Tuesday 9 March 2021, 0145

Real News. Scrolla.Africa

ANC bosses give Zuma a mouthful Lungani Zungu and Zukile Majova

Former president Jacob Zuma was forced to have a sit down with his legal team after meeting the ANC top brass.

During a virtual meeting on Monday, the ANC top six advised Zuma against undermining the Constitutional Court and pushing the country towards a political standoff.

Zuma promised to consider the advice of the ANC bosses and later discussed his strategy with his advocate Muzi Sikhakhane.

ANC secretary general Ace Magashule said: “It was indeed a good meeting, very constructive and positive to both the country and the African National Congress leadership and its members.”

Magashule said the top six, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, have agreed to give Zuma “space” to consult his lawyers.

“Comrade Zuma made a very extensive presentation on what has prompted his decision not to appear before what you term the Zondo commission.”

Magashule said Zuma told them that he believed that he had been subjected to unfair persecution and prosecution for over two decades.

At the centre of the meeting was Zuma’s defiance of the Constitutional Court, telling him to appear before the State Capture Commission of Inquiry, chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Zuma ditched the commission and dared law-enforcement to arrest him.

Scrolla.Africa understands that the ANC sought legal counsel, which advised that the contempt of court charge would fall off if Zuma appeared before the Zondo commission.

Zondo wants Zuma to be sentenced to two years imprisonment for defying the Constitutional Court order.

Zuma missed Monday’s deadline to file his response to the commission’s request that he be jailed for contempt of court – in which they argued it would set a bad precedent if the country’s former president refused a court order.

Already another witness subpoenaed by the Zondo commission - controversial businessman Auswell Mashaba – for refusing to appear at the commission, prompting Zondo to speculate if it was caused by Zuma’s refusal.

Mashaba ran Swifambo Rail, which won a R3.5 billion contract from the Passenger Rail Agency of (Prasa) for new trains. This 2013 contract resulted in trains “too tall” trains for South Africa’s existing rail network, and was overturned by a 2017 court order that found it was corrupt.

"Harm will be done to the administration of justice if this award is not set aside from the onset. Corruption will triumph if this court does not set aside the tender‚" said Judge J Francis when he set aside the contract.

Similarly, argues the Zondo commission, justice will be harmed if Zuma isn’t punished for refusing a lawful court order.

Picture source: @DZumaSambudla

Brave teen uses rapist’s own gun to shoot him dead Doreen Mokgolo

A heroic 15-year-old girl used her rapist’s own gun to shoot him in the head.

The teeanger was allegedly dragged into the open veld near Wedela on the West Rand by the armed man, who forced her to undress and then attacked her.

"While the suspect was busy raping her, she fought back and managed to get hold of the firearm and shot the suspect on the upper body,” said Captain Eddie Boboko, the West Rand District Police spokesperson.

"She then managed to run back home to seek help from her mother and police were called to the crime scene.”

The suspect, estimated to be 25 to 30 years old, died of his injuries at the scene. The firearm was missing and police are still looking for it.

Boboko added that the deceased was charged with rape and an inquest is been investigated.

"The victim will be undergoing counselling," he added.

Picture source: Indian Today

Hero aunt’s case dropped for killing her 1-year-old niece's rapist Doreen Mokgolo

The murder case against a young Eastern Cape woman, who killed a man allegedly trying to rape her 1-year-old niece, has been dropped.

The court case was struck off the roll this week, pending a decision by the Director of Public Prosecution about it.

The 23-year-old woman discovered the man allegedly trying to rape her niece inside the family kraal in Qaga, a village near King Williams Town.

Scrolla.Africa reported last year how the young woman fought with the alleged rapist and hit him with an iron rod during the scuffle. He died of his injuries in the kraal.

The young woman was represented pro bono (for free) by a legal team of all-female lawyers.

Picture source: Twitter

Fikile Mbalula takes the fight to Zuma Zukile Majova

It appears that the Cyril Ramaphosa faction of the ANC has unleashed Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula to defend the president by fighting his detractors on social media.

This week Mr Fix, as he likes to call himself, took the fight straight to Jacob Zuma, saying the former president does not deserve the praise he is receiving from his supporters.

He then went for Public Protector Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane, saying: “Mkhwebane is a hired gun not the public Protector”.

Mkhwebane has since opened a case of crimen injuria and contempt at the Brooklyn Police Station.

When Zuma’s Twitter supporters called Mbalula a “political prostitute” who benefited under Zuma's regime and was now speaking ill of the former president.

“Am not a ‘political prostitute’ am saying stuff you don’t like, Big difference with Malusi Gigaba. Besides I’ve got files on you criminals go f***k yourself am ready for you.”

ANC deputy secretary general Jessie Duarte has indicated Mbalula should be disciplined by the ruling party.

In the absence of the ANC Youth League, factions battling for the control of the ANC are using bigger bulldogs to fight for their interests. This is playing out on social media.

Normally members of the ANC Youth League or the Women’s League are used by those with presidential ambitions to intimidate or embarrass their opponents.

These ANC structures – as well as the Umkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) – claim to be autonomous. But they are clearly taking sides.

This is a strategy Jacob Zuma used in the run up to the ANC elective conference in Polokwane in 2007.

Ironically, Zuma’s faction used the ANCYL – then led by Fikile Mbalula, and later by tea companion Julius Malema – to intimidate and publicly insult senior politicians seen to be supporters of Zuma’s enemy, now former president Thabo Mbeki.

Also ironically, Zuma himself was once Mbeki's bulldog – along with the late former ANCYL president Peter Mokaba – in the mid to late 1990s.

For months Ramaphosa's efforts to unite the ANC and fight corruption have been undermined by the MKMVA, led by Zuma loyalist Carl Niehaus.

Picture source: @MbalulaFikile

Loved and Lost: Peter Matlare (1960 – 2021) Sizwe Sibiya

“Covid-19 has robbed us of another professional in his prime,” said Professor Thuli Madonsela of the passing of respected businessman Peter Matlare on Sunday. He was 61.

Matlare was deputy CEO of banking giant Absa, who had been former CEO of the SABC, Tiger Brands and Primedia; as well as a senior executive at Vodacom South Africa.

Former public protector Madonsela tweeted she was “shocked and saddened” by his death and offered “heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and colleagues”. She added: “May his soul #RIP”.

Radio personality Redi Tlhabi tweeted about her “many happy memories [of] Peter: music, food & hilarious stories”. She said: “Your intellect & wisdom will be missed.“

Absa Group chief executive Daniel Mminele announced Matlare’s death on Sunday, saying he was a “seasoned corporate executive, a good leader, inspirational, and passionate about his work, always strongly invested in the success of our continent.”

Peter Bambatha Matlare was born on November 30, 1960 in Durban. He received a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree from the University of York, in Canada.

After running media group Primedia, he moved to the SABC from 2001 to 2005. He was the last CEO to run the state broadcaster profitably, leaving to join Vodacom as an executive director.

He took over as CEO of Tiger Brands in 2008 until 2015, and then joined Absa in 2016, where he had served as a non- executive director since 2011.

He focused on broadening Absa’s reach in Africa, and in 2018 he also became the CEO of Absa’s regional operations.

When he was appointed, then CEO Maria Ramos said: “Peter is a seasoned executive that brings a wealth of skills and leadership experience across multiple industries”.

While he was at Tiger Brands, the company was found guilty of fixing the price of bread – 12 years before Matlare’s appointment, when Nick Dennis was CEO.

After Tiger Brands was fined R99 million for its part in the bread fixing scandal, which included other food producers, Matlare “earned respect for nursing the group's image back to health” the Mail & Guardian reported five years after his 2008 appointment.

Acting Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said: “His passing is a great loss to South Africa when the nation is confronted with the task of rebuilding an inclusive post-Covid- 19 economy that requires seasoned and experienced leaders across the society.”

Picture source: @GovernmentZA

I don’t want my neighbours to hate me! Kabelo Tlhabanelo

Nongazi Mthombeni fears the stench of the pools of sewage around her house will make her neighbours hate her.

For the past three months, Nongazi from Freedom Square in Mangaung, Free State has been pleading with the ward councilor to have the problem fixed, but her pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

Neighbour Sampi Mokhatli said she knew Nongazi was worried that she could lose her friends in the neighborhood.

"But this is not her fault. I know she is doing everything in her power to fix it. No one wants to live in kak,” she said.

Nongazi told Scrolla.Africa that councillor Matekane Nkoe was nothing but a liar.

“He said he would send his team but no one has come,” she said.

"Last week they passed my house. They could clearly see my problem but they ignored it.”

She said it’s tough to go to the loo.

“I can easily fall from the bricks we use as stepping stones and break my bones. I feel like a hostage in my own home because of the lack of service,” she said.

Ward councillor Matekane Nkoe said he has never received a complaint from Nongazi.

“I always tell residents to report directly to me and I don’t think Nongazi has done that,” said Nkoe.

“I will send the team to investigate. I can assure you I attend to calls immediately. No sewerage call waits for more than two days without getting attention.”

Nongazi said she will wait for two days to see if the ward councillor will do as promised.

Inspired to make the world a better place Lungani Zungu

Nontuthuko Mgabhi has done a lot of charity work, but Khiphinkunzi Primary School is etched in her heart.

“I am grateful that I can add something to make our country better,” said Nontuthuko, the long-distance runner who has raised millions of rands for charity.

Nontuthuko runs daunting international marathons so that destitute children could benefit.

She is inspired by the words of Oprah Winfrey, who said: “I create the highest vision for my life, because I will become what I believe.”

Nontuthuko has managed to keep going, and the primary school in Mtubatuba, KZN has got a R1.7 million facelift through her unrelenting hard work.

“It was very heart-warming to see the children rejoice. These are the things that keep me going through tough times in my life,” she said.

But for the 700 pupils to rejoice she ran the 42,195 km World Marathon Challenge in seven continents.

She currently works at the Richards Bay Coal Terminal.

Her childhood at Mseleni in Umhlabuyalingana, northern KZN helped her develop the never-give-up attitude.

“As a young girl, I had to compete with boys and prove that I was no different from them. I wanted to do what boys did. That’s where my strength comes from,” she said.

“I never thought I would be where I am in life. It feels unreal. I want to help young people to realise their potential and fight for their dreams.”

She encouraged people to do something in their world and make positive changes in the country.

“If we all do something positive in our spaces, our country will become a better place and many people will thrive. All people need is a little help. Let’s all contribute to make our beautiful country a better place.”

DJ Finzo rides his toy bike to inspire Kabelo Tlhabanelo

DJ Finzo has bought himself a kiddies' toy bike that he rides around to inspire those who live with disabilities and remind them that it's not the end of the world to be different from others.

Finzo, real name Phinel Sefatsa, who works at SABC's Lesedi FM in Bloemfontein, said he didn’t take offence when people teased him about his height.

Instead he smiles and responds with: “Sweet and Short!”

Videos showing him riding a plastic bike have gone viral on social media.

The shortest DJ said he didn’t want to see people feeling sorry for themselves.

“I bought myself this bike two weeks ago and use it a lot,” he told Scrolla.Africa.

“It is always in my car when I travel. The moment I get out of my car I climb onto my baby bike. I have seen many people laughing and making videos.”

Finzo stressed the importance of self love and acceptance.

“I encourage short people to look at me and realise there is nothing wrong with it. I can drive, I can DJ,” he said.

“Short people, please don’t feel sorry for yourselves.”

He often battles to reach the urinals at events.

“I ask the club owners to help me with beer crates so I can relieve myself,” he said.

Dwarfism is usually diagnosed in childhood.

A physical examination usually indicates certain types of dwarfism but genetic testing and diagnostic imaging may be used.

Growth charts that track height can be used to diagnose subtle forms of dwarfism that have no striking physical characteristics.

Royal commentators tricked into reviewing Meghan interview before it aired Arthur Greene

In a YouTube video titled “We Proved Royal Experts Lie About Harry and Meghan,” four leading royal commentators review the Sussexes’ hotly anticipated interview with Oprah… without having seen it.

Famous YouTube pranksters, Josh Pieters and Archie Manners, duped the royal experts into giving interviews to a fake news company two days before Oprah’s interview was aired.

In the video, they show the royal commentators - Richard Fitzwilliams, Dickie Arbiter, Victoria Arbiter, and Ingrid Seward - giving their thoughts on the interview under the guise that they will be televised immediately after the interview.

Pieters asks at the beginning of the video, “Had these professional royal experts, who influenced the public, already made up their minds about Harry and Meghan’s interview before seeing it? This is what happened.”

Ingrid Stewart, commentator and editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, said of the Duchess of Sussex, “to my mind this was an actress giving one of her great performances – from start to finish, Meghan was acting.”

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams said it was “not a balanced interview,” saying that “Oprah is a friend [of Harry and Meghan’s] and gave them an easy ride.”

In turn, the royal experts each exposed their own biases against Harry and especially against Meghan. They had already made up their minds to criticise the couple.

Stewart at one point says “to hear [Meghan] talking about members of the royal family didn’t surprise me at all. I think she was very unwise to do it, but she’s the kind of woman that wants to have her say.”

The pranksters go on to bait the experts by asking them to comment on Meghan’s made up anti-vaccine stance, to which Dickie Arbiter responds “I think it’s very selfish.”

Dickie Arbiter has called the YouTube video a “scam” that was edited to be “deliberately misleading.”

Meanwhile, Stewart and Victoria Arbiter have not publicly addressed the prank.

Fitzwilliams, however, said he “obviously didn’t know it was a sting” and that the comments had been “used out of context”.

The commentator’s explanation has been roundly rejected on Twitter, however, with one user telling him, “You’ve been Royally exposed.” Picture source: YouTube

Video source: YouTube

Mthandazo’s time has finally come Xolile Nkosi

It’s taken seven years, but Mthandazo Gayta has found his sound and now he’s made his way into the spotlight.

His hit single, Senzeni which he dropped four months ago, has gone platinum with 1.3 million views on YouTube and it has opened many doors for him.

The singer-songwriter knew that the song would be big because it talks about something that most people can relate to but he never expected it to receive platinum status so quickly.

“I believe much in myself and my work. But I didn’t think people would welcome it the way they did. I’m still overwhelmed.”

Mthandazo has dropped his second single Abafana which is also a huge success.

Five days after the release it was already sitting on 4,900 streams and topping many music charts.

The star, born and raised in Weiler Farm, Elandsfontein, Gauteng said his efforts are not only about giving people something to dance to but also to spread awareness on issues communities face every day.

Mthandazo's music journey started in primary school where he was in the school choir.

In 2014, he dropped singles like Ezimnandi, Nawe and ABC but they didn’t make the cut.

He released his first EP, UMonde last month.

Patrice Motsepe one step closer to the CAF presidential seat Sizwe Sibiya

Mining magnate and Mamelodi Sundowns owner Patrice Motsepe is the only candidate left contesting the presidency of the Confederation of African Football.

This follows Ahmad Ahmad being disqualified on Monday after his five-year ban by Fifa was reduced to two years, but still ruling him out.

Originally there were three candidates contesting the position, which is now being held temporarily by Constant Omari.

Augustin Senghor (Senegalese Football Federation president), Jacques Anouma (former president of the Ivorian Football Federation) and Ahmed Yahya (Mauritanian Football Federation president) have all withdrawn and are now backing the billionaire from Ga-Rankuwa.

Fifa reportedly prefers Motsepe and has advised the three other candidates to back Motsepe in exchange for other CAF positions, AFP reported last week.

After the elections, Senghor and Yahya are expected to become vice-presidents and Anouma will be an advisor to Motsepe.

Having successfully seen off Madagascar’s Ahmad, who was banned because of ethical misconduct and the abuse of his position, Motsepe now has another big task ahead of him.

He needs to choose the next Sundowns chair because he cannot be part of a team that is competing in the CAF Champions League.

The CAF Presidential election will take place in Rabat, Morocco, this Friday, March 12.

Picture source: MhlengiNgcobo13

“Why are boys not being tested for their virginity?” Doreen Mokgolo

A group of young women in Tsakane, Ekurhuleni, are undergoing regular monthly virginity testing to prove to their parents that they are still virgins – but local activists are questioning the practice.

At the end of every month, scantily dressed virgins are seen walking and singing through the streets.

Community activist Refiloe Charmaine said this should be banned because the practice only exists to ensure the roots of patriarchy remain strong in society.

“This can’t be right. Young women undergoing the practice are not allowed their own cellphones to avoid being seen on social media or have friends outside the group,” she said.

“Why are boys not being tested for their virginity?”

One of the many schools operated in the area is Ebuhleni be Zintombi Cultural Centre. The school's Veliswa Manki said young age girls are taught to respect their bodies.

“We teach them how to carry themselves as young woman, their role in the society, sex, and other issues surrounding womanhood,” said Manki, 74.

“We are facing teenage pregnancies in the country because young women start having sex to pass the time. They don’t understand what they are getting themselves into until they find themselves pregnant.”

By motivating them to remain virgins, Manki said they are able to start having sex when they are older and more responsible.

But Manki said the numbers of the girls who attended her school have declined.

“We are worried that some might have lost their virginity and are scared this might be discovered. We are hoping this is not the case,” she said.

Picture source: @ArtsKZN

“Just what the team needs!” Sphiwe Masilela

Supersport United coach Kaitano Tembo believes the two-week fixture break will allow him to work on new combinations with fresher players.

“The two-week break will allow the guys time to recover properly and regain a bit of freshness because sometimes we tend to become a bit overworked,” he said.

“Since January we have not had a day of rest so I think we will give them about four days from now and come back on Wednesday to start preparing for Stellenbosch.”

United’s next match is away to Stellenbosch FC next Thursday.

Tembo’s men are currently third in the DStv Premiership, with 34 points from 20 games.

Matsatsantsa-a-Pitori have drawn three and lost one in their last four league outings, drawing 1-1 with Kaizer and high-flying, but inconsistent, Orlando Pirates. They then suffered a 1-0 defeat by Amazulu and a goalless stalemate against TS Galaxy.

United last won in mid-February when they beat City 2-1.

Meanwhile, Swallows FC coach Brandon Truter is worried that his team is falling back from the chasing pack.

“We are scoring but we are also conceding goals at a worrying rate – let’s put it that way,” lamented Truter.

The Birds last won a game on 16 January – a 1-0 win over Baroka FC – and have conceded seven goals in their last six outings, registering seven consecutive draws.

Picture source: SupersportFC

United break City’s miracle run Timmy T Maranda

Manchester City’s magnificent run of 21 successive match wins, as well as 28 unbeaten wins in all competitions, has come to an end.

Manchester United has managed to break the seemingly invincible Manchester City’s run with a 2-0 victory in the EPL derby on Sunday at Etihad Stadium.

United has cut the gap to 11 points on the log table, with 10 matches to go until the end of the season.

Bruno Fernandes broke the deadlock for the visitors from the penalty spot, after Gabriel Jesus stepped on Anthony Martial barely a minute into the match.

The Citizens kept on probing in search of an equaliser with a patient build-up. But United’s defence remained resolute going into the break.

In the second half, United kept on piling the pressure and playing on the counter attack. The Red Devils were rewarded when left-back Luke Shaw finished superbly from inside the box to put the outcome beyond doubt.

City's potent attack couldn't break down the Manchester United defence led by Harry Maguire.

"It's always difficult to play against Manchester City because they are good with the ball but today we were almost perfect," Fernandes told Manchester United TV after the match.

"The result is most important to us, but for now it's not about winning against City but to perform well until the end of the season."

Picture source: @ManchesterUnited

Lions vs Springboks. Gatland vs Erasmus. Lucky Mdluli

This year’s British and Irish Lions Tests are almost certainly going to be played in the United Kingdom, where fans are likely to be able to attend sporting events from June.

The UK government said two weeks ago that fans should be back in stadiums by mid-year, which has strengthened the argument for the Tests to be played in , Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Although not confirmed, the three Tests are scheduled for July and August when British health authorities expect that its vaccine rollout will allow for the opening up of sporting events.

The 133-year-old Lions traditionally play provincial and national invitational sides – starting with the DHL at their new Cape Town stadium home on July 3 - where playing combinations are tried out.

Assembled from teams across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the Lions are a unique rugby tradition, touring South Africa, Australia and New Zealand every four years.

This year, the Lions are playing a warm up match against Japan in Edinburgh on 26th June, adding fuel to the rumours that the Lions will be this year’s hosts and not tourists.

If this does come to pass, Springbok director of rugby Rassie Erasmus must certainly be thinking of the legions of South Africans playing in Europe and therefore familiar with the conditions.

The Sale victory over lowly Newcastle Falcons on Saturday would have been no surprise for followers of the Premier Rugby Shield. Captained by fiery , there are eight South African players in the team – all of them in key positions.

De Klerk, , and Daniel du Preez are in the starting line up, while , and Robert du Preez are on the bench.

As many as 80 South African-born players are playing overseas – which raises questions about the state of South African rugby. For many of these players it’s often for a big payday at the end of their careers, like Dan Carter, who played his last years overseas before retiring last month.

Both Erasmus and Warren Gatland, the coach of the British and Irish Lions, must be wondering how much of an advantage these European-based players might offer.

As much as it is a loss for SA rugby that front line players are playing overseas, it must also be quite an ace up Erasmus’s sleeve that all those players are available for selection.

Picture source: @Springboks