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Raspberry Pi: Ubuntu Retro Remix, RaspEX Kodi OS for Raspberry Pi and Pi Compute Module 4

By Roy Schestowitz Created 27/07/2020 - 2:37am Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Monday 27th of July 2020 02:37:18 AM Filed under GNU [1] [2] Hardware [3]

Meet Ubuntu Retro Remix, an Ubuntu Distro to Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a Retro Gaming Console[4]

Meet Ubuntu Retro Remix, a new, upcoming Ubuntu distro designed for retro gamers and Raspberry Pi fans. It?s an unofficial remix of Ubuntu that will turn your Raspberry Pi into a retro gaming machine.

After building the Rolling Rhino, a command-line tool that lets you convert your regular Ubuntu installation into a rolling release, Canonical?s Ubuntu Desktop lead Martin Wimpress is now building a new Ubuntu-based distro specifically designed for Raspberry Pi computers and retro gaming, called Ubuntu Retro Remix.

Why retro gaming? Because Martin Wimpress is a hardcore retro gamer who built several Raspberry Pi retro games consoles using cases that imitate the classic retro gaming consoles.

RaspEX Kodi for Rpi4, Rpi3 and Rpi2 with LXDE Desktop and Kodi 18.7 Media Center ?Leia? with Netflix, YouTube, Plex and Amazon Video addons ? Build 200713 (32-bit) and Build 200726 (64-bit)[5]

The system is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB, 4GB and 2GB). RaspEX Kodi is based on 11 Bullseye respectively Debian 10 Buster, Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) and Kodi Media Center. In RaspEX Kodi I?ve added the LXDE Desktop with many useful applications such as VLC Media Player and NetworkManager. Makes it easy to configure your wireless network. I?ve also upgraded Kodi to version 18.7 Leia, which makes it possible to include useful addons such as Netflix and Amazon Video. Which I?ve done in Build 200713. Study all included packages in RaspEX Kodi Build 200713 respectively Build 200726.

RaspEX Kodi OS for Raspberry Pi Is Now Based on Debian GNU/Linux 11 ?Bullseye?[6]

Arne Exton released today a new update to his RaspEX Kodi OS for Raspberry Pi devices based on the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 11 ?Bullseye? series.

The previous release of the RaspEX Kodi OS, which brought support for the latest Raspberry Pi 4 model with 8GB RAM was based on the stable Debian GNU/Linux 10 ?Buster? operating system series, which is also the based on the official Raspberry Pi OS.

But if you want a newer base from the Debian Testing repositories, where the development of the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 11 ?Bullseye? operating system series takes place, there?s now a new version of the RaspEX Kodi OS based on it, as well as on the official Raspberry Pi OS.

Links: July 26, 202 [7]

It looks like the Raspberry Pi family is about to get a big performance boost, with Eben Upton?s announcement that the upcoming Pi Compute Module 4 will hopefully support NVMe storage. The non-volatile memory express spec will allow speedy access to storage and make the many hacks Pi users use to increase access speed unnecessary. While the Compute Modules are targeted at embedded system designers, Upton also hinted that NVMe support might make it into the mainstream Pi line with a future Pi 4A. GNU Linux Hardware

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