See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Pandamaran Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Second Interpretation Preprint · May 2020 CITATIONS READS 0 64 1 author: Andrew Das Arulsamy Institute of Interdisciplinary Science, Pandamaran, Malaysia 108 PUBLICATIONS 464 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Pancharatnam Phase View project All content following this page was uploaded by Andrew Das Arulsamy on 25 December 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. 1 Pandamaran Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Second Interpretation Andrew Das Arulsamy Condensed Matter Group, Institute of Interdisciplinary Science, No. 24, level-4, Block C, Lorong Bahagia, Pandamaran, 42000 Port Klang, Selangor DE, Malaysia e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Interpreting quantum mechanics is a hard problem basically because it means explaining why and how the mathematics exploited to formulate wave-particle duality are related to obser- vations or reality. Consequently, interpretation of quantum mechanics should involve proper physical mathematics and physical logic, which is often not the case from the Copenhagen interpretation. Here, we shall revisit all the postulates of quantum mechanics with proper physics and physical logic and reconstruct them to establish the physically less-complex Pan- damaran interpretation of quantum mechanics. Keywords: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics; Copenhagen interpretation; Pandamaran interpretation. §1. Introduction Due to unsettled issues within the foundations of quantum mechanics, we have three main options for scientists to choose from when asked about the position of a ‘quantum’ particle before measurement.[1] A quantum particle here usually means an electron or a photon, which can be detected as free particles.