Dr Győző Vörös Győző Vörös Hungarian Academy of Arts H-1014 Budapest Országház u. 19. Hungary Machaerus: Excavations and Surveys
[email protected] (2009-2012) Machaerus, the Herodian fortified royal trial excavation, conducted by the American- palace overlooking the Dead Sea in Transjordan, ordained Baptist Minister E. Jerry Vardaman is the historical place where, according to (1927 - 2000) in June 1968, lasted for three Flavius Josephus (Antiquitates Judaicae XVIII weeks. All of the 4,973 archaeological 5, 2) one of the holiest men of his era (known objects excavated at Machaerus at that time variously as Yokhanan the Baptizer; Saint John were exported to the United States with the the Baptist, the Forerunner and Precursor of permission of the Jordanian government, but Jesus Christ; Prophet Yahya ibn Zakariyya) was the work was never published. We will return imprisoned and executed by the Tetrarch Herod to this topic at the end of this paper. Antipas nearly 2,000 years ago. The Hungarian The second and the third Machaerus Academy of Arts in collaboration with the excavations were led (in 1978 - 1981 and 1992 Department of Antiquities of Jordan has been - 1993) by two well-known professors of the conducting archaeological excavations and Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem: architectural surveys at the ancient royal palace Virgilio Canio Corbo (1918 - 1991) and Michele and city of Machaerus hilltop since July 2009 Piccirillo (1944 - 2008). Although the results (FIG. 1). of their excavations were not presented in Josephus described the citadel of Machaerus definitive final reports, they published several and its lower city in detail (BJ VII, 6).