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0 ! G !/! &-D&,H!! !'%,D&,H!!H SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' 1345,.1-*6&# %/%/1 3%4'5 2%-& /!3, :23 J K. J : J . 2 :2/ :: . / ; : ;/ . . // ;J2; . J : " 0 J ' !' /,0*6 112* *75 I !.&%'! !& #&7 & & **,-.% &'O &'1'!' &,,&'! .&!';B.;C' !'!'&!1!-' ! "!# ! t’s not about Alvin Toffler’s % !&!&!'!!& &,,&&,'' Ifuturistic classic “Third !'' ' he Centre and health !" !&'!!&!% Wave”, but the Government’s Texperts may have been ask- !&' !O '!%''!% fear of the return of the Covid &'!%&!' ing States and Union territories &!!'','!,D scourge after the ongoing sec- *+'!,'!&!'! to increase the number of RT- ! !%! '!'!! ond wave finally subsides. PCR tests to at least 70 per cent '!' !!'! P If coronavirus continue to &'* of all Covid-19 tests being &&!#' 1/ ''!'!! % evolve further, India will not be conducted, the Indian Council '!'!'!& **,-.% ;,' spared from a third wave of the ,' ''-!%, of Medical Research (ICMR), '*+,''&!' 2!,!'! !&! pandemic which has presently in its new testing guideline '%,' swept nations like Canada, !'& issued on Tuesday, has talked *+!'!' '' ,',!!' France and Italy, the .'' !&!% about reducing such tests to ,!,DL"!!' Government on Wednesday ' '- take the load off the existing '''!,%''!%!&% !%,!,D !! said, flagging a frightening ''/ 2,506 laboratories. ,'!' ,', future at a time when India is ,'*-&'! As per the ICMR guide- 1 ) '!!! ',!! M! % already reeling under the sec- !& lines, no test has to be con- ) '-!'1''' ," /D ond wave of Covid-19. !'!!'0!' ducted if an individual has 1 &./ However, the Government .&' %! tested positive by rapid antigen has no clue when it will hap- '!%!&,!%, test, or by RT-PCR tests or has country in cities, towns, pen. “A phase three is !!%,!' tested positive once by RT-PCR sent, the laboratories are facing schools, colleges, and commu- inevitable, given the higher %!!&! test or if a person has com- challenges to meet the expect- nity centres.
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