COVER.pdf 1 9/19/11 10:16 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K INAUGURAL ANNUAL REPORT 2010 — 2011 Building a Global Community of New Economic Thinkers Institute for New Economic Thinking 570 Lexington Avenue, 39th Floor New York, NY 10022 USA 212.444.9612
[email protected] © 2011 Institute for New Economic Thinking. All rights reserved. SPREAD 2-3.pdf 1 9/19/11 10:17 AM A Message from the Executive Director Dear Friends, I am pleased to present the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s inaugural annual report to showcase I am frequently inspired as I travel around the world and meet with scholars, our activities to date, underscore our mission, and disclose our operations. policymakers, and businessmen across all spectrums and cultures. I sense a common goal and desire, a shared purpose. Many in the profession, in the The crisis of 2008 revealed to the world that the economics and nancial professions are not fullling their private and public sectors as well as in the academy, share an aching feeling responsibility to bring expertise to bear for the betterment of the human condition. Economic expertise inside that something is amiss. I have faith that many people across the gamut has incurred severe damage to its credibility. One of the positive outcomes of this is that timeless and want to contribute to making the world a better place for their children and recurring debates about how to conceive of economic research and the economy are reopening. It is future generations. within this context of the needed re-examination of the practices of the profession that INET was founded 18 months ago.