Armadillo Bibliography 1961-1970
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BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ARMADILLOS (CINGULATA) Last update: September 11, 2019 Mariella Superina, Dr. med. vet., Ph.D. Laboratorio de Medicina y Endocrinología de la Fauna Silvestre IMBECU, CCT CONICET Mendoza Casilla de Correos 855 5500 Mendoza, Argentina [email protected] References 1961–1970 ADAMS, W. V., G. E. SANFORD, E. E. ROTH, AND L. L. GLASGOW. 1964. NigHttime capture of striped skunks in Louisiana. Journal of Wildlife Management 28:368-373. AFFANNI, J. M., et al. 1969. Interbulbar commissural olfactory pathway: an experimental study in the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus. Acta PHysiologica Latino Americana 19:384-388. AFFANNI, J. M., L. GARCÍA SAMARTINO, AND E. MORITA. 1970. Observations sur l'activité éléctrique du néocortex, du paléocortex et du bulbe olfactif cHez Chaetophractus villosus. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Societé de Biologie 164:2660. AFFANNI, J. M., L. G. GARCÍA SAMARTINO, AND Y. E. MORITA. 1968. 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