A G E N D A Regular Council Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 2019 @ 4:00 PM Council Chambers, 420 Leslie Avenue, ON



Moment of Silence


Council of The Municipality of hereby acknowledges that we are in the Robinson-Superior Treaty Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg and the Metis.




a) GCK- Presentation Tourism Strategy- Lisa Haessler


a) Minutes of the previous Meeting of Council held Dec 11, 2018 4 - 11 Regular Council - 11 Dec 2018 - Minutes - Pdf

b) Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting held December 11, 2018 12 - 14 INAUGURAL MEETING - 11 Dec 2018 - Minutes - Pdf

c) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes


a) Minutes of the Shuniah Occupational Health and Safety Committee


a) By-law Enforcement

b) Building and Planning

i) Ad Hoc Committee update- Official Plan Review - Shannon Dodd Smith to present

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the updates and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee and supports their recommendations as presented AND FURTHER THAT Council supports initiating discussion with Canadian National Railway regarding the Kinghorn line and pursuing possible future acquisition to the Municipality and/ or Page 1 of 57


ii) Building Permit Summary 15 Dec BP Summary 2018

THAT Council receives a copy of the Building Permit Summary and same be filed in the Clerk's Office. c) Public Works

i) Roadside Memorial Policy 16 - 17 Roadside Memorial Policy Draft

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the draft Roadside Memorial Policy and further directs the Clerk to bring forward a by-law to adopt same. d) Fire Department

i) Fire Department Report 18 Fire Monthly Report Jan 23rd 2019

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Fire Chief's Report as presented AND FURTHER THAT Council hereby accepts the Fire Chief's recommendation and appoints Mr. Kevin Gyori as a member to the Shuniah Emergency Services. e) Administration

i) Council's Code of Conduct-DRAFT (brought back from Nov 2017) 19 - 44 Report resubmitted from Regular Council - 28 Nov 2017 - Agenda - Pdf Draft Code of Conduct 2017

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Draft Code of Conduct and further directs the Clerk to bring back a by-law to adopt same.

ii) Request to attend AMCTO Conference in Huntsville June 45 Link- Conference at a Glance AMCTO 2019-Conference-Workshops

THAT the Clerk be authorized to attend the Association of Municipal Clerk's and Treasurers Annual Conference in Deerhurst June 9-12 2019 and that her expenses be paid according to policy.

iii) Shuniah Tanker Truck 46 Volunteer Fire Request for Tanker

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the letter from Ben Atkinson, Fire Chief of the Hurkett Volunteer Fire Department for Page 2 of 57

the request to purchase the Shuniah Emergency Services Tanker truck being possibly rendered as surplus equipment.

f) Finance Department

i) Monthly expenditures for December 2018 47 - 49 December Monthly Expenditures 2018


a) A by-law to appoint a Secretary to the Committee of Adjustment 50 A by-law to appoint a Secretary Treauser to the Committee of Adjusment



a) Thunder Bay Military Resource Family Centre-Letter of Thanks re: 51 Donation from Josh Klukie Fund TBay Military Family Resource Centre


a) List of Unfinished business 52 List of Unfinished Business Jan 17 2018


a) Lakehead Region Conservation Authority fundraising Dinner Feb 6:00 53 - 57 pm DaVinci Centre. LRCA Dinner and Auction 2019 Donation Sponsor Levels 2019 Ticket Order Form

Council hereby authorize the purchase of a full table of 8 for the Conservation Fundraising Dinner on February 9, 2017 at the Davinci Centre, Thunder Bay and that the following persons are authorized to attend


a) To discuss possible land disposition

b) To discuss Personnel matters



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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council Held on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 4:00 PM in Council Chambers, 420 Leslie Avenue, Thunder Bay, Ontario

THOSE PRESENT: Mayor Wendy Landry Councillor Don Smith Councillor Donna Blunt Councillor Duff Stewart Councillor Ron Giardetti


ALSO PRESENT: Nadene Hunley-Johansen, Clerk Paul Greenwood, CAO Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations Blair Arthur, Fire Chief Susan Moore, Treasurer Jason Evans, CEDO

1) CALL TO ORDER Moment of Silence

Res No.1932-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT this Regular Meeting of Council is hereby called to order at 4:03 p.m. CARRIED.


Council of The Municipality of Shuniah hereby acknowledges that we are in the Robinson-Superior Treaty Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg and the Metis.

2) DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST No member of Council declared a pecuniary interest on any matter on the agenda


The Mayor requested that the closed session be moved to follow the presentation under Item 4.

Res No.1933-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

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THAT the agenda be accepted as amended. CARRIED.

4) PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS –PRESENTATION a) Chief Wayne Gates- Superior North Emergency Measures Services ( EMS ) Presentation To Council

Mr.Gates also introduced Ernie Cadakoff who was also present to speak to Council. Mr Gates discusses the historical services and costing with the Municipality. He indicated that the EMS's service area is very large area as they serve the whole district and they go wherever they are called and have even responded to the Algoma District who have also responded within this District. He explained that the funding is suppose to be 50/50 and Shuniah is levied at 4.28 % . The presentation primarily covered an overview of ambulance services in the area and described the many challenges facing the Thunder Bay Emergency Services. Mr. Gates indicated their number one area to be reviewed and improved is related to dispatch. A change in dispatch would help especially in relation with coding. There are many code 4 which are not actual code 4 causing ambulance services to be extended to their maximum capacity. Also wait times at the hospital for unloading patients is another cause for delays. There will be a review and hopefully with new changes it will alleviate the unnecessary number of calls for service.

5) CLOSED SESSION - a) To discuss personnel matters - review applications and expressions of interest for Council Board Appointments

Res No.1934-18

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT, in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, we adjourn at the hour of 5:12 p.m. to meet in closed session to discuss: a) personnel issues with respect to reviewing applications to sit on various boards and Committees of Council CARRIED.

Res No.1935-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT at the hour of 5:32 p.m., we resume meeting in open session. CARRIED.


Res No.1936-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT the following persons are hereby appointed to fill the citizen

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positions on the Shuniah Boards and Committees of Council Police Services Board (1 Council Don Smith, 1 Municipal Citizen Appointment) Citizen Appointment 1. Bob Vanatto

Committee of Adjustment (5 Citizen Appointments) 1. Bill Paul 2. Lawrence Kellar 3. William Covello 4. Angela Calaiezzi 5. Jo-Anne Hamelin

Recreation Committee (1 Council Ron Giardetti , 2 Citizen Appointments) 1. Angela Calaiezzi 2. Jo-Anne Hamelin 3. Karen Cameron-Powell

Property Standards Committee (3 Citizen Appointments) 1. Bill Paull 2. Angela Calaiezzi 3. William Covello CARRIED.

6) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING a) Minutes of the previous Meeting of Council held November 27, 2018

Res No.1937-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held November 27, 2018 be adopted as circulated and that same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

b) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

Councillor Stewart indicated that the previous minutes may not have been clear in that it is up to Craig to designate a road for the Municipal Alliance for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Ontario MACAVO.


Res No.1938-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the minutes of the Tender Opening Committee held November 23, 2018 and same be filed in the Clerk's Office CARRIED.


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Page 6 of 57 Regular Council December 11, 2018 a) By-law Enforcement b) Building and Planning i) November Building Permit Summary

Res No.1939-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the November Building Permit Summary and same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

ii) Request to proceed with rezoning McConnell Road to Rural.

Res No.1940-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT Council hereby authorizes the Clerk to proceed with the process to rezone the lots fronting on McConnell Drive from Open Space to Rural in order to correct the zoning map under By-law 2038-00 CARRIED. c) Public Works d) Fire Department i) Report re: Pumper Truck

Res No.1941-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT Council hereby awards the RFP for the Pumper to Acres Emergency Vehicles in the amount of $558,293.62 plus HST. CARRIED. e) Administration i) Appoint Acting Mayors for 2019 to 2022 -Council to decide monthly or yearly appointments

Res No.1942-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT Council hereby appoints the Acting Mayors on an annual basis as attached to this resolution. starting with Councillor Duff Stewart 2019, Councillor Don Smith 2020, Councillor Ron Giardetti 2021 and Councillor Donna Blunt 2022. CARRIED.

ii) Appointment of Council to various Boards and Committees

Res No.1943-18

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Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT the following members of Council are hereby appointed to sit on the following Boards and/or Committees Board of Health (1 appointment) 1. Councillor Don Smith Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (1 appointment) 1. Councillor Donna Blunt Thunder Bay District Municipal League 1. Mayor Landry 2. Councillor Duff Stewart

Shuniah Police Services Board (Mayor or Designate) 1. Councillor Don Smith Shuniah Recreation Committee (1 appointment) 1. Councillor Ron Giardetti Lakehead Rural Municipal Coalition (Area One) 1. Mayor Landry 2. Councillor Don Smith as alternated


iii) Expression of Interest to sit on the Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy Committee- Councillor Stewart

Res No.1944-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT Councillor Duff Stewart's name be submitted to the Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy Committee as the TBDML representative. AND THAT his expenses be paid according to policy. CARRIED.

iv) Draft RFP for Organizational and Compensation Review Project to be presented at Council Meeting.

Res No.1945-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Draft RFP for an Organizational Review and Compensation Review Project CARRIED. f) Finance Department i) Monthly Expenditure for November

Res No.1946-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Monthly Expenditure for November and same be filed in the Clerk's

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Office. CARRIED.

ii) Funding and Pre-Budget Approval for Playground Equipment at Wild Goose Park.

Res No.1947-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT Council approves pre-budget approval for $65,000 to move forward with acquiring quotes for a playground and installation at Wild Goose Park in 2019.


9) BY-LAWS a) A By-Law to set the 2019 Interim Tax Rates

Due to the nature of the by-law Councillor Smith requested all three readings

Res No.1948-18

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT A By-law to set the 2019 Interim Tax Rates be read a First and Second time this 11th day of December 2018 CARRIED.

Res No.1949-18

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a By-law to set the 2019 Interim Tax Rates be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3044-18 AND THAT THE SAID By-law be engrossed in the By-law book. CARRIED.

b) A by-law to ratify the Agreement between the Municipality of Shuniah and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 87

Due to the nature of the By-law Councillor Blunt requested all three readings be given.

Res No.1950-18

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT A by-law to ratify the Agreement between the Municipality of Shuniah and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 87 be read a first and second time this 11th day of December 2018. CARRIED.

Res No.1951-18

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a By-law to ratify the Agreement between the Municipality of Shuniah and the Canadian Union of Public

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Employees Local 87 be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3045-18 AND THAT THE SAID By-law be engrossed in the By-law book. CARRIED.

c) A By-Law to set out the Appointment Procedure For Council Representation in the Six Area One Municipalities on the Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board

Due to the nature Councillor Giardetti requested all three readings be given.

Res No.1952-18

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT A By-Law to set out the Appointment Procedure For Council Representation in the Six Area One Municipalities on the Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board be read a first and second time this 11th day of December. CARRIED.

Res No.1953-18

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT A By-Law to set out the Appointment Procedure For Council Representation in the Six Area One Municipalities on the Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3046-18 AND THAT THE SAID By-law be engrossed in the By-law book. CARRIED.


Councillor Smith went to Toronto to attend the Ontario Police Services Board meeting and they are waiting to see what comes of the Safer Ontario Act. Councillor Stewart attended the TBDML and he indicated that it was well attended Councillor Blunt indicated that the LRCA has a new sign at mission island marsh and she indicated it was very beautiful and like a piece of art. The Mayor attended NOMA Board and pointed out that they have lost over 1/2 of the board.

11) GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE a) Minister of Finance correspondence regarding Ontario Cannabis Legalization Implementation Fund

Res No.1954-18

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Minister of Finance correspondence regarding Ontario Cannabis Legalization Implementation Fund and same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

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12) UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) List of Unfinished business

Res No.1955-18

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the list of Unfinished Business and same be filed in the Clerk’s Office. CARRIED.


14) CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW Confirmation By-law

Res No.1956-18

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT a By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be read a First, Second and Third time on this 11 th day of December 2018 and Numbered 3047-18 AND THAT the said By-law be engrossed in the By-law Book. CARRIED.


Res No.1957-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT the hour of 6:22 p.m. having arrived this regular Meeting of Council hereby adjourns. CARRIED.




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THOSE PRESENT: Mayor Wendy Landry Councillor Don Smith Councillor Donna Blunt Councillor Duff Stewart Councillor Ron Giardetti

ALSO PRESENT: Nadene Hunley-Johansen, Clerk Paul Greenwood, CAO Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations Blair Arthur, Fire Chief Susan Moore, Treasurer Jason Evan, Economic Development Officer Approximately 15 guests

1. Welcome and Introduction - CAO

2. Presentation a) Chain of Office - Presented by CAO

b) Mayor's Gavel - Presented by Clerk

3. ORAL OATH OF OFFICE- Clerk to Administer The Clerk will conduct the oral oath of office for all elected positions

1. Councillor Elect MacGregor Ward - Donna Blunt 2. Councillor Elect MacGregor Ward- Ron Giardetti 3. Councillor Elect MacGregor Ward- Don Smith 4. Councillor Elect McTavish Ward- Duff Stewart

Having been elected or appointed to the office of Councillor for the Municipality of Shuniah do solemnly promise and declare that: 1. You will truly, faithfully and impartially exercise this office to the best of you knowledge and ability. 2. You have not received and will not receive any payment or reward, or promise thereof, for the exercise of this office in a biased, corrupt or in any other improper manner. 3. You will disclose any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 4. You will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. You make this solemn promise and declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.

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5. Mayor Wendy Landry

Having been elected or appointed to the office of the Mayor of the Municipality of Shuniah do solemnly promise and declare that: 1. You will truly, faithfully and impartially exercise this office to the best of my knowledge and ability. 2. You have not received and will not receive any payment or reward, or promise thereof, for the exercise of this office in a biased, corrupt or any improper manner. 3. You will disclose any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Do you identify as an Indigenous person and assert that making the declaration of allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second would be inconsistent with you views regarding the relationship between the Crown and Indigenous peoples. Do you make this solemn promise and declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath.

Please take your seat at the head of the table and please call your first meeting to order.

4. MAYOR TO CALL FIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL TO ORDER The Clerk will call the meeting to order Moment of Silence


Council of The Municipality of Shuniah hereby acknowledges that we are in the Robinson-Superior Treaty Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg and the Metis.

Res No. 1-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT this Inaugural Meeting of Council is hereby called to order at 3:00 pm CARRIED.


Res No. 2-18

Moved by Councillor Duff Stewart, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

That the agenda be accepted as presented. CARRIED.


No member declared a pecuniary interest on any matter on the agenda.

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Each member of Council addressed the audience and staff


The Mayor gave a brief thank you speech thanking for her support to family, friends and staff.


Res No. 3-18

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Duff Stewart

THAT the hour of 3:20 p.m. having arrived this Inaugural Meeting of Council hereby adjourns. CARRIED.




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Municipality of Shuniah Chief Building Tom Butler, CBO Official: Construction Value of Building Permits Issued in: 2018

Permit Cost of Area of Occupancy Submission Date Date Issued Construction Type Construction Address Legal Description Permit Fee No. Construction Construction Permit Fee Nov $3,307,631.00 $33,108.87 Total CON 7 S PT SECTION 6 2,080.00 1,040 Sq ft 55R1588 PARTS 5 & 6 PCL 7454-18 28-Nov-18 10-Dec-18 Demolition 218 Bass Lake Rd 16393 OF 15854 75.00 CON 7 S PT SECTION 6 24,000.00 960 Sq ft 55R1588 PARTS 5 & 6 PCL 7455-18 28-Nov-18 10-Dec-18 New Garage 218 Bass Lake Rd 16393 OF 15854 336.00 Sq ft Sq ft Sq ft Sq ft Sq ft Sq ft Sq ft Sq ft

Monthly Total $26,080.00 Monthly Total $411.00 YTD Total $3,333,711.00 YTD Total $33,519.87 $0.00 Page 15 of 57

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Public Policy: Roadside Memorials

Policy Statement:

From time to time, road fatalities occur, with a variety of memorials being erected at the scene shortly after. These memorials generally include flowers, photographs, crosses, or a combination of these items.

The Municipality acknowledges that although there is a legitimate desire from the public to allow roadside memorials within the street right-of-way, limitations are necessary for the memorials to ensure the safety of the travelling public as well as to respect the views of adjacent property owners and the general public. Further these memorials have the potential to interfere with maintenance of Municipal property and roads. Another concern is the continued reminder of the accident has the potential to trigger PTSD in those Emergency personnel who responded to the scene of the accident.


Council has determined that a policy may be appropriate in order to outline the placement and display of memorials within the Municipality of Shuniah located within our municipal road allowances. Council considered • Size, location, duration and maintenance of roadside memorials. • Respects the views of adjacent property owners and the general public. • Ensure that the roadside memorial do not constitute a hazard or obstruction to vehicles or pedestrians. • Protection of infrastructure within the right-of-way and the ability for the Municipality of Shuniah to undertake required construction and maintenance activities in areas occupied by roadside memorials. • Facilitate enforcement of regulations for roadside memorials when issues arise. • Be mindful of the effects to others who may have been involved.

Policy- Roadside Memorials

1. Memorials may be placed near the site of the fatal motor vehicle accident, in the direction of travel where the accident occurred and may not be installed within 3 metres from the shoulder of the road. 2. Memorials may be placed for a period of not more than 12 months from the date of the accident.

Page 16 of 57 3. Memorials shall only be placed in memory of a person(s) killed as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Where there are space limitations within the boulevard area of a road side, installation locations may need to be adjusted at the Municipality’s discretion. 4. Contact information must be lodged at the Municipal Office and placed at the site of the Memorial (name, phone number, email, cell phone) of the individual who should be contacted if a problem arises. 5. Parking must be considered when determining a suitable location for a memorial. For safety the Manager of Operations or his designate will assess stopping distance and the availability for vehicles to park safely off the road as well as safe access to and from the shoulder of the road. 6. All costs associated with the placement of the memorial are the responsibility of the person(s) wishing to place it. Under no circumstances will the memorials interfere with utility infrastructure or be placed without permission if placed within a utility corridor. 7. Any damage incurred as a result of the placement or removal of the roadside memorial is the responsibility of the person or persons who placed the memorial. 8. Only one roadside memorial is permitted in a given location. 9. Memorials must be made of wood and the size limited to maximum of one metre in height, 45 centimeters (18") wide and 45 centimeters (18") in depth. They must be secured in the ground a minimum of 30 centimeters (12"). No metallic fixtures or materials that can shatter such as glass or posts will be permitted as part of the structure or for supporting the structure. 10. Underground utilities locates must be undertaken prior to the installation and is the responsibility of the person installing the memorial. 11. Planting of shrubs, trees or other long-lasting materials is prohibited. Wreaths or flowers are to be organic. 12. A Memorial may be removed if: a. It is greater than 12 months from the date of the road fatality b. Determined to be a hazard c. Fallen into disrepair, d. Interferes with routine maintenance e. Is subject of a valid complaint f. Does not meet any other requirement within this policy 13. Prior to removal, staff shall attempt to contact the erectors and offer them an opportunity to bring the memorial into compliance. If the erectors cannot be contacted the memorial will be kept in a secure location for a period of six months after which it may be disposed of. 14. All reviews, disputes and decisions regarding any roadside memorial will be at the discretion of the Municipality of Shuniah. 15. This policy may be updated or revised at the discretion of Council.


420 Leslie Ave. Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 1X8


File: Fire Department Report – BA-23-01-19

To: Paul Greenwood, CAO

From: Blair Arthur, Fire Chief


One application for firefighter has been received. Mr. Kevin Gyori has attended many training sessions and expressed great interest. I recommend that we accept his application of firefighter. (resolution) Firefighter Cale Leeson has resigned from the fire department to finish his Doctorate at the School of Medicine and have two firefighters on a leave of absence until February


Carryover items from the 2018 budget to the 2019 budget. 1. Fire Hall # 1 Cabinets & Countertop, expected to have the work competed by end of Feb. 2. Life Jackets and Harness have been ordered and approved in 2018.

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Shuniah- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Administration

SUBJECT: Draft - Code of Conduct TO: Mayor and Council Cc: Paul Greenwood

MEETING Date: November 28, 2017


That Council hereby receives a copy of the Draft Code of Conduct and directs staff to bring it back for further discussion and;

FURTHER THAT Council hereby directs staff to bring back a By-law to appoint individuals as the Municipality of Shuniah’s Integrity Commissioners and Closed Meeting Investigators for the Municipality of Shuniah and;

AND FURTHER THAT a By-law to appoint these individuals be brought back to the December 12th meeting of Council.

AND FURTHER THAT the Draft Code of Conduct be brought back for further discussion.


Below is a list of some of the highlights of the Bill 68 making amendments to various pieces of Legislation.

Bill 68- Modernizing Ontario’s Municipal Legislation received Royal Assent May 2017 and has amended a number of Acts including the Municipal Act, Conflict of Interest Act, Municipal Elections Act, Building Code Act and a number of other pieces of Legislation

• Accountability and Transparency

Require municipalities to establish codes of conduct for members of municipal council and certain local boards, which could include rules that guide the ethical conduct of those members.

A new subsection 223.3 (1.2) of the Act requires municipalities that have appointed an Integrity Commissioner

Give the public and municipal councillors access to an integrity commissioner, with broadened powers to investigate conflict of interest complaints and provide advice to councillors.

Enhance justice by providing a wider range of penalties for contraventions of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

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Update the definition of “meeting” in the legislation to help ensure that rules would be clearer for municipal officials, local board members and the public.

Set out how municipalities may allow for electronic participation by council, local board and committee members at meetings that are open to the public. Participants would not be counted towards quorum and members would not be able to participate electronically in meetings that are closed to the public.

• Municipal financial sustainability

Eligible municipalities to have the option to invest according to the prudent investor standard. This may enable them to earn better investment returns by building a more diverse portfolio of investments. The updated legislation will also shorten the length of time a municipality has to wait to initiate a tax sale of a property to two years.

Clarifying that municipalities may pass climate change by-laws and participate in long- term energy planning, which could help to lessen and address the impacts of climate change in their communities.

Requiring reviews of regional council composition after every second municipal election, beginning in 2018, to strengthen democratic representation at the local level.

Pregnancy or parental leave; members (of Council) are entitled to take time off for pregnancy or parental leave, without fear of being removed from elected office on municipal councils and school boards. The offices of members of council and school boards would be protected during an absence related to pregnancy, birth or the adoption of a member’s child for up to 20 consecutive weeks.

• Municipal Elections Act

Various amendments are made to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. Some include

1. Subsection 6 (1) is amended to change the beginning of terms of all offices from December 1 to November 15 in the year of a regular election. A transitional rule applies with respect to the 2018 regular election. Section 94.2, which sets out the limitation period with respect to the prosecution of offences in relation to elections, is also amended to make consequential changes, including a transitional rule in relation to the 2014 regular election. 2. Section 33 currently sets out requirements relating to the nomination of a person for an office on a council of a municipality. Under provisions of that section that are not yet in force, the nomination must be endorsed by at least 25 persons. Amendments are made to provide that the requirement, once in force, would not apply in a municipality if the number of electors is less than the prescribed number. (It looks like exemptions will apply to those Municipalities that have less than 4000 electors. If that is the case, then Shuniah is not excluded……candidates will require those signatures.)

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3. Section 88.9 is amended to increase the maximum contribution to a candidate from $750 to $1,200. A related amendment is made to section 88.22.

4. New section 88.9.1 provides rules concerning the maximum amount that a candidate for an office of council and his or her spouse are permitted to make to the candidate’s own election campaign. New section 33.0.2 requires the clerk of a municipality, upon the filing of a person’s nomination, to give a certificate of the applicable maximum amount.

5. Section 88.13 is amended to increase the maximum contribution to a registered third party in relation to third party advertisements from $750 to $1,200. A related amendment is made to section 88.26.


With regards to the Code of Conduct itself, the new Legislation has indicated that with respect to Regulations the Minister may make regulations prescribing one or more subject matters that a municipality is required to include in a code of conduct. These regulations have not been established. Therefore, I believe Council can go two ways. Council may elect to pass this or a version of this code of conduct as presented and then amend it if the Minister comes forth with prescribed contents that are not already included.

The benefit of waiting is that we will see what if anything needs to be “ironed out” or information is prescribed. I attended a seminar on Bill 68 and that was the “advice” (always with a disclaimer) of the presenter. He felt that parts of the Bill were contradictory and certain sections would inevitably be challenged or changed as a result of the insertion of wording from other Acts without contextual considerations.

I do not believe there is a downside to either approach. Other Municipalities have updated their Codes of Conducts and others have decided to wait.

I have enclosed our current Code of Conduct policy for your perusal along with the new proposed draft.

- Submitted by - ______-Dated- Wednesday, 22 November 2017

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Code of Conduct Members of Council, Boards and Committees

DRAFT-Policy Document

Adopted by By-law No______on ______of ______2017

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Municipality of Shuniah Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Local Boards and Advisory Committees

Policy Statement:

The purpose and intent of the this Code of Conduct is to establish standards of conduct for members of Council, Local Boards and Advisory Committee members in the individual conduct of their official duties.

The Code represents general standards. The Code does not replace member’s roles, responsibilities, actions and behaviours required by various statues, by-laws and policies.

Statements of Principle:

A written Code of Conduct helps to ensure that the members of Council, Local Boards and Advisory Committees share a common basis of acceptable conduct. These standards are designed to supplement the legislative parameters within which the members must operate. These standards are intended to enhance the public’s confidence that the Municipality of Shuniah’s elected and appointed officials operate from a basis of integrity, justice and courtesy.

Specific Policy Requirements

Section 1 Overview

1.1 The Municipality of Shuniah's Code of Conduct is a general standard that augments the provincial laws and municipal policies and by-laws that govern the members’ conduct.

Section 2 Statutory Provisions Regulating Conduct

2.1 This Code of Conduct operates along with, and as a supplement to, the existing statutes governing the conduct of members. Six pieces of provincial legislation govern the conduct of members of Council, Local Boards and Advisory Committees those being:

a) Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25;

b) Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O 1990, c.M. 50;

c) Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 56;

d) Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 32;

e) The Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace) 2009; and

f) Ontario Human Rights Code.

2.2 The Criminal Code of also governs the conduct of members.


Page 24 of 57 Section 3 Application

3.1 This Code of Conduct and the references within it, shall apply to all members of Municipality of Shuniah Council and members of Local Boards and Advisory Committees, including those citizens and/or staff appointed by Municipal Council.

Section 4 Definitions

4.1 For the purpose of this Code of Conduct the following definitions apply:

a) “Advisory committee member” means citizens and/or staff appointed by Municipal Council to an Advisory Committee of Council and shall mean an Ad Hoc Committee or other Committee where the members are appointed by Council;

b) “child” means a child born within or outside a marriage and includes an adopted child and a person whom a parent has demonstrated a settled intention to treat as a child of his or her family;

c) “Municipality” means the Corporation of the Municipality of Shuniah;

d) “Municipal property” means items, services or resources which are the property of the Municipality, including but not limited to: materials, equipment, vehicles, facilities, technology, Municipal Newsletter, Municipal-developed computer programs or technological innovations, databases, intellectual property, Municipal-owned images, logos, coat of arms, supplies, email addresses, computers, tablets and other electronics acquired by virtue of their office;

e) “Clerk” means the Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Shuniah;

f) “Code” means this Code of Conduct as it applies to members of Council, Local Boards and/or Advisory Committees;

g) “complaint” means an alleged contravention of this Code;

h) “confidential information” includes information in the possession of the Municipality that the Municipality is either prohibited from disclosing, or is required to refuse to disclose, under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), or other legislation. “Confidential information” also includes:

i) information received in confidence from third parties of a corporate, commercial, scientific or technical nature; ii) information that concerns matters pertaining to personnel, labour relations, litigation; iii) information that concerns matters pertaining to property acquisition or disposition; iv) the security of property of the municipality or a local board; v) and any other information lawfully determined by the Clerk or the Council to be confidential, or required to remain or be kept confidential by legislation or order; vi) information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; vii) information that is deemed to be personal information;

i) “Corporation” means the Corporation of the Municipality of Shuniah;


Page 25 of 57 j) “Council” means the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Shuniah; k) “employee” means a person employed by the Corporation of the Municipality of Shuniah or a Local Board, including those employed on a personal services contract, and volunteers, but does not include members; l) “frivolous” means something that is not worthy of serious consideration, or that is of little or no importance, due to its lack of seriousness or sense; m) “gifts and benefits” means any cash or monetary equivalent, fee, object of value, service, travel and accommodation, or entertainment; n) “good faith” means in accordance with standards of honesty, trust and sincerity; o) “hospitality” means instances where there is entertainment of or by outside parties for the furtherance of municipal business; p) “Integrity Commissioner” means the Integrity Commissioner appointed by Council pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended; q) “Local Board” means a local board as defined in section 223.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001; r) “Member” means a member of Council, or a Local Board or an Advisory Committee, unless the context otherwise requires; s) “Member of Council” means the Mayor and a Councillor of the Corporation of the Municipality of Shuniah; t) “Office” means the authority and duties attached to the position of being an elected member of Council; u) “official duties” means the public duties of a member, and includes functions performed by members necessary to demonstrate responsible and accountable government with respect to matters within the Municipal or Local Board's jurisdiction, and which are done for the purpose of providing good government with respect to those matters; v) “parent” means a person who has demonstrated a settled intention to treat a child as a member of his or her family whether or not that person is the natural parent of the child; w) “pecuniary interests” are interests that have a direct or indirect financial impact or as defined under the current Municipal Conflict of Interest Act as amended from time to time, that include:

i. any matter in which the member has a financial interest; ii. any matter in which the member is a shareholder, director or senior officer, of or holds a controlling interest in a corporation that does or does not offer its securities to the public, and such corporation has a financial interest; iii. any matter in which the member is a partner of a person or is in the employment of a person that has a financial interest; and iv. any matter in which a parent, spouse, same sex partner or any child of the member has a financial interest, if known to the member.


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x) “person” includes a corporation, partnership, association and any other entity, as the context allows;

y) “personal benefit” means forms of advantage other than financial, such as seeking an appointment, promotion or transfer within the Corporation on behalf of a family member and includes the private interests of a member;

z) “personal information” means recorded information about an identifiable individual, including:

i) information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation or marital or family status of the individual; ii) information relating to the education or the medical, psychiatric, psychological, criminal or employment history of the individual or iii) information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved; iv) any identifying number, symbol or other particular information assigned to v) the individual; vi) the address, telephone number, fingerprints or blood type of the individual; vii) the personal opinions or views of the individual except if they relate to another individual; viii) correspondence sent to an institution by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to that correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence; ix) the views or opinions of another individual about the individual; and x) the individual’s name if it appears with other personal information relating to the individual or where the disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information about the individual and; xi) any information that is of a personal nature to Municipal employees or clients or information that is not available to the public and that, if disclosed, could result in loss or damage to the Corporation or could give the person to whom it is disclosed an advantage.

aa) “private interest” means all of the interests or activities of a member not included in the term defined as “official duties”;

bb) “spouse” means a person to whom the person is married or with whom the person is living in a conjugal relationship outside marriage;

cc) “vexatious” means without reasonable or probable cause or excuse.

Section 5 General Standards of Conduct

5.1. Members are responsible for making honest statements. No member shall make a statement when they know that statement is false. No member shall make a statement with the intent to mislead Council, staff or members of the public.

5.2 Members shall at all times serve their constituents in a conscientious and diligent manner.


Page 27 of 57 5.3 Members shall conduct their dealings with each other, staff and the public in ways that maintain public confidence in the office to which they have been elected, are open and honest, focus on issues rather than personalities, and shall avoid aggressive, offensive or abusive conduct.

5.4 Members shall be committed to performing their functions with integrity, accountability and transparency, avoiding improper use of influence of their office, and conflicts of interest, both apparent and real. 5.5 Members shall perform official duties and arrange their public affairs in a temperate manner that promotes public confidence and respect and will bear close public scrutiny.

5.6 It shall be the duty of all members to abide by all applicable legislation, policies and procedures pertaining to their position as a member.

5.7 Members shall not engage in any activity, financial or otherwise, which is incompatible or inconsistent with the ethical discharge of official duties to the Municipal or Local Board.

5.8 Every member in exercising his or her powers and in discharging his or her official duties shall seek to serve the public interest by upholding both the letter and spirit of the laws of Parliament of Canada and the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, as well as the laws and policies adopted by the Municipal Council. In so doing every member shall:

a ) Seek to advance the common good of the Municipality;

b ) Truly, faithfully and impartially exercise his or her office to the best of his or her knowledge and ability;

c ) Exercise care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances;

d ) Exercise his or her powers only for the purpose for which they were intended; and

e ) Competently exercise his or her office by educating themselves either formally or informally, in matters pertaining to their official duties.

Responsibilities of members of Council

5.9 Council as a whole has the authority to approve budget, policy or processes, including the Terms of Reference and procedures for committees. Authority to represent or act on behalf of Council, including through a committee, can only be delegated by Council or through law.

5.10 Council is responsible for and dedicated to providing good and effective government for the public in an open, accountable and transparent manner.

5.11 A fiduciary relationship exists between the Council and inhabitants of the municipality.

5.12 Every member shall act in accordance with his or her declaration of office.

5.13 Members of Council:

a ) May not impugn or malign a debate or decision or otherwise erode the authority of Council;

b ) When appointed to committees and other bodies as part of their duties must make every effort to participate diligently in these bodies with good faith and care;


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c ) Must uphold the law and conduct themselves with the highest degree of ethical behaviour and integrity;

d ) Must avoid conflict of interest; e ) Must seek to advance the public interest with honesty, and treat members of the public and staff with dignity, understanding and respect;

f ) Must not make statements known to be false or make a statement with the intent to mislead Council, staff or the public;

Members of Local Boards and Advisory Committees

5.14 Members of the public appointed to Local Boards or Advisory Committees are appointed at the pleasure of Council. They do not hold office nor do they represent a constituency within the community nor do they represent Council, or the Local Board or the Advisory Committee unless mandated to do so. Members of the public appointed to Local Boards and Advisory Committees must respect both the word and spirit of this Code as it applies to them and also as it applies to members of Council.

5.15 Local Boards and Advisory Committees operate only within meetings for which proper notice has been given pursuant to a set agenda unless otherwise mandated by Council.

5.16 No Local Board member or Advisory Committee member may act beyond the mandate of the Local Board or Advisory Committee granted by Council or legislation.

Section 6: Respect for Decision Making Process

6.1 Members shall accurately and adequately communicate the decisions of Council, Local Boards or Advisory Committees such that respect for the decision and decision-making process is fostered.

6.2 Members shall not attempt directly or indirectly, to influence the decision-making process, as it relates to the award of contracts or settlement of claims. This includes but is not limited to direct or indirect personal contact or interaction with the parties administering or directly involved in such processes.

Section 7: Avoidance of Waste

7.1 Members shall avoid waste, abuse and extravagance in the provision or use of public resources or any other Municipal Property.

Section 8: Gifts and Benefits

8.1 No member shall accept a fee, advance, gift or personal benefit that is connected directly or indirectly with the performance of his or her duties of office, unless permitted by one or more of the exceptions listed in paragraph 8.3.

8.2 For these purposes, a fee, advance, gift or benefit provided with the member’s knowledge to a member’s spouse, child or parent or to a member’s staff that is connected directly or indirectly to the performance of the member’s duties is deemed to be a gift to that member.


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8.3 Subject to the limitations described in paragraph 8.4 the following are recognized as exceptions:

a) Compensation or benefit authorized by law;

b) Such gifts or benefits that normally accompany the responsibilities of office and are received as an incident of protocol or social obligation;

c) A political contribution otherwise authorized and reported as required by law in the case of member running for office;

d) Services provided without compensation by persons volunteering their time;

e) A suitable memento of a function honouring the member;

f) Food, lodging, transportation and entertainment lawfully provided by Provincial, Regional and Local Governments or boards or political subdivisions of them, by the Federal government, a foreign government, or by those organizing a conference, seminar or even where the member is speaking or attending in an official capacity;

g) Food and beverages consumed at banquets, receptions or similar events, if:

i) Attendance serves a legitimate business purpose; and ii) The person extending the invitation or a representation of the organization is in attendance.

h) Communication to the offices of a member, including unpaid subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals;

i) A sponsorship or donation for a community event organized or run by a member, or a third party on behalf of a member, provided a municipal policy for such activities is adopted by the Council, and subject to the limitations set out in any such policy.

8.4 Except in the case of exceptions 8.3 (a), (c), (f) and (i), a member may not accept a gift or benefit worth in excess of $250, or gifts and benefits from one source during a calendar year worth in excess of $250.

Section 9: Confidential Information

9.1 No member shall disclose or release or publish by any means to any member of the public, or in any way divulge any confidential information, including personal information or any aspect of deliberations acquired by virtue of their office, in either oral or written form, except when required by law or authorized by Council resolution to do so.

9.2 Members shall not release information subject to solicitor-client privilege, unless expressly authorized by Council, Local Board resolution (if so empowered), or required by law to do so.

9.3 Members shall not use confidential information including information that they have knowledge of by virtue of their position that is not in the public domain, including e-mails and correspondence from other members, or third parties, for personal or private gain, or for the gain of relatives or any person or corporation or cause detriment to the Municipality, Council, Local Board, or others. As one example, no member should directly or indirectly benefit, or aid others to benefit, from knowledge respecting Municipal business.


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9.4 Confidential information includes information in the possession of the Municipality that the Municipality is either prohibited from disclosing, or is required to refuse to disclose, under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), or other legislation. Generally, MFIPPA restricts or prohibits disclosure of information received in confidence from third parties of a corporate, commercial, scientific or technical nature, information that is personal, and information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege. Members shall not disclose, use or release information in contravention of applicable privacy law.

9.5 The Municipal Act, 2001, permits information that concerns personal matters, labour relations, litigation, property acquisitions/dispositions, and the security of the property of the Municipality or a Local Board, and matters authorized in other legislation, to remain confidential.

9.6 Under the Municipality of Shuniah Procedural By-law, as amended from time to time, a matter that has been discussed at a closed meeting remains confidential. Members have a duty to hold information received at closed meetings in strict confidence for as long and as broadly as the confidence applies. Members shall not either directly or indirectly, release, make public or in any way divulge the content of any such matter, or the substance of deliberations, of the closed meeting including memorandums and staff reports that are distributed for consideration during the closed meeting to anyone, unless specifically authorized by Municipal Council resolution or required by law.

9.7 Members of Council shall not access or attempt to gain access to confidential information in the custody of the Municipality unless it is necessary for the performance of their duties and not prohibited by Council policy.

9.8 Members are only entitled to information in the possession of the Municipality that is relevant to matters before the Council or a committee. Otherwise, they enjoy the same level of access rights to information as any other member of the community and must follow the same processes as any private citizen. As one example, no member should have access to documents or receive any information related to a particular procurement process while the process is ongoing.

Section 10: Use of Municipal Property, Services and Other Resources

10.1 No member of Council shall use, or permit the use of, Municipal Property, including land, facilities, equipment, supplies, services, information, staff, funds allocated for member expenses, or other resources (for example, Municipal-owned materials, computers, networks, websites, Newsletters, Corporate transportation) for any purposes or activities other than the business of the Corporation. Nor should any member seek or obtain personal benefit or financial gain from the use or sale of Municipal Property, including confidential information, Municipal-developed intellectual property (for example, inventions, creative writings, computer programs and drawings), technical innovations, Municipal owned images, logos, coat of arms, or other items capable of being patented or copyrighted, since all such property remains exclusively that of the Municipality.


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10.2 The Municipality of Shuniah licenses the use of computer software from a variety of vendors. The Municipality of Shuniah does not own the software or its documentation. Software is normally copyrighted, and no individual may copy or distribute the software unless expressly permitted to do so under the applicable license. This policy applies to the use of mobile phones (cell phones, smart phones), personal computers, tablets, fax machines, printers, etc.

Section 11: Election Campaign Work

11.1 Members are required to follow the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.

11.2 No member shall use the property, facilities, equipment, supplies, services or other resources of the Municipality (including Municipal newsletters, telephone system or websites for any election campaign or campaign-related activities. No member shall undertake campaign-related activities on Municipal property. No member shall use the services of persons during hours in which those persons receive any compensation from the Municipality.

11.3 No member shall use the property of the Municipality for campaigning including email addresses, or other property issues to members as a result of their office.

11.3 Members shall keep the business of Council and their campaign separate and distinct.

Section 12: Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

12.1 Members shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act as amended from time to time.

Section 13: Improper Use of Influence

13.1 No member shall use the influence of her or his office for any purpose other than for the lawful exercise of her or his official duties.

13.2 No member shall use his or her office or position as a member to improperly influence the decision of another person for the member’s private advantage, or of that member’s parent, child, spouse, staff member, friend, or associate (business or otherwise). No member shall attempt to secure preferential treatment beyond activities in which members normally engage on behalf of their constituents as part of their official duties. No member shall hold out the prospect or promise of future advantage through the member’s supposed influence within Council, in return for any action or inaction.

13.3 For the purposes of this provision “private advantage” does not include a matter:

a) That is of general application;

b) That affects a member of Council, his or her parents, children, spouse, staff members, friends, or associates, business or otherwise as one of a broad class of persons; or

c) That concerns the remuneration or benefits of a member of Council as authorized by Council.


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Section 14: Business Relations

14.1 No member shall act as a paid agent before Council, its committees, or an agency, board or commission of the Municipality except in compliance with the terms of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act as amended from time to time.

14.2 A member shall not refer a third party to a person, partnership, or corporation in exchange for payment or other personal benefit.

Section 15: Expenses

15.1 Members shall comply with the provisions of the Council Remuneration By-law, as amended from time to time, for the reimbursement of expenses.

Section 16: Conduct Respecting Current and Prospective Employment

16.1 No member shall allow the prospect of his or her future employment by a person or entity to detrimentally affect the performance of his or her duties to the Municipality.

Section 17: Conduct at Meetings of Council

17.1 Members shall conduct themselves in a civil manner with decorum at Council, Committee and other meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Municipality of Shuniah’s Procedural By-law, this Code, and other applicable laws as amended from time to time.

Section 18: Conduct Respecting Staff

18.1 Mutual respect and cooperation are required to achieve the Council’s corporate goals and implement the Council’s strategic priorities through the work of staff.

18.2 Employees have an obligation to recognize that members of Council have been duly elected to serve the residents of the Municipality of Shuniah and respect the role of Council in directing the actions of the Municipality.

18.3 Under the direction of senior municipal administration, and in accordance with the decisions of Council, employees serve the municipal corporation as a whole. Council directs staff through its decisions as recorded in the minutes and resolutions of Council. Members have no individual capacity to direct members of staff to carry out particular functions.

18.4 Inquiries of staff from members should be directed to the Chief Administrative Officer or the appropriate senior manager.

18.5 Only Council as a whole and no single member including the Mayor has the authority to direct staff, approve budget, policy, committee processes and other such matters, unless specifically authorized by Council.


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18.6 Members shall be respectful of the role of staff to advise based on political neutrality and objectivity and without undue influence from any individual member or faction of the Council. Accordingly, no member shall maliciously or falsely injure the professional or ethical reputation, or the prospects or practice of staff, and all members shall show respect for the professional capacities of the staff of the Municipality.

18.7 Employees have a duty and obligation to act impartially, and in accordance with prescribed regulations or standards of conduct. Similarly, employees with professional qualifications have an additional duty and obligation to act in accordance with standards of conduct prescribed for their profession. Members shall refrain from any conduct which may deter, interfere or unduly influence employees in the performance of such duties and obligations.

18.8 Certain employees are employed within the administration of justice. Members shall refrain from making requests or statements or taking actions which may be construed as an attempt to influence the independent administration of justice.

18.9 No member shall compel staff to engage in partisan political activities or be subjected to threats or discrimination for refusing to engage in such activities. Nor shall any member use, or attempt to use, their authority or influence for the purpose of intimidating, threatening, coercing, commanding, or influencing any staff member with the intent of interfering with that person’s duties, including the duty to disclose improper activity. Section 19: Discreditable Conduct (Interpersonal Behaviour)

19.1 Every member has the duty to treat members of the public, one another and staff appropriately and without abuse, bullying or intimidation. All members of Council shall ensure that their work environment is free from discrimination and harassment.

19.2 The Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace) 2009 applies to the conduct of members, as does the Municipality of Shuniah’s Prevention of Violence in the Workplace and Workplace Harassment Policies addressing a harassment-free and discrimination-free workplace adopted by Council.

19.3 Members shall abide by the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code, as amended, and, in doing so, shall treat every person, including other members, employees, and individuals providing services on a contract for service, students on placements, and the public, with dignity, understanding and respect.

19.4 In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code, as amended, members shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, and age, record of offences, marital status, family status, or disability.

19.5 In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code, as amended, harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.

19.6 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, members shall not:

a ) Speak in a manner that is discriminatory to any individual, based on that person’s race, ancestry, place of origin, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, colour, marital status, or disability.


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b ) Make indecent, abusive, insulting or inappropriate comments or gestures to or about an individual where such conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be offensive to the person(s) to whom they are directed or are about;

c ) Display materials or transmit communications that are inappropriate, offensive, insulting or derogatory;

d ) Make threats or engage in any abusive activity or course of conduct towards others;

e ) Vandalize the personal property of others;

f ) Commit assault of any kind, including making unwanted physical contact, including touching, patting, or pinching; or

g ) Refuse to converse or interact with anyone based on any ground listed in the Human Rights Code, as amended.

19.7 Harassment which occurs in the course of, or is related to, the performance of official duties by members is subject to this Code. If an employee or a member of the public brings forward a harassment complaint against a member, the complaint procedure under the Municipal's (or Local Boards, where applicable) Workplace Harassment Policy will apply. In all other cases involving a member, complaints will be addressed in accordance with sections below.

Section 20: Failure to Adhere To Council Policies and Procedures

20.1 A number of the provisions of this Code of Conduct incorporate policies and procedures adopted by Council. More generally, Members are required to observe the terms of all policies and procedures established by Municipal Council.

Section 21: Reprisals and Obstruction

21.1 Members of Council shall respect the integrity of the Code of Conduct, and inquiries and investigations conducted under it and shall co-operate in every way possible in securing compliance with its application and enforcement. Any reprisal or threat of reprisal against a complainant or anyone for providing relevant information to the Integrity Commissioner is therefore prohibited. It is also a violation of the Code of Conduct to obstruct the Integrity Commissioner in applying or furthering the objectives or requirements of this Code or in the carrying out of his or her responsibilities (as, for example, providing inaccurate or misleading information to the Integrity Commissioner, refusing to answer inquiries or by the destruction of (records) documents or the erasing of electronic communications).

Section 22: Acting On Advice of the Integrity Commissioner

22.1 Any written advice given by the Integrity Commissioner to a member binds the Integrity Commissioner in any subsequent consideration of the conduct of the member in the same matter as long as all the relevant facts known to the member were disclosed to the Integrity Commissioner, and the information or facts have not changed in the interim.


Page 35 of 57 Section 23: Compliance with the Code of Conduct

23.1 Members of Council are accountable to the public through the four-year election process. Between elections they may, for example, become disqualified and lose their seat if convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or for failing to declare a conflict of personal interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

23.2 In addition to any other consequence imposed by law, members found to have breached this Code may be subject to discipline, including a verbal or written reprimand or, where applicable, suspension of remuneration paid for his or her services as a member, for a period of up to ninety (90) days.

23.3 Council shall appoint an Integrity Commissioner to investigate alleged breaches of this Code.

Section 24: Procedure – Complaints

24.1 Any organization or individual, including members of the public, Municipal employees, and members, who has reasonable grounds to believe that a member has breached a provision of the Code, may proceed with a complaint.

24.2 Complaints must be submitted within six weeks of the matter becoming known to the organization or individual and no more than six months after the alleged violation occurring. No action will be taken on a complaint received beyond these deadlines.

24.3 A complainant does not have to pursue the informal complaint process set out in section 24.4 prior to proceeding with the formal complaint process set out in section 24.5.

Informal Complaints

24.4 Any organization or individual who has identified or witnessed behaviour or activity by a member that appears to be in contravention of the Code may address their concerns in the following manner:

a ) Advise the member that their behaviour or activity contravenes the Code;

b ) Encourage the member to stop the prohibited behaviour or activity;

c ) If applicable, confirm to the member your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with his or her response to the concern identified;

d ) Keep a written record of the incidents including dates, times, locations, other persons present, and any other relevant information, including steps taken to resolve the matter.

e ) If not satisfied with the response received through the informal process, a complainant may proceed with a formal complaint through the Integrity Commissioner as outlined in section 24.5.

Formal Complaints

24.5 Any organization or individual who has identified or witnessed behaviour or activity by a member that appears to be in contravention of the Code may address their concerns through the formal complaint process set out below.


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a ) All formal complaints must be made using the Municipality’s Complaints Form / Affidavit (see Appendix “A”) and shall be dated and signed by the complainant;

b ) The complaint must include an explanation as to why the issue raised may be a contravention of the Code and any evidence in support of the allegation must be included with the Complaints Form/Affidavit;

c) Any witnesses in support of the allegation must be identified on the Complaint Form/Affidavit;

d ) The Complaint Form/Affidavit must include the name of the member alleged to have breached the Code, the section of the Code allegedly contravened, the date, time and location of the alleged contravention and any other information as required on the Complaint Form/Affidavit;

e ) The complaint shall be filed with the Integrity Commissioner who shall confirm that the information is complete as to a), b), c) and d) of this section. The Commissioner will determine whether the matter is, on its face, a complaint with respect to non-compliance with the Code and not covered by other legislation or policies; and

f ) The Integrity Commissioner may request additional information from the complainant.

Response of Integrity Commissioner of Complaint Outside Jurisdiction

24.6 If the complaint received by the Integrity Commissioner is deemed not to be a complaint with respect to non-compliance with the Code, the Integrity Commissioner shall advise the complainant in writing as follows:

a) Criminal Matter – if the complaint is an allegation of a criminal nature consistent with the Criminal Code of Canada, the complainant shall be advised that pursuit of such an allegation must be made through the appropriate police service;

b) Municipal Conflict of Interest – if the complaint is an allegation with respect to matters under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, the complainant shall be advised to review the matter with their own legal counsel;

c) Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy – if the complaint is more appropriately addressed under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the complainant shall be referred to the Clerk to have the matter reviewed under that Act; and

d) Discrimination or Harassment – if the complaint is an allegation of discrimination or harassment, the complainant shall be advised to file a complaint pursuant to the Municipality of Shuniah's Discrimination or Harassment policies. The complainant will also be advised of his or her right to advance an application to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.

24.7 In the event that a resolution of the complaint is not achieved, any complainant or member may request the complaint be dealt with in accordance with Section 24.4 or 24.5 of this Code.


Page 37 of 57 24.8 If the matter is covered by other policies with a complaint procedure or legislation, the complainant will be advised and directed to proceed in a manner as considered appropriate by the Integrity Commissioner.

Refusal to Conduct an Investigation

24.9 If upon review of a complaint, the Integrity Commissioner is of the opinion that the complaint is frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith, or that there are no or insufficient grounds for an investigation, the Integrity Commissioner will not conduct an investigation and shall communicate this position in writing to the complainant and the member identified in the Complaint Form/Affidavit.

Opportunity for Resolution

24.10 If at any time, following the receipt of a formal complaint or during the investigation process, the Integrity Commissioner believes that an opportunity to resolve the matter may be successfully pursued without a formal investigation, and both the complainant and the member agree, efforts may be made to achieve an informal resolution.

Section 25: Investigation

25.1 If the Integrity Commissioner determines that a formal investigation is required he or she shall proceed in the following manner, subject to the Integrity Commissioner’s ability to elect to exercise the powers of a commissioner under Parts I and II of the Public Inquiries Act.

a) The Integrity Commissioner shall provide a copy of the complaint and any supporting materials to the member whose conduct is in question with a request that a written response to the allegation be provided to the Integrity Commissioner within fourteen days;

b) The Integrity Commissioner shall give a copy of the response provided by the member to the complainant with a request for a written reply within fourteen days;

c ) If necessary, after reviewing the submitted materials, the Integrity Commissioner may speak to anyone, access and examine any other documents or electronic materials, and may enter any Municipal work location relevant to the complaint for the purpose of investigation and potential resolution;

d) The Integrity Commissioner may make interim reports to Council where necessary and as required to address any issues of interference, obstruction, delay or retaliation encountered during the investigation;

e) At any time the complainant may abandon the request for an investigation and the Integrity Commissioner will cease his or her investigation.


Page 38 of 57 Section 26: Recommendation Report

26.1 Upon completion of an investigation, the Integrity Commissioner shall report to the complainant and the member on the results of his or her review within ninety days of receiving a complete Complaint Form/Affidavit. If the investigation process is going to take more than ninety days, the Integrity Commissioner shall provide an interim report to the complainant and member indicating when the complete report will be available.

26.2 If during the investigation process, the complaint is withdrawn, sustained or resolved, the Integrity Commissioner shall report to Council outlining the findings, the terms of any resolution and any recommended action within thirty days.

26.3 If upon completion of the investigation the Integrity Commissioner finds that a breach of the Code has occurred, the Commissioner shall report his or her findings to Council including a recommendation as to the imposition of a penalty as set out in the Municipal Act of:

a) a reprimand; b) suspension of remuneration paid to the member for a period of up to ninety days.

26.4 If upon completion of the investigation, the Integrity Commissioner finds that there has been no contravention of the Code, or that a contravention occurred, however, the member took all reasonable measures to prevent it, or the contravention committed was trivial or committed through inadvertence or an error of judgment made in good faith, the Integrity Commissioner shall set this out in its report to Council.

Section 27: Duty of Council

27.1 The Council shall consider the report of the Integrity Commissioner within 30 days of it being received by the Clerk and shall take the action it considers appropriate with regard to the recommendation(s) of the Integrity Commissioner.

27.2 In circumstances where the alleged breach of trust or other misconduct is serious in nature, Council may pass a resolution, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, requesting a judicial investigation into the member's conduct.

No Complaints or Reports Prior to Election

27.3 No complaint regarding a member who is a candidate in an election may be accepted by the Integrity Commissioner for review and/or investigation between Nomination Day and the date of the Inaugural meeting of Council in any year in which a regular municipal election will be held. The Integrity Commissioner shall hold such complaint in abeyance until December 1 in a regular election year and advise the complainant of this process. The time elapsed between Nomination Day in a regular election year and the inaugural meeting of the newly elected Council shall not be included in the time calculation referred to in section 26.

27.4 Notwithstanding section 26 of the Code, the Integrity Commissioner shall not make any report to Council or to any other person after Nomination Day in any year in which a regular municipal election is to be held.

27.5 Any investigations completed after Nomination Day will be reported at the first Council meeting held after the inaugural meeting of the new Council.


Page 39 of 57

Section 28: Confidentiality of Complaint Documents

28.1 The Integrity Commissioner and every person acting under his or her instructions shall preserve the confidentiality of all documents, material or other information, whether belonging to the Municipality or not, that come into their possession or to their knowledge during the course of their duties as required by section 223.5 of the Municipal Act.

28.2 Pursuant to section 223.5(3) of the Municipal Act, this section prevails over the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

28.3 If the Integrity Commissioner reports to the Council on an investigation into an alleged breach of the Code, the report shall only disclose such information that in the Integrity Commissioner’s opinion is required for the purposes of the report.

28.4 If the Integrity Commissioner issues an annual or other periodic report to Council on his or her activities, the Integrity Commissioner shall summarize the advice he or she has given but shall not disclose confidential information that could identify a person concerned.

Section 29: Other Duties of the Integrity Commissioner

29.1 In addition, to conducting investigations regarding alleged breaches of the Code, the Integrity Commissioner shall have the following responsibilities:

a) Provide information to Council as to their obligations under the Code;

b) Provide advice to individual members regarding specific situations as they relate to the application of the Code;

c) Provide advice to Council on other policies and procedures that relate to the ethical behaviour of members;

d) Provide general advice on conflict of interest issues noting that this advice may not be used in defense of allegations related to conflict of interest;

e) Provide information to the public regarding the Code and the obligations of members under the Code; and

f) Provide an annual report to Council on the activities of the Integrity Commissioner subject to Section 31(.3).

Section 30: Requests for Advice

30.1 Where an individual member is seeking to obtain advice from the Integrity Commissioner, the member shall submit to the Integrity Commissioner a completed Request for Advice Form (see Appendix “B”) which shall be forwarded to the Integrity Commissioner for response.

30.2 The Integrity Commissioner shall provide his or her advice in writing to the member.


Page 40 of 57

30.3 Any written advice given by the Integrity Commissioner to a member, as it relates to the Code, binds the Integrity Commissioner in any subsequent consideration of the member’s conduct in the same matter provided the relevant facts known to the member were disclosed to the Integrity Commissioner.

30.4 Any written requests for advice and responses to such requests are covered under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Section 31: Annual Report to Council

31.1 In completing its annual report to Council, the Integrity Commissioner shall include information on the nature and volume of activity for the past year and provide examples that are anonymous in respect of advice provided and the nature of complaints received and responded to.

31.2 The annual report of the Integrity Commissioner shall be provided to the Council for information purposes. The report is a public document.

31.3 No report is required for a year in which the services of the Integrity Commissioner have not been utilized.

Related Policies:

• Council Remuneration By-law • Purchasing By-law • Human Resources Statement of Procedures • Hiring of Relatives • Corporate Health & Safety Statement of Procedures • Prevention of Violence in the Workplace • Workplace Harassment

Related Legislation:

• Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25; • Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O 1990, c.M. 50: • Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 32; • Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O.) 1990, c.M. 56; • Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace) 2009 • The Ontario Human Rights Code; and • The Criminal Code of Canada.


Page 41 of 57 Appendix “A” to the Council Code of Conduct Policy- Formal Complaint Form

Complaint Form Affidavit- I, ______(full name) of the ______of the District of ______, in the Province of Ontario do solemnly swear/(affirm and declare) that the following contents of this affidavit as subscribed are true and correct:

Permanent place of residence:______

Mailing address (if different from above): ______

I have personal knowledge of the facts as set out in this Affidavit because _

_ _ _ _

_ _ (insert reasons e.g. I work for… I attended a meeting at which… etc.) I have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that _ _ (specify name of member) has contravened section (s) _ of the Municipal Code of Conduct for the Municipality of Shuniah. The particulars of which are as follows: _ _

_ _ _ _

_ _ _ _

(Set out the statements of fact in consecutively numbered paragraphs in the space below, with each paragraph being confined as far as possible to a particular statement of fact. If you require more space please use the attached Schedule A form and check the appropriate box below. If you wish to include exhibits to support this complaint, please refer to the exhibits as Exhibit A, B etc. and attach them to this affidavit.)

_ _ _ _

_ _ _ _

Please see the attached Schedule A

This affidavit is made for the purpose of requesting that this matter be reviewed by the Municipality of Shuniah appointed Integrity Commissioner and for no other purpose.

Identification # (of Identification provided) _ _ _

Sworn (or Affirmed) before me at the ____of ______in the District of ______in the Province of Ontario on the day of ______, 20__

X______X______Signature of Complainant (to be witnessed by A Commissioner, etc . Commissioner)

Stamp of Commissioner

Note: This is a sworn (affirmed) affidavit of the deponent only. No investigation has been conducted by this authority to confirm or verify the above sworn information. THE CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA provides that: everyone commits perjury who, with intent to mislead, makes before a person who is authorized by law to permit it to be made before him a false statement under oath or solemn affirmation by affidavit, solemn declaration or deposition or orally, knowing that the statement is false, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years (Section 131, 132), or by summary conviction (Section 134). Signing a false affidavit may expose you to prosecution under Sections 131 and 132 or 134 of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 and also to civil liability for defamation.


Page 42 of 57

Formal Complaint Form Schedule A (Additional Information)

Page of

To the affidavit required under subsection 24.5 of the Procedure – Formal Complaint of the Council Code of Conduct.

(If more than one page is required, please photocopy this blank page and mark each additional page as 2 of 2, 2 of 3, etc. at the top right corner.) _ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _

This Schedule A referred to in the Affidavit of ______(full name) Sworn (or Affirmed) before me on this _ day of _ _, _ .

X______X______Signature of Complainant (to be witnessed by A Commissioner, etc Commissioner).

Stamp of Commissioner


Page 43 of 57

Appendix “B” to the Council Code of Conduct Policy -Request for Advice Form

Name of Member: _ _ _

Telephone: E-mail: _ _ _

Advice Requested: (Provide as much detail as possible relating to the issue. Attach additional pages if required).


X ______Signature of Requestor

______Date Received by Integrity Commissioner

______Date Reply Issued


Page 44 of 57 2019 AMCTO Conference Workshops

Managing People

1. The Power of Conversation 2. HR Law Update 3. Be Forward Focused! The Power of Positive Leadership 4. Getting Out of the Weeds and Carving Out More Time for Strategy 5. Walk A Mile Film Project - An overview of the issues and history impacting Indigenous peoples today 6. Managing Conflict 7. Introduction to Mindfulness and Resiliency 8. BY THE RULES – Fundamental Principles to Productive Meetings 9. Legal Update on Chronic Mental Stress Claims Under WSIB

Managing Organizational Performance

10. I've a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore - The Culture Required to Deploy Electronic Document Management 11. Developing a Community Safety and Well-being Plan – Bill 175, Safer Ontario Act 12. Ten Things You Don’t Know About the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act 13. How Might We Drive Innovation in Our Municipalities? 14. Even Better Customer Service in a Municipal Environment 15. AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US: A Framework for Public Behaviour in Local Government 16. The Seven Questions of Change: What Must we do to Bring About a Change Initiative as Smoothly as Possible? 17. Technical, Operational and Legal Standards for Internet Voting 18. Question Box– Ask The Experts Panel

Managing Money

19. How to Engage Non-Financial People – ‘Letters Not Numbers’ 20. Procurement and Contract Fraud 21. Implementing the Asset Management Policy 2018-19 22. Multi-Year Budgeting: Case Studies 23. Assessment – Pushing Back 24. Long-term Financial Planning: Tools & Benefits 25. Cyber Attacks & Ransomware – Are You Prepared? Page 45 of57


December 05, 2018

Shuniah Council

The Hurkett fire Department is looking to replace our aging tanker truck.

Hurkett Fire department through mutual aid agreements, supports Shuniah Fire service on the eastern flank, we have in the past responded to house fires, wild fires and MVC calls as well as supporting the community of Dorion’s fire service. Our present truck is our first fire service Tanker that was purchased in 2008 from McDougall fire department, this was an upgrade from our previous converted MTO plow truck. The King received new tires donated by a local logging company and has been since maintained by our hard working volunteers. The vehicle has now aged to the point that parts are getting hard to find so it needs to be replaced. We understand that your tanker truck being replaced would be well suited for our purposes and would be a huge upgrade and a tremendous benefit to our small community. Should council decide to have the tanker become surplus we would like the opportunity to purchase.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ben Atkinson Chief Hurkett Fire Department 226-930-1159

Page 46 of 57 December 2018 Municipality of Shuniah Fire Expenditures For the Month of December 2018

CHQ DATE SUPPLIER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 18119 12/12/18 AUTO PARTS CENTRAL Tools & Gel 96.99 18120 12/12/18 BELL CANADA Monthly Billing 91.92 18125 12/12/18 DYNAMIC ONLINE MARKETING CORPORATION Personal Protective Equipment 531.10 18127 12/12/18 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE CO Monthly Billing - Satellite phone 233.85 18128 12/12/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing- Fire Hall 3 107.67 18130 12/12/18 LOWERYS BASICS Ram Upgrade for Fire Prevention PC 119.61 18130 12/12/18 LOWERYS BASICS IT Support 152.55 18130 12/12/18 LOWERYS BASICS Photocopier Contract 11.64 18131 12/12/18 MAIER HARDWARE LIMITED Portable Utility Pump 158.19 18133 12/12/18 MAXIM TRUCK & TRAILER Safety Inspection Unit 54 1722.84 18140 12/12/18 SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTD Fuel 626.65 18141 12/12/18 SHUNIAH SERVICE Annual safety inspections unit 51 & 55, Unit 51 alternator replacement6132.58 18143 12/12/18 STAPLES BUSINESS DEPOT STORE #37 Binders, etc. 372.83 18145 12/12/18 THERMAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC Septic & Leeching pit 791.34 18147 12/12/18 THUNDER BAY POLICE Contract for 911 Answering Service 8394.00 18153 12/19/18 A ONE DISTRIBUTORS (1383619 ONTARIO LTD) PPV Fan 5311.00 18153 12/19/18 A ONE DISTRIBUTORS (1383619 ONTARIO LTD) Snowmobile Licence Fee 72.00 18157 12/19/18 BOLES FEEDS PRO HARDWARE Fire Hall 2 Leach Pit Cover 35.80 18160 12/19/18 CODE 4 FIRE & RESCUE Hurst Jaws Hoses & Tips 3759.51 18165 12/19/18 JOHN FARRER Drivers Medical 140.00 18171 12/19/18 HALFWAY MOTORS (1989) LTD Battery for Prevention Van #59 54.24 18172 12/19/18 DENNIS HUBIE Work Boots 200.00 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing Pearl Firehall 100.75 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing Firehall 1 319.56 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing Firehall 2 119.46 18177 12/19/18 KYLE MURRAY Drivers Tests 240.00 18179 12/19/18 LOWERYS BASICS IT Support 788.17 18179 12/19/18 LOWERYS BASICS Firehall WG Renewal 1239.24 18179 12/19/18 LOWERYS BASICS Firehall Photocopier Contract 12.25 18179 12/19/18 LOWERYS BASICS Firehall 1 Paper Supplies 45.09 18180 12/19/18 LARRY MARGARIT Firehall Inspections and Mileage 322.52 18180 12/19/18 LARRY MARGARIT Work Boots 200.00 18181 12/19/18 MARVIN S LASSI Weather Stations Technical Service 113.00 18187 12/19/18 PASS LAKE FIRE DEPT January 2019 Fire Levy 3750.00 18190 12/19/18 PINEWOOD FORD LTD Annual Safety 1053.00 18197 12/19/18 DEL SMITH Gift Cards - Fire Prevention Safety 45.00 18199 12/19/18 SPI HEALTH AND SAFETY INC SCBA Cleaner 64.05 18206 12/20/18 RYAN LEPAGE Volunteer Fire Pay 85.55

Total Fire Expenditure $ 37,613.95

Page 1 of 3

Page 47 of 57 December 2018 Municipality of Shuniah Roads Expenditures For the Month of December 2018

CHQ DATE SUPPLIER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 18096 12/05/18 1670747 ONTARIO INC Diesel 885.48 18097 12/05/18 ALS ENVIRONMENTAL Water Sampling - Spruce River Waste Site 1288.20 18099 12/05/18 BRUNO'S CONTRACTING Gravel / Nelson Drive Rehab 374469.46 18101 12/05/18 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Flasher Contract 1674.00 18104 12/05/18 INTERCITY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Shovels 107.42 18106 12/05/18 KGS GROUP INC CONSULTING ENGINEER/MANAGERS Bridge Inspections 2401.25 18111 12/05/18 SHUNIAH SERVICE Safety Inspections 1831.50 18120 12/12/18 BELL CANADA Monthly Billing 88.07 18124 12/12/18 DOM SPORTS AND GAMES Shuffleboard Beads 201.94 18126 12/12/18 ECONOMY PRINTING Business Cards - Craig 157.07 18128 12/12/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing - Street Lights leslie ave 85.48 18128 12/12/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing - School Zone Lights 19.00 18128 12/12/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing - Street Lights Mount Baldy 12.04 18136 12/12/18 PETER TRACZ Equipment cabinet for shuffleboard league 440.53 18140 12/12/18 SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTD Fuel 472.91 18142 12/12/18 SPI HEALTH AND SAFETY INC SCBA Air Quality Testing & Maintenance 1153.77 18152 12/19/18 1670747 ONTARIO INC Fuel 2873.23 18154 12/19/18 AEGIS GROUP Grass Cutting Contract 8746.20 18156 12/19/18 AUTO PARTS CENTRAL Washer Fluid & Auto Parts 385.73 18159 12/19/18 SHAWN CHRISTIE Boot Allowance 250.00 18161 12/19/18 COMPASS MINERALS Highway Salt 8084.78 18162 12/19/18 ALBERT DOLPH Drivers Book 85.65 18163 12/19/18 E.C. AND COMPANY LTD Fuel 1466.01 18164 12/19/18 EXP SERVICES Field Review and Testing 370.08 18166 12/19/18 FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES LTD Truck Parts 175.30 18169 12/19/18 GFL ENVIRONMENTAL INC Recycling Services 1579.06 18169 12/19/18 GFL ENVIRONMENTAL INC Porta Delivery - Landfills, baseball field 612.47 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing 117 Road 5 South 31.50 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing East Loon Rail Crossing 30.43 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing Intersection Light 70.68 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing 1700 Lakeshore Roads Utiities 1138.38 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing Generator 6.10 18173 12/19/18 HYDRO ONE Monthly Billing Macgregor Rec 490.38 18174 12/19/18 J & J SPORTS Enviro Oil/Filter 49.88 18178 12/19/18 LAKEHEAD CLEANERS Coveralls 81.96 18182 12/19/18 MAXIM TRUCK & TRAILER Truck Parts 164.48 18185 12/19/18 MOLLY MAID Macgregor Rec Cleaning 660.00 18186 12/19/18 NOVA-PRO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LTD Shop Supplies 48.47 18188 12/19/18 PETE'S BACKHOE SERVICE Scott Drive Culvert 88648.07 18191 12/19/18 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION (DIV OF PRAX CAN. INC.) CYL Lease 1 Year 226.17 18196 12/19/18 SHUNIAH SERVICE Safety inspection - trailer 706.69 18201 12/19/18 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT Shop Supplies/Block Blades 3681.05 18202 12/19/18 SUPERIOR PROPANE Service Contract - Tank Rental 288.55 18203 12/19/18 TBAY TEL Telecommunications - Youth Group 48.77 18204 12/19/18 THUNDER BAY FASTENERS Shop Supplies 667.80 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Applebees Bargaining- Paul, Craig, Blair 57.76

Total Roads Expenditures$ 507,013.75

Page 2 of 3

Page 48 of 57 Municipality of Shuniah Monthly Expenditures July 2017 Admin Expenditures For the Month of December 2018

CHQ DATE SUPPLIER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 18098 12/05/18 ANDERSON HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTING HR Consulting - June 25 to November 3, 2018 4000.00 18100 12/05/18 KAREN CAMERON-POWELL Policing Stipend - Karen Cameron-Powell 500.00 18102 12/05/18 DAYNA BERNIER Fitness Class - Boxing 100.00 18103 12/05/18 INTELIVOTE SYSTEMS INC. Evote Election and letter services 2831.89 18105 12/05/18 JASON EVANS Mileage 226.72 18107 12/05/18 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD Courier Services 7.57 18108 12/05/18 RML CONTRACTING Office Parking Lot Paving 9051.75 18109 12/05/18 ROBERT VAN NATTO Policing Stipend - Rober Van Natto 500.00 18109 12/05/18 ROBERT VAN NATTO SPSB Mileage 199.68 18110 12/05/18 SHANNON DODD-SMITH Land Planning Services 3346.21 18112 12/05/18 DON SMITH Policing Stipend - Don Smith 500.00 18113 12/05/18 THOMAS BUTLER Building/Plumbing Inspections and Plan Examinations 2482.88 18114 12/05/18 THUNDER BAY DISTRICT SOCIAL SERVICES ADMIN BOA December Levy 72248.00 18115 12/05/18 THUNDER BAY LETTER SHOP SERVICES Shuniah News November 2018 1356.20 18116 12/05/18 AMCTO AMCTO Membership 238.43 18117 12/12/18 ALLMAR Front door sweep and weather strip 127.13 18118 12/12/18 AMCTO Primer on Planning Course 220.35 18118 12/12/18 AMCTO Map 3 Course - Treasurer 220.35 18121 12/12/18 CGIS CENTRE SLIMS Geospatial - Quarter 1 1920.28 18122 12/12/18 CHRONICLE JOURNAL Pumper RFP 692.74 18123 12/12/18 CURRENT RIVER COMMUNITY CENTRE Food for Council 189.50 18129 12/12/18 LAKEHEAD CLEANERS Black Mats 60.97 18130 12/12/18 LOWERYS BASICS Office 365 Monthly License 38.99 18130 12/12/18 LOWERYS BASICS Photocopier Contract 228.27 18132 12/12/18 MALLON'S CORPORATE IMPRESSIONS Shuniah Toques 813.06 18134 12/12/18 SUSAN MOORE Mileage September to December 2018 98.54 18135 12/12/18 MUNICIPALITY OF Share of CRC Communications 427.39 18137 12/12/18 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD Courier Services 16.11 18138 12/12/18 RICHARD MACKAY Admin 1000.00 18139 12/12/18 SALVATION ARMY Annual Donation per resolution 2169/14 250.00 18144 12/12/18 STEVE COGHILL GRAPHIC DESIGN Shuniah Calendars 420.00 18146 12/12/18 THUNDER BAY CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Annual Donation per resolution 2169/14 250.00 18148 12/12/18 THUNDER BAY REGIONAL HEALTH SCIENCES FOUNDATSurgery Campaign Pledge Installment 1/5 2000.00 18149 12/12/18 TWIN CITY REFRESHMENTS LTD Coffee & Office Supplies 414.65 18150 12/12/18 UNION GAS Monthly Billing - Office 294.00 18151 12/12/18 WILD GOOSE BAY COTTAGERS ASSOCIATION Refund for w/o as already paid supps 208.46 18155 12/19/18 AMCTO ZONE 9 Zone 9 Continued Support 100.00 18158 12/19/18 ANGELA CALAIEZZI Reimburse Nomination Fee 100.00 18167 12/19/18 FRANCOTYP-POSTALIA CANADA INC Postage Machine 140.69 18168 12/19/18 GCK CONSULTING Tourism Strategy Phase 2 10163.65 18170 12/19/18 RON GIARDETTI Reimburse Nomination Fee 100.00 18175 12/19/18 JASON EVANS December Mileage 85.28 18176 12/19/18 JESSE M NYMAN MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION Mediation 2803.51 18183 12/19/18 MCKITRICKS Professional Services 1288.20 18184 12/19/18 MEMORIAL HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE Garbage Container for Shop 30.49 18185 12/19/18 MOLLY MAID Office Cleaning 491.00 18189 12/19/18 PETTY CASH (ADMIN) Petty Cash- Day Camp Field Trips, Cleaning, Council F 199.94 18192 12/19/18 PRINCE ARTHUR WATERFRONT HOTEL & SUITES Shuniah Christmas Party 3851.64 18193 12/19/18 PRINT PROS Shuniah 2019 Calendars 4472.70 18194 12/19/18 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD Courier Services 38.51 18195 12/19/18 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll from 10/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 15448.41 18198 12/19/18 DON SMITH Reimburse Nomination Fee 100.00 18200 12/19/18 DUFF STEWART New Ipad per Resolution 484/15 792.10 18205 12/19/18 PAUL GREENWOOD Mileage 674.96 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Bargaining- Paul, Craig, Blair 181.48 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Toaster and knife bloack for kitchen 124.28 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Batteries for accessible bathroom 27.06 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Eco Development Advertisement 30.00 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Ipad Cases for committee Ipads 225.94 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Meeting with Sean Irwin, NCR Application 16.84 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Ec Development Conference Innovation Centre 10.00 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Annual Fee 12.00 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Certificates and holders 154.74 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: OGRA Conference Registration- Wendy, Don 1412.50 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Poinsettia Council Chambers 79.10 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Council Picture Frames 369.57 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: Treasurer Forum 17.54 e-cheque 12/05/18 RBC Visa: 2019 Membership Fees 759.62

Total Cheques 151,781.87 Bank withdrawals: Payrolls for month 124,239.05 OMERS - premium for prior month (November) 14,343.60 Bank charges 430.59 Photocopier lease - monthly 197.75 New Phone system 164.00

Total Admin Expenditures 291,156.86

Totals for Resolution(s): Total Fire 37,613.95 Total Roads 507,013.75 Total Admin 291,156.86


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Being a by-law to appoint a Secretary-Treasurer for the Shuniah Committee of Adjustment.


WHEREAS Section 44(8) of the Planning Act authorizes the Committee of Adjustment to appoint a secretary-treasurer;

AND WHEREAS it has been the practice of the Committee of Adjustment to relinquish this to the Municipality of Shuniah Council to appoint a member of Municipal Staff to the Committee of Adjustment to serve as their Secretary- Treasurer to the Board.


1. That Kerry Bellamy is hereby appointed as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Shuniah Committee of Adjustment.

2. That the Clerk, Nadene Hunley-Johansen’s appointment is not rescinded and may also continue as Secretary-Treasurer when required.

2. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the third and final reading thereof.








Page 50 of 57 ‘(\v~y\0{6’7’8 & ?9 . . . Thunder Bay Military Family Resource Centre MFRC \%C’]/15JOMS

December 14, 2018

Municipality of Shuniah 420 Leslie Avenue Thunder Bay, ONT. P7A lX8 Attn: Municipal Council & Staff

Dear Municipal Council & Staff;

On behalf of the Thunder Bay Military Family Resource Centre our Advisory Council and staff would like to thank you for supporting our organization with your generous donation of $5000.00 to our centre. We were overwhelmed when we received the donation but can assure you that the donation will be used to assist military families in all ofour programs, special events and in times of crisis.

The Thunder Bay Military Family Resource Centre is a community based, not-for-profit organization established in 1999. The goal of the Thunder Bay MFRC is to enhance the quality of life and to enrich the military experience for CAF families by providing specialized programs and services to promote health, education and social well being in both official languages. The Military Family Resource Centre (MF RC) provides program support to military families as well as to all military personnel (Regular Forces and the Reserves).

Your support for our Canadian Armed Forces families is greatly appreciated. Thank you once again.


i.“1-- / Evelyn Harrison Director Thunder Bay Military Family Resource Centre 125 N. Algoma Street Thunder Bay, ONT. P7A 4Z5

PHONE: 807—345—5116 FAX: 807-345-5375 EMAIL: tbaymfrc@tbayte/.net 125 ALGOMA ST. N. THUNDER BAY.ON P7A 4Z5

Page 51 of 57 List of Unfinished Business Updated – January 17, 2019

Items Comments

RFP Organization and RFP for Organizational and Compensation Review is Compensation Review posted with closing date of Feb 5, 2019

Staff to bring forth draft policy on Shuniah Roadside Road Memorial Policy Memorials in January 2019.


130 CONSERVAIION ROAD, P.O. Box 10427 THUNDER BAY ON P7B 6T8 PHONE: (807) 344-58571 [email protected] I FAX: (807) 345-9156

November 2018

To Whom It May Concern

Re: 2019 C.:>nservation Dinner & Auction

The Lakehead Conservation Foundation (LCF) and Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) will be holding the 2019 Conservation Dinner & Auction on Thursday, February 7, 2079 at The Da Vinci Centre on Waterloo Street. Proceeds from the Conservation Dinner & Auction will go towards the LRCA's Environmental Education and Recreational Land Management Programs.

The LCF's role in raising funds for the LRCA is very vital. The network of conservation lands operated by the LRCA is dependent upon the support of area visitors and other revenue sources, such as the Foundation. Over 330,000 people enjoy the Authority's local Conservation Areas each year. The popularity of these areas reflects the diverse range of recreation activities they offer. In addition, conservation lands have beautiful scenery and are used by education groups for field studies. In their role as environmental educators the LRCA will benefit greatly from fundraising efforts to help support the environmental education programming so that a better understanding of nature and the on-going need for conserv~tion can be fostered.

Since 1989, the Conservation Dinner & Auction has raised more than $743,000.00 toward Conservation Area facilities, such as pavilions, interpretive signs, accessible trails and water access, as well as environmental education programming.

Your support of the 2019 Conservation Dinner & Auction will help us achieve that goal. It would be appreciatecl if you would consider making a donation to the 2019 Conservation Dinner & Auction. All donors will be recognized in the program and advertisement.

Should you wish to attend the Dinner, you may purchase tickets by phone at {807) 344-5857 or in­ person from the LRCA Administrative Office at 130 Conservation Road. The evening's program will include a fabulous dinner and feature a Silent Auction, Live Auction and other activities. Please note that tables seat eight people. Tickets are $60.00 per person.

If you wish to further discuss this matter, please contact the LRCA's Chief Administrative Officer, Tammy Cook, at 344-5857.

Yours truly,

-'t,r - ~;~cc1 A Andrea Goold, President am my Cook, Chief ministrative Officer Lakehead Conservation Foundation Lakehead Region C .n ervation Authority

LCF Charitable Registration Number 89217 1042 RR0001


Stream Less than $200.00 -Name listed in program and on banner atThe Da Vinci Centre on the night ofthe event

$ 00.00 _ $ . -Name listed in program River 2 499 00 -Small logo on banner atThe Da Vinci Centre on the night of the event

Lake $SOO.OO _ $999.00 -Name listed in program -Medium logo on banner at TheDa Vinci Centre on the night of the event

-Name listed in program Watershed $1,000.00+ -Large logo on banner at The Da Vinci Centre on the night of the event -Verbdl reco nition the ni of the event

xpfcose note that the purchase of tickets does NOT constitute o sponsorship; sponsorships consis ts of cash donations and/or the donotion of items.

Thank you in advance for your va lued support. Proceeds from the Conservation Dinner & Auction are in support of the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority's Living Classroom Fund, which funds environmental education and stewardship programming as well as Conservation Area maintenance. Without your dedicated support, the various educational and stewardship programs offered by the LRCA would not be possible. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 2019 The Da Vinci Centre 1340 S. Waterloo St. 6:00 p.m.l Tickets: $60.00

~ ~~~Es~~~~TION I f=- .;-; LAKEHEA~ REGION 130 Conservation Road; P.O. Box: 10427; T~under Bay ON P7B 6T8 ~ FO UI~OIITIQN ~ CONSERVATION AUTHOR I TY • (807) 344-58571 www.lakeheadca.com [email protected]

Page 54 of 57 NAME: ______

ADDRESS: ______

PHONE#: ______

Special Dietary Meal?------

(Please specify; request must be made at time of ticket purchase)

I would like ___ Tickets at $60.00 each:$ ____ (please note that tables seat 8)

I would like to make a donation in the amount of:$ ____

I would like to donate an item for the Auction: ______

TOTAL AMOUNT: $ __ Payable by cash, cheque (made out to Lakehead Conservation Foundation), Visa, MasterCard, Debit and Pay Pal.

Seating Request?------(Please specify what table/with whom you would like to be seated, if applicable)

Please charge the above amount to my MasterCard or Visa:

Card Type: ______Cards#: ______Expiry: ______

Cardholder Name (please print): ______Signature: ______

OFFICE USE Date Received: ______Receipt#: ______Ticket #(s): ______Payment Type: _____




Stream Less than $200.00 -Name listed in program and on banner at The Da Vinci Centre on the night of the event

-Name listed in program River $200.00 - $499.00 -Small logo on banner at The Da Vinci Centre on the night of the event

-Name listed in program Lake $500.00 - $999.00 -Medium logo on banner at The Da Vinci Centre on the night of the event

-Name listed in program Watershed $1,000.00+ -Large logo on banner at The Da Vinci Centre on the night of the event -Verbal recognition the night of the event

*Please note that the purchase of tickets does NOT constitute a sponsorship; sponsorships consists of cash donations and/or the donation of items.

Thank you in advance for your valued support. Proceeds from the Conservation Dinner & Auction are in support of the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority’s Living Classroom Fund, which funds environmental education and stewardship programming as well as Conservation Area maintenance. Without your dedicated support, the various educational and stewardship programs o ered by the LRCA would not be possible. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 2019 The Da Vinci Centre | 340 S. Waterloo St. 6:00 p.m. | Tickets: $60.00 130 Conservation Road; P.O. Box: 10427; Thunder Bay ON P7B 6T8 (807) 344-5857 | www.lakeheadca.com | [email protected]


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 2019 Proceeds in support of the Lakehead Region Conservation The Da Vinci Centre Authority’s Living Classroom Fund, which funds environmental 340 S. Waterloo St. $60.00 education and stewardship programming as well as Conservation 6:00 p.m. Area maintenance.

130 Conservation Road; P.O. Box: 10427; Thunder Bay ON P7B 6T8 (807) 344-5857 | www.lakeheadca.com | [email protected]

NAME: ______

ADDRESS: ______

PHONE #: ______

Special Dietary Meal? ______

(Please specify; request must be made at time of ticket purchase)

I would like ____ Tickets at $60.00 each: $ ______(please note that tables seat 8)

I would like to make a donation in the amount of: $ ______

I would like to donate an item for the Auction: ______

TOTAL AMOUNT: $ ______Payable by cash, cheque (made out to Lakehead Conservation Foundation), Visa, MasterCard, Debit and PayPal.

Seating Request? ______(Please specify what table/with whom you would like to be seated, if applicable)

Please charge the above amount to my MasterCard or Visa:

Card Type: ______Cards #: ______Expiry: ______

Cardholder Name (please print): ______Signature: ______

OFFICE USE Date Received: ______Receipt #: ______Ticket #(s): ______Payment Type: ______

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