Meeting held on Thursday 28th June 2012 10am British Red Cross,


Cllr Geoff Corry – & Town Council (Cllr GC) Jonathan Williams – CCBC Civil Contingencies Manager (JW) Catherine Evans – CCBC Civil Contingencies Officer (CE) Cllr Ken Stone - Towyn & Kinmel Bay Town Council (Cllr KS) Cllr Nigel Smith – CCBC Elected Member (Cllr NS) Cllr Bill Darwin – CCBC Elected Member (Cllr BD) Cllr Peter Worswick – Towyn & Kinmel Bay Town Council (Cllr PW) David Hallows – British Red Cross (DH) Russ Jones – North Police (RJ) Craig Davies – Environment Agency Wales (CD) Richard Evans – CCBC Environment (RE) Dyfed Rowlands – CCBC Environment (DR) Alan Thomas – CCBC Highways & Infrastructure (AT) Gwyn Parry – Minister (GP) Huw Williams – CCBC Regulatory Services (HW) Linda Thomas – Environment Agency Wales (LT)


Lynne Hughes – CCBC Civil Contingencies Officer (LH) Russ Vaughan – Fire and Rescue Service (RV) Sherron Kitchen – EA Wales (SK) Cllr S Anderson – CCBC Elected Member (Cllr SA) Cllr W Knightly – CCBC Elected Member (WK) Rhiannon Hayes – CCBC Regulatory Services (RH) Cllr John Bevan - Towyn & Kinmel Bay Town Council (Cllr JB)

1. Welcome & Apologies

The chair welcomed all to the meeting and apologies were received and noted.

2. Introductions of New Members

Cllr GC welcomed Cllr NS & Cllr BD to the meeting as recently Elected CCBC Members for the Morfa Rhuddlan West area.

3. Declaration of Any Other Business

CE – Website.

4. Minutes of Previous Meeting & Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record of the meeting.

Proposer: Cllr KS Seconder: Cllr PW

5. Community Resilience Update

LT attended the meeting from Environment Agency Wales to provide the group with a brief update in relation to Community Resilience. It was explained that it was expected to test Community Flood Plans as well as Flood Wardens during Exercise “Taran” scheduled for next week. This would involve emailing flood warnings to the flood wardens for the purpose of the exercise instead of them receiving the warnings via phone. It was explained that as the Chief Flood Warden, Cllr SA would be the person to contact the Environment Agency Flood Control Room to gather more information regarding the emergency. Elements of plans for Kinmel Bay will be tested during the exercise.

Action: LT to discuss further with the flood wardens following this meeting.

6. Flood Risk Management Update

CD updated the group as to the progress with regards to the Flood Alleviation Scheme in Abergele. He explained that the official opening of the site would hopefully be in the next few weeks and that the routine maintenance programme will start in August 2012. Following some group members concerns, CD added that there are no plans to dredge the Clwyd Bank at the moment but it is monitored. He added that legislation has changed and that each area is monitored and the benefits for each assessed on an individual basis.

7. Flood Modelling Initiative Update

DR informed the group that he had recently spoken to Welsh Government who had agreed in principal to the Flood Modelling Initiative although asked that DR attend the North Wales Resilience Forum Meeting in order to gain approval from them also as it may be beneficial to provide funding on a North Wales level. He attended the NWRF meeting and March 2012 and has since passed on a copy of the minutes to Welsh Government. It was explained that DR would be meeting with Welsh Government next week along with Paul Sayers. Following some concerns from the group, DR clarified that he had asked for the Morfa Rhuddlan West area to be considered as a Pilot for the initiative as the initial request had come from this group.

Action: DR to provide a progress report to the group following his meeting with Welsh Government.

8. Morfa Rhuddlan West Communication Exercise 3rd July 2012 – Exercise “Taran”

JW explained to the group that Exercise “Taran” would be taking place next Tuesday 3rd July 2012 and would be a communications and operational exercise. Following the issuing of flood guidance statements and a teleconference the morning of the exercise, the Multi Agency Flood Incident Group (MAFIG) would be set up at the British Red Cross Offices by approximately 10.15am which members are welcome to attend. The group would then be able to visit other sites set up in , Belgrano etc which will show other response arrangements i.e. Scottish Power Sub Stations and Environment Agency Wales Power Stations. CD explained that Environment Agency Wales would be testing a power failure at their pumping station and putting in an emergency generator.

Action: JW to send a copy of the itinerary to members on Monday.

9. Green Avenue Escape Route

DR explained that a meeting had recently been arranged although was postponed as members were unavailable to attend.

Action: New meeting between Ken Finch, CCBC Legal Services, DR, Cllr GC, Cllr JB, CCBC Elected Members (MRW Area) and JW to be set up as soon as possible.

Action: CCU to request that Jaci Doran arrange this meeting.

10. Any Other Business

CE briefly informed the group that the structure for the Morfa Rhuddlan West Flood Partnership Website was now in place and should be live in the next few weeks.

Action: JW to provide the group with the web address at the next meeting.

11. Date & Venue of Next Meeting

ƒ 16th October 2012 - British Red Cross Centre, Abergele 10am – 12 noon