Bare Facts, Issue No. N-A, 14.06.1991
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bare facts ^nightüne 32710 Advertising 509275 Friday 14th June 1991 Graduation Ball Facts On the Wednesday of week 9 (that's work with to make what will already be the first day that tickets go on sale in a very special event an unforgettably case you've forgotten already) those special one. nice people from Dormie will be in the My final rambling in this already Union for a whole day to take orders overlong column is lo teli you about the and measurements for your dinner suits Survivors Champagne Breakfast for if you want to hire them. This will be which tickets will be on sale on the for one day only and the deal is 20 for night The price of the ticket will be £5 jacket, trousers.shirt, tie and cummer- and will include a memorial glass (for- bund which is a good price and is £10- you to keep and cherish), a bowl of 15 cheaper than anything else we've strawberries and cream and enough found in town. Champagne to fili the glass. This On the big night itself (that's the astonishingly good value ticket can be The ticket sales for the most prestig- after day you graduate folks) the buffet purchased on the night only before the ious black tie event in the Students will be open untili lOp.m. this is so that bar shuts at 5.30a.m. Union calender will soon be upon us ali you engineers can go off to your re- That's ali from me for now bui to with tickets being available in week 9. ceptions and then have plenty of time lo wish you ali luck with exams and pro- Since this is THE event for ali Final make yourselves into the stunning jects this week and to say get well soon years there will be priority ticket sales people Fm sure you'll be before they lo Bully (Spotty) Bloor. See ya nexl on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at stop serving the food. The outdoor week. 10a.nn. in front of the Union stage. If events will go on untili llp.m. in the And finally, the licence for this you are a graduating student this year, marquee village, and these at present in- event was confinned on Wednesday this is when you must come to ensure clude a bucking bronco, heiter skelter, moming at the Magistrates Court giv- that you can buy a ticket. On Monday, a fun casino with a jazz pianist/vocalist ing you the ability to drink inside and Tuesday, and Wednesday of week 10 and a mixers bar, the string quartet in out. other years can buy tickets. The number the Buffet marquee, and if they are con- Chris (Bully2) of tickets has been set at 1000 in an at- firmed a twenties style Dixieland jazz Grad BallChalrperson tempt to give ali Final year students, band to give the summer's evening that who want to come to this event and extra touch of class. bring a guest, the chance to be able to After llp.m. the marquee village get tickets. However the event will be will dose and the events indoors will on a first-come first-served basis so it begin.Th^ include the Boogie Bro- would be wise to come as early as thers, a disco with a light show I can possible in the time for priority booking only describe as phenomenal, and sev- to ensure that you will get a ticket eral smallerENTS events in the lecture The tickets will only be sold on the theatre concourse, which will become basis of one Union card per pereon and the cocktailsy-quiet sort of place that two guest tickets per person. If you some people will want for as the main don't come with a Union card you hall events become that tiny bit more won't get yer tickets!!!!!!!! noisy. If the ticket sales go well and that Anyway that's the nasty dictatorial can only be down to you now we should section of this ^n packed column out be able to sign along a dotted line for an of the way and it's time for me to be my act that can only be described as BIG. nicer usuai self and teli you about the So come along buy your tickets early happy side of The Grad Ball 1991. and give the Committee the money to Published By The University Of Surrey Students' Union Friday June 14th 1991 bare facts l^ear Sir, T)ear BF, I Write in response to Mr J. F. As the Russki Kruzhok Commillee Monk's query as to why the payphone we would like lo reply to the letter in in his house has been barred from mak- Bare Facts 31st May 1991 firom Ralph ing calls to British Telecom's directory Holland and lan Herbert - Russophobe enquiry service. Soc. Whilst it is quite correct that ail of First of ail we would like to point BT's publie payphones allow ftee calls oui that we only became the Commiltee to directory enquiries, the payphones al the end of last term, and therefore on the Universiiy site are private were noi responsible for the society phones, rented ftom BT. These can while they were in England. However, either be connected fô residential Unes, the idea of a Russian Society is, and has The opinions expressed on these pages which do not allow free calls to direc- always been, not a Tourist promotion do not necessarily reflect those of ihe tory enquiries, or to payphone lines, board for the Soviet Union, but a so- Edìtorìal Board. which do. The snag is that the reniai for ciety for those studying Russian to gel payphone Unes is 50 a year more ex- together and have a bit of fun. That lan rjear BF, pensive. There are some 180 pay- and Ralph gol the wrong imp'ession While Securily (and their effecliv- phones in the résidences, so the cost of about the USSR from the society is a ness) is on our minds may I brìng te providing 'free' calls to directory en- load of c**p, because there were few your attention a factor that makes the quiries would be 9,000 each year. or an evenis organised last year for them lo crime preventing side of their job even additional 4 per year for each student in do so. harder. residenee. We have ali lived in ihe Soviet Al the start of this terni certain The good news is that the pay- Union, so we know how difficull life is phones in Surrey and G believe) Batier- phones and cardphones in central areas over there. That is why those who have sea Court had their outgoing calls fa- sueh as the Lecture Theatres, Teaching previously been to the USSR teli the cility removcd. The logie being thai if Black, Hall and Library are on pay- first years what to expect, and lo pre- you can'i phone out, no money goes phone lines. Calls to directory en- pare them for the worst. We are sorry to into the phone and the notorious "Hione quiries can be made free of charge from hear that they are having such a bad nipper" of Surrey University has noth- any of these phones. I hope this answers ti me over there, but feel that they are not ing to gain by crowbaring them apart. Mr Monk's query. mature enough to cope with Uie situ- This logie doesn't hold up because a lot Janet Bell ation and obviously made the wrong of phones are stili fuUy operational, so Administrative Officer choice when choosing their degree the "Phone nipper", assuming he has Secrétariat course in the 6th form. Every well-in- half a brain only dismembers the formed person, (which we believe mosl phones with dialling tones. University Studenisare), isawareof the The eonsequence of ali this is that at average life-style of a Soviet Citizen. 3:00am if I see or suspect a erime being In answer to point 2 in their leller, committed (such as someone's phone quote "Immediate repatrialion of ali being ripped apart on another floor) I Please Brilons (forced under duress) to stay in have to casually stroll down to the se- the USSR" - Nobody forced them to curity office in my underware lo lei include your take a course involving a stay in the So- them know. The situation is made more viet Union. disiurbing when you realise that if Union Card We appreciate their aitempts at hu- someone had an accident at night you mour, regarding Soviet Citizens, their wouidn't be able lo cali Security to ar- dress sense, music taste, etc. Il is noi range an Ambulance. Wouidn't il be number and their fault that they were cut off from prudent for the accommodalion office Western Culture fw many years during lo restore our phone links to securily in your name the Gold War. It is hard for the Soviet view of the phones importance to stu- people to get hold of the bare dent safely and preventing crime ? necessities, such as food, and olher A.D. Caldwell with ail things that we, in the West, take for rjear BF, granied, lei alone be obsessed with their Mosi peoplewhowatched the Band contributions appearance. Compelilion in Free Fest like myself We can sympathise with some of found Saddam Dundabin pretly funny - especially their feelings of annoyance and frustra- for five minutes.