ND Sets New Annual Fundraising Record by DAVID ZIRINGER He Credits the Strategic News Writer Moment Campaign As Being an Especially Profitable Source
The Observer VOL. XXIII NO. 71 FRIDAY , DECEMBER 14, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S ND sets new annual fundraising record By DAVID ZIRINGER He credits the Strategic News Writer Moment campaign as being an especially profitable source. Notre Dame received $53.8 The campaign, a five-year ef million as a result of 1990 fort concluding in 1990, has al fundraising, establishing a new lowed the university “to reach record for annual contribu out to many more people,” he tions. said. With the campaign, According to Joseph Sand alumni, 50% of which donate man, director of Development, annually, are personally so students stand to benefit as a licited by phone. result through financial aid. So far, this program alone has The funds will provide amassed over $450 million. “greater support for under “The tremendous enthusiasm graduate scholarships and alumni and friends have for the graduate fellowships,” so stu university is a direct reflection” dents can attend Notre Dame of supporters’ endorsement of “regardless of economic back Notre Dame’s direction, Sand ground,” Sandman said. Many m an said. gifts were restricted to student He said contributors’ gen assistance, he said. erosity reflects “confidence in By enticing graduate students the leadership of the univer with fellowships, Sandman said sity.” . Notre Dame “has the potential to be ranked among the best Corporate and foundation research universities in the donations amounted to $18.5 country.” million, including an unprece Also, contributions will sub dented $2.4 million in corpo sidize professorships and li rate matching funds. Also, the brary endowments as well as Annual Fund and planned-giv- A P P hoto providing $60 million towards ing commitments achieved Directors aplenty university construction, he said.
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