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Auiijicaiion. A'nd Volunw X5 Numhl'l" 22 Cop~ l"ight 211117 llak Center, Texas 7911~1 SOc Friday, June I, 2007 ' > ' The CBi!aUiijiCaiion. Benson honored with a'nd Wai-Mart's Teacher of the c •• ,. Economic D~velopn;t(!nt in Year Award 0 • ,I t r .~ r .;. Plainview Wal-Mart's . assistant manager Hale Center Davlin Barrera and ) :, ' . ?- ~ ~ . : j •• 1 ·' ' UPC . director, Hale . Cent~r's own Donna The J ~ononi.ic 1 D~velopment build 3 · plazas · and 3 p!lfks, ' Luis' Tire Shop Board ·.and the Hale "Center paint 20.murills, plant 170.!fees · On Main Street, the 'Hale ·Center Lopez prese.nted Mrs. ·~ \" ,, ' ,• ' Benson with Wal­ Beauti~ca~ion ·· Association and _over 400 . shrubs; and help Economic Development Board Mart's Teacher of the t~amjd up t~ge~~~ in the ~ear of repair and replpce ;2 .sections . of and the Hale Cenler Beautific'ation · Year Award. 1998, and with tb~ help of grants, sidewalk. Association: started cleaning up at fundraisers 'it~d contri.butions they South Main and have ceventuhlly , 1 1 ' •' -' ~. f' -~ Plainview's Wal-Mart have refurbished Main Street. The .. · Economic Deyelop~ent workyd their way.North toLuis~ . ' t.. i' -~ ~ ~ ~,. r had a box set up at the Bo~d · ~d :. the Hale Center Tire S.hO,P· ,. ' • ' ', ;· I • ' . ?, 'W ·/i, '\ r' "~.-;. " ·l , . ' ·:} 1 1 • ' .r front of their store for Their plans have allowed them Beatitific,ation . have r~cently people to nominate a to a,ssist-14businesses,.recil!im.3 sbut~d 'On 'tw~ new proj~cts, ~~~ At Jruis' Tit;e Shpp? the two boards 1 teacher for this award. derelict buildings, 1paint or ~~ sist at (~is' Tk~ Sh;op and' the oth~r pian to bu.ild a metal fence around Wal-Mart staff looked with paintipgs ori I 3: buildings~ at the Caudle Lake. · · CONT.PAGE2 over the entries and only one teacher was chosen from this store and it was Mrs. Lori Benson. LO~IBENSON "Mrs. Benson had several nominations Akin Elementary 2nd grade kids," said Mrs. Lopez. teacher, Lori Benson, was given from a surprise award at the Akin One comment made by a student Award Assembly Thursday, May CONT.PAGE2 24,2007. SIGN UP!!! HC BA;SKETBALL ·CAMP June 11-15 See more details on pa~e 6. Cotton Gerit~r The Kindergarten ,C}aSs~;s came to 1 ~ the Librqzy M~~d~y: May ·2J st. ~vacation Bible .\School ·. l·inda Ch~pni~:.·pbranans, read pr()gramswillbeeveryWednesday ,. .., . ~ ... • ,I :.. ~.- . ·; _, ~ ~ • " J; ~ two new ~oks - t~ 42 children. in June at 10 a ..m. ' • .1 .~ ' Both. books I<aricy . Na~cy and _AUSTIN ~ Here's' a Friday; May · Beca~e _the end of the legislirtive .·detail bringing to light corruption Skippy,, Jon · Jo11es' were .enjoyed · On' Jurt~ 6th-.. there will ~ the 25, snapshot of what's going on aL· , .. session coincides with Memorial ; at the agency, including rape, by the childr~n ..·.· . Tttey, ·. were . · _ perf~nh~ce · ~f : R~b lloll~day; ~ · the state Capitol with sine die, the· Day, May 28, the House and . abuse and mis~tment of TYC accompanied . by their teachers, .' the magiCian. Kids are invited - end of the ~Oth regular session of Senate met in 11 joint session on inmates_. ; ·· Brenda Bryan; leoma Apple\\fhite;, on Jun~ 13th, to enjoy the Fire the Texas Legislature, set for 10. Public .. outcry · proil;lpted .p:m. Monday: '· · management changes at _the Stella Esparza,, 'and Lynnea House. O~June 20th; Robcit~ ' on May ~28. ';.;'e~~· . .. 11gellcy '8n(J public, ..: heking~ ,drew Bendele, - ;' the ,Moy~ f iit be the. sh~w: ' %The -~-- ' <~ f..c,!>nf~rence comnu~ee of, House_ . · . ~put from people -!!~s Texas. · · last day·of,Jhe. su~er Re~ding . and Senate members concurred - · ;,,<. As they left · they were given ·~ogfam \Vm be' on' June 27th ' ' .• ' · on . SB i92, the· tran~portation · " Lawmakers filed mor;; than two · iilformation about the Summer this progr~ will be all about the ~ill .that lawmakers had to.rework., · 'dozen bill!!, incllldirig SB 103, to Reading prog~ and ~ookmark. Native American Folklore with' a to_avoid the governor's calling ~ fix. problems at ~~- agency: · June 4-8 surprise for · all "the · little r~ade~ . a. ' special session. qov. RiclC ;_ Perry said h_e woul.d summon the .._ · Flnal work due on slate IJudget SailAway with Books is the theme . , attending.· READ,.READ, READ!-Mrs.Brj~ miil ; h~r.~~!ISs enjoyed thelr ~bracy time;' of the 200'7 Summer · Re~dini' . '.. ·'· .... ~·· .~.···· ~ t ;..·· ·.....:_ ~. ..... ·':· . ·- -It ··,·· • · :· .·,L .-. Legislature back to Austi~ if the A S_unday, 1wtay 2,7; vote w,as . '. "' . •, bill stnppe~Hoo muc~ authoqty. ;; expected for. th_e $150 billion FROMPAGEl ..... ·.· .. FROM PAGEl fro~ .the -Texa~': De~eiit of ·.. 2008"2009 'state budget.. WE .TR,Y ~]U)ER Transportation in' devising a new;· ... HC's Beautification. and comprehensi~e road plan. Passage of a ~dgel is the ···\Benson, Teacher ... , .. , a , .elllat or ax ,, ' Legislature's imd onty By Ed Sterling PrimarY Economic Develqpment your garage/estate So, ule bill satisfies Perry and gives ·constituti _onally rnaDdated duty. lawt_nhlcers and their constituents­ the site and also help with the In more recent times, grass has :of the Year The budget bill; HB 1, was in a two-year study period they can Thursday, M~y 24, for an early installation 'of a new roof. been ' planted . along with trees ' . sale itlfonn~!ion , conference 'committee at press was "Mrs. Benso~ is as good as it use to·get a better picnire·of ho~ o}?servance. time for this column. and shrub. In pilfl of the Caudle. loves. every child that enters her gets ::ttAkin." · or st~ry · info~a~ ··' their own local and regional road Lawmakers, · the governor, This project is' a cost sharing .Lake grounds, a sprinkler system .classroom and sees that each one plans might interface with Perry's.' · lieutenant. governor. and other Speaker change rumors endeavor with the Hale_ Center. has been installed. Also; a water. receives instruction meeting his . ti6n' wohld. ... 'you statewide plan. · ; state officials honored present and continue : Economic Development Board, aeration fo~tain ' h~s been placed:, Lori Bensoq grew ·up in Hale or her individual needs." like to 6av¢ ., HtilJ ~ ; ~ .. former members _of the IJrllitary On.and off hu_ddles of law~akers the Hale Center Beautification Center and: graduated, from ' •I_· :'•; ~' ~1~' ;" ~ ' in the lake ~d a row of Austrees . Semite kills voter fraud bill · and especially the ·loved ones. and murmurs in · the halls and Association, and Luis' Tire Shop. trees are now plktted on the soum · liCH's - ~~ t9.~2. ' ·she_r~ceived Along with her certificate for lished iii tne HC HB 218, th~ "voter I.D." bill, of military men and womeq who . ~.House gallery in the final week . side. · bet degree .iri Early Childhood this award, she also received ' a ' died in the Senate. Under the bill, have died in Iraq and Afghanfstan' : of die session kept rumors· alive Dr. Ray Freeman, "hopes to have Atrierica~ ·by and 'Elementary 'Education from pblo shirt and $100 Wal-Mart Texans would have had t~ present since March 2003. · ~ about a possible ousting of Rep. this project completed during the Currently work has been started... Texas. T~ ch .University. She ·gift card for her classroom .. Akin Wednesday:noon a valid picture identification card Tom Craddick, R-:Midland, as summer". on a R.V. Park, which Will be Lion's Club Flag Service taught !Qnde~garten • in No~ Elementary was awarded $1000 ortwootherformsofidentification Family members and friends were speaker. adjacent to the service road 'on the . foi t~at · Ffl.q~~;·~ , other than their voter registration ~ l seated in the' House chamber and Catalina • for-~ni year, Plainview from Wal-Mart with this award. Caudle Lake R.V. Park west side of the lake. · editiort;':,1,· card in Qrder .to ·cast a ballot.,... came forward to be recognized Lawmakers' could attempt to Call Claude Yz ,year ~· reading and she hils :; ~ For at least 30 years, He;~~hel as .' the ,' riam'es . of ' fallen .' riiiiitary remove the speakei:,by a vote of beeri teaching 2nd grade in Hale Mrs. Benson was surprised and Bell and Claude Bumetty· Jr. For this current project, eig~teeii ,. Call 806-8~9:_ ~ep. ,: B~tt~ , Br9wn,, R,:'rerrell, members were I callei:l. ' ·, no confidence or-wait until after 'Burnett and get your Center for the past five years. · worked with The Caudle Lake to Bardford Peat trees have been shocked at her award. "I love , ~~ ~~thor of HB . 21~, ,sa jd her sine die to mount ccqnpaigns for She is ~arried to Kyle and has 2312·@ make the area a more attractive planted . in ~ "islands" that will what I do an4 I hope I make a bill :was· meant to prevent voter TYC~fixing bill moves forward the powep'ul post. :. ·Flag Service started topay! place for the city. two children, Cole and LaureL halecehteraffleri- · · fraud. Opponents sai<( th~ bill teform subsequently be outlined. with . difference in a child's life," she - . ~exas y~uth Co~ssion Windsor landscaping stones · and said. "Having my student's and­ targeted minorities, the elderly ,is· in the works with the, !idoption Already m~nti9ned _aS definite or can, @pts~ot;!line. Herschel Bell, a resident o(Hale the space is planned ta be fille~ A~cording to Akin Principal, parent's nominate me for this ' ' and ·the· disabled, dpix>nents of the conference "committee ROSSible candidates "are Reps. Jim 'also 'disputed 1 allegations . of Pitts, ·R~w~~achie, ' " Brian Center, worked for the Department with red cypress mulch. · ' ' Jackie Xing, "Lori ·Benson award means ·so: much more;" In: net or fax e.
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