CHILD OF THE CENTURY Written by Scott Jacobs Adapted from the book by Ben Hecht (c) Scott Jacobs 2326 W. Medill Chicago, IL 60647 773-517-6008 Email:
[email protected] March 12, 2020 ii. CAST Principals:(6) Ben Hecht . Narrator Ben Hecht . writer/actor Rose Caylor . wife Charles MacArthur . co-writer Herman Mankiewicz . screenwriter Peter Bergman . activist Featured Players:(11) playing multiple roles Sherman Reilly Duffy Margaret Anderson Sherwood Anderson Carl Sandburg Adolph Hitler John Barrymore Charles Ort Mac McEvoy Franny Brice Stoolie Don DiMico Rabbi Chaim Levin Cameos/Extras/Other: Hecht’s Mother, Unicyclist, Bearded Lady, Silk Dancer, Deliveryman, Harry the Acrobat, Bursar, Frat Boys(3), Uncle Manny, John Eastman, Martin Hutchens, Henry Justin Smith, Brooks Beitler, Copyboy, Queen Lil, Whores(2), Malloy, Clarence Darrow, Neighborhood Jews(2), Keating, Cuban President, Cap’n Loftus, The Pinheads(twins), Captain Helpern, Rabbis(4), Harpo Marx, Helen Hayes, Bill “Mr. Bojangles” Robinson, David O. Selznick, Victor Fleming, Billy Rose, Marlon Brando. Act I A relaxed Ben Hecht, the very picture of his picture, sits in a spotlight off to the side of an empty stage, a half-smoked cigar dangling from his fingers. The black background is a huge video scrim stretched across the span of the stage. HECHT NARRATOR For a number of years, I have thought of writing a book about myself. I deferred believing that I might become brighter and better informed as I grew older. I was, in my dreams, never quite finished with becoming what I hoped to be. But I have decided to put away such convenient humility because, obviously, if I keep postponing the task, no book at all will come to pass and the empire I call myself will vanish without any chronicle from the man most suited to provide it –– me.