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8-24-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-24-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-24-1918." (1918). abq_mj_news/185

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Germans Meeting With Defeat Washington Sees the End of Rupprecht Throws Reserves Some Amendments Have Been From Region of Arras to Supreme Commander's nto the Battle, Only to Have Accepted, but the 18 to 45 North of Soissons, a Dis- Whittling Tactics as Offen- Them Immediately Wiped Age Limit it is Thought Will tance of Fifty Miles, sive Rages All Along Front, Out by Allied Gunners, Remaiy" Unchanged,,


HDns Hamper Allied Advance The Fact That Have Not They Confusion Reigns tlehind Teu- Mr, Wilson Is Understood to Momentarily in Places but Been Mentioned in Late Di- ton Lines; Foe Loses Much Have Stated That Such a Finally Are Swept Aside spatches' Causes Speculation Ground, Many Prisoners, Provision Would Re Unnec- With Enormous Losses, as to Whereabouts, Vast Quantities Supplies, essary at Present Time, V

mlaled Y MORNtNO JOURNAL RPICAL LEASKO WIRC1 (l War load by the Associated IRY MOPNINfl 28. JOUWNAL aPICIAl tACO MMRR tRV MORNINa JOURNAL tRICIAL LIARfO WIRt I'roxs.) Washington! Aug. Alost With ( the liiitish Army In Fiance, Washington, Aug. ',, Champions Over the fifty-mil- e battle succesi described in today's front - M, J . Aug. 23 (by" the Associated from the dispatches telling of the great allied Press). of the house military committee's region of Arras to the north offensive on Victorious on a buttle from of twuntv. of the fifty mile front plan to direct the war t Soissons the German armies ere from Soissons three miles extending from the Co- - department stretching northward 1 ( river on tho nurrli, acro-- s defer calling of of 18 and meeting with defeats which appar- to the environs of Arras raised hopes " Ijeul the youths THE CArJT. Ancre and Komnie to until older men have ently spell dlHaster. Everywhere th In military circles here for the most WALRAJf MORR.I5TEY riers almost years Joined the severe Linens, the third and fourth Hritisl colors under the man-pow- bill British and French forces have con- defeat yet administerd to the r Captain Cl.iYUm Morrissfy, of tho Glow-rate- flsliliij; f. Iiooncr Walrus, off the Now ast was ut-- 1 armies under General Uen- - tinued on the attack the enemy ha Germans. Observers were of the opin- tucked a Fngluiul it Pyng and draft ages limits to IS to 43 by German siilnniii ,,,. Two shots went across bis bow. was .sail I mld-a- tae-tic- llc unarmed. He ordered on eral Itawlison at f tcrnoon were been ion General s I bri-c.- sanguinarily worsted. And the that Foeh's whittling his ship spread to he and le escaped. cuiy years lost their Initial fight in. the end to his trials is not In of the six weeks have been vigorously following up their sue yet sight. past reuses of house lute today and the way wus To the British, over the miles sp effective that has come today, which apparently hai thirty opportunity been one of the must paved for the passage of hill by of the fighting zone from the Cojue' for a glorious harvest. disasterons days thj ever by the Germans. the house tomorrow. The senate's river southeast of Arras, to , Absence of any mention of Amer- "U. S. Will With Allies experienced dl. Share The pos.-i- of south of the Snmnie, numerous towns ican troops in the of th'e enemy has lost wide stretches minor amendments caused descriptions of numerous thousand leaders to hope that the measnte have fallen. Enemy territory has great fight lo'd to interested specula- ground, towns, Their of men (pian-lltle- s could be also before been penetrated to a of tion as to the whereabouts of General Sacrifices of Food and Aiisiir made prisoner und large passed there the depth several of week-en- d miles. Pershrhg's divisions, which ac materials and guns. Ho also adjournment tomorrow. thirty had At the close of The French are between cording to recent announcement are to Blood in Cause " again has heavy casualties. of a day vigorous fighting ofDemocracy, RISK DEATH WITH debate the 167 the Matz river and the be included in the first American field frown Prince Rupprecht of Hut ar- house rejectod, to 120, territory north ia, the German the of Mc of Soissons. Goodly gains have been army. That all of these commander, has amendment Representative practically Hoover, Back From thrown his men In tho Kenssle of Into bll made in tho envelopment of units have completed the for Says Trip r before advanc Illinois, written the Noyon training niiintn ltritish armies in nn to by the directlnff and in the general maneuver which which they were with the ing effort military committee, brigaded stave off tho ta classification and seeks to crush or drive out the Gei-ma- French and British has been known (By Morning Journal Special Leased Wire) UMBUIULU inevitable, but only separate delayed PUWLI have call 18 to 20. from for some time. has been a New York, Aug. 23. The United "Upon North America falls the bur them mowed down again and of youths from Amend- the salient between1 the It thought ments So mme and the Ailette and to considerable numbtfr of Americans States will share with the allies their den of food supply. We have also to again by storms of metal which pour- by Representatives Johnson of put ed from Urltish Rlackman n- into Jeopardy the entire German line still are with the British third and sacrifice of food as well as blood In feed our own enormous army. We can the guns. One entire Washington, and of the enemy battalion was unnihllntcd dur- to fix the draft nge milmum at running to Rhclms. fourth armies and most of- cause of world democracy, declar- do it If we simply have the will to military ed French Fliers in Machine at ing the fighting. 15 and 21 years, jjIbo Fail to Way lluig's Swwjt, ficers were at a loss to understand Herbert C Hoover, federal food live with every economy and to waste respectively, to- Dead Germans In are were defeated. ', The Germans re- had not b(fen identified in administrator, on his arrival hero nothing. great numbers brought up targe why they Fort Worth Eacli Think the ' r ' inforcements to the of some of day, en route to Washington, after a "By the effort of our farm- scattered everywhere over the battle Asks Murines Sliind. stay Haig's armies capture the Important great field. As hut without avail. WHere were enemy brief visit to England apd . ers, our ITnifod States harvests arc Other Is in Control When an example, 400 enemy dead Dramatic touches wero, given'. th they positions overrun during the were In able to back Recent evidence Asserting that "we have to make better this but in we observed this morning 'on one debate the house by ftepresenta'tivn momentarily hold the'r day. of the mettle yejtr order that small foes the Germans of Pershing's forces made it certain good," a pledge to this effect which he may build up a surplus of wheat this They Begin Cutting Capers, piece of ground over which the Tllson of Connecticut, who amid finally to battle had swept. ' cheers called in ., were forcwr the around It was believed, that If 'American div. had given tho allied food adminis- year, as possible fail upon four marines for apo'nst crop HHIIsIt rosacs the to rtftiMl In their territoryt(dithey iifl V iejribfe IstOH wire with the ullicd troops, trators while Bitting" "al a common ta- ures such as we hiid last year, Wo have I)lit g!ilnrle vhice t,b,t ISY MOAN, NO JOURNAL MClAL LtAS0 WtRt With all fierce youth of Is make Mcnellent soldiers. price in killed, wounded and men their locality tonight would be at the ble lira common cause," Mr.. Hoover decided to mix 20 percent of other this fighting and ' Fort Worth, Tex., Aug, 211. An the fai t the Writ-IkI- i This was after John- made ' ape of the advance. said that, to do sr, America will nextj grains with wheat flour in all the notwithstanding that Representative, piisoner, mld-ul- r ' nave to 4.000,-000,0- wild in and at many have over son of Washington, had .s The entire Arras-Albe- rt road has Some advanced the theory the year supply the allies countries fighting fjermnny. Wo can- airplane running places fought presented been movement pounds of fats, ftliO, 000,000 not ask for bread Franco. cutting all tho capers that open ground Against an enemy pro- small 18 year old page In a siblter's crossed by the British., ' The of American divisions ta better than daring SOO.Ono.DOO tected in holes" and coat and trench to strongly held positions where the the sector assigned to the first Amer- pounds of beef products, Under .these arrangements, however, hucIi a machine l capable of per- "pot strong points helmet, support bushels of anil 1, of othor kinds, the British losses ev- his claim that olds are mere .Germans saw disaster facing them if ican army is under way. Concentra- cereals, .100,000 ton! the bread situation in the United forming, ' while two skilled Frolic") It year tion of sugar. However, Mr. Hoover add States will be much easier Inst erywhere seem to have been extra- rhildren. Representative Olney . of they fell were stormed and captured at this time of the United States than aviators sat in t lie I r seats 1 calmly each light. This Is due aroused the and the British passed them going division on the front, ed, beginning September there will year, and in allied countries un enorm- ordinarily probably Massachusetts, patriotism ' be no need for drastic food ration! believing the other was directing the of the house members during the de- eastward. Notable among these when the forward movement of the np ous improvement. on in the allied in amazed American avi- (Continued Page Two.) bate British and French places were Achlct Le Grand, where more northern ' armies promises so countries, except the Had Winter In KuroiM, flight, recently by declaring case of officers conceded It was bitter has been In progres-- much might mean General Foch has sugar and beef. "It will be a bad winter in Europe, ation officers and cadets nere who that the fighting Chateau-Thierr- y Gomie-cour- Praise Work of Women. because American marines who at for several days; Uoyelles and t, assigned to Pershing some important coal will be much shorter watched its startling gyrations. "The harvests of huir-ralsln- g the German rush In northeast of Albert. task closely linked with the major Franco, Kngland there than even last winter, and the Eventually, after loops, CAMDUFLAG ;e stopped and are one side-slip- s is saved ( The taking of Achlet, and farther strategy. Italy better than could health of their populations cannot be dives and in which the air- July and Paris. in of Plans, for a final vote on the east of the town of Bihucourt, gives expect the tremendous drain maintained if they, in addition, are plane almost grazed tho earth, it dove man-pow- er to the Mr. Hoover to in in tho house were lost in llalg a dominating position over front," be also restricted their allow nose first into the ground, driving the tonight u me from which the said in a statement tonight. "This Is ance of bread and fats. engine back through the fusilage u the midst of a wrangle over an amajid.. Baps railway SERVICE Oil due to tho women. is no EVER CHANGING ment ot and highways runs eastward to Cam- 0,1 There sight "The only real difficulty in the to where one of the aviators sat, but by Representative Madden, brel. Farther south the old fortress in the world that would appeal to the United States is sugar and that Is Injuring neither of them. Illinois, prohibiting deferred classi of is surrounded on three American heart as that of the literal- shortage that cannot be helped. We Have Brought Dmvtl 1W. fication of government employes be Thlcpval millions of women all cause of Before a sides and its capitulation must follow ly doing the cannot take ships from our army or The two French aviators who so their employment. British of Albert. S. Blf. TO BE work of getting in the harvests while allies and send them to the Eaft In- narrowly escaped death were I.e ART TQ AIRMEN vote roulil, be taken a motion to ad- Kat I. men dies' saw the British stand- their are at work in tho shops to feti'h us candy and sweet Maitre and Soulier, who have brought journ was carried and the amendment Friday night and back di- with well to the cast of Albert, anc driving the Oermans." drinks, and we will simply have to down several German airplanes in the several others of a minor nature ing Of the foodstuffs which America vide the West went over tomorrow. south of the Rom me they were hold- Indian sugar with th'i fighting on tlie we.'itern front 'n until must export, Mr. Hoover said: allies." Wilson fires Senators. ing Chuignolles and and ha'! E France. lV MQWNINQ JOURNAL RFCCIAL LtCO W,R ' I President .Wilson In a conference . thrown out forces eastward to out- UEDATOi l,e Maitre was in the back seat an Behind British Linos In the France, with Senators Martin and Simmons flank on the south and Chaulne took the pluno from the ground. Tin Aug. 23. British Bray present and definite demands for an Kvery and American exerted his Influence to have the on the north. machine had climbed a few hundrco airman nowadays undergoes a special MORN, NO increase, but stated the miners were amendments on JOURNAL :, AL Seulier his hands to "oounlcr-cumou-flnge- placing restrictions Midway of the battle line south o' fl LAS WIRI) GARFIELD NOT TO feet when raised course of in ." demanding a substitute for tho bon- training the of of IS and 19 de- the around there has' ' Denver, Aug. 23. When A. F. his. head, the usual signal of a pilot He is told all Hie of calling youths Roye uses Vnany of them had been receiv- tricks the feated. The also was been little fighting, tho allied com. Whitney, spokesman for the Joint that he will take control of the plane German camouflage artist to deceive presidont under, committee ing, and that they wanted a flat wage stood to have informed the senators mandcr evidently reasoning that wiU of the union employes of So 1.0 Maitre sat at ease. the entente airmen, anil hfs eye Is & than the present scalo. It was that In his or both wings of his offensive neai the Denver Salt Lake railroad, who larger Then for eight minutes the airplane trained to all opinion the "work APPROVE M IIERS also represented that the rtilnqrs are carefully penetrate the as in the Arras and Soissons--workin- g smooth-l- have been on strike, received a tele gave a tno iiko oi wnicn devices fight" amendment reported not receiving a living wage, and that performance of the enemy, bill to was In the movement which is to gram tonight from W. S. Carter of never before had been seen by the It is diamond cut the senate, unnecessary. likely under the burden of tho high cost of diamond all tho Senators of Compel the Germans to seek tho division of labor of the railway spectators. H comprised the whole time In the contest between Ger- Lodge Massachusetts, refug" living most mine workers were suf- the and Thomas of Colorado, made (he behind the old Hlndenbtlrg lino administration at Washington telling known category of stunts and addej man camouflage expert und the allied soon will to him of the action of the fering hardship. new ones, with suddenness principal speeches today In the son-at- e ground have be given government El "If It were only a ea,se of .abolish- amusing observers. Troops may bo moved on in over the TliOHe In wonderment in behalf of the bill, the here automatically in order to save taking line, he declared of below gasped roads canopied by camouflage canvas, latjet that the was ing the practice paying bonuses,' machine divel supporting his work or fight amend" large numbers of men, guns and sup strike automatically of. one of tho officials said in his when the suddenly but there Is camouflage also even In 1 ne crews will pica a of It ment and saying it casts no reflics-- lies from capture. train report for work "wo not be here. Tho miners within few feet tho ground. tho business of moving troops In the tomorrow and would one would tlon on organized labor but Is aimed Huns on Dungfrous Ground. service will be resumed live and seemed impossible that any open, where the Germans a ' as soon as Request for a Flat 'Boost Is cannot support their families such dex- practices at Industrial slackers. yVith the continuation of the possible. The first train handle the machine with simple little deception b)y on the wages they get." varying' Black of Texas, gaVe-notic- French drive from the Matz rivet will leave Denver over the road at 9 terity and reckless abandon. thfc between one ami the Representative ; Denied; Will Also Take "Bonuses are an evil and must be spacing rank in the house that he. would In- the bend in the line to oclock tomorrow morning and run as AmazWI. , a ob- around the stopped," rr. Garfield said In reply Spectators' next, so that In long column the troduce tomorrow a work or north of Soissons, however, far as Tabernash, carrying food sup- to Tho spectators, however, saw Lie of on fight partlcu Steps Stop Objectionable "I am already 'acting upon that ques server's estimate the numbers amendment Bimllar to that Incorpor- larly north of Soissons, the Germans plies, mail and passengers. tion. wages the Maitre and Soulier smiling calmly. the move Is hopelessly Inaccurate. Under tonus Concerning govern crashed down- ated in the senate draft of the bill. still within the lower portion of th government control, Mr, Payment System, ment is at the Suddenly the plane The airplane observer of has present investigating today May Take Congressmen. ; are on the strike for and buried its nose In the earth. first-rat- e old salient apparently danger- Whitney said, stopped cost of living and wage conditions ward to combine the wits of a The house to an amendment the unions an with 1ST from un- agreed ous ground. The French are engagej had agreement MOKNINII JOURNAL AtClL LCAIO WIRt the country. This will in The aviators stepped calmly with tho eyes of an eagle. He the to throughout demolished and faced by Representative Gregg of Texas, In their drive in this region. They government as wages. Washington, Aug. 23. Increase In of course, conditions In mln der the piano has first to see, then to and con- W. elude, the deduce, which would take members of crossed-th- Divette river near R, receiver for the the of I each other. to have Freeman, wages coal miners as a substi- ing fields. shall do all in my power has be certain that he Is not mak- gress of Btate as well and ut several other road, said that had no tute for "What do you think you are doing, and legislatures Evricourt points tonight he the payment of bonuses will to see that the commission Investigat ing deductions from falxlfied evidence. as state federal executive officers lia- forded Ailette the Oise yet received orders from not be to scare me, eh?" said con- have he and the govern approved by Fuel Administra ing that subjoct Is put In full pos anyway; trying A heavy howitzer Is sometimes ble under the draft. More than 109 and north of Soissons are standing' ment but he made plans to start serv- tor uarrield. President J. session of the facts mine Le Maitre. verted. Into a woodland and a ice Frank concerning growth members of congress would be sub. east of Basneux and to the west of tomorrow on the assumption that Mayes and other officials of the L'ni workers and be governed its find- "What was I trylns to do?" echoed grove of brushwood erected aJiout It. by to Ject to the draft- if the amendment Crccy .Ail Mont., A. swift turning! the government desired trains started ted Mine Workers of America received Soulier. "What were you trjing But suppose a gun Is seen nakedly ings. " ' ' were enacted Into law. An amend' - s well-wor- movement across the Oise from the immediately. Under government own- this answer frem the fuel administra Garfield Reuuctrt. do to me?" plain, with n tracks loading ment MeCulloch would be to Mr. Freeman did not it that durina the by Representative latter region likely work ersntp, said, he tor today in response to their re "But the proposal' to consider an Then developed to it, and as an Airplane appears which also was to would re- . .. ' know what his been In the agreed havoc . . , future connection with quest for a flat increase In wages In advance of mine wages by Itself raises eight minutes they had above, flashes coming from the gun? of all citizens of the road would be. quire the enrollment . Although the Americans at the It would be lm. lieu of the payment of bonuses. They a different question. Speaking air neither aviator had touched the The obvious deduction Is that here is he wholly nations and make them commencement of the Somme offen- possioie, said, for him to hold the were also told drastic steps would be in your behalf and at your request, 1 controls. Soulier had been mcre'v a dummy-gu- with flashes. of dummy subject to draft in this country except sive were brigaded with the British positions receiver and director of laKen to stop tne bonus system. the of the United adjusting his helmet wrhen Le Maltri Intended to draw the bombs of tho ' ' promised president where treaties would be violated. bank - of the the road. The plana for over Bonuses Arm . no movement and mistook it for along the northern taking nn ''EvA." States last October that further in saw the airplane and the fire of the British The house also voted favorably on no of their havint tne road, he said, were those out- Bonuses were would be Soulier intended 'to tal.o It Somme, mention characterized by Mr, creases in wages asked for a signal that batteries. But may be the real gun an amendment by Representative has been lined by him- - He had been Garfield as of can- of the While the de- taken .part in the fighting urgins "an evil." He announcer) during the period the. war; I control airplane. nfter all. Exposed for purposes of Campbell of liahaas, placing 'farmers made. the government to take action for that the first action toward forcing not and will not break that promise." machine was running wild each avi- ception. some he said. was to in deferred classification. time, the abandonment of the Convinced they could not obtain Dr. ator thought the other trying Troops In woods are wc1! All In were service on practice hiding votes the house today Freight the line was would be a reduction of 20. cents In Garfield's approval of their request for have a little fun at his expense. concealed observation in to ,from airplane the committee .of the whole and U suspended last Tuesday when v- th the Cambridge and fields ot the Increase, the miners told him they "I was determined not exhibit so lonflf as are motionless. But THE WEATHER crews Hocking they is expected that at least one of them, freight train struck because Ohio and a reduction of five cents a would do the best they could "to keen any feeling," said Iss Maitre when the let one man move, and detection of the McKenzie had not ' amendment, will be they received their share of ton in all other Ohio fields excepting things going." , situation was explained.. ':i thougni the whole follow. the of a which to tea party tnny subject separate vote when FORECAST. $242,000 they claimed was due tne eighth district. Soulier was trying some stunts the house resumes formal them in back since ' ' technically New Mexico Saturday and Sunday wages last Janu The Ohio field, officials of the ad- EMPRESS UNNERVED my nerve." TEAR GAS LEAKS AND session before the final vote. warmer in south por- ary. Wednesday the serv ministration was tho same sail generally fair; passenger said, the heart of "I thought thing,", In disposing of minor amendments, tion ice on the line was when the bonus which BY WAR'S HORRORS Saturday. suspended practice has led to Soulier. PASSENGERS WEEP the senate adopted the provision au- Arizona Saturday-an- d gen- the passenger trainmen in the dissatisfaction Sunday joined the among the miners. thorizing the transfer of draft board much in tem- strike. Dr. Garfield T MOBNINd JOUSMAL ' I". S. Aviator Killed. erally fair; not change recalled to Mr. Hayes (MCIAI LCAtO tmr MORMtNC JOURNAL CeAL LtARf WIRtl members within their own states a , ; and the other miners' officials that Amsterdam, Aug. 23. ,) With the American Army on the 23. perature. ' Empress Brighton, England, Aug. Sev desired by Provost Marshal General Americana Kaid Oonflaao. of 111. 23 the Associ- they had ratified the Wash- Augusta Victoria Germany is Vesle Front, Aug. (by eral hundred passengers at the statlor Crowder. ex- the Ver-die- r, Senator Chamberlain LOCAfc nrvoRT. With American Army in France, ington wage agreement at their bien- the Lokal A'hzeiger of Berlin ated Press). Lieutenant Louis here for were Was ' A 23 says. waiting trains recently plained that such a provision summary of local weathor condi Aug. (by the Associated Press.) nial convention, under which the The Berlin Vossische Zeitung says formerly head of the I Fayette observed to he r weeping bitterly, for needed to. insure proper officials in tlons for the twenty-fou- .hours end American bombing airplanes flew ov- wage Increase them last Oc- that" the is squadron, a' brother of Paul ' granted einpres suffering from flying quite an hour. The cause was event' some districts where the pop- -, fed at S p. m. yesterday follows: Max- Conflans between Verdun and tober was to San Francisco, has been foreign er' remain in force tor the nervous depression, due to her num Verdier of ually found, to be from two of ulation and atso In M imum 89. min- Metz, twice-th- ls afternoon and to Inform-atl- o pints predominated temperature, degrees:, drop- duration of the war, "not to exceed erous visits to the hospital and talks killed in action, according tear gas" which had leaked from a trlcta in which local' draft officials imum, 55; range, 34;' teperatur at .6 ped 41 bombs. . Six bombs were ob- two from 1, 1918.' wounded from re- here. No details are year April with the the most received carboy and which had permeated the have been derelict In. adminlstertnf Bouth served to niak - - - - p. h Hi wind; clear, direct hits, , ; The miners' representative! did npl cent offensive, r , given In the report, ' ; of the whole station. ,aw trnosphere - ., sews,,, j 3 rJ. r two Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918.

BRITISH STEJUWER' i GRADE-GROSS- ANTI-BOLSHEV- IK FIVE CADETS ARE NICK I WAS URGED "llHAT I particularly like about; Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is HOMED IS S II IS TROUBLESOME GOVERNMENTS IN GOAIAI HAI BY TO RULE its mild but thorough action on the bowels.1 y It has been very helpful in relieving my nine--' U-B- OA II d who had been BY ENEMY year-ol- son, constipated since TO YM DRIVER! TROROUGRAGGORD CAM P GRANT ILL WITH IRON HAND s i , a baby. , a letter to Dr, Caldwell written by (FromC. K. Jaffray, 51 MadUou Street. I ' ( MORNINU Brooklyn, N, Y. U freighter Is Sent to Bottom Everywhere in France Gates All Siberia Virtually Is Under Lads From New Mexico Mi- JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE Amsterdam, Aug. 23. A of 125 Miles- East of New at Railroads Interfere With One to the policy 2 s Regime. Opposed litary Institute Assigned to unrelenting power," was urged upon Lenine-Trotz- the former Russian his York,' With oss of Two of Army Chauffeurs on Hurried ky Duties in Regular emperor by Faction, Army mother, the dowager empress of Rus Dr. Caldwell's Crew Others sia, in Wounded, Missions, Washington Hears, . After Strenuous Training, early 1916. according to the secret diary of the emperor as pub- lished by the Izkestia of Moscow. The s aowiHt journal .pscial haseo wirei tT MORNIN. JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE) 1BY MORNINC3 JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNI NO JOURNAL) alleged lotter was dated January 14. New .Tork, Aug. 23. Shelled and Somewhere in France, Aug. 23. I.' Washington, Aug. 23. Assurances Roswell, N. M., Aug. 23. That all J 916, shortly before the assembly of Syrup Pepsin the torpedoed by a big German submarine avorago American army chauffoui reached the state department today of the New Mexico military cadets the first duma. According to a Mos The Perfect Laxative were aRked "What is the nui- that the cow to Just at sunrise Wednesday, tho Brit- biggest governments assigned last spring to the officers' dispatch the Rheinischo West ish was sance in France?" he would, in ninety-- at Omsk and Vladivostok are in full Faelische of ab- freighter Diomed sunk with 111., Zeitung Essen, the nine training at Camp Grant, the loss of two of her crew and cases out of a hundred, reply accord, which officials said, meant camp breviated text reads: Sold with the have been commissioned as licuton by Druggists Everywhere wounding of many others, 125 miles greatest promptness, "the that all Siberia virtually is under one "Dear Nicky: We are ants In the States is deep! east of New Tork. Of tho 104 sur- grade crossing." government with a small portion near United army, the thankful for your 'dear letter. It 50 cts. $1.00 vivors brought here by another steam- There are thousands of grade cross. Irkutsk controlled by Bolsheviki for Interesting announcement officially breathes a nw If earlier w G) on ces aided spirit. ship, many had been cut by shrapnel ings every railway in France, ana by former German and Aus received at the institulo here. Thos? had been more energetic and shown and every one. of them is a trian scalded by steam when a torpedo protected by prisoners. who entered the camp and who re- more firmness In the exercise o' crashed set of which into The between ' twe Free from opiates and narcotic and pleas-- through the boiler room. gates, drop positiot agreement tho ceived commissions are Cadets Robert power much would have been avoid- drugs ' Though attacked without long before a train gets near the spot governments was considered by offi ed. I do not Wittr. warning, Wiley of Silver City, rT. id.; C. E. understand why ant to the taste, it acts easily and and m the Dlomed's gun crew answered the and apparently remain there Ion. cials here as one of the most import (one time Russia lost so naturally the ant in Glasco, Colorado; U. Ros- premier) German fire, but without effect. Af- after train has passed. developments the Russian tan I. Wyatt, much time. restores normal regularity. A trial bottle can ter shot Many an army gle since the overthrow of the Keren well; Duncan Texas; Clyde their twelfth at the chauffeur, taking Cooper, "Now to the question which greatly be free cne of the his fill of speed along a tree sky government. The first Mr. who obtained of tc submersible's shells disabled straight, difficulty Sanborn, Roswell. Wiley, occupies and me the ques- charge' by writing lined "national hi? tho Siberian governments have to disquiets the freighter's steering gear. The road," has found was second in tho corps of tion of tho do- Dr. W. B. 458 faco is the eradication of Bolshe- captain cabinet and crown Caldwell, Washington Street raider's commander then way suddenly barred by an aggravat- the M. com- supplanted Austro-Ger-ma- cadets at tiie N. M. I., was mains which these swine want to take of vik Bed Guards and the n Illinois. gun fire with a torpedo. As the pro- ing pair crossing gates. Tho wa. missioned as the fourth offi- from us to various Monticello, tore trains of France are prisoners "of war now fighting ranking according their jectile amidships through tho long and heavy cer of those who received commis- party programs. must be Im- Diomed a was laden and seem to take an intermin- side by side. They control tho Trans They seaman killed. Others sions at Camp Giant. He was imme- pressed with tho fact that no ono were in flood able time in passing the given Kiiiermn railroad rrom Irkutsk on tracks. This happened just north of caught a of steam as the point. diately to overseas duty and shall dare to interfere with these per- boilers But after the become.? Lake Baikal to Manchuria assigned . Many of the burst, and one died aboard a American station, Is now on his way to France. gonal of and his prisoners lifeboat. reconciled to theso he about 200 miles from Karimskaya probably rights the emporor were officers. All AZTEC FUEL CO. delays begins Lieut. Sanborn and Lieut. Cooper were family. It would be a histori The was to find the passing trains an interest- where tho Amur river line branches great appeared glad they were taken, When submarine a large craft of assigned to the field artillery. Lieut. cal mistake if wo now gave way in the newest with desk fore ing study. The traffic which they off to the north. Troops of the allies asked about the Austrians the prison. type, guns Czocho-SIovak- Glasco and Lieut. Wyatt were returned tho is aided the s, control slightest point. Every concession crs the ond aft. Jt cruised among tho small carry always a picture of wartinif by as Instructors for the next camp. They would expressed greatest contempt which tho the Manchuriun line from Vladivostok ,be interpreted as weakness. for their allies as soldiers, boats, the captain said and offered activity American partic will be to t lie Our absolute now be sayinj they Jewett Fire takes to Manchuria station. assigned infantry. principle must were no good whatever. medical assistance to his wounded, but ularly a delight in analyzing. Naturally the institute feels exceed- a of Ml--, Tho Bolsheviki and on the policy unrelenting power." Brick. ill! he declined, fearing a ruse to make Ponderous, groaning ammunition prisoners ingly of the record attained by Slightly to tho south tho British Ussuri river are not considered here proud have some of his men prisoners. trains, with two giant locomotives these young offleers. They are boys, crossed the Anere river and as formidable, ns they have little to The the empresse-- coal and The Diomed, a 4.700 ton steel ves hissing at every joint, lumber along twenty-on- e, and wcro year dowager started in tho direction of Storage, even victorious. barely just was general sel, was bound in ballast from Liver with foodi for tho ravenous guns. gain if Their hope their course at the insti- letter written, according to the Courcellette. Already they are re all kinds of wood. is to s far south as Nikolsk, about completing Moscow 1916 U pool to New York in service of the Supply trains rattlo past, carrying tute whon assigned to tho officers' dispatch evidently ported to be southeast of Grandcourt. -- 40 miles west of Vladivostok, thus an error. The met on 91 Ml uritish admiralty. with unfailing regularity the soldier.;' Cadet Wiley, now first duma. This movo menaces from the rear the off Vladivostok from the Man- - training camp. 27, 1916. tho daily bread. Reinforcement train-an- cutting Lieut. Wiley, made a wonderful rec- April during premier- German stronghold at , which Phone ....251 JC-.- but even er churinn railroad, if they ship of Count is an old Toulon. 23. The pas-ueng- crammed to overflowing with at Grant. from Witte, fortress, Aug. British succeeded in this it will not Interfere ord Camp Reports be- smiling Tommies or bronzed and war- to tho effect he was on Tiritish Near Hill. steamship Bandy, while of west there are that Tara to make sure of holding them. tween Malta and was worn on foot boards with the sending allied troops a of selected At Albert British for- Sicily torpedoec' poilus, sitting Czechs number occasions for the pushed In this region 33 German officers by a Gorman submarine. sometimes clustered on the for ward to aid the and Japanese rated ENEMY'S MEN CUT DOWN ward toward the Although roof, special duty and highly by the ' Tara hill, at back of and 1,500 men of other ranks wcro the the soldier of in fighting the Bolsheviki from Man- town. explosion tore a gaping wound in traveling every na officers in charge. BY STREAM OF BULLETS that An airplane report of made Elevon of the cap- -- to ns the road prisoners. K0 si! her starboard side, the vessel succeed- tionality has a contempt for railway churia Karimskaya, Si'liool Is about noon said the British from I'ort Arthur will still be open Ready. troops tured officers were from ono regi- ed in tho hc.rhor by-la- The New held reaching hero today. and regulations. to Mexico Military Institute FROM GUNS OF ALLIES the entire position. About the ment. The which fired Then there arc the trains them. iasll the Nev same time German shells the torpedo coming the allied Kar- - ready for opening day. started The Germans offered heavy resist- was sunk boats. back from the bottle When troops reach before in its has insti on while by patrol Six of the field, carrying is er history the (Continued from breaking Tara, British shrap- ance at Chuignolles, with the as- battle-scarre- it out they Page One.) but, submarine's crew were includ- the of often d lniRkaya, pointed here, tute looked so and never nel could be seen some dis- saved, wreckage war, will cut off the Bolsheviki the spick span; burstings sistance of tanks, the Australians ham- the first mate. The mate of themselves. n along before has the institution been able to tho confusion tance on the side of ing the Occasionally Amur river branch of the railroad the Germans find other it, showing mered through the enemy and swept when hoisted de- flat car the oi to offer such and behind where the been driven. submarine, aboari a grunting under weight from their comrades between Karim- splendid buildings reigning their lines as they arc enemy had on, leaving the town and its environs stroyer attempted to commit suicide. a disabled cannon and muddy, shell-shatte- accommodations. The school will be a .battle which for Considerable numbers of skaya and Irkutsk. fighting losing prisoners filled with dead Germans. He appeared to bo insane. Ho saij lorries, wagons, field kitch- - filled to its capacity. In every mail them hourly grows more disastrous. were taken in this locality. Hand to Hand at The stability of the western Sibe Fighting. the lost had torpedoed the ens, and the like, and now and then tho are pouring in for The seem to lie Hill 01 rian government is shown the fact applications Crown Prince Itupprecht today had British troops prog- On the ridge south of this town Cunard liner Lusitania and hid de- an ambulance train with its by admission. Col. Wilison has been busy well bandag- that it has been in existence and prac- strengthened his lino at many places, ressing up the road from Albert thore also was fierce fighting, which stroyed an aggregate of 600,000 tons ed passengers and ministering nurses. for weeks, arranging for every detail but this instead of tho Brit- to llapaume. Welsh troops are parti- alfnost reached the hand to hand Of tically peaceful for nearly a year. to stopping other allied shipping. The French crossing gates usually of the opening dny and is prepared ish, simply meant that the Gentians cipating in the fighting in this neigh- stage before the Australians made it run back and forth on wheels. It is devoto all of his time and attention suffered bigger losses. borhood, clear to the Germans that they were Available not 1 0 shipping registers do always a woman who opens and for the next months in training boys the and this South of Moaulte to not to be and shoved over tho list tho British and During night morning Albert, appears stopped steamship Bandy closes them sometimes an old wom SKILLED, 2 HURT to become officers in Uncle Sam's tho front which the battle was be in British been ridge and onward. she probably is a new vessel. Advice? at the same time them a upon hands, having an and sometimes a young one. Sin army, giving being fought yesterday was widened captured eaUly in the day. Thence the ' Just now large numbers of guns are from London on August 10 said that e broad education that will has a little at the side of general give appreciably both to the north and the line extends southeasterly with a break roaring away all along tho line. At Lieut. Commander Schwieger, who tho sometimes a in them a solid foundation to take up any t. 'I .. ; , track, with baby while tho in tho middle where the Germans last man- soma places they-- are ham- commanded tho submarine which business desire af- south, ground evening steadily sank a cradle to occupy her liesuro tlmg. profession or they between Benucoiirt-Su- r to at others is into the had been when Albert and aged take Happy Valley, just north- mering, it rolling up PTI'l v Lusitania, killed Always she has a smile and a quick ter tho war Is ended. Ancr west of intense drum the at which heretofore had been fair Bray, by throwing in fresh fire, telling where kit.')-- ii.-- his struck a mine In the North word of greeting for the importunate was of the 25th which ap- is on. The German .. i , sea. ly quiet suddenly drawn into tho troops division, fighting going motorists. were shells seem to be In'from EXPLOSION OF DEPTH whirl. parently brought up for this coming long ' CITY OF COLOGNE Outline of the Situation. purpose. , distances. Evidently their guns have !L'r WAS MAN WHO SANK .SWEDISH FREIGHTER CHARGE KILLS FOUR From the northern edge of the bat- Teutons Suffer Severely. been moved back for safety. The Ger- tle field to the south the situation at The Germans suffered severely hero man artillerymen apparently have LUSITANIA KILLED? DETAINED BY not confidence in the abil- fSV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE last reports seemed to bo ns follows: during the first attack. Tho the greatest fighting in tho Washington, Aug. 23. Kxplosion of New attacks from the river Cojeul was veiy heavy. Sinco then tho Ger- ity of their comrades infantry imt (BY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE to delivered mornino journal special leabeo wir.i a depth charge on board the U. S. S. and south carried the British across mans have been constantly heavily ward off tho blows being 3. An 23. A Swed- 23. Five Albert-Arra- Fans, Aug. Escorting patrol Atlantic Port. Aug. Amsterdam, Aug. person? Orizaba at sea on August 17 killed tho s railroad embank- fired upon. against thorn. boo to attacked an sub ish which hero to- were killed and two recently enemy freighter arrived persons badly Lieut. Com. William Price William- ment. Tho British apparently hold Happy Valley truly is a shambles. marine which succeeded in sink was a German sub- considerable was . they day stopped by injured and. damage son and three enlisted men anil and Boyelles and Its name belies it, IiHligr-Hllon- Ing with 65 men of its crew. One of- - marine 70 miles off this done to bombs yesterday private property by woimded Com. R. D. White and eight- have parsed beyond tho Arras-Ba-paum- e South of tho Somme the Australians "A few weeks ago I used a bottle of I ana men wcro allied Col- iicer live rescued. The port and held for an hour while the dropped from airplanes on een men. road. were most successful in tho part they Chamberlain's Tablets when I was officer, who de- at examined pa- ac- attempted suicide, commander her ogne early Thursday morning, A on the accident The troops to the who played in today's battle. They easily having a bad spell of indigestion. clared it was his which Tho German told to report reaching just south, These tablets my stom. submarine pers. officer the cording an official announcement the navy shows for two days had been fighting' for attained all their objectives and ap- strengthened t the Lusitania. he allowed him to In department today ach and toned up my system gener- sank freighter's captain Thursday evening's Cologne Gazette that Lieutenant Commander William- and afterwards from the embank- parently hold Chuignolles, Chulgnes go because he was in carry- of which been ally. They are easy to take and most engaged a copy has received son, who wus executive officer, was ment, stormed forward and reached and Herlevillo and are pushing east- D. It was August 10 that foodstuffs for his own effectual," writes Mrs. S. Dart, reported ing country here. Commander on to- ward of these villages a little distance Lieutenant Commander li Ita instantly killgd and that Hamelincourt and are pushing Skaneatcles. N. Y. Schwieger, The was warned he was s. captain White, the commanding officer, had ward Ervlllers, St. and Crolsil-le- who commanded the submarine which ly to be sunk if he continued in the London, Aug. 23. Five important Ieger i sank the had been killed his jaw broken and a knee cap frac Airplanes reported that British Lusitania, American trade. towns in Oermany and five hostile tured. The who lost road when his submarine struck a mine in "You would not sink us without were sailors their tanks had crossed the between airdromes heavily bombarded by lives were: and St. while some t the North Sea. It is possible that the would yoit?" one of tho of British aerial on the Erviljerg Leger, warning,' squadrons night Paniuol T. Lambert, ltlvcrsidc, N. was to be less than officer referred to in tho foregoing ficers of tho Swedish ship asked. of 21-2- to an of- infantry reported August according Frank .1. Ar- a west of Hrvlllers ? dispatch was one of the subordinate "Don't bo too sure about that best statement Issued J.; Mayer, Cincinnati; thousand yards ficial today by tho thur K. some hours officers on the that torpedoed not to take any chances," was the re Tiritish Ilaird, Pittsburgh. ago. air ministry. Commander Williamson was born At about that time an re- the Lusitania. ply. at Frankfort and airplane 1 Military objectives In Virginia and was to the ported tho Germans had Cologne, the statement adds, were appointed disappeared naval academy from Minnesota. from their positions northwest of St. MAKING OF INDIAN DEATH WARRANT OF attacked and good results heavily , Commander a,s between town were obtained. White's report says Iger and that and BLANKETS TO STOP STARR IS RECALLED hour and a half after the explosion Hamelincourt and that the figtblng ? a submarine was sighted astern and British found time to cheer heartily. GOVERNMENT TO RUN manned an-- TO MORNINO that the ship's guns were ;crmims Decide to Move. MOKNIN JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRS1 1.RECIAI. CORRESPONDENCE JOURNAL; 1 i l.r to fire lisfspito o the Germans, rather - ? 23. All woolen Santa Fo, Aug. 23. The supreme D, & RAILWAY ready Immediately Apparently If Washington, Aug. tho fact that half of the aftoi- gun than suffer more hero, where they j&iUM mills, were requested today by the war court of New Mexico has recalled the O. crew had been hurt. ,, i have met with some of their heaviest Industries board to death warrant in the case of J. CRT MORNINO. JOURNAL .RSAIAW 1 stop manufacture L.A..O WWII losses, decided to get out. This lo- of (S'avajo or. Indian Starr, esntenced to for the mur- 23. 'of fapcy blankets hang Washington, Aug. Operation was one of the where Indians der of Sheriff Stephens of Luna coun- & to cality places Mf themselves, whose small pro. the Denver Salt Lake railroad is GEN, DEBE.NY PRAISES the Germans had doubled their diictlon, is made upon hand looms, are ty, and whose last reprieve expired be taken immediately by tho govern- hot affected. today. ment under an reached VALOR OF HIS TROOPS strength. agreement The to the south of this re- Another of tho Is A stay of eecution is in effect as here between the railroad ad- fighting request board that today gion in the when strong I a result of tho Start's coun- and t.V MORNIN4 JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASEO WIRE) began night, the mills divert a portion of their filing by ministration the receiver of the British forces assailed Goniiecourt ptock Into the production of clothing sel an application fo a writ of error road. Paris, Aug. 23. General Denby i to the supreme court of the t'nitcd in of French forces in just a few minutes before the Ger Xuateiiul for loggers engaged in work The railroad administration agreed command, the mans had an at lor the fleet States. The attorney general has not to take over the road and to the the Picanly has issued tho fol- anticipated launching emergency corporation pay battle, tack. Goniiecourt was British at day i the aircraft production. yet filed a motion to dismiss the standard basis of compensation. One lowing address to his troops: V tupLfor As it the British half the cost of increased since "Soldiers of the first French light. happened up wages army: set all tho enemy and, after kill- 1 Is to be met the govern- By the side of our British allies you plans January by ing many Germans and capturing 500 t ment and one-ha- lf the railroad. , lave broken the attack, lib by enemy's in the town of Gomiccourt alone, thoy prated , captured Montdidien, went on. At last were Denver. Colo., Aug. 23. The Den- fortified overlook- reports they occupied positions ahead Bteadily. ver & Salt Lake railroad (the Moffat ing Koye and cleared the sacred soil pushing .If Gomiccourt the livotv Cash S&ves road) has 225 miles of track between of France to a of twenty-fiv- e i and tjpth reason tor. Carry Denver and Colo. has Men kilometres. ' Goniiecourt, by of its Craig, It was considered the in the hands of a receiver since 1916. "Sixteen divisions in rain, apparently German the pivot of a movement once i Freight traffic on the road was battle have to us turning for, These Costs lost 10,000 prisoners, having taken it, tho British sent suspended Tuesday night when train- 220 cannon and enormous quantities in service work troops swinging down south in the dl t men the freight quit of material. of MANHATTAN to enforce demands for back wages rection Bapaume. "On leaving the baks of the Avre Tho Germans on this of the Ve Have the Finest Line of Fresh Fruits and due them tinder the Adamson law. for our position Vegetables advance, let us salute with ploug battle, front tvoro badly disorganized Trainmen In the passenger service fol- emotion our brave comrades who have Sliced Pineapple. ...15c, 20c, 25o Large pkg. Rain Water in on fol- There were Germans all over the plac lowed them the strike the fallen during the last five months on of SHIRTS i Silver' Leaf can 85o Crystals ', but they seemed to hove no idea Lard, lowing day. The court, which had the Ilangard-Grivosne- s 11). line. They counter attacks. Some did 9 Jiazol .,35c; Homo Dressed Fat lien, 2c over the rcceivership'had apparently qt.OSo Heedless lb jurisdiction (stopped the Invader: they prepared not oven know exact' 2 drapes, IV; declined to of the where they standard of in t IJly Milk, tail can, for..2oO Hartlett lb authorize payment for the revengeful offensive and have were. Represent the high quality Pears, back wages. of the most Armour's Hlk, small size, Yellow Free l'caches, 1 lbs. 2. Representatives by their blood given the command to The fighting south of Gomlecourt materials and the newest and stylish dozen .55c lb. , l.V, striking trainmen declared, when they which we ,., Plums, ad- must remain faithful, Wf today Was especially severe. Incident patterns which men of taste demand. Armour's Lunch Tongue, Oreen Lima Roans, 2 lbs.., 3. HI learned that the federal railroad must conquer. can 2SC ministration would take over the Den' ally this movement cut in around the We will be o out to you the su- Sweet l'otatoes, lb 10c rear of Aohlet Le Grand. At the same glad point i Eunkist Tomato Catsup, 18 White Celery 10c ver & Salt Lake railroad, they would in this line of shirts. oz. PORTLAND SHIPYARD time the British having" launch- perior workmanship bottle 2Sc Fresh Creamery Butter, lb. 50m return to work when they received here, beautiful V4 lb. ed another frontal attack on the en- That attraction which these shirts Baker's Cocoa,; Fresh Eggs, dozen . 50c official notification of the administra- 1 ESTABLISHES RECORD wore in m t lb. can 50o Spring Chicken, lb 45c tion's action. emy's stronghold, attain in hard hold for you upon first sight our show fighting. While the battle was rag- will and mean satisfaction--, (BY MORNINO case continue JOURNAL SPtCIAL LEASED WIRE) ing here British planes bombed or - FROM of wear. , , For Your Lunch HOOVER BACK . Tortland, Ore., Aug. 23. Eight used machine- - guns. Several direct through many months i Outing wooden were HIS TRIP TO EUROPE steamers py month horeaf hits made on a building at the i ter will be delivered to the govern rear of which were a number of tour- Roast Chicken, Beef, Baked Fresh Ham, Boiled Tongue, . ment, for4ea from the cars. . was Ger- . ready service, ing Apparently it a Ham, Potato Salad, Saratoga Chips, V MORNtNS JOURNAL SPECIAL LIASB.0 WIRE,! i Portland and,, Columbia river district, man , New 23. Herbert L. headquarters. Cheese, Olives, Pickles, Jelly, etc. York, Aug. according to the mapped out New Zoalaiiders Dead." United States food administ- program "Play Hoover, by J. B. chtef of machinery South of Achiet Le Grand the Brit- Co, i rator, returned from his trip Mofi8, Wright Oiling and ;-- t i ' ' i today installation for the emergency ish did not start today's operations sc abroad. fleet corporation hore. early. The. New Zealanders here in allied I "Correct Clothes for The food situation the Soventy-thre- e wooden hulls, on a stopped work to let a German counter St. countries - was described as encour- i Go. recent date were In process of being attack develop. Thoy "played dead" Men" I Fraiftont Cash Mr. Hoover. Grocery aging by equipped with engines, boilers and until the infantry wa almost on top Is - The Belgian food situation mrjeh "ther gear in the district. The instal- of them. Then they put down a heaw '. ttfe ; 677 , V r 219 West Central Ave. Improved, administrator said, and lation material going Into them, repre- nfachine gun fcarrago back o: not on just re y although the people are full sented a value of approximately 114,- - the Germans, who surrendered In n the outlook is m. i ratiopg. brlgh.t, ,. MM" jbg io. aTt--t- r m rr-- , hpdj SatHec titan, klUga thelr TWTiimT'rr-- Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918. THREE



Law and Order Are Restored; Candy Consumption Reduced Worth to $7.50 Civil One-hal- f, Picture Shows ., Courts New Dresses $ in Several Not to Shrink in Nun her and Even Gingham Districts; " a Just received Xe.w line of Plaid Gingham Dresses Molest Moslems, 1 . - -- ,. Street Sweepers Have Gone, .A v for ladies and misses. Sizes 14 lo 44. Several models 9M i 1 rn vpuciuinnr s'litcrnrisc Ass'n.) (By NowspnM'r 1 Ass'n.) to select from. A wonderful value at London, Attg. 23. With the gradual Vancouver, V. C, Aug. Here's flight of Turks and Germans iroin a few signs .showing what Canada Is PnloHtinp. law and order are be again to help win the wai by conser- and inhabitants of the doing ing restored, vation in civilian life. Yds, Select Embroideries are Deginning iu Blouses 1,000 occupied territory result 1ms Middy realize what good government la like, The biggest been prohi- cnviniui has Issued a decree re bition. The dominion is dry as the Sa- All white, of good Mid- Values to 25c On sale to- establishing civil courts in Palestine hara. quality yard. a court of In and assigning appeals The consumption of candy has been dy Twill, in all sizes. Choice, morrow at, Two conns 01 yard, Jerusalem. additional At the ' B" 'J'hoatcr Toiluy Only. cut 50 cent. h. fit-a- t instance will sit at Jerusalem per and Jaffa with special courts in the Picture shows and theaters have ether districts. AT TIIK THi:.Ti:i!S TODAY. Hon shows that of 1,40(1 secret wed- shrunk in number lo a marked de- to "W Theater The Perfection CJm-vir.- y dings in 1910 only twenty-nin- e of the 10 cents It is the plan of the government ft reo. $1.50 have the staff of the courts consist presents "The Princess oi couples arc living together. You can travel from Atlantic to a world-famo- as far as possible of native Inhaui Patches," Mark Swan The 1910 botch of secret weddings Pacific and never see a piano, a phon- a Jwo-pa- rt tants, assisted by British officers pos hielodrama of five reels; also resulted in seventeen murders and ograph, violin or other musical in- Me n." nessing legal experience and know! comedy, "The Strength of suicides, twenty-on- e murders and 171 strument offered for sale. Everyone ndi'A nf Arnhic Crystal Opera House Dark. suicides. The balance of the couples is his old clothes. "The wearing Golden The salaries of these local officials Lyrle Theater Repeating drifted apart and have found other should we, buy luxuries and The Rule Goods Mur "Why Dry Company linve heen increased, doing away wim Bride's Awakening," with Mao helpmeets of the opposite sex, with music when our defenders need bread any temptation of bribery, the source ray in the leading role; also a gool whom they are living wilh the forr and the Hed Cross is begging for "We Do What We Advertise" of evil in the Turnisn auiiiimin'imu. reel of comedy. mality of a marriage, or are living mercy funds?" the Canadian reasons. Local law will be administered unal- Pastime Theater Alice Brady will alone. Travel Is falling off. The summer for special military op- appear again as the star in "Woman will be a Is rnre. of the tered, except There shown also good tourist becoming One - rnfrl mtin f r"'"!-- erations, when military decrees will and Wife"; also "The Village Scan- comedy reel. resorts in the Canadian rook- 0 MttOtfifaiiil in largest of necessity take precedence. dal," with "Fatty" Arbtickie the ies has an average of only thirty The work of religious courts will title role. AT with more than twice as TIIK PASTIMK. guests, many PRESIDENT OF CARDS and wilh deadly effect, "', rot be interfered with and Mosm "Woman and from servants and 500 rooms. to do AT TIM? ." Wife," adapted German In Luxem- religious courts will be allowed Charlotte llronte's beloved novel. A str?et sweeper would be put In COMMISSIONED MAJOR LUGEMBURG HELD propagandists own districts "The Princess of Patches" Is the as in their work In their "Jane Eyre," will be shown at the the zoo. lie's nearly an extinct ani- burg, Belgium, have constantly which now has a popula- title of a piny to bo presented at the to rouse to the. en- Palestine, Pastime, today for the last time. This mal. You'll find him unloading ships IRV MONNIN8 JOURNAL RRF.CIAL LAID WIRBl attempted nostlllty than 650,000, can "H" theater today. Tho play is a tion somewhat less photodrama is the second Select stir nnd workin gin mines. And a water St. Louis, Aug. 23. Hraiu'h Itickey, tente by exploiting these air raids, hut an additional version of Mark Swan's success- has-bee- support by agriculture film scries release Alice wagon it's in the n class. president of the St. Louis Nationals, their efforts have proved unsuccess- under piescnt ful melodrama of the southland. featuring llrady, UNDER YOKE OP population of 500,000 who here even her pre- Canadians are chiefly concerned tsnight was notified by the war de- ful, und the people of Luxemburg per- second addition of scenes are the surpasses re- conditions and a Among 'the interesting success in Sacri- with enough to eat and wear. at Washington of his ap- sist, despite ull propaganda. In and oth- the darkies vious "Her Silent getting partment 300,000 after Irrigation dams cotton pickers, southern War's influence Is everywhere. pointment as in the hemical garding the German Invader as the have been hand to in the fice." major er const ruction works at play, the hand fljjht In delineation ot Three of .the buffalo, kept by the warfare service of the United States real culprit, recognizing clearly that of the of her sympathetic built. dead night; blowing up niTich Mi nt Hanff Springs, broke army for overseas service. OPPRESSION Luxemburg Is raided only because the which Pales- on the river and the dis- the suffering heroine, government Hi Other German Is there. Improvements Brady rises to a high rank as one o off diplomatic relations, and destroy- army needs are belter road.! and of Patches' true D- Math-cwHo- tine sorely covery identity. our emotional actresses. Jani ed each other in a vicious battle of Cincinnati, Aug. 23. Christy The Luxemburg parliament and of them. Some few light r.a Al Green escorted a leading Na- more irector special is who travels horns. manager of tho Cincinnati government have lodged protests at abo bo con- of to the south- I Eyre a poor girl ovoi row gauge railways might company Selig players tionals, received notice from the war 1ST HORNIN JOURNAL SRECIAL LEASED WIREl Berlin action of the Ger- in a long, rocky road before she finally against the and better ports provided. land and the scenes called for the anti-aircra- ft structed, wins to her haven of Firr.t department today that his application Amsterdam, Aug. 23 A recent semi- man army in placing Is the fairly good to life. Vivian happiness. . Haifa at present only are produced true cold-heart- for a commission in the chemical how- story as relation" official statement published in Ger- guns around the city of Luxemburg. one. the next best, might the with the million dollar "a poor among warfare of Jaffa, Heed, girl later as an inmate service the t'nlted States many ns a bo rendeued more secure. starts in the character role o' relatives, AIRPLANE ACCIDENTS for overseas service has been favor- describing Luxemburg ever, smile, of an institution for under u "German Gen. a "Patches." An all-st- cast is seen in orphans acted upon. town" has attracted atten- I'ctojioll cruel and as a gov- ably f, U, S. SHIPS including Charles La supervisor, lastly AT GAMPS tion again to the bitter lot of the peo- Amsterdam. Aug. THREE her support, erness to the child ot the man she TRAINING In Itod Frank Weed, little Violet, an I ple of whoso commander chief of the Moyne, loves and who loves her even here N0RRIS ABOUT 5,000 Luxemburg, princess in Murmansk SUNK BYSUBMARINES others. The photography Is clear cut to Guard army the region she finds a ob- vainly appealed tho Germans to In .hands al- effects are in seemingly insuperable IIV MORNtNa JOURNAL IPCCIAL LCASCO WIRE) AHEAD IN NEBRASKA Is a prisoner the of the and the scenic striking A fin- spare her little In WIRC1 stacle to happiness. kind fate 23. I.leut country the early a to the fY MORNINO JOURNAL RRECIAL LEAKO detail. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. lies, says Petrograd dispatch every of Rel-glu- 2.'!. of com- ally intervenes, and after many pri- Samuel II. of days the German incursion Into Weacr Zcltung of Bremen. He was Washington, Aug. Sinking There will also bo produced a Topping liinghinnton RV MORNIN9 JOURNAL SRECIAL LEASED WIRE) wa- vations and sorrows she is united N. was and by while three American vessels In foreign "The Strength of Men." Y., fatally injured Joscp.i Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 23. belated caught peasants attempting an- edy, with her true lover. D. suKtnined For four years now, the citizens of to and handed over to the lirit- ters by German submorles was Cary, student aviator. election returns from prim- flee, is Tuesday's have :. "Woman and Wife" a picture a broken at Park field whei: Iviixembiirg lived isolated under ish. , nounced today b Jthe navy depart- AT THE l.VniC. leg today ary election indicated that M. O. the an of play worthy to revive your memories their want into a tall yoke of German military domina- ment. The steamship Lake Edon, Manager Cameron the' Lyric airplane dpir. of York was nominated as tion. was Bride' of tho heroine of "Jane Kyre" whoii and fell 400 fee'.. Topplii". Three thousand Luxemburgers Tim Five-Point- Situ1. army chartered cargo transport, theater, who will present "The Lieutenant republican candidate for congress have recall with such affection:, is escaped into Franco and joined five-point- sunk on August 21, the U. S. S. West Awakening" for the last time today, you Jeep died an hour later. The nccidunt front tho Fourth congressional district The ancient Greeks used the 1C characterization o, the French army. , of 8,800 tons, on August has conducted an investigation and Alice Brady's attributed U engine trouble. over Adam McMullen of star as a symbol of health. It Bridge, luckless will endear her to Wymore. It is true that has not still fulfills this ancient mission, and tho U. S. 8. Cubore, of 7,300 tons throughout theM'nlted States which tho girl United States Senator George W. Luxemburg is 2.1. faced, as Belgium and Serbia will find it on each 15. shows 98 cent of and your hearts. Sncrfimento. Calif.. Am. An who was renominated have, you Imprinted on August that per hasty Scandal" will also be Norris, repub- tho devastation In defensive package of Chamberlain's Tablets. Sixteen of the crew of the Lake secret end either in separa- "The Village airplane from Mather field fell today lican for tho United brought weddings Arbuckle. candidate States fighting on her own soil, but war has These tablet? have restored hundreds thirty-nin- e having in a The Investlga- - repeated, with "Fatty" on a highway, three miles from here. returns show has a lead who In- Kdon are missing, tion or tragedy. sennte, late come by air, and as it has been to health were afflicted with been accounted for. The names of the 4 One man was injured seriously" am! of about B.OOO over Congressman just digestion, biliousness or constipation. an necessary for the entente airmen to In of missing have not been reported to another Was hurt slightly. It was Charles II. Sloan and Koss L. Ham- bomb Give them a trial when need were COUNTY MAN IS censor. namo German billets In Belgian and such a medicine, 'and you are certain the navy department. Three men CURRY nounced by the Their mond of Fremont. French so West This wns the firs towns, they have frequently to be pleased with the prompt rllef reported lost in the sinkig of the G were withheld. had occasion - ENEMY RELEASED FROM PRISON to bomb Luxemburg, which they afford. Bridge. There was no loss of life considerable accident at the field. 4 CASUALTIES ARE among the crew of the Cubore. BY GOVERNOR LINDSEY West ANNOUNCED BY NAVY Members of the crew of the GOLD PRODUCERS ARE lost are: I 0' Bridge reported (SPECIAL CORftCSPONDCNCK TO MOKNINO JOURNAL Jens P. Nielsen, Denmark; DUMPS EXCITING REPORT RV MORNINO JOURNAL SRECIAL LEASED WIRE fireman, Santa Fe, 23. T. M. Dickens, " Portland, Aug. CALLED0NJ0 23. Casualties William I. Porter, fireman, who came to the penitentiary on Oc- Washington, Aug. I Ore.: Robert J. McConkey, fireman, WIRE announced by the navy depart- tober 21, 191"i, under a conviction for IRY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED today SUBSCRIBE NOW! Milton Moutn. Vernon, Wash. second murder, sentenced to San Francisco, Calif., Autf. 23. ment included John Perry, and Cubore were G degree died from The West Bridge AMER serve from to twenty-fi- v Kesolutions upon nil told pro- musician, Montholia, Tex.; when sunk. twenly calling homeward bound years, has had his sentence commute? ducers in the WBStcrn states to pre- abdominal wound. follow: by Governor Lindsey. pare a statement of their capacity Other casualties Delosier F.llzu-bet- h, ESCAPED BLACKS ARE Dickens was a former Santa Fe and plans, with a view to lncreasim,' Knsign Davidson, execu- N. J.; killed in seaplane acci- I.CAfKO WIBK) employe at Clovls, working ns production, wero passed by the CAPTURED BY PATROL IBV MOBNINP iPtClAL helper dent in 22. P.chind liritish Unea in France, in the blacksmith shop. One day tive committee of the American gold France, August Journal-Toba-cco James II. Mallon, yeoman. New To the i Aug. 23. The British aviation com- early in 1915 he became engaged in conference here today. CSV MOftNIN JOUMNAL SPKCtAL LIAtBD lost overboard from tho Wlftll contains a brief a with A. S. Combe, the head Following the receipt of this Infor- York city; 23. A munique frequently dispute V. S. 8. Louisville. Bisbee, Ariz., Aug. military lino to record that "direct hits were blucksmlth, and Is alleged to have mation the committee planned to from Naco, Ariz., William H. Sims, seaman. Lake- patrol recaptured obtained upon an enemy dump at struck Combe over the head with a formulate an Increased production Wilson and llay-le- drowned at West, Privates McIIuen, behind the German lines. blacksmith from th-- j for to government land, Fla.; Key es- "some point heavy hanjmer, plan presentation Fund tenth cavalry (colored) who announcement may effects of which Combo died Beveral authorities in Fla.. August 20. Hua-hcu- This colorless Washington. caped the guard house at Fort seem to tile reader in America noth- hours later. Dickens' trial and con- The committee was named at a re- while YOUNG MEN REMINDED Thursday night, awaiting ing more than tho record of a dull viction followed In October. He ap- cent meeting of the American gol! transportation to Tort Leavenworth, of but tne deed itself Is to the court but the conference at Ueno, Nev. How Our Soldiers Will Long for of piece routine, pealed supreme TO REGISTER TODAY to begin serving sentences twenty different from its record. verdict of the lower court was af years, Imposed by a military court. American airmen attached to tho firmed. Good Old American Tobacco! was about IRV HORNINa JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASEO WIRtl Their capture brought British squadrons have long since Governor Lindsey after reviewing Chinese on G. w. a ranch- as Bellhop Washington, 23. men ly a attack Allwood, found out that the business of bomb- tho case says that in his opinion the Aug. 'Young to er. After several miles with him Who have reached the ago of 21 sinci By Bpeclal arrangoment Th Journal guarantees deliver, riding ing ''dumps" often is exciting and crime which was committed by Dick through an arrangement with tobacco manufacturers, two dollars In his automobile, they struck him work. Im- no June 5, 1918, were reminded ngalr in spectacular Moreover, the ens was of higher culpability than de- worth of tobacco, for every dollar subscribed, to our soldiers on head left In a statement by the war ' the. and stunned him, of its effect upon enemy has, therefore tonight France and on the way to France. . him portance manslaughter and to tomorrow at , by the roadside and made away and can be his sentence to ex- partment register plans operations hardly commuted a term the local The packages (BOo worth of tobacco) are put up In attractive with the car. Allwood was found and A well aimed hit on a as in as that which places appointed by exemp- we card mu- exaggerated. actly long days tion boards. members of the patriotic, packuges. In every package put a return postal the attack reported to civil and store of German ammunition may le-- j the man has served. Only with your name and address so that you will get word back from' au'th'oilitles. A Jewish orthodox church or other re- tuary civilian, pisse stroy the work of many months tn Dickens was released from tho pen the battlefields from as many soldiers as you subscribe 5 cent' drove the fugntives Into the clutches anil ligious sects which observe Saturda" piCCQH. ' the munition factories, cripple itentiary yesterday. thev of a military patrol a few hundred numerous batteries for many long as tho Sabbath are exempt, nnd north of the Mexican border must register Monday, yards days. BRITISH ARE MAKING TOBACCO IS MIGHTY SCARCE after they had abandoned the car. A British airman, Lieutenant W. A. Barnes, has given the Associated MINIATURE AIRPLANES CAMP KEARNY TO BE . Near the Trenches. Press the following account of a re- raid on a German INSTRUCTION POINT FROM IRVIX COBB'S "PATHS OF GLORY" cent V MORNINtt JOURNAL SPICIAL as characteristic of this form LUtID WIRK1 "As I recall now, we had come through the gate of tha school dump London, Aug. 23. The smallest IRV house ; MORNIN JOURNAL SRECtAL LEASED WIRSl to where the automobile stood when a puff ot wind blowing of activity: British airplanes now being manufac- to us from the left, which meant from across the On this particular night there was Washington, Aug. 23. Camp Kear- battlefront, brought tured are actually of less span thai California la to be utilized ns an to our noses a certain smell which we already knew full well. not enough moonlight for a long raid, the ney, " Recital! was a German largest birds. The great albatross Instruction station, the war 'You get It, I see," said the German officer, who stood along- so the given us artillery RinmiimiiiiiHJinnaiminfiiFtniminiTEinErjFinnimnMnimiiHiminHiEiiEinfMfirji target has been known to measure nearly side of me. 'It comes from three miles off, but you can get it five ammunition dump. Wo welcomed department announced today. miles when Is eighteetrlTeet from wins-ti- p to wing-ti- p. Two of the wind strong' and he waved his left arm toward tho for, naturally, the strain brigades artillery will be It as had change, A certain of airpla- though the scent been a visible thing. 'That explains why for the Into type "midget" sent there for Instruction, one brigade tobacco la of long distance raids Germany, ne-recently so scarce with us along tho staff back in Laon.' exhibited in London 1? - yonder wear- . belonging to a division which It is night after night, becomes a bit tiff ng "All the tobacco which can be Is sent to men in only fifteen feet in width. ; planned will be organized at Kear- spared the the ing. Dumps are of course, situated front trenches. As long as they smoke and keep on smoking they Benefit of the as near as to the firing line, "These are the machines which we ney later and one brigade to be can stand that." '.possible expect to see after formed and so mean short raids. s the war carrying from converted cavalry Red Cross our MaJ. Orde1 ' . :jt H ',, ''Dumps are by no means easy tar- mails," declared Lees to find for are sel- of tho British aviation service, "ani No Matter How Small the It in. gets at night, they will Uocoiniucmleil. AmountSend by dom situated near any definite land- they be almost as universal as Confirmation the smart automobile mall vans Washington, Aug. 23. Confirma- Our boys are going to need tobacco In out Margaret Matlics, Soprano marks, and are usually well camou- of great quantities. Fill pre-w- times. tion of the of ma- the coupon now Today is None Too Soon flaged. By the study of maps and The small machines nominations eleven and make it generous! and forty-fou- r Bring it, or mall it, to The Journal Office. however, we had pretty will be largely used by the postal au- jor generals and brigadiers Irene Purtoh, A'lollnlst photographs, sent to tho committee well located the position of this one thorities on account of the existinr senate today and started out on the raid With high limitations of storage and starting after Secretary Baker and General the March had to f hopes of success. grounds in our great cities. Postal appeared answer ques- THE JOURNAL, NEW MEXICO. like tions the war ALBUQUERQUE, "When we turned to observe re- aerodrames, railways stations, a ' concerning departments be near A i sults, we witnessed the finest fire- must the postoffices, at least policy governing promotions.' 2Bo High School pkf. No, 3. ropular haln Mtsll ot "40. . work display I ever saw, Ammunition in the Initial stages of the develop- clgrlts viu ,i, ment, - - . Byng's Attacks a Sue;ceis. Auditorium was cracking off at record Rpeed, "o Pkg. No. t. Popular pipe tobacco havln rUU valu f Me. - X dense clouds of smoke were "Later the problem- may be solve.1 Indon, Aug. 23. General Pyng'.i rising attacks are as a suc- and highly colored flames were by the use of pneumatic tube com- regarded great 55 Pk. No. 4. Popular oicarett tobacco having retail alu ot 0c. leap- cess. the tried to ing a hundred feet and more from tho munication between the central post-offic- Although enemy 27 avoid battle he mord ...... 25o No. 1. Tuesday, August ground. and the postal aerodromes. lost than S,00n pkf. Popular plug chewing tobacco having retail value of Ids besides numbers In "The whole Job occupied In delivering letters to distances of prisoners, great 8:15 m. exactly killed or wounded. In accordance with your offer to end popular brands of tobacco and at p. fifty-eig- but it must have 250 miles or more, the biff types of minutes; cigarettes to our iutdlers In Europe In unit ot iOo packages, each tor tea man-pow- will be local cost Germany hundreds of airplane used, but for . For In tlwj Stomach. ' t ' At the Piano Mr. E. Stanley In munitions work small machines are to be ifffa:.jL.,:,:,:. S v...... Cramps hours works there likely If you have ever been doubled I enclose , Seder, Mr. Harold ten was some at noon much more serviceable. up , " , , .... far still fire; there with cramps In your stomach, you will . ,. At-li- in next day and saved our French "Dropping the mail bags by para- Dressed the silks and satins of be Interested In the experience of Tour Nam J , a good many casualties, for as It chute will be given a good trial, and the orient, Wah Hoo In a bell hop Charles Henry, Oswego, N. Y.. who In one of the best hotels of San ' ' happens, that big dump, we lenrned, this If successful will be of great as- says: ''About four years ago when Street AddreMj. , TICKETS 50c - Francisco. American hoys are from In m was to serve a bit of front sistance. Bags may also- be picked suffering cramp my stomach facing scarce, and the hotel could not get and I and '.. - On Sale at Mattion'i up while flying nfter the manner In bowels, used Chamberlain's City stale ., French troops." them. Ooing into the Chinese quar- Colin nnd Diarrhoea Itemedv.' Is whic'i mnilbugs arc now by It caught ter, buys wero found, and this Is by far the best medicine of the kind Journal Want Adi bring result. express, trains,'' one of litem, I have vr used." ... FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918. to accept civilian orders while thare ALLIED IE MOTION PICTURE is a prospect of a call for suoplb's CLEVELAND WIS How Some of Our IC from official sources. Weekly bank Sportsmen clearings, J5, 443, 524, 610." LIVESTOCK .MARKETS. Their Bit for XL S COIN SMOOTHLY INDUSTRY HELD Are Doing Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Aug. 23. Cattle Receipts ,".000. Market steady. Beef cattle, lira 12.&0 18.25; butchers; $6.85 1 s GH TO BE ESSENTIAL 1M THE EIGHTH DECLARES and feeders, $7.75 (o 3.00: calves, $17.25 1 7.75; western rang-- beef steers, $ 1 4.00 fa 17. on ; tows am heifers, $9.25 r5 1 3.00. V MORNINa JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE! Hogs Receipts 9,000 . Market 25e In- ''We Have Our Action "Scoring Six Runs in One Begun Washington, Aug. 23. The motion to 30c lower. Butchers, $ D.00 Ti Indians Annex Contest and We Shall Continue," picture Industry in all its branches 19.05; light hogs, $ 9.00 fi 1 9.85; pack- ning, has been recognized as an essential ing, $17. B.Kt IS. 75: bulk, $17.85ti by a Score of 6 to 2; Evans He Tells Newspaper Corre- industry by the war industries hoard. 19.50; pigs, $7. 8501S.5O. Chairman Buruch announced today pheep Receipts 1 1,000. Gooc. Stars at Bat, spondents in an Interview, that this action bad been taken ir lambs steady, sheep slow to lower. line with Provost Marshal General Lambs, $16.25 fi' 18.50 : feeders, $16.50 ruling under the work or rl7.7fc; ewes, $11.00 1 3.00. tIY MORNINO JOURNAL WIRKI MT MORNINO JOURNAL SPEC'!- - I EASED WIRS1 SPECIAL LtASCD fight regulation that the industry af- Washington, Aug. 23. Cleveland With the French Army in France, forded useful occupation. Kansas City .ivestock. scored six runs in tlie eighth inning Aug. 23 (by th Assicinted Press.) Recognition of its value in afford- Kansas City, Aug 23. Cattle Re- - Is well. We have an medium and won from Washington. Score: "Everything going ing educational for the ceipts 1.000. Market steady. Steers, begun our action and we shall con- great masses of the people, as well as $17. 00 ff 18.25; westerns, $10.00W Cleveland. said Marshal Foch the war A. E. tinue," to wholesome cheap means of recrea- 14.50;, cows, $0.50 12.50; heifers, AH. It. II. PO. feeders 4 1 2 1 0 0 correspondents today. tion, governed the board in placing $9.00fil4.5O: stockers and Bcscher, rf ' The marshal received the newspa- ,1 4.00. ss 3 0 0 S 2 (I ,.e industry' upon the preferred list $7.75'14.50; calves. $8.00 Chapman, in of an ntgn-er- . 1 1 permen the spacious anion for The extensive use c( Market Speaker, cf 4 3 0 0 priority. Hogs Receipts 3,500. old chateau. The most 1 3 1 I 2 0 conspicuous motion pictures by all war recreation Bulk. $18.90 9.45; heavy, $19.00 Wood, If in room were 4 0 0 9 2 0 objects the the military agencies also was considered. Iff 19.50; light, $1 8.50 9.50; pigs, Johnston. ll on 1 0 maps the wall. to erection of new thea- 2b 4 1, 0 4 Advancing The picture $1,0.50 18.00. Turner, meet his visitors, with cor- will not bo Market 'Kvans, 3b 3 1 2 1 3 0 simple ters, however, permitted Sheep Receipts 1,000. the, said: 1 1 c S 1 f 2 0 diality, marshal during the war. Savins of materials steady. Lambs, $ 5.50 8.00; year- O'Neill, "I am to see ut 1 do not 1 0 0 2 0 0 glad you, used in the manufacture of films, lings, $11. 5 0T 16.00; wethers. $10.00 Coveleukie, p I oth- know what can to essential in 1 1 x I 0 " 0 just say yon, aevcral of which ate the (fi 4.50; ewes, $9.90 3.75. Graney . er than that is well. ef- 1 0 0 0 0 0 HITCI-ICOCK- everything going production of explosives, will be F.nrmann, p We we have hegun our action and fected by a ruling of the board that Denver Livestock. Totals 30 6 II 27 13 0 (Ily Paul Piii'innn.) shall continue." only one negative may be takon of Denver, Aug. 23. Cattle Receipts of- Asked the Washington. Major Tlnimas Hitchcock, flipht concerning prospects fur each picture. Tho industry also has 500. Market steady. Beef steers. AH. It. II. PO. A. F. ficer, noted Iiolo expert of no. mean future, the marshal said: been called upon to institute other ' $8.00(51 1 6.00; cows and heifers, $7.00 . - , m i pi-- e n Phottfn. If. ... 4 1 2 1 0 ability, a follower of the hounds and CAPTAIN PH1PPS "Realities are far better than any economies in material, chiefly tin an I ut ln.uu; siocsers unui iet?uers, i,iivj,. Foster, 3 b 4 0 1 justly famous as the father of Tom fiort of promise. It is useless to make iron. 11.00; calves. $1 1.00 13.00. Judge, 1b 3 0 1 9 Hitchcock, ,lr.( another flyer who has promises thst may give rise to exag- Hogs Receipts 200. Market steady. Milan, cf 4 0 1 done his diarp "over there." gerated hopes, 'Nothing but realities Top, $19.50; bulk, $1 8.65 iff 1 9.25. if 3 1 count." SHIP YARD WORKERS Sheep Receipts 3,300. Market Schulte, S. exe- . . 2b 4 0 1 Captain John I'hipps wing Major Hob Wrenn, po.-.l- commnnder to everyone of America's tennis sharks .Remind.-'- of a previous occasion steady. Lambs, $17.00017.50; ewes, Shanks, - WAGES 0 1 2 cutive officer. His several field of Field, No. Walte,- when he aaiit that, the wave WANT JHIGHER Lavan, xs ..4 polo lia. H.lrva,.d wj, ot ,,,, ,lim aH fl German $12.00)12.50. e 4 1 1 r. 4 on Long Island has been the scenes always called bun "Hub,' no. had been broken, Marshal Foch re- Ainsmlth, limp : In-t- 2 o 0 1 1 buttles his as Hub is he t and member of the ,AV MnRNINO 'UURNAL SPECIAI lC8ED WIRE llcconum-ml- s Chatultf-r-lain'- s p of many and reputation what shall among player plied: .Mrs. Klein Ayers, o 23. Skilled Matteson, p 0 o o o a !i)or!r.inan is iniei national. followers of sports, lie in known) tercolb giate rule otninil be. "Well, now it is retiring; see for Washington, Aug. Liniment. V (I o n workers in of Chamberlain's 7. (I es." to a map on the shipbuilding industry "I keep a bottle Johnson yoiuseh Walking all the wall he pointed out the progress of the country have presented "friend Liniment in the house at times, 3 fen-On- e and have used it for years. It will . . .'. 33 2 9 27 17 made the allien since the of ly demands' to the labor adjustment Totals STANDING OF THE TEAMS by quicker than in seventh. Hive, in - board of the board for in relieve rheumatic pains x Batted for Coveleskie CAUSEY WEAKENS SLUGGERS PLAY began, July. correspon- shipping t ovar nvnd T hnve also z Matteson In ninth. dent rvforred to the .French crease in wages to $1 an hour, double and Batted for National having recommended It to my neighbors Score by innings: League. soldiers, the Marshal said. time for all overtime, Saturday half friends who have risen it successfully G Won.. Pet. Cleveland nn u6 .("it. "Yon say anything; you like holidays throughout the year and 10 N. M. Klein, Chllllcothe, 7(i 40 r, may writes Mrs, T .000 020 0002 Chicago .:, about them. Whatever you say will per cent bonus for all night shop Mo. Washington Cincinnati .".(! . r, i a Two base bits, Foster, IS HELEN TEAM AT never be too much. They are going work. The present wage is approxi- Summary: New . .ri! 1- .4 S s base hlr, Kvans. Stol- York on without respite,' without relief and mately 75 cents an hour. Speaker. Three Ill en bases. Shanks, Milan, Johnston. Pittsburgh .40,". without rest. We. can ask anything The dollar an hour wage request of 4 i t;4 .4 34 Evans. Sacrifice hits, Ayers. Covelcs-kie.- ) Philadelphia of them; are always to go the skilled mechanics would affect LUMBER St. Louis r.2 fill .430 they ready ' Double plays, Foster. E on." thousands of workers throughout the Oils. Glnnn, MaHhold RooflM Chapman. ' fJ Boston 4!i fit! .428 HOPEWELL FIELDE Paiut. Ijivan und Judge; Kvans, Turner an 1I0H 01 "You may tell the American .peo- country. Before passing on the wage and Building Paper. r,:! 72 .424 Johnston. Basra on balls, off Aye'-- ' Brooklyn ple that their soldiers are admirable," question the labor adjustment board, 1 LUMBER 2, off Matteson to of Everet A. I. J. C. BALDRIDGE 3, off Covtdeskie American said Marshal Foch the correspond- composed V, Macy, Ayers tO'Neill, League, Associated Press. Berres and L. A. will decide Hit by pitcher, by Won. Lost Pet ent of the "They Collidge COMPANY Oraney). Struck. out, by Ayers 3, bj Cubs Ninth The Albuquerque Sluggers, state ask nothing better than to go to their whether a countrywide basis shall be Innings-pitched- , Stage Inning Rally Boston (Mi. r0 .581 8, Enzmann 2. in will can bo used in scales. Coveleskie by Cleveland Ii7 .5I"3 champions baseball, play the death. They reproached only determining wage Covelesl? Enzmann I and Take Final Game of rt Belen team field ahead too fast it Washington 01 fiS .547 strong at Hopewell with rushing COMPANY 7, Matteson 2. tomorrow. The will lie to THE WM. FARR Ayers New York 57 Mi .504 game for the necessjry hold them back." ADDITIONAL MARKETS Series, Leading by Ten and benefit of the Red Cross. to Dealers Id ."m 57 .500 Referring the British troops. Wholesale and Betal! Louis 5. Chicago Last trounced to the AND SALT MEATS Ronton il: St. a Half Games in Race, "4 70 .435 Sunday the Sluggers Marshal Foch turned again FRESH 23. With two Flag' Philadelphia the laden team to the tune of to 7. out the recent o' KANSAS CITY PRODI CR a Specially Boston. Mast., Aug. Detroit 49 113 .430 II map, pointed gains Sausage of the ninth Strunk The team, which is composed of form- Field Marshal men and said: For Cattle - and Hogs the RaUnf out in the last SI. Bonis 44 60 .123 Ilaig's Kansas City, Aug. 23. Butter and Huth on these two (1 MONNINO JOUHN!. SPECIAL LCABCD WIMt, er baseball stars, has however, "You see arc fighting well Market I'Ticee Are Paid on second and they poultry unchanged. worked a double steal and Chicago, Aug. 23. Causey weaken strengthened its lineup and it is ex just now, In this burning heat. Their players el In the ninth and ovet that tho will have Eggs Firsts, 39c; seconds, 33c. Strunk scored with the winning run, Chicago put made a clean sweep of their final se- pected .Sluggers ardor is unfailing. They ask nothing to 'X ninth-innin- g which some in Belen, as on Catcher Severeld g poor throw rally gave then, ries with Ihe difficulty defeating better than to march ahead, you NEW YORK MONEY'. a over New Philadelphia, winning Cordova the o.i jtlaisel. Score: victory York in the finM Manager said yesterday may see from those black marks DUKE CITY of the and now lean" hv last gamo after a slugging match. same which was used are St. game series, lineup against the map. which show where they New York, Aug. 23. Mercantile A. E. ten and a half games In the permap.t Score: Helen at Belen probably will work to Cleaners-Hatte- rs AH, ' today." paper, race. Score: Jl. H. E. morrow. ' unchanged; sterling, unchang- Tohln, If 4 '0 ed; demand, 4.75V6 per cent; cables. 1 - New Vm ..000 200 12 2 3b . . k. Philadelphia 5007 Tho foundation upon whtoli the 1.70 cent. Malsel,. 1 4 EPITAPHS TELL STORY per 320 West Gold. Phone 44. 1 A I!. R. PH. A. E Cincinnati ...'.000 100 0 Hisler. lb 3 II. 3228 Sluggers have established their cham- Mexican dollars Unchanged. 4 0 Burns, If 4 Batteries: Jacobs and is Not once OF BRITISH HEROISM Demmltt, rf ., Prendcrgast, pionship, heavy hitting. Tlmo loans Strong, unchanged. 0 Young, rf 2 the season have failed to Henflryx- cf Adams; Duqiie and Wingo, Archer. during they Call money Strong, unchanged. 0 0 3 Kauff, cf show unusual with the stick Gedeon, 2b ability (Y MORNINS JOURNAL RPS'-IA-L LEASED WIRBI 0 0 2 2b and it is tbisl fact which has Austin, ss . Doyle, largely London. Aug. 23. For the pro- NEW YORK METAL. I Wallace Uesselden , rs TWO ACCIDENTS them in the lead of the ama- sW Seven-Id- c . Fletcher, placed posed national war museum here, a 3b teur teams of west. p . Zimmerman, the collection of war epitaphs is being New York, Aug. 23. Lead Market Wright, Kirke, Hi 4 2 12 MAR RACES FOR is that tomorrow's General Contractor Houck, p 2 Jt probable gamo made. Here Is one from a British unchanged. J c 3 1 3 with ! Kariden, GRAND CIRCUIT and another Belen, and one game graveyard in France: Spelter Firm. East St. Louis spot, We are In a position to rive 2 3 0 1 with a team of mnM vnliin for i.lin tnonev than Totals ...33 5 8x2ti 11 Causey, p in the northern part "When you go home tell them of $8.90 bid. t run tho state, will complete the season for any other BUILDING FIRM la T x Two out when winning (NT .IOUNNAL us and say: 1 MORNINa tICIAL WINFl Totals 31 i 2 9x24 12 LCAn the Sluggers. If the team wins two t uiis vicinity. score. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 23. Two "For your tomorrow they gave their DI N'S WEEKLY KKVIEW. x None out when winning run w:u Aug. of these three games there can be no " Office With lloston. accidents occulted todny, the getaway today.' AB. H. PO. A. E. scored. doubt of their championship honors. who went New 23. R. day of the Poughkeepsie Orand Cir- From the graves of men York. Aug. Dun's ; Lum- 2 No team has succeeded in a The Superior . 3 Chicago. winning Hooper, rf . r cuit meeting. In the first heat of the down at Ihe battle of Coronel, the will say: 4 3 3 AB. H. II. PO. A. F series from the Sluggers during the Shean, 2b . . . 2:08 trot. driven Oeers, following is taken: "Recovering tendencies in trade ber & Mill Co. 3 1 2 4 1 ( Gentry C, by season and Cordo- . 4 0 1 Flack, present Manager ' cf . . it his hoof in a boot down "If life's best, prize be to nd life and industry have appeared in some ! 77 Strunk, 3 6 C caught coming PHONE 4 1 1 Hollocher, ss 0 0 va's men are determined that they If . the home stretch, Geers out. ;well sections where, excessive heat and Ruth, If 3 0 1 0 2 ( throwing shall not. . 4 1 11 Mann, The wheel of ran Then envy us; we died a'.. Coronel," humidity had repressed activities and Mclnnls, lb. II (. sulky Opera Express 1 cf 4 0 2 0 ss n 3 Paskert. over the fallen driver and al- From a war memorial in an Eng- more vigorous prosecution Of the war Scott, 3 1 o F'leming 3 Merkle, lb t 12 ': BAKER FAVORS 3b . . so was thrown out, while Belle Stan- WORLD'S lish city: work has fortunately been possible. Coffey, 2 b 3 1 I 3 4 ( 3b 1 Pick, ford collided with and "These in the glorious morning of The necessity for intensive produc Cochran, 4 1 i ( Fleming's sulky 3 Deal, 3 b 0 3 SERIESilN BASEBALL Agnew, e . . . . Halstead was thrown. Drivers anil their days tive effort becomes Increasingly evi- c 4 0 1 i 3 but be- 1 Jones, p . . . . 4 O'Farrell, horses escaped injury. For England's sake lost all dent as government wants expand Hudson for Signs 0 0 i 2 t V MORNING Douglas, p .2 De Forest won tho but JOURNAL CtAl IKASCD WIMV yond all previous calculations, and 1 Kelly heat, England's praise." 3 1 0 0 0 1 23. was sold-ler- s Totals M 8 13 27 Id zBarber Opera Express took the next two and Washington, Aug. It The following is an epitaph for tho restrictions on regular business 0 0 0 0 0 learned officially Score by Martin, p tho race. toady that Secretary who died in the first battle of varied and marked as they have been. innings: r Baker will recommend Wall St. Louis 001 030 001 The second accident of the day oc- to General Ypres; are not only tightening steadily but Paper fi 30 3 8 27 21 1 Crowder in Boston 101 201 001 Totals curred In the third heat of the 2:20 delay enforcement of reg- "When Might Is scornful millions ore also extending into new chan Batted for in ulations as far as affect baseball Two-bas- e hits Severeld Douglas eighth. trot when Anna Maloney caught her they came nels. With a constantly enlarging Summary: . who will arrayed, Stolen bases Severeld Score by Innings; foot in a boot In the home stretih, players participate in the Here a few English stood, and he proportion of the country's Industrial Hudson for Molnnls, Jones. 000 world's series to or- Ruth,' Demmltt. Sacrifice hits New York 002 0002 throwing Deveson. Ho was uninjured. September 15, in was stayed." facilities being concentrated on de Strunk, 000 001 002-- ; der that these be Scott. Sacrifice files Tobin, Strunk Chicago The surprise of the day occurred games may played. mands of the most pressing character, Picture Frames Two-bas- e Jlr. Baker's ' Jones to Shean to Mc- Summary: hits Doyle in the free-for-a- Irot when Lu decision which was Austrian Officers in Dunjjrr. the less are Double plays forecast ,v him important requirements Fourth BU and Copper Ave.' Off 1: Kauff, Flack, O'Farrell. Stolen liases defeated St. Frisco. The yesterday was made Aug. 23. An official of consideration and man- lnnls. Basrs on halls Wright Princeton as soon as be Washington, secondary 3. Mann. Sacrifice hit Flack. Sac- won Ihe first heat hand- received a communica- from Switzerland says dealers off Houck 2; off Jones Innings fleers horse tion on the dispatch today ufacturers and alike hesitate 3 Houck fi. rifice fly Hollocher. Double play ily In 2:03 but went to a break on subject from the national that attempts against the lives of pitched Wright to Fletcher to commission. This it is Struck out Py Wright 1: by Houck Douglas Merkle; the first turn In the second heat. Lu understood, of fleers as increasing in Austria. It to Pick to Merkle. Basel St. contained only the request that the 2; Joes 3. Wild pitch Houck 1. Doyle Kerke; Princeton also made a break but Is reported that several commandants by on balls off 3, 1 Tho regulations b(. extended to Douglas Causey Frisco could never reach him. 1 September of Austrian cprps have" advised of 2 5. 5. Hit by pitcher By Causey (Mani time again was 3 Lit Prince- fleers In the rear to have revolvers s. o. s. s. o. s. Clileaeo 6, rh.Ta.lelplila and Struck out Causev tn Aug. 23. Chicago Merkle). By ton won the third heat by a neck with them aUvnys. Philadelphia, 3, 1. Lu won In 11 Innings. Eddie Murphy Douglas Innings pitched 2:05. This was the first time INCREASED ELECTRIC X. .Martin 1. and scored two runs, helped a third around Dougles Princeton has beaten St. Frisco and drove In the other the first time in three years any horse POWER BADLY NEEDED with a sacrifice Boston r.: 0. Disgraced for Losing three. Score: lPtlsburgii with tho exception of Mabel Trosk las Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 23. The Bos- It. H. E. beaten him. ' MORNINa JOURNAL RPRCIAL LEASEO WIRE! 14 0 ton Braves made their last appear- was for tho thrM Chicago ...101 000 300 018 The 2:20 trot easy Washington, Aug. 23. Secretary HELP! ance of the season defeating driven by Phlla 01S 001 000 13 3 here, year old trotter David Guy, Baker and Chairman Baruch of the 005 Score: 2:11 ?, i Batteries: Phellenback, Danforth Pittsburgh. Tbmmy Murphy, while tho pace was, industries board told the house y. Boston. and Johnson, and went to Baron Wood. commerce committee the Jacobs; Perry AB. R. H. PO. A. E. today that war will be 2b 5 0 0 0 3 .0 general program Jeopar- Herzog, dized unless Increased electric power -- Taggert, If 4 0 0 5 0 1 TENNIS STARS PLAY facilities are provided.-Th- ey had been Small cf . . 2 1 0 0 0 Boys MEN 21 SINCE JUNE 5 Chadbourne, IN FINAL ROUNDS asked to appear and the need Terry, ss 4 3 2 1 4.0 explain 21 for the Sims whlc SATURDAY 3 0 0 0 water power bill, TO REGISTER C. Smith, 3b 1.0 --Li- ttle V WIRE1 would give the to Konetchy, lb 3 1 0 10 0 0 MORNIN9 JOURNAL SPECIAL LCASEO president? authority Girls N. 23. Wil- take over and c 4 0 2 1 Southampton, Y., Aug. operate existing power All male who have Wagner, 10 and to persons 4 0 0 4 0 0 liam T. Tllden, II, of Philadelphia and plants, build new ones. reached their twenty-firs- t birth- - liawlings- rf 0 0 0 4 0 T. R. Pell of New York won their Conceding that permanent govern The wants a lot of 5, and on 4 Northrup, p Morning Journal day since June 1918, places In the final round of the ten- ment ownership of the plants acquired or before August 24, 1918, must on the courts of war is un- Totals 32 5 5 27 12 1 nis cup sigles turf through necessity possible register on August 4, 1918. the Meadow club here today. Tllden, der the bill, Mr. Baker said: These men should consult with Plttsblllgll. AB. It. H. PO. A. E. the national clay court champion, "Personally I do not share the prej local draft boards as to how and a udice ot Clean Cotton 4 0 1 2 (I 0 smothered R. Llndley Murray, by asainst public ownership Rags kVioiiM Leach, U A vhsra ihau register. $ net in their semi- of this kind." Boone, ss 4 0 0 3. 1 0 vigorous attack plants, to V. i is with 1 1 Pell defeated T Here your chance to make money .which f Carey, cf 4 0 4 0 final, the westerner- 3, ? . . . 3 0 0 2 0 0 Hayes, Coif to Buy War Savings Stamps. Southworth, rf score of tho Expert Mcrt 2b 3 6 0 2 3 2 Tllden 'duplicated his Denver, Aug. 23. E.. L. Palmer of to Cutshaw, ..... In af- By the and bringing them this Bids for Care of Clock. 3 0 8 1 1 morn ng by wlnnig his way the tho Mor- collecting rags, City Shaw, lb 0 Ijikewood club, Denver, and - office. V- 1 ternoon to the final of the doubles. ; Sealed bids will be received by the McKechnle, 3h . , . 3 0 2 2 0 gan Townsend of the Interlaehen club, He was with Vincent Richards, - of Albuquerque for the care of c . . . 2 0 0 4 2 0 paired Denver, will play for the state chaiti- City not to Schmidt, doubles cham- Pricea Paid. the clock, cost for repairs W. c 1 0 0 2 0 0 who holds the national plonshlp tomorrow In the state patriot- Prevailing Market city bid. to run Smith, be included in Contract 3 0 0 0 pionship with him. The pair had their ic golf tournament bclnff held at the 4 ... n ufveritfinr until termin- - Hill, p 0.2 l I U J tllllQ tt I smash ng and volleying Fhots briskly Denver Country club. Townsend won - ated the All bids are to be in. A. Throck- s. s. s. o. s. by city. to defeat Sergeant Harold default semi-fina- ls o, handa the City Manager not Totals 30 0 3 27 11 4 by in the today th of 1 morton and Walter Merrill Hall. The later than five o'clock, p. m., Satur-- Score by innings: from O. W. Jones of the Interlaehen t score was day.tAug-us- 24, 1918. The City Man- BoBon 000 202 club. Palmer defeated B. Milton of 1 ' - 0105 Bur-tllc- J, an Walter T. and H. k, ager! reserves the right to reject Pittsburgh ...000 000 000 0 Hayes Ralph the Lakevvood club. Red Cross med If V Two-bas- the western doubles will be r .! bids. Summary: e hits Leach. champions als awarded to both Palmer n HEBENSTHEIT, of won other semi-fin- al imiMn MlirillllTIIIIIE a Three-bas- e hits Terry. Sacrifice hils Chicago, the and Townsend no matter which wins RgAna City Manager. and Pell, 1 !''' Double play Cutshaw. battles, defeating Murray tho championship for there Js to be an IU1 Northrup. The finals- - will be de- General von Mudra, one among the R or Buses on balls Off award for both the Btate LU BE CenSaster or By the ioiind Shaw ami Boone. champion Cermnn leaders who failed lo stop rail wnter ry. rided tomorrow. and the runner-up- . A tiuiulred pwiml t'-- W. Hill 2. Struck out Py Hill 3. third medal) tho allied drive itom the Marne, win oh to A. O' com-nian- awarded Jl, Disnor lias been removed from his d Albuquerque Lumber Company ,,Two-nll- ', KmI Colorado c , Cincinnati 8, PW.ladolplHii 7. Don'i neglect the Springs, who won the solace and permanently retired to prl-at- 43 NOBTH FIRST STREET brlngVesuIts, - ..Journal wants Cincinnati, Aug- - 2S. Cincinnati Cnum dull. Join toilaf. fllgl't today. life by the kaiser. Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918. FIVE Food FROSTS REPORTED Row Enpland Conserves Iigi supply i.i Public Kitchens f Vhite Oak fices AT RICH By ,TfT i i rs NEW Six Hoops

Week Is Marked by IHeavy Solid White Oak lined and Kes, paraffin in Several Sec- Downpours outside varnished.. These kegs will last ten tions of State Which Prove vears or more. Great Help to. Crops.

.PICIAL BIPTCH TO wvltWINfl JOII"..! Santa Fe, Aii. 23 Thut lifiht frosts white oak kegs, . $1.90 have touched the hisner valleys in New Mexico is reported todny by 10-gall- white oak kegs. $2.50 Charles E. Kinney of the Uni- ted States weather bureau, who says: 20-gall- on white oak $3.65 "Good showers have continued in kegs. were 30-gall- south and east counties, but on white oak kegs $4.00 lighter in north and west, although some heavy local downpours occurred Cleksaes and masses Setting l. Single knife kraut cutter. 40c in western counties the first of the meal over TKe counter to take adjustable week. Days have been mostly warm $2.00 and favorable, but nights are getting Three adjustable knife kraut cutter .. cooler in northern districts anji lighti frost touched a few higher places, - 1 Crops generally are advancing rapidly. Cutting and threshing of spring wheat and the cutting of oats and barley arej most general in northern district',! Per oP TFfe Qnetst- - London With The & good yields. second cutting I KORBER CO. '.Ml k J. of alfalfa continues in northern utnl .Chanstormca mio liiehcciiSDfll i X;i fit the third in southern counties; P alsj H' a' " itfr'iiliirtftf5--'!''- tlsnwrsnw.1 j j I meadow haying." .l j i' yi "Albuquerque's Big Hardware Store." State College: showers fell in good public kitchens, where a this district and crops are in good con- Hugs Phone 878. 220 North Second St, dition. whole meal can bo bought already it k in Ion-do- n Ues Moines: flood rains have con- Cooked, have been Installed are 1 tinued and ranges are getting fine; and other large cities, and ' H. f stock in good condition. Crops in ex- helpin to solve the food question cellent shape. In England. 54 .. .A and Rio Grande Val- Alt.uqneriiuo In London, the Hammersmith ley; Crop conditions excellent; haying converted into toi and baths have been v.v. w ,',t sj general good yield being cut. mod- 1 j ftoswell: Only light showers and kitchens, equipped with every f, i ern convenience for cooking on a ...5' - Hotels continue rather California temperatures high. Fi? if, : Plums and pears being picked and Urge scale. marketed, and a heavy yield of plum? Purchased in quantity, prepared Health and Summer 1918 Is coming from the Hope district. without waste, and cooked scienti- Resorts, Third cutting of alfalfa nearly fin- these meals can be bought at with Corn matur- fically, tS ished, good yield. much than could tlEIIIIll after excellent growth. Market- a cheaper price ing be attained in- from T7,e caanier tor .me Read the Announcement of California's Famous Hotels ing and shipping of Denia onions un- possibly through t:m' dividual and home prepa- Ah,.. HEALTH. BKAGH AND MOUNTAIN BNhOKTS A NO SOLVE der way. Ranges slightly Improved purchase ration. "THAT OUTINO I'llOBLKM." LITKUATl'Jti: AND FULL IN- - . but still poor. ones The poor are not the only FORMATION BY WRITING DIRIX'T, OR AT ,'JfM Clallup: Dry week with,partly cloudy .who take advantage of the public must The rdctor are made from ofcl- - ukies and some of life Eae'n customer munt sway the food, and purehasa vM wind; nights becoming unsl'ls to I ior"th." food beforehand. Cal KU.k Free Information Bureau at Office of The Morning Journal cool. Range and stock conditions ex- represented at X tood Sthe ini crry pbotoi,. cellent, K lilac k Rock: This section was visit- thai different from nny war that the ed the week. Somme, which coi.tinues, show Icily by heavy rains past Corn, stormed tile world has ever known, so must the AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT oats and other are Albert actually by BE FREE crops Improving KAISER'S TROOPS to the PEACE MUST pace which concludes it be dif- some was done British, who crossed the river utterly TO POPULAR 0 although damage by the ferent from any eace which the world rains. south and struck, anticipating ftJAv the heavy to with has ever known. It cannot be a peace VI are uneven probable German intention iJ .7v Moricrty: Crops very bp draw. of bargain, of give and take, and ol the rains have not been general in The Germans now arc fighting des- FORCED ON HUNS, arrangement." this section. Prospect for feed crops sole, he Gomiecoui'it. South ol "Our purpose," concluded, :i;- are good. Reans, corn and grain, in U0IDD01 perately near com- to ond there the are also pushing for- - "is put Germany finally most parts are good but some locali- I;ritish in a where she can have aid. pletely position ties lacked sufficient moisture. never again attempt to conquer anil clou- from all that thi. ma Gallup: Dry week, with partly BRITISH FIRE Reports points s:iy LODGE DECLARES ruin tho world. We shall do It, but be- B! is for the dy skies and some wind; nights altle going on victoriously we must be above all propositions for coming cool. Range and stock condi- British. a bargained peace deaf alike to the excellent. Field Mnrslml men are kill- wheed-lin- tions Ilnlg's. whimper of tho pacifist and to g St. Vrain: Moderate showers have ing great numbers of Germans, and LOS ANGELES Massachusetts Senator Out- - or truculent appeal of helpers of continued although local in character, Haig lnflicts Heavy Casualties are making steady progress every Germany." FIFTH SINearMAm Crops are lata ond some farms arftj .hi-r- in spite of resistance from the Con- acknowl- lines Terms Which needing rain badly; runge however. Is in Enemy Ranks and enemy, who, if he retreats, Germany RATES $35? ABSOLUTEL- Y- ItiiK and" if he AT RAMAH $Rio CAFE good. tinues to Advance edges that he is beaten, Must Be Compelled to Ac- FARMERS PER DAY FIRE PROOF (..(. Fort Stanton: Good showers con- Despite slays and fishta it out be is bound to M r ELECT OFFICERS tinued during the week, with moder- Resistance of Huns. suffer the heaviest casualties. cept Before War Can End, ,t,i ate temperatures and favorablo con- The town of Meaultc. was strongly Kli A ditions. defended by the nermann but tanks tBRtCIAL CORRIPl UNOSNCR TO MORNINS JOURNAL M.. 23. Tres shower." to town and cleared the TRY MORNINtl JOURNAL bRKCIAL LCASKD Gallup, N. Aug. Officers Piedras: Only light MORNINO O roared up the WIRI) (V JOURNAL RPBCIA. LIAII WIRE) were elected and a committee on two days, but warm, favorable With the British Armies in France, way for the infantry which passed Washington, Aug. 23. An earnest appoint weather. of the and forward ed to draw up a constitution und by Cutting grain general; Aug. 23 (by the Associated Press.) through place pushed warning against "insidious and poison- c,SAN FRANCISCO4 I'ray-Albe- rt law at the farmers at Ita' corn earing nicely and potatoes still British troops this morning are re to the road. ous" German peace propaganda and meeting for a Coot, Interesting and Inexpensive Vacation filling out. Range conditions are to have Happy Valley, to the north of lira 5", a declaration that peace must be dic- mult, Monday, Marketing probletnr ported captured Chuignolles made for good. dan , south of the Sommo was the scene of moro hard fighting. tated to and not negotiated with .Ger- were discussed and plans of was alive with machine to In a bettei' Taos: Good showers the first the river.. More than a thousand prison- The pluie many place her a position where obtaining marketing system. ' of am) ..HOTEL. STEWART week, which delayed wheat harvest ers were taken In this which guns and honeycombed with dugouts. she never again can disturb the Tho advisability feeding cattle operation fc .rood accommodations from 11.50 a. Breakfait 35c 60c (Sun-da- ;' somewhat, also second crop alfalfa It was a hard job for the British, world's pence were made in the sen- sheep was also discussed. The officers day up. and eliminates the bend in the line. 76c) Lunch Sue, Dinner (1 (Sundays 11.25). no however. good gen- but accomplished it. ate by Senator of Massa- elected are: I!. II. Bloomfleld, presi- damage, Crop Field Marsh Halg's forces also are they finally today Lodge Tho STEWART on Geary Street, Juit off Union Square It close to everything erally, fruit especially promising, ap- After being well mopped up the chusetts, ranking republican of the dent; S. K. Lewis, vice president; anil worth while. Municipal car line uaiaei the door, Stewart Motor Bui meeta reported to have taken Boyelles an't . lt and plums full crop; Germans launched a counter attack foreign relutions J. It. Asheroft, secretary-treasurer- principal trains and steamers. Q ples practically Bolry Becquetells. and to be still push committee, pears sixty per cent. and temporarily succeeded in pushing Peace terms which riiuut ami will Those present at the meeting were: ing forward. . They are piling up pris- El Paso: in this section very the British out but the position soon; J. 1). A. V. Bloomfleld, E. 7.. Crops oners and guns. OPceil ocrmany wcrcspepificul- - Mowrer, generally benefited by showers. Corn was retaken. y detailed bv Senator In ad- - County Agent It. H. The Gomie-cour- t vBt, Taylor, Hi In excellent condi- .British have reached - and other crops There has been desperate fighting dressing the snate in support of th- Bloomfteld, Jean- - Ijimbson, George BIG DEMAND FOR TRACTIOIIEEnS m1 which Is considered to be Achirt-I.e-Gran- to the in er K. tion. Some damage was done the today front of man-i.ow- bill to extend thn armv A. Bond, A. J. Crockett, ,Th frvtt ImtMrtanet of th tractor tofli (tat eauitd trtrnmitaut dt or me uerman po- - nH meif. third cutting of alfalfa by showers. cmei point ucicnse j,ut Wjn lno xritish force rushing: draft Thev included romnlete! Mr. Merril. J. I). Lewis, J. K. Neilson, mand for tractor oparaton roealr Rinchftrt vrvwhre wint BUIUJ.K. ages. comaetent tract ion car.- BlQ PAV. GREAT OPPORTUNITY NUW Pears being shipped and other fruit through C.omlecoiirt, the enemy restoration of Belgium, unconditional! Balph Bond, I. O. Ue, J. W. Bond, OFFERED YOUNG MEN la thlt new trada. Wcatern Amartca'a Otdt. South of Gomiocourt British - LarsMt and Moat Ratlabla Trada School ha Inauturated a apodal urw marketed. the ... H o. . , In oa YOU an were riuirn a ,.iii in rrance.i r. iiiiriunii. Tractlonairinfl and PERFECT at txport. Writ far attacking and pushing forward There also has been heavy fighting and of Italia Irredenta to R. Z. Vogt was in Gallup Tuesday ao catalog. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, all the Italy, safety Flfuore at EtflMh Stroot, Loo Antelaa, Cal- - PECOS VALLEY COUNTIES along line, near Miraumont, Beauregard and for Greece, independence for Serbiu on business. to The battle soems to Uo one of the Dovecote. The British now seem and Rumania, an independent Poland, George Lebeckp trader nt Ramah, PLAN SCHOOL RALLIES greatest of the war. have secured final possession of this Independence of the Slav peoples and was in town on business this week. The town of southeast of regjpn. ", . freedom of Russia from loss has the fall Meaulte, German dom- Much resulted from 1'jII SPIC.AL CORRKaPONOCNCI TU MORNING JOURNAL) Albert fell in tho British drive. There was hard and hand cut White- leoaIj xtmefs. early fighting ination, including return of Russian army worms and worms at , ..,-- Santa Fe, Aug. Is the The British troops pressing on here to hand engagements in Albert, the territory wrested by Germany In the water and also around the Box S NOTICE OF NUT. val- Bray-Albe- rt from Brest-I.itovH- arrangement of the five Pecos are crossing the road, Germans resisting desperately k treaty. Charlie's ranch, midway between Gal- Mum of New Mexico, county of Ilernatllln, ley counties for educational rallies, British Take Happy Vullcy. houses, and barricades, Furthermore, Senator Lodge and Itamah. In the Ulalrlct Court. lup No. II.',,17. next week, August 26 to HO, taking1 Happy to the north of Here alone "50 Gofmans were cap- must Gal- valley, Bray Constantinople be made The next draft cptota to leave Curl I). Donovan, Elizabeth A. of the was taken tured and n number were killed ' Plaintiff, v. theplace customary two or by Field Marshal Hair's large a free pm-- find Palestine never re- lup will consist of twenty-fiv- e men. Unnavan, DefenUunt. In which . four weeks teachers' Institutes. These troops after hard fighting. , in the mopping up process stored to Turkish rule, , will be entrained 1, and To the Above Named Defendnnt: They Sept. You inn rallies. will be held simultaneously at Three German battalion headfpiar-ter- s bombs were dropped into cellars and "Most of all," Senator sent to are hereby notlfieil that a haa ... Important will be Camp Iwis, Wash. been filed you In (he uM f'ourt and SI Por-tal- In (Vbs Sijb Carlsbad, Hoswell, I,ovington, the locality of Happy Valley dugouts. Lodge continued, "the Slav In the great County by the above named plaintiff, mi&Zj and Clovls and will have the have been taken, Additional guns al- The fresh attacks launched by populations who have been used to which- the Bn id pluintiff prnyii for divorce, were to tho VALENCIA COUNTY HAS of same speakers who will make the so have fallen Into tho hands of the British this morning loth aid the Germans whom they loath, on the grounds abandonment. And yu much as In British. north and to the south of the battle bo are further .unified thut unless you enter rounds players progress' must established as Independent AND or caune to be entered appearance In British have ' BOYS' GIRLS' CLUB your Jve eucher or at A number of new German division zone of yesterday. The iVn of guests progressive states. i eulil cauBe or before the 14th .lay reached Hnmcllncotirt and are push- A. will be luncheon move on. thus enabling each hove . been identified. They were' Poland Must Re Free. Heptember, l. lain, judgment 5 and RRCCIAL CORRtSPONOCNCt TO MORNIN4 JOURNALI In uld cause aRulnet you by de- IHOTEL "'4;Sisf' iliw place to have a maximum of inspira- rushed up in thie hope of saving some- ing toward Ervillers, St. Leger "The Polish people must have an rendered N. M., Aug. Aluch Inter- fault and the relief prayed lor will be ... u from the which threat- Croisilles. , Helen, tional speakers. Among these will bi thing disaster Independent Poland, and we must granted. , est was shown the boys and ! Superintendent of Public Instruction ens the whole German army on this To tho south of Miramount, the have these independent states created among The name of the plaintiff! attorney thV of Valencia the com- office address LnimnsniuT Dr. K. front. British have .crossed Ancre eri'so thev will across nath girls county at ModfHto I', ortla, whose peat BROADWAY SEVENTH J. It. Wagner, J. Standifer, that stand the M. and back In the r-P- ing of Mrs. Koger, assistant state club Is Albuquerque, N, Tha center ol ahoppinff, business and the .president of Simmons college; Prof- The latest report from the battle have started general, of to ,hp. east. Nothing is MON'TOYA, leader who spent three last week NESTOK atrical district. Conveniant to all car lines. 1 essor New line the reach- direction of . Already Fteld more for days Eu- Joseph Landers, Mexico says that British are, vital than this a JuHt, right (MEAL.) '"',k' 300 outside rooms with private bath. ., . , hill,-whic- the clubs of the Dr. R. K. ing out in tho direction of Tu'ra Marshal Halg's forces are reported enus and peace. If visiting county. Hy T1IOS K. D. MADPIrfON, Deputy. ropean B)lan. Rates $1 .SO and up. Pining University; Morgan, presi- ' enduring Germany Per-alt- , ; a room service refined eicellent. 7A. Is A- southeast of Grandcourt. , f Tuesday the sewing clubs of and dent Morgan School for Boys; City a thousand yards beyond continues to hold a large part of Rus- from Folder to e pro- and Los Lunas were und PROPOSAI-- 8 for tcuslng lino Oepoto. upon request. Milne of Albu- lbert.,. The British troops seem world for years to come will visited SKALED WILLIAM R. FLOOD. Managor. Superintendent i'phn Al- sia, the 100,000 acres o. Mrs. C. South of the Somme , the British gressing well up tho road from be under the shadow of another Thursday evening a chicken dinner appronimtttely i, B. LANKERSHIM, Owner. querque; Ruth Miller, state grerit - Pueblo have ft bert to Bapaume. South of the Somme was served to Mrs. Koger by the cook- lnnrl of the,- Isleta m supervisor of Industrial Training, Dr. extended their line on front of war which will surely be precipitated office 83 and 1,500-o- other ranks club of Los Lunas. will lie received at the D. E. Phillips, Denver; Dr. Frank H. more4thai five miles, pushing inlo the officers "noon us when Germany has developed ing tlrant German defenses have been taken prisoner by the Brit- to Wednesday morning Mis. Koger as- of P. T. Supt., 723 tsort" II. Roberts. Dr. R. B. Cousins, and at the greatest depth her Russian possession the point of . "'. ; sisted club Albuquerque, N. Mex President R. . Enloe of the Silver for about two miles. ish. yielding her men, money and supplies at the boy's and' girl's Second Street, Details which is and to 12 noon, August autn specifications and estimate of City Normal. of tho fighting north of the "We must not bo beguiled Into con- market open Wednesday up Friday. plans, : of each week In Helen. Wed. 1918. Bldg should be accompnnlot iltiantitlps may be examined by re- , cessions to In the of Saturday americans dine with Turkey hope 10 cent or contractors nt the from nesdny a luncheon was served by the by certified check (or per sponsible following ceparatihg her Germany. It form addresses: the Ring, of would be a miserable otitcomo to have girls' und boys' cooking club of Belen the ftmoiint bid. Proposal italy obtained at the Supcrln liooin 301 Tramway Building Den. Turkey retained in Europe; a plague at tho home of Mrs. Van Vleck, who should be ver, Colorado. You MORm RRVCIAL LIAIID Jb able to Office at the above address. Need not jnUIHIl spot and a breeder of wars. Let Tur- giving her assistance cluh tendenfs P.ooni 202 Luna Ptrlcklcr Hullding. Italian Army Hoadquarters, Thurs- key and Bulgaria shurevthe fate of work. Thursday was spent with the Alliiniupi"fiue, New Mexico. day, Aug. 22. The naval committee fhelr master and be so treated that sewing clubs of Belen. Notice to Contractors. State F.nglneer's Oi'tice. Santd Fe, of TTnited States which Mrs. Is New Mexico. the congress, they will be unable again to trouble Koger very much pleased Sealed for Suffer is din- ' proposals constructing from Italian had :' .., with the of the club work In Catarrh visiting the, front, the world. progress or improving the National Forest with Emman- an- feels ner (today Klnu Victor "It is Idle to talk about out not Valencia county and that much (load project located within or partly who afterward conversed at the German No- credit Is due Mrs. Van Vleck, Thsta tiny CAPSULES But You Must Drive It Out of constant use for over fifty years, will uel, nihilating people.:., county within the Santa Fe National Forest, with the visitors and Invited of course, has any such Idea. It ngont, Mrs. Marabel, club Slate of New Mexico, of Pan art superior ts Ejlsam drive the catarrhal poisons out of length body, county County of Copaiba, Cubebi er Your Blood to Get Rid of It your to be at the cdrcmonv be even we wished and the local Mrs. MiKuel, will be received at Room 102, blood, purifying knd them present could not done, if leader, leaders, lnjections,aiid so strengthening it, to In Mrs. f.una Strickler it will cany vigor and health to the of presenting battle flags assault- to do It. We are not engaged this Woi'tmnn, Hoffman and Mrs. Building, Albuquerque, RELIEVES hi (MIDYJ siffr Permanently. ' New Mexico, 1 V. M on mucous membranes on Its ing and medals war to to arrange a government rtadcliffe. until o'cloci:, 24 HOURS tha journeys troops conferring fry the second of !!.I8. - Tou have probably been In the habit through your body and nature, will 'upon various officers and men. for Germany. Tho German people day September, aams diuasea with- nt-- ' soon restore to at which time and pla'.'e they will be out Inconvaalairci, of external try- you health.. You will must do that themselves and will Tiiel Orders Mortified. . tr applying treatments, relieved they publicly opened and re-il- The ing to cure your Catarrh. You have be of the droppings of mucous Armour Increases the government Aug. 2:i. The fuel ad- fight BnM in throat, sores In Capital. get precisely they Washington, is reserved to reject all bids, trllmiii, used sprays, washes and lotions and your nostrils, bad N. 23. Armour & modi-fle- d ary.nnd .Jul and Trenton, J., Aug. prefer, whose purposes'and ambitions ministration today temporarily and none will be corMtdured except possibly been temporarily relieved.. breath, hawking spitting. of filed Ir, sus- All Company Chicago, today ;'t.d barbarism they share tind restriction orders against plants those from contractors uscoi talned to But after a short time you had an- reputable druggists carry S. S. S. the office of stale a In be In stock and we of the secretary tain. , ( lr( the west, order to provide .a experienced and PILLS other attack and wondered why. You recommend you givt " ' - The con- JHICHESTER S '. certificate increasing Its capital from Can't XPcotlulo Pease). .; market for coal known as slack an" length of project to be must realize that catarrh is an infec- It a trial immediately.! ' $100,600,000 to $210, ood, 000. It, is '"The, results which we most have screenings, t'nder the orders all structed or improved Is approximately Ladieal Ak Urwrln foe tion of the blood and to get permanent The chief medical adviser of the plants 4.21 miles, ond the Items of rrUtaxed Br..dV relief the oatarrh infection must be will' stated that 800,000 shares valued at can nevrr be obtained by a negotiated except breweries heretofore operat- principal I'llla l Ked ad VM simlilAV Company cheerfnlly answer all work are approximately as follows: mM aith Blue V driven out of blood. The $00,000,000 wjll be seven, per cent Lord Lansdowne and he is on the curtailment orders bo, mm the quicker letters on th subject. There is no peace. ing may Clearing; and grubbing, road- Taka otae. Bur of year j, you coma to - Cumulative, stock entitled to nlone to grading lraaaiaS. Aile f" ll I.i ift rt C understand this, the charge for the medical advice. ,. Ad- preferred nqt appears ,tl)ink this take all the slack ami screenings, they way ond culverts and re- ItlAMO.Mt II HAND a will It out Coir-nany- , 7 cent be constructing quicker you get of your dress Swift Specific 432 per out' of the surplus ami net War can ended by a peace formulati can use or store until walls, yeaffsknewnS4 llet Safest. Kehabia E ' taining yulem. 3. S. which has been , In Swift A Laboratory, Atlanta, Ca, profits of, the business. ed iu the old way. this was la ut elk'hlh, SiUa contract form and the mays, SOLO BY DRUGGISTS tVERYWHER

-- ..V SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918.

1 AN DiKEPENDENT NEWSPAPER on the field of battle and then bury BLIND-MAN'S-BUF- F Wis.: Woodfin II. Sponagle, Horton, it deep in the peace conference. W. Va. Pietl of Disease. , WHERE WE ASK INDKMXITY. Communications Sergeants John H. Neilson, Peoria, 111.; Vanhorn Peale, New York; Cor- The cave man was too ignorant to poral William P. Schoerifeld, Cincin- Chicago, 111., August 20. 191 S. o. , Published by ths think it up, and so he beat out his nati, Editor Albuquerque Morning Journa'. Privates Oscar A. Dahlen, Kindred, JOURNAL rival's brains with a stone or club. There has come to our attention an ' PUBLISHING CO. N. D.; Noah Duke, 'Tishomingo, Miss.; The Tartars trnl nn inklinsr of it. editorial from a recent edition of your Western which makes John Evans, Newbern, N. C; Will Representative when their for paper charges against C. J. ANDERSON, they impaled captives the packers that are wholly untrue Foy, Emelie, Ala.; Raymond A. Gar- i Marquette Bid., Chicago, lit hours of agony that death alone re- This editorial, headed'"The Packers" land, Germantown, Neb.: Henry Grier, Eastern lieved. and quite evidently based upon the Charlotte, N. C; Harold J. Moore, Representative com- Live RALPH R. MULLIGAN, The heathen Chinese came in touch recent report of the federal trade Oak, Calif.; Benjamin Rojcki, HO Enst 42nd Street. New Tork. mission, seemingly forgets that this New Britain, Conn. of it, when they broke their prisoners' titrred as second-clas- s report was merely an allegation, ana Died from Accident Other Causes. matter at tire out and postofflce of Albuquerque, N. M under Act limbs, joint by joint and pulled not in truth a verdict. Corporal Bart L. Welsh, Wellsville, of Congress of March 1, 1879. their finger nails and tongues. The facts in the case set the alle- Ohio. The Larger circulation than any other paper The Romans, in all their wars with gation completely at naught: M WUXE COItt'S CASUAITIF.S. In New Mexico. The only paper In New charge is based upon the assumption Killed in Mexico Issued every day In the year. barbarians of all sorts, never encount- volume of our business will action, 3; died of wounds, that the received in TEK.M8 OF BUBSCKIPTION: ered it as a national or tribal method escape attention while all eyes art; action, 4; died of disease, Daily, by carrier or by mail, one month.. 70c of warfare. asked to center on the aggregate of 1; wounded in action, severely, 10; Tearly. In advance 17.60 our In other words, the wounded in action, degree undetertn The American fond of tor- profit. report NOTJeE?d'TiUIJSCKlBE RS. savage, asks the public to believe that be- Ined, 49; missing in action, 5; total. Subscribers to the Journal when writing ture and ingenious in prolonging it, cause our profits run into the millions 72. to have their paper changed to a new ad- did not to It. must be dress must be sure to Rive the old address. resort they necessarily unduly Killed in Action. large. S. "The Journal has a higher circu- It remeained for kultured Germany Captain Lester Wass, Gloucester, Morning That conclusion is as far from the William lation rating than Is accorded to any other of the twentieth century to introduce as It would be to that Mass.; Privates Elgesheiser, In New Mexico." The American truth, slate N. Edwin paper the destruction of the of men because the American workmen re- Brooklyn, Y.j P. Kissler, Newspaper BIrectory, eyesight 111. as a method of the war. ceived six billion dollars in wages last Chicago, 0 O winning year that he was sane Died of Wounds Received In Action. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED Through the centuries of study, re- overpaid. Any PRESS. man will, of course, recognize the Second Lieutenant Walter J. Tlgan, and up- The Associated Press la exclusively search, culture, development proper measure of the workmen's pay Rochelle, III. Privates William Mck entitled to the use for republication lift, through the list of names of great is not the aggregate but the amount Cross, Havre, Mont.; Edward L. Hein of news credited to it or not other- each individual receives all Germans who contributed to progress in proportion Louisville, Ky.,; Gust. A. wise credited in this paper and also to the skill he possesses and the' Turngrcn, the local news published herein. in industry, arts and science, the amount of time he works. Chicago, 111. , focua burns upon this damned spof, Likewise in the case of i Died of Disease. and the packer THH JOURNAL takes prints this Idea from hell; and from the the proper measure of their profit Sgt. George V. Rowbottom, Glou- sixty hours and thirty minutes of ex- should not be 4 the but clusively Associated Press leased wire shame, horror and brutality Germany aggregate cestershire, England. No other news- should be the amount which they service each week. may not recover. on or paper published In New Mexico takes earn a dollar's worth of business more than twenty-fou- r hours of As- Read Newland's story about Roland on a unit of their product. When you sociated Press service during a week. near where learn that for the service of slaughter, AMERICA'S HELP Park hospital, Baltimore, and is to "recon- ing, preparing distributing meat, tho government trying they receive only about two cents pro SATURDAY AUGVST 241 91 !R struct" our blind jsoldiers, blinded by fit on each dollar'B worth of meal hun war gas, because we're going to foods, and that this means only a offer a radical suggestion. quarter of one cent profit per pound SPELLS TUK WtXIi KJK1T AUM. of product; who can then say that These blind soldier boys must be their profits are unduly large? On August 24, 1898, the czar of utterly reclaimed and so those "re- The meat packers' raw product III in- cost Russia Invited all the nations to an constructing" him first go to work the meat animals on the hook FOR ALLIED ARMS conference nt The him in excess of 90 per cent of the ternational peace on his mental readjustment. revenues which it Out of of represents. IHague to discuss n program perm- When you are between the rises of the 10 per cent must come and remaining anent peace founded upon honor 21 a decided all of the expenses Incident to a very and 30, mental change This to 11 nations and guaranteed complex meat packing business. Justice takes place upon a German putting meat V MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LSASKD WIRS1 disarmament and arbitra- 10 per cent represents the by general out your eyes. packer's cost of doing business and his New York, Aug. Robert L. tion. Do of of Formerly you could go about as profit. you know any industry Borden, premier Canada, arrived with this an service to here after a ten weeks' In Most nations were pleased other men, Independently, without performing equivalent today stay the consumer which does business on and France, firm "in the prospect for universal and permanent conscious of your strength to ' a For our we England hustle-all- y fear, smaller margin? part conviction," as he it, "that peace: their governments snt Made rwAlmlmiiWm know there is none. expressed look out for yourself. sightless was nt-tio- czar's invitation and We to consider these facts never the spirit of the allied received the a German you must guide your feel ask you more more resolute to the conference. by and to investigate further, if you ore steadfast or named delegates with a cane; a little dog be useful do so we than at of carried may so minded, and if you will present." Countless millions peoplo to lead you nsust tremble at the faith in fairness to America's effort in . you; have, enough your mighty sending high hopes. noiso of a street car, auto or wagon; expresses his personality and indicates feel assured that your conclusions more than a million men to Franco never! can- the of his Inhibition anu will be different from those set forth was J'eace forever war you may smell the fire that you power moral the deciding factor in bringing not the degree of his culture. in the editorial which occasioned this out of on the western That was what they saw. Rut not locate; you must always depend on victory defeat The in Teach him to low. . A high letter. even the War Eddy County speak ' front. till. One saw it this way: someone or something for voice Is not only disagreeable, It Is Very truly yours, will never he the are ARMOUR &GOMPANY. The future peace of the world res's "Believe me, peace common things; you must give up a mark of weakness. Those who of a sure do not raise their voices. largely jpon the unity purpose and tetter safeguarded than by perfectly flowers, the mountains, the green action between the United States and German SSKCIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNING JOURNAL Isn't chance!" Not even the A vo;ce organized and prepared army. fields, tho glistening, rippling brooks; any draft, high signifies petulance, Great Britain, the said. le N. M., 23. Not so premier pos-felb- Carlsbad, Aug. not even conscription, would .take him, and means pettiness. Clod grant that it may always be you must merely imagine all new petulance "I trust that these two many years after Napoleon died, there Yes, even the correspondent knew that The best way to stop a is to mighty for us to preserve the world's new all new things. rose a scientist Na- quarrel ties of faces, all people, up who disputed War was on. pause, take a long breath, and let the; united by strong peace with this sharp and well kept Formerly, you looked Into your poleon's very existence. "How do we There was a rattle stand- of voice down about Roll of Honor kinship, language and ideal, may in know?" asked this "that inspector, pitch your threej prm." young wife's eyes and saw a gleam Phillistine, ing by. He seemed most natural sit- tones. When yon begin again you willj spire each other with complete con Nupoleon ever lived. We know only on the of a rinn nas gone out oi fidence and in earnest and That was whnt the German kaiser from heaven that thrilled you. Or. we have been ting top dusty bawling mat tne neai sympathy two what told. And those corral, rtuanlo - your dispute. What began as a con- American Casualties unselfish and action to com- feaid in a nt Oynhausen, lwiby your knee who tell us of never saw Na- lnipt bright eyed, purpose speech you took your upon him, the branded cattle us they tention has become a mere difference mand secure the czar s peace to over its poleon. They, In turn, were told hy watching the world's peace and weeks after getting to make It laugh, or glow stumbled and crowded past him in oKppinlon. of someone else. I. for one, doubt the The casualties are report- safety and equality opportunity Invitation. growth, tho way Its curls were begin- the gangways to the dark red cattle Teach your child to talk slowly, not following for forced Nupoleon myth." So reasoned this ed tho of the for the smaller nationalities and A few weeks later the kaiser to twine about Its neck, the cars. to let his tongue run before his by commanding general The ning thinker, whoso middle name must he can he will ac- American forces: the backward races of the world. Jiis to pass a bill providing made to "Daddy," to havo been Thomas. "Reside taking all the unmarried, thought. This do if expeditionary crown reichstag struggles it say surely able-bodie- supreme result would Indeed d cow punchers out of tlu custom himself never to speak until Killed in action, 2. a huge Increase for the maintenance realize that it's part of you and maybe Obsessed by the idea, the corres- he worked out in his mind all our sacrifice and would give us country, and some of tho married has clearly 17. of the German army. will like you. pondent of the Albuquerque Morning said the "The what be is to say. Missing in action, much to hope from a wider league grow up j'ist Journal walked down tho business dis ones, too," inspector, going That was his answer to the world's more of that forever! To crush war has hit the cattle in an- Teach him to wait. In any group of Wounded severely, 17. of nations." No trict of Carlsbad one morning, to find industry for peace 20 years ago. rule millions of men like you, the other way. The government said that conference or consultation you will Died of "wounds, 4. Speaking of the Canadians' share cry and the truth of Uie war that 1 at a pro- - great people it would buy no dressed beef that notice that the man who speaks last Died from accident an other in the allied offensive, the premier No to help arrive peace German has gassed you into blindness, talked about. It is raging In Europe, than four hundred an J most work of the cur- weighed less, carries the authority. couses, 6. said they had "won as conspicuous a pram but to hinder the everlasting blackness, an opaque the papers say, five thousand miles thirty-fiv- e pHinds. Our cattle havu Let him himself so that del- - J ob- discipline Died of disease, 1. victory as ever foil to their lot sinco conference the kaiser appointed between and all that you away. low do tho people in this been in such hard shape in late years when an idea pops into his head he tain you scure county seat in a fur away west- Wounded, degree undetermined, 5. the 'outbreak of the war. hurling back cates to The Hague. Among them loved. that they wouldn't dress that much. does not hasten to present it at once, ern state know that a war is on? The in can-ne- ts Prisoners, 1. the Germans fourteen miles and cap- was notorious preach Roland The packers bought them at but holds it in leash and keeps it in .count Munster, Wisely the governors of correspondent asxed, to find out. and sold them on the hook readiness to utter moment Total, 53. 10,000 prisoners and 150 can- sword." a prices at that and turing er of the "gospel of the Tark hospital decide that such The first man tie met was "Dick" for the same price that they got for juncture when it will have the most Killed In Action. non. for he of Hates tho "Germany is prepared war," change has an effect on the mind. I:ales, Brothers, proprietor.; heavier grades. The packers cut force. Lieutenant Ewlng Boone, Kansas "As the mastery of the air passes of the one-tim- e Hates hotel, the al- feaid, "as no other nation is or can be; is necessary, splendid cowman's profit, but didn't protect Teach him to speak distinctly, to City, Kan.; Corporal William F. Ruth, more and more completely to the Mental readjustment walla of fine consumer. Now 1 see tho in 10 be- the that building only govern- get into the habit, even in ordinary lies German will realize Bhe can mobilize her army days; to see wife or babe'e over the Emaus, Pa. the people yesterday, remain. Flames had devastated the ment is talking of taking conversation, of enunciating every Hied of Wounds. war to own ter- neither Franco nor any other power to be In of the bright and now it the whole outfit." consonant through carried their loved face; and historic pile, resembles distinctly, never to mumble William O'Neill, New the to which can do this." to seo to be broken Jhat the writers say The set down on or fill his with urns and ahs. Sergeant ritories, martyrdom they world. Today, nothing; fragments correspondent speech York: Thomas R. Summers, other nations 29, 1S99, the conference death! seen in Peronne or Kaupaume when how tho war had come to a Cer- A pleasant voice and a way of relentlessly subjected On July in a world between life and paper Buff E. it is of the alliel count Munster had of the British advanced at the heel of the tain big business, and then wandered speech that Is agreeable to hear will Tenn.; Corporals It equally the duty adjourned after One of these blind soldier boys barbarian. on. A was his next A a man far. You do not want Melton. Northbend, Neb.; Floyd 3 nationB to of her which ho dealt the clerk proy. tall, carry purge Germany made a speech in ours-- OP OURS! writes Newland, "How do I know thercs a war on? clerk. your child to be a or a sissy, Simmons, Bethlehem, Pa. madness ' use of eco- gangling grocery pedant ' by unsparing death blow to all hope of arbitration has been so mentally readjusted that asked the hotel man. "I know this. "How do I know there's war on?" to ho over nice, or disagreeably Died of Disease. nomic pressure until she has given kvnd let- If I had a hundred thousand dollars proper; hut you do want him to have disarmament. he sits down and pens a The clerk grlnSied. It was a fetching Private James Clarence Brown, convincing manifestation of sanity joyously in gold coin, I couldn't rebuild the It was kind of that the manner of superiority and the air N. Germany went on with her prepara- his in wobbly charac- grin. the grin Kannapolis, C; and a clean spirit. An assassin stata ter to mother, hotel. I couldn't buy the material, sold yellow corn meal to a customer of a gentleman. Causes. tions for war while other nations May God the And said Lord Ches- Died from Accident and Other must be barred from the society of ters, perhaps, hut legible. because shops are working for the who asked for white flour of the very a gentleman, Rod-lio- for another and more success- she on war and it terfield, is never in a Corporal Clarence E. Knaub, decent commonwealths until they are hoped alone be with that mother when government contracts, highest patent. "Don't tell the old boy hurry. MeAles-ter- , conference. came takes ull they can make to turn out confided the clerk (Copyright, J 91 8, by Frank Crane.) Pa.; Herbert 8. Evans, convinced of its sincere repentenoe." ful peace Nothing reads it. down the street." Now and this their orders. I couldn't get a prior- with glance toward gaily painted boots Okla.; Arthur Hargrove, of future peace meetings "You should see them at football, for the the Amherst county, Va.; Joseph out of ity order shipment of that hung before dusty cobbler win- AT.I FYES OX TIIF. AIR. Glasgow, NEW LIVESTOCK RATES world war grew Germany's course of the ball by or the iron and ami S. Can.; J'ick following the lumber, piping dow. "Don't tell him, but what do you fW. B. Thomas, London Daily Mall Ostrowskl, Winnipeg, and well Munster other for forty-fou- r room "sharp kept $m." You should see how they material a think of that job!" He showed the Correspondent, in Collier's WTiittcn,' Cartersville, Mo.; Anthoney ORDERED IN SOUTHWEST was well pre- hearing. hotel. The government wouldn't Weekly.) ' was right. Germany on like kids while doing soles of his shoes, one after the other. Gases, flames, stink Wilken, Lafayette, Ind. not carry Joyful spare me the cars." said the you bombs, poison for war. And if Germany is No! We a011'1 "Hull," correspondent," bombs, bombs, smoke bombs Prisoner. MORNINS JOURNAL tnciAL LSASSO VIRSj pared it," says Newland. Tho correspondent wa?r.ed on dowr, make me think of a goat herder!" bursting (V defeated now her "shacp and well a living con- and shells, guns, shells with Lieutenant Edward R. Taylo, Belle, Washington, Aug. 2 3. A new basis want to see that while there's the street. Priority orders war "Yes, and 1 soled another pair for time with arm" will be sharper and better tracts railroads under government, fuses, supersenstivo contact fonte, Pa. Of live stock rates in the southwest kept hun who has not felt all tho punish my oldest kid, and saved enough t.r fuses, with delay action fuses that than ever. of control. Whoever in peace times knew a War with especially low charges on stock ltept ment that's in the strong arm of or buy Stnmp!" burrow deep before exploding; follows: ago the kaiser well on priority orders, war contracts? War Ktamo! W. S. S. cards' "tracer" bullets Section two of yesterday's list moving out of the drought stricken Twenty years America. We don't to stand And the railroad3 were under gov- Pledge that show, their track 27. and well arm" The remembered all of in th nir: bullets, that Killed in action, areas to the southeast, was ordered knew his "sharp kept and watch American ernment control. tho gov- corespondent inflammatory ad- the side lines Evidently them. Remembered the hot, sweaty fire what they touch: portable Missing in action, 35. established today by the railroad was not to preserve the world's peace. ball ernment knew that war was on. artillery SO. hnvs blinded bv huns, follow the afternoon when the whole towr that almost in nock-e- t; Wounded severely, ministration. was and The next man the correspondent you may put your He knew why it sharpened bv We want to be in the crowded into the armory, and sent th9 automatic guns, firing several bul- Died of wounds., 18. The order establishes a standard hearing. met was the Eddy county food admin sailimi fo well He then knew that he huns. The The Carlsbad allotment of stamps lets a second: armored cars of everv Died from accideht and other and uniform schedule for Texas, kept, trench lines removing istrator. food administrator. over tho Yes, there nil these to to is to "recon- very words have an ominous sound. way top. surley pattern and many besides causes, 1. Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and was going to use it smash bits The government going must bo a war. because that do not cxhmi.t the armor of the god had food administrators in a, grinnint eastern New Mexico to the Jthe peace of the world and attempt to struct" these blind boys, so far as pos- They grocery clerk was helping finance tho of war. Most of them are stale and replace where famines raged. Why should Wounded," degree undertermincd, complicated system- - of local ride over mountains of dead and rivers sible. It is to teach them voca- thing. chill and perhaps: comparatively In pitesent going they need them in America, the land man back effective besides 10. rates. to throne of world do- to thorn independent, so wheat of corn The newspaper started the weapon that is of blood, the tions make of illimitable fields? toward his convinced that the in the and .that is not Total, 132. To facilitate the emergency move- is to harvests that reached the billion office, forging weapon minion. That wag why his represen- far as possible. It finally going man who doubted Napoleon was alt mean, dastnrdlv, cruel, or even rigidly Killed in Action. ment of cattle from the areas, mark? of cattle, on a thousand hills? Clare-mon- t, drought tative at The Hague dealt the death turn them out into the world ttf get wrong, and that there was a war on, scientific, for it can only be used by Sergeants Oliver Racasse, the railroad administration "How do I know we're in war?" On the men of human skill and anil provided blow to arbitration and disaramment. nlntur as well as possible. said the food adminis- and a big one at that. wuy courage, N. H.; Ellsha W. Wescott, South that shipments of Btockers and feed- Eddy county saw medical examiner lor It is In this the Ger- Larch-mou- In 20 have not for our blinded trator. I about half back he the department that Penobscot, Me.; Joyce Kilmer, ers to of the Ohio and years many things hap It is enough "Well, spend my the local The mans have been inferior; I Lan- territoy south in- board. correspondent markedly N. Y.; Thomas E. Miss-iissip- pened. That czar has been swept off When peace Is discussed time telling people that they abso- skilftul menn tho use of tho Manor, Potomac rivers and east of the pl boys. have more two thought of the hours that this airplane. Michael Into his From should be included lutely can't than at top The most conservative critics be- ders, Natick, Mass.; Corporals might be made at, 75 per cent his throne and grave. demnity for them of sugar a month, unless they surgeon had given, working Rtaten N. Y.; Ga- pounds a time lieve that the last and de- J. Leonard, Island, of the usual rates. . . B world of peace we have come Into in the terms. eome to can. And I have speed for days at examininv greatest Pete have fruit the men of class one who went froiii velopment of the war will be seen In vin R. Mclver, Mattapan, Mass.; a world oflwar. For four years the to watch the flour supply. You know be an act of tho air. I suppose the Americans are. Pa.; Myron L'. ahead Eddy county. It would Sehulta, Pittsburgh, kaiser's "sharp and well kept arm" "Germans don't see victory tho French soldiers bread supply was blindest to ask that question of with perhaps one exception, the most Hampden," Me.; Mechanic In some Wo folly Whitcomb, hattled with the forces he at They cut square two, time ago. the men who had sent so many splen- naturally inventive people in the E- - Pa. opposed writes a war correspondent. DIM send more flour to our allies. Curtis McQuillan, Pittsburgh, The And for a time he made kaiser made did civilians into the ranks of Eddy world; and a pood part of the coun- Privates Amos Deperro, Sykesville, Hague. never did; it was only a The food administrator knew the energy is focused on much as he dreamed county's army. The correspondent try's preparation Jefferson Co., Pa.; Hyman Hillson, headway, not as mirage they saw. war was on. And he knew, too, what remembered fellows who had pa- for this aerial warfare. Flying by must do. tho Roxbury, Mass.; Sidney M. Johnson, of and boasted he would achieve hut it meant that ho raded up and down the streets,. fairly night is a new accomplishment, and Not more than half convinced, the no defense has been Osco, 111.; Fred Kapanke, Shawano, enough to arouse apprehension every OOXSOHIirTXO WAR PROFITS. glowing with vitullty and the desire to yet found. In eorrespondent walked on down tho were some recent experiments guns Wis.; Frederick P. King, Rutland, Vt.: where outside Germany and l)cr allies. He met a A man get into khaki. They training, have mounted on Jo- street. carpenter. now, In Some were in France,. been airplanes, and Charles J. Klein, Lewlston, Pa.; Then came the turning point. Ameri In fixing coal prices the price had whose head was A man who had camps. have been made N. Wa- grey. The correspondent knew that the ex- many planes capable seph Krone, Lackawanna", Y.; cans by the hundreds of thousands to be high enough to stimulate pro shot buffaloes, and fought Indians that there was of carrying a score of men or an lter Madenford, Media, Pa.; George T. amining surgeon kfcw number of bomb. Even poured into the war. German lines duction by allowing a profit to the before other savages had thought of a war on. It was no myth to him. equal during Maxwell, Newton Center, Mass.; Jo-- ! N gas. board In the Somme battle, when the British A- havo been turned backward. They least efficient mines. phosphegne And on the new bulletin a if not seph Milwewicz, Jersey City, N. J.; war "He's in France, They've fooled the front of the office there was a posseescd moral, a material must go much further. This meant an abnormally high subs post masterv in the air, German soldiers, lbert C. Smith, Danbury. Conn.; Ethan again!" thick bound book. It was the Casualty z. And will come to most efficient miners. was even of the bcttei1 regiments, began to A. Stowe, Snyder, Okla.; Hyman Don't indoors because then another peace profit the The pioneer "waving a postal , stay I list.. . rebellious terror Now York: Erasmo Dinitto, at same pol- card. It read, "The ship on which v grow through sheer conference, and not till then. But In fixing meat prices the Yes, there is a war. A is ' nulled has arrived overseas." of British airplanes. German sol Boston, Mass.; Ira Fowler, Nevada, O.; your skin unsightly this conference there can be no count icy had to be pursued. The stock safely It is no myth to Carlsbad follfc, who dier's letter before me The corrosppndent knew the boy who have sent men across. says: "They Walter Byron McCune, Michignn City,! Munster to. deal death blow to had to a that would brown-eye- their will soon down us out , any raiser get price had signed that card. He was swoop and pick Ind.; Kenneth Eckman Price, Burling-ton- least d of the scruff of our anything. There can be no bombastic stimulate production, and the like his fathor. Brown-eye- and the trenches by N. Charles J. Wor- - U. necks, and them J.: Sullivan, to say, "Believe me, peace efficient packer had to have a price bright-face- And so he was nobody challenges Mass. emperor war wan from our side, Our own airmen do cester, Resinol will never be better than would him a and Franco. His father knew the safeguarded that give profit on. nothing but swagger into the restaur I)le1 from Wounds. will and WITH SCISSORS of .Toilet, heal it quickly hy a perfectly organized prepared keep hira busy. The correspondent stepped alonir. ants and theaters Lille, showing Corporal Andrew O. Tallman, off crosses. ' German army." That meant abnormal war profit He met a flushing, blushing, freckle! their iron 111.; Wagoner John Loyal Conant, The discomfort of hearing unfavor- AND PASTE If this sort of afflicted ' It won't be for the kaiser to say for the highly efficient packer. fellow, with eyes alight, and an odd nightmare Coldwater, Mich. . able comment! upon one's complexion, but soldiers in 1916, when a fleet of twen Fair-baul- t, what he will or will not do. He must There seemed to be no way to curb tilt in his step. He had a postal, Privates Charles'Oscar Cross, and of realizing that one's skin is another kind. ty airplanes was a thing to marvel at F. Herman, 'do what those who have beaten his profiteering by price fixing. The tiVe voices. what may not happen in 1919 if the Minn.; Henry be prevented by. Resinol "Here it is!" he cried. It read. "You V'eran oecht tardl e gravl, N. Y.; Leonard K. Jnrstfor. and only way left to genti con dash, proper to American character Brooklyn, Ointment, which not only heals a tick "perfectly organized prepared prevent profiteering aro hereby directed to appear befora 1I uutorita e' lor sembiuntl, is full Carson Mich.; Samuel J. Lewln, and was for the to recover ex- examina- grand given play by the standardizing City, skin, but protects a healthy one. Aided German army" command, that government this local board ftfrjdiyslcal Parluvan rado con vocl soavl. factories! New York; Mayo E. Taggart, Snyder, less. will be well for the cess war by taxation. tion Dante "Inferno." Mich.; by Resinol Soap, it heals eczema, helps nothing It profit I'm off Mo.; Bryan Miller, Detroit, in mind That is, Uncle Sam had to let the I'm off for France, boy, There were folk with slow eyes and Craft. John to remove other eruptions, excessive conference to hear that the for France!" His tones were gay. Earl M. Mortorff, Ashley, Ind.; not will efficient win their marbles and then grave, (Detroit Free Press.) IH. John Arthur dryness or oiliness of the skin, and world's peace was and never The correspondent smiled a crook- With of Lagan Orr, Chicago,! them. of great authority presence, "Father, if James should ask per- 111.; Relnhard F. enables one to have complexion that ha by the "sharp and well take the marbles away from ed smile. He thought, enviously Who with sauve. mission to me I Peterson. Lombard, preserved spoke sparingly marry want you to Gerald, Mo.: Lyman excites compliment instead of unfavor- kept arm" of the hun. That "sharp That seems to be the policy secre- the tinio that he had asked for phys- Teach your child how to use his withhold your consent." Poeppelmler, ical examination. He remembered the voice. an in Rohr, Ambler, Pa.; Alfred Ruchtl, able comment. Hiid well arm" should never tary McAdoo is pursuing. It also If he becomes expert "Don t you want to msrry him? v kept sounding of the.surgeon'H stetho- few bo of more value Monroe. Wis.; Walter C. Sanderson, At all dealers. stand in the way o universal seems to be about the only sura way deep that, things will "Yes, and I'm going to. but I don't 'again, scope. Remembered the verdict, "Put to hun. ' want him. to get the notion that Shnwneetown, III.; Ernest Schulgen, to. it to overcome you're 'peace. ,W .will have amputate profiteering. oil your vluUivti. Old Spurt! Time iiyt voio, morn than anything else, anxious to gut rid of me." Lodl, Wis.! Edward Schultz, Spencer, Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918. SEVEN international n(ti Barrloo. tfRINGING UP FATHER coprrittt. llll. BY GEORGE McMANUS IF TOO WANT AN EXCUSE TO I OT OUT TV ) WELL-- I TaH1 1 -- JSL'-y MyTOOTH- - I V' ACTED bO COLLT HE PULLED "T:T.NP TOO HAVE. A nPnr WIT ,JO Q TO J I I R M HT- - I l pULL OUT tiOMI: - I 111 . . U CANT aTAND , , ' k SiCs MORE.- nrw-p - y

' - - - ; T 'i I 11 Yen Em a Wamt ill KflOR Tel Tbromglb (lb I J001ML CLASSIDFIDED FOI ills SALE FCM REM HJMSMIEB FOR SALL Miscellaneous. STAIl FURNITURE CO. GHEERINC NEWS FcnpRENTOrflces"! $4,300 modern brick, hot OOP: 10 WE 118 West Cold. upstairs, over Woolworth's store. Modern brick flat, four rooms and i t.iv Monarch range, 411 South water heat, lot 75x142, Fourth Seventh. Jioll Top lcsk, $20.00. v KttrtT I Irnni connecfng office" ward. bath. $30.00 per month, water jiaid. For SAI.b-lVe- Aiiliunolille Alct'lianW Tool Bok, rooms over Golden Ruin Store. A nice place on the highands a K eil , . $1,600 frame, bnth, sleep-- 0 CLOSE m oh:,,,,. $..O0. small family. s used. Phono 1243-- LENDS STRENGTH Ing porch. South liroadway, close Five-roo- FOR SALE llorJei Itofrlgrrator, sppclal price. Southern Pacific 88 in. modern brick, glassed in harness and buggy Want to buy what you have to Southern 23 54 $1,500 cement block bun- sleeping porch, basement, garage. If A,liuq"erus. sell. 401) Railway T1MT0N & CO. 1 OR KALE nurse l'limto Texas galow, modern, glassed-i- n you want a nice modern brick house power motor. Utile Company 152 sleep- P.'I'!ll'a ""d ing porch; Highland. close in, here ia one that will suit FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS clutch. Bargain. Phone 6S5 Union Pacific 126 you. See TDSTOCKIRKET K $2,500 bungalow, modern, U. Industrial Alcohol ' South 2134-J- . 128M, sleeping porch, garage, Fourth Third and Gold Broadway. Phone United States Steel 112 FOR SALE Cood ward. A. L MA1T1M CO. gentle driving outfit, 2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Utah Copper 81', a $2,500 ,l,nuhle- - " ""fe. 401 North stucco, bath, etc., REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE Thirteenth. Phone 969 cement walks and coping, also LOANS. ' ATTOHMtVi SWEILL IBIOME FOR RALE One nearly new Ford run Re- CHICAGO HOARD OU TIJADJS. adobe, all on lot 75x142: Phona 160. 216 West about; extra JOHN W. MILrJON Assurances of Probable Third Gold. hard- equipment. Address Stern. ward. Bungalow, dandy location, Bchloss & 7 .. .. Attorney n Co., West wood floora, built-i- features, lawn, Rooms IS, IT 19. in $1,900 frame, modern, glassed- and Cromwell Building laxation Money Condi- - Chicago. Aug. 23. Corn prices -in price K,i)t). U you want a good hS MONuv maker for women who can Phone 1172. porch, shade, good outbulld- - houxe see this one. rochet. broke sharply today on soaking rains i ings, West Lead LOST. Sample twenty cents, silver. No DENTISTS tions and avenue. stamps. Address Dale, Santa Fe, New Mex- Encouraging War in Kansas and showers in Missouri i.ui-i,m- ilr wrmt walcU B, MetMOHAV $4,750 cement block lii'lwoca park ico, DR. 1, K. &UA1F and at a net lots and and Orlmshaw'g. Reward. Phone 2so. Phone 1)01 210 Weil Gold Advices - Michigan, closing shingle residence, hardwood FOR SA LK Winchester "automatic 12 Dental Surgeoa .. .. Dispel Gloom, LOST bunch of ga i of to Heavy rains were floors, hot air furnace, corner lot Large key. between N'urlh shot gun. like new, only used short Rooms Barnett Building Phone 74 2c. ' Fourth and North Al- time, lc also in of good location, Fourth ward. First. Return to will sell on Its merit. Price 602 Appointments Made by Mall reported other parts the Oa & Co. (25. South buquerque Klectrio office, Fifth High. S.' (SY MORNItie southwest. An Immediate Increase in and Central. Reward. FOR RENT Rooms. a copf JOUSNAl. BPICIAL LIASCO WIS!) A. FOR SALE Household Dentlsl New 23. the movement to market was a pros- goods Including coal York, Aug. Assurances of MOTE! and wood range, and ma- Rooms 5 Mellnl Building ft Real STOLEN. North. Singer sewing probable relaxation of money con- pect. Estate, Insurance, Loans chine. Bargain If sold at once. 415 North of Eu- 111 South ST nl.fc.N BicyuTe. new, 3U4 Fifth. I'HVSK 1ANS AND etl'KUEONS .. ditions in the near future and The return Mr, Hoover from Fourth Street. nearly number RENT room , highly Cadillac, liberal reward tot return. Foil Furnished for light FOR war rope was noted with jnterest as ho Box A. Keply 621 SALE ICoanoTwIll selicheop anTl W. T. Ml KPHVi"!. D. encouraging advices were the A., care Journal. housekeeping. West Bllver. make was to or eliminate n- easy terms to the right buyer. If Practice Limited to Tubercnlnels Wright dominant factors in today's market expected modify FOR KEN T Moder- rurmmeO rooms no you want a bargain act 50-5- 0 quickly. Livingston Office hours, The movement was the more the rule of buying substitutes HELP WANTED. sick; running water. (08 Wut Central. B"u,n Second. building; opposite postofflce. convine Lnl,uI!Uii.'s,'i 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to p. m. Pbone, office inif because with wheat products. October corn KENT FOU it focused around rails. toit Light housekeeping rooms; SALE $53 baby carriage In good ; residence (97-J- . Cook . no children. 611 West Coal. Canadian Pacific an ex- close l"sc under yesterday at Wanted Male, condition. CJarden hose, lee cream freezer, registering iron of DR. MAKOAKKT 11. C A HT WKMi treme advanco of I1.6SH. WANTUD A leuond FOU RKNT Rooms m week, osiai cot, dishes, lawn suing, pair rub lit five points. Wages $40 a monh. Can home cook at ouoo. Pull" no over Uolden ber boots size eight, and second hand I.linlted to Women's and Chil- oats was inclined to gd man Cafe, sick; liule Htore. lym Practice Union Pacific, Southern The market nights. Phono. 1049. lor. 0?3 West Fruit. Phone 2:14.",. dren's 1Mb Pacific, WANTED FvH ItENT Housekeeping room, private N.M. Kew York bullishness at the outset on its own MONKBRIDCE Threo boys Hot going lo Ucltool. OOF 1123 E. Central 1'hone 671, Albuquerqnie, Central, Reading and MANOR. The Palace family, Bath, private entrance. 321 North coalers were account, but at the close prices were Drug Co. Fourth, per gallon. Roofs under our ears will carried along ir WANTED from to We on DR. HARAII t'OKEB to lVc net lower. The oats Steady mail for funn; good Fo'ir liKNTFurTiWied rooms for linht improve year year. can put the advance of transportations at wai;eR. Phone .lftJS.- a new roof will last as as the Practice Limited to Children. lc V4c rooms. 121 2 that long market was off to lo. hotmckccplng and single lWl-- 1 and I. Wright Bld. average gains of one point. United VVA.NTKD North Tblnl. building. The Manxano Co, Phons Office Rooms were dull lower in Husky helper diatt nomi't. HO Fourth and Gold. States Steel was Provisions and Byron Henry Ivea, Florist. South Walnut active, retaining the MONETf TD FOU KENT Newly furnished room and Hours 3 p. m. to 6 1 sympathy with corn and a lower LOAN. WANTKD A ERIE carbon rool greater part of its 4 point advanco. good Ford mechanic. Apply Bleeping porches; reasonable rates. 613 paint '- - market at the The do MONH) 7 Tn r r a CJulikel Co. North stops leaks; lasts five years. Us Devoe JPhons jOfflr'hiiMMl Marino irt stockyards. . " TrVrtNe.uu.e at Auto Supply Second. preferred strengthened w '. ecuntr. ready paint, floor paint, ValBpar, Jsp-a-la- of estimated it WANTED First-olas- a window FOIt RENT Nice room, all the later dealings and moderate ad- partment agriculture trimmer. The sleeping porch, mohair top and seat dressing, Motor car fin- REN1 Wisceftaneous. is 3 cen White Home, Santa Ke, N. M. modern conveniences. Finely locatod. Call FOR vances were subsld'-arie- s. that the hog supply per ish, cold and be made by motpr 1C Went Copper. wu;er kalsomine, satisfied, spTingsTesiisill larger than a year ago. Closing prices WANTED WANTED Teacher of manual training rnos. F. Keleher, 401 W. Central, Phone 414. HORSKaanoT'wiis' tt iliiii' General Klectric, New York Air Dwellings. FOR KENT Furnished rooms house- 1101 North Arno. were 10c to 12Vfcc lower for lard; and mochnnlc. Itlo Cranda In. and rates. B. Garcia, llrakc, Texas company, Industrial Al- , duatrlttl School, Bnl 695 City. keeping apartments, all new and modern. 22V&C to 25c ribs 45c JHi cohol some of for and down By tiVH "C North Seventh. FOR BALD and the tobaccos. m Wol,er. Rooms With Board. for r ably Lowlands. 11. JouT- RIO ONE For Rent There was a' marked increase of pork, Addres, . k, - GRANDE HOTEL Rooms and apart- Centrifugal pump and Cloning prices: Vv Art i'E sates woman. ments, Bit West Central. Mrs. Richard motor. With pressure control. Ap- RENT mom with porch; boald, demand for foreign bonds, especially Economist. ply D. Weinman, care Buonomlst. FOR Kat Corn Sept., $1.61 ; Oct., $t.C3V4. W,N7 '1 1A ""use l"' 3 or 4 tinfuT: West, I'roprltress, t private family. .' noutn uign. French issues, at fractional rooms in Thi gains. 71 the Hislilandn. Write be- WANTED Spanish leache r. af l' EiUAL ROOM&-Nic- ai cleun rooms, sleeping Oats Sept., Vic; Oct., 73c. fore Augr. 29 to teinooitj, only clean rooms; FOR RENT Large, Liberty failed to repeat yester. Ilelle Sweet, Petrified For- Menaul School. rates by day or week; oyer Woolworth's, and board. Phono 1952-- 608 I'ork Sept., 143.75; Oct., $44.05. est Itaneh, New X porch day's new high record but the 4's and Cerrilloa, Mexico. WANTED Dlrl Woman for aenera.1 319 West Central. FOR SALE By party leaving town this South Edith. Vi. $26.60; week. Ford wa- 4 'a were more active Lard Sept., Oct., $26.75. housework. 724 West Copper. FOR RENT Large room touring cur 1914 model with RKNT with hot and cold and stronger, airy sleeping new 1918 Maxwell FOR Rooms Ribs Sept., $24.65; Oct., $24.85. FOR RENT WANTED Good woman cook. 150 porch suitable for light engine: touring car 1917 and board. 413 East ffotal sales, par value. $7,450,000. Apartments. per housekeeping, model; two child s motor ter, sleeping porches month, 110 South Thud. Phone Ki. t.r,0. Inquire 1317 North First. bicycles', crib; Silver. Phone 14S8-- Old United n modern cottage with bullt-l- n States bonds were un- FOR RENT AMERICAN 1 Cotton Excluinge to Close. Furnishes apartments. Elms WOMAN For general housework; no cook! HOTEL, 602 West Central. features and furniture on EN T Rooms with sleeping porcnea. changed on call. i, comer ana under new house- East Silver; FORli class table board. New York, Aug. 23 The New York nrst Tljeras. Ing. Address Box 626, Albuquerque. Opened management, twelve-roo- house with two bath rooms, hot and cold water, 1st RENT Two three-roo- keeping and rooms, reason- 613 uoiu. ana apart-nousi1- 1 WANTED sleeping rates Bleeping do Oro, West Closing prices: cotton exchange will close n Competent housekeeper at able. Phone 801. eight large porches, furniture, Caa Saturday, ,lMpln rooms. once. Mrs. U. 41 sani- furnished American 4(i-y- , Highland T. Phillips. i South barn, garage, shade trees, near RENT Sleeping porch Can 31, the before Labor foil 101 August Saturday Walter. tarium; ten desirable residence lota In first-clas- s table board. South American Smelting & 77 BonOb rooms, Refining. day. FOR RKNT Three or four room WANTED A for housework. highlands; two new tents; complete camp- Edith. Phone 830. Mrs Annott. American. Tel. & Tel furnished girl general furniture: etc. 96 "j apartments, modern; 20(1 Block, South Sixth Apply Miller & Blumcnshlne Dairy, 1722 FOR RENT Furnished rooxasv 611 West Sil- ing outfit; office Telephone ,na norch suitable no 2141-- J or 1124 East Silver. ui.. American Zinc ... 17 NEW YORK COTTON". Inquire Bavoy hotel nfrlce West Central. ver; sick, no ohlldren, call rate. (35.00. Phone cor- for two with board, First-clas- s FOR 'RE N T Deslirahiefront FOR SALE At The Me'yers Co. Store, Anaconda Copper ... 66 FOR RENT .Furnished in the" WANTED ptano player, must room, no"ilck; U.18-W- . 636 South Arno. apartment be ner street and avenue A lot, Atchison "New 23. Cotton futures Washlugton. Available for on a sight reader and have lots of "pep ", orohHdrcn.714West silver. First Coppr of uickhart Ranch ... 86 York, Aug. occupancy Call of furniture and one elec- MRlTwTTirTi'EErir tn. .r,n,urr jmi. vail at W, at Woolworth's. FOR RENT Nicely"" furnished rooms, no fixtures, including to 60S South Arno. where she Baltimore & Ohio closed Apt. player-pian- has moved ... 55t' strong. Oct., $34.90; .Dec, sick and children. tric one uprlcht piano, bar seekers. Phone 11IK WASHINGTON, 1001 W. t ENTKAI WANTED Competent housekeeper to run First class board. 793 heat- Is prepared to take health Butte & Superior 25 $34.20; Jan.. $34.05; March. $34.00; to home a West Sliver. outfit, cash register, show esses, large ,.. Up date and beautifully located; no for business woman, good wages. ofttce deska, 23 35. Canadian Pacific t $33.45. 1026 West Central or 67r. FOR RUNT room ing stoves, diugraph, trucks, .164-y- May, sick, young children or short term tenants phone Large furnished; modern and counters, coppnr meas- JARPIN ESCON DIDO The convales- SO. solicited. Get on conveniences and heat for chairs, shelving El. Central Leather ... 68 Vi Spot Steady. Middling, $36. the waiting list. Phone winter, 400 outfit, bar glassware and oth- cents Ideal home. Has room with private 202J. J, D. Eakln, South Seventh. ures, bottling Chicago, Mil. & St. 49 proprietor. er articles too numerous to mention all vacant. 1 sol West Central. Phone 1113. Paul...... FOR RENT re- bath ChinoXcopper WANTED I5perlenced Spanish salesladies. Nicely furnished room with goes dirt cheap for cash, no dncent offer room ... 38T Chicago pjtonrcii J. C. Penney Company. housekeeping or Coiner First EHADT NOOK ranch offers excellent FOR SALE. Houses. privileges, lady marrM fused. The Meyers Co., Inc., . . . T , -- tn Vet Crucible Steel 68 couple. S02 Wrst Lead. anu 1 - .Ia- - sSrong. ... , street and avenue wiru. ClUA-ago- Aug. 23. Rutter Market Copper I4J9F-4- ; free trstisoortatlon Cuba Cane Sugar FOR KALE For rates phone ...30 extras. home, 12,000. Terms Elghianos. Accommodations now Manama. . Erie .... 15 steady. Creamery 44V445c; pays 10 per cent. Phono Owner 6S5. WANTED Wiisceftaneous. t Vi Thomas. 42 40 41 V4c; . . . . . firsts, 44c; seconds, J FOR SALE three-roo- FOR REN1 FOR RENT Furnished room for Great Northern Ore .Ctfs. 3i r; Nice bungaio"w7fur Dwellings. gentleman 1379-W- . 44 c. I'hono 243-- 721 South WANTED A Bleeping tenc. 'hone Great Northern 92V4 standards, mined, leaving town. 709 East Santa Fe. Walter. CHANCES. pfd ... R litoue BUSINESS Inspiration .. Eggs Unchanged. FOR SALE Bungalow; flvo rnoms;beauti- - North. FOR ENT Largo em "with siesplni WANTED Good ten; and trunk. Copper Biy, 1478-- Three-roo- porch; Ideal for two. 2345. 14 rooms. Mor. Cheese Unchanged. tuiiy furnished, ir,,ovv. Phone FOR RENT cottage, furnished; (16 Bast Centrel. FOR SALE Albuquerque Hotel, Int. Marine Pfd, Ctfs.. FOR RENT Furnished room" TolTiwo" WANTED To rent a Address P. O ,..ioi'i Potatoes 32 FOR KALE modern brick, heat- - 115 month. Inquire Kill North First, geru piano. 215 South First. . Kennecott .. 33 Vi Higher. Receipts lemen, tl.50 each 211 Ki.x 328, City. Copper cars. Minnesota six iols. vtnoie or pari, central, djs FOR RENT Three-roo- unfurnished house per week. East Con- Foil RENT Two buildings at Seventh and Mexican Petroleum Ohios, bulk, $2.50f Journal. tra!. must be In good B. ..100 5 shade; outbuildings; (10.00. 1200 WANTED Player piano, Ceneral Avenue. Apply to J. Elder, in sacks, $2.70 (fj) 2.7 ; Wisconsin Inquire FOU RENT M w (Missouri Pacific .. 24 2.60; FOR SALE In Old" Town, adobe North Second. cidonwoimis condition. A. B. c journal. sgent 'Ohios, bulk, In sacks. house. Price I7M.00. P. O. Box porches, with or without board. Phone call J.. New York Central $2.402.50; it. Old FOR RENT Four-roo- house in con- 671. WANTED If you need a carpenter, SALB seventeen well furnished ..74 in. m good 1123 Mast fVntrul. . FOR Hotel, Northern Pacific .. $2.60 2.65. Aiouquerque, dition, also tiiree nicoly furnished rooms 8. Hurling, r'none la.n-j- rooms, centrally Uicated, close to depot. fl0't 27 FOR BALE Nlc furnished FOIt RENT Four rooms furnished, lights will sacrifice. Kee National Invest- , Poultry Fowls, c; springs, 30c home, and for light housekeeping. Inquire 709 Roma. and WANTED i'o buy the best twelve hundred Owner Pennsylvania .. 43 good paying business, $4,000, half oash. gas; also ono room with sleeping ment Co., 103 North Third. 509 3 pound horse slg years old, jonn Mann. Heading . , ... 901' (Additional Markets on 1'ago Four.) ouniraiow, journal orrioi South. porch. East Central. Five-roo- Good nnd rifle. The FOR HALF in"!l"frint V,, .. FOR RENT furnished hou ut FOR RENT Modern (newly furnished" sleep" WANTED shotgun r,,,..l,ir 1x0 West Hold. Phone till. FOR SALE Poultry and Eggs rented. Houho suitable ...!. 407 South Suveuth, Apply at 214 Went ing and light bookkeeping rooms, with Mehan. for boarders; has also one more. Al-.- n two Gold. , gas, sleeping poichos. 614 South Arno. WANTED To buy gouts, or FOR SALE Canaries, (1.50 to (lii.OO. phone screened porches. Box 6, care Journal Phone 1352-- S401-- 6. milk eouts for rent. Phone 1243-J- . - uui uunuinKS FOR RENT Furnished house with . , v water FOR RENT w - room and office furn- fc. B. FOR SALE Nine room house; four room canvass sleeping porch. Light and Nicely furnished front room. AA iuu- itucptlon FOlfSAI.E A few (Ileal) Thomp- 110.00 month. 611 West To person employed;. iture. Will pay reasonable price. Phono sons. Barred Rocks. Vr. D. Curt, apartment upstairs; bath room on each paid; per Inquire' Telephone Ringlet South Waller. 2196-J- . floor; hot water heat; lawn, shads trees Coal. 7M South Walter. bwihhw. em went i.oai. General. WANTED A good Eflut bans horn. In FOR SALE Fifteen pure bred Plymouth FOR SALE niglitanrs. at Bennett Indian Traamg . -- u., hens, ono year Id. Also young Belgian (By Owner) modern FOR RENT Furnished room In modern quire brick (first ward), hardwood two rooms. 111 South Fourth ndl (Jold. hare floors, FOR SENT Furnished, home with sleeping porch; also board. rnbhlii;IMinjm-iJ- white porches; basement. Trice 13,600.10, p. o Wslter. Phone 201 Phone 1315. WANTED At once scoond hand furniture FORs'aLB Seventeen thoroughbred uA vuy. also cock stove or .11 laying: and 11 March FOR RENT Furnishes cottage and kitchen utensils; leghorn hens, 108 FOR SALE 2196-- to Moving; must sell. Cement block house five rooms with sleeping porch. 1022 South Walter. FOR SALE range. Phons pullets ready lay. Automobile!. Mouth Arn". Phone sleeping porch, cellar, city water, oorner Four-roo- T7T."V...r, tw mot hoatthseekors.) 11 FOR RENT house two Like lot one hloek frnm a n a han A -- glaeaed FOiTaTe-T- five-roo- cot- - the ceaseless of a great wheel, 1622-J- . MaxwellT "in" four or turning a In porches. Water paid. 111. Phone u flrstlais nicely furnished 67L; little cash and St 2 per month. Call 1301 condition. Call at 111 South Address W. L. B.. Journal. CARPENTERING. the tremendous in a plant FOR RENT Three-roo- furnished Fourth. operating machinery oomn Ami .fnnne xuiio-- cottage. wlsiice7o lo- Inquire 617 South Broadway. Phons 2134-- FOTt SALE Saxon roadster, will sell very WANTED Doctor purchase CAKPBNTEK work, reasonable. Drop FOR SALE In High-land- s. In New Mex FOR residence cheap, good condition. Call 1117 East cation to practice medlctns sea ri r From the moment ot their insertion in the Worth ona . n,l una ,m FOR RENT New modern bungalow at 720 CaM Nortn si street. No ico. Address Doctor, care journal. It. The amount the house will South Walter children Phone Want Columns of the Albuquerque Morning Jour- rent for will 1243-- FOR SALE 1918 Bulck light six, TTTllEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR J1INK pay Daiance on Phone run einiTT-- CO,, PASTIGt monthly payments. 7 less than 600 miles; fur x. wr.RTERN JUNK the WANT ADS U-- V RENT 10S South rooms and quick iron nal, operate incessantly, tirelessly, Address P. O. Box FOR Arno, sale will tako 11,250. care W ALSO City. hot water 3i per month. Address 114 WEST LEAD. PHONB (l(. FOR RENT 70 acres good pasture; (1 per v 4. bath, heat, Journal, or 1967-- and leave ad- 4 of QUICKLY, for Inspection phone BI'T OLD AITTOB. month. Dolde's Ranch. miles south Open dress for demonstration. 1S6S FOR SALfc Livestock. RENT Modern on East WANTED Secondhand men's nd boys town Phone FOR turhthed flat BALE A some one. AU Thousands of Central car line, convenient to sanator- FOR prize for Beautiful clothes, shoes and underwear. trunks Meeting eyes 1918 Mitchell a-- 611. Second FOR BALE Two sows and 10 ium Thaxton A Co., Third and Gold. car, nearly new, snap and suit cases. Call Chicago pigs. 1203 North First. Cash, (1,175; terms, (1,225. It will be re- hand store. (II South First, what is needed, mosftn in FOR SALE Beautifully furnished eight-roo- duced (25 each week; till sold. Act quickly. Telling demand, FOR BALE Two well throe-roo- 60.000 Jo to (o broken cow ponies. house. Also cottago. Phone 685. Fourth week, August 20 to 27. WANTED bags, fay from MAIL BTAOH walk of Bexemek's Phone SB1. 600 tons Iron. from every life, every industry, every vocation. Dairy. Inquire at 311 South Arno. phone 633. each. scrap Pay .nwK. rm n Hdli. 4o BL Loots nk... milull r FOR SALH Two horaes, one to per !t. Pstrlotlo duty. rvai i , Mj . U,,vntlnn -1 flktn. buggy and tOR RENT Small furnished cottage, mod- 466 street. Phons (7L L.T, OIITOr V.OJ ., : or will Junk Co., South first T 1 m. Telling your eyes the needs of others harness, trada for hogs or small porches; good location, f.9?t Lt. Mogollon .m.; ar. Silver City p 120S North First. ern, glassed ?AurnIfere, hami auto In southwest. pigs. phone 31 mornings. Keys 1924 East Cen FOR SALE Second hand dining room WILL buy second Ford if in good Best equipped livery DUUOC 4ERSEV UOOS and Im- buffet and condition. condition. to be n. No objections BENNETT Mtrilin managing tfie exchange of labor Registered tral. table, chairs; good V.istnoixM. v. Skillfully mune to cholera. Some fine boars ready 515 West Roma. Tel. 752. to delivery car. If you cannot offer a gen- SUrer City. ; mental and to ex-- for service for sale. Dr. R. B. El FOR RENT Furnished, modern four-roo- uine bargain don't answer. "57," care physical, helping buy, sell, rent Homan, in also three-roo- FOR SALE New stock of furniture, stoves Paso, Texas. . house, glassed porch: and in scores of other chicken yard. 1005 East Cen- and ranges, stove repairs, hardware and change, employ way3. house, largo . 621 TIME CARDS. THE RIO GRANDB DUROC HOQ CcTT of tral. Phone 499. ... store fixtures. Phone 2032, or address MATTRESSES renovated In same or, new Seventh street for further Informa and - will Albuquerque The largest breeders of reg- North tick. Furniture repaired, upholstered Surely it repay you a thousand istered hogs in the southwest. Can supply tion. Y refinlshed. Springs restretched. Satisfaction you with boars and SAUL fold to read and use the WANT AD herd young stuff at FOR IteaV Estate. FOR SALE Two nice heating stoves, 1 nice guaranteed. Albuquerque Mattress Faotory. moderate 'Ve can also 1 471. prices. supply you - 4lln , .Mil.- finish . - 1011 South Second. Phone COLUMNS of the with medicated crude ol for lice, at SOe per SALE Six acres of cultivated lan-- radKB, """ - FOR hdresser, 1 chiffonier, 12 nice chairs, 6 rock mas- '. ; Plain crude oil at 25c 1200 WANTED Careful kodak finishing by ; .... gallon. per gallon. with house. Price I8&0; cash, a oeus. Oil furnished to all club members free. 110 1B65-- ing cnairs, uuucur, ui,e ter Twice dally service. pig balance a month. Phone kinds. 409 North Edith. t photographer. Office 1218 South Third. . Remember, satisfaction guaranteed. Send ATCHISON, TOPFKA. SANTA TK BIAL-- winTuy two delfghl-- to established firm, mountain homes on Pecos i"ur finishing a reliable, AT CO. ful, modern the PERSONAL. llanna A Hunna, master photographers. WANTE river, Including 160 acres of land adjoining Westbound. resort. to se- No. Class. Arrives the Valley Ranch This offer holds H. L. BIJSKBf TAXI LIKE Phons WANTED Two young womfil wish Departs. to 1st. further MRS. in where 1. The Scout .. 7:10 pro. 8:30 pm. .WANTED Position as or off lea good only Sept. For parti- SOS. Sneclflt rstes to BartleS. cure places Albuquerque homes, ...... Biiiiisiiiiiii bookkeeper Box 116. N. M. In whole or 3. Limited ..11:45 am. 1!:45 pm. helper by young lady. Experienced. Phons culars apply Valley, Ranch, they can pay their expenses California 927. In part by service. The Albuiuierque Bus 7. Fargo Fast ...... 10:45 am. 11:15 am. For insertion in the TYPEWRITERS. voucb for thex character I. The .. 1:30 am. 3:30 am. Sunday issue, get your ' WANTED-iesme- n. iness College can Navajo WANTED Young man wants employment. and refinement of these ladles. Phone Southbound. in We cannot insertion if can In or do TYPEWRITERS All mages, overhauled and copy early. guarantee drive car, clerk store, general 801. El Paso . . 10:15pm. WANTED Salesman, one with car machine. Al- Express .... is not 6 m. work. A. W., care Journal. prefer- repaired. Ribbons lor every 107. El Paso Express ... 11:45am. copy received before p. red. Ill South Fourth. buquerque Typwrlter Exchange.- Pbom 114 WANTEDalesmen. x WANTED Position by experienced office 1 1 Rmith . Euatbound...... man. salesman or clerical 10. The Scoot am. :6S am. Don't to and Bookkeeper, WANTED Salesman with ac- ...... 7:35 neglect call get your answers, Una In store or office. Address E. 8., Journal WANTED Rooms. Spanish (.The Navajo :09 ptn. 1:40 pm. st, " TO EXCHANGE. quaintances. Ill South Fourth. 4. Limited pm. ""because these little ads results. wXNTKn PoslFlorPby-druggi- 16 WAsssiS California ...6:00 T:0Opm, always bring years TWO young men want room and sleeping V ANTED Ai sbe salesman? must speuk . Santa Fe Eight 6:11pm. 10:26 pm. within easy of - porch walking distance of WANTED To exchange Rhode Island red Spanish fluently. Answer, stating references From Sooth. would like to make a change; best refer- Must be heated, have access ' " city. to bath hens for white leghorn hens,-- Fhont and salary expected. The White House. IK. Kansas City and Chicago, ....Ttlltua, Iiai-- E m. e - Ui'H iesoaaMe."sr", 8s. iowiJ j ft Mfltl N. Ms i isi, Kuuu filtjt sad UHsxt sauLJU sn EIGH' Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 24, 1918. CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. IIVILLIAMBROWN SANTA FE FUEL LETTERS ASKING i 118 WEST CENTRAL AVE. u imps. Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heaters, Tinners ? LAST TIME TODAY IS CAPTURED II MEEtiNG IN H. S. SUB POSTOFFIGE 'Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces House of High-clas-s Pictures and Music ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. PHONE 15. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. EL PASO, TEXAS illy NIGHT RECEIVED RAIL! EL. Alice Brady THIS IS THE FIRST DAY Negro, Charged With Murder, The fuel conservation of the Sanli In connection with a campaign to Fe employes will be held in the high Induce the government to build u in "Woman and Wife" (hilt we thought we had i'iioiikIi il' I lie unusually good C ill Who Escaped Jail Here Last frehool auditorium Monday night, ac branch post office in the Highlands. to ns announced Postmaster II. C. announced Taken Into Cus- cording pla yestcrdijv Roehl WATERMELONS Saturday, by the committee on arrangements. yesterday that he has received from a Also Arliui kle in a : Sl N DAY AND .VIOXDW of Fatly to supply the demand for till day. The meeting will take the form i number of residents In the Highlands, i eel tody by Detective Smith, in- Comedy June Caprice in . mass meeting and the public is letters asking that this be Green ('urn has Imprim-d- proposition "The Scandal" "MISS INNOCENCE'' Fresh is duo. vited to attend. made a reality. Village Celery ar- llf KM'fCt The committee in enrage of Some health-seeke- rs IjOIS IVllllOCS. II)., 10i'. William Drown, alleged murderer, of the letters are from MAI Cniitnl(niH's lire Rood price Is loner. rangements consists of .1. J. Heaney, who being who escaped from the county jail here protest against Hill's Bros.' Hiil Can Coffee litis arrived. J. P. Brennan, R. W. Hoyt. J. P. forced to walk the long distance from Our Butter Is nil ihio 2 last has been A. B. today; lb., 18c; lbs., .h early Saturday morning, D. E. Barton. Waehter, the Highlands to the spresent post-offi- captured'1 in El Paso, after less than Claud Brazier and Dan Sudcliffc. ri or trans- U. S. Food License No. for postage stamp a week of freedom, according to In- Among the speakers will be A. V act other small business. of formation received by The Journal Bauer, general Inspector transpor- The letters declare that, a half of tation of Amarillo. ami J. F. Marni. yesterday. the city's population live east of the assistant manager at Ama' Fe THEATER WARD'S STOKE CRESCENT GROCERY Crown was tho same general Santa tracks and that represent- captured by rillo; Two local speakers have been such a of the mur- ing large portion city TODAY ONLY OOJIKR n. WARD ROBERT JONES officer who arrested him for the chosen. They are II. A. Staples, nighl they have the right to demand a sub- S15 Marble Avenue. Coat and South Walter, der some time ago. The officers loann-e- d chief car Inspector, and J. J. lleancv station. Phones .....173-171-174- 1 rbone 57a that he had arrived In Ef Paso on assistant yardmaster. "After our walk to the post-office- ," HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY The was long Thursday night. surrounded hU meeting originally planned one woman suid yesterday, They road who desired former home, where his wife and fam- by 6fflcials of the "we often have to stand in line to now but the to use their utmost ability for thf wait for our or or what- ily live, negro managed wen stamps mail, PERFECTION PRESENTS to them. cap- conservation of fuel. The plans ever our business at the office is. We escape Yesterday they in- tured him at the home of another left to the local committee, with fhflt Ihlu lu nnf tho f:illlt of was to negro. structions that the meeting the postal' employes and that their to l The capture of Brown leaves only the public. work is .highly efficient. But with a trw TRIG THEATE Tho sneakers will deal with fuel three of the eight prisoners who es- congested office and ever increasing f Is conservation as a means of helping Is oe is caped, still at large. It expected by business, the situation that JLi LAST TIME a means of TODAY the however, that before win the war,' and crushing a great deal of trouble. The he authorities, causing Princess will tell of what another week ellipses the others will Prussianism. They people ot the Highlads are determ- the railroad has done and will do In in ob- i their cells In the Jail. ined to use every Influence again occupy and will Brown is charged with the murder the way of conservation give a branch po'st office." which should bt taining MAE MURRAY of Rafacllo Malduinl In a saloon here many helpful hints Mr. Roehl said he had taken the I dan- of great benefit to the public. last Christmas eve. and with the matter up with , postal It is that In addition t( Washington o gerous of two other men. probable officials and that he will hear Patches THE stabbing expects f in BRIDE'S AWAKENING the a musical cntertalnmcn' .He disappeared after the murder and speakers from the department In thp near fu- Super Feature In Six Reels Was not heard of until ho will be given, although the commit Mark Swan's World Famous Melodrama in Five Part3 appeared on ture. , at his home in El Paso, where he was ieemen were not decided ttvit arrested Chief Detective Smith. point last night. Also a Good Reel by to com NAMED N. M. Comedy A sheriff will leave On account of inability BRIENT AS deputy today fed- for El Paso to take the negro Into munlcate with J. A. Yanllouten. Coming, fuel official in this state, tin DIRECTOR FOR DRIVE August CRUSADERS' custody. eral T "The of Men" The First Official U. S. War Font lire The officers in El Paso have asked committee on arrangements have sub Strength fetituted Chief Justice R. II, Hanna, J. A. Brient, general secretary of that they be paid the reward offered Two-pa- rt for the El Paso Y. M. C. A. has been North Woods by Vivlanna, unele of the murder- as principal speaker the meeting ed man, for the capture of Brown. named New Mexico's director for the brother, Kduardo who V. M. C. A. war fund which Chavez, has They claim there Is little doubt of MAN "SUFFERS SLIGHT campaign I to 6 Admission 10c arrived in and who al- will be held ,? Home Wa- France, has his and that since have for eight days beginning grown Cantaloupes, ready gone to the front line guilt they INJURY ON TRIP BUT November it 6 to 11 .Adults Children 10c termelons, Hartlcu PenrS, trenches. him a second time 11, was announced by 15c, The roundhouse men captured they II. Fox the local Poaches, Plums, Grapes, Ba- yesterday should not be forced to await his con- Lynn secretary of contributed an additional $45 to t!m TAKES IT CHEERFULLY association nanas, Oranges, Apples, Grape- viction before receiving the reward. yesterday. fruit. Salvation Army war fund, which Mr. Brient was in Albuquerque Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Homo brings the total, according to thi: When helping another tourist Thursday night, having returned from Sweet Ktowii 1'olalocs. county chairman, up to near the $3,-00- out of trouble on his way home Denver where he went to confer with Spilmc Chicken, Fork, Mutton mark for ' where he had O G. S. FOR SALE Hoover anil Veal. the county. from Santa Fe. Bilhcimer, western director for The Real Candy Paul Stackhouse, of l 'been the Scottish Rite Col. H. E. Twitchell Lemons, dozen, 40c, president the attendins the campaign. Piano, bench and cabinet. Chocolate Shop Chocolate Carthage Coal & Fuel company, San (SSI reunion. P. R. Beeman lost one of Santa Fe is state chairman for the Antonio, N. M., was In the city yester- finger of his right hand. drive and M. E. Hlekey state treas- Phone 2182W GRIMSHAWS 1 Matleucci, Co. day on business. In the afternoon, PROCLAIM LABOR Mr. Beeman was driving to ? urer. Mr. Fox will act as chairman Palladia accompanied by Hoy Burrowes he left Albuquerque with Mrs. Beeman $ in the, counties of Bernalillo, Socorro Second and Central , ? "Urlmhw Wan la to See Tow" groceries ani meats the city for Santa Fe. and Mr. and.Mrs. Peter Cameron and Sandoval. The state headquarters 01 W. 495-49- 0 8 Tljeras. Phones Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Stall left yes- when he came upon an nutomo- - for the campaign will be at for San Bernardino on account bile which was stalled in the terday I GUAZIXG liAND FOR SALE of Mrs. Stahl's health. Mr. Stahl, who AY A road, near Whllcomb Springs in i Suitable for H Is a clerk in the office of canyon, on account of Join the Two-b- it dun. I range sheep for Superintend- Tijeras lease on long or short term lease. B ent D. K. Barton at the Santa Fe engine trouble. Tho car was I BRITISHERS shops I Wm. j. Staley & Co., Second and Ej will return in a few days. stalled in a narrow place in the A street car collided with an auto- 4 where it would have been ENLIST NOW! Brothers September 2, I.hor Day, will be a road, Strong mobile driven I 61!? S car to by George lent, holiday, according to a proclamation difficult for another pass. All persons w.shlng to enlist In the Undertakers j South Walter at Third street The driver of the car asked re- street, Issued yesterday by Charles F. Wade, FOR SALE! British or Canadian forces are FROMrT SERVICE. rnONR and Cromwell avenue about 11 o'clock of tho commission. that Mr. Beeman help him push Join the "Two-Bit- " Crow Cluh. quested to call on the undersigned. ehairman city S .t 75. STRONG BLK., COPPER Sesterday morning. The forepart of The follows: his car from the road, saying ho to proclamation Pursuant instructions Canadian AND SECOND, the automobile was damaged. "With the of re 1 did not want to delay the party. British Recruiting a tramp soldiery Mr. Beeman ' from the New Mexico Coun- Mission John Mabry, brother of T. J. sounding the nations, th In pushing tho car who Is in In artil- throughout of his Mabry, training an flag of America unfurled in a sacred caught one finger right cil of Defense, the Adjutant In S. band. As his lery corps Columbia, C. has re cause on foreign soil, three thousand hand in tho brake General will sell the prop- USED CAR SALE ceived a ac- board captain's commission, and more miles from its peaceful finger fell on the running George Roslington to said: erty of the late Military jLook Over You Resident OfHeer cording word received by The Jour- shores, with millions of her sons en of the car.,. Mr. Beeman the Ijlst Maf vis- - 4 on the mesa. There LOCAL ITEMS nal yesterday. Captain Mabry has in for the of "There's my finger, I am going Camp, rind Just What You Wnt. ited in gaged battling rights Albuquerque and has a large humanity and to the end that Justice, t on to town." are approximately 70 build- One Overland circle of here. t Touring, li friends and freedom shall not perish With these words he Jumped 20x60 $200 win nu.iipniijMiL-- m Mrs. Ida liberty ings, varying from Staner and Miss Velma the the people of Albu into his own car and drove the One Overland Touring, ,rom earth, 3 feet to 20x120 and Tourist lunches. Pullman Cafs. Ferrlng. sister and niece of Mrs. Efflo are called the Frost' party to Albuquerque. feet, $2."0 are qucrque upon by di- Martin & Thorn. Tail. Phone 273. Williams, here from Long Peach, dent of our country and the govern water pipe, different One Dort, Touring $450 Calif., for the benefit of the health One Wyllis-Knig- Touring, Hugh Waters leaves for l'res-cot- t, ment of our state to unite on Monday, mensions. Persons interest- WANTED today of Miss excellent Ariz., on business. Ferrlng. Her attending physi- September 2, 1918, In the proper ob ed will call at the on (an cian at Long Beach advised a camp buy) $1230 Isaac Barth returned Thursday change servation of Labor Day. MAGAZINE WILL of climate for an indefinite time, and Adjutant General Baca or MANY Might from a to Gallup, N. M. "Progress of the present war hir BARGAINS AMONG At once, two or three trip she came to Albuquerque. home to the of America Carter Chi- brought heart RETRACT LIBEL his representative for THE ABOVE. CALL AND Harrison, of John Mackey. machinist true Ei experienced salesladies. in apprentice the value and merit of labor. prices, etc. The lumber LOOK THEM OVER cago, arrived Albuquerque las! In the Santa Fe shops, who received sential to on land and the IN OCT. NUMBER Hi Lilt. victory sea, consists of one-inc- h and di- Apply at ' an injury to one eye while at work that labor has performed In the to- part Elfredo Haca will start to work about a month ago. will leave to lis mension lumber of all sizes KISTLER-OVERLAN- today conflict has added new lustre T. W, fijbson of Albuquerque has D CO. day in the Santa Fa shops as a pipe for Los Angeles to enter the Santa Fe name and In avenue of and I THE ECONOMIST dignity. every received a letter from the North lengths. SIS-M- fitter Phone 710. S W. Central. apprentice. hospital for further treatment. He re- commerce, In the mines, in the work American Review h's lirover Harrison, who is from I.os a rail acknowledging ennnectej turned Angeles short time shops, in the shipyards, on the letter of protest a libelous with war is in e regarding the department, ago thinking he had recovered from roads, the working man has labored on New which recent- Council Defense for a article Mexico, of short stay. the Injury. with heart and brain Interest, with in The Mr. .Mrs. G. ly appeared that magaxine. James Baca, Adjt. Gen, and John Gould have physical strength and skilful hands to letter follows: By returned from' to Fe. Mr. hi'-r- a trip .Santa HOME GUARDS WILL keep our flag floating on the "We desire to the re- Gould took the Scottish Kite acknowledge degree seas, to provide adequate transporta of your communication protest- there. DRILL HEREAFTER and facilities. Doing ceipt tion maintainence ing against the letter from Henry The Girl Scout drill team will, meet their full share to back up the men In LADIES SCHOOL SHOES! entitled 'America's Unguarde! in the at 2 o'clock this after- ON EACH TUESDAY and who are Wray armory France Flanders fighting In the August is- How to cut down your dress- noon. At 3 o'clock it is Gateway,' published the entire troop the greatest fight of all history, sue of the Review. bill, and win the will meet. drill which was this North American making help Theap are the when the School Shoe question looma Following practice peculiarly appropriate and fitting number has al- war, lining old frocks. days William was held in the last America As our September by your children Cowan, who employed armory night. Major year that in every corner of to we are unable to Successfully remodeled to any up again in every family where the attend M. ready gone press I lis a in C. Barber of the home an- should tribute 2I0I-W- hammer boy the blacksmith guards, the people pay a fitting Include in it comment on this style In vogue. 1'IIOM'. . school. work as a nounced that hereafter will to man. any shops, begun yesterday practice the working but we shall tuke up the machinist be held every at .7:15 I. F. Wade subject; The children must-hav- e shoes shoes will apprentice. Thursday night "Wherefore. Charles in our October Issue, and strong that J. H. Coons o'clock. Notice was also that of commission ot matter returned yesterdaj given chairman the city meanwhilo we to call your at- stand the racket of the playground and at the same from he en- any members of the who. care beg Palmyra, Mo., where guards the City of Albuquerque, tention to an editorial comment re- Let Us Send a Man time look well and be to fit the foot joyed a visit of several weeks with to transfer to the regimental band, with officials of tho state and nation shaped correctly. should lating to It in the North America Re- To That Broken Window his mother and sister. make application to Dr. H. M. bv the authority In ma vested, da Replace 4 view's "war for 17." Glass. ; . Fred who mail Bowers. Twenty-tw- o are needed for herebv declare and Monday weekly" August We Are Expert at School Shoeing Prairie, carries the proclaim A of the weekly" was between Jeme Su- the band, only ten so far having made Sentember 2. 1918. a public holiday, copy "war ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO. springs and the mailed Mr. Gibson. lphur Springs, is in the city on bus-hp- application. and request all our people to observe Phone 421. 42S N. First. We have the best dull or He will leave this JVlajor Barber also announced that in Its true bright black calf leathers and morning. tfie the day spirit. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Talle, guards would meet at the armory "In witness whereof I have hcronn KANSAS CITY MAN DRIVES the new colorings in tan in all sizes. formerly 7 seal of of Albuquerque, are moving from their at o'clock Tuesday night and march to sot my hand and caused the to tho where will assist rn to affixed, TO NEW W0RLD'S RECORDS home in French, jf. M., to Faith, 8. D., park they the City of Albuquerque be LOST Shoes where they will spend the winter. the patriotic farewell to be given the this 23rd dav of August, 191. Boys' Girls9 Shoes r.O IBV ' draftees who are to leave for "CHARLES F. WADE, MOftN!M JOURNAL VFBCtAL LCABBO WIHVt 1-- Mrs. W. E. and and Camp (Signed) 8 2 1-- Wright party M. Full grown while and liver color to 13 2 to 11 Mary Eekles and Isabel Ward were Pike, Ark. "Chairman, City of Albuquerque, N. Des Moines, la., Aug. 23. New ,8 Edward was world's mouth of $1.75 to $3.00 visitors from Silver City yesterday. MiCrary appointed Attest: "George Hammond, records on a half mile dirt Llewellyn setter, Tljeras $2.25 to $3.00 bo-in- Mrs. to re- first lieutenant of Company E, he g "City Clerk." track for ten, fifteen, twenty and canyon. Reward. I. K. B. Sellers. Wright and party expect 1-- 1-- ' first to be twenty-fiv- e 13 2 to 2 11 2 to 2 turn home today. the lieutenant named. miles were established by The were Ctt H. o; Duerr, consulting engineer, captains announced pre- ARRESTED AFTER Ray (Burrl I.ampkin of Kansas $2.00 to $4.00 $2.50 to $3.50 Lieutenant is from THREE in and Fayette A. Jones, geologist, will viously. McCreary winning the Hawkeye sweepstakes, Newport, H. I., and has had 10 BAR-ROO- M a the 1-- 2 1-- 2 1-- leave this morning for Hoy, N. M., to years A FRACAS IN automobile race, at - 2 to 5 2 2 to 7 , of . look over the work of establishing military experience. Iowa state fair today. Lampkin's WANTED $2.50 to $5.00 $3.00 to $6.00 ' time was: a city water plant there. A fight In a Central avenue saloon (Jlil for housework in a DEATHS AND FUNERALS Ten miles, 11:16.40 as thf general First. Lieut. H. C. Mabry. In tha which is alleged to have started when against small family. Apply MRS. K. Bring every school shoe trouble you have here. We will aerial service, and a graduate flyer three men glassware previous record of 11:30; fifteen miles, LEWINSON, 803 North Tenth St. to began throwing 17:20.60 17:54.78! twentv cure it your entire satisfaction with 'our Satisfactory' who was here visiting relatives and Mrs. 1'ncs M. Chrrillo. at the bartender resulted In. the ar- against School Shoes. friends, left last night for New York Mrs. Enes M. Carrillo, 31 years old, rest of the three men last night. The miles, 23:0!). 40 abuinst 23.54.80. ani twenty-fiv- e 28:5S on his way "over there." died at her home on North Arno three are Sam qordon, James Barber miles, against Frank Overton, Russell Nichols and street yesterday morning from ty- end Rafael Sanchez. ' 29:40.20. Charles all of N. fever. , Funeral services will be ' McCIeary, Deming, phoid As soon as the disturbance started or EXPERIENCED SALESMAN M., in on held tomorrow afternoon In San Bar- rescue of Person who wtsa ta ivnew lake and stock Cotton spent yesterday Albuquerque the manager came to the out Red Cross keeper for goods business. Mr. Nichols will go from bara church. Burial will be In San a brief fist fight memberships In the department. the bartender and can do so at Strong's Book here to Washington, D. C. Barbara cemetery. Fred Crollott will Is said to have taken place. Accord- bj calling 1 ' Store, O. A. Mataon & Co.. GrliuahaW Sergeant Harold B, Sellers, 43rd be In charge. to the one or two bystand- THE ECONOMIST ing police or Mrs. n. B. or phoning Machine Gun Battalion, a son of Col. ers were hit In the mlxup. Before mat- Ferguson, by B. B. H. WHilAAHS the chairman o the Membership com- 1). K. Sellers, .arrived In France ters were settled, Policeman. Dioniclo ' Dentist mittee. No. 1XSI.W. . , last Wednesday, according to inform- Chavez who was. on duty at, the Cen- I received Col. Sellers. Rooms 1 and 2. whiting Building ation by 684. tral avenue crossing, aVrived, and 207 Hell Phone No, CITY ELECTRIC SHOP Candldo Chavez, East tVirnei- - ftewnri anil Gol4L made the arrest. The three will he SHOE A NUMBER OF received letter from his etreet, has a given a hearing before Police Judge PHONE M7 FARM W. W. M"f,'""Bn' this morning. FREE CALL AND DELIVERY LABORERS Bryant's Delivery BATCH'S OLD WTAND Want positions on farms some FOR QUICK SERVICE Stove IJvery and saddie horses. Trimble are , hands. Em- Phone 501. t'2S Wot Copper. ' BITTNER ROOMS experienced Oerrllloa Lamp CerrUlos Stove Red Barn. HOUSE ployers needing men should Hahn Coal Co. I 1 l-- SPRINGER a Ronth first. Phone 231. see PHONE . GENTRY'S EGGS ths tl ' SUITS CLEANED, $1 t i Hawking, Skinner, Champion, Labor ANTHRACITE, AIL SIZES; STEAM COAL. HAULS ANYTHING Four suits ' $1.25. YOUR i HAULING BY TONS Farm Agent I i anil Son Jose Market; 70c dozen. pressed MORNING JOURNAL OFFICE Contract nlan. Columbia Cleaning Co. Is Motorized bv Hcnrr'a Delivery. Coke, Mill Wood. Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling, Lime. Jun?akWRlt A Of trlnf result T