LTspice Getting Started Guide

Copyright © 2007 Linear Technology. All rights reserved. Why Use LTspice?

‹ Stable SPICE circuit simulation with Š Unlimited number of nodes Š Schematic/symbol editor ŠŠ OverOver 1100 1100 macromodels macromodels of of Linear Technology products Š Waveform viewer Linear Technology products ŠŠ 500+500+ SMPS SMPS Š Library of passive devices ‹ Fast simulation of switching mode power supplies Š Steady state detection Š Turn on transient Š Step response Š Efficiency / power computations ‹ Advanced analysis and simulation options Š Not covered in this presentation ‹ Outperforms pay-for options LTspiceLTspice is is also also a a great great schematic schematic capture capture

LTspice Getting Started Guide 2 How Do I Get LTspice? ‹ Go to ‹ Select “Design Support” and then “Design Simulation” ‹ Follow the instruction to install

LTspice Getting Started Guide 3 How Do I Get Started Using LTspice? How Do I Get Started using LTspice?

1. Use one of the 100’s demo circuit available on Š Designed and Reviewed by Factory Apps Group 2. Use a pre-drafted test fixture (JIG) Š Provides a good starting point Š Used in testing models during development 3. Use the graphic editor to create your own design using the macro models provided Š LTspice contains models for most LTC power devices

YouYou can can also also check check out out LTspice LTspice capab capabilitiesilities using using the the education education examples examples availableavailable on on C:\Program C:\Program Files\LT Files\LTC\SwCADIII\examples\EducationalC\SwCADIII\examples\Educational

LTspice Getting Started Guide 5 How Do I Get Started using LTspice?

1. Use one of the 100’s demo circuit available on Š Designed and Reviewed by Factory Apps Group 2. Use a pre-drafted test fixture (JIG) Š Provides a good starting point Š Used in testing models during development 3. Use the graphic editor to create your own design using the macro models provided Š LTspice contains models for most LTC power devices

LTspice Getting Started Guide 6 Demo Circuits on

Download LTspice

Download Demo Circuit

LTspice Getting Started Guide 7 Demo Circuit

9 Designed and Reviewed by Factory Apps Group Š It remains the customer's responsibility to verify proper and reliable operation in the actual application Š Component substitution and layout may significantly affect circuit performance or reliability

WhatWhat if if I Icannot cannot find find a a demo demo circuit? circuit?

LTspice Getting Started Guide 8 How Do I Get Started using LTspice?

1. Use one of the 100’s demo circuit available on Š Designed and Reviewed by Factory Apps Group 2. Use a pre-drafted test fixture (JIG) Š Provides a good starting point Š Used in testing models during development 3. Use the graphic editor to create your own design using the macro models provided Š LTspice contains models for most LTC power devices

LTspice Getting Started Guide 9 Start with a New Schematic

‹ Select File and New Schematic Š Will open up a black layout screen

LTspice Getting Started Guide 10 Add a Component

‹ Use Add a Component or F2

Take a moment to review all the components!

LTspice Getting Started Guide 11 Selecting Model & Opening Test Fixture

1. Use the “root” part to search for the model Š i.e. 3411 2. Select “Open this macromodel’s test fixture

2. Select

1. Enter 3411

LTspice Getting Started Guide 12 Pre-Drafted Test Fixture

‹ Provides a good starting point Š Used in testing models during development

ŠŠ ItIt remains remains the the customer's customer's res responsibilityponsibility to to verify verify proper proper andand reliable reliable operation operation in in the the actual actual application application

ŠŠ PrintedPrinted circuit circuit board board layout layout may may significantly significantly affect affect circuitcircuit performance performance or or reliability reliability

LTspice Getting Started Guide 13 How Do I Get Started using LTspice?

1. Use one of the 100’s demo circuit available on Š Designed and Reviewed by Factory Apps Group 2. Use a pre-drafted test fixture (JIG) Š Provides a good starting point Š Used in testing models during development 3. Use the graphic editor to create your own design using the macro models provided Š LTspice contains models for most LTC power devices

LTspice Getting Started Guide 14 Use the Graphic Editor to Create Your Own Design

‹ Select the Model Also Great for drawing schematics ‹ Use the menu to design you circuit for customers

= Custom Design

Additional Components Like Sources & Loads

LTspice Getting Started Guide 15 Schematic Editing

Place Circuit Element Place Place Place Place Label Node Place Draw Wire

Zoom In Move Pan Drag Zoom Out Undo Autoscale Redo Delete Rotate Duplicate Mirror Paste b/t Schematics Place Comment Find Place SPICE directive

LTspice Getting Started Guide 16 Editing Components

‹ Components’ attributes can be edited by pointing at the component with the mouse and right clicking

‹‹ YouYou can can also also edit edit the the visible visible attribut attributee and and label label by by pointing pointing at at the the text text withwith the the mouse mouse and and then then right right clicking clicking ŠŠ MouseMouse cursor cursor will will turn turn into into a a text text caret caret

LTspice Getting Started Guide 17 Component Database ‹ Components such as Š , , , , Š Bipolar , MOSFET transistors, JFET transistors Š Independent voltage and current sources can access a database of know devices

LTspice Getting Started Guide 18 Test Fixture Shortcut with LT Macromodels

‹ Place the mouse over the LT macromodel’s symbol ‹ Hold down the control key, and click the right mouse button ‹ A dialog box will appear that will allow you to Š Open the test fixture Š Go to Linear website for the datasheet

LTspice Getting Started Guide 19 How Do You Run and Probe a Circuit in LTspice? Running Demo Circuit


‹ Select run Š “Running Man” logo on menu

LTspice Getting Started Guide 21 Waveform Viewer

‹ LTspice has an integrated waveform viewer 1. Plot the voltage on any wire by simply point and click

Voltage probe cursor 2. Plot the current through any component with two connections by clicking on the body of the component Š R, C, L Current probe cursor Š Convention of positive current is in the direction into the pin

LTspice Getting Started Guide 22 Probing a Demo Circuit

ClickClick Here Here forfor Input Input WaveformWaveform

ClickClick Here Here forfor Output Output WaveformWaveform

‹ All Demo Circuits have INs and OUTs clearly labeled to help you quickly select them ‹ Select the waveform of a node by clicking on IN and OUT

LTspice Getting Started Guide 23 Zooming In and Out on a Waveform

‹ Using the mouse to zoom in and out Š Drag a box about the region you wish to see drawn larger ‹ Right click and select “Zoom to Fit” to zoom back

LTspice Getting Started Guide 24 Measuring V, I and Time in the Waveform

1. Drag a box about the region you wish to measure Š Hold the left click down 2. View the lower left hand side of the screen 3. Shrink your box before you let go of the left mouse click or use the undo command on top to resize

LTspice Getting Started Guide 25 Voltage Differences Across Nodes ‹ Click on one node and drag the mouse to another node Š Red voltage probe at the first node Š Black probe on the second ‹ Will provide differentially plot of the voltages

LTspice Getting Started Guide 26 Average/RMS Calculations

‹ Average & RMS Current or Voltage Š Control - left click the I or V trace label in the waveform view

LTspice Getting Started Guide 27 Instantaneous & Average Power Dissipation

‹ Instantaneous Power Dissipation Š Hold down the Alt key and left click on the symbol of the component Š Plotted in units of Watts

‹ Average Power Dissipation Š Control - left click the power Dissipation trace label in the waveform view

LTspice Getting Started Guide 28 Generating a BOM and Efficiency Report BOM

‹ Under View select Bill of Material Š Displayed on Diagram Š Paste to Clipboard

LTspice Getting Started Guide 30 Computing Efficiency ‹ To compute efficiency of SMPS circuits: Š Check the "Stop simulating if steady state is detected" on the Edit Simulation Command editor Š Rerun simulation Š Use the menu command View=>Efficiency Report

AutomaticAutomatic detection detection of of steady steady state state may may not not always always work work – – criteriacriteria for for steady steady state state detection detection may may be be too too strict strict or or too too lenient lenient

LTspice Getting Started Guide 31 Viewing Efficiency Report

LTspice Getting Started Guide 32 Simulate a Transient Response? Current Load and Pulse Function

‹ Your can simulate a load with a Resistor or Current load ‹ In particular the Pulse function in a current load is helpful in transient response analysis Š Steps a current load from one value to another

LTspice Getting Started Guide 34 Edit the Current Load to a Pulse Function

‹ Right click on the current load ‹ Select Pulse ‹ Modify the Attributes

LTspice Getting Started Guide 35 More Information and Support Reminder to Periodically Sync Release

‹ It is important to sync your release of LTspice once a month to get the latest Š Software update and bug fix Š Models Š Sample circuits and examples

LTspice Getting Started Guide 37 Built-in Help System

‹ Select F1 for help menu

LTspice Getting Started Guide 38 Paper Manual

‹ Download the pdf of the help pages from: Š

LTspice Getting Started Guide 39 Emailing Support ‹ Make sure you’re using the current version with Field sync.

LTspice Getting Started Guide 40 LTspice Support Group

‹ The group has a Files section with additional tutorials, libraries, and examples ‹ Visit the user group Š ‹ Join LTspice Yahoo Group Š Email [email protected] Š Subject=Subscribe

LTspice Getting Started Guide 41