
Distribution, , Ages, and Proposed Tectonic Associations of Regionally Metamorphosed Rocks in Southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula




I'repared in inoof)erationzuith the Alaska Deparlment of Natural Resourcer, Division of Geologicc~land Grophysical Suruqrs



Gordon P. Eaton, Director

Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.Government

Text edited by Jan Detterman and Jeff Troll Illustrations and plates edited by Jan Detterman, Dale Russell, and Sean Stone; prepared by Doug Aitken, Kevin Ghequiere, Mike Newman, and Glenn Schumacher

Library of Congress-in-PublicationData Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia. Distribution, facies, ages, and proposed tectonic associations of regionally metamorphosed rocks in southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula1 by Cynthia Dusel-Bacon, Elizabeth 0.Doyle, and Stephen E. Box. p. cm. -- (Regionally metamorphosed rocks of Alaska) (U,S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1497-B) "Prepared in cooperation with the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys." Includes bibliographical references (p. - ). 1. Rocks. metamorphic-Alaska. 2. ()-Alaska. I. Doyle, Elizabeth 0. 11. Box, Stephen E. 111. Alaska. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. IV. Title. V. Series. VI. Series: U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1497-B. QE475.A2D88 1995 552' .4' 097984~20 94-49366 CIP

For sale by the U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286, ms 306, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract ...... Bl Detailed description of metamorphic map units-Continued Introduction ...... 2 Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountains-Continued Acknowledgments ...... 5 GNS (mJlE)...... B17 Summary of the major metamorphic episodes that GNI. H (eK1E)...... 18 affected southwestern Alaska and the Alaska LPP (eKl%), ...... 18 Peninsula ...... 5 Proposed tectonic origin of Mesozoic low-grade Detailed description of metamorphic map units ...... 12 metamorphism in the Kilbuck and Ahklun Yukon-Koyukuk basin and its southeastern Mountains area ...... 19 borderlands ...... 12 Central and southern Alaska Range and Alaska GNS (PO)...... 12 Peninsula ...... 20 GNS (eKmR) ...... 12 GNS (KM)...... 20 LPP (eKlE) ...... 13 LPPIGNS (K)...... 20 GNI, H (eKmJ)...... 13 LPP (IJIE)...... 21 LPP (peK) ...... 14 GNS (J)...... 21 Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountains...... 14 GNS. AMP (J) ...... 22 AMP (X) + GNS (eKJ) ...... 14 GNS.AMP (TIE)...... 23 GNH (mJIE)...... 17 LPP (eTIK)...... 24 References cited ...... 24


[Plates are in pocket1

Plate 1. map of southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula . 2 . Metamorphic- locality map of southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula .

Page Figure 1. Map showing area of this report and other reports in the series of metamorphic studies of Alaska ...... B2 2 . Map showing regional geographic areas in southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula that are discussed in text ...... 3 3 . Map showing lithotectonic and the boundaries of 1.250,000.scale quadrangles in southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula ...... 4 4 . Diagram showing schematic representation of metamorphic-facies groups and series in pressure-temperature space and their letter symbols ...... 6 5 . Map showing general sources of metamorphic data for the metamorphic facies map of southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula ...... 8 6 . Generalized map showing lithotectonic terranes and metamorphic facies units in the Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountains area ... 11

TABLES Page Table 1. Scheme for determining metamorphic facies ...... B7 2 . Metamorphic mineral-assemblage data...... 28




Less than half of the exposed bedrock in southwestern Alaska has underlying Platinum subterrane, suggest that the rocks of the Cape been regionally metamorphosed, and much of it under low-grade meta- Peirce subterrane are the more tectonized equivalents of the adjacent morphic conditions. The oldest known metamorphic episode in Alaska two terranes. The original contractional-fault contact between the is inferred to have taken place in the Early Proterozoic (1.7-1.8 Ga) in upper-plate Togiak and the underlying Cape Peirce terrane has two narrow, northeast-trending, fault-bounded complexes of continen- been modified by extensional faulting, which has resulted in lower tally derived -facies orthogneiss and subordinate metasedi- temperature and pressure rocks being juxtaposed over higher mentary rocks. Protoliths consist primarily of an Early Proterozoic (2.0- temperature and pressure rocks. 2.1 Ga) tonalitic suite of -related magmatic rocks and minor The second phase of the compressional episode in southwestern granitic rocks, some ofwhich were derived in part from Archean (2.5-2.6 Alaska took place during Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time and is Ga) sources. The southernmost complex, the (informal) Kanektok meta- interpreted to have involved continued subduction of oceanic material morphic complex, crops out in the Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountains; the beneath the oceanic arc and the eventual collision of the arc complex northernmost one, the Idono Complex, crops out 250 kmto the northeast with the continental margin. - and, locally, blueschist-facies in the southeastern borderlands of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin. These metamorphism occured within the northwest margin of the Goodnews two Early Proterozoic metamorphic complexes were probably once terrane (Nukluk subterrane),presumably within the southeast-dipping continuous and have been offset by right-lateral strike-slip faulting in subduction zone (present-day coordinates) that dipped beneath the the late Mesozoic or Cenozoic. oceanic arc complex. Widespread resetting of the Early Proterozoic Proterozoic or early Paleozoic metamorphism may have taken place mineral-isotopic systems of the continental Kanektok and Idono meta- in other areas of the continental basement of interior Alaska. Southeast morphic complexes during Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time may of the Susulatna fault, Late Proterozoic metavolcanic rocks and have resulted from retrograde metamorphism during partial under- pre-Ordovician metasedimentary and mafic metavolcanic rocks of the thrusting of the continental margin (Kilbuck terrane) beneath the Nixon Fork terrane were metamorphosed under greenschist-facies accretionary forearc (Goodnewsterrane) of the intraoceanic volcanic arc conditions prior to Ordovician time. (Togiak terrane). The major period of metamorphism in southwestern Alaska, how- The same relation between upper plate oceanic rocks (Angayucham ever, like that in the rest of Alaska, occurred during the Mesozoic. and Tozitna terranes) and lower plate continental margin rocks (Ruby Metamorphism during this period presumably resulted from subduc- terrane) is present in the Ruby geanticline that makes up the southeast- tion between the components of an oceanic arc complex and subsequent ern borderlands of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin shown at the north edge collision of the arc complex with the continental margin of North of plate 1. In the Ruby geanticline, , attesting to high- America. Both the overridingoceanic plate and the overridden continen- pressure metamorphism, is sporatically developed both within the tal plate were affected. continental rocks of the lower plate and, less commonly, near the base The earliest phase of this compressional episode, documented in the of the overlying oceanic thrust sheets. The direction from which the Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountains area, took place during the late oceanic rocks were thrust and determination of which oceanic sheets to Middle Jurassic. Products of this phase include a nappe complex of were involved is unclear. Late extension is also suspected to have high-pressure, blueschist-facies glaucophane- and -bearing followed contractional faulting in the Ruby geanticline. schistose metabasalt, and a strongly foliated package of intermediate- Metamorphism of greenschist- and amphibolite-facies volcaniclastic pressure, greenschist-facies metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. sedimentary rocks and mafic and intermediate volcanic rocks in the These oceanic rocks make up the Cape Peirce subterrane of the southern Alaska Range and the Alaska Peninsula was probably associ- Goodnews terrane and are exposed near the northwest edge of Bristol ated with intrusion of the Early to Middle Jurassic plutons of the Bay. Metamorphism of the Cape Peirce subterrane is presumed to have Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith and accompanying intermittent tec- occurred during collision and partial subduction of an oceanic plateau tonism. Both the Jurassic plutons of the batholith and the probable (Platinum subterrane of the Goodnews terrane) beneath an overriding- Lower(?)Jurassic and Upper Triassic volcanic protoliths of the associ- intraoceanic, subduction-relatedvolcanic arc (Togiakterrane). Lithologic ated metamorphic rocks are products of an Early Mesozoic magmatic similarities between the ~rotolithsof the schistose blueschist- and arc that developed within the Peninsular terrane and the adjoining greenschist-facies rocks of the Cape Peirce subterrane and with those of parts of a composite terrane, composed of the Peninsular, Wrangellia, the relatively undeformed and low-grade overlying Togiak terrane and and Alexander terranes, that stretched across southern Alaska.

Manuscript approved for publication, March 26, 1987. 1 B2 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

INTRODUCTION same order as that used for the map explanation. Within each geographic area (fig. 2), units are dis- cussed in order of decreasing metamorphic age. Units This report identifies, describes, and interprets the of the same metamorphic age or age range are gener- major regionally metamorphosed rocks of southwest- ally discussed in order of increasing metamorphic ern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula. It is one of a grade. The description of nearly all metamorphic series of four reports on the metamorphic rocks of units includes a reference to the lithotectonic Alaska and their evolution (fig. 1). Metamorphic rocks terrane(s) proposed by Jones and others (1987) (fig. are assigned to metamorphic-facies units, shown on 3) and, in a few cases, to the revised boundaries and a colored 1:1,000,000-scale map (pl. l), on the basis subdivisions of these terranes proposed by Box of the occurrence of pressure- and temperature-sen- (1985d) (figs. 3 and 6). Unless otherwise specified, sitive and the age of metamorphism. By all lithotectonic terranes are those of Jones and oth- means of detailed unit descriptions, this report sum- ers (1987). marizes the present state of knowledge (about 1990) The metamorphic-facies determination scheme (fig. of the metamorphic grade, pressure and temperature 4; table 1)on which the map (pl. 1)is based was de- conditions, age of protoliths and metamorphism, and veloped by the Working Group for the Cartography speculated or known tectonic origin of regional meta- of the Metamorphic Belts of the World (Zwart and morphism in southwestern Alaska and the Alaska others, 1967). This scheme is based on pressure- and Peninsula. Metamorphic units are discussed in the temperature-sensitive metamorphic minerals that

Figure 1.- Map showing area of this report and other reports in the series of metamorphic studies of Alaska. A, Dusel-Bacon and others (1989); C, Dusel-Bacon and others (1993); D, Dusel-Bacon and others (1996). SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA


Figure 2.- Map showing regional geographic areas in southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula that are dis- cussed in text. Boundaries of 1:250,000-scale quadrangles shown for reference. REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

Figure 3.- Map showing lithotectonic terranes and the boundaries of 1:250,000-scale quadrangles in southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula. Terrane boundaries from Jones and others (1987) except just north of Bris- to1 Bay where Box (1985d) revised two terrane boundaries (dashed lines). Most, but not all, terranes shown are referred to in the text. Abbreviated terrane names from Jones and others (1987). Incorrect spelling of Ny- ac terrane (previously given as Nyack terrane by Box (1985d) and Jones and others (1987)) is herein corrected. SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B5

are petrographically identifiable by most . but have different protoliths and are thought to have Regionally metamorphosed rocks are divided into different metamorphic histories. three facies groups on the basis of increasing tem- Protolith- and metamorphic-age designations are perature: (1)laumontite and prehnite-pumpellyite based on the Decade of North American Geology Geo- facies (LPP), shown in shades of gray and tan; (2) logic Time Scale (Palmer, 1983). Isotopic ages cited greenschist facies (GNS), shown in shades of green; herein have been calculated or recalculated using the -and (3) -amphibolite and amphibolite facies decay constants of Steiger and Jager (1977). (AMP), shown in shades of orange. Where possible, Metamorphic mineral assemblages for most meta- the greenschist-facies group is divided into two fa- morphic-facies units (table 2) follow the detailed de- cie~series on the basis of pressure. A high- or inter- scriptions of the metamorphic units and are keyed to mediate-pressure series is indicated by an H or I in the metamorphic-mineral locality map (pl. 2). place of the final letter in the symbol used for the General sources of metamorphic data used to com- greenschist-facies group. pile the metamorphic facies map (pl. 1)are shown on In this compilation, the scheme of Zwart and 0th- figure 5. Complete citations for published sources are ers (1967) is expanded. Specifically, combinations of given in the references. Additional sources are re- letters and symbols are used to indicate metamor- ferred to in the detailed unit descriptions. phic conditions transitional between different facies groups. Where the metamorphic grade of a unit is transitional between two facies groups, the lower- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS grade designation is given first, and the two desig- nations are separated by a slash. Where two facies We wish to thank the numerous geologists from the groups or facies series are found together but have U.S. Geological Survey, the State of Alaska Depart- not been differentiated, the designation of the more ment of Natural Resources, Division of Geological abundant facies is given first, and the two designa- Surveys, and the University ofAlaska who freely com- tions are separated by a comma. As a further expan- municated their thoughts and unpublished data to sion, a symbol for either the metamorphic age or the this report. Drafting and technical assistance were minimum and maximum limits of the metamorphic provided by S.L. Douglass, M.A. Klute, K.E. Read- age is given in parentheses following the facies sym- ing, and K.M. Cooper. W.K. Wallace and A.B. Till bol. Where two metamorphic episodes have affected made valuable suggestions that helped improve this the rocks, the symbol gives the facies and age of each manuscript. The expert and patient map and text metamorphic episode, beginning with the older epi- editing of J.S. Detterman is especially appreciated. sode. In one instance, the numerical subscript "1" is used to differentiate between map units that have the same metamorphic grade and metamorphic age SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR METAMORPHIC EPISODES THAT AFFECTED SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA AND THE ALASKA PENINSULA EXPLANATION - Terrane-bounding fault The oldest dated metamorphic episode in Alaska - Postaccretion or postamalgamation contact took place in the Early Proterozoic and is recorded in two narrow, northeast-trending, fault-bounded TERRANES complexes of continentally derived amphibolite-facies CG Chugach NY Nyac orthogneiss and subordinate metasedimentary rocks. DL Dillinger PE Peninsular The southernmost complex comprises the (informal) GD Goodnews PN Pingston Kanektok metamorphic complex of Hoare and Coon- IN lnnoko RB Ruby rad (1979) and crops out in the Kilbuck and Ahklun KH Kahiltna TG Togiak Mountains; the northernmost one comprises the KIL Kilbuck TK Tikchik Idono Complex of Miller and others (1991) and crops KY Koyukuk TZ Tozitna out 250 km to the northeast in the southeastern bor- MK McKinley YT Yukon-Tanana derlands of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin (pl. 1). The N X Nixon Fork Kanektok metamorphic complex and the Idono Com- OTHER SYMBOLS plex have been assigned by Jones and others (1987) Cenozoic K Cretaceous to the Kilbuck and Ruby lithotectonic terranes, re- sediments spectively (fig. 3) (Box and others, 1990; Miller and Figure 3.-Continued others, 1991). B6 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

The Kanektok metamorphic complex includes lay- zoic (1.7-1.8 Ga). A 1.77-Ga metamorphic age for the ered biotite-hornblende gneiss intercalated with py- Kanektok metamorphic complex is suggested by a U- roxene gneiss, - , orthogneiss, gar- Pb age on sphene from one sample of orthogneiss net amphibolite, and rare (Hoare and Coon- (Turner and others, 1983).Additional support for the rad, 1979; Turner and others, 1983). , indica- 1.77 Ga metamorphic age is provided by the oldest of tive of intermediate- to high-pressure conditions, is five Proterozoic K-Ar hornblende ages from amphibo- found in garnet-mica schist at one locality in the lite, and possibly also by a whole- Rb-Sr scatter Kanektok metamorphic complex (pl. 2; table 2). The chron (Turner and others, 1983). Idono Complex is made up of granitic, dioritic, and Rocks in both complexes were subsequently affected tonalitic orthogneiss, amphibolite, and subordinate by a Jurassic to Early Cretaceous thermal distur- pelitic schist and quartzite (Miller and Bundtzen, bance indicated by local resetting of Proterozoic min- 1985; Miller and others, 1991). eral-isotopic systems (Turner and others, 1983; Miller U-Pb zircon upper-intercept ages and Sm-Nd iso- and others, 1991). Nearly all of the rocks collected topic data from both complexes indicate that igne- from the Kanektok metamorphic complex show a to- ous protoliths consist primarily of an Early Protero- tal or partial resetting of K-Ar hornblende and bi- zoic (2.0-2.1 Ga) tonalitic suite of subduction-related otite ages and fall in the range of 150 to 120 Ma (D.L. magmatic rocks and minor granitic rocks derived in Turner, written commun., 1982; Turner and others, part from Archean (2.5-2.6 Ga) sources (Box and oth- 1983). Similarly, most K-Ar ages on white mica, bi- ers, 1990; Miller and others, 1991). otite, and hornblende from the Idono Complex clus- Isotopic data from both complexes also suggest that ter in the range of 190 to 120 Ma (Miller and others, protoliths may have been metamorphosed under am- 1991). A 182+8-Ma U-Pb lower-intercept age on zir- phibolite-facies conditions during the Early Protero- con from three samples of orthogneiss from the Idono


High-pressure-facies series

Figure 4.- Diagram showing schematic representation of metamorphic-facies groups and series in pressure-temperature space and their letter symbols used in this report (modified from Zwart and others, 1967). Stability fields of A12Si05 polymorphs andalu- site (anda.), kyanite (ky.), and sillimante (sill.) shown by dashed lines. SOUTH-WESTERN ALASKA

Table 1.-Scheme for determining metamorphic facies [Modified from Zwart and others, 19671

Facies Diagnostic minerals Forbidden minerals Common Remarks symbol and assemblages and assemblages minerals and assemblages


LPP Laumontite + quartz. Pyrophyllite, analcime + "Chlor~te".saponite. Epidote, act~nolite,and prehnite +pumpellyite. quartz, heulandite. dolomlte +quartz. "sphene" possible in ankerite +quartz, prehnite-pumpellytte kaolinite, montmortl- facies. lonite, alb~te. / K-feldspar. "white mica"


GNS Staurolite, andalusite. Epidote, chlorite, cordierite, plagioclase , albite. (An>lO),laumontite t , . quartz, prehnlte + dolomite, actinolite pumpellyite .

Low- and intermediate-pressure greenschist facies GNL and GNI Hornblende, glaucophane. B~otiteand manganlferous crossite. lawsonite, garnet possible; stilpno- ~adeitet quartz. melane mainly restricted aragonite to intermediate-pressure greenschlst facies

High-pressure greenschist (blueschist)facies GNH Glaucophane, crossite. Almandine, paragonlte, Subcalcic hornblende aragonite, ladeite + stllpnomelane (barroisite)may occur in quartz. h~ghesttemperature part of this facies.

Low-temperature subfactes of high-pressure greenschist facies Above minerals plus pumpellyite and (or) lawsonite - EPIDOTE-AMPHIBOLITE AND AMPHlBOLlTE FACIES

AMP Staurolite Orthopyroxene + Hornblende, plaglo- clinopyroxene. clase, garnet, biotite. actinolite + calcic rnuscovlte, diopside. playioclase +quartz. K-feldspar, rutile, cal- glaucophane. cite. dolomite. scapolite

Low-pressure amphibolite facies AML Andalus~te+ staurolite. Kyanite Cordierite, slllimanite, Pyralspite garnet rare in cordier~te+ orthoamphi- curnmingtonite lowest possible pressure bole part of this facies

Intermediate- and high-pressure amphibolite facies AM1 and AMH Kyanite + staurolite Andalus~te Sill~man~temalnly re- stricted to Intermediate- pressure arnphibolite facies.


Orthopyroxene + Staurolite, orthoamphl- Hypersthene. clinopyrox- Hornblende possible. clinopyroxene. bole, rnuscov~te.epidote. ene, garnet, cordier~te, Kyanite may occur In high- zoisite anorthite. K-feldspar. er pressure part of this sillimanite, b~otite. facies and periclase and scapol~te,calcite. dolo- wollastonite in low- mite. rutile pressure part. REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA


Figure 5.- Map showing general sources of metamorphic data for the metamorphic facies map of southwestern Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula (pl. 1). Numbers refer to sources of data listed in explanation. Boundaries of 1:250,000- scale quadrangles shown for reference. Ring patterns around numbers correspond to boundary patterns used to delineate that area. SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B9

Complex is interpreted as the approximate time of rane (fig. 3) were _metamorphosedunder greenschist- major episodic Pb loss and falls in the upper end of facies conditions prior to Ordovician time. The pre- the range of the partly to totally reset K-Ar ages Ordovician metamorphic as well as protolith age for (Miller and others, 1991). The probable tectonic ori- these rocks is indicated by the fact that overlying, gin of this thermal disturbance is discussed near the virtually unmetamorphosed, Ordovician through end of this section. Devonian strata yield conodont-alteration indices Proterozoic or early Paleozoic metamorphism may that correspond with very low temperatures, gener- have taken place in other areas of the continental ally less than 200°C (W.W. Patton, Jr., oral commun., basement of interior Alaska. Southeast of the Susu- 1984; A.G. Harris, unpub. data, 1984). A minimum latna fault (pl. I),Late Proterozoic felsic metavolca- metamorphic age of 514 Ma is provided by the oldest nic rocks (Dillon and others, 1985) and pre-Ordovi- of three K-Ar mineral ages on mica from quartz-mus- cian schist, quartzite, phyllite, argillite, marble, and covite-chlorite schist (Silberman and others, 1979). mafic metavolcanic rocks (Silberman and others, Northwest of the Susulatna and Nixon Fork-Iditarod 1979; Patton and others, 1980) of the Nixon Fork ter- faults, metamorphism of greenschist-facies rocks of Proterozoic(?) and probable early to middle Paleozoic age that form part of the Ruby terrane is thought to be primarily Mesozoic. EXPLANATION The predominant metamorphic episode in south- Hoare and Condon (1971b) western and interior Alaska occurred under low- Patton and Moll (1985) grade conditions during Mesozoic time. Metamor- E.J. Moll and W.W. Patton, Jr., unpublished metamorphic phism during this period presumably resulted from facies compilation (1983) subduction between the components of an active oce- R.M. Chapman and S.L. Douglass, unpublished metarnor- phic facies compilation (1983) anic arc system and the subsequent collision of the Chapman and Patton (1979) oceanic arc with the continent lithosphere of North Patton and others (1980) America. Both the overriding oceanic plate and the Gemuts and others (1983) overridden continental plate were affected. T.K. Bundtzen, unpublished mapping (1984) In the southeastern borderlands of the Yukon- Angeloni and Miller (1985) Koyukuk basin, within the northern area shown on Miller and Bundtzen (1985); Miller and others (1991) pl. 1, the continental plate consists of sedimentary T.P. Miller, unpublished metamorphic facies compilation and volcanic rocks of the Ruby terrane (fig. 3). These (1974);S.E. Box, unpublished data (1985) lower-plate rocks, including phyllite, greenschist, Hoare and Condon (1966) pelitic schist, quartzite, calcareous schist, green- Hoare and Condon (1968) stone, metachert, and marble of Proterozoic(?) and Hoare and Condon (1971a) probable early to middle Paleozoic protolith age, were Hoare and Coonrad (1959b); Box and others (1993) primarily metamorphosed under greenschist-facies Beikman (1974) conditions. In the Kaiyuh Mountains, however, glau- Reed and others (1983) cophane is present in correlative continental rocks Nelson and others (1983) shown on the adjacent northern metamorphic facies Bundtzen and others (1979) Hoare and Coonrad (1959a); Box and others (1993) map (Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989),indicating that, Hoare and Coonrad (1978a) at least locally, high-pressure (blueschist-facies) Hoare and Coonrad (1961a) metamorphic conditions prevailed. Hoare and Coonrad (1961b) Upper-plate oceanic rocks in this area consist of Box (1985~) locally schistose greenstone, metachert, meta- R.L. Detterman, unpublished geologic compilation (1982) graywacke, metalimestone, argillite, metadiabase, Detterman and Reed (1980) metatuff, volcaniclastic rocks, and mafic intrusive J.R. Riehle and R.L. Detterman, unpublished geologic rocks. Protoliths range in age from Late Devonian to compilation (1986) Late Triassic and are considered to be part of the Detterman and others (1983) Innoko and Tozitna terranes (fig. 3). These rocks were Wilson (1982) metamorphosed under prehnite-pumpellyite-facies Detterman and others (1981) conditions. North of the study area (pl. I), glau- Burk (1965) cophane is present sporadically near the structural Moore (1973, 1974a) base of lithologically similar oceanic rocks of the Moore (1974b) Tozitna and Angayucham terranes (Dusel-Bacon and Figure 5.- Continued others, 1989). B10 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

The intermediate- to locally high-pressure meta- during two related episodes. The first episode, pro- morphism of the lower-plate rocks is believed to have duced a nappe complex of high-pressure greenschist- occurred as a result of tectonic loading accompany- (blueschist-) facies, glaucophane- and lawsonite-bear- ing the obduction of a disrupted mafic-ultramafic oce- ing schistose metabasalt, strongly foliated volcani- anic complex onto the Proterozoic and lower Paleo- clastic rocks, black phyllite, tuffaceous phyllite and zoic continental margin during Middle Jurassic to marble, and calcareous schist (Box, 1985~).These Early Cretaceous time (Patton and others, 1977; Pat- rocks are complexly deformed and locally possess a ton and Moll, 1982; Patton, 1984; Dusel-Bacon and melange-like fabric. They make up the Cape Peirce others, 1989). The direction from which these rocks subterrane of the Goodnews terrane (figs. 3 and 6). were thrust is unclear. According to one hypothesis, Protoliths are interpreted as oceanic crustal frag- on the basis of large-scale geologic similarities be- ments (accretionary forearc) of Permian and Late tween the Ruby geanticline and the southern Brooks Triassic age that were thrust beneath the northwest- Range (shown and discussed in Dusel-Bacon and oth- ern margin of an oceanic volcanic arc (Togiak terrane) ers, 1989), the thrust sheets of a (composite) Ang- (fig. 6). Metamorphism during this first episode is ayucham-Tozitna terrane were rooted in the Yukon- bracketed between the Late Triassic age of the young- Koyukuk basin and thrust southeastward over the est protolith and the Middle Jurassic age of postmeta- continentally derived rocks of the Ruby terrane (Pat- morphic mafic and ultramafic plutons that intrude ton and others, 1977, 1989; Patton and Moll, 1982). the Togiak and Goodnews terranes. A 231.2f 6.9-Ma According to an alternative hypothesis, on the basis K-Ar age on from schist of the Cape Peirce of structural analysis of S-C fabrics (non-coaxial subterrane (Box, 1985c) suggests that metamorphism schistosity and shear surfaces) and the sense of ro- may have begun during Late Triassic time. tation of large-scale nappe-like folds (Miyaoka and Structural data suggest that the overriding arc of Dover, 1985; Smith and Puchner, 1985; G.M. Smith, the Togiak terrane was originally thrust to the north- written commun., 1986), the Tozitna terrane was northeast over the Goodnews terrane (Box, 198513). thrust in the opposite direction-from the southeast However, the low-angle, southeast-dipping fault toward the northwest. However, subsequent fabric mapped between the upper plate Togiak terrane and analysis (Miyaoka and Dover, 1990) indicates much the underlying Cape Peirce terrane (fig. 6)juxtaposes more complex motions of the Tozitna terrane over the lower temperature and pressure rocks over higher Ruby terrane. temperature and pressure rocks, suggesting that the A continuation of this same metamorphic and tec- fault is a low-angle normal fault rather than a thrust tonic history has been proposed for the rocks farther fault, and that contractional faulting was followed to the southwest, in the Kilbuck and Ahklun Moun- by extensional (detachment) faulting (Box, 1985b). tains area (Box, 1985a, d). Similarities that suggest This same structural juxtapositioning of shallow level this correlation are (1) the same relation between over deeper level rocks is found in the southern upper-plate oceanic rocks (Goodnews and Togiak ter- Brooks Range and Ruby geanticline and has been ranes) and lower-plate continental rocks (Kilbuck interpreted as evidence of late extensional faulting terrane) in southwestern Alaska as is present in the along that part of the convergent margin as well Ruby geanticline and southern Brooks Range; (2) (Miller, 1987; Gottschalk and Oldow, 1988; Dusel- evidence of low-grade, locally high-pressure, meta- Bacon and others, 1989, among others). morphism in the oceanic rocks; and (3) the wide- Greenschist-facies and locally developed blueschist- spread occurrence of Late Jurassic to Early Creta- facies mafic schist, quartzose schist, calcareous ceous isotopic cooling ages. These similarities be- schist, marble, phyllite, and minor amounts of graph- tween the southeastern borderlands of the Yukon- ite schist (Hoare and Coonrad, 1959a, 1961a) were Koyukuk basin, the southern Brooks Range, and probably metamorphosed during the second episode southwestern Alaska are best explained by a tectonic of underthrusting. These rocks, of Ordovician to lat- model in which a continuous, sinuous suture between est Jurassic (Tithonian) age (Box, 1985c), crop out a volcanic arc and the Mesozoic margin of continen- along the northwest margin of the Nukluk subter- tal North America (that extended across northern, rane of the Goodnews terrane (Box, 1985d) (fig. 6). central, and southwestern Alaska) was subsequently Greenschist-facies mafic schist is characterized by offset by major right-lateral strike-slip faults (Box, chlorite, epidote, and actinolite, and blueschist-fa- 1985a; Wallace, 1984). cies mafic schist by these same minerals plus glau- Mesozoic metamorphism and presumed concomi- cophane and magnesioriebeckite, a sodic amphibole tant underthrusting in the Kilbuck and Ahklun (S.M. Roeske, written commun., 1988). A latest Ju- Mountains area of southwestern Alaska took place rassic to earliest Cretaceous minimum metamorphic SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B11 age for this episode is suggested by a 146f 15-Ma K- plex of the Kilbuck terrane (and by correlation, the Ar age on actinolite from the northern exposure of Idono Complex), probably took place as the continen- this unit (Box and Murphy, 1987). tal Kilbuck terrane was partly thrust beneath the The Jurassic to Early Cretaceous metamorphism accretionary forearc (Goodnews terrane) of the in- of these greenschist- and blueschist-facies rocks, as traoceanic volcanic arc (Togiak terrane) (Box, 1985d) well as the postulated retrograde metamorphism of (fig. 6). The minimum age of this episode of thrust- the Early Proterozoic Kanektok metamorphic com- ing and metamorphism is constrained by the Cen-

nALASKA EXPLANATION Metamorphic-facies units used in this report. Metamorphic ages in parentheses; numbers refer to symbols used on plates 1 AREA OF MAP and 2

Figure 6.- Generalized map showing lithotectonic terranes and metamorphic facies units in the Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountains area. Incorrect spelling of Nyac terrane (previously given as Nyack terrane by Box (1985d) and Jones and others (1987)) is herein corrected. B12 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

omanian and Turonian (early Late Cretaceous) age DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF METAMORPHIC of clastic rocks (Box and Elder, 1992) that overlap MAP UNITS the Togiak, Goodnews, and Kilbuck terranes. Metamorphism of greenschist- and amphibolite-fa- yUKON-KoYUKUK BASIN AND ITS SOUTHEASTERN cies rocks in the southern Alaska Range and the BORDERLANDS I Alaska Peninsula was probably associated with in- trusion of the Early to Middle Jurassic plutons of the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith and accompanying GNS (PO) intermittent tectonism (Detterman and Reed, 1980). The primary evidence for this assumption is a spa- This unit comprises Late Proterozoic felsic metavol- tial association of the metamorphic rocks with the canic rocks (Dillon and others, 1985) and pre-Ordovi- plutons, an increase in metamorphic grade cian pelitic schist, calc schist, semischist, quartzite, toward them, and parallelism between structures in ~h~llite,argillite, marble, and mafic metavolcanic the metamorphic rocks, pluton contacts, and folia- rocks (SiIberman and others, 1979; Patton and 0th- tion within the margins of the plutons. prdtoliths in- ers, 1980). It crops out southeast of the ~usulatna clude Lower(?) Jurassic volcaniclastic sedimentary in the corner the and the rocks and mafic and intermediate volcanic rocks and the Medfra quadrangles and is included Upper Triassic calcareous sedimentary rocks and in the Nixon Fork terrane (fig. 3). Characteristic mafic volcanic rocks (~~tt~~~~~and ~~~d,1980) of metamorphic mineral assemblages in pelitic rocks are the peninsular terrane. ~~~~~~i~plutons of the quartz + muscovite f chlorite f biotite f garnet and batholith and the volcanic protoliths of the associ- chloritoid + chlorite + muscovite + quartz; metaba- ated metamorphic rocks are products ofan ~~~l~M~- site contains the metamorphic assemblage chlorite sozoic magmatic arc that developed within the pen- + epidote + actinolite + albite f calcite f sphene k insular terrane and adjoining parts of a composite biotite. A pre-Ordovician metamorphic as well as terrane, composed of the Peninsular, Wrangellia, and protolith age for this unit is indicated by the fact that Alexander terranes (Plaflier and others, 1989; Wal- overlying Ordovician through Devonian strata yield lace and others, 1989), that stretched across south- conodont-alteration indices that correspond with very ern Alaska. Common rock types include mafic schist, low temperatures, generally less than 2000C (W.W. metavolcaniclastic rocks, marble, massive to layered Patton, Jr., commun., A.G. Harris, un~ub. metagabbro, metachert, and gneiss. Rock fabrics data, 1984)>and, therefore, are be un- range from massive to imperfectly schistose to those metamorphosed- A minimum age in which segregation banding is well developed. D~-514 Ma is provided by the oldest of three K-Ar min- namothermal amphibolite-~aciesmetamorphism is eral ages on mica from quartz-muscovite-chlorite characterized by hornblende+garnet in mafic rocks schist in Medfra quadrangle (Silberman and 0th- and biotite + muscovite + garnet + potassium-feld- ers, 1979). U-Pb zircon and K-Ar data suggest that spar f andalusite f staurolite in pelitic rocks. Lo- the rocks in this unit were not affected by the Late cally, thermal metamorphism has produced rocks Jurassic to Early Cretaceous episode with granoblastic textures and amphibolite-facies that occurred northwest of the Susulatna fault in and pyroxene -facies mineral assemblages the southeastern borderlands of theYukon-Ko~ukuk (Detterman and Reed, 1980). basin (Dillon and others, 1985). A similar, but more internally faulted, heteroge- neous sequence of rocks is exposed along the west margin of the AIaska-Aleutian Range batholith near GNS (eKrnR) Lake Clark (Tlikakila complex of Wallace and others (1989)).Metamorphism of these greenschist- and am- phibolite-facies rocks may have occurred, in part, The continentally derived phyllite, greenschist, during the episode of metamorphism and tectonism pelitic schist, quartzite, calcareous schist, green- that was associated with Middle to Late Jurassic plu- stone, metachert, and marble of Proterozoic(?) and tonism. However, these rocks are more spatially as- probable early to middle Paleozoic protolith age that sociated with the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary plu- compose this unit are part of the Ruby terrane (fig. tons of the batholith than they are with the Jurassic 3). These rocks crop out in the Iditarod (Angeloni part of it, suggesting that metmorphism may have and Miller, 1985), Ophir (Chapman and others, 1985), been related to either one or both of the younger plu- and Nulato (W.W. Patton, Jr., unpub. mapping, 1986) tonic episodes instead of, or as well as, the older one. quadrangles (pl. 1) and continue into the Ruby and SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B13

Kantishna River quadrangles to the northeast (Du- Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989).Although rocks of this sel-Bacon and others, 1989; Dusel-Bacon and others, unit have not been studied in detail, by analogy with 1993). Pelitic schist is characterized by the assem- the northern extension of this unit, this segment may blagequartz + muscovite f chlorite f carbonaceous also comprise a tectonically emplaced thrust sheet of material f stilpnomelane f sphene, and metabasite oceanic rocks. The direction from which these rocks is characterized by the assemblage green amphibole were thrust, however, is controversial and is de- -+ quartz + epidote + albite + chlorite + sphene f stilp- scribed below in the discussion of unit GNI,H (eKmJ). nomelane f biotite f plagiocase f muscovite (Angeloni and Miller, 1985). Age of metamorphism is con- strained only by the probable early to middle Paleo- GNI,H (eKmJ) zoic protolith age of the youngest rocks and by the Cretaceous or Tertiary K-Ar ages (Silberman and oth- ers, 1979) of unmetamorphosed granitoids that cross- This unit comprises quartz-mica schist, quartzite, cut this unit. On the basis of geologic similarities and phyllite, slate, and mafic metavolcanic rocks of Prot- geographic position, the age and origin of metamor- erozoic(?) and Paleozoic age and recrystallized lime- phism of this unit is most likely the same as that stone, dolomite, and metachert of Paleozoic age; pro- proposed for unit GNI,H (eKmJ) described below, toliths are continental sedimentary and volcanic namely tectonic overthrusting of a mafic-ultramafic rocks (Patton and Moll, 1982; Patton and others, oceanic complex onto the Proterozoic and lower Pa- 1984, 1989; A.G. Harris, unpub. data, 1985). These leozoic continental margin during Middle Jurassic to rocks crop out in the Kaiyuh Mountains in the Nu- Early Cretaceous time (Patton, 1984). lato quadrangle and are part of the Ruby terrane (fig. 3). Glaucophane is found in correlative rocks shown on the adjacent northern metamorphic facies map LPP (eKl1) (Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989), indicating that, at least locally, high-pressure metamorphic conditions prevailed. Metamorphic mineral assemblages present The assemblage of weakly metamorphosed oceanic in the northern extension of this unit include quartz rocks that make up this unit consists of locally schis- + white mica + chlorite + chloritoid f clinozoisite f tose greenstone, metachert, metagraywacke, metal- plagioclase and, locally, glaucophane + white mica + imestone, argillite, metadiabase, metatuff, volcani- garnet + chlorite + chloritoid + quartz in pelitic schist clastic rocks, and mafic intrusive rocks. This unit and albite + chlorite+actinolite + epidote group crops out in the following quadrangles: Russian Mis- minerals f calcite f sphene and chlorite + epidote + sion (Hoare and Coonrad, 1959b), Iditarod (Miller and sphene + plagioclase f white mica f glaucophane in Bundtzen, 1985), Ophir (Chapman and others, 1985), metabasalt. Nulato (E.J. Moll and W.W. Patton, Jr., unpub. com- The intermediate-pressure to locally high-pressure pilation, 1983), Ruby (Chapman and Patton, 1979; metamorphism of these rocks is believed to have E.J. Moll and W.W. Patton, Jr., unpub. compilation, occurred as a result of the obduction of a disrupted 1983), and Medfra (Patton and others, 1980). It con- mafic-ultramafic oceanic complex (shown as the tinues into the southeastern borderlands of the adjacent prehnite-pumpellyite facies unit LPP (eKl3) Yukon-Koyukuk basin north of our study area (pl. 1) and, north of the map area, as unit LPP (eKmJ) (Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989). Protoliths range in (Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989)) onto the Proterozoic age from Late Devonian to Late Triassic and are con- and lower Paleozoic continental margin, including the sidered to be part of the Innoko and Tozitna terranes rocks of this unit, during Middle Jurassic to Early (fig. 3). Cretaceous time (Patton and others, 1977, 1989; Low-grade metamorphism is documented in rocks Patton and Moll, 1982; Patton, 1984). The direction from the northern extension of this unit that contain from which these rocks were thrust is unclear. prehnite- and pumpellyite-bearing assemblages (Du- According to Patton and others (1977), the oceanic sel-Bacon and others, 1989). Metamorphism post- complex appears to have been rooted along the dates the Late Triassic age of the youngest protoliths margin of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin and to consist of and predates the Early Cretaceous (Ill-Ma) age of two separate thrust sheets: (1) a lower sheet of the oldest pluton that intrudes lithologically similar structurally shuffled pillow , diabase, massive rocks in the Melozitna quadrangle (Patton and oth- gabbro, and chert and (2) an upper sheet of ultramafic ers, 1978) northeast of our study area (pl. 1) (see rocks and layered gabbro. Blueschist-facies mineral B14 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA assemblages (primarily defined by the presence of LPP (peK) glaucophane) are found in the base of the lower thrust sheet, as well as in the underlying metasedimentary Very weakly metamorphosed metabasalt (possibly rocks of this unit (Patton and Moll, 1982). Garnet pillow basalt), fine-grained metadiabase, and inter- amphibolite is found locally at the base of the upper calated cherty metatuff in the Unalakleet quadrangle sheet of ultramafic rocks and is proposed to have (Patton and Moll, 1984, 1985), and locally schistose formed when the two thrust sheets were tectonically greenstone and altered mafic intrusive rocks in the juxtaposed prior to their final southeastward Russian Mission and Holy Cross quadrangles (Hoare emplacement onto the continental margin (Patton and Coonrad, 1959b), make up this unit. Protoliths and others, 1977; Patton, 1984). Recent structural in the Unalakleet quadrangle predate the Middle to data collected from two units northeast of the map Late Jurassic age (based on 173-154-Ma K-Ar ages) area (unit LPP (eKIli) and unit GNI,H (eKmJ); see the of a trondhjemite and tonalite pluton (unit Jg) that adjacent map of Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989) intrudes the northern sliver of this unit (Patton and suggest a complex history of north-northwest- and Moll, 1985). southeast-directed upper plate motion (Miyaoka and Metabasalt and metadiabase are composed almost Dover, 1990), which Miyaoka and Dover interpret to entirely of sausseritized, weakly twinned plagioclase indicate outward thrusting of an essentially in situ and fine-grained, pale-green metamorphic amphib- oceanic crustal complex. ole. Prehnite and pumpellyite(?) have been identified The age of metamorphism is bracketed between in one sample, suggesting metamorphic conditions of Middle Jurassic and late Early Cretaceous time. The the prehnite-pumpellyite facies. Relict igneous tex- lower constraint is based on 172 to155-Ma K-Ar ages tures are preserved, and locally rocks are highly on hornblende from garnet amphibolite and associ- sheared and granulated (Patton and Moll, 1984). ated layered gabbro that formed during tectonic shuf- The age and origin of this low-grade metamorphic fling of the oceanic package, prior to its obduction episode are unknown. Metamorphism predates the onto the continental margin. The upper constraint is Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) age of the unmetamor- based on (1) the Albian age of conglomerates depos- phosed andesitic volcanic rocks that unconformably ited along the margins of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin overlie this unit and probably also predates the in- that contain clasts of both the metamorphosed con- trusion of the Middle to Late Jurassic trondhjemite tinental and oceanic rocks and on (2) the late Early and tonalite pluton (Patton and Moll, 1984).Although Cretaceous (Ill-Ma) age of a granitoid pluton that the pluton has been potassium metasomatized, it does intrudes both the continental and overthrust oceanic not appear to have been metamorphosed. rocks in the Kokrines Hills north of the map area (Patton and others, 1977, 1978; Patton, 1984). K-Ar ages of 134 and 136 Ma on metamorphic muscovite KILBUCK AND AHKLUN MOUNTAINS from glaucophane-bearing schist of this unit in the Kaiyuh Mountains north of the map area (Patton and others, 1984) indicate that the lower, continen- AMP (X) + GNS (eKJ) tal plate had cooled to about 350°C (approximate blocking temperature of white mica) by Early Creta- This unit comprises elongate, fault-bounded, ceous time. crustal slivers or flakes of amphibolite-facies ortho- The present structural and metamorphic relation, in gneiss and subordinate metasedimentary rocks in which the higher grade continental rocks of this unit two separate areas of southwestern Alaska. Rocks of are overlain by much lower grade oceanic rocks, sug- the southernmost area comprise the (informal) gests that late metamorphic or postmetamorphic low- Kanektok metamorphic complex of Hoare and Coon- angle extensional faulting has dismembered the upper rad (1979) and crop out in the Kilbuck and Ahklun plate and removed much of the section that originally Mountains. Those of the northernmost area comprise buried the continental rocks. This late extensional the Idono Complex of Miller and others (1991) and phase, following collision and obduction of the oceanic crop out 250 km to the northeast in the southeastern complex, has been proposed for the entire belt of high- borderlands of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin. A shared pressure continental rocks and overlying oceanic rocks origin and thermal history of the Kanektok meta- that stretches across the southern Brooks Range, Ruby morphic complex and the Idono Complex is inferred geanticline, and southwesternmost Alaska (Miller, 1987; on the basis of available U-Pb, Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, K-Ar, Gottschalk and Oldow, 1988; Dusel-Bacon and others, and 40~r/39~risotopic data (Turner and others, 1983; 1989; among others). Box and others, 1990; Miller and others, 1991). These SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B15 data indicate that (1)protoliths consist primarily of an is suggested by the U-Pb age on sphene from ortho- Early Proterozoic (2.0-2.1 Ga) tonalitic suite of subduc- gneiss and by the oldest of five Proterozoic K-Ar horn- tion-related magmatic rocks and minor granitic rocks blende ages from amphibolite (Turner and others, that give Archean (2.5-2.6 Ga) Nd model ages; (2) igne- 1983). A Rb-Sr scatter chron for 6 of 13 whole-rock ous and sedimentary protoliths were probably meta- samples gives the same age and also is interpreted morphosed under amphibolite-facies conditions during by Turner and others (1983) to be a metamorphic Early Proterozoic (1.7-1.8 Ga) time; and (3) most rocks age. Turner and others (1983) further suggest that a were affected by a Jurassic to Early Cretaceous ther- minimum age for this metamorphic episode is pro- mal disturbance-indicated by local resetting of Prot- vided by a 1.2-Ga age from 40Ar/3gArincremental erozoic mineral-isotopic systems (Turner and others, heating studies on hornblende from garnet amphibo- 1983; Box and others, 1990; Miller and others, 1991). lite. Rb-Sr isotopic data collected from metagranitic The Kanektok metamorphic complex (discussed rocks of the Kanektok metamorphic complex by Moll- separately in the following paragraphs) is composed Stalcup and others (1990) suggest model ages of of amphibolite-facies layered biotite-hornblende about 1.7 Ga, which they interpret to indicate either gneiss intercalated with pyroxene gneiss, garnet-mica the age of metamorphism or, alternatively, the age of schist, orthogneiss, garnet amphibolite, and rare igneous crystallization of the protolith. marble (Hoare and Coonrad, 1979; Turner and oth- The occurrence of a subsequent Mesozoic thermal ers, 1983). The Kanektok metamorphic complex is episode within the Kanektok metamorphic complex exposed along a northeast-trending belt (15 by 150 is indicated by total or partial resetting of K-Ar km) extending from the northwestern part of Good- hornblende and biotite ages from nearly all of the 58 news Bay quadrangle into the south-central part of dated rocks collected throughout the metamorphic Bethel quadrangle (Hoare and Coonrad, 1959a, complex. A Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age for 1961a) and comprises the Kilbuck terrane (figs. 3 and this thermal episode is suggested by the fact that 6). Aeromagnetic and gravity data and field evidence most of these ages fall in the range of 150 to 120 Ma indicate the complex to be a rootless subhorizontal (Turner and others, 1983; D.L. Turner, written com- klippe or crustal flake between two southeast-dipping mun., 1982). An Early Cretaceous minimum age for thrust faults (Hoare and Coonrad, 1979; Box and oth- this second metamorphic episode is supported by the ers, 1990). observations of Murphy (1987) that (1)unmetamor- Amphibolite-facies mineral assemblages, presum- phosed Cenomanian conglomerates that deposition- ably produced during the Early Proterozoic episode, ally overlie the complex contain Kanektok compo- are: hornblende + garnet + plagioclase + biotite + nents and (2) unmetamorphosed Valanginian sedi- quartz f clinopyroxene and garnet + augite + biotite mentary rocks to the south of the complex contain + anti-perthitic plagioclase f potassium feldspar + metamorphic garnet and epidote thought to be de- plagioclase + quartz + biotite f muscovite + epidote rived from the complex. + garnet in schist. Intercalated, thin, and discon- Turner and others (1983) propose that the Meso- tinuous marble layers contain minor amounts of zoic thermal episode that affected the Kanektok meta- white mica, phlogopite, quartz, plagioclase, and epi- morphic complex was accompanied by granitic plu- dote. A kyanite-bearing garnet-mica schist was col- tonism and greenschist-facies metamorphism of over- lected near Thumb Mountain, and an impure marble lying sedimentary and probable volcanic rocks within with incipient diopside was recovered from a nearby a narrow zone (approximately 1-2 km wide and too (D.L. Turner, written commun., 1982; J.Y. small to show at the scale of this map) that flanks Bradshaw, oral commun., 1990). the amphibolite-facies rocks of the Kanektok meta- Metamorphic mineral grains generally define a morphic complex. These greenschist-facies rocks in- strong lineation and a foliation that is parallel to com- clude greenschist, epidote-quartz-biotite schist, mi- positional layering. All of these structural features caceous quartzite, calc-phyllite, marble, and meta- strike consistently to the northeast, roughly parallel conglomerate. K-Ar ages on minerals from the green- to the trend of the complex (Hoare and Coonrad, 1979; schist-facies rocks fall within the same range as those D.L. Turner, written commun., 1982). Granitic from the amphibolite-facies complex (D.L. Turner, gneisses appear to be deformed into subisoclinal up- unpub. data, 1982). However, the relation of the nar- right folds with limbs which descend toward the mar- row zone of flanking greenschist-facies rocks to the gins of the complex (D.L. Turner, written commun., amphibolite-facies Kanektok metamorphic complex 1982). is unclear. The flanking lower grade rocks appear to A 1.77-Ga (Early Proterozoic) metamorphic age for grade into the higher grade rocks of the complex, but the first, and presumably dominant, metamorphism it is equally possible that the flanking rocks are in B16 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA fault contact with the higher grade rocks and that dia with upper and lower intercepts with concordia the former were metamorphosed during a separate of 2,062 + 7 Ma and 182 + 8 Ma (Miller and others, metamorphic episode (D.L. Turner, oral commun., 1991). The upper intercept is interpreted,asthe crys- 1985). tallization age of the granitoid protolith. The lower Box (1985~)suggests that the greenschist-facies intercept is interpreted as the approximate time of rocks that are found in the narrow zone marginal to major episodic Pb loss. Zircons from the Idono Com- the amphibolite-facies rocks of the Kanektok meta- plex are significantly more discordant (generally morphic complex were metamorphosed in a zone of about 50 percent loss of radiogenic lead) than are high shear-strain that developed when amphibolite- those from the Kanektok metamorphic complex (gen- facies rocks (Kilbuck terrane) were overthrust by erally much less than about 25 percent loss of radio- rocks to the southeast (unit LPP (eKI'Fi),) during lat- genic lead; D.L. Turner, unpub. data, 1982; Box and est Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time. This thrust- others, 1990), suggesting that the Mesozoic thermal ing event is interpreted to record partial subduction perturbation was of greater intensity in the Idono of the older continental block (Kilbuck terrane) be- Complex, than in the Kanektok metamorphic com- neath an intraoceanic volcanic-arc complex (Good- plex (Miller and others, 1991). The U-Pb lower inter- news and Togiak terranes) (figs. 3 and 6) during arc- cept falls in the range of the partly to totally reset continent collision (Box, 1985c), discussed in the last K-Ar ages of white mica, biotite, and hornblende section of this geographic area. (Miller and others, 1991). Most K-Ar mineral ages The Idono Complex comprises an elongate, north- (17 out of 21 ages) from the Idono Complex cluster east-trending belt (8 by 34 km) of granitic, dioritic, in the range 190 to 120 Ma. Three out of eight samples and tonalitic orthogneiss, amphibolite, and subordi- yield hornblende ages greater than 190 Ma. The old- nate semipelitic schist and quartzite (Miller and est sample gives an average amphibole age of Bundtzen, 1985; Miller and others, 1991). These 1,226+37 Ma and a biotite age of 324f 10 Ma. rocks, originally informally designated as the Idono As mentioned above, a second metamorphic episode sequence by Gemuts and others (1983), crop out in during the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous is tentatively the Iditarod quadrangle and are included by Jones proposed for this unit on the basis of the 182f 8-Ma U- and others (1987) in the Ruby terrane (fig. 3). Rocks Pb lower-intercept age of zircons from the Idono Com- typically exhibit a well-developed foliation that plex and variably reset K-Ar mineral ages from both strikes northeast to east-northeast, parallel to the metamorphic complexes. The fact that nearly all of the trend of the complex, and dips 10" to 80" northwest K-Ar ages on hornblende from 58 samples from the (Miller and others, 1991). The Idono Complex is Kanektok metamorphic complex and five out of eight faulted on the east-southeast against the Paleozoic samples from the Idono Complex were reset during the and Mesozoic oceanic rocks of the Innoko terrane (unit Jurassic or Early Cretaceous suggests that tempera- LPP (eK1-k)) and is overlain by postaccretionary, un- tures at that time were near the blocking temperature metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks of of hornblende (approximately 500°C) throughout much Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary age. of this unit. If the thermal disturbance was, in fact, a Amphibolite-facies metamorphic grade is indicated subsequent metamorphic episode, temperatures may by the assemblages: hornblende + garnet + biotite + have been as high as those of the upper greenschist intermediate plagioclase + epidote and garnet + epi- facies. Enigmatic to this interpretation, however, is the dote + muscovite + biotite + feldspar + quartz, potas- absence in both complexes of textural evidence of an sium feldspar + biotite + plagioclase + quartz, and overprinting crystallization event that could correlate sodic oligoclase + biotite + muscovite + quartz in semi- with the isotopic disturbance (Miller and others, 1991; pelitic metasedimentary rocks (Miller and others, J.Y. Bradshaw, unpub. data, 1990). An alternative in- 1991). Metamorphic grain boundaries in many terpretation of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous iso- samples have 120" terminations, consistent with tex- topic data, particularly the K-Ar mineral ages, is that tural equilibrium during metamorphism (Miller and they are cooling ages resulting from uplift and unroof- others, 1991). Locally, an intense late, or subsequent, ing. phase of deformation has resulted in the develop- The two Early Proterozoic metamorphic complexes ment of blastomylonitic augen gneiss in granitic that make up this unit were probably once continu- ortho-gneiss, and granulation of grain boundaries in ous and have been offset right-laterally in the late semischist and other rock types (Miller and others, Mesozoic or Cenozoic (Box and others, 1990; Miller 1991). and others, 1991). Several linear northeast-trending Nine zircon fractions from three samples of ortho- faults (Iditarod-Nixon Fork, Susulatna, Golden Gate gneiss from the Idono Complex define a U-Pb discor- faults) separate the Kanektok and Idono complexes. SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B17

The Iditarod-Nixon Fork fault shows evidence of This unit makes up the Cape Peirce subterrane of about 90 km of Cenozoic right-lateral offset (Miller the Goodnews terrane (figs. 3 and 6). Lithologic simi- and Bundtzen, 1988). Similar senses of displacement larities with overlying (Togiak terrane) and under- on the other faults would explain the present distri- lying (Platinum subterrane of the Goodnews terrane) bution of the metamorphic complexes. The Jurassic thrust sheets of prehnite-pumpellyite-facies rocks to Early Cretaceous thermal disturbance within the suggest that protoliths are of Permian and Late Tri- Idono Complex is therefore interpreted to be related assic age. Metamorphic protoliths include basalt, dia- to the same tectonic events proposed by Box (1985~) base, gabbro, volcanic breccia, , volcanic sand- to explain the Mesozoic partial subduction of the Pro- stone and conglomerate, , and limestone terozoic continental block beneath an intraoceanic conglomerate (Box, 1985~). volcanic-arc complex during arc-continent collision, High-pressure greenschist- (blueschist-) facies meta- referred to above and discussed in the last section of morphism is characterized in meta-basalt by the as- this geographic area. semblage quartz + chlorite + calcite + lawsonite + The Kanektok and Idono complexes are similar in sphene + white mica + pumpellyite f glaucophane + their structural relation to adjacent oceanic com- actinolite + epidote and in metavolcaniclastic rocks by plexes and their predominance of Jurassic and Early the assemblage quartz + chlorite + calcite + epidote + Cretaceous K-Ar ages to the metamorphic belt of con- plagioclase + glaucophane + actinolite (Hoare and Coon- tinental affinity that surrounds the Yukon-Koyukuk rad, 1978b; Box, 1985~).Glaucophane both rims and is basin to the north (blueschist- and greenschist-facies rimmed by actinolite (S.E. Box, unpub. data, 1984). rocks of the southern Brooks Range and greenschist- Effects of greenschist-facies replacement of blueschist- and amphibolite-facies rocks of the Ruby terrane; facies mineral assemblages are seen in the widespread Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989). Metamorphic units overgrowth and replacement of mafic minerals by chlo- of the south end of the Ruby terrane (units GNI,H rite. The diagnostic high-pressure minerals glau- (eKmJ) and GNS (eKmR)) are shown on plate 1 and cophane and lawsonite are sparse and poorly developed, discussed in the preceding section of this report (and suggesting either that: (1)they are controlled by subtle more completely in Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989). compositional variations; (2) these rocks record transi- The general similarity of the Jurassic and Early Cre- tional greenschist-to blueschist-facies metamorphism; taceous histories of the southern Brooks Range, the or (3) blueschist-facies metamorphism was subse- Ruby terrane, and the metamorphic complexes of this quently overprinted by metamorphism that evolved into unit suggests a coherent tectonic process, namely conditions of the intermediate-pressure greenschist obduction of an oceanic arc onto the Proterozic and facies. The highly tectonized and ophiolitic character Early Paleozoic continental margin of North America of these rocks and the presence of high-pressure min- (Box, 1983, 1985a). erals suggest that this unit developed within a subduc- tion complex (Hoare and Coonrad, 1978b; Box, 1985b, c). Metamorphism is bracketed between the postu- GNH (rnJI-E) lated Late Triassic age of the youngest protolith and the Middle Jurassic age of postmetamorphic plu- This unit is made up of a nappe complex of high- tons that intrude this unit. A 231.2k6.9-Ma K-Ar age pressure greenschist-facies, glaucophane- and law- on amphibole from schist of this unit (W.K. Wallace, sonite-bearing schistose metabasalt, strongly foliated oral commun., 1984; data in Box, 1985~)suggests that volcaniclastic rocks, black phyllite, tuffaceous phyl- metamorphism may have begun during Late Trias- lite and marble, and calcareous schist (Box, 1985~). sic time. Isolated occurrences of ultramafic rocks crop out within this unit north of Cape Peirce in the Hage- meister Island quadrangle. are divisible GNS (rnJIR) into three nappes, or thrust sheets: an upper me- tabasaltic sheet, a middle metapsammitic sheet, and This unit is composed of schistose metavolcanic a lower mixed calcareous metasedimentary and me- and metasedimentary rocks that are correlative tabasaltic sheet. is found locally between with the schistose nappes of unit GNH (mJlli) de- thrust sheets. Recrystallization of these rocks is gen- scribed above, but which lack glaucophane or lawso- erally incomplete, and primary textures and miner- nite, and an unfoliated package of uralitized metagab- alogies are partly preserved. Rocks are complexly bro, serpentinized peridotite, and metadiabase (Box, deformed and locally possess a m6lange-like fabric. 1985~).The schistose rocks are part of the Cape B18 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

Peirce subterrane of the Goodnews terrane and are as young as latest Jurassic (Tithonian) in age (Box, exposed in structural windows through unit LPP 1985~). (eKI'R)I(Togiak terrane of Box, 1985~)(figs. 3 and Intermediate-pressure greenschist-facies metamor- 6). The protoliths of the unfoliated package are in- phism is characterized by the presence of chlorite, terpreted by Box (1985~)to make up the stratigraphi- epidote, and actinolite within the mafic schist (J.M. cally lower part of the structurally overlying Togiak Hoare, written commun., 1973). Within the southern terrane and to be Late Triassic in age. Protoliths of exposure of this unit, in the Goodnews Bay quad- the schistose package are thought to include Per- rangle, mafic schist contains the mineral asssemblage mian and Late Triassic basalt, diabase, gabbro, vol- chlorite + actinolite + epidote f sphene f calcite + canic breccia, tuff, and volcanic sandstone and con- , glaucophane + plagioclase (M.M. Donato., unpub. glomerate (Box, 1985~). data, 1984). The sporadic occurrence of glaucophane Mafic rocks in the schistose package contain the (pl. 1) in that area indicates the localized develop- metamorphic mineral assemblages chlorite + epidote ment of high-pressure conditions (Hoare and Coon- + albite + actinolite + calcite f sphene f white mica rad, 1978b). Within the northern exposure of this f quartz + pumpellyite, and hornblende + plagioclase unit, in the Bethel quadrangle, high-pressure condi- + clinozoisite + epidote + sphene + quartz + chlorite. tions are also indicated locally by (1)cores of laven- Unfoliated metagabbro contains approximately 50 der-blue magnesio-riebeckite (a sodic amphibole) percent secondary actinolite and is characterized by within pale-green , and (2) by calcic to the metamorphic mineral assemblage actinolite f sodic-compositions of the pale-green rims of these albite + tremolite f sphene + chlorite f calcite. Unfo- amphiboles (sample 87SRlb, table 2, loc. 2, Bethel liated metadiabase contains the metamorphic min- quadrangle) and of pale-green amphiboles from a dif- erals epidote, actinolite, plagioclase, and chlorite ferent sample nearby (sample 87SR5, table 2, loc. 2, (Box, 1985~). Bethel quadrangle) (S.M. Roeske, written commun., A Middle Jurassic minimum metamorphic age is 1988). The pale-green amphiboles are actinolite to indicated by the age of unfoliated postmetamorphic winchite in composition and have a high sodium con- plutons that intrude this unit (Hoare and Coonrad, tent for a given Tschermak component and plot more 1978a). A Late Triassic maximum metamorphic-age closely along the glaucophane-substitution line com- constraint is indicated by the probable age of the pared to actinolite from low-pressure environments youngest protolith. A single 231.9k6.9-Ma K-Ar age (S.M. Roeske, written commun., 1991; Laird and Al- on amphibole from higher pressure rocks of unit bee, 1981). GNH (mJl'R) (Goodnews terrane) (W.K. Wallace, oral Given the uncertainty in the age of the protoliths, commun., 1984; data in Box, 1985c), interpreted as the maximum age of metamorphism is poorly con- being a more deeply subducted equivalent of the same strained. Because the oldest documented Phanero- package of rocks, suggests that metamorphism may zoic metamorphism in the area occurred between Late have begun during Late Triassic time. Triassic and Middle Jurassic time (units GNS (mJl3) and GNH (mJI'R)), the maximum age of metamor- phism tentatively is considered to apply to this unit also. A latest Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous mini- mum metamorphic age is suggested by a 146f 15-Ma K-Ar age on actinolite from the northern exposure of Undifferentiated intermediate-pressure green- this unit (Box and Murphy, 1987). schist-facies and high-pressure greenschist- (blue- schist-) facies mafic schist, quartzose schist, calcare- ous schist, marble, phyllite, and a minor amount of graphite schist (Hoare and Coonrad, 1959a, 1961a) LPP (eKIR), make up this unit. These rocks are part of the Nuk- luk subterrane of the Goodnews terrane and are found The very weakly to weakly metamorphosed me- along the boundary between the Kilbuck and Good- tabasalt, metagabbro, metavolcaniclastic rocks, news terranes (figs. 3 and 6). Latest Devonian metatuff, metagraywacke, argillite, metaconglomer- are present within this unit (A.G. Harris, ate, metachert, and metalimestone that compose this written commun., 1989) but, on the basis of lithologic extensive unit are included in the Togiak, Goodnews, correlation with fossiliferous rocks in the adjacent ~~ac',and Tikchik terranes (figs. 3 and 6). Rocks prehnite-pumpellyite-facies unit LPP (eKl'R), to the range in age from Ordovician to latest Jurassic (Ti- south, cherts may range from Early Mississippian to thonian) in the Hagemeister Island, Goodnews Bay, SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B19 and Bethel quadrangles (Goodnews terrane); from early morphism tentatively is considered to apply to this unit Paleozoic to Late Triassic in the Taylor Mountains, Be- also. The fact that a granodioritic pluton on Hagemeis- thel, Goodnews Bay, and Dillingham quadrangles ter Island, dated as early Middle Jurassic in age on the (Tikchik terrane); from Late Triassic to Early Creta- basis of a 183+7-Ma K-Ar age on biotite (William Con- ceous in the Sleetmute, Bethel, Taylor Mountains, Good- nelly, written commun., 1980; data in Box, 1985c), con- news Bay, Dillingham, Hagemeister Island, and Nush- tains secondary sericite, chlorite, and epidote (Box, agak Bay quadrangles (Togiak terrane); and from 1985~)and that prehnite-pumpellyite-bearing rocks Middle to Late Jurassic in the Russian Mission and northeast of Kulukak Bay are dated as Late Jurassic Bethel quadrangles (Nyac terrane) (Hoare and Coon- (Oxfordian) in age indicate that at least some of the rad, 1959a, b; 1961a, b; J.M. Hoare and W.L. Coonrad, low-grade metamorphism is Middle Jurassic or younger unpub. data, 1976; Hoare and Coonrad, 1978a; J.W. in age. Miller, written commun., 1982; Box, 1983, 1985~). Rocks of this unit generally have well-preserved pri- mary igneous or depositional fabrics. Penetrative struc- tural fabrics (slaty cleavage) are sporadically developed. PROPOSED TECTONIC ORIGIN OF MESOZOIC LOW- GRADE METAMORPHISM IN THE KILBUCK AND Typical metamorphic mineral assemblages may include AHKLUN MOUNTAINS AREA quartz, chlorite, epidote, calcite, albite, sphene, preh- nite, pumpellyite, clinozoisite, and white mica. Laumon- tite veins are found sporadically throughout the area Low-grade Mesozoic metamorphism in the Kilbuck (S.E. Box and M.M. Donato, unpub. data, 1984). and Ahklun Mountains area is attributed to progres- The age of metamorphism is poorly constrained. The sive underthrusting of oceanic crustal fragments (ac- lack of structural fabric, the disrupted character, and cretionary forearc) of the Goodnews terrane beneath the very low grade of this unit make it diff~cultboth to the northwest margin of an intraoceanic arc (Togiak determine which rocks have been metamorphosed and terrane), followed by underthrusting of the Early to assess the relation between metamorphism and Proterozoic continental metamorphic complex (Kil- the intrusion of crosscutting igneous bodies. Such in- buck terrane) beneath the northwest margin of Good- formation is essential for placing constraints on the news terrane (fig. 6) (Box, 1985b, d). The above men- metamorphic age. The varied geologic histories and tec- tioned terranes are considered to be major compo- tonic settings of rock packages that compose this meta- nents in the tectonic consolidation of southwestern morphic unit (Box, 1985c, d) suggest that this seem- Alaska whereby the Togiak arc complex (Goodnews, ingly uniform low-grade metamorphism actually may Togiak, and Tikchik terranes) overrode the Alaskan be the result of several unrelated metamorphic episodes continental margin (Kilbuck, Ruby, and Nixon Fork that occurred prior to, during, and subsequent to the terranes) (fig. 3) (Wallace, 1984; Box, 1985a). juxtaposition of the regional lithotectonic terranes, dis- According to this tectonic model, metamorphism of cussed in the following section. However, at present, blueschist- and greenschist-facies units GNH (mJIR) metamorphic data are insufficient to permit clearly dis- and GNS (mJIR), respectively, occurred during the tinguishable subdivisions of this unit into areas of dif- first episode of underthrusting. These two units make fering metamorphic history. up the Cape Peirce subterrane of the Goodnews ter- Metamorphism of this unit is considered to have oc- rane of Box (1985b, d) (fig. 6). Box believes that this curred prior to Early Cretaceous time. This minimum subterrane structurally underlies the prehnite- metamorphic age is based on the fact that an unmeta- pumpellyite-facies rocks of the Togiak terrane and morphosed Valanginian sequence in the northern part overlies the prehnite-pumpellyite-facies rocks of the of Goodnews Bay and the southern part of Bethel quad- Platinum subterrane of the Goodnews terrane (ter- rangles contains prehnite-pumpellyite-bearing metavol- ranes and subterranes are those of Box, 1985d) along canic clasts (Murphy, 1987). This constraint is tenta- low-angle southeast-dipping faults (fig. 6). Both of tively applied to the entire unit. these areas of prehnite-pumpellyite-facies rocks are Determination of the maximum metamorphic age is included in unit LPP (eKIR),. Metamorphism of the more difficult because the youngest protolith age (Cre- Cape Peirce subterrane is presumed to have occurred taceous) of the tectonically juxtaposed terranes included during collision and partial subduction of an oceanic in this unit cannot be assumed to indicate a maximum plateau (Platinum subterrane of the Goodnews ter- metamorphic age for this entire unit. Because the old- rane) beneath an overriding intraoceanic volcanic arc est documented Phanerozoic metamorphism in the area (Togiak terrane). Lithologic similarities between the occurred no earlier than Late Triassic time (units GNS protoliths of the schistose blueschist- and green- (mJlR) and GNH (mJIR)), this maximum age of meta- schist-facies rocks of the Cape Peirce subterrane and B20 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

those of the relatively undeformed and low-grade CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ALASKA RANGE AND ALASKA overlying Togiak terrane and underlying Platinum PENINSULA subterrane suggest that the rocks of the Cape Peirce subterrane are the more tectonized equivalents of GNS (KM) the adjacent two terranes (Box, 1985b). Mafic and ultramafic plutons that intrude the Cape Peirce sub- This unit comprises sheared and foliated quartz terrane, the overlying Togiak terrane, and the un- and quartz-feldspar grit and quartzite intercalated derlying Platinum subterrane, provide a Middle Ju- with quartz-muscovite-chlorite and quartz-musco- rassic minimum age for amalgamation of the three vite-biotite schist, and subordinate phyllite, lime- subterranes. stone, and metachert (Patton and others, 1980). It Structural data suggest that the overriding arc of crops out in the central Alaska Range in the south- the Togiak terrane was originally thrust to the north- east corner of the Medfra quadrangle and probably northeast over the Goodnews terrane (Box, 1985b). includes both the Proterozoic and (or) Paleozoic However, the low-angle fault mapped between the basement rocks and the overlying middle Paleozoic upper plate Togiak terrane and the underlying Cape rocks of the Yukon-Tanana terrane (fig. 3). Peirce terrane (fig. 6) juxtaposes lower temperature The metamorphic history of these rocks has not and pressure rocks over higher temperature and been studied. Northeast of this area in the Kan- pressure rocks, suggesting that the fault is a low- tishna Hills of the Mount McKinley quadrangle, cor- angle normal fault rather than a thrust fault (Box, relative basement rocks are interpreted to be poly- 1985b). As suggested by Box, a good explanation for metamorphic, and correlative middle Paleozoic rocks the present relation between the plates is that early are interpreted to be monometamorphic (Bundtzen, north-northeastward contractional faulting was fol- 1981; Dusel-Bacon and others, 1993). Because recon- lowed by extensional (detachment) faulting. This naissance mapping in the southeastern part of the same fault relation (lower grade rocks above higher Medfra quadrangle has not been adequate to delin- grade rocks) is found in the southern Brooks Range eate the two groups of rocks or to determine their and Ruby geanticline (Dusel-Bacon and others, 1989, metamorphic histories, the metamorphic age of this and references therein); faulting in all of these ar- unit is tentatively bracketed between the Mississip- eas may have the same origin (extensional reactiva- pian maximum metamorphic age of the basement tion of earlier contractional structures). rocks and the Cretaceous minimum metamorphic The greenschist- and blueschist-facies rocks of age of the episode that presumably metamorphosed unit GNI ,H (eKlli) were probably metamorphosed both basement and overlying middle Paleozoic rocks during the second episode of underthrusting. These in the eastern continuation of this metamorphic rocks crop out along the northwest margin of the unit (Dusel-Bacon and others, 1993). Nukluk subterrane of the Goodnews terrane of Box (1985d) (fig. 6). Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous metamorphism of unit GNI,H (eKIli), and retro- grade metamorphism of unit AMP (X) + GNS (eKJ), LPPIGNS (K) probably took place as the latter (continental Kilbuck terrane) was partially thrust beneath the This weakly metamorphosed sequence of preh- accretionary forearc (Goodnews terrane) of the in- nite-pumpellyite- and (or) greenschist-facies traoceanic volcanic arc (Togiak terrane) (Box, rocks is composed of phyllite and minor metal- 1985d). The following evidence supports this in- imestone and metachert of Pennsylvanian and Per- terpretation of the metamorphic history: (1)unit mian protolith age; metalimestone, carbonaceous GNI,H (eKIli) is found along the tectonic boundary slate and metasiltstone, and minor quartzite of between the Kilbuck and Goodnews terranes, and Late Triassic protolith age; and greenstone (met- (2) the K-Ar age (146+14 Ma) on actinolite from agabbro and metadiabase) of unknown protolith unit GNI,H (eKIli) falls in the same range as the age (Jones and others, 1983). These rocks are ex- Jurassic and Early Cretaceous K-Ar ages (120-150 posed on the east border of the McGrath quad- Ma) from the Kilbuck terrane. rangle in the central Alaska Range and are in- The minimum age of thrusting and metamor- cluded in the Pingston terrane (fig. 3). Very little phism is constrained by the Cenomanian (early study has been made of the metamorphism of these Late Cretaceous) age of unmetamorphosed clastic rocks. rocks (Box and Elder, 1992) that overlap the To- In the eastern continuation of this unit in the giak, Goodnews, and Kilbuck terranes. northwest corner of the adjacent Talkeetna quad- SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B2 1 rangle (see Dusel-Bacon and others, 1993), fine- cite or quartz and of pumpellyite and calcite cut grained clastic rocks generally lack a semischistose metabasalt and metatuff. Metachert contains possible fabric and cleavage, and greenstones contain well- recrystallized radiolarians, shown as faint outlines developed secondary chlorite, biotite, and amphibole of rounded organic features in plain light. Metalime- (Reed and Nelson, 1980). stone that is coarse grained in texture contains partly A Cretaceous metamorphic age is suggested on the to completely recrystallized calcite and minor epidote basis of the age relations of unit GNL,I (K), which is minerals (Bundtzen and others, 1979). tentatively considered to be the higher grade equiva- The age and tectonic origin of the metamorphic lent of the eastern continuation of this unit and is episode that affected these rocks is unknown. shown on the adjacent metamorphic facies map (Du- Metamorphism is known to postdate the Late sel-Bacon and others, 1993). In unit GNL,I (K), meta- Triassic age of the youngest protolith and to predate morphism is thought to postdate the mid-Creta- the deposition of the Late Jurassic and Early ceous age of the youngest protolith and to predate Cretaceous (Kimmeridgian to Valanginian) flysch that the Paleocene age of the overlying unmetamorphosed is interpreted to overlie this unit (Wallace and others, Cantwell Formation (Wolfe and Wahrhaftig, 1970; 1989). Speculations about the tectonic setting of these Gilbert and Redman, 1977). rocks that in turn bear on their metamorphic history include the possibilities that they represent: (1)part of the basement to the Jurassic and Cretaceous flysch LPP (IJlX) basin (Christine Carlson, oral commun., 1985) and (or) (2) a low-grade part of the pre-Jurassic mafic The weakly metamorphosed metabasalt, meta-andes- metavolcanic schist and greenstones of the Tlikakila ite, metachert, metalimestone, and tuffaceous metasedi- complex (GNS,AMP (TIX)) and the Kakhonak Complex mentary rocks that make up this unit crop out in the (GNS,AMP (J)) to the south (Bundtzen and others, Lake Clark quadrangle of the southern Alaska Range. 1979), which may be a part of the pre-Jurassic These rocks comprise the Chilikadrotna Greenstone basement to the Peninsular terrane (Wallace and (Bundtzen and others, 1979) and are interpreted to be others, 1989) (fig. 3). This second correlation would part of the Peninsular terrane exposed as windows require an abrupt increase in metamorphic grade to within the Kahiltna terrane (fig. 3) (Chris Carlson, oral the southeast. commun., 1985; Wallace and others, 1989). ~rotdliths include sedimentary rocks and mafic and intermediate volcanic rocks from which conodonts of Late Triassic GNS (J) age (Wallace and others, 1989) and brachiopods and a pelecypod originally interpreted to be Silurian in age The mafic and intermediate composition metavol- (Bundtzen and others, 1979) have been recovered. The canic rocks, metavolcaniclastic rocks, metalimestone, minimum Late Triassic protolith age is well established, greenstone-limestone breccia, metatuff, metasedi- but the Silurian fossils cannot be located, and, there- mentary rocks, and metachert that compose this unit fore, this age cannot be confirmed. Bundtzen and oth- crop out in the Iliamna and Mount Katmai quad- ers (1979) note that Na20, K20, and TiO, values from rangles adjacent to the Alaska-Aleutian Range whole-rock chemical analyses of the metavolcanic rocks batholith. They are part of the Peninsular terrane are similar to those of spilitic tholeiites found in mid- (fig. 3). Protoliths include Upper Triassic calcareous ocean-ridge environments and that the association of sedimentary rocks and mafic volcanic rocks and mafic volcanic rocks, fine-grained clastic rocks, and Lower Jurassic volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks and chert suggests an ocean-floor assemblage. mafic and intermediate volcanic rocks (Detterman Low-grade metamorphism has resulted in replace- and Reed, 1980). Metavolcanic rocks are generally ment of almost all of the original minerals in most rocks. massive, but locally more schistose variants are In metabasalt and metatuff, metamorphism is charac- found. Low- to intermediate-pressure greenschist-fa- terized by the following: plagioclase that has been al- cies metamorphism is characterized in mafic rocks bitized or altered to calcite, pumpellyite, and preh- by the minerals chlorite, actinolite, epidote, musco- nite(?); phenocrysts of clinopyroxene altered to chlorite vite, albite, calcite and quartz (Detterman and Reed, and opaque minerals; minor hornblende rimmed with 1980). chlorite; rare olivine crystals altered largely to antig- On the basis of an overall increase in metamorphic orite(?); zeolite-epidote masses; and a groundmass of grade toward the Jurassic plutons of the Alaska-Aleu- secondary clinozoisite, magnetite, and chlorite, in tian Range batholith (Detterman and Reed, 1980) by part cored with zeolite(?). Veinlets of epidote and cal- the two metamorphic units on this map (GNS (J) and B22 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

GNS,AMP (J)),which lie within or adjacent to them, semblages: muscovite + albite + quartz + chlorite metamorphism is thought to have been associated f epidote + actinolite + garnet f calcite in pelitic with this plutonic episode. rocks, actinolite + chlorite + epidote + muscovite f albite in mafic rocks, and calcite + quartz f tremolite and actinolite + albite + calcite + chlo- GNS,AMP (J) rite f epidote + sphene in calcareous schist. Amphibolite-facies metamorphism is character- This unit comprises a heterogeneous assemblage ized by hornblende + plagioclase + biotite + garnet of penetratively deformed, undifferentiated green- + potassium-feldspar + sphene in mafic rocks and schist- and amphibolite-facies metasedimentary and biotite + muscovite + quartz + plagioclase + garnet mafic meta-igneous rocks of the Kakhonak Complex f potassium feldspar f andalusite f staurolite f in the Iliamna (Detterman and Reed, 1980) and spinel in pelitic rocks. A small outcrop at the edge of Mount Katmai quadrangles (J.R. Riehle and R.L. Nonvianuk Lake contains abundant garnet and sil- Detterman, unpub. data, 1985). Rocks are preserved limanite in addition to biotite, muscovite, quartz, as roof pendants in a north east-trending belt orthoclase, and, in a few specimens, andalusite. Pel- within Jurassic plutons of the Alaska-Aleutian itic rocks in which AI,SiO, polymorphs, indicative Range batholith (Reed and Lanphere, 1973). Com- of pressure conditions during metamorphism, could mon rock types include mafic schist, calcareous develop are extremely rare, but the occurrence of schist, pelitic schist, phyllite, argillite, slate, quartz- andalusite at two localities suggests that, at least ite, metavolcanic rocks, metavolcaniclastic rocks, locally, metamorphism took place under low-pres- marble, massive to layered metagabbro, metachert, sure conditions. Although plutonic rocks have not and gneiss. been mapped near the andalusite localities, the de- Protoliths are a wide variety of siliciclastic rocks, cal- velopment of andalusite may have resulted from careous rocks, mafic to intermediate intrusive and ex- thermal metamorphism associated with Jurassic trusive rocks, and chert. Lithologic correlation with plutons of the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith and rocks to the east that are considered to be lower grade not necessarily from dynamothermal metamor- equivalents of the Kakhonak Complex has been used phism that produced the penetrative fabric in some to suggest Late Triassic and ages. These of the rocks of this unit. Any thermal metamorphism presumed lower grade equivalents are the Cottonwood associated with intrusion of the batholith would be Bay Greenstone, the Kamishak Formation, and the expected to have been of a low pressure-facies se- Talkeetna Formation, all of which compose unit GNS ries, given the fact that the batholith was shallow (J) described previously and which belong to the enough to intrude its own ejecta (the Talkeetna stratified part of the Peninsular terrane (fig. 3) (Det- Formation) (Detterman and Reed, 1980). terman and Reed, 1980;W.K. Wallace, written commun., The metamorphic and tectonic history of the Ka- 1986). Both the Jurassic plutons of the Alaska-Aleu- khonak Complex is uncertain. The relation of this tian Range batholith and the probable Lower(?)Juras- metamorphic complex to older rocks is obscured by sic and Upper Triassic volcanic protoliths of the asso- intrusive contacts. Mapping of the Kakhonak Com- ciated metamorphic rocks are products of an Early Me- plex has not been detailed enough to determine if sozoic magmatic arc that developed within the Penin- these rocks consist of fault-bounded packages of dif- sular terrane and adjoining parts of a composite ter- fering metamorphic grade, as is the case with meta- rane, composed of the Peninsular, Wrangellia, and Al- morphic unit GNS,AMP (TI%), described below, that exander terranes, that stretched across southern Alaska occurs adjacent to and within Late Cretaceous and (Plafker and others, 1989; Wallace and others, 1989). Tertiary plutons of the Alaska-Aleutian Range Rock fabrics range from those that are imperfectly batholith to the west-northwest. schistose to those in which segregation banding is Metamorphism of the Kakhonak Complex is pre- well developed. Dynamothermal metamorphism re- sumed to postdate the probable Early Jurassic sulted in greenschist-facies rocks and, to a lesser ex- youngest protolith age and, on the basis of field ob- tent, in amphibolite-facies rocks with a penetrative servations, is interpreted to have been associated fabric. Locally, thermal metamorphism has pro- with the forceable emplacement of the Jurassic duced rocks with granoblastic textures and am- (176-155-Ma) plutons of the Alaska-Aleutian Range phibolite-facies and pyroxene hornfels-facies min- batholith and accompanying intermittent tectonism eral assemblages (Detterman and Reed, 1980). (Reed and Lanphere, 1973). Although the possibil- Greenschist-facies metamorphism is character- ity of a preplutonic dynamothermal origin of meta- ized by the following metamorphic-mineral as- morphism cannot be ruled out, no prebatholithic SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B23 structural features have been recognized in the Triassic and Early Jurassic ages for the rocks of this country rocks. Folds and foliation of country rocks unit in the Iliamna and Mount Katmai quadrangles trend northeast and generally conform to the con- (Detterman and Reed, 1980; R.L. Detterman and tacts of the plutonic rocks. Foliation is well devel- J.R. Riehle, unpub. data, 1985). On the basis of oped near the contacts of the plutons and may conodont identification, protoliths of the Tlikakila extend into the pluton for as much as 2 km. These complex include at least some Upper Triassic rocks features indicate that, at the present level of ex- (Wallace and others, 1989). However, on the basis of posure, many of the Jurassic plutonic rocks may the age span of conodonts from several marble have been syntectonic and forcefully intruded samples for which the specific age could not be (Reed and Lanphere, 1973). Additional evidence determined, a broader protolith age ranging from for metamorphism being associated with Jurassic Ordovician to Late Triassic is tentatively assigned plutonism is an overall increase in metamorphic (A.G. Harris, unpub. data, 1984). grade toward these plutons by the two metamor- The Tlikakila complex has undergone heteroge- phic units (pl. 1, units GNS (J) and GNS,AMP (J)) neous polyphase deformation and is characterized that lie within or adjacent to them (Detterman and by steeply dipping, isoclinally folded, and generally Reed, 1980). schistose rock assemblages. Schistose rocks have been affected by a later period of deformation that produced closely spaced fractures and that, locally, tightly folded the earlier foliation. Most contacts are faults and little lateral continuity of rock assem- blages is present as a result of complex tectonic This unit makes up a heterogeneous assemblage mixing (Carlson and Wallace, 1983). Although most of penetratively deformed, undifferentiated green- rocks have been penetratively deformed, the degree schist- and amphibolite-facies metasedimentary and of metamorphism varies from fault block to fault mafic meta-igneous rocks of the Tlikakila complex block, indicating juxtaposition of rocks that may of Wallace and others (1989) in the Lake Clark have had different metamorphic histories or that quadrangle (Carlson and Wallace, 1983; Nelson and were derived from different parts of a single tectonic others, 1983) and of the westernmost part of the regime. The majority of these rocks were metamor- Kakhonak Complex in the southern part of the 11- phosed under greenschist-facies conditions; however, iamna quadrangle (Detterman and Reed, 1980) and some rocks have undergone lower to upper amphibo- the northern part of the Mount Katmai quadrangle lite-facies metamorphism, and a small percentage (J.R. Riehle and R.L. Detterman, unpub. data, 1985). appear to be virtually unmetamorphosed (Christine It crops out in a northeast-trending belt within and Carlson, oral commun., 1985). Pelitic schist, phyllite, adjacent to the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary plutons metasiltstone, and quartzite commonly contain of the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith. Common rock quartz, muscovite, biotite, and locally garnet; some types in the Tlikakila complex include calcareous contain plagioclase and cummingtonite. Schistose schist, pelitic schist, phyllite, schistose quartzite, calc-silicate rocks contain calcite and various combi- metabasalt, metachert, marble, cummingtonite nations of talc, fibrous amphibole, clinozoisite, schist, metavolcanic breccia, massive to layered met- quartz, diopside, chlorite, and garnet. Garnet in schis- agabbro and pyroxenite that locally intrude the su- tose rocks is broken, and the fragments are drawn pracrustal elements of the Tlikakila complex, and out parallel to the foliation, indicating garnet formed metaserpentinite (Carlson and Wallace, 1983; Chris- early in, or prior to, the development of the folia- tine Carlson, oral commun., 1985). Similar rock types tion. Garnet and biotite in schistose rocks is com- are present in the areas of this unit originally monly replaced by chlorite. Mafic metavolcanic rocks mapped as part of the Kakhonak Complex (Detter- primarily consist of chlorite, epidote, and fibrous am- man and Reed, 1980; W.K. Wallace, oral commun., phibole. Metamorphism of some mafic rocks has pro- 1986). duced a nearly homogeneous cummingtonite schist Protoliths are a wide variety of siliciclastic rocks, that also contains minor talc and carbonate. calcareous rocks, mafic to intermediate intrusive and Metaserpentinite commonly contains talc and mag- extrusive rocks, chert, and, in the Tlikakila complex, netite, and metagabbro is composed of either (1) also ultramafic rocks. Protolith ages are poorly known. hornblende (in places partly altered to saussurite, Lithologic correlation with Late Triassic and Early uralite, and actinolite) and calcic plagioclase or (2) Jurassic lower grade equivalents on the west side of actinolite, relict clinopyroxene, clinozoisite (originally Cook Inlet (GNS (J))have been used to suggest Late calcic-plagioclase), chlorite, and serpentine (Nelson B24 REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

and others, 1983; Christine Carlson, oral commun., LPP (eTIK) 1985). I The metamorphic and tectonic history of this unit The weakly metamorphosed sequence of laumon- is uncertain. The relation of this unit to older rocks tite-facies interbedded sandstone and mudstone is obscured by intrusive contacts. Within the (Moore, 1973) that makes up this unit crop out on Tlikakila complex, internal relations also are ob- the Sanak and Shumagin Islands off the southeast scured by fault contacts. Metamorphism of this unit 1 coast of the Alaska Peninsula. Protoliths have ten- is known to postdate the Late Triassic minimum pro- tatively been assigned a latest Cretaceous (Maas- tolith age of rocks from the Tlikakila complex. The trichtian) age on the basis of sparse macrofossil spatial association between the metamorphic rocks (Inoceramus)collections from Shumagin Island and of this unit and adjacent Late Cretaceous and Ter- lithologic correlation with the Kodiak Formation tiary plutons suggests that metmorphism may have (Moore, 1973; Nilsen and Moore, 1979). been related to either one or both of the Late Cre- Rocks have a pervasive slaty cleavage whose de- taceous to Paleocene or the late Eocene to Oligocene velopment is ascribed to the mechanical rotation of plutonic episodes. However, the possibility of a pre- platy minerals during dewatering of the sediments plutonic dynamothermal origin of metamorphism (Moore, 1973). Petrographic evidence of burial meta- morphism consists of rare alteration of plagioclase cannot be ruled out. At one locality within this unit, to prehnite, laumontite, and possibly albite. These a clinopyroxene-hornblende andesite dike that cross- minerals are only present in specimens without cuts the metamorphic rocks of the Tlikakila com- calcareous cement and (or) calcareous products, plex has yielded a K-Ar age on hornblende of which Moore (1973) points out is consistent with 79.6f 2.4 Ma (Wallace and others, 1989). patterns of burial metamorphism in the Great Val- Stratigraphic affinities of the Tlikakila complex ley sequence of California (Dickinson and others, of the Lake Clark quadrangle are uncertain, but on 1969). Whole-rock X-ray studies confirm the optical the basis of lithologic similarities and spatial rela- identification of prehnite and laumontite and indi- tions several correlations are possible. The Chi- cate that well-crystallizedillite (muscovite) and chlo- likadrotna Greenstone (LPP (IJIR)), described above, rite are the dominant clay minerals in the upper is the nearest pre-Late Jurassic unit to the west parts of graded beds (Moore, 1973). Distribution of and may be correlative with the metavolcanic part this zeolite-(laumonite-) facies burial metamorphism of the Tlikakila complex (Nelson and others, 1983). appears to be nonstratigraphic (Moore, 1973). Wallace and his coworkers (1989) have found that The timing of burial metamorphism of these rocks the Chilikadrotna Greenstone includes Late Triassic is bracketed between the Late Cretaceous protolith elements and suggest that it is probably deposi- age and the early Tertiary (Paleocene) age (Wilson, tional basement for Jurassic and Cretaceous fly- 1981) of crosscutting intrusive rocks. schoid rocks of the Kahiltna terrane (fig. 3). Cor- relatives of the metasedimentary and possibly the metavolcanic rocks may occur to the southeast in REFERENCES CITED the Kakhonak Complex that is included in unit GNS,AMP (J) (Nelson and others, 1983; Christine Carlson, oral commun., 1985). 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logical Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during 1981: U.S. emplacement of the Ramparts Group [Abs.]: EOS, Trans- Geological Survey Circular 868, p. 30-32. actions, American Geophysical Union, v. 66, no. 46, p. 1102. Patton, W.W., Jr., Tailleur, I.L., BrosgB, W.P., and Lanphere, Steiger, R.H., and Jager, E., 1977, Subcommission on geochro- M.A., 1977, Preliminary report on the ophiolites of north- nology: Convention on the use of decay constants in geo- ern and western Alaska, in Coleman, R.G., and Irwin, W.P., and cosmochronology: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, eds., North American ophiolites: Oregon Department of v. 36, no. 3, p. 359-362. Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 95, p. 51-58. Turner, D.L., Forbes, R.B., Aleinikoff, J.N., Hedge, C.E., and Plafker, George, Nokleberg, W.J., and Lull, J.S., 1989, Bedrock McDougall, Ian, 1983, Geochronology of the Kilbuck terrane geology and tectonic evolution of the Wrangellia, Peninsu- of southwestern Alaska [abs.]: Geological Society of America lar, and Chugach terranes along the Trans-Alaskan crustal Abstracts with Programs, v. 15, no. 5, p. 407. transect in the Chugach Mountains and southern Copper Wallace, W.K., 1984, Mesozoic and Paleogene tectonic evolution River basin, Alaska: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. of the southwestern Alaska Range-Southern Kuskokwim 94, no. B4, p. 4255-4295. Mountains region Labs.]: Geological Society of America Reed, B.L., and Lanphere, M.A., 1973, Alaska-Aleutian Range Abstracts with Programs, v.16, no. 5, p. 339. batholith: Geochronology, chemistry, and relation to circum- Wallace, W.K., Hanks, C.L., and Rogers, J.F., 1989, The southern Pacific plutonism: Geological Society of America Bulletin, Kahiltna terrane: Implications for the tectonic evolution of v. 84, no. 8, p. 2583-2610. southwestern Alaska: Geological Society of America Bul- Reed, B.L., Miesch, A.T., and Lanphere, M.A., 1983, Plutonic letin, v. 101, no. 11, p.1389-1407. rocks of Jurassic age in the Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith: Wilson, F.H., 1981, Map and table showing radiometric ages of Chemical variations and polarity: Geological Society of rocks in the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula: U.S. America Bulletin, v. 94, no. 10, p. 1232-1240. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-471, scale 1:1,000,000. Reed, B.L., and Nelson, S.W., 1980, Geologic map of the Tal- -- 1982, Map and tables showing preliminary results of K- keetna quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel- Ar age studies in the Ugashik quadrangle, Alaska Penin- laneous Investigations Series Map 1-1174, 15 p., scale sula: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-140, scale 1:250,000. 1:250,000. Silberman, M.L., Moll, E.J., Patton, W.W., Jr., Chapman, R.M., Wolfe, J.A., and Wahrhaftig, Clyde, 1970, The Cantwell Formation and Connor, C.L., 1979, Precambrian age of metamorphic of the central Alaska Range: U.S. Geological Survey Bul- rocks from the Ruby province, Medfra and Ruby quadrangles letin 1294A, p. A41-A46. -preliminary evidence from radiometric age data, in Johnson, Zwart, H.J., Corvalan, J., James, H.L., Miyashiro, A., Saggerson, K.M., and Williams, J.R., eds., The United States Geologi- E.P., Sobolev, V.S., Subramaniam, A.P., and Valiance, T.G., cal Survey in Alaska: Accomplishments during 1978: U.S. 1967, A scheme of metamorphic facies for the cartographic Geological Survey Circular 804-B, p. B66-B68. representation of regional metamorphic belts: International Smith, G.M., and Puchner, C.C., 1985, Geology of the Ruby gean- Union of Geological Sciences Geological Newsletter, v. 1967, ticline between Ruby and Poorman, Alaska and the tectonic p. 57-72. REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

Table 2.-Metamorphic mineral-assemblage data

Metamorphic Quadrangle Locality Rock Assemblage Metamorphic facies Metamorphic-facies Sample name and No. Contributors type2 (AS)or mineral indicated by unit in which No., if reference No. (plate 2)' occurrence assemblage3 given assemblage occurs4$ available (plates 1,2) (0'7 assemblage4 Nulato 55 1 E.J. Moll and W.W. LPP LPP (eKIX) 74APa234 Patton, Jr. Ruby 56 1 R.M. Chapman GNS GNS (PO) 56 2 -----do GNS ------do ------

Ophir 64 LPP LPP (eKIX) 64 GNS GNS (eKrnR) 64 GNS ------& ,------64 GNS ------do.------64 GNS ------do.------64 GNS ------do ,------64 LPP LPP (eKIX) 64 LPP ------&, ------64 LPP ------do------64 GNS GNS (e~rn~) 64 GNS ------do. ------64 LPP LPP (eKIX) 64 LPP ------do, ------64 LPP ------do ------64 LPP ------do,------64 LPP ------do ------64 GNS GNS (e~rnk) 64 GNS ------do. ------64 GNS ------do ------

Medfra 65 1 E.J. Moll GNS GNS(P0) 75APa77 ------do 65 2 -----do,----- GNS ------78APa34b 65 3 -----do.----- GNS ------do ------78APa28d 65 4 -----do GN S ------do < ------75APa104A 65 4 -----do .----- GNS ------do ------75APa104I ------do 65 4 -----do ,----- GNS ------75APa104B ------do. 65 4 -----do,----- GNS ------75APa104J 65 5 -----do GNS ------do ------77 APa 27 65 6 ----.do .----- GNS ------do ------77APa3 1 65 7 -----do ----- GNS ------do ------77APa28 ------do 65 8 -----do ,----- GNS ------77APa29 65 8 -----do .----- GNS ------do ------do 65 9 -----do,----- GNS ------65 10 -----do.----- GNS ------do, ------65 11 -----do GNS ------do ------do 65 12 -----do ,----- GNS ------65 13 -----do .----- GNS GNS (KM) 65 14 -----do ----- GNS GNS (PO) 65 15 -----do.----- GNS ------do ------65 16 -----do GNS ------do ------65 17 -----do GNS ------do ------em--- do 65 18 -----do ,----- GNS ------65 18 -----do GNS ------dd. ------65 19 -----do.----- G NS ------do ------65 19 -----do G NS ------& ------65 20 -----do ----- GNS ------do ------65 2 1 -----do GNS GNS (KM) 65 22 -----do GNS ------do, ------65 23 -----do.----- G NS ------do, ------65 24 -----do GNS ------do ----em-

Iditarod 73 1 M.L. Miller G NS GNS (eKmR) 73 2 -----do LPP LPP (eKIX) 73 3 -----do ,---.- GNS GNS (eKrnR) 73 4 -----do.----- GNS ------do ------73 5 -----do AMP AMP (X) + GNS (eKJ) 73 6 -----do .----- AMP ------do ------73 6 -----do AMP ------do ------73 7 -----do.----- AMP ------do ------SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA B29

Table 2.-Metamorphic mineral-assemblage data-Continued

Metamorphic Quadrangle Locality Rock Assemblage Metamorphic facies Metamorphic-facies Sample name and No. Contributors typez (AS) or mineral indicated by unit in which No., if reference No. (plate 2)' occurrence assemblage' given assemblage occurs" available (plates 1,2) (oc) assemblage4 73 8 M.L. Miller PE AS QZ+PL+KF+BI+CL+GA+ AMP AMP (X) + GNS (eKJ) 84AM181A 73 9 -----do ----- B A AS CL+CA+PU+PH LPP LPP (eKIT) 85AM37A 73 10 -----do ----- B A AS CL+EP+PU+PH LPP ------do ,------84AM238A 73 10 -----do.----- B A AS CL+PH LPP ------do .------84AM238B

Sleetmute 82 1 J.M. Hoare OT AS LU+CL+CA+QZ+PL LPP LPP (eKIli1

Bethel 9 1 1 S.M. Roeske BA AS HO+CP+EP+QZ AMP AMP(X)+GNS(eKJ) 87ACz88 9 1 2 -----do .----- B A AS CL+EP+MR+AB GN1,H GN1,H (eKIli) 87SRlb 91 2 -----do ----- B A AS EP+CL+AC+QZ GNI,H ------do,.------87SR5 91 3 -----do ----- B A AS HO+CP+QZ AMP ------do.------87APa21 91 4 -----do.----- BA AS AC+AB+CL+EP GNS ------do.------87SR9 91 5 J.M. Hoare B A AS EP+CL LPP LPP (eKIli) 91 6 -----do.----- OT AS LU+CL+CA+QZ+PL LPP ------do.------

Taylor Mountains 92 1 -----do OT AS CL+CA+BI+AC+EP GNS -----.

Lake Clark 93 1 T.K. Bundtzen LPP ------do.------and W.G. Gilbert 2 -----do ----- LPP LPP (eJIli) 3 -----do .----- LPP ------do,------4 -----do LPP ------do,------5 -----do LPP ------do------6 -----do .----- LPP ------do ------6 -----do L PP ------do,------7 -----do ----- GNS GNS,AMP (TIT) 8 -----do .----- G N S ------do

Goodnews Bay 101 1 J.M. Hoare LPP LPP (eKIli1 101 2 -----do.----- LPP ------do.------101 3 -----do AMP AMP (X) + GNS (eKJ) 101 4 J.Y. Bradshaw AM1 ------do 101 5 -----do ,----- AMP ------do.------101 6 -----do .----- AMP ------do, ------101 7 -----do AMP GNI, H (eKlT) 101 8 M.M. Donato GNH ------do.------51AHr42 101 9 J.M. Hoare LPP LPP (eKIli1 101 10 M.M. Donato GNH GNI, H (eKITc) 75AHr1501 101 11 -----do ,----- LPP LPP (eKIT1 71ACk310 101 12 -----do LPP ------do.------71AGk131 101 13 -----do L PP ------do.------75AHr1016

Iliamna 103 R.L. Detterman GNS GNS,AMP (J) 103 -----do ,----- G N S ------do ------

103 -----do.----- G N S ------do------103 -----do ,----- GNS GNS (J)

103 -----do.----- AMP ------do.------

103 -----do ,----- GNS ------do,------

103 -----do ,----- G N S ------do,------103 -----do ,-.--- G N S ------do.------103 -----do ----- GNS ------do------103 -----do AML GNS,AMP (J) 103 -----do.----- AMP ------do.------

103 -----do ,----- AMP ------do ------REGIONALLY METAMORPHOSED ROCKS OF ALASKA

Table 2.-Metamorphic mineral-assemblage data-Continued

Metamorphic Quadrangle Locality Rock Assemblage Metamorphic facies Metamorphic-facies Sample name and No. Contributors type2 (AS) or mineral indicated by unit in which No., if reference No. @late 2)' occurrence assemblage3 given assemblage occurs45 available (plates 1,2) (oc) assemblage4 103 7 R.L. Detterman PE AS BI+MU+QZ+KF+SI+GMAN AML GNS,AMP (J)

Hagemeister Island 111 M.M. Donato GNS GNS (rnJffi) 111 -----do .----- GNS ------&, ------111 -----do LPP LPP (0~1x1 11 1 J.M. Hoare GNS GNS (mJffi) 111 S.E. Box GNS ------do------111 -----do .----- GNS ------do.------111 -----do L PP LPP (eKlXh 111 -----do. ---- - GNS ------&, ------11 1 J.M. Hoare LPP ------do .------11 1 S.E. Box GNS ------do.------111 -----do GNS ------&, .------111 M.M. Donato GNS GNS (rnJffi) 111 J.M. Hoare GNS ------&,.------111 M.M. Donato LPP LPP (eKITi1 111 S.E. Box LPP ------do ------111 M.M. Donato GNH GNH (rnJIT) 111 S.E. Box GNH ------do------111 -----do ----- GNH ------&, ,------111 M.M. Donato GNH ------do ------111 S.E. Box GNSILPP LPP (~KIx~ 111 -----do GNSILPP ------do ------

Nushagak Bay 112 1 -----do 0 T AS QZ+PH+PU+CL+AB+WM+CA L PP ------do ------112 2 -----do OT AS QZ+PH+PU+CL+AB LPP ------&,. ------112 3 -----do .----- OT AS QZ+PH+PU+CL+AB+WM+CA LPP ------do,------

Naknek 113 1 R.L. Detterman CA AS CA+QZ+DI AMP GNS,AMP (J)

Stepovak Bay 135 1 J.C. Moore PE AS PH+LU+AB(?)+QZ+WM+CL LPP LPP (eTIK)

'Localities numbered consecutively within each 1:250,000-scale quadrangle 2Rock types: BA, basic; CA, calcic; OT, other; PE, pelitic 'Metamorphic minerals:

albite (An @lo) calcic plagioclase potassium feldspar RU, mtile actinolite (An 11-100) kyanite SH, sphene amphibole clinopyroxene laumontite SI, sillimanite andalusite clinozoisite lawsonite SL, spinel biotite diopside magnesieriebeckite sp, stilpnomlane carbonate epidote muscovite ST, staurolite carbonaceous and (or) feldspar prehnite TA, talc graphitic material garnet plagioclase TR, tremolite chloritoid glaucophane (An 0- 100) WM, white mica chlorite hematite pumpell yite 20, zoisite hornblende quartz

Minerals arranged in order of decreasing abundance.

4Refer to text for explanation of symbols. 'In a few cases, the area of the metamorphic-facies unit in which the assemblage occurs is too small to show on the map.

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