Stemflow and throughfall determination in a resprouted Mediterranean holm- Juan Bellot, Antonio Escarre

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Juan Bellot, Antonio Escarre. Stemflow and throughfall determination in a resprouted Mediterranean holm-oak forest. Annales des sciences forestières, INRA/EDP Sciences, 1998, 55 (7), pp.847-865. ￿hal-00883240￿

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Stemflow and throughfall determination in a resprouted Mediterranean holm-oak forest

Juan Bellot Antonio Escarre

Departamento Ecologia, Universidad de Alicante, Apdo 99, Alicante, Spain

(Received 1 August 1997; accepted 17 March 1998)

Abstract - Stemflow, throughfall and data were collected for 30 consecutive months in a holm-oak forest dominated by Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo and Phyllirea media. These flux data were obtained from 50 randomly distributed no-roving throughfall collectors and 20 stemflow mea- suring devices (ten on Q. ilex and five on each of the other species). The stemllow was highly influ- enced by tree size and amount of rainfall, showing a significant correlation for each tree. Through- fall results showed a high spatial variability for each storm, with a significant independence of collectors. At forest scale, stemflow and throughfall represented 12.1 and 75 % of precipitation, respectively, and interception was estimated as 12.9 % of precipitation. Partitioning of rainfall between stemflow and throughfall created a high spatial heterogeneity of distribution under the . Stemflow increased more than 30 times the mean amount of water received per unit area around tree trunks. Finally, the effect of a change in the amount of precipitation according to a regional scenario was analyzed. It was shown that the increase in high rainfall events rather than small events increased the stemflow percentage. (©Inra /Elsevier, Paris.) holm oak / stemflow / throughfall / spatial heterogeneity / interception

Résumé - Évaluation de l’écoulement et de l’égouttement dans une forêt méditerranéenne de Chêne vert. L’écoulement, l’égouttement et l’interception des précipitations ont été mesurés pendant 30 mois consécutifs dans la chênaie de Prades (Espagne), dominée par Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo et Phyllirea media. Cinquante pluviomètres ont été placés de façon aléatoire dans la forêt, et 20 col- licrs de mesure d’écoulement le long des troncs ont été installés sur les trois espèces dominantes. L’écoulement le long des troncs est fortement influencé par l’âge des arbres (diamètre des troncs) et par la précipitation incidente, présentant une bonne corrélation avec ces variables. L’égouttement montre une grande variabilité pour chaque averse, et une indépendance statistique significative d’un collecteur à l’autre. À l’échelle forêt, on conclut que l’écoulement représente une importante entrée d’eau dans le sol (12,1 % des précipitations), l’égouttement présente un niveau similaire aux autres forêts (75 %), et l’interception par le couvert atteint 12.9% des précipitations. La répartition de la pluie entre écoulement et égouttement induit une forte variabilité spatiale de la distribution de l’eau sur le sol, et cette hétérogénéité augmente avec la densité du couvert. L’écoulement multiplie par 30

* Correspondence and reprints E-mail: [email protected]. l’apport d’eau par unité de surface autour des troncs. Finalement, l’effet d’un possible changement climatique, avec une augmentation des fortes pluies, a été analysé. Les résultats montrent une aug- mentation de l’écoulement le long des troncs, et ses effets sur le bilan hydrique au niveau du bassin versant sont discutés. (©Inra /Elsevier, Paris.) chênaie / écoulement / égouttement / hétérogénéité spatiale / interception

1. INTRODUCTION Hanchi and Rapp [18] have reported the importance of the technique used to deter- From the hydrological point of view, the mine stemflow in forest stands to obtain pre- forest canopy could be considered as a filter cise and reliable results. A method based layer allowing rainfall water to pass through on the correlation between stemflow vol- its gap structure. In this approach, the tree ume and the respective tree diameter at crowns and stems form a funnel which takes breast height (DBH) seems to be the most water from the filter layer and conveys it convenient to calculate the total stemflow down the stems to the soil [6, 30]. The stem for a stand. In arid and semi-arid regions, density and diameter distribution represent some studies have found a high concentra- the number and sizes of the funnels of the tion of water input close to the stems [17, forest canopy layer, respectively. Both influ- 31]. In these cases, stemflow could repre- ence the amount of stemflow, the spatial sent an important input of water to be used variation in the redistribution of non-inter- by the , because it is more easily infil- cepted rainfall, as well as the hydrological trated through the macropores [8] unless cycle of forested catchments [11, 43]. The it reaches the ground surface as a spatially effect is a high spatial and temporal variation concentrated input exceeding infiltration in stemflow and throughfall as a conse- capacity. This infiltration represents a self- quence of the canopy structure and precip- supply of water to the area around the root itation conditions. Dripping points, gap and system [15, 31]. funnel distributions in space, determine the According to the literature reviewed [14, in the of water spatial heterogeneity input 23, 32, 33], stemflow should constitute a to the forest soil. small percentage of precipitation (0-5%), The role of the canopy in the redistribu- which contrasts with the 12 % measured in tion of precipitation inputs to the forest soil the resprouted Mediterranean holm-oak for- has been well studied in both temperate and est of Prades [5]. The difference could be tropical ecosystems ([1, 2, 16, 20, 21, 22, explained by the high tree density and the 24, 32, 37, 38, 41], and many other stud- frequency of intense, large storm events ies). Most of these papers emphasize the common to the Mediterranean climate. importance of throughfall as the major water Whereas the first reason is linked to the flow on aboveground vegetated surfaces in structural characteristics of the forest, the the canopy. Stemflow has been neglected second may modify the degree of stemflow or even not measured in many of the hydro- according to the climatic conditions in this logical studies carried out in forest ecosys- or in other areas. The generalization of this tems [23, 27, 33], because it is believed to precipitation regime, frequent in semi-arid represent a small percentage of precipita- Mediterranean areas [34], to other forested tion. However, Aussenac [3] and Herwitz regions would represent an increase in stem- [21] reported high stemflow values in some flow and consequently a reduction in super- temperate and tropical , respectively, ficial runoff and erosion. On this assump- due to the combination of high rainfall inten- tion, a climatic scenario such as that sities and the funnelling effect. Recently, proposed by Rambal and Debussche [39], which predicts a change in the number and 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS distribution of rainfall events - even with minor changes in the total annual rainfall - could affect the forest through 2.1. Study area increased stemflow and infiltration [9, 10, 26]. The study was carried out at Prades experi- mental station in the of N.E. The aim of this paper is to analyze the province Tarragona, rainfall partitioning between throughfall, Spain. The forest covers the Poblet mountains where there are some gauged instrumented water- stemflow and in a Mediter- interception sheds (41° 13’ N, 1° 10’ E): the Avic, Teula and ranean holm-oak forest under a character- Saucar, with catchment areas between 24 and istic precipitation regime. As these patterns 53 ha, mean slopes from 25.2 to 28.5°, and alti- can be similar to those occurring in other tudes ranging from 650 to 1 135 m a.s.l. The areas if the precipitation regime changes, geological material is mainly palaeozoic slate, and the soil is a with a mean they can be used to estimate the xerochrept depth hydrologi- between 50 and 100 cm. The average precipita- cal consequences of these trends. In partic- tion is about 570 mm ycar-1, and the mean annual this stresses the role of ular, study vegetation temperature is 13 °C. During the period of study in: 1) channelling rainfall water by stem- the mean precipitation was 518 mm ycar-1, with- flow and producing the variability of out significant differences (Wilcoxon ranks test) throughfall on the forest ; 2) redis- between the two sampling areas at the top and bottom of the forest is tributing the rainfall through the canopy vallcy (see figure 1). The dominated by Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo and water and 3) stemflow pathways; modifying Phyllirea media, followed by Erica arborea, and throughfall partitioning due to the Acer monspessulanum, Sorbus aria and Ilex effects of changes in the precipitation aquifolium to a lesser degree [13]. A set of 69 regime. plots (25 m2 each plot) distributed at three alti- tudes (750, 850 and 950 m a.s.l.) across the Avic oak forest, the diameter was measured at 50 cm catchment showed a mean density of 9 178 stems and called DKH (diameter at knee height). Inter- ha-1 (ranging from 8 000 to 18 200 stems ha-1), ception (INT) was estimated by daily differences and a mean basal area of 37.9 m2 ha-1 [29]. The between precipitation (P) and STF plus THF. calculated mean area index (LAI) was 4.6 m2 The LAI was estimated using the relationship m-2 at the and m2 m-2 at the bot- top 5.3 valley between the increment of light extinction and tom. Tree from 3 to 9 m [42]. height ranged that of the leaf area index in the canopy profile Small differences were detected between the [25]. In three square columns (0.5 x 0.5 m), the catchment structure and the average hydrology extinction was measured with a sunfleck stand with the three main light sample only species. ceptometer (Delta T device) at every 0.5 m dif- The mean density of the last catchment structure ference in height. Eleven readings for light extinc- was 8 460 stems the LAI to ha-1, with equal tion were obtained from each column located 5.1 m2 m-2 and 5-m trees. high randomly in three areas in the canopy. were collected every 125 dm3 (0.5 m deep), in the three 5-m tall columns. were 2.2. Samples transported Methodology to the laboratory, and leaf area was measured with a leaf area meter Li-3000 (LiCor Inc.). An To assess the flux in this hydrological forest, exponential regression between the mean LAI the was used: ten following experimental design measurements and average light extinction was rainfall collectors distributed in cleared areas at established and used to estimate the LAI from two different altitudes in the Avic at catchment, measurements of light extinction with the cep- the top and at the bottom of the valley; one con- tometer located over each THF collector in the tinuous gauge located at the valley bottom, plot. 50 no-roving throughfall collectors, randomly The area was estimated located in a 950-m2 forest plot at the top of the projected catchment, and four no-roving throughfall col- assuming a circular projection area (crown = lectors located in the valley bottom forest plot; 20 π R2) for each tree, where R was the mean dis- stemflow collectors the diame- tance between the tree trunks and the end of the evenly covering branch A linear correlation between ter rank distribution in the three major tree species projection. mean stem diameter and crown (ten for Q. ilex in the top plot, five for A. unedo projected (m2) and five for P. media in the bottom The was cstablished in a set of 72 Q. ilex trees clas- plot). in I location of the different is shown sified 1 DKH classes. The fitted function gauges in fig- * was: crown (m2) = 1.017 + 1.064 DKH (cm), ure 1. The design used was planned to take into with R2 = 0.689 (d.f. = 9). this function, the account the effect of the canopy multilayer struc- Using crown area was calculated for each of ture, and to obtain global stemflow and through- projected the ten ilex trees for STF. fall values at the forest scale. Stemflow was sam- Q. sampled pled in small and large trees of the same canopy layer despite the fact that in the small trees it could be underestimated, unlike the isolated and 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION uncovered trees. Throughfall and stemflow val- ues obtained in this way could be more accurate for a canopy filter layer approach in a forest [6]. 3.1. Stemflow The sampling frequency was each rainfall event for throughfull and stemflow, and a continuous 3.1.1. measurement for rainfall. The data series used Stemflow average tree in this work extended from June 1981 to Novem- and size influence ber 1983. Table I shows the fitted functions Linear and power functions were fitted for (lin- each tree sampled to estimate the stemflow from ear and power) between P and STF for each precipitation as a function of tree size. Stemflow tree sampled in the three species. All regres- (STF) and throughfall (THF) at forest scale were sion equations were significant at 95 %, processed, extending the average throughfall data showing that intercepts and regression coef- from the to the whole catchment sampling plot ficients of the linear surface and applying the stemflow cquation from regression equations increase with DKH. A Student’s t-test of each tree sampled to the number of trees in the same diameter class in the reference area. Due significance of differences between pairs of to the resprouting structure of the Prades holm- regression coefficients in ascending order, using their standard error, showed that 80 % the results (table II) indicate that the total of regression coefficients increased signifi- STF in the Avic catchment forest was cantly from one tree to another and with 62 mm year-1. In spite of being the dominant DKH [5]. Both types of function showed tree (71 % of the number of trees ha-1), Q. the effect of tree size, since the allometric ilex only contributes 55 % of the annual relationship has a more structural sense. Fur- STF, A. unedo 32 % and P. media 13 %. ther calculations of STF were made using The A. unedo species, probably because of the power function. its particular branch structure and crown the STF values per To calculate STF at the catchment level shape, presents highest tree. (under a spatially uniform rainfall hypothe- sis), the DKH distribution of the three The trunk diameter at 0.5 m high (DKH) species can be converted into the amount was also incorporated into a multiple regres- of water reaching the forest soil by applying sion function to improve the performance their particular equations (table I). Total of the model, since the DKH reflects the daily STF collected by all trees was calcu- size of the tree crowns. Different equation lated on a ground area basis. A general equa- types (linear, logarithmic and other equa- tion to estimate the daily STF from the tions from the literature) were applied to a amount of P in the Avic forest catchment data set of daily values. The highest corre- was obtained. The fitted function was: STF lation coefficient was obtained for all species * (mm) =- 0.285 + 0.133 P (mm); with R2 with the logarithmic function (table III). = 0.995 and n = 60 (figure 2). At forest scale, Only in the case of Q. ilex was the R2

improved using the function proposed by √(I+B/2)/(π/2)-(d/2), where I is the Haworth and McPherson [19], which was infiltration area B is trunk area applied also to a tree of the Quercus genus (m2); basal (Q. emory) with similar results. For the other (m2); and d is trunk diameter (m). Accord- to these STF in a species (A. unedo and P. media), this equa- ing authors, infiltrates cir- tion was not statistically significant, proba- cle or semi-circle whose average radial dis- bly due to the different branch structure and tances depend on rainfall intensity, soil tree shape. infiltration capacity and slope angle, and rarely exceed 15 cm. In spite of these variable, the 3.1.2. Concentration ratio of stemflow parameters being highly appli- cation of this model to the sampled trees to tree crown projection provides an estimate of the surface area from 1.2 to 117 cm2 (table IV) in an event of 85.7 The relationship of the STF values to the mm rainfall, with a 960-min duration and a projected crown area or to the basal area mean intensity of 8.2 mm h-1. reflects the capacity of different trees to con- centrate rainfall water from the canopy layer The Herwitz approach [21 ] was used to to the area around their trunks. Aussenac calculate the crown contributing area, as [2], Tanaka et al. Falkengren-Grerup [15], well as the funnelling ratio for each of the and others that STF infiltration [44] suggest ten sampled trees (table V). The funnelling water could reach a distance no greater than ratio shows the highest values for the small 30 cm from the trunk. But Nàvar and Bryan trees, independently of their projected crown the of Herwitz [31], modifying equation surfaces. As can be observed in tables IV [21], a model to relate the infil- proposed and V, the calculated infiltration area is very tration area around the tree trunks as a func- small, based on a soil infiltration capacity tion of trunk basal area stem diameter (B), of 820 mm h-1 (1.36 cm3 cm-2 min-1) recal- and distances covered infiltration excess by culated from Piñol’s [35] measurements travel The model is (Dr). proposed Dr= using a ring infiltrometer (0.3 m diameter). Only for the tallest tree does the calculated around the tree trunks receive less water by radial distance of infiltration excess STF than THF for the smallest trees, but approach 3 cm from the trunk. The high nearly 30 times the average THF for the infiltration capacity of the Prades forest soil large trees. (820 mm h-1) seems to be the main factor in the distance of infiltration excess. reducing 3.1.3. Stemflow in relation to the needs On an annual scale (table V), for 518 mm of trees of mean P during the period of study, the measured STF volume for these trees ranged from 9 L year-1 in small trees to 605 L In order to evaluate its relevance, STF year-1 in large trees. These figures repre- can be compared with the tree evapotran- sent the amount of water received from a spiration in this Mediterranean forest. The crown contributing surface ranging from average annual evapotranspiration in the 0.017 to 1.17 m2, only infiltrated over an Avic forest catchment was calculated by area of 0.0117 m2 in the large sampled tree. water balance after 10 years of study as These small areas receive high amounts of 458 mm [7, 36]. This quantity is distributed water in terms of mm equivalent to rainfall. by crown surfaces, assuming that evapo- Another way of comparing the STF con- transpiration is proportional to the respective centration capacity with respect to rainfall is tree basal areas. The mean annual tree to take into account the proposed 15-cm evapotranspiration is estimated by dis- trunk distance for STF infiltration. In this tributing the annual water (458 mm) among case, the surface area of distribution around the number of trees in each diameter class. the tree trunk represents on average 362 cm2 As a result of this assumption, trees with (table V). On this assumption, the annual 6.0 and 23.5 cm diameters would annually water received around the trunk of a medium evaporate amounts of 551 and 1 136 L, tree of 12.6 cm DKH is equivalent to respectively. Comparing these estimated 3 874 mm annual precipitation. In open values with the STF measured in the sam- spaces the water received is 518 mm, while pled trees (table V), we can observe that in 389 mm is received as THF under canopy the small trees (DKH = 6.0 cm) the stem- cover when the distance is more than 15 cm flow measured was 49 L, and in the large from the trunks. In summary, these areas trees (DKH = 23.5 cm), it reached 605 L per year. These figures highlight the signif- tion. Figure 3 shows the relationship icance of STF, because on average this flow between P and THF, as well as the maxi- only corresponded to 39 % of the water tran- mum and minimum values observed in each spired by the trees, ranging from 9 % in the rain event. From this relationship, the vari- small trees to 53 % in the large trees. ability can once again be appreciated: the asymmetric distribution of maximum and minimum values on either side of the mean. 3.2. Throughfall Across all ranges of P, some collectors take more water than average, and even exceed the P in open areas. On the contrary, other 3.2.1. Throughfall average areas receive less water than the and spatial variability average. An explanation of these results may be the existence of preferential routes or dripping In all forested soils, THF normally rep- points in the canopy layer that concentrate resents the in which soil water major way the water from a part of the canopy. If this is and an value is recharged, average gen- pattern were constant in time, soil moisture assumed in of the dis- erally spite irregular would be higher than average at these points, tribution over the covered soil surface. The while others would be considered as dry soil fact is as the THF value that, usual, average sites in the same forest. is the only reference to this flux in many areas. The amount of P is the main factor As the canopy depth is the main factor in determining the THF average value (fig- to intercept rainfall water in the canopy layer ure 2), and there is a positive and signifi- approach, a preliminary hypothesis could cant (R2 = 0.995, n = 60) linear correlation be the association of the THF amount at * (THR = 0.82 P - 1.30). However, the each soil point, with the LAI in the part of observed THF data from the 50 collectors the canopy covering each collector. To used in the Prades forest reflect the spatial examine this effect on spatial THF vari- variability of the daily rainfall redistribu- ability, a one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) was performed. The four LAI tributions. In this case, their skewness values found over collectors were used to parameters were near zero. calculate the four THF average values in each LAI class (table VI). The results show 3.2.3. Spatial independence of that although lower amounts of THF corre- throughfall collectors spond to high LAI values, these differences were not significant. As has been indicated, THF collectors are normally distributed under the stand only The spatial THF variability measured by in the heavy rainfall events, being largely the daily coefficient of variation (CV %) in skewed and temporally changing in the rest. the 50 collectors was higher for small storm The shapes of this distribution reveal any events and decreased asymptotically as rain- fixed structure of dripping points in the fall increased [5]. Furthermore, the fre- canopy layer. Following Loustau et al. [28], quency in distribution of collectors is mod- the spatial independence of THF individual ified according to the amount of rainfall. collectors was checked using a variogram Small rainfall events present an inverse J- analysis (GEO-EAS software [12]). Each distribution of collectors (largely skewed to of the computed variograms had a horizon- the right), because only a few collectors in tal linear shape, as shown in figure 5. The favourable positions under dripping shape of the variograms did not reveal any branches received more THF amounts than structure of spatial auto-correlation between most of the others. In big rainfall events, the measurements of THF. This means that collectors receive more uniform amounts of the variance of THF did not show consis- THF with more normal distribution results. tent variation as the distance between the The skewness statistical parameter was cal- two points of THF measurement increased. culated for these distributions, and their val- Therefore, the measurements of THF for ues versus the rainfall amount and maxi- each collector were assumed to be inde- mum intensity are presented in figure 4. All pendent of each other. the skewness parameter values were greater than zero, showing a positive asymmetry, thereby confirming the deviation shown in 3.3. Interception figure 3. The highest values (5.01 and 4.65) were found for rainfall events of low inten- The INT of rainfall represents the pre- sity and volume, whilst the opposite was cipitation fraction re-evaporated from the observed when these rainfall events had a water retained and stored in the canopy, wet high volume and were near the normal dis- leaves and branches. From a hydrological

of INT a fraction of point view, represents follows a significant (R2 = 0.561 for n = 60) the rainfall not the forest soil. It is * reaching power expression (INT = 0.86 p0.406), lev- a loss of water in the sense of transpiration elling off as the saturation capacity is water, but it is not completely lost in the reached. sense of the forest hydrological cycle The or saturation as can because transpiration is reduced during the storage capacity be deduced from the power relationship evaporation processes of the intercepted seems to have a maximum value, with a water on leaves [4, 40]. In common with that could be a function of both the THF INT also shows magnitude spatial pattern, spa- tree structure and P characteristics tial variations within the forest resulting canopy during the event. The fitted curve equation from differences in the structure and canopy in percentage form (figure 6) reflects a min- variations in climatic conditions and during imum levelling-off value near 10-12 % of after rainfalls. Data from spatial dripping the rainfall, with the highest percentage for in the Prades forest these points fully support the smallest rainfall events. In any case, the ideas on INT The mean variability. daily INT of rainfall by the forest canopy could be INT calculated as the difference between P established between a minimum value equal less THF plus STF reflects the fact that daily to the sum of the thresholds for THF and INT is not constant, and shows a low vari- STF (1.6 and 2.2 mm, respectively), and a ability decreasing with the rainfall. The rela- maximum value near 10-15 mm in the gross tionship between INT and P (both in mm) rainfalls. 3.4. Rainfall water redistribution amount, and INT decreases as rainfall at forest scale increases.

To test which other factors of rainfall The mean annual values of THF, STF events besides the amount of the water influ- and INT for the Avic holm-oak forest and ence the water pathways in the canopy, the their percentages of annual rainfall are pre- correlation coefficient between THF, STF sented in table VII. The importance of the and INT and some parameters of rainfall STF (12.1 % of the total rainfall) is notice- events (maximum and average rainfall inten- able, as well as its similarity to the inter- sity, storm duration and previous dry period) cepted part of the rain (12.9 %). Throughfall were calculated. Table VIII shows the cal- is obviously the major pathway of rainfall culated correlation coefficients and demon- water through the canopy layer (75 % of the strates the positive effect of some of these total). There is a difference between the parameters that can homogenize the differ- Avic forest data and that in the literature ential effect of the canopy structure. Maxi- reviewed, which reports STF normally rang- mum intensity, rainfall duration and the rel- ing from 1-5 % of rainfall [ 14, 23, 33]. Fig- ative duration of rainfall with an intensity ure 6 shows the fitted equations to the three higher than the average showed significant water pathways in percentage of rainfall for correlation coefficients with the three path- the Avic holm-oak canopy. The fitted equa- ways. In contrast, mean intensity and dry tions are significant (P < 0.001), and show period length previous to P did not have sig- the characteristic trend for each pathway. nificant correlation coefficients with any Throughfall and STF increase with rainfall water flow. 3.5. Effect of amount of precipitation As the amount of P is the major factor on water pathway percentage determining the spatial distribution of rain- fall water on forest soils, the possible effect of a climatic change suggested by Rambal To explore the possible effect of the and Debussche [39] for the Mediterranean amount of P on the high stemflow values region was analyzed. These authors indi- observed, P events were classified according cate that one of the possible effects of cli- to the amounts of rainfall. Seven rainfall matic changes is the increase in high daily classes (from less than 5 mm to more than rainfall class frequency (in particular rainfall 100 mm/event) allowed THF, STF and INT higher than 25.6 mm day-1), and the to be estimated within each rainfall inter- decrease in frequency of small events (less val. The results (table IX) show that, in the than 6.5 mm day-1), whilst the annual rain- Prades forest, only 17 % of rainfall water fall and their monthly distribution do not is produced by small events (less than seem to change significantly. Applying the 20 mm), 21 % is produced by events Rambal and Debussche [39] prediction and between 20 and 40 mm, and the most notice- assuming that the present behaviour is main- able fact is that 62 % of water comes in tained, in the Prades forest the INT could events with more than 40 mm. This partic- be reduced to 5 % rainfall and STF and THF ular rainfall event distribution is character- increased to 13 and 82 %, respectively istic of the Spanish Mediterranean area [34], (table X). and is different from that of the probably These changes can affect the rainfall areas where the P temperate highest fre- water redistribution in the Mediterranean is less than 20 mm/event. quency forest, with effects on the overland runoff water yield as a consequence of the STF At catchment scale, THF, STF and INT increase and the infiltration effect [17]. It have been calculated by regressions from is assumed that for an area located in the gross rainfall for each of the seven classes transition zone between temperate and dry (table X). Stemflow and THF change from Mediterranean climates, these possible 5 and 42 % when rainfall events are small changes in rainfall water redistribution by (5 mm or less) to 14 and 83 %, respectively, the canopy can be relevant to water use by for events with more than 65 mm, reducing , and to the control of overland flow the INT to 3 %. and soil erosion [11].

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