Robert MacArthur Shields Henry Marshall Tory Endowed Chair and Professor, Sociology / City-Region Studies Centre. Faculty of Extension University of Alberta. 2-185 20130 Jasper Ave, Edmonton Alberta Canada. Tel. +1 780.243.0489
[email protected] Citizenship Canada, United Kingdom. Born, June 9 1961. Married with 1 daughter, Sophie. 1. Education 1989-90 Postdoctoral Fellow Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada at University of Lancaster with Scott Lash and John Urry and at Centre d’Etudes sur l’Actuel et le Quotidien, Université de Paris V, Sorbonne with Prof. Michel Maffesoli. Audited seminars with Jean Baudrillard, and a seminar given jointly by Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein. 1989 D.Phil. Urban and Regional Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K. Commonwealth Scholar. Thesis with Peter Saunders, Supervisor; Derek Gregory, External Examiner. Audited philosophy courses with Gillian Rose. 1986 M.A. Sociology, Carleton University, Ottawa. Thesis with Charles Gordon and John Harp. 'Notes Toward a Theory of Social Spatializations: Henri Lefebvre, the Problem of Space and the Postmodern Hypothesis' 10 October, 1985. Including: International Summer Institute in Semiotic and Structural Studies, University of Toronto. May-June 1984 Completed credit course with Frederick Jameson. Audited course with Paul Ricoeur. 1984 B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies (Architecture and Northern Development Planning), Carleton University, Ottawa. 2. Employment a) Academic employment July 2004– Henry Marshall Tory Chair and Professor, Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada. -April 2016- Academic Director, City-Region Studies Centre and Centre for Public Involvement Faculty of Extension (see Section 4 below). -July 2009-June 2014 Director, City-Region Studies Centre Faculty of Extension (see Section 4 below).