Town End Country Larry Doby May
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WEEK'S PLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE UND NORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE Townend Country ß'- '.• •:.•;:•....:5•':.?•.:•.,.--..::..,•.;,,.•..... •.?-• ??:•:•.,.: ß:•'/i .:' ß LarryDoby May Try Re•urn •o Big Leagues .. amous Families Exploding Your Pocketbooks Air Needs Clearing 'Complete hort Story GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY DECEMBER 4, 1960 VOL 'XXII, No.49 •35 STRAIGHT ST. (Cor. 20th Ave.) PATERSON, N.J. ......... .-.:i.iiMUI•• 4-7880 ..... .. Bedrooms-- Bedding FreeDecorating Dining• ¾• •• Appliances ZITO STUDIOS COMMERCIAL-. NEWS .. PORTRAIT RUSSELL ZITO, Photographer SWarthmore 6-0104 CHRISTMAS SEASON BEGINS Never one to. keep still, Mayor Dillistin pulls the switch officially setting into opera- 10-16 Fair Lawn Averow Fair Lawn, N.J. tion the new Christmas lights along Market S.ttreet between . Ha'milton Street and the Erie Railroad overpass..Ceremonies were held under the sponsorship of th.e Market Street Asso- ß ciation of P•rterson and some of t-he association's members are shown with the mayor. .. 9 I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitable askS-. Willyou leave your family a home -or a mortgage? L 1'#[ ODDSthat youwffi die beforeyou pay o• your mortgageare 16 timesgreater than the chanceyour housewill catchezra. Yet, mostprudent families wouldn'tthink o[ beingwithout fire insurance. Why be withoutmortgage insurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family against forced sale... lossof savings...or lossof home. Costsare low for this basicprotection. For full informationcall... I. PARRILLO 200 EAST RIDG•OOD AVIg• RIDGK'WOOD, N.J. GI 5-3•.2 GI 4-9891 ONE GRAND CELEBRATION -- It was one thousand and one days on "Truth or Consequences" for Bob Barker, after he ernceed his 1,000th program in the NBC-TV Network Monday- through-Friday daytime audience-participationseries recently. Letthe man from Equitable bHncj you peace of mind Barker, with the assistance of pretty Marlanna Hi!l, telephones hl•friend• ta t•-II th•m abaut th• festive event- Page Two .. ß . ß ß Published Weekly by 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N. ,I. LArnbt• 5-I•41 VINCENT S. PAR•, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRILIa, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at P-aO•r•, N. $., under the act of March 3, 1879. DECEMBER 4, 1960 • VOL. XXXII, No. 49 ß SingleCopy 10 Cents .,•j•_. •2 $4.00 a Year by Mail CONTENTS CIVIL DEFENSE D.%l PROCLAIMED -- Mayor-elect FEATURES Frank X. Graves, Jr. (left), Paterson Municipal Disaster Control director, receives proclamation _setting aside Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, as National Civi• Defense Larry Doby May Try Return to Big Leagues Day in Paterson, from Mayor William-H. Dillistin. The mayor signed the p,'oclamation this past week-,_ To_• and Country Dining 6, 7 Famous Families ......... The Last Minstrel -•.•A Complete Short Story 14 ßFamous American Taverns _ 15 DEPARTMENTS Editorials 8 }i CompleteTelevision ___11-12-13 , ON THE COVER •.ames•. •weene¾(center) was recently honored at the an- nual Past Grand Marshal, Paterson district, dinner as he cele- bratedhis fiftieth anniversary as a memberof the association. Mr. Sweeney, who holds a Iif.etime term as president, was pre- sented with a watch by the Most Reverend Thomas A. Boland, ß . Archbishopof Newark. Taking part in the presentationwas 'GOLDENCHILD' --Stephen Douglass(left) and Patricia the Most ReverendJames A. McNulty, Bishopof Paterson Newa¾, as California settlers in the 1840s, greet their newborn i child in a scenefrom GoldenChild," original opera on the "Hall {•ght). Mr. Sweeneywas for manyyears the Catholiceditor of Fame" ,colorcast of. Friday, Dec. 16, on N B½-T¾. Judy Sanford i•' theold Sunday Chronicle, when the 'newspaper had its offi- (center) plays-their daughter. Jerome Hines and Brenda Lewis ees• on Wash'mgton Street in Paterson. " . <.•.,, ,•. portray a couple who defend the family from a group of un- .. .f. rlend..!y-.min_•r:s: .......- ..................... IE CBRO1VICLE PageThr•o NEW OPPORTUNITY" THE DRIVER'S SunnyHunny Developed Women'sTravel ,Authority ForSmall Businessmen When Sunny Hunny Inc. was organized, a new opportunity for Check Your Radiator small businessmenwas developed. Basically, Sunny Hunny Inc. with headquartersat 223 Arch If you're a woman getting your Street, Philadephia,.Pa., consistsof a chain of restaurants, each family ready for winter-don't for- of which is owned by an individual holding a franchise from the get your family car. First item of parent company.As a memberof a large'organization,the fr.anchi•e The back-seat driver is gener- business-the radiator. These tips ally considered a nuisance in an •ill help women know what needs holder can have the advantages •1oing. of big businesswhile still operat- automobile, but a properly-train- ing' his own small business. ed passenger can function as Sunny Hunny Inc. is the brainchild of Richard E. Ru- part of a smooth-working team dolph, a thirty-eight year old to make driving safer and more Philadelphia businessman, who pleasant for all in the car. has aready becomeknown for his The trick is for passengers to organization and development of successful business enterprises work with the driver, not against The Sunny llunny Restaurants him. By assuming some of the are at present located primarily responsibilities of the driver, a in the Northeast part of the passenger can be an asset for country. Since one of the services FM safety. of the parent company to the in- This does not imply that a pas- ß ß dividual restaurant owners is Richard E. Rudolph the distribution of processed Fhirt•-½iglityear old RichardE. senger should tell a driver how foods served in each restaurant, to drive. It does imply that he it is essential that the restau- Rud.!l,h, president of Sunny In mozt areas, anti-freeze is a ]!ttnn.•. Ira'. was born in Phila- assumes some of the duties of r•nt• be located x•ithin easy. wintertime "must." However, just delphia, Pa., and attended the being alert to read conditions. having the radiator filled with •upply distance. local public schoolsin the area. anti-freeze isn't enough, according Since its inception in 1959, the Married to the former Florence For example, passengers can to Shell 0il's automotive experts. Sunny Hunny Restaurants have {ill,let, he residesin Elkins Park, help keep an eye out for danger- Allied parts of the car should be proved their popularity with con- •ith hi. wife and family, consist- ous-driving situations out of the in good repair. •umers and their money making So have the service station at- in• of two daughters.He currently driver's line of vision. They can ability for both the individual directs the de•tinic• of a fire tendant check the cylinder head franchise owner and the parent alarm franrhise. a commercial keep a watch to the rear for cars and bolts and gaskets to see that company. They are desi ned tO which will overtake and pass the they are leak-proof. Ask him to serve some people at the counter, refrigeration bu•_in½•, a chain.of fr.•,en ctt.•tard lands, a financ• inspect the hot water heater and but are meant, primarily, to sup- car they are riding in. They can all connections. The thermostat ply quick chicken or seafood company, a managementeonsu]- watch for dangers from the side should be replaced if it is not platters to take out. Their spe- tation service, a collection agency, when approaching-intersections. •orking rightß If the water pump a real estate organization, in ad- cial feature is the Sunny Hunny When driving in unfamiliar shows signs of leaking, have it re- Cooker which deep fries under dition to the Sunny Hunny paired or replaced. pressure, thereby preserving the Shoppes, a series of one-man areas, passengers can help the A leaky or weak radiator hose flavor and natural succulence of restaurants, specializing in frozen driver by being alert for direc- and hose clamps should be re- chicken and seafood. the foods. ti.on signs and route markings. placed to prevent your car from A potential owner of a Sunny gradually losing anti-freeze. All Hunny franchise applies to the it. The corporation provides a They can read road maps and act gaskets, expansion plugs, and as co-pilots on long-distance drain cocks should be examined company. To show he is earnest gala grand opening, the promo- in his intentions, he pays a fran- tion and advertisinL necessary trips, leaving the driver free to for leakage. And don't forget the to attract customers to the new radiator itself. chise fee of $4,000 and. must concentrate on his driving. count on another $1,000 for oper- restaurant. Careful records are Before having the anti-freeze The essence .of being an aid to added, have the cooling system ating.expenses. If he is approved kept by both the owner and the cleaned out. If ruht or dirt appears for a Sunny ttunny franchise, h company to assessthe best hours a driver is to pass on information in the drained water, the cooling then has the services of the com- to keep open, the techniques to in calm, measured ,tones which be used to foster an increase in system should be cleaned with a pany to help him choose a site, give him information, but do not radiator flush. build and equip it for him as trade and in other ways obviate well as train him to properly run difficulties and insure success. distract him. The passenger who suddenly shouts, "Look out!", • ' does nothing but startle and un- nerve a driver. NATIONAL -: CIVIL The good driving co-pilot keeps alert enough to anticipate dan- DEFENSE .¾ gerous driving situations and DAY passes the informa.tion to the driver calmly and in plenty Peace time to allow him to avoid them.