. (2017). should be smaller.

MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) Large polar caps of magnetars 7

While the observed temperature is about 0.6 keV (Alford & Halpern 2016). Considering that the heat in the hot spot 100

L will diffuse to the rest part of the neutron star, it is natural yr H that the theoretical hot spot temperature (not considering 10 the diffusion process) is higher than the observations.

1 5.3 Geometry and spin-down torque

Untwisting timescale 0.1 Here we considered the untwisting due to particle flow in the open field line regions of a globally twisted dipole field.

0.01 In reality, the magnetar may contain higher order multi- 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 pole fields. The magnetic energy release may also occur in n the closed field line regions (Beloborodov 2009) or in the neutron star crust (Vigan`oet al. 2013). One merit of con- Figure 6. n Magnetic field untwisting timescale as a function of . sidering particle flow in the open field line regions is that The untwisting timescale peaks at about n = 0.93. the geometry of hot spot will always be the same. If the radio emission also originates from the large polar caps of

7´1034 Ÿ the twisted dipole field, then its magnetic field geometry is also not expected to change significant, except for a different 34 6´10 Ÿ twist at the onset of different outbursts. The revival of the L 1 34 - magnetar PSR J1622 4950 (Camilo et al. 2018) and XTE s 5´10 −

erg 34 J1810 197 (Gotthelf et al. 2019) both may require the same H 4´10 − Ÿ magnetic field geometry with the previous outburst. 3´1034 For a dipole magnetic field, the twist will result in a 34 large polar cap, enhanced particle flow, stronger magnetic

Luminosity 2´10 Ÿ field at the light cylinder radius, and the presence of a strong 34 1´10 Ÿ toroidal field. All these aspects will contribute to a larger 0 Ÿ Ÿ torque than the pure dipole case. This may explain why 53 000 53 200 53 400 53 600 53 800 the required magnetic field of XTE J1810 197 is smaller − Time HMJDL than its characteristic magnetic field. During the untwisting process, a decreasing torque is expected. This is in general Figure 7. Luminosity of the hot spot component of XTE consistent with the timing observations of XTE J1810 197 J1810−197. The blue squares are observations (Alford & Halpern − 2016), the solid line is the model calculation. (Camilo et al. 2016; Levin et al. 2019). For a twisted dipole field, the light cylinder radius de- termines the boundary of the polar cap region. A large polar 1´1035 cap will result in a stronger particle flow. This strong parti- Ÿ cle flow may also result in the opening of the magnetic field 5´1034 Ÿ Ÿ lines at a smaller radius than the light cylinder radius (Hard- L

1 34 ing et al. 1999; Tong et al. 2013). A smaller opening radius - 2´10 Ÿ s will again result in a larger polar cap. Therefore, the torque

erg 34 H 1´10 Ÿ due to the particle flow in the case of twisted magnetic field 5´1033 should be treated in a self-consistent way. This may be the Ÿ Ÿ future works. Luminosity 2´1033 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ 1´1033 Ÿ 5.4 Statistical properties of magnetar outbursts 53 000 53 500 54 000 54 500 55 000 55 500 56 000 56 500 The outburst observations of magnetars are diverse and rich Time HMJDL (Esposito et al. 2018; Coti Zelati et al. 2018). The above calculations for XTE J1810 197 is only one example. From Figure 8. Long term luminosity decay of XTE J1810−197. Sim- − ilar to Figure 7, the blue squares are observations (Alford & Equation (19), the particle luminosity is proportional to the Halpern 2016), the solid line is the model calculation. square of the polar cap area. This may result in a X-ray lumi- nosity proportional to the square of the hot spot area during 2 the outburst decay of the magnetar: Lx A , where A is ∝ (Alford & Halpern 2016). This is too large to be modeled the hot spot area. This relation is for the case of maximum by our model. Such a large radius may be due to inaccurate acceleration potential. For a constant acceleration potential, source distance etc (see Alford & Halpern 2016 for more the particle luminosity will be proportional to the polar cap discussions). The temperature of the hot spot can also be area. This may result in a X-ray luminosity proportional to calculated theoretically. During the untwisting process, the the hot spot area: Lx A. The real case may lie between ∝ acceleration potential for each particles decreases. Then the these two cases. Therefore, a correlation between the X-ray α hot spot spot temperature is also expected to decrease with luminosity and hot spot area will be: Lx A , where the ∝ time. The theoretical hot spot temperature is about 1 keV. power law coefficient 1 <α< 2 is expected. Long term flux

MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) 8 H. Tong decay of the magnetar Swift J1822.3 1606 found a power et al. 2009; and this work). There are many works on magne- − coefficient α< 2 (Scholz et al. 2014). tar magnetosphere with localized twist (Gourgouliatos 2008; As been discussed above, long after the outburst, the Beloborodov 2009; Fujisawa & Kisaka 2014; Akgun¨ et al. magnetar may enter into a quiescent state with n = 0.93 2016, 2017). The effect of relativity are also explored (Gour- − and typical magnetic energy release rate 1033 B2 erg s 1. gouliatos & Lynden-Bell 2008; Pili et al. 2015; Kojima 2017; ∼ 14 However, years after the outburst, the decay time scale is Huang et al. 2018). Time dependent twisted magnetosphere long enough that the magnetar may already been consid- and its effect on the pulsar spin-down torque are studied by ered as in the quiescent state. Therefore, the corresponding Parfrey et al. (2012, 2013). Compared with previous works, 33 2 −1 theoretical quiescent luminosity will be > 10 B14erg s . we try to model the magnetar magnetosphere from a global A general correlation between magnetar quiescent luminos- twisted point of view. The effect of pulsar rotation is not 2 ity and dipole magnetic field is: Lx,q B . For the case considered in a self-consistent way. It is done similar to that ∝ p of a constant acceleration potential, the correlation will be: of normal pulsars. By defining the light cylinder radius, the Lx,q Bp. Therefore, the power law index between one and open field lines and closed field lines are classified. The con- ∝ β two is expected for Lx,q B , where 1 <β< 2. Observa- sequence is a large polar cap for magnetars, in spite of its ∝ p tionally, such a correlation is indeed found by Coti Zelati et long pulsation period. al. (2018). However, when interpreting the observations, two cautions should be made: (i) Observationally, the quiescent luminosity may include both the magnetic energy release and the a cold component from the whole neutron star sur- face (e.g. XTE J1810 197, Alford & Halpern 2016). (ii) The − neutron star spindown torque may be significantly enhance compared with the dipole case. The characteristic dipole magnetic field may just be a measure of the total torque. It can be significantly larger than the true dipole magnetic 6 CONCLUSION field (Tong et al. 2013). Albeit with these two uncertainties, we think that the correlation between magnetar quiescent We found that magnetars may have large polar caps despite luminosity and characteristic magnetic field is another evi- their long pulsation period. Possible magnetic energy release dence that are consistent with our model. in the open field line regions are also explored. Previously, the polar cap of magnetars is thought to be very small due to their long rotational period (P 10 s). Magnetic energy 5.5 Comparison with previous works ∼ release in closed field line region are mostly discussed. Con- In Thompson et al. (2002), a globally twisted magnetosphere sidering that the magnetar’s magnetic field may be twisted is considered. While in Beloborodov (2009), a locally twisted and a twisted magnetic field tend to inflate in the radial di- magnetic field is explored. There are no open field lines. In rection. This will result in a large polar cap for magnetars. Beloborodov (2009), magnetic energy release in the closed The consequences of a large polar cap are enhanced particle field line regions is considered. In our model, the magnetar flow in the open field line regions and untwisting of the mag- may have a large polar cap due the twist of the dipole mag- netic field etc. Our model calculations can catch the general netic field. Possible magnetic energy release in the open field trend of magnetar outburst decay. line regions are considered. This will also result in untwist- We modeled the magnetar magnetosphere from a glob- ing of the magnetic field. Therefore, our model provides an ally twisted point of view. Localized multipole field (Tiengo independent channel for magnetic energy release in the case et al. 2013) can not be model in our model. Possible mag- of magnetars. Magnetic energy release may be at work si- netic energy release in the open field line regions are explored multaneously in both the closed field line regions and open and applied to magnetar outbursts. Magnetar outbursts are field line regions. of relative long timescale ( years). Short timescale bursts ∼ For magnetic energy release in the closed field line re- and giant flares (Parfrey et al. 2012) are not the object of this gions and the same magnetar, different outbursts may hap- work. The effect of magnetar rotation is considered mainly pen at different locations. While for magnetic energy re- by introducing the light cylinder radius. The pulsar mag- lease in the open field line regions, different outburst will netosphere may be realized by solving the pulsar equation always happen at the polar cap regions. Therefore if mag- with dipole magnetic field boundary condition (Contopou- netic energy release occurs in the open field line regions, the los et al. 1999). Therefore, the possible large polar cap of magnetar will exhibit the same geometry during different magnetars may be testified by future works solving the pul- outbursts. The recurrent outburst of XTE J1810 197 may sar equation with the twisted dipole magnetic field as the − help us to solve this problem observationally, at least for this boundary condition. Possible magnetic energy release in the source. open field line regions are modeled by assuming Goldreich- Glampedakis et al. (2014) demonstrated three kinds of Julian particle density and a maximum acceleration poten- twist in the neutron star magnetosphere: (i) Twist in the tial. As in the case of normal pulsars, the particle density closed field line regions. This may corresponds to magnetar can by higher than the Goldreich-Julian density (which is magnetosphere with some localized twist. (ii) Twist in the actually the charge density). The physical acceleration po- open field line regions. This may mimic the magnetosphere tential may also deviated from the maximum acceleration of normal pulsars. (iii) Twist in both the open and closed potential (Kou & Tong 2015 and references therein). Simi- field line regions. This may corresponds to a globally twisted lar things may also happen in the case of magnetars. These magnetosphere of magnetars (Thompson et al. 2002; Pavan may be the topics of future works.

MNRAS 000, 1–10 (2015) Large polar caps of magnetars 9

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2019). During the outburst, the rotational energy loss rate will be several times higher. However, it is still much smaller The authors would like to thank H. G. Wang for discus- than the total Poynting luminosity. Therefore, in the case of sions and the referee for insightful suggestions. H.Tong is twisted dipole field, the total Poynting luminosity should be supported by NSFC (11773008). powered by the magnetic energy. This justifies equaton (20) in our paper.

APPENDIX A: JUSTIFICATION OF The physical reason for the above differences is origin EQUATION (20) of toroidal magnetic field. The discharge in the closed field line regions and open field line regions are both driven by The presence of current and acceleration field means that the magnetic twist (which will result in an electric current) the field will done work on the particles at an rate: j E. · (footnote 4 in Beloborodov 2009). In the case of normal pul- After some manipulation, it can be proven that (Section 2.1 sars, the toroidal field (although relatively small) is due to in Rybicki & Lightman 1979): the neutron star rotation. Therefore, the particle luminosity d is powered by the rotational energy. In the case of magnetars, (Umech + Ufield)= S dA, (A1) dt − · the toroidal field is due to the magnetic twist, either global Z (our model) or local twist (Beloborodov 2009). Therefore, where Umech is the total mechanical energy inside the vol- the particle luminosity is powered by the magnetic energy ume, Ufield is the total field energy inside the volume, S in the case of magnetars. is the Poynting flux, and the integration is over an closed bounding surface. This equation states that: the total out- flow Poynting luminosity is provided by the decrease in the REFERENCES total mechanical and field energy. Draw an imaginary sphere of radius Rlc around the neutron star. At the light cylinder Akgun¨ T., Miralles J. A., Pons J. A., et al., 2016, MNRAS, 462, radius, the corotational velocity is about the speed of light. 1894 Therefore, E B at the light cylinder. The total Poynting Akgun¨ T., Cerda-Duran P., Miralles J. A., et al., 2017, MNRAS, ≈ luminosity through this sphere is 472, 3914 Alford J. A. J., Halpern J. P., 2016, ApJ, 818, 122 c 2 2 Stot B(Rlc) 4πRlc. (A2) Archibald R. F., Kaspi V. M., Tendulkar S. 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