JOHNNY DEPP Hollywood Rebel

by Matt Doeden

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Doeden, Matt. : Hollywood rebel / by Matt Doeden. p. cm. — (USA TODAY lifeline biographies) Includes bibliographical references and index. Includes filmography. ISBN 978–0–7613–6420–7 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) 1. Depp, Johnny—Juvenile literature. 2. Motion picture actors and actresses— United States—Biography—Juvenile literature. I. Title. PN2287.D39D64 2011 791.4302’8092—dc22 [B] 2010017624

Manufactured in the United States of America 1 – VI – 12/31/10 Lifeline BIOGRAPHIES uINTRODUCTION Reluctant Star, 4 uCHAPTER ONE Young Rebel, 8 uCHAPTER TWO Rising Star, 18 uCHAPTER THREE The Next Phase, 28 uCHAPTER FOUR Brave Choices, 44 uCHAPTER FIVE Family Man, 54 uCHAPTER SIX Sailing to the Top, 66 uCHAPTER SEVEN Hit after Hit, 78 uCHAPTER EIGHT Modern-Day Rebel, 90 u Timeline, 98 u Glossary, 100 u Filmography, 101 u Source Notes, 104 u Selected Bibliography, 107 u Further Reading and Websites, 108 u Index, 109 INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER ONE

dignismodit dolorperate faci tio odolore Ipit Johnny utet, Deppquamet, was sequat a struggling actor and former punk rock iliquiscimusician CaptionHere’s Johnny: Here dolorerat praestin enisit wisl inim irilism oloreet inacilisis the mid-1980s. nostio con ut

In 1986 not many people knew the name Johnny Depp. The twenty-three- ReluctantTitle year-old was a former punk rocker and - Star a struggling actor. He’d appeared in sev Here eral movies but had yet to distinguish himself. Johnny had thought that he’d gotten his big break by landing a part in Platoon. the 1986 Oscar-winning movie But his role in the film was so brief that hardly anyone noticed him.

4 · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel Reluctant Star · 5

But television executive Patrick Hasburgh had noticed. Hasburgh was developing a TV series about police officers going undercover in high schools. The show was initially called Chapel. It was later renamed . Hasburgh wanted Johnny to play the role of Tom Hanson, one of the police officers. Johnny saw himself as a big-screen actor, not a television actor. So he turned down the role. The series began filming a pilot (first epi- sode) with actor Jeff Yagher playing Hanson. But Yagher didn’t work out in the role. Hasburgh had a problem. The Fox television network was asking for more episodes of 21 Jump Street, but he had nobody to play Hanson. Once again, Hasburgh asked Johnny. And again, Johnny bristled at the idea. He needed the work, but he didn’t want to sign a long con- tract that would tie him up for years. Finally, Johnny’s agent convinced him to do it. “My agent said the average span of a TV series is 13 epi- sodes, if that. One season. So I said OK.”

21 Jump Street: Depp (left) co-starred in the hit TV show 21 Jump Street with Peter DeLuise (center) and Dustin Nguyen (right). 6 “ · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel

It was a decision that would change Johnny’s life. He signed a six- year contract that paid him $45,000 per episode. Johnny had never had that kind of money before. And he didn’t really expect the role, or the show, to last nearly that long. He was wrong. The show was a hit, and Johnny was the main attraction. He was an overnight sensation. Suddenly, reporters wanted to talk to him. Teenaged girls screamed at the sight of him. He was on the covers of magazines. The show grew and grew in popu- larity. It was renewed for a second season, then for a third. Johnny’s popu- larity showed no signs of dropping off. He was a teen idol. Johnny had money and fame. For many ac- tors, this would have been a dream come true. But not for Johnny. He didn’t want to be a TV star. He didn’t want to be a teen idol. He didn’t like his own show, and he hated the character Unhappy: Depp had great success in the late he played. He found the 1980s with his role on 21 Jump Street, but he idea of the police running wasn’t happy with it. He wanted to act in undercover operations in movies instead. Reluctant Star · 7 high schools to be offensive. But the contract he’d so reluctantly signed left him few options. Like it or not, he had to be Tom Hanson, even if it made him miserable. “Once you put your name on a [contract], you have no choice,” Johnny later said of his situation. “There are people in ties with very big pens and hulking desks who do bad things to you [if you don’t honor your obligations]”. And so Johnny waited. He knew that in time, 21 Jump Street would run its course. And then he could use his newfound fame to become the actor that he really wanted to be. CHAPTER ONE

Hometown: Depp was born in Owensboro, Kentucky. Owensboro, shown here in 2009, is in northwestern Kentucky.

John Christopher Depp was born June 9, 1963, in Young Owensboro, Kentucky. He was the fourth child of Betty Sue Depp, and her second child with husband Rebel John Depp. John Jr., or Johnny, had a sister, Elisa (two), nicknamed Christie; and two half-siblings, Deborah (seven) and Daniel (nine). Johnny’s family was middle class—not rich, but not poor either. His father worked as a civil engineer, while Betty Sue was a waitress. Johnny’s earliest memories were of the late 1960s and early 1970s. These were turbulent times in the United States

8 · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel Young Rebel · 9 and across the world. The civil rights move- ment—the demand for equal treatment for African Americans and other minorities— was in full force. U.S. combat involvement in the Vietnam War, which had dragged on from 1964 into the 1970s, was becom- ing increasingly less popular. Johnny’s childhood was, in some ways, equally unstable. For some reason, the Depp Mother and son: Depp (left) and his mother, family never stayed put Betty Sue Depp (right), are shown here in 1990. for long. Johnny’s early life included a long string of household moves. were hard to make and harder to keep. “We moved constantly,” Johnny later said. “My mom just liked to move for some reason. It was hard. Depending on how far we’d move, you’d have to make new friends. We never stayed in one neighbor- hood for long.” When Johnny was seven years old, the family moved to Miramar, Florida. Once there, the moving got even worse. The family moved from apartment to apartment, motel to motel. Johnny felt more and more isolated. For a time, he stopped even trying to make friends. “I always felt like a total freak,” he said. Like any kid, Johnny was filled with wild ideas. For a time, he was determined to become the first white member of the Harlem 104 “ · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel

Source Notes

5 Nigen Goodall, The Secret World of Johnny Depp (London: Blake, 2007), 52. 7 Denis Meikle, Johnny Depp: A Kind of Illusion (London: Reynolds & Hearn, 2006), 69. 9 Ibid., 23. 9 Ibid., 22. 11 Michael Blitz and Louise Krasniewicz, Johnny Depp: A Biography (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008), 11. 11 Martyn Palmer, “Johnny’s Treasure Chest,” Mail on Sunday, May 20, 2007, http://interview.johnnydepp-zone2. com/2007_0520TheMailOnSunday.html (August 23, 2010). 12 Tom Green, “Johnny Depp Cuts Free;‘Jump Street’ Cuteness Still Dogs Him,” USA Today, April 3, 1990. 13 Meikle, 36. 14 Ibid, 40. 15 Ibid, 45. 17 Goodall, 43. 21 Meikle, 75. 22 Tom Green, “Where to Find Mr. Cool? Address: ‘21 Jump Street’,” USA Today, January 28, 1988. 23 Goodall, 56. 27 Ibid., 69. 29 Ibid., 92. 32 Meikle, 97. 32 Goodall, 117. 34 , review of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, directed by Lasse Hallström, Chicago Sun-Times, March 4, 1994, http:// REVIEWS/403040305/1023 (August 23, 2010). 35 Goodall, 135. 35 Dan Yakir, “Truly Madly Deeply,” Sky, April 1994. 40 Goodall, 181–182. 45 Jessamy Calkin, “Johnny Depp, Esq.,” Esquire (UK edition), February 2000. 46 Ibid. 105

47–48 Goodall, 223. 48–49 Ibid., 223. 49 Susan Wloszczyna, “‘Donnie Brasco.’ A High Point for Lowlifes,” USA Today, February 28, 1997. 50 Janet Maslin, review of Donnie Brasco, directed by Mike Newell, New York Times, February 28, 1997. 50 Goodall, 238. 51 Ibid., 240. 58 Meikle, 256–257. 60 Goodall, 266. 62 Meikle, 266. 63 Goodall, 273. 63 Mike Clark, “Depp Delivers as Shady Character ‘Blow’ Uses Cocaine Story, Novel Casting to Full Advantage,” USA Today, April 6, 2001. 69 Goodall, 316–317. 69–70 Meikle, 324. 70 Anthony Breznican, “Johnny Depp Plays It His Way; This ‘Pirate’ of an Actor Is Still Going Strong-Minded,” USA Today, June 26, 2006. 71 Goodall, 347. 73 Claudia Puig, “Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of . . . Fun!; ‘Pirates’ Has It All: Thrills, Humor, Cool Characters,” USA Today, July 9, 2003. 73 Roger Ebert, review of : The Curse of the Black Pearl, directed by Gore Verbinski, Chicago Sun-Times, July 9, 2003, article?AID=/20030709/REVIEWS/307090301/1023 (August 23, 2010). 73 Goodall, 290. 74 Claudia Puig, “Depp Fans Flames in Quirky ‘Mexico,” USA Today, September 12, 2003. 74 Stephan M. Silverman, “Johnny Depp Calls U.S. a ‘Dumb Puppy,’” People, September 4, 2003, article/0,,626682,00.html (September 3, 2010). 75 Goodall, 295. 75 Ibid., 305. 79 Meikle, 359. 81 Ann Hornaday, “Sorry, Charlie,” Washington Post, July 15, 2005, article/2005/07/14/AR2005071402083.html (August 23, 2010). 106 “ · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel

82 Goodall, 336. 83 Meilke, 367. 85 Anthony Breznican, “Johnny Depp Plays It His Way; This ‘Pirate’ of an Actor Is Still Going Strong-Minded,” USA Today, June 26, 2006. 86 Emanuel Levy, “Sweeney Todd: The Making of a Musical Movie,”, n.d., .cfm?id=8130 (August 23, 2010). 88 Claudia Puig, “‘Sweeney Todd’: A Sharp Adaptation with a Comedic Edge,” USA Today, December 21, 2007. 88 Gregory Ellwood, “Johnny Depp Finally Discusses Stepping in for Heath Ledger in ‘Imaginarium’,”, December 28, 2009, http:// stepping-in-for-heath-ledger-in-imaginarium (August 23, 2010). 89 Kelley L. Carter, “‘Public Enemies’ Star Johnny Depp Enjoys Comparisons to the Other J.D.,” USA Today, June 24, 2009, http://www. (August 23, 2010). 89 Claudia Puig, “‘Public Enemies’: Dillinger Captured at Last,” USA Today, July 1, 2009. 91 Post Chronicle, “Sandra Bullock Wins Big at People’s Choice Awards,” January 7, 2010, view.cgi?archive=178&num=277413 (September 3, 2010). 92 Kellen Rice, “Comic-Con 2009: Tim Burton Talks Wonderland,” Blast, July 23, 2009, entertainment/2009/07/tim-burton-talks-wonderland (August 23, 2010). 93 Mark Salisbury, “Tim Burton and Johnny Depp interview for Alice in Wonderland,” Telegraph, February 15, 2010, http://www.telegraph. Depp-interview-for-Alice-In-Wonderland.html (September 3, 2010). 93 Ibid. 96 Courtney Rubin, “ Opens Up About Her Romance with Johnny Depp,” People, October 13, 2008, people/article/0,,20232623,00.html (August 23, 2010). 107

Selected Bibliography

Blitz, Michael, and Louise Krasniewicz. Johnny Depp: A Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008. Goodall, Nigel. The Secret World of Johnny Depp: An Intimate Biography of Hollywood’s Best-Loved Rebel. London: Blake Publishing, 2007. Heard, Christopher. Depp. Toronto: ECW Press, 2001. Meikle, Denis. Johnny Depp: A Kind of Illusion. London: Reynolds & Hearn, 2006. 108 “ · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel

Further Reading and Websites

Books Casey, Jo, and Laura Gilbert. Alice in Wonderland: The Visual Guide. New York: DK, 2010. Graziano, Jim. Johnny Depp. Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2008. Higgins, Kara. Johnny Depp. San Diego: Lucent Books, 2004. Kushner, Jill Menkes. Johnny Depp: Movie Megastar. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2010. Lynette, Rachel. Tim Burton, Filmmaker. San Diego: KidHaven Press, 2006. Steele, Philip. World of Pirates. Boston: Kingfisher, 2004. Wessling, Katherine. Backstage at a Movie Set. New York: Children’s Press, 2003. Wine, Bill. Johnny Depp. Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2009.

Websites Internet Movie Database This online resource allows you to look up movies, actors, plot summaries, and more. The site includes a biography of Johnny Depp as well as a list of his projects. Johnny Depp Fan Page This page, operated by Johnny Depp fans, includes the latest updates on Johnny’s films and other projects, as well as photos, a filmography, and much more. People Magazine—Johnny Depp People’s page devoted to Johnny Depp includes fun facts, a biography, a timeline, photos, and more. USA Today The home page of USA Today provides the latest news, including what’s happening in entertainment. 109

Index Craven, Wes, 13–15 critics, 46, 49–50, 63, 72–73, 74, Academy Awards, 20, 68, 73 88, 89 agents, 5, 13 Cry-Baby, 26, 27 Alice in Wonderland, 91–95 cutting (self–mutilation), 37 Allison, Lori Anne, 12–13 awards and honors, 32, 61, 68, 73, Day-Lewis, Daniel, 88 76, 86, 88, 90–91 Demme, Ted, 63 Depp, Betty Sue (mother), 9, 11, 22, bands, Depp’s, 11, 13, 15, 20, 35 61 Bardem, Javier, 60 Depp, Jack (son), 64 Barrie, J. M., 67 Depp, John (father), 8, 61 Beetlejuice, 30, 31, 80 Depp, Johnny: arrests, 37–38, Before Night Falls, 60 55; business ventures, 35, 58; Benny & Joon, 33 childhood, 8–11; as director, 44– Berenger, Tom, 19 46; earnings, 6, 13, 20, 68–69, biopics, 39–40, 50–51, 62–63, 67, 83; fame, 6, 20–22, 23, 38, 59, 75, 88, 97 66, 77, 90–91, 97; fatherhood, Bloom, Orlando, 82, 84, 96 54–55, 57, 64, 67, 68–69, 74, Brando, Marlon, 43, 45, 83 76, 95; girlfriends, 12, 17, 26, Brave, The, 44–46 37–38, 54–55; homes, 9, 42, 58, Burton, Tim, 28–29, 39, 56, 78, 76; marriage, 12–13, 95–96; 80–81, 86, 91, 92, 94 music and, 4, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, Bush, George W., 62, 74 35, 57, 69, 86–87; personality, 27, 32, 35, 39, 49, 57, 59, 69, 76; Cage, Nicholas (Coppola), 13–14 wild behavior, 10–11, 12, 23, cameos, 58, 60 37, 55 Cannes Film Festival, 46, 52, 95 Depp, Lily-Rose Melody (daughter), Carroll, Lewis, 91–92 57, 62, 72, 76, 87 Carter, Helena Bonham, 81, 94 Depp family, 8, 11, 61 celebrity scandals, 36 DiCaprio, Leonardo, 34–35 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dillinger, John, 88–89 78–81, 94 DeMarco, 43 Chocolat, 60–61 Donnie Brasco, 45–50, 59 civil rights movement, 9 drug use, 11, 23, 35, 37, 39, 50–51, club and restaurants, Depp’s, 35–36, 88 38, 58 “dumb puppy” comment, 74–75 Corpse Bride, 81–82 110 “ · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel earnings: celebrities’, 32; Depp’s 6, Koepp, David, 75, 77 13, 20, 68–69, 83 Krueger, Freddy, 16 Edward Scissorhands, 29–33 Ed Wood, 39–41 Ledger, Heath, 88 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The, 56 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Lewis, Juliette, 34 50–51, 59, 88, 97 Libertine, The, 75–76 Feldman, Ilene, 13 Lugosi, Bela, 41, 42 Fenn, Sherilyn, 16–17, 22 Finding Neverland, 67–68, 75 Mad Hatter, 93 Flame (band), 11 Mafia, 46–48 From Hell, 64–65 Malkovich, John, 58 Man Ray (restaurant), 58 Gilliam, Terry, 88 Masterson, Mary Stuart, 33 girlfriends, 12, 17, 26, 37–38, 54–55. media, 27, 55, 57–58, 62 See also Paradis, Vanessa Moss, Kate, 37, 45, 52 Golden Turkey Awards, 41 movies, Depp’s, 15, 17, 18, 26, 29, green screen, 93 33–34, 39, 43, 46, 50, 52, 53, 59, Grey, Jennifer, 22 62, 64, 67, 69, 73, 75, 78, 81, 82, Grieco, Richard, 23, 24–25 86, 88, 91, 96 music, 4, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 35, 57, HMS Bounty, 83 69; on film, 86–87 Hollywood Walk of Fame, star on, Mutiny on the Bounty, 83 61–62 Native Americans, 10, 44 Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Nightmare on Elm Street, A, 13–16, The, 88 33 Ninth Gate, The, 53, 54 Jack the Ripper, 64–65 Jenco, Sal, 22 Once Upon a Time in Mexico, 73–74 Jolie, Angelina, 97 Jung, George, 62–63 P (band), 35 Pacino, Al, 48, 49 Kids, the (band), 11, 13. See also Six paparazzi, 27, 55, 57–58, 62 Gun Method Paradis, Vanessa, 54–55, 57–58, King, Stephen, 75, 77 61, 64, 68, 76, 87; on marriage, Knightley, Keira, 82, 84, 96 95–96 111

Paris, France, 54 Sleepy Hollow, 56–57, 59 Penn, Sean, 58, 76 sound track, Sweeny Todd, 87 Pepe Le Pew, 70 Sparrow, Captain Jack, 69–72, 73, Peter Pan, 67–68 84–85, 86, 96; inspirations for, Phoenix, River, death of, 35, 38–39 69–70 pirates, 69–70, 85 special effects, 93 Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, 84 Black Pearl, 69–73, 76; Dead Stone, Oliver, 18–19 Man’s Chest, 82–86; On Stranger Sweeney Todd, 86–88 Tides, 96; At World’s End, 82, 86 Pistone, Joe, 46–49 television, 5–7. See also 21 Jump Plan 9 from Outer Space, 41 Street Platoon, 4, 18–20 Thompson, Hunter S., 50–51, 96–97 Polanski, Roman, 53 Tourist, The, 97 privacy, 58, 62 21 Jump Street, 5–7, 18, 20–27 Public Enemies, 88–89 punk rock, 11–13 United States, Depp’s view of, 62, 74–75 Red Hot Chili Peppers, 35 Ricci, Christina, 56 Verbinski, Gore, 85 Richards, Keith, 69–70, 85 Vietnam War, 9, 18 Rock City Angels (band), 20 Viper Room, 35–36, 38, 58 Rolling Stones, 69–70 Ryder, Winona, 26–27, 30–31, 33 Wasikowska, Mia, 94 Waters, John, 26 screenplays, 44, 77 What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, 34–35, Secret Window, 75, 76–77 59 self-mutilation, 37 Wilder, Gene, 79 Serpico, 48 , 79 ships, 83 Wood, Ed, 40–41 Six Gun Method (band), 13, 15 112 “ · Johnny Depp: Hollywood Rebel

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About the Author

Matt Doeden is a writer and editor who lives in New Prague, Minnesota. After earning degrees in journalism and psychology from Minnesota State University-Mankato, he began his career as a sports writer. Since then, he’s spent nearly a decade writing and editing high- interest nonfiction, with more than fifty titles to his name on topics that range from extreme sports to military equipment to graphic novels. In the Sports Heroes and Legends series, his titles include Tiger Woods, Dale Earnhardt Jr., and Lance Armstrong. His Motor Mania titles include Crazy Cars and Lowriders. Among his other books are Green Day and Will Smith. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK As USA TODAY, the Nation’s No. 1 Newspaper, puts it, Johnny Depp “clearly has a blast transforming his handsome self into some strange cinematic characters.” Depp’s career took off in 1987 when he signed up to play a cop on the television series 21 Jump Street. His good looks earned him plenty of attention—and plenty of money.

But Depp had no interest in being a TV star or a teen idol. He wanted interesting roles in challenging films. He disappeared into the title roles in Edward Scissorhands, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Donnie Brasco, and Ed Wood. Then in 2003, a new Depp character introduced the actor to a new generation of moviegoers. He became Captain —the gold-toothed, swaggering, and completely untrustworthy leader of the pirates of the Caribbean. In his third decade as an actor, Depp is respected by critics and popular with a wide range of fans. He’s at the top of his career—and still having a blast.

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