Building and Facility Codes
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Building and Facility Codes Code Building Location Bldg # Coordinates APM Applied Physics & Mathematics Building Muir 249 G7 Arthur Wagner Theatre (1st floor of Galbraith Hall) Revelle 141 G9 ASANT Asante Hall Eleanor Roosevelt 446 F5 BIO Biology Building Muir 259 G7 BIRCH Birch Aquarium SIO 2300 S-D7 BONN Bonner Hall Revelle 131 G8 BSB Biomedical Sciences Building Medical School 820 H9 CCC Cross-Cultural Center (Price Center East, 3rd Floor) University Center 720 I7 CENTR Center Hall University Center 984 H8 CICC Copely International Conference Center Eleanor Roosevelt 455 G5 CILAS Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies Eleanor Roosevelt 451 G4 CLIN Clinical Sciences Building / Clinical Research Facility Medical School 865 I9 CMG Center for Molecular Genetics (currently CNCB) Medical School 805 H9 CMME Center for Molecular Medicine East Medical School 803 H8 CMMW Palade Labs Medical School 801 H8 CMRR Center for Magnetic Recording Research Warren 620 I7 CNCB Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior (Formerly CMG) Medical School 805 H9 CPMC Conrad Prebys Music Center University Center 955 I8 CRB Chemistry Research Building Thurgood Marshall 393 G7 CSB Cognitive Science Building Thurgood Marshall 397 G7 DANCE Wagner Dance Building Revelle 175 G10 East: 2310 S-D6 DSD Deep Sea Drilling Building SIO West: 2350 S-C6 EBU1 Engineering Building Unit 1 / Jacobs Hall Warren 600 I6 EBU2 Engineering Building Unit 2 Warren 610 I6 Computer Science and Engineering Building (formerly EBU3B Warren 602 I6 EBU3) ECKRT Eckart Building (formerly SIO Library) SIO 8755 S-C6 ECON Economics Building Thurgood Marshall 370 G6 ERCA Eleanor Roosevelt College Administration Eleanor Roosevelt 440 F4 FORUM Mandell Weiss Forum Revelle 173 G10 GEISL Geisel Library Building University Center 900 H6 GH Galbraith Hall Revelle 141 G9 Building and Facility Codes Code Building Location Bldg # Coordinates HSS Humanities & Social Sciences Building Muir 250 F7 HUBBS Hubbs Hall SIO 8750 S-B6 IGPP Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics - Munk Lab SIO 8800 S-B5 IGPP Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics - Revelle Lab SIO 8795 S-C5 IOA Institute of the Americas Eleanor Roosevelt 453 G5 LASB Gildred Latin American Studies Building Eleanor Roosevelt 451 G4 LEDDN AUD Patrick J. Ledden Auditorium (formerly HSS 2250) Muir 250 G7 LFFB Leichtag Family Foundation Biomedical Research Building Medical School 804 H8 LIT Literature Building Warren 627 I7 MANDE Mandeville Center Muir 285 G8 MAYER Mayer Hall Revelle 133 G9 MYR-A Mayer Hall Addition Revelle 135 G9 MCC Media Center/Communication Building Thurgood Marshall 390 G6 MCGIL McGill Hall Muir 246 F7 MNDLR Mandler Hall (formerly McGill Hall Annex) Muir 245 F7 MTF Medical Teaching Facility Medical School 830 I9 MWEIS Mandell Weiss Theatre Revelle 171 F11 NIERN Nierenberg Hall SIO 8810 S-D5 NSB Natural Sciences Building Revelle 128 F9 NTV Nierenberg Hall Annex SIO 8820 S-D4 OAR Keck Center for Ocean & Atmospheric Research SIO 8831 S-D4 OFF Off Campus Off Campus N/A OTRSN Otterson Hall (Main building for Rady) Rady 580 G4 PACIF Pacific Hall Revelle 111 F8 PCYNH Pepper Canyon Hall University Center 780 I7 PETER Peterson Hall Thurgood Marshall 399 G7 PFBH Powell-Focht Bioengineering Hall Warren 601 I6 POTKR Potiker Theatre Revelle 177 G10 PRICE Price Center University Center 911 H7 RBC Robinson Building Complex Eleanor Roosevelt 463 G5 RECGM Recreation Gymnasium Muir 265 F8 RITTR Ritter Hall SIO 8635 S-B8 RVCOM Revelle Commons (Plaza Café) Revelle 127 F9 Building and Facility Codes Code Building Location Bldg # Coordinates RVPRO Revelle College Administration Building Revelle 149 G10 SCHOL Scholander Hall SIO 8655 S-B7 SCRB Stein Clinical Research Building Medical School 843 I9 SCRPS Old Scripps Building SIO 8630 S-A8 SDSC San Diego Supercomputer Center Eleanor Roosevelt 481 G5 SEQUO Sequoyah Hall Thurgood Marshall 350 G6 SERF Science & Engineering Research Facility University Center 930 I7 SME Structural and Materials Engineering Sixth College 734 I7 SOLIS Solis Lecture Hall Thurgood Marshall 395 G6 SSB Social Sciences Building Eleanor Roosevelt 490 G5 Chemistry Research Building (sometimes Social Sciences SSRB Thurgood Marshall 393 G6 Research Building) SVERD Sverdrup Hall SIO 8615 S-B9 TBA To Be Arranged N/A N/A TM101-103 Thurgood Marshall College Trailers Thurgood Marshall 392,394,396 G6 TMCA Thurgood Marshall College Administration Building Thurgood Marshall 360 G6 U201 University Center, Building 201 University Center 986 H8 U303 University Center, Building 303, Cancer Research Facility University Center 967 I8 U409 University Center, Building 409 University Center 942 I7 U413 University Center, Building 413 Sixth 738 J7 U413A University Center, Building 413A Sixth 737 J7 UNEX UCSD Extension (Extended Studies Buildings A-Z) Marshall F6 UREY Urey Hall Revelle 113 F9 URY-A Urey Hall Addition Revelle 114 G9 VAF Visual Arts Facility (formerly VIS) Sixth 711 I7 VAUGN Vaughan Hall SIO 8675 S-B8 WLH Warren Lecture Hall Warren 625 I7 YORK York Hall, Undergraduate Sciences Building Revelle 137 G9 Link to Main Campus parking map (this map is the most current) Link to Scripps Campus Map UCSD Medical Center Hillcrest Map.