Curriculum vitae Vincent JUGNON Nationality : French Born : 06/24/1985 Address : 25 Sciarappa Street Cambdridge MA 02141 USA Tel. : 857-308-0131 e-mail :
[email protected] Education 09/2008-09/2011 Ecole Polytechnique, Paris Thesis in Applied Mathematics with Gaspard Monge international fellowship (advisor : Pr. Habib Ammari) Modeling and Simulation in Photoacoustics, defended in December 2010, Best Thesis Price awarded by Ecole Polytechnique Graduate School. 09/2007-09/2008 Universit´ePierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 Research Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics ob- tained with highest honors. 09/2003-09/2008 National Institute of Applied Sciences, Lyon Engineer's degree in Biosciences. 06/2003 Baccalaur´eat s´erie Scientifique mention Tr`es Bien, Equivalent to an A level specialized in Science obtai- ned with highest honors. Work experience since 09/11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Post-doctoral fellow at the Earth Resource Laboratory 07/05 and 07/06 Humanitarian Work in Mali with the association Lyon solidaire avec le Tiers Monde Publications 1. Detection, reconstruction, and characterization algorithms from noisy data in multistatic wave imaging. Submitted to Mathematics of Computation (with H. Ammari and J. Garnier). 2. Enhancement of near-cloaking. Part III : numerical simulations, statisti- cal stability, and related questions. Contemporary Mathematics, 577 (2012), 1-24 (with H. Ammari, J. Garnier, H. Kang, H. Lee, and M. Lim). 3. Stability and resolution analysis for a topological derivative based imaging functional. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 50 (2012), 48-76 (with H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and H. Kang). 4. Direct reconstruction methods in ultrasound imaging of small anomalies.