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Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Inside Journalism Publications 12-1-1996 Inside Journalism Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Inside Journalism" (1996). Inside Journalism. 53. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inside Journalism by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside Journalism Published by the .Journalism Department of Columbia College December 1996 Wallace speaks at Chicago conference By Boh Chiarito Mike \Va11acc. CBS news cor· respondent and co-editor of 60 Minutes. keynoted 1hc 22.nd annual Chicago Comrnunic.a- 1ions luncheon Nov. 13 31 the - - · ----.-·-·~---,, Chicago tvtarrio11. T he lunchi:<m benefits the Al \Vcisman Fund for Adv:mcccncnt of Communi ·rf ONS cations at Columbia College. In his hour•long speech. \Val• l;ice. te)nsidcr cd by many 10 be 1hc world's toughest interview· er, tC\'iSitcd much of wh:n he wa~ imcrviewcd about in 1hc December 1996 is.sue of Play boy \ talked about working in Chicago. which he rcfcm:d to as "his. hometown." io the 1950s and 60s. He sho,.. • cd clips or " Night Bc;u," th..: fomous inter view show where \Vallacc first earned his rcput:ttion as 1hc guy who isnt afrnid to ask 1he 1ough <1ucs1ions. Wallace also showed clips from his 60 Minutes sln· Mike Wallace spaaks during the 22nd annual Chicago Communications luncheon. ries with lia~. crooks and words. ··1>ctw1.:cn )'Ou and me:· bcrs :md \Vcism:rn Schol:'l~ r\ndrcw Farrell. r\rthur Franz. celebrities:. Among 1he clips Sun-Times columnist Ir" rrom Columbia. To1n Fl'31Ctrigo. Wendy Greene. Wallace sho\\'cd and talked Kupcinel, Honor.try Chair of 1hc WBBM-TV irwestig;:ui\'e Gioa Grillo. Rosalie I for-El. about were interviews with luncheon. took the podium to reporter Pam 1/...ckmon intro, Ou:me Hlavka. N:11:i.:-h;k Hollin:-::. Yasir Arafat, Malcolm X. Bar· make comments abou1 \Vallace ducc<l \Vall;'lcc. whom she Marlon Hubbard. Elyn Kocn- bra Streisand and the Ay:itollah .iflcr Harrie1 Wil:-on l!llis of the c;illed hel' memor and ,opp. ll'ina Kruk. Ri)c Larson. Khomeini. National Equal Justice Librnr)'. recalled wotkin~ with on a s1ory Adam Mikos. Leah Mi:,;sb:11.:h. He also discuS;sed how he gets Columbia Presidcm John Duff in the 1970s. Michael Moyl:m. N;11 h~n his imcr" iC\\' subjects "relaxed and Tony \Vcisman. son of the The Wcism:in Schol:lr.-.hip was Mugi y. Rogdan Nasl:lSC. Mary to the poin11hat they'll lc\'cl fate Al \Vcisman. welcomed the established in 1974 in memory Novak. wi1h me:· showing many clips crowd. which w:ts com1>0scd of of Al Weisman to pro"idc pro- Dir.git Raihsm::tnn. Donna where he uncrcd the infamous Chicago Communic31ion,:,; mcm- jccl gran1s to cornmunica1io n:- Schudel. Saba1ino Std;inile. s1udcnts from Columbia Col• To<ld Voigt. Kathleen Wal:-::h- lc~e. Gran1. Jacqueline \Veissman. In its 22-ycar histo1) '. the Shelley While, Claude Willey. \Vcisman Scholarships Jr.. Sam Wright :m<I 131ain ha\'C provided more than \V)'dcr-Harshm:m. $500.000 for Col u1 nbia Collc~c 01icag,,Cc1tnmtmk:uion, i:-::a students. This year's Wei:-man nonpmlit allianl'c: of nx:re llm 40 Scholarship recipients were pro{C:$.-:ional <X¥311i;,..11ion.-. rrom tl'k! Ronit Bc1.:1lcl. I. b:t C:1r~il I. l:'.ric 01ic:1go ~p1hcr c;1dl )'<:ar Chao. Michael Costello. Scott to dii:cll~,; signific:am is."',cs and bell· Drew$Oll. Elena Oiadcnko. clit dc.fCrving :,.tudem~. Bcrn:m.l Dixon. Jr.. Laurel F:1 lb. Page 2 Inside Journalism Constance Hall Clare LaPlante Ann-Christe Young 3 for 1 equals positive program By Rachel \VoO<ls "Teaching 1his class gi\'es me a: differen1 magazine, reviews man, a senior. suggested tJlru the. Introduction to Magazine a chance to what kids are tex,book ma1eri~~1 and completes cl$s be l1'Kft: organized blll re:1.aiJ) Editing received a face )ift this interested in today. I can help in.class assignments. The three the sunc fonnaL. ~1ncs1cr. The is now studcnlS so lhey won't make the instructors alte-mate., which Judging from ihe ~ of being taught by 1hrec. in.s1ruc10rs same mistakes J nmdc," HaJI allows the students to have a lntroduc1ion lo Magazine Editing rather than one. The cacalyst ror said. fresh atmosphere for le-arning students, d,c now format has been the change was the original Ann-Chris1e Youn£, a grndu· each week. accep<ed as a greot way lo teach Ille d .ass. instructor. Robert Sharoff. who ate or Columbia·s grnduate jour llie o,'C!alJ class respOoSC has chai,ge decided to lc;1vc Columbia to nalism program in public affairs ''Co= or auq,hy," beet1 (X)Sitive to the new forrnat. Fosdick bcLieves. ·Team 1caclling is become the-senior editor for reporting, is an assistant editor "Each class is a completely different a good way to injcc1 ~lied p;.1'SpCC· Builder maga1~ine. for U.S Catholic mng:lzinc. ""I experience. You naually look for tivcs. It works for thi~ course Sco11 Fosdick, director of the hope 10 sway people inw cdil· \vanl to with trained profes because il is designed to be an intro magazine program, found it eas ing as a career," she said. sionals." said Tracy Malccki. a duction to lhe wild and wonderful ier to hire three part-time teach Young hopes her s1ude1us will jwlior and a jou,n;~ism major. wcrid of magazines." HaJJ, LaPJame ers than one. The result is a "have an editorial eye and be "I feel 1hree diffcrcm 1c.ichcrs and Yoong will rtlum 10 leach the fre sh approach to the class with stfoklers for dernil.. after taking give three. different views. This course nex, semesre,. three experienced editors who the class. is de fi a arc currently working in the Clare LaPJame is a free lance 1>0sitive experi· foe Id. journalist who previously ence because we Connie Hall. Ann-Christe worked for Your Mo11ty maga foc us on differ Young, mid Clare LnPhmtc zine . ..I hope to gain knowledge ent ideas:· said agree that by tc::1ching the class about Columbia·s students and Karyn McElroy, they have found their careers the classes they attend," a junior. more interesting . LaPlanle said. One adjll5tmenl .. I am learning more about She has taught in the Adult ruSc,"t'Sled by my own business from the text Continuing Education progl'am some inembcl'S of book- ii makes it more interest· at Columbia. and she ha.1; taught lhe cla~ wa.~ ll-w ing:· said Connie Hall. copy a news repotting and wri1ing more of Ille 1ex1- editor for Chicago coul'se a1 Roosevelt University. book ""'""'" be Hall has been 1hc 101> copy edi LaPl!uHe hope-s 1h::11 her Sluder)IS implerrW!'rUOO into tor at Chicago for It; years. will " httVl! Ille ;1hility 10 genl.!r ~cum.:ulum. 13cfore her work a1 Chia1go. :IIC good idl!a.S. cri11quc their 'When asked what Hall caught English at a high own work and put together she would like to S(;hool in Missouri and la1cr good magazine articles." sec chang<..'d in the bl.!cmnc a l11crncy tutor. Each week. the class :malyzes diss. Sally SIC!,'<> Inside Journalism Page 3 What it takes to work overseas By Roumiana BQnkova Economou. 3 journalism facuhy spend a summer interning m Mal ingrc l iked Chk~,go. bu1 Foreign co,,.espondence i:-. an mc.mber. "Students Lh ink that London wilh NBC and BOC. she could not umh:rst:md why exciting and ndven1urous career they hecomc j ournalis1s a1 the where she broadcastcd five• people asked her if there w..:rc option in jountalism for imema 1ime 1hey gr.1duatc. No. they minute feature s1ories. Rai microwaves in F'r:mce. orTV.s tional a1\d bilingual Arnel'ican become journalists as or rcfriger.uo~. J(1k· s1ude111s. J3UI wha1 does ic rake lhey ie1 pubhshcd. ingly, ,;he responded 10 become a foreign correspon Sure. they will contin· with. bcli..:\..; ii or nOI. dent, and what is it like to be ue to be learning jour yes, there were. ~irn.:c one? nalism, We have to be thC!I.' 'cl bl.'en clei.'1rici1y First. knowledge of the coun· ncl\vOrkiog now. inter· for 1hc Jas1 1wo try·s language is necessary. na1ionally." weeks ... Then. one should rcsc:irch and Rose Ecoooo-,ou lvfalmgrc was invit• know wha1 to expect when firs1enco umered 1he ed as a !,'UCSl in going 1hcrt-, e.vco 1hough <me. OPC when she was &:onomou·s frcshm:·,n could ne\•er predicl what might doing research for a scmino.r. Pt1r1 of 1his happen. One must have basic book on fore ign cla~~· curriculum was knowledge of the country•s affairs programming to recognize :1nd avoid economy, politics. people, rind for 1he Counsel on stereotypical thinking currency; of arrangements for Foreign Relations in in our s0<:iCly :ind acco,nmodations: alld of other New York City.