Alwyn and Lynda McLeary Torr na Locha croft PA67 6DH 15th November 2004 Angus Gilmour Head of Planning Council Kilmory Lochgilphead

Dear Mr. Gilmour, Appendix relative to 03/02347/DET

We are writing to you to express our concern at the information to be found in the above document on the Argyll and Bute council website section b) IV) applicants supporting statement. This statement implies that we have stopped Mr and Mrs Logan from accessing their croft via the existing access track which is in our ownership, i.e. “When Mr and Mrs McLeary obtained the land from Ms Scott and Mr James in October 2000. Mr Logan’s use of the access was there after not possible”. This is incorrect. At no time have we challenged or tried to stop the Logans, or indeed anybody, from using this access track. The Logans and the numerous people who graze animals on their croft continue to use this access track. We are concerned that this incorrect statement is present in a public-domain document and request that it be corrected.

For your information when this problem came to light we were willing to give the Logans the access rights that they requested. In return we wanted the Logans to meet our legal fees for doing this and to give us an assurance that they would behave in a reasonable manner towards us in the future, no other payment was requested. This assurance was sought by us after an incident where Mr Logan swore at my husband Alwyn McLeary and another episode where Mr Logan threatened to remove our small plastic post box from our fence with his JCB. We felt this was unreasonable behaviour.

During correspondence between our solicitors the Logans intimated that they did not feel that they had behaved unreasonably and were unwilling to give us any assurance that they would behave in a reasonable manner towards us in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read this correspondence, if you require any further information please let us know.

Yours sincerely,

Lynda McLeary