Skeena MIP. A:Aswers Fulton
y2~7~c~a5 L[s~Y ?ARLXAM~N~ BL~SS v~cvO~ia ~ c "" ervi. !he Weather Progressive j I Gene lly Cloudy. [ Northwest J dolly h z o/C/ High 3 Low-2 VOLUME 72 No. 18 NDP Press Release Jim Fulton, N.D.P. candidate for Skeena, has sharply criticized M.P. Iona Campagnolo for her position with respect to the proposed Kitimat oil pipeline. "On the one hand our M,P. has stated that no evidence has been produced to verify the need for the pipeline, from either a Cmiadian, or American point of view,"said Fulton, "yet i!i on the other hand she says that K.P.L.'s latest application should be given coneideration by the National Ehergy Board." It is regrettable," con- tinued Fulton, "that our M.P. will not support the resumption ~( the Thompson Inquiry, which Protesters with placecards outside the Prince Rupert ires yet to hold com- munity hearings in the mtmitiesmost affectedin her corn-.own CentennialLions Are "Grand" Help I believe the Thorn on : • In.~niry would ~ve • ultimately proven that ::. Jack Cook Kids US Tour- . the p~pe~piline ,in not youngsters at Jack amount needed will be which star reqmr~,and the Inqmry Cook ~-~'--' -"........................ ted recen.fl.~ made cushions will be process should never ___ .~-.~, .~ ~crra?v a.oom ~u,o~o.aepen~,~, g. on has mreetuu classes w~m drawn next month- and have been recessed ' ,, lYmnurv ~l,m~o1 . closer to me type m accomosation. 30 d ogs enrolled. ,. Valentines . bake sale, will"a Fulton, a long t~me of th~ean2a-W|-~--thehelp' and transportah'on the Raffles, a bake s~de, a be held Feb, 11 at the CO- resieent of the Queen T,--- ttG~%,t~lltelli]l~Uyoungs.~ersge~.wnenmey f~arage sa~e anq a bottle ov.
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