Your Ref: Our Ref: HER.0095

South West Aboriginal th • 27 August 2018 Land & Sea Council

Mr Alan Seymour Manager Planning Branch Forest Products Commission Locked Bag 888 PERTH BUSINESS CENTRE WA 6849

By Post And by Email: [email protected]

Dear Mr Seymour,

SWB- Forest Products Commission (FPC) - Dalgarup 0118 Harvest Coupe Activity Notice Response - Clause 8.3 (b)(i) Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement -

We refer to the Activity Notice above, received by the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC) on 2nd October 2017 and to your email dated 8th August 2018.

On the basis of your assurances that:

1. Apart from Heritage Site ID 20434 Blackwood River, there are no known Sites associated with the proposed Coupe; and 2. Landmarks likely to contain heritage values such as water courses (apart from existing crossings), scar and rock outcrops will be avoided:

SWALSC agrees that FPC shall be free to carry out the Activity without conducting a Survey.

Should you wish to discuss or request further information in relation to any aspect of the matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or on 9358 7400.

Yours sincerely

Peter Nettleton Senior Legal Officer South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council

Telephone: 9358 7400 • 1800 617 617 • Facsimilie: 9358 7499 ICN 3832 1490 Albany Highway, Cannington • PO Box 585 Cannington, WA 6987 ABN 42 485 265 673 NDL0118 Detail Created: 6/11/2017

Common Name Scientific name Woylie (Brush-tailed Bettong) Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Baudin's Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin's Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus baudinii Chuditch (Western Quoll) Dasyurus geoffroii Chuditch (Western Quoll) Dasyurus geoffroii Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Western False Pipistrelle Falsistrellus mackenziei Western False Pipistrelle Falsistrellus mackenziei Water-rat Hydromys chrysogaster Quenda (Southern Brown Bandicoot) Isoodon obesulus fusciventer Quenda (Southern Brown Bandicoot) Isoodon obesulus fusciventer Western Brush Wallaby Macropus irma Western Brush Wallaby Macropus irma Numbat Myrmecobius fasciatus Barking Owl Ninox connivens connivens Barking Owl Ninox connivens connivens South-western Brush-tailed Phascogale, Wambenger Phascogale tapoatafa wambenger South-western Brush-tailed Phascogale, Wambenger Phascogale tapoatafa wambenger Western Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus occidentalis Quokka Setonix brachyurus Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae novaehollandiae Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae novaehollandiae ~ Government of _w_ Department of Parks and Wildlife Regional Services Division – South West Region

South West Region - Parks & Wildlife and FPC Disturbance Operations Flora and Vegetation Survey Assessment Form

1. Proposed Operations: (to be completed by proponent)

Summary of Proposed Operation:

New road construction & existing road upgrade to facilitate harvest operations.

New Road: 0.5 km Existing Road: 6.7 km

Contact Person and Contact Details:

Brendan Ennis – Planning North - 0484 315 877

Area of impact; District/Region, State Forest Block, Coupe/Compartment (shapefile to be provided):

South West Region, Dalgarup 0118

Period of proposed disturbance:

November 2018 – March 2019

1 115°57' 115°58' 403000 404000 405000 I I \ Dalgarup 0118 ---1 150m \ J I E 220m I E \ -33°57' I I I \ -33°57' I I Proposed Dieback I I I I I \ ~ I I\ \ I m \ ' I Management Map I / 0 \ \ \ \ 6 I \ , I I I I 1 ) I DAVIES ROAD I I I ,': v ( I I I \ , \ - - ,, I J I \\\ ; I I \ _____ '""'-- - ..... I\ Legend :, I ~\ I\ 1 \I I ~ I m -~- I ( 0 I 230m / \ I I ii I J 8 TUIA RD D Road Closure /\( I I I I 2 I \ I I DAVIES ROAD

Spencer Rd

190m COE \ ..!.. - I ­ Clean On Entry / 1 I )" I 0m I I 2 2 ~ I / I I ,.....LI ______Dalgarup 0118 Roading - - ~ I I ~ ---- I I I I r I - i - I ■■■■ I COE Existing Road - Maintenance I I I I I '\ I I I 5 I I I I )" I I f '\ I I I I I I I I I I I ■■■■ \ I I I I Existing Road- Minor Upgrade I I I I I I I I Shunt 4 I m SPENCER ROAD 0 I I ■■■■ 8 / ( COE Existing Road- Major Upgrade 2 )"4 I I I ■■■■ 6242000 6242000 New Construction I I I I 170m I / I I I Demarcation(Proposed) I 270m I

I Cassia Rd Harvest Area I D I All Internal I I '\ Shunts & roads are Harvest Exclusion I \ ~ ~ II \ No Soil Movement \ I I \ / I I Dalgarup0118 Pine Plot \ I* ·*I I I r ~! I I I PC_Occurrence I I '+-----~~-~-----/------/ I CASSIA RD I Infested 1/ I COE

3 Shunt 3 I )" Uninfested m 0 = 28 - Uninterpretable 2 D - Excluded COE 2 1 Shunt 2 3 E E )" -33°58' CAMP CREEK RD m = D -33°58' D 4 0 I 5 Existing Road: 6.7 km 2 320m 6241000 I 6241000 I /i D I I New Construction: 0.5 km I I I CALENDAR ROAD Net Harvest Area: 70.1ha y 290m ~ 180m I Pine Plot Area: 5.5 ha I \I I \ \! I \ 11 I I I I I

I: I 200m ~ COE I 1 I )" ~ \ \ º Shunt 1 310m 2 \ I I I Wetherley Rd 7 I I 0 1:12,500 (A3) I m V I I KALE RD WETHERLEY RD 290m I L 0 250 500 1,000 \v I 300m Meters \ \v; ' '\ '---+------~ '\ Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator

240m '\ I MGA Zone 50. Datum: GDA94 ~ i Kale Rd \ '\ 260m Ii '\ I Produced by FOREST PRODUCTS COMMISSION, Western Australia, 6240000 '\ 6240000 I I I under the direction of MANAGER, FOREST MANAGEMENT. I I i I I I I This map is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the copyright act, I I I '\ I I \ no part may be reproduced by any process without the permission of the F.P.C. / / I I PETUNIA RD '\ I I I I

300m 310m I I I ; I ) 280m '\ II /II 210m ' '\ 1 I/ ✓1", Forest '\ \ / / 1 I '\ I / / 320m I \ ' r.odu~ts_ I I I I I '\ Comm1ss1on WESTERN AUSTRALIA 403000 404000 405000 115°57' 115°58' Graticule shown at 1 minute intervals The Forest Products Commission does not guarantee that this map is without flaw of any kind Grid shown at 1000 metre intervals and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence which may arise from relying on any information depicted Date: 14/11/2018 '


FORM Informal Reserve Amendment Request DPaWFEM0208 Department of Parks and Wildlife


File Number 8-082/ Type of Amenity Reserve: □ Stream □ Diverse ecotype □ Old-growth ~ Region: Southwest District: Blackwood Block: Da/garup 0118 Attach map identifying the location of the informal reserve and the nature of the request amendment.

A) Individual/Organisation requesting amendment

Name: Andrew Alstad Position: Senior Forester Signature: A11WWe.w-A~ Date: 15/11/17

Organisation: Forest Products Commission Description of change: Addition ~ Deletion □ Amendment □ Description and justification of change (as per RFA pages 53 and 54): To more accurately capture informal reserves in the corporate dataset, as identified in the field. Areas of minimal disturbance identified during preliminary assessment

Attach additional pages if required Forward to: Senior Forester, Forest Management Branch Department of Parks and Wildlife Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983

B) Senior Forester FMB

Commenced: 0 I January 2010 Effective from: 01 January 2010 Custodian: Senior Forester, Forest Management Branch Page I of4 Approved by: Manager, Forest Management Branch • ·

B) Senior Forester FMB

Amendment request reviewed Date: 16th November 2017 Name: Rebecca Brown Signature: 9-u,-w-,t,,

Field check required [gl C) Regional SFM Co-ord Forward to Regional SFM Co-ordinator

C) Regional SFM Co-ordinator Date: ______

Name: Signature: ______

Request endorsed □ Request NOT endorsed □ Reasons:

Return to Senior Forester FMB (B) Senior Forester FMB

B) Senior Forester FMB

Field check NOT required Changes to data recommended Changes to data NOT recommended □ Reasons: Amendment Endorsed- please see attached old-growth report DEZ Amendment recommended - Area of DEZ within the coupe was checked and found to be forested. It is recommended that this area be deleted as DEZ and amended in the corp·orate data sets.

Forward to Manager FMB D) Manager FMB

Commenced: 0 I January 20I 0 Effective from: 01 January 2010 Custodian: Senior Forester, Forest Management Branch Page 2 of4 Approved by: Manager, Forest Management Branch D) Manager FMB

Documentation reviewed

Name: Signature: _..:;.~-'-----'::1,'-'e.""-'--.~.z+e:- .:::::,;:;~~.....,..-- Policy implications □ Policy:

Forward to Director of SFM E) Director of SFM

NO Policy implications □ Recommendation endorsed □ Recommendation NOT endorsed □ Reasons:

Forward to Senior Forester FMB F) Senior Forester FMB

Senior Forester FMB to file. Cc Individual/Organisation requesting amendment District/Regional Manager/Planner Manager FMB OR Request to be reviewed and re-submitted

E) Director of SFM

Date: Documentation reviewed ------Name: Signature: ______Recommendation approved □ Recommendation NOT approved D Reasons:

Forward to Senior Forester FMB ---- F) Senior Forester FMB Senior Forester FMB to file. Cc Individual/Organisation Requesting Amendment District/Reg ion al Manager/Planner Manager FMB OR Request to be reviewed and re-submitted

Commenced: 01 Januaiy2010 Effective from: OJ Januaiy 2010 Custodian: Senior Forester, Forest Management Branch Page 3 of4 Approved by: Manager, Forest Management Branch F) Senior Forester FMB

Changes registered and documentation filed Date: 29/03/18 Name: Jodie Miller Signature: ======~====~===,=====7

G) Data Custodian

Changes noted and will be included in next Date: update 29/0~ Name: Jodie Miller Signature: -7-- Next data update due: As required

Forward to Senior Forester FMB H) Senior Forester FMB

H) Senior Forester FMB

Documentation filed Date: 5/4: /t ~ Signature: e,&~

Amended data codes = 90 - old growth addition, 91 - DEZ deletion

Themes amended= lp2018-oldgrowth, lp2018-DEZ

Commenced: 0 I January 20 I 0 Effective from: 01 January 2010 Custodian: Senior Forester, Forest Management Branch Page4 of4 Approved by: Manager, Forest Management Branch Department of Review of old-growth forest status Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Forest Block/ Dalgarup 01 Compartment

Region South West

District Blackwood

Date of request 15 November 2017

Origin of request Forest Products Commission

Dalgarup forest block is located approximately 15 kilometres west of Bridgetown. The coupe is bound by Kale and Petunia Road south of Wetherl~ Road and Cassia Road north of Wetherley. Part of the Dalgarup pine plantation and Dalgarup National Park form the eastern Location and site boundary. The topography of the coupe is characterised by a series description of precipitous parallel ridges and intervening streams and gullies that run east to west across the entire length of the coupe (see Appendix 1 - Base map). Fertile, loamy and heavy soils are present in the gullies and lower slopes, while upper slopes are more dominated by gravelly soils with shallow rock (granite) present.

Old-growth forest Jarrah and jarrah/tingle forest - uncut (never harvested) forest or definition/s applied forest subject to minimal disturbance which is not affected by to assessment area Phvtophthora cinnamomi

A review of the nominated area was conducted in accordance with the Procedures for the assessment, identification and demarcation of old-growth forest (FEM Procedure FEM075).

The review confirmed that of the 174 hectares that encompass the Summary Dalgarup 01 forest coupe, 75 hectares (comprised of 8 separate patches) of minimally disturbed cells met the definition of old-growth jarrah forest. Of these 75 hectares, 3.5 hectares was previously classified diverse ecotype zone (DEZ) which was found to be forest (> 30% crown cover). A further 0.5 hectares of this former DEZ was reclassified to non old-growth jarrah forest. Report Reviewed Z 'Y""1-"'\~ / SP ~£~ M. Rayner Endorsed Manager, Forest Management Branch

1. Collation of background data and refinement of the assessment area

1.1 Forest type and structure

Historical Aerial Photography Interpretation (API) of imagery capture in 1955 and interpreted in 1961, along with recent high-resolution digital stereo imagery acquired in 2013 were examined to determine forest type, structure and composition, and identify any changes to forest characteristics over time.

The 1955 API indicated that the northern portion of the harvest coupe above Camp Creek Rd was predominantly jarrah/marri (JM) mixed mass stand, consisting of 70 per cent crown cover (M70) and a height class of 25-29 metres (A).

The southern portion of the coupe below Camp Creek Rd was similarly a jarrah/marri mixed forest type, however the forest structure was varied. The southern sections of this area were classified as 'massed' forest stands of between 50 and 70 per cent crown cover, with a height class of 25-29 metres. Two pole stands (P) were recorded in the eastern and south-eastern section of these cells. Within these areas the upper strata crown cover ranged from between 6-30 per cent, with total crown cover varying from 50 to 70 per cent, and height class of 25-29 metres. Several sapling stands (S) surrounded a large cleared area on the western boundary of the coupe. These stands consisted of a sparse number (0-1 percent) of mature trees occupying the upper strata and a sapling or scrub understorey. Total crown cover in these areas ranged between 20-70 per cent, with a height class of 25-29 metres (Appendix 2).

Analysis of 2013 stereo imagery was generally consistent with the 1955 Af:>I and subsequent records of harvesting. However, there were three areas of interest (AOI) that were significantly different to historic photo interpretation and may require further investigation in the field (Appendix 2). • AOI 1 - Originally interpreted as a mass stand, the area clearly appears to be a pole and a sapling stand in the 2013 stereo imagery. The dramatic alterations in forest structure and composition suggest a major disturbance event has impacted this area. In addition, the appearance of pine 'wildling' infestations are clearly visible in this area and along the edge of the coupe boundary adjacent to the neighbouring pine plantation. • AOI 2 - Although forest structure corresponds with the original API, the composition has markedly changed. Recorded in the DBCA informal reserve system as a non-forest diverse ecotype zone (DEZ) with a total crown cover of less than 30 per cent; recent imagery depicts the area as forested with 55 per cent total crown cover visible, therefore excluding it from being classified as DEZ.

2 • AOI 3 - The 1955 photography clearly depicts the area as being cleared, however interpretation conducted in 1961 also indicates the establishment of two pine plots at this site. In turn, the un-natural disturbance appears to have had significant influence on the growing patterns of surrounding cells.

1.2 Harvest history

Departmental records in relation to harvesting indicate that the entire coupe has been subjected to one harvest in the decade of 1940-1949, this is depicted in Appendix 3. ll 1.3 Phytophthora dieback status

Phytophthora cinnamomi occurrence mapping of the coupe was completed on the 5th December 2018 by NPC Consulting Dieback Mapping and Management. The project area, consisting of approximately 174 hectares, was interpreted for presence of Phytophthora dieback. Most of the coupe was classified as uninfested (119 hectares}, with a considerable area (53 hectares) categorised as uninterpretable. Uninterpretable areas were associated with creeks and gullies and some upper slope vegetation where thick Soap Bush (Trymalium floribundum) and wildlings from adjacent pine plantations were preseniie. Two small infested areas, totalling 1 hectare, were identified on the western boundary. An area of approximately 5 hectare area of Pine was excluded from interpretation (Appendix 4).

1.5 Fire history

Fire history records indicate the forest within the coupe has been burnt regularly since the 1940s. Prescribed burns were documented in every decade between 1940-2010. Three bushfires were recorded in the vicinity of coupe in 1945,1952 and 2016. Impacts however appeared mostly confined to the south, south-west and north-east edges. A plantation burn was recorded in the 2008 for an area of pine adjacent to the north-east boundary.

1.6 Other disturbances

During field surveys evidence of an old fence line running north-south was detected throughout (I much the coupe (see Appendix 5). A search of records was unable to confirm if the area had been subject to a possible grazing lease. At least some of the historic fence line appears to be associated with area cleared for pine plots on the eastern boundary.

2. Stratification of disturbance history using aerial photograph interpretation and other datasets

Both historical (1955) and recent photography (2013) was examined to detect evidence of previous harvest or other disturbances within the coupe. Some internal tracks and gaps in the canopy were visible, along with a cleared area and pine (both planted and wild). However, it was not possible to clearly differentiate the pattern and extent of relative disturbance classes in areas cutover many decades ago. No other earlier aerial photography coverage within the

3 decade of harvest (and hence more likely to depict extent of cutting) was available. Therefore, to capture the full extent of disturbance patterns in the coupe a full field survey was conducted.

3. Field survey of stump occurrence and other disturbance indicators

The survey area was defined using the boundaries of the harvest exclusion zones and Phytophthora dieback occurrence. Areas that were particularly steep were also avoided due / / to issues with occupational health and safety (OHS). Nevertheless, almost the entire coupe was surveyed for stump occurrence and hence potential old-growth forest. A 0.5 hectare FMIS cell grid was used to provide a systematic basis for field sampling, with each 0.5 hectare grid square surveyed for the presence of stumps and other evidence of unnatural disturbance (snig tracks, landings and gravel pits) including those identified in the desktop image analysis.

Consistent with 1940s cutting, and regularly encountered throughout a large proportion of the coupe, was large stumps and their associated regeneration cohort (Figure 1 and 2).

1.. 1.. I 1..:2/ :2.01..7 ~~~.,:~~'.:':'!l!·. +fffl&l!@¼~:1•■ ..

Figure 1. A typical stump in Dalgarup 01 coupe depicting distinctive marks of felling using axe and cross cut saw; characteristically used by fallers prior to 1950s (Beggs, 1971 ).

4 Figure 2. Depicts a regeneration cohort in Dalgarup 01. Cohorts within the coupe generally measured above 30cm; the jarrah regeneration within the coupe was consistent with 1940s cutting.

Deep scoured snig tracks along with a landing and several forest tracks were also identified throughout the coupe.

A significant decline in stump intensity was noticeable in steeper areas adjacent to creek lines and down the side of gullies, suggesting steep terrain prevented the extraction of timber from these areas at the time of harvest.

The three AOI that were originally identified in desktop analysis, along with a fourth area identified in the field were carefully investigated for disturbance and the results are as follows:

• AOI 1 - Classified in 1955 as a mass stand jarrah forest. Imagery from 2013 clearly depicted a significant change in the structure and composition of the forest at this site. Field investigation uncovered evidence of severe fire damage to understorey vegetation (Figure 3) and regenerat~ trees species, indicating a fire/s may have been the main catalyst for the structural disturbance at this site.

Figure 3. Depicts fire damage to Balga (Xanthorrhoea preissir) trunks at AOI 1.

5 The intensity and severity of fire damage many have also been influenced by the sites topographical characteristics which include a north-west aspect on sloping ground with a shallow, rocky substrate. In addition, the recovery potential of this site has been significantly undermined by the infestation of pine wilding from the adjacent pine plantation. The fast-growing wildlings disturb the natural patterns of succession by inhibiting the regeneration of native vegetation, consequently further altering forest type composition and structure (Pickett et al. 1987).

• AOI 2 - Visual inspection revealed most of the area to be poor quality jarrah forest. There was limited evidence of stumps and other disturbance indicators, perhaps a reflection of the poor harvest potential of the site.

• AOI 3 - The site was cleared in 1955 and re-established as pine plots, the site is highly disturbed with pine wildings starting to infest the edges of the surrounding native forest.

• AOI 4 - Although the site contained few stumps, there was a significant number of standing dead and fallen dead jarrah trees which displayed prominent horizontal axe mark around base of the trunk, this was the result of a technique known as ring-barking - refer to Figure 4.

Figure 4. Standing dead jarrah in AOI 4 with ring-barking scarring around its base

The axe marks on the ring-barked appeared to be part of the same harvest event as the stumps located in the vicinity. The horizontal axe marks on the base of these stumps were

6 similar in age and condition to the axe marks on the ring barked trees. The trees also appeared to be mostly large, good quality jarrah, suggesting that that they were a part of the harvest operation and not cleared for other land uses. The removal of these tree had similar disturbance impacts to the forests canopy structure. The GPS location of stumps and other evidence of disturbance indicators were recorded, and a map prepared from the GPS data. Appendix 5 depicts the results of the field survey.

4. Analysis of stump and other data to determine old-growth forest status

A GIS application was used to analyse the field spatial data. In this application 0.5 hectare and 2 hectare grids were intersected with the disturbance distribution data to provide a disturbance intensity map (Appendix 6) and assist in defining the boundaries of the minimal disturbance areas, and hence potential old-growth forest with in the coupe.

In western jarrah forest, a threshold of six or less stumps per 2 hectares (four combined 0.5 hectare cells) generally indicates minimal disturbance from past harvesting and possible old­ growth forest. In many of the cells surveyed stump counts exceeded this threshold and were therefore categorised as more than minimally disturbed. The status of these areas therefore remains as non old-growth forest.

A large portion of the coupe recorded low stump counts (including the AOI). A strong correlation was evident between cells identified as minimally disturbed and steep terrain. Many of these cells adjoined existing old-growth adjacent to the coupe. In these areas limited evidence of previous harvest disturbance qualified these cells to be reclassified as jarrah old­ growth forest.

In AOI 2 the cells that were originally classified as DEZ were found to contain sufficient crown cover to constitute a forested area, thus qualifying them for inclusion as old-growth forest and it is recommended that these areas be reclassified accordingly. Although there was minor stump evidence in AOI 1 and AOI 3, and some of the cells were not surveyed for OHS reason, other disturbance evidence; including clearing, pine planting, fire and weed infestations, was I significant. Consequently, these cells were excluded from being considered minimally disturbed. It is recommended that they remain classified as non-old-growth forest.

The recommended boundaries of old-growth forest are depicted in Appendix 7 and summarised in section 5 (below).

5. Recommendations

As depicted on the map in Appendix 7:

Recommendation Area Classification Map colour (ha)

5.1 75 Reclassify to jarrah old-growth forest Brown

7 6. Proposed corporate data amendments

The following amendments to corporate datasets and plans are required:

Item Description Required?

6.1 Amendment of the corporate informal reserve dataset Yes

6.2 Amendment of the corporate harvest history dataset Yes

6.3 Amendment of the corporate old-growth forest dataset Yes A revised harvest coupe map depicting the additional 6.4 Yes informal reserves and reclassified old-Qrowth forest

7. References

Beggs, BJ (ed.)1971, Forestry in Western Australia, 3rd edn, William C. Brown, Western Australia.

Bradshaw, J 2012, Jinkers and Whims: a pictorial history of timber-getting, Vivid Publishing, Fremantle.

Pickett, S.T.A.; Collins, S.L.; Armesto, J.J. 1987a: A hierarchical consideration of causes and mechanisms of succession. Ecology 69: 109-114.

8. Appendices

Appendix 1 Harvest coupe base map. Appendix 2 Section of original API map and/ or recent aerial interpretation. Appendix 3 Harvest history and harvest frequency from FMIS database. Appendix4 Section of the P.cinnamomi protectable areas map. Appendix 5 Disturbance locations map depicting areas surveyed and GPS location of stumps and other disturbance indicators. Appendix 6 FMIS cells disturbance intensity map. Appendix 7 Old-growth forest status map: depicting the area to be classified as old­ growth forest and DEZ.

8 Appendix 1 Old-Growth Forest Status Review

Dalgarup 01

Base Map

LEGEND D Proposed Harvest Coupe D FPC Plantation - Coniferous



Existing and Proposed Conservation Reserves

- CAR Informal Reserves Other Informal Reserves ~ Old Growth Forest Final Fauna Habitat Zones ~3::3: Indicative Fauna Habitat Zones I I Interim Fauna Habitat Zones

Map created on: 7/03/2018

I 'I I I

1 'I \ I ,.. I I I I I I I I I I ' ...... ,. .. ,. I ,,..,, ! Scale: 1 :12 500 ,' I I 0 100 200 400 600 I I -- J Meters I --- I I I I '

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, Deportment of Biodlver811y, . PARKS AND Under the direction of the Director General, MGA Zone 50. Datum: GDA 94 Con,ervatlon and AttraoUon• WILDUFE is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence • Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WYUI-.N10- SEftw'ICE which may arise from relying on any information depicted. W{) "f(NfMllll'W.IA Appendix 2 Old-Growth Forest Status Review

Dalgarup 01

Historical and Recent Aerial Photo lntepretation

LEGEND D Proposed Harvest Coupe ~ Areas of interest (AOI)

HISTORIC AERIAL PHOTO INTERPRETATION API: 117 Photography: Balingup 1955 Interpretation: H.A.W Feb 1961


Photography: 2013, Stereo Imagery Interpretation: Feb 2018

Map created on: 20/03/2018

...... / • - 1 i


Scale: 1:12 500 0 100 200 400 600


The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, ~ Oopertmcnt of BlodlvertNty, PARKS AND is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence Under the direction of the Director General, MGAZone 50. Datum: GDA 94 ~ Conservation and Attmetlons WILDLIFE which may arise from relying on any information depicted. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions SE~CE + Appendix 3 , rt , , I I ,I

I Old-Growth Status --- ..,, + I ~ Review !2l.l.. 11 .....,. I ~ I ti• i2,' .!. ___...... ,..., Dalgarup 01 I I Harvest History r,/ I , , LEGEND I f I,' ,: L, _- --

I I I I I I D Proposed Harvest Coupe

L ------1- ,( 1 1 : ~ No record of harvesting ] ' , \ 'T, .... , 11I 1 j, ___ :: ~, , \ Harvested before 1920 '..,.. - - - .,.,. - , \ Harvested 1920-29 I , 'I ' ' I ' ' IL~ Harvested 1930-39 No record of harvesting f I "- , I ' , ' ' I Harvested 1940-49 I ' I ' ' ' BmJ Harvested 1950-59

I ~ Harvested 1960-69 1 I 1.1 . .-'...- 1111 Harvested 1970-79 • - !- I' 4 1 1111 Harvested 1980-89 • + t -t••'" I ~ - -I+~ • -:T ljff ♦• H ~~ ,JHarvested 1990-99 f I , 1- , . 1111 Harvested 2000-2009 .., . J ~ Harvested 2010 and after _ . Harvested 1930-39 +fc4 I . ti Ii I · tit tiJ-4.r~ 1-...... _I•-...... ~r .. I I

Map created on: 13/03/2018 t

~-t"~~~ ,

Scale: 1: 12 500 0 150 300 450 600 l------Meters- -

Depa~mentof Blodlvorally, . PARKS AND Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, ConH rvatlon ••d Att,.cUonc WILDUFE The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map • n•wm11wunt1J SER.VICE is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence Under the direction of the Director General, MGA Zone 50. Datum: GOA 94 WA10\N"1111W.l\ which may arise from relying on any information depicted. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Appendix 4 , I I

I I Old-Growth Forest Status - -( Review c ' ' a:: ,' ' s, ' :::::, , ' Dalgarup 01 t-, ' Phythophthora cinnamomi I I Occurrence

I , _,..'------I ' LEGEND , , ' ' ' 'I ' I D Proposed Harvest Coupe I ==-=--~------~ ------~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I ---- _ ___ _->..., I ------),. I ' I ' ' □ Uninfested D Uninterpretable ------, ' ' ' ' I I ' Infested I D I I I ' I I I I I I I I ~ Excluded (Pine) I I ' I ' ' ' ' , ' ' I ' >I I , ,

I I I I I ' ' I Map created on: 14/03/2018 t

I ' I

' ' ' ' ------I I_I ____ , . , I I ff I :::::,>­ I (!) I I Scale: 1 :12 500 0 150 300 450 600

Meters --~ Deputment of Blodlven1lty, PARKS ANO The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, -W_. Conc&f'Vation ~nd Attractiot1s WILDUFE MGA Zone 50. Datum: GOA 94 • SEllVICE is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence Under the direction of the Director General, &31(1 - n nt WUlC\HI\VITMI."" which may arise from relying on any information depicted. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Appendix 5

Old-Growth Forest Status Review

Dalgarup 01

Disturbance Locations

LEGEND D Proposed Harvest Coupe ~ Areas of Interest (AOI)


<6> Landing

... Historical fence line

• Forest track or snig track

* Stump - Area cleared 1955

Map created on: 20/03/2018

Scale: 1 :12 000 0 --90 180 360- 540 -- Meters

~I Depar1mont or Biodiversity, PARKS AND ~ Consarvatlan and Attractlo nG WILDUFE The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, SEIIVICE is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence Under the direction of the Director General, MGA Zone 50'. Datum: GOA 94 n:.::'~ which may arise from relying on any information depicted. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Appendix 6

I Old-Growth Forest Status 2 I I 4 Review

2 5 6 / , / 8 4 7 / / Dalgarup 01 I 2 8 9 I 1 9 6 I Disturbance Levels 1 10 4


~------~------L------' LEGEND c::J Proposed Harvest Coupe ~ Areas of interest Undisturbed CJ (0 stumps per hectare) 11 Minimally Disturbed L__J (1-2 stumps per hectare) Disturbed (>2 stumps per hectare)

CJ Not surveyed , I I r-, Mininmal I I L.....J disturbance area I I I I I I I I Map created on: 21/03/2018 I t I I l,(UP - , _ I - , • ~ L.J ~-' I I I J ~~~< I I I <•\~ ,; ,.£.:~.' ""'- I I s ,1 r\ ~ ~ I I j :f. -¥-~ I I •17;~• ~ 111\~.\NUOP "\ I \ ,-..--/ J \ I I -~ -- Jllf I I ,,I L--, r~~ I I I , ,I _., Scale: 1 :12 000 .,,, .- ,- ,,- ., .. , , I I I 0 150 300 450 600 I I I I I -- Meters- I --- - I I ~1 Department of Biodiversity, PARICS AND ~ Con&ervaUon and Attracthms WILDUFE The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, • SERVICE is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence Under the direction of the Director General, MGA Zone 50. Datum: GDA 94 Wllll !'l,NAUTIW.ll, which may arise from relying on any information depicted. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Appendix 7

Old-Growth Forest Status Review Dalgarup 01

Old-Growth Forest Status


c::] Proposed Harvest Coupe

- Reclassify to old-growth forest D Reclassify from DEZ into forest and old-growth forest

I '' :,. ,I I I I I I I ,I _,, Scale: 1:12 000 ,, ...... 0 100 200 400 600 ,,...... I I Meters ,I ---- - I I I I I I' t/ti\t Department of ■ lodlverslty, MADANO ~ Con1uvatlon 1ndAttractlon1 WILDUFE • SERVICE OO'lllllilMIROI' 111:»ll"~'W'f'll'Al,,II\ The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Produced by the Forest Management Branch, Projection: Universal Tranverse Mercator, is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence Under the direction of the Director General, MGAZone 50. Datum: GDA94 which may arise from relying on any information depicted. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

2.Desktop Assessment: (to be completed by the Region)

- Check Forest Ecosystem reservation.

Forest Ecosystems proposed for impact: Jarrah Forest - South

N Are activities in a Forest Ecosystem that triggers informal reservation under the FMP?

- Check Vegetation Complexes, extents remaining uncleared and in reservation (DEC 2007/EPA 2006).

Vegetation Complex Pre-European extent (%) Pre-European extent (Ha) Extent in formal/informal reservation (%) Balingup (BL) 29.39% 17,474.17 Ha 6%

N Do any complexes trigger informal reservation under the FMP? Y Are any complexes significant as per EPA regionally significant vegetation?

- Check Threatened flora and TEC/PEC databases over an appropriate radius of the disturbance boundary.

TAXON/TEC/PEC STATUS HABITAT NOTES (if relevant) Spring survey dependent Caladenia harringtoniae DRF Within and near seasonally damp areas Y

Regional Officer Recommendation in regards to likelihood of conservation value impact and flora survey requirements (reference other datasets as required):

This proposed clearing is within a vegetation complex that has been cleared below the Nationally recommended level of 30% retention. The vegetation complex is also poorly reserved although the Forest Management Plan will permit harvesting operations as between 5-10% of the complexes pre-european extent is in existing or proposed formal or informal reservation and more than 15% of the complexes pre-european extent remains uncleared.

In regards to flora the majority of the coupes roads are within suitable habitat for the DRF Caladenia harringtoniae. The roads indicated for major upgrade and new clearing will need to be subject to a Spring survey for the DRF species.

Name: Andrew Webb

Signature: A.Webb Date: 8/10/18


3. Flora Survey Details: (to be completed by botanist)

Survey undertaken by: Andrew Webb Date : 17/10/18

Survey Specifications: 10m either side of existing tracks and taped alignments

Attach Survey Area Map: Provide maps of survey area. Plant community extents to be demarcated on maps as are locations of listed and significant flora.

Results of search - Provide a brief description of plant communities of the survey area and detail those which are TEC/PEC’s or would be considered locally significant and/or likely to provide refugial habitat (Table 1). If flora survey has been undertaken outside of the spring flowering provide comment as to any plant communities that may provide potential habitat for Threatened flora.

- Provide a complete list of all observed flora within the surveyed areas (Table 3), highlighting Threatened and Significant flora in Table 2. Indicate on the species list flora that are restricted to specific plant communities.

Table 1: Plant Communities of survey area,

Community Community Description Local context No. A Jarrah, Marri open forest, over Mirbelia dilatata, Trymalium This is the locally floribundum tall open shrubland, over Leucopogon capitellatus, common veg of Macrozamia reidlei low shrubland, over Patersonia umbrosa herbs. the upper slopes Red loam with occasional small granite rock in this area B Jarrah, Marri, Blackbutt open forest, over grandis, This is the locally longifolia, Trymalium floribundum tall shrubland, over common veg of Bossiaea aquifolia open heath, over Tremandra stelligera, the lower slopes Leucopogon spp., Macrozamia reidlei open low heath, over in this area Pteridium esculentum open ferns. Brown loam soils Comments in regards to Plant Communities:

Table 2: Threatened and/or Significant flora of the survey area,

Species Status Location Operational Impact

Comments in regards to Flora:

No threatened or regionally significant vegetation found along the proposed alignments


Proponent/Botanist management recommendations:

Management recommendations of the proponent/botanist in regards to vegetation and/or flora of significance located by the surveys:

No threatened or regionally significant vegetation found along the proposed alignments. No recommendations required.

4. Parks & Wildlife Regional Manager or Delegate Authorisation:


Authorized by:



This authorisation is valid 24 months from the date of approval and will require Parks & Wildlife recheck after this time.


Appendix 3: Survey Area Species list: species mainly confined to one or other of the communities are noted in the third column.

SPECIES_NAME Comm type VERNACULAR Acacia dentifera Acacia gilbertii Acacia pulchella Prickly Moses Amperea simulans Amphipogon amphipogonoides Astroloma sp. Nannup (R.D. Royce 3978) Austrodanthonia setacea Bull Banksia Banksia seminuda River Banksia Bossiaea aquifolium Water Bush Bossiaea linophylla Burchardia umbellata Milkmaids Caesia micrantha Pale Grass-lily Caladenia flava Cowslip Orchid Caladenia macrostylis Leaping Spider Orchid Chamaescilla corymbosa Blue Squill Chorizema nanum gp Clematis pubescens Common Clematis Comesperma confertum Marri Dampiera linearis Common Dampiera Daucus glochidiatus Australian Carrot Drosera glanduligera Pimpernel Sundew Drosera macrantha gp Bridal Rainbow Jarrah Eucalyptus patens Swan River Blackbutt Heart Leaf Poison Geranium retrorsum Gompholobium ovatum amplexicaulis Prickly Hakea Hardenbergia comptoniana Native Wisteria Hemigenia incana Silky Hemigenia Hibbertia amplexicaulis Hibbertia commutata Hybanthus debilissimus Isotropis cuneifolia Granny Bonnets Kennedia carinata Kennedia coccinea Coral Vine Lagenophora huegelii Lepidosperma leptostachyum Lepidosperma squamatum Lepidosperma tetraquetrum creek crossing only

5 Leucopogon capitellatus Leucopogon propinquus Leucopogon verticillatus Tassel Flower Logania serpyllifolia Lomandra drummondii Lomandra pauciflora Macrozamia riedlei Zamia Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass Millotia tenuifolia Soft Millotia Mirbelia dilatata Holly-leaved Mirbelia Opercularia hispidula Hispid Stinkweed Oxalis perennans Patersonia babianoides Patersonia umbrosa Yellow Flags Pelargonium littorale Snottygobble Platysace tenuissima Platytheca galioides Pteridium esculentum Bracken Ranunculus colonorum Common Buttercup Scaevola calliptera Scaevola microphylla Small-leaved Scaevola Senecio glomeratus Cluster-headed Fireweed Senecio quadridentatus Siloxerus humifusus Procumbent Siloxerus Sollya heterophylla Australian Bluebell Sphaerolobium sp. Stackhousia monogyna Stylidium adnatum gp Common Beaked Triggerplant Stylidium androsaceum Taxandria linearifolia Tetrarrhena laevis Forrest Ricegrass Tetratheca affinis Tetratheca hirsuta Black Eyed Susan Thelymitra sp. (sterile) Thomasia grandiflora Large Flowered Thomasia Thysanotus multiflorus Many-flowered Fringe Lily Thysanotus patersonii/manglesianus Tremandra diffusa Tremandra stelligera Trymalium floribundum Veronica distans Xanthorrhoea preissii Grass tree Xanthosia candida

6 Cons Timber Habitat Status Harvest Score ID FDIS Land System FDIS Landscape Unit CR Moderate 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South VU 12 High 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South VU 12 High 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South EN 12 High 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South EN 12 High 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South VU High 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South VU Moderate 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South OS Low 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P4 12 High 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P4 12 High 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South P4 Moderate 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South P4 Moderate 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P4 High 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South P4 Moderate 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P4 Moderate 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South EN Moderate 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P2 Low 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P2 Low 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South CD 12 High 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South CD 12 High 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South CR 13 Moderate 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South VU 2 Moderate 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South 12 Moderate 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South 12 Moderate 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South P3 Low 3 Darling Plateau Jarrah Uplands South P3 Low 15 Darling Plateau Jarrah Valleys South 114° 30'E 115° 00'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 114° 30'E 115° 00'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 114° 30'E 115° 00'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 114° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 116° 30'E 114° 30'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 116° 30'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E 115° 30'E 116° 00'E 115° 00'E INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENT South West Boojarah #2 ILUA 33°33° 30'30' SS 33°33° 30'30' SS South West Boojarah #2 ILUA

NOTE: To determine areas subject to claim within the external boundary, reference to the application description is necessary.

Map created by: Geospatial Services, National Native Title Tribunal (29/10/2014) Application boundary data compiled by NNTT or sourced from Landgate (WA).

Topographic image data is © Commonwealth of Australia and is used under licence from Geoscience Australia 2008 NOTE: Topographic images should be used as a guide only.

34°34° 00'00' SS 34°34° 00'00' SS

© Commonwealth of Australia 2014 The Registrar, the National Native Title Tribunal and its staff, members and agents and the Commonwealth (collectively the Commonwealth) accept no liability and give no undertakings guarantees or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of the information provided. In return for you receiving this information you agree to release and indemnify the Commonwealth and third party data suppliers in respect of all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs arising directly or indirectly from your use of the information and the use of the information you obtained by any third party.

015 KILOMETRES Latitude and Longitude based on Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 Non Projection

34°34° 30'30' SS 34°34° 30'30' SS Location Diagram 3

N a u t ic a l JurienJurien

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PembertonPemberton 35°35° 00'00' SS 35°35° 00'00' SS AlbanyAlbany

Filepath: P:\GEO_INFO\Products\WA\ILUA\2014\WIA2014_001_SWALSC_ILUAs\Mapping\SW_Boojarah_2\20141029_WIA2014_001_SW_Boojarah_2_TOPO_A3L.wor Map Ref: 20141029_WIA2014_001_SW_Boojarah_2_TOPO_A3L.pdf