The Cinema of Federico Fellini and 8½
THE CINEMA OF FEDERICO FELLINI AND 8½ ROBERT J. CARDULLO (University of Kurdistan-Hewlêr, Erbil, Iraq) Sommario L’articolo ripercorre i grandi temi del cinema di Federico Fellini alla luce della sua biografia: nel nodo tra arte e vita, l’autore vede i segni di un rapido superamento delle strettoie del neorealismo, da cui il regista era partito, e un approdo ai grandi temi di un’immaginazione, qui definita ‘neo-romantica’, che si muove tra sogno e realtà, tragedia e commedia. In questa prospettiva 8½ rappresenta, attraverso la figura dell’alter ego Guido, una vera e propria summa delle ossessioni del regista riminese, un gioco di specchi in cui la ricerca dell’identità e l’aspirazione alla libertà sono fatalmente frustrate. Keywords: Fellini – biografia – immaginazione Fellini and Life I was going to begin this essay with some facts about Federico Fellini’s life. But any such account, I quickly realised, must be approximate. For Fellini enjoyed obfuscation, and his own recollections about his past varied according to whim. Indeed, his enemies often labelled him a bugiardo, a big liar; and his wife, Giulietta Masina, herself said that Federico blushed only when he told the truth. Yet his many friends generally discerned in him a rare sincerity. Both qualities – the obfuscatory or evasive, the sincere or revelatory – course through Fellini’s interviews, and these qualities are not unrelated to the intermingling in his films themselves of fantasy and verity, reality and illusion. “You could call hallucination a deeper reality,” Fellini once told the interviewer Dan Yakir. “In any event, I see no line between the imaginary and the actual” (35).
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