RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

35 / 93 I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

36 / 93 coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

37 / 93 I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

38 / 93 BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

39 / 93 I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

40 / 93 ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

41 / 93 I Zero error

Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

42 / 93 Randomized Complexity Classes

RP (Randomized Polynomial time)

I One-sided error

coRP (complement of RP )

I One-sided error

BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Two-sided error

ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time)

I Zero error

43 / 93 Definition: RP The RP is the class of languages for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that 1 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] = 1

Definition: coRP The complexity class coRP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 1 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] ≥ 2

Randomized Polynomial time

44 / 93 Definition: coRP The complexity class coRP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 1 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] ≥ 2

Randomized Polynomial time

Definition: RP The complexity class RP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that 1 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] = 1

45 / 93 Randomized Polynomial time

Definition: RP The complexity class RP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that 1 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] = 1

Definition: coRP The complexity class coRP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 1 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] ≥ 2

46 / 93 Let PTM M decide a language L ∈ RP 1 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] = 1

If M(x) = 1, then x ∈ L. If M(x) = 0, then x ∈ L or x ∈/ L, we can’t really tell.

Let PTM M decide a language L ∈ coRP

x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 1 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] ≥ 2

If M(x) = 0, then x ∈/ L. If M(x) = 1, then x ∈ L or x ∈/ L, we can’t really tell.

Randomized Polynomial time

47 / 93 Let PTM M decide a language L ∈ coRP

x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 1 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] ≥ 2

If M(x) = 0, then x ∈/ L. If M(x) = 1, then x ∈ L or x ∈/ L, we can’t really tell.

Randomized Polynomial time Let PTM M decide a language L ∈ RP 1 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] = 1

If M(x) = 1, then x ∈ L. If M(x) = 0, then x ∈ L or x ∈/ L, we can’t really tell.

48 / 93 Randomized Polynomial time Let PTM M decide a language L ∈ RP 1 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] = 1

If M(x) = 1, then x ∈ L. If M(x) = 0, then x ∈ L or x ∈/ L, we can’t really tell.

Let PTM M decide a language L ∈ coRP

x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 1 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 0] ≥ 2

If M(x) = 0, then x ∈/ L. If M(x) = 1, then x ∈ L or x ∈/ L, we can’t really tell.

49 / 93 Theorem RP ⊆ NP

Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

50 / 93 Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP

51 / 93 Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP


52 / 93 If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP

Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L.

53 / 93 So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP

Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string.

54 / 93 If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP

Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine.

55 / 93 So L ∈ NP

RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP

Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x.

56 / 93 RP is in NP

Theorem RP ⊆ NP

Proof Let L be a language in RP . Let M be a polynomial probabilistic Turing Machine that decides L. If x ∈ L, then there exists a sequence of coin tosses y such that M accepts x with y as the random string. So we can consider y as a certificate instead of a random string. y can be verified in polynomial time by the same machine. If x ∈/ L, then Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0. So there is no certificate. M rejects x. So L ∈ NP

57 / 93 The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

58 / 93 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1

59 / 93 We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently:

60 / 93 Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise

61 / 93 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0

62 / 93 If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer

63 / 93 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake

64 / 93 Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t

65 / 93 Boosting for RP

The constant 1/2 in the definition of RP can be replaced by any constant k, 0 < k < 1 Since the error is one-sided, we can repeat the algorithm t times independently: We accept the string x if any of the t runs accept, and reject x otherwise Clearly, if x ∈/ L, all t runs will return a 0 If x ∈ L, if any of the t runs returns a 1, we return the correct answer If x ∈ L, if all t runs returns 0, we make mistake 1 Pr[algorithm makes a mistake t times] ≤ 2t Thus, we can make the error exponentially small by polynomial number of repetitions.

66 / 93 Example of RP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in RP . This was shown by Adelman and Huang (1992), who gave a primality testing algorithm that always rejected composite numbers, and accepted primes with probability at least 1/2

Example of coRP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in coRP also. Miller and Rabin gave a that always accepts prime numbers, but rejects composites with probability at least 1/2

Examples of RP and coRP

67 / 93 Example of coRP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in coRP also. Miller and Rabin gave a primality test that always accepts prime numbers, but rejects composites with probability at least 1/2

Examples of RP and coRP

Example of RP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in RP . This was shown by Adelman and Huang (1992), who gave a primality testing algorithm that always rejected composite numbers, and accepted primes with probability at least 1/2

68 / 93 Examples of RP and coRP

Example of RP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in RP . This was shown by Adelman and Huang (1992), who gave a primality testing algorithm that always rejected composite numbers, and accepted primes with probability at least 1/2

Example of coRP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in coRP also. Miller and Rabin gave a primality test that always accepts prime numbers, but rejects composites with probability at least 1/2

69 / 93 Definition: BPP The complexity class BPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that 2 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3 M answers correctly with probability 2/3 on any input x regardless if x ∈ L or x ∈/ L

Example of BPP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in BPP . BPP is closed under complement.


Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time

70 / 93 Example of BPP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in BPP . BPP is closed under complement.


Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time Definition: BPP The complexity class BPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that 2 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3 M answers correctly with probability 2/3 on any input x regardless if x ∈ L or x ∈/ L

71 / 93 Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial time Definition: BPP The complexity class BPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that 2 x ∈ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L =⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3 M answers correctly with probability 2/3 on any input x regardless if x ∈ L or x ∈/ L

Example of BPP Primes, the set of all prime numbers, is in BPP . BPP is closed under complement.


72 / 93 2/3 is arbitrary and can be improved as follows:

I Repeat the algorithm t times, say it returns Xi at the i-th run

I Take majority answer, i.e., if ≥ t/2 times M returns 1, return 1, otherwise return 0

The Chernoff Bound

Suppose X1,..., Xt are t independent random variables with values in {0, 1} and for every i, Pr[Xi = 1] = p. Then

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > ] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > −] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

Boosting for BPP

73 / 93 I Repeat the algorithm t times, say it returns Xi at the i-th run

I Take majority answer, i.e., if ≥ t/2 times M returns 1, return 1, otherwise return 0

The Chernoff Bound

Suppose X1,..., Xt are t independent random variables with values in {0, 1} and for every i, Pr[Xi = 1] = p. Then

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > ] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > −] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

Boosting for BPP

2/3 is arbitrary and can be improved as follows:

74 / 93 I Take majority answer, i.e., if ≥ t/2 times M returns 1, return 1, otherwise return 0

The Chernoff Bound

Suppose X1,..., Xt are t independent random variables with values in {0, 1} and for every i, Pr[Xi = 1] = p. Then

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > ] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > −] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

Boosting for BPP

2/3 is arbitrary and can be improved as follows:

I Repeat the algorithm t times, say it returns Xi at the i-th run

75 / 93 The Chernoff Bound

Suppose X1,..., Xt are t independent random variables with values in {0, 1} and for every i, Pr[Xi = 1] = p. Then

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > ] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > −] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

Boosting for BPP

2/3 is arbitrary and can be improved as follows:

I Repeat the algorithm t times, say it returns Xi at the i-th run

I Take majority answer, i.e., if ≥ t/2 times M returns 1, return 1, otherwise return 0

76 / 93 Then

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > ] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > −] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

Boosting for BPP

2/3 is arbitrary and can be improved as follows:

I Repeat the algorithm t times, say it returns Xi at the i-th run

I Take majority answer, i.e., if ≥ t/2 times M returns 1, return 1, otherwise return 0

The Chernoff Bound

Suppose X1,..., Xt are t independent random variables with values in {0, 1} and for every i, Pr[Xi = 1] = p.

77 / 93 Boosting for BPP

2/3 is arbitrary and can be improved as follows:

I Repeat the algorithm t times, say it returns Xi at the i-th run

I Take majority answer, i.e., if ≥ t/2 times M returns 1, return 1, otherwise return 0

The Chernoff Bound

Suppose X1,..., Xt are t independent random variables with values in {0, 1} and for every i, Pr[Xi = 1] = p. Then

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > ] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

t 1 X −2. t Pr[ X − p > −] < e 2p(1−p) t i i=1

78 / 93 Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

79 / 93 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2

80 / 93 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2

81 / 93 Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x]

82 / 93 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ]

83 / 93 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ]

84 / 93 − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ]

85 / 93 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3

86 / 93 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant

87 / 93 So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c

88 / 93 Boosting for BPP

Pt t x ∈ L: M outputs correctly if i=1 Xi ≥ 2 Pt t The algorithm makes a mistake when i=1 Xi < 2 Pr[ Algorithm outputs the wrong answer on x] Pt t = Pr[ i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi < 2 ] 1 Pt 1 = Pr[ t i=1 Xi − 2/3 < − 6 ] − t ≤ e 36·2·2/3·1/3 = e−ct , where c is some constant 1 n ≤ 2n for t = (ln 2 )/c So by running the algorithm O(n) times, reduce probability exponentially

89 / 93 BPP 2 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3

Can boost RP probability by running twice: 3 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 4 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0 Clearly the above definition satisfies BPP

RP ⊆ BPP RP 1 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0

90 / 93 Can boost RP probability by running twice: 3 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 4 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0 Clearly the above definition satisfies BPP

RP ⊆ BPP RP 1 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0

BPP 2 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3

91 / 93 3 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 4 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0 Clearly the above definition satisfies BPP

RP ⊆ BPP RP 1 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0

BPP 2 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3

Can boost RP probability by running twice:

92 / 93 RP ⊆ BPP RP 1 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 2 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0

BPP 2 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 3 1 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] < 3

Can boost RP probability by running twice: 3 x ∈ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] ≥ 4 x ∈/ L ⇒ Prob[M(x) = 1] = 0 Clearly the above definition satisfies BPP

93 / 93 Randomized Computation

Nabil Mustafa

Computational Complexity

1 / 85 Definition: ZPP The complexity class ZPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ M(x) = 1 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

x ∈/ L =⇒ M(x) = 0 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

∀x, Prob[M(x) = ‘Don’t know’] ≤ 1/2 Whenever M answers with a 0 or a 1, it answers correctly. If M is not sure, it’ll output a ‘Don’t know’. On any input x, it outputs ‘Don’t know’ with probability at most 1/2.

Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time

2 / 85 x ∈/ L =⇒ M(x) = 0 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

∀x, Prob[M(x) = ‘Don’t know’] ≤ 1/2 Whenever M answers with a 0 or a 1, it answers correctly. If M is not sure, it’ll output a ‘Don’t know’. On any input x, it outputs ‘Don’t know’ with probability at most 1/2.

Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time

Definition: ZPP The complexity class ZPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ M(x) = 1 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

3 / 85 ∀x, Prob[M(x) = ‘Don’t know’] ≤ 1/2 Whenever M answers with a 0 or a 1, it answers correctly. If M is not sure, it’ll output a ‘Don’t know’. On any input x, it outputs ‘Don’t know’ with probability at most 1/2.

Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time

Definition: ZPP The complexity class ZPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ M(x) = 1 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

x ∈/ L =⇒ M(x) = 0 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

4 / 85 Whenever M answers with a 0 or a 1, it answers correctly. If M is not sure, it’ll output a ‘Don’t know’. On any input x, it outputs ‘Don’t know’ with probability at most 1/2.

Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time

Definition: ZPP The complexity class ZPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ M(x) = 1 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

x ∈/ L =⇒ M(x) = 0 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

∀x, Prob[M(x) = ‘Don’t know’] ≤ 1/2

5 / 85 Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time

Definition: ZPP The complexity class ZPP is the class of all languages L for which there exists a polynomial PTM M such that

x ∈ L =⇒ M(x) = 1 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

x ∈/ L =⇒ M(x) = 0 or M(x) = ‘Don’t know’

∀x, Prob[M(x) = ‘Don’t know’] ≤ 1/2 Whenever M answers with a 0 or a 1, it answers correctly. If M is not sure, it’ll output a ‘Don’t know’. On any input x, it outputs ‘Don’t know’ with probability at most 1/2.

6 / 85 Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

7 / 85 Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP

8 / 85 We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP

9 / 85 Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar

10 / 85 Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’.

11 / 85 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x).

12 / 85 M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M0(x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x).

I x ∈ L:

13 / 85 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M0(x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x).

I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1

14 / 85 , so M0(x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x).

I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’

15 / 85 I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

16 / 85 M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L:

17 / 85 , which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0

18 / 85 , or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct

19 / 85 where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’

20 / 85 So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2.

21 / 85 A Theorem on ZPP Theorem ZPP = RP ∩ coRP

Claim: ZPP ⊆ RP ∩ coRP Show that ZPP ⊆ RP and ZPP ⊆ coRP We prove ZPP ⊆ coRP , the other proof is similar Let L ∈ ZPP . Then ∃ PTM M that, for all x, either correctly decides x ∈ L or outputs ‘Don’t know’. Let M0 be the Turing Machine that on input x, returns 1 if M(x) =‘Don’t know’ and otherwise returns M(x). 0 I x ∈ L: M(x) = 1 or M(x) =‘Don’t know’, so M (x) = 1.

I x ∈/ L: M(x) = 0, which is correct, or M(x) =‘Don’t know’ where M0(x) returns incorrectly with probability ≤ 1/2. So L ∈ coRP, and ZPP ⊆ coRP

22 / 85 Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP

23 / 85 I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

24 / 85 I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

25 / 85 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

26 / 85 I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

27 / 85 I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

28 / 85 I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

29 / 85 Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’.

30 / 85 Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct.

31 / 85 I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

32 / 85 I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

33 / 85 I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

A Theorem on ZPP

Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

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Claim: RP ∩ coRP ⊆ ZPP Let L ∈ RP ∩ coRP . Then there exist two TM ’s s.t.:

I M1(x) = 1 if x ∈ L. Incorrect for x ∈/ L with prob. ≤ 1/2

I M2(x) = 0 if x ∈/ L. Incorrect for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2 Construct a PTM M0 which works as follows on M0(x):

I Run M1(x), and if M1(x) = 0, return x ∈/ L.

I Run M2(x), and if M2(x) = 1, return x ∈ L.

I Else return ‘Don’t know’. Claim: If M0(x) returns a 0 or a 1, it is correct. Claim: M0(x) returns ‘Don’t know’ with prob. ≤ 1/2

I Assume x ∈ L. Then we don’t return a 1 iff M2(x) = 0.

I By definition, M2(x) = 0 for x ∈ L with prob. ≤ 1/2.

I The case for x ∈/ L similar.

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