Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 52(2) 1985
July 1985 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS of The Helminthologieal Society of Washington t . ' .7*11 ',}/•' A semiannual /ourna/ of research devofed fo He/m/nffio/ogy and all branches of''Parasitolo'gy >/7: ;v-- ' ••;••• .-;• -.•>•-•_• '-. ' >/..' ..'" :. :;'/.) " ••• - " / ; -Supported in part by the Brayton H. Ransorn Memorial Trust Fund ,/._'. *•- ' .'. SAYRE, RICHARD M., AND MORTIMER P. STARR. Pasteuria penetrans (ex Thprne, 1940) nom. rev., comb, n., sp. n., a Mycelial and Endospore-Forming Bacterium Parasitic in Plant-Parasitic Nematodes ,__*_;: ;_... ., „...._:_ _ 149 CAiRA,rJ. N. Calliobdthrium evani sp. n.'(Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) from the .; •:./ Gulf of California, with a Redescription of the Hooks of C. lintoni, and a Proposal ;;; /- " . for Onchobothriid Hook Terminology „.... ,,„•::.' 166 BUOBINIS-GRAY, LEON F., JOSEPH E..TOOLE, AND KENNETH C. CORKUM. E>jstributipn and Fine Structure of Tegumental Receptors in Onchodedius cyanellus (Mono- - -.-< rgenea: Ancyrocephalinae) J , '.. _..; 175 NICOL, JAMES T.,;RICHARDDEMAREE,~JR.^AKD DONALD M.WOOTTON. Levinseiiiella (Monarrhenos) ophidea sp. n. (Trematpda: Microphallidae) from.,the Western ";. , Garter Snake, Thamnophis elegans, and the Bullfrog, Rana .catesbeiana = 180 j HAYUNGA, EUGENE G., GEORGE V: HILLYER, MICHAEL STEK, JR., MARY P. SUMNER, ,-'JJOHN F. DUNCAN, AND CHRISTINE DEISANTI. Attempted Immunization of Mice ).. Against Schistosoma mansorii by Inoculation with Purified Glycoprptein Antigens :; from Adult Worms _ : .'; 184 JC0IE, MARIA'NNE, AND R. J. G. LESTER. Larval Didymozoids (Trematoda) in -Fishes from Moreton Bay, Australia .: '..: ., .1......... „. l..,..ll.. 196 JAY, JEREMY M., AND NORMAN O. DRONEN. The Effects of Parasitism,and Long Term ^., Cutaneous Respiration Upon the Survival and Egg Production of the Lymnaeid ; V Snail, Stagnicdla bulimoides techella .,. _ r....;,.l....:.
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