Friday, November 11, 2000

The whole truth about stars as the TECHNIQUE parking tickets, towing, devil’s son in the new release “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” and your car. . ONLINE CAMPUS LIFE page 13 ENTERTAINMENT page 19 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 86, Issue 15 • 36 pages Opinions␣ 8 · Campus␣ Life␣ 13 · Entertainment␣ 19 · Comics␣ 26 · Sports␣ 36

Housing discusses smoking policy change Engineering school The Department of Housing contemplates a change to dormitory smoking policy proposes undergrad that could add smoke-free rooms or designate entire buildings as non-smoking. biomedical program

By Kim Holton By Elizabeth Costner News Staff News Staff

Following inquiries to the De- Although Tech currently offers several partment of Housing about of- graduate programs related to the emerging fering more “non-smoking” bioengineering field, opportunities for un- spaces, Housing has discussed dergrads wishing to study such topics have changing the current smoking previously been limited to a handful of policy for dormitory buildings. classes. “There has not been a huge However, the department may soon ex- outcry,” said Dan Morrison, pand to offer an undergraduate degree in Associate Director of Housing, biomedical engineering. Residence Life. “Each year, we “[Due to the] recent, rapid developments in the Department speak with in biotechnology and the better understand- residents RHA [Residence Hall ing that employers have of the field, there is Association] leaders, student staff a more sizeable job market for undergradu- and others to look at policies to ates with biomedical engineering degrees,” see if any need modifying or out- said Dr. Paul Benkeser, Associate Chair for right changing. This was one of Undergraduate Studies in Biomedical En- the issues that arose.” gineering. The current policy does not Establishing a new major requires com- restrict smoking in dorm rooms pletion of a three step process. but leaves the issue to be decid- First, the Institute Undergraduate Cur- ed among roomates. If changed, riculum Committee must review the pro- Housing could offer non-smok- posed curriculum and reccomend the ing floors or make all dorms curriculum for approval by the Academic smoke-free. Senate. Once the Academic Senate approves Morrison offered a possible the program, the proposal is sent to the Board of Regents for final approval. scenario for starting small-scale By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS At this point, the Institute Undergradu- change. Guillermo Christen, Ujala Qadir, and Brian Willson take a Wednesday night cigarette break ate Curriculum Committee has unanimously “We will more than likely between Field and Hopkins dorms. Housing may change dorm smoking policy in coming months. declare several Freshman Expe- approved the curriculum. The Academic rience halls ‘smoke-free’ for Fall “We do not yet know how move students around in the up- the most suitable options for stu- Senate will review the proposal at their De- 2001.␣ At the same time, we will many of our returning residents perclass halls.”␣ dents regarding smoking and cember 5 meeting. work with RHA to establish a are smokers, because we do not “Currently, our room selec- dorm life. If the proposal passes in the Academic plan to phase in some ‘smoke- ask this question when one signs tion process allows students who In the last few weeks, hall Senate, the Board of Regents will then re- free’ buildings in each upper- up for their second, third or fourth receive a selection number to councils have been polled for view the proposal for a required ninety day class living style—traditional, years on campus,”said Morri- stay in their room.␣ We will have student opinion. In coming evaluation period. Once the Board of Re- suite, apartment—for the 2002 son. “We need to create, with to re-work this process, or we weeks, residents could see town gents grants the program its final approval, academic year.” RHA’s and SGA’ s assistance, a will never be able to get smokers hall meetings or other forums in the major can be introduced into the Tech At this time, Housing has no plan to both determine the in- ‘out’ of certain buildings.” discussion of the issue. curriculum. plan to change the policy for terest in upperclass students, as Currently, RHA and SGA See BME, page 5 upper-class housing. well as to determine a way to are assisting Housing in finding See Smoke, page 7

Feature Photo Presidential Elections Auxiliary Services continues search for future director of Ferst Center By Tony Kluemper vices wants to take its time in mak- ety.” Asssitant News Editor ing this decision because hiring a Furthermore, Auxiliary Services theater director is often a detailed feels that there are many factors that When John Talbott left his po- process. will enable them to take their time sition as director of the Ferst Center “Hiring a theater director is not before naming a new director. “Well for the Arts in October after two like hiring an accountant. There we already have all of our program- years as director, many questioned are a lot more good accountants out ming planned for this year, so we’re what plan of action Auxiliary Ser- there than there are good theater not in a great hurry to fill the posi- vices would take to name a new directors,” said Meyers. tion and right now we have some- director for the Center. However, However according to Meyers one in the position [interim director] as we approach the end of the se- the Ferst Center should have no who is doing very well,” said Mey- mester, a permanent director has problem finding qualified applicants ers. “We also have two other posi- yet to be named. to fill the position even after Auxil- tions open at the Ferst Center which In fact, according to Associate iary Services made the decision to we feel are more urgent.” Vice President of Auxiliary Services cut 18 of this year’s shows. Since Talbott resigned, Andrea Rosalind Meyers the department has “I think we are a very highly Hoffer, a former programming di- decided to take its time in finding a respected and well known program,” rector of the Student Center has new director. said Meyers. been serving as interim director of “We are really not that far along “We cancelled [the shows] for the Center. According to Meyers, in the process. We have determined this year because we used the knowl- Hoffer left the Student Center a a job description, have begun ad- edge that we gained from last year, few months before Talbott left to By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS vertising the position, and have re- and so we focused on keeping the pursue another job opportunity. “But Ramses Ramirez drops his vote into the Student Center ballot box. viewed some resumes. But other than performers that we felt would do when the job as interim director Students waited in lines for up to 90 minutes in order to choose their that the process is still just begin- well. And I want to stress that we came up I knew she had the market- candidate; many were voting in their first presidential election. ning,” said Meyers. still have about 30 different shows, Meyers feels that Auxiliary Ser- which will still provide a wide vari- See Ferst, page 7 2 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique NEWS School of Physics lists evening quizzes on OSCAR web By Neeraj Kumar would cause the least conflicts with News Staff other classes or events. Professors chose Monday eve- Starting with the Spring 2001 nings from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. as semester, the Physics department the time to administer the exams. will be reinstituting a system at- This schedule not only allowed the tempted earlier this semester for tak- students a longer time period to ing exams with a common evening complete the exam, but it also freed exam time for all students. up extra class times for lecture. Quizzes will be held once every In response to complaints by some few weeks, and students will be al- students about the inconvenience lowed ninety minutes of testing time. they experienced due to the exam Also, the test forms will be the same times and concerns that these ex- for every student, regardless of pro- ams infringed upon time needed fessor. The exam is for various extra- listed in the OS- curricular activi- CAR as an addi- “We are trying to ties, Nate Watson, tional class day; Freshman Repre- however, it will only do things that will sentative and apply when there is help the students... Chair of the SGA an exam (approxi- Academic Priori- mately once every we are viewing ties Committee, three weeks). this as an proposed a bill to This new system the Student Gov- is being implement- experiment.” ernment Associa- ed by Professor Michael Schatz tion against the Michael Schatz, Physics Professor evening exams. coordinator for The bill was ap- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Physics 2211, in proved with no Physics 2211 student Gabe Willis participates in a lab on statics. Students taking 2211 next semester will have cooperation with dissenting votes additional quiz hours added to the course, which already includes four lecture hours and a three-hour lab. the rest of the Physics Department. and two abstentions. This quizzing schedule is not com- Watson felt that the opinion of exams, and such a proposal were stopped the evening tests after the thirds of the students completed pletely untested; in fact, it was tried SGA was that having Physics tests accepted by the Student Govern- first two due to opposition, the de- this survey, with the result that about at the beginning of this semester for in the evenings opens up the oppor- ment, then a precedent could be set partment obtained several positive eighty-percent of the students pre- current Physics 2211 students. How- tunity for other departments to do allowing other departments to also results. After the next exam was giv- ferred the evening exams to the lec- ever, since the quiz schedule had the same, potentially creating so many schedule exams at night. In addi- en during the normal lecture hour, ture ones. Several students confirmed not been announced beforehand or student-faculty contact hours that tion, the fact that the Physics de- students were given an anonymous this by saying that the time pressure published in the OSCAR, the Physics numerous extra-curricular activities partment made this change without survey asking them to compare the was removed, allowing them to con- department had to go through an would become unfeasible. prior notification to the students two different testing environments. centrate fully on the questions. extensive search through every stu- If the Physics department pre- was another point of contention. Professor Larry Suduth estimates dent’s schedule to find the time that sented a valid case for having evening Although the Physics department that approximately one-half to two- See Physics, page 4

Love, you drive me to distraction / Hey my love do you believe that we might last a thousand years / Or more if not for this, NEWS Technique • Friday, November 11, 2000 • 3 News briefs Council Clippings UHR Erato coffee house next week at Under the Couch ‘Loop’ gives students, SGA connection Erato, Georgia Tech’s literary and art magazine, will present a coffee By Mary DeCamp Some of the Freshman Aides dis- can come together and help their house next Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, and the night will News Staff cussed their plan to have a disc jock- Student Government Associations feature poetry readings, music, and drama. The event will be held at ey play music on Skiles Walkway improve student life. Under the Couch, and everyone is invited to come, listen, and partici- The November 7 meeting of the on Tuesdays and Thursdays between The representatives attended dif- pate. Undergraduate House of Represen- 11 a.m. and 12 noon. These are ferent committees and helped to Erato would also like to remind all students that they are now tatives saw a variety of speakers and considered to be the times that the propose and pass legislation that accepting submissions for their next edition. Anyone who has poetry, discussions which covered a wide greatest number of students can ben- would be more beneficial to colleg- short stories, or artwork to submit should contact dspubera@prism for range of topics. efit from the music. es and college students throughout more information. President J.R. Spriggle mentioned the state of Georgia, such as course “The Loop,” which is a program in survey availability to students and Omega Phi Alpha to sponser Sickle Cell toy drive consideration that would, with the the use of a contract administrator help of Cyberbuzz, allow the Stu- Some of the Freshman to examine and review contracts. The National Service Sorority, Omega Phi Alpha, will hold a Toy dent Government Association (SGA) Deanof Students Gail DiSabati- Drive to benefit the Sickle Cell Foundation from today until Friday, to send interested students note- Aides discussed their no reminded everyone that the Flag December 8. Anyone wishing to donate a toy to the drive, should worthy news and information re- plan to have a disc Debate, sponsored by the Diversity contact Candace Swint at gte051f@prism. garding SGA. The program could Forum, will take place on Wednes- send information including min- jockey play music on day, November 15, from 7:00 p.m. utes from meetings and more in- Skiles Walkway... until 9:00 p.m. Freshmen Cabinet looking for student disc jockeys depth coverage of other topics and Dean Gail also mentioned the The SGA Freshmen Cabinent is now looking for any student issues in student government. “Deck the Atrium” party, which interested in serving as a disc jockey on Skiles walkway on Tuesdays and Spriggle also brought up the fact will be held on November 30. Thursdays between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. If interested, please that the library will not be open 24 Chair of the Governmental and Rich Steele, Director of the Stu- contact [email protected] by November 18. hours at any point during this se- External Affairs Committee Chris- dent Center, spoke of the plans to mester. tine McIntyre and five other SGA expand the Student Center into the Erica Young, Vice President of members spoke of their experience Bookstore Mall Area. He said that Team Buzz Community Service Day this Saturday Campus Affairs, reminded every- at the Student Advisory Council. the Student Center Expansion Task The fourth annual Team Buzz Community Service Day will be held one that SAC’s One Night Stand The Board of Regents cre- this Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Anyone who registered to would take place on December 1. ated this Council so that students See UHR, page 4 participate in a project needs to meet at the Campanille Fountain for the Kickoff Rally from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., unless it was noted that the selected project started earlier. Breakfast will be served at the Campanille until 9:00 a.m. for all participants. Most of the projects will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and he day will close at 1:30 p.m. with the celebration party to be held in the Festivals Area of Bobby Dodd Stadium (under the West Side stands). Photography Club accepting officer applications The Photography Club is now accepting applications for officer positions, including President, Vice President, and Treasurer. This new organization promotes creative photography around campus. Applications will be accepted until November 17, and can be dropped off in the Assistant Photography Editor box in the Student Publications office, room 137 of the Student Services building. To obtain an application or find out more information, e-mail Alisa Hawkins at [email protected]. The first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, November 28, in room 321 of the Student Center at 8:00 p.m. Successful entreprenuers speaker series visits campus Come listen to successful entreprenuers speak about their experi- ences and the lessons they have learned at an event to be held today in the Wardlaw Building. The event is open to the entire GT community and the series features numerous successful entreprenuers who can offer advice while sharing their success stories. The series will take place from 5:00-6:00 tonight.

Got news? Announcements? Send your briefs to the By Marques McMlillan / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Undergraduate representatives vote on one of the scores of bills that are proposed each semester. UHR meets news desk! E-mail [email protected] on Tuesday evenings in the Student Services, or “Flag” Building, at 7:30 p.m. Contact your rep for more info.

Celebrate we will / Because life is short but sweet for certain / We're climbing two by two / To be sure these days continue / These things we cannot change 4 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique NEWS

semester, six additional class peri- UHR from page 3 Physics from page 2 ods will be freed up, allowing pro- fessors to go at a slightly more relaxed Force would be working hard to The second came from the Con- discusses Jesus’ role as a Messiah. According to physics professors, speed. determine the best way to allocate cert Committee, which asked for The second group was the Sports the merits of having evening tests Professor Schatz is optimistic this space. funds to help finance possible con- and Canoe Kayak Club, which en- are not only improved grades for about this approach to the problem Several bills were presented be- certs in the future. After some amend- joys competing in sports events. students, but also standardization of the exams. fore the representatives. ments, this bill passed, allocating The third group was Helping of the exams and more classroom “We are trying to do things that A bill was brought up for the $2,975 to the Concert Committee. Youth Through Peer Education teaching time. The exams will be will help the students,” he said, adding allocation of money for the Wom- The Chess Club asked for fund- (HYPE). This group focuses on written jointly by all professors teach- that “we are viewing this as an ex- en’s Soccer Club to travel to a tour- ing for equipment costs and other reaching out to youth. ing the course, and so no class will periment.” nament in Texas. The bill passed. essentials. This bill passed, allocat- have an unfair advantage in grades If the testing meets with unfa- The Student Center Program ing nearly $800 to the Chess Club. The Undergraduate House of Rep- due to different grading policies or vorable results, he said that the Physics Board brought up two bills before Three groups presented three sep- resentatives convenes weekly in room difficulty levels. Although each pro- department will come up with an the representatives. arate bills, each asking to be granted 117 of the Student Services building fessor loses some individual free- alternate solution. The first was from the Festival charter so that they might have the at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday evenings. Con- dom by having common exams, the “It is important to remember Committee, which asked for mon- benefits that are enjoyed by official tact your representative for more in- department is optimistic that the that this is not set in stone.” As of ey to help finance the annual “Fes- student organizations. Each of these formation or to voice your opinion on benefits will outweigh that negative right now there are no plans to im- tival Behind the Fence.” The bill bills passed. a UHR issue. All Georgia Tech stu- aspect. plement a similar plan for any other passed, granting the Festival Com- The first group was the Light of dents are welcome to attend the week- In addition, since there are usu- class within the Physics department mittee $4,560. the Messiah, which is a group that ly house meetings. ally about six exams in the entire or in any other department.

Hey, my love, you came to me like wine comes to this mouth / Grown tired of water all the time / You quench my heart and you quench my mind NEWS Technique • Friday, November 11, 2000 • 5

BME from page 1 Town meeting on Georgia state Following this timetable, the the requirements for a minor in ad- major will be available for the fresh- dition to their required major class- man class entering in Fall 2001. es. flag debate slated for next week Upperclassman will also be able After graduation, “at our peer issue. to transfer into biomedical engi- universities, a third of the students By Jody Shaw would be the best people to speak to In 1956 the Georgia General As- neering, but all of the required courses go on to medical school, a third Managing Editor our audience on the two different sembly changed the design of the will not be offered immediately. With continue on to graduate school, and sides,” said Young. state flag to one that incorporates the addition of more faculty to the the final third work in industry,” The confederate flag debate that Each senator will open with a the highly controversial confeder- department, more classes will be of- said Benkeser. engulfed South Carolina during the three-minute opening statement ate battle flag. fered and available throughout the Biomedical engineering is more presidential primaries and much of about his feeling on the flag. Young Like today’s flag, the previous next and upcom- specialized than the last year comes to Georgia Tech will then provide the questions and design included the state seal on a ing years. For ex- other engineer- next Wednesday from 7:00-9:00 structure the debate for the next blue field on the left portion of the ample, the first ing majors so the p.m. when the diversity forum pre- forty-five minutes. flag. However, the old version con- third year class- “There is a more job market is sents “A State Divided: The Flag “My intention as moderator is tained three horizontal bars—red, es will not be of- sizeable job market smaller. Howev- Debate” at the Clary Theatre in the white, and red—on the right por- fered before Fall er, “various seg- Student Success Center. tion of the flag in an adaptation of 2002. for undergraduates ments of “We felt like the ground was fer- the confederacy’s “stars and bars,” Biomedical with biomedical industry have tile and the time was right for this “Our goal is to rather than the battle flag it con- engineering is made significant discussion. We felt that it was right tains today. the intersection engineering degrees.” investments to to have that discussion here on cam- educate people in a The battle flag, which flew over of engineering, into the field. pus, and to get our students think- the confederate armies, is commonly medicine, and Dr. Paul J. Benkeser The state of ing about this issue and neutral way about Associate Chair for associated by some with slavery, rac- biology. The Georgia, for ex- thinking…about things that affect what the issues are on ism, and secessionism. range of jobs Undergraduate Studies in ample, is en- our community, our state, and our Biomedical Engineering. both sides.” “It means different things to dif- available for bio- couraging the nation,” said Chris Young, Student ferent people. To some people it is medical engi- development of Life Fellow and moderator for the Chris Young a symbol of honor—the fight of the neers include industries in bio- town hall meeting. Student Life Fellow ancestors and the confederacy, the designing prosthetic limbs and oth- medical engineering within the state.” During the two-hour event two men who fought and strove for in- er damaged body parts as well as “This major will give students state senators, Senator Joey Brush dependence.” developing computer systems to another option. They will be able to and Senator David Scott, will en- “To other people it is a symbol monitor patients during surgery and keep up with the way the field is gage in a dialogue about the many to make sure every angle that we of division, a symbol of racism, of designing artificial materials for im- changing both in industry and oth- issues surrounding the Georgia State can possibly cover in those two hours bigotry. It reminds people of a time plant. The biomedical engineer er businesses that employ engineer- flag. Brush, a Republican from dis- gets covered,” said Young. of oppression and slavery. You have brings an engineering perspective ing graduates,” said Benkeser. trict 24, represents the northern Au- The remaining time will be filled two very polarized views on what to the new developments in medi- “I’m happy that Tech is going to gusta area. Scott, a Democratic with questions from the audience. the flag is,” said Young. cine. offer biomedical engineering,” said legislator from district 36, repre- Attendees will be able to submit Many individuals question the Georgia Tech currently offers a Freshman Christina Weise, future sents the portion of Atlanta that questions to the senators in written motives of the men who voted to Master’s program in bioengineer- biomedical engineering major. includes Grady Memorial Hospi- form. change the flag to its current de- ing, a Ph. D. in bioengineering, and “There is so much unnecessary tal. Because the event is open to the sign. These people contend that a joint Ph. D. program with Emory suffering that our technology should “Both of these men are distin- general public, members of the di- the flag was changed in opposition in biomedical engineering. Minor be able to relieve. With the high guished legislators…these men come versity forum will screen the ques- to forced integration after the Su- programs in biomedical engineer- standards Tech sets for each of its from two different worlds and have tions for their appropriateness to preme Court’s decision in Brown v. ing are also available for students. programs, this major will be geared two different perspectives, but they ensure that no particular group or the Board of Education. However, with semester conversion toward developing the latest solu- are very committed to their per- organization uses the town hall to many students are unable to fulfill tions.” spectives and we thought that they propagate its feelings on the flag See Flag, page 7

Oh, my love I came to you with best intentions / You laid down and gave to me just what I'm seeking 6 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique NEWS

Ferst from page 1 Flag from page 5 ing and programming skills to do be interested in going because they Others, including Judge John remain neautral. the job and offered her the job,” say they don’t know what it is about. Sammons Bell, who sponsored the Neither want to appears as though said Meyers. “This is a real learning So this options class will allow stu- 1956, contend that the flag was it is lobbying the General Assembly experience for her.” dents to go and learn something changed to honor southerners who for any particular action on the is- When asked what Auxiliary Ser- about the opera so when they go in fought and died for a cause in which sue.. vices is looking for in a new direc- they will know a little bit about they believed. “The diversity forum and Geor- tor, Meyers stated four different skills: what they are seeing. So it needs to “Our goal is not to sway people. gia Tech will take no official posi- the ability to relate to students, the be someone who can organize pro- Our goal is to educate people in a tion on this [issue]. Our main goal knowledge of how to deal with the grams like that.” neutral way about what the issues is to generate discussion on an issue agencies that represent artists, good Although Auxiliary Services has are on both sides,” said Young. that has the potential to, and does organization skills, and a kind of already started receiving applications Because of the inflamatory na- in fact, divide people. We want T person that can communicate with and resumes from potential direc- ture of the issue, student affairs and each side to understand what the all types of people. tors, Meyers wants to make it aware Georgia Tech must be careful to other side is thinking and believes.” “It has to be someone who can that a decision will not be made really relate to the students. To give without student input. ““While we an example, the current acting di- have received applications, we haven’t Feature Photo Buzz rector has worked with the Student really started seriously looking at Center and in the spring we are the applicants to make a decision,” offering an options class to in un- said Meyers. derstanding the opera Aida,” said “We plan to form a committee Meyers. with student representatives to look “Since we are going to be having over the applications and make a the opera next semester, and we know recommendation. [The committee] that a lot of students don’t know will probably be organized some- much about the opera and may not time early next semester.”

Smoke from page 1

Morrison stresses that a decision its great to respect other people’s on the smoking issue falls in the wishes and dislike of smoking, like hands of the students. your roomate’s, but I do think that “If the students do not want such there should be a smoking lounge, changes, we in the Department [of at least one smoking lounge in each Housing] are reluctant to imple- of the buildings, so that we don’t ment them,” said Morrison. freeze in the wintertime. Because “Since I don’t smoke, changing you have to respect everybody. the policy doesn’t affect me. How- CS major Guillermo Christen ever, I understand the reasons be- said “I think that stopping smoking hind the request. It is something in the dorms would be an intrusion worth investigation,” said freshman to civil liberties. Cutting your right management major Kimberly De- to smoke in a dorm is definitely an Carrera. “I don’t smoke. But it would intrusion.” be nice to know that in the future, I Other students saw a different wouldn’t have to worry about hav- perspective while they sought cover ing future room that smells like from Wednesday’s rain showers. smoke,” said freshman Sarah Davies. “I believe that smoking in dorms Students who smoke shared dif- should not be allowed, because if it By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS fering opinions on a possible change. were allowed, I wouldn’t have met Buzz gives Yellow Jacket football fans a thumbs-up on a recent Game Day. Last night, Tech took on the Amanda Newman, a second-year half of my friends that smoke out- University of Virginia Cavaliers in a Thursday night ESPN game. See next issue’s Sports section for more. biology student, said “I think that side with me,” said Ujala Qadir.

Things we cannot change page 8

Quote of the week: OPINIONS “We are announcing Gore as the winner of Florida. No wait, Bush. No wait, we don’t know.” –The media Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000

OUR VIEWS Consensus Opinion No smoking, please The Department of Housing is taking a giant step in the right direction by exploring non-smoking options for its resi- dents. Obviously, students who smoke have the potential to aggravate their roommates. However, ventilation problems in some buildings can cause smokers to annoy other students, even several rooms down a hall. Furthermore, smoking while indoors consitutes a fire hazard. The institute does not need a careless smoker to burn down a building, causing loss of property, injuries, or worse. If candles are not allowed in dorms, why is smoking? It is time for residence halls to become completely non- smoking. Smokers can find a covered area outside. Editorial Board:

Check class times Chris Baucom, Editor-in-Chief Some PST and Public Policy classes—and possibly classes Jennifer Hinkel, News Editor in other schools—have changed meeting times without noti- Jennifer Dykes, Opinions Editor Becca Cutri-Kohart, Campus Life Editor fying those enrolled in the classes. Students should double- Sarah Graybeal, Entertainment Editor check their class schedules to make sure there are not any Rob Kischuk, Sports Editor conflicts that go unnoticed. In the future, schools should not Daniel Uhlig, Photography Editor Christina Freyman, Advertising Manager change class meeting times once registration has begun unless Matt Flagg, Online Editor there is an unusual case such as corequisites occurring at the Jody Shaw, Managing Editor same time. In the event that such a change is necessary, every effort should be made to notify those students registered for YOUR VIEWS Letters to the Editor the class. Consensus editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Editorial Board, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. ‘Christian’ not originally derogatory term In the opinions sections of the Christ, since people who use the simple innocent mistake. But then, Technique’s homecoming issue, a word Christ believe that Jesus was why did he bring it up at all. What reader wrote that the word Chris- the savior, or Moshiach in Hebrew. does his letter have to do with the Running qualifies as sport tian “was actually a derogatory term Apparently, the author doesn’t re- etymology of the word Christian or I am writing to in response to do you run in a week? How fast were given Jewish ... leaders.” This, alize that Jews don’t believe that with Jews and Jewish leaders. It is what people are calling sports. It those miles? How many workouts of course, is nonsense. Jesus was the Moshiach. disconcerting that a statement like seems in almost all articles the Tech- did you do? Did you include two-a- The word Christ is a Greek word Finally, even if the previous two this is so non chalantly added as if nique writes on what is a sport that days? I am not going to rant on meaning anointed from the Greek. reasons were not valid, how is call- it’s quite obviously true. It is simply everyone believes running should about how much training running Jewish leaders would not have la- ing the follower of “Christ” a “Chris- a gratuitous jab at the Jewish peo- not be a sport. Fine, call it what you requires, because any runner or ath- beled Christians with a Greek word, tian” derogatory? Why have ple. want, but it only shows your own lete already knows. I don’t under- they would have used Hebrew or Christians used that term the last short-comings. It seems you people stand why people can’t appreciate Aramaic. Second, Jewish leaders 2000 years? David Sanders want to make this into a battle for other sports. Golf, Ultimate Fris- would not have labeled the follow- At first glance, one might as- BSEE 1989 toughness and that is not what sports bee, and Gymnastics too name a ers of Paul as Christians nor Jesus as sume that the author has made a [email protected] is about. Any activity that is easy, few are all sports. Just because you everyone would do. Sure anyone don’t enjoy something or are not can get out a jog, but not everyone good at it please refrain from insult- Cartoon Corner Editorial Art can get out run and be good. I am ing it. I doubt anyone writing these not talking about genetics; I am articles can play scratch golf, do any- talking about the most fundamen- thing in gymnastics, run a sub-five tal concepts. Mentally few can take minute mile (pretty slow too), make it. To run those PR’s and to become a touch-down with pro-football play- good you have to want it and be er trying to tackle you, slam a bas- patient. You have to train hard, which ketball, or score on an expert soccer means training when you don’t want player. I would talk more about how to and don’t feel like it. Running to sub-classify sports but due to lim- requires more guts, dedication and ited words I can’t. time than most people truly appre- ciate. Ashton Manley Ask yourself: how many miles [email protected] To Hell with Georgia! The annual To Hell with Georgia (THWUGA) issue of the Technique is rapidly approaching. If you have any letters to the editor concerning the matter, please e-mail them to [email protected]. Let- ters need not be based in fact. How ’bout

them dawgs? Piss on them! By Jamie Schulz / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS OPINIONS Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 9 Lack of public transportation makes traffic worse TECHNIQUE “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” The original topic of this tirade cepted by a large proportion of the Established in 1911 was to either extol the virtues of “The solution... should not be to population are large-scale subway some of George W. Bush’s more systems. As of right now, MAR- Editor-in-Chief maligned proposals or to rip apart make driving less attractive... but TA’s rail system is a joke, having the Chris Baucom the absurdity of some of Gore’s pro- rather to make public ability to get me to less than 10% of posals. You know, big government my destinations. The state of Geor- • • • bad, entitlements bad, free choice transportation [more] attractive.” gia needs to step in and tell all these good, all that sort of thing, all de- Rob Kischuk whiny counties (yes you, Cobb) that, News pending on who won the election. like it or not, they are getting rail Jennifer Hinkel, Editor Sports Editor Tony Kluemper, Assistant Editor With things too tight to call even lines in their area. Mary DeCamp, Elizabeth Costner, Neeraj post-election night, that topic’s out The coverage of the MARTA Kumar, Kim Holton the door. I would like to give a and nature alike. Their solution? me to increase the amount of pollu- rail line is feeble compared to the Opinions shout out to Ralph Nader for all the Make it as painful as possible for tion by each car. Great solution. size of our city, and does little to Jennifer Dykes, Editor votes he inadvertently cast for Bush. people to use the polluting machines The root of the problem here is serve the needs of more than just a Campus Life Another possibility was the Elec- of society, and life will get better, the liberal tendency to provide com- few people. This city needs a large- Becca Cutri-Kohart, Editor Julia Trapold, Asst. Editor toral College, that archaic fixture in right? The Midtown Atlanta Steel plex solutions to problems that don’t scale commitment to making sub- Kim Holton, Brent Johnson, Anthony American politics that gives us a project recently came under criti- need solving, and creating new prob- way transportation a viable solution Ritz, Daniel Weksler rather strange way of selecting the cism. Why? Parking was too plenti- lems for people and providing only for the outlying areas. The model of Entertainment President. It’s too easy, though. Too ful, and the streets approaching the overly simplistic and ideal solutions. a city where public transportation Sarah Graybeal, Editor Alan Back, Casey Fiesler, Kit FitzSimons, easy just to say that it doesn’t func- development were too wide, had They suggest we should all turn to does work is New York City, where Andrew Pilsch, David Reynolds, Daniel tion the way it was intended to be, too high of speed limits, and the public transportation, but if I live public transportation is widely ac- Weksler we need a change, blah, blah, blah. turns were not tight enough to dis- in Marietta, there is no way I’m cepted, and driving is an anomaly. Sports Consider that dead horse sufficiently courage people from driving there. riding CCT to catch a MARTA bus While it is not without its prob- Rob Kischuk, Editor Gary Bridges, Assistant Editor beaten. What’s more likely - that people to transfer to the rail line. It is feasi- lems, New York’s rail system has Derek Haynes, Joseph Jeong, David Instead, there’s a fresh angle to will suddenly turn to public trans- ble to commute this way, but it is over 700 stations accessible with a Williams be taken on a big local issue. Atlanta portation, or that downtown will not reasonable to ask this of anyone $63 pass. Compare this with $45 Production is a mess of transportation. Try fit- get more gridlock? - it takes even longer than driving, for the same pass in Atlanta, which Christina Freyman, Adversting Mgr. Jamie Schulz, Production Monkey ting into the mold of getting a job Similarly, Atlanta hasn’t expand- and is much less comfortable. The gives access to a meager 33 stations, Gavin Cramblet, Copy Editor downtown and getting your nice ed its highways lately, despite ob- solution to problems such as this and it’s apparent why we’re lagging Andy Dykes, Computer Support house with your 2.5 kids in the sub- scene gridlock and the fact that should not be to make driving less a bit here. Adam Toner, Ads Technician urbs, and you’ll find yourselves in Atlanta highways have some of the attractive, as seems to be the trend, Granted, New York’s much high- Photography Daniel Uhlig, Editor traffic for 2+ hours a day as well. highest throughput of cars per day but rather to make public transpor- er population density makes it easi- Wade Burch, Darkroom Mgr. While there’s the usual two-sided of any U.S. city. One of the prime tation so attractive that people would er for every location to be accessible, Aslisa Hawkins, Asst. Editor Carter Green, Asst. Editor debate between environmentalists reasons is that due to Clean Air rather not drive. but that doesn’t seal the deal, it just Maques McMillan, Brian Oxford, John and capitalists over how to handle regulations, Atlanta’s failing air qual- One hurdle to overcome is the means the system is scaled accord- Jewell, Andrew Pae, Rob Hill, Bill Allen, the expansion, I believe there is also ity disqualifies us for federal fund- protective tendencies of Atlanta’s ingly. The key to initially making Dale Russell a middle ground. ing. Of course, more cars are on the counties. I believe enough time has the system work is reaching out to Online The environmental side of the same size roads every day, so delays been spent trying to sweet talk them the suburbs with single lines, an- Matt Flagg, Editor issue is that Atlanta’s pollution is and gridlock increase. How exactly into getting on board. The fact of chored by large park-and-ride lots. Managing Editor out of hand. Cars and companies does this help? All this accomplish- the matter is, bus systems are not While it’s not a perfect answer, plac- Jody Shaw are spewing chemicals into the air, es is increasing the time each car is the wave of the future. The only making the city unsafe for humans on the road, which would seem to public transportation systems ac- See Traffic, page 11 Board of Student Publications Dr. Carole E. Moore, Chair RoseMary Wells, Publications Mgr. Time to eliminate Electoral College and its problems Billiee Pendleton-Parter, Advisor Advertising and Accounting I didn’t vote. between states, overall, the Ameri- Nancy Bowen, Business Manager Since that confession is now out can public is much more unified Donna Sammander, Advertising Mgr. of the way, I’d like you to think “The huge source of many under their national government Marcus Kwok, Accounts Mgr. about the ridiculous and antiquat- problems in the current election than it used to be. We don’t need to ed of the methods our so-called “de- be represented by arbitrary bound- • • • mocracy” uses to conduct its process is the Electoral College.” aries on the map. I once lived in Copyright Notice elections. Yes, it’s the Electoral Becca Cutri-Kohart Holland, Pennsylvania. After a 10- Copyright © 2000, Christopher L. College that needs to be eliminat- minute drive and crossing a bridge, Baucom, Editor, and by the Board of Campus LIfe Editor Student Publications. The Technique is an ed. I was in New Jersey. What made the official publication of the Georgia Tech First, you probably want to hear difference between my counterpart Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any why I didn’t vote. After voting in our country’s founders because they terers, thieves, parents, clergy, busi- across the river and me? Maybe a manner without written permission from every election since I’ve turned 18, felt that the power to elect our lead- nessmen, academics, workers, and few toxic waste dumps, but other- the Editor or from the Board of Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein including a variety of primaries, lo- ers should not fall directly into the more. In other words, they have all wise, our lives, goals, ideology and are those of the editor or the individual cal elections, and referendums, you hands of the people. That’s why, the virtues and vices of the best and needs really didn’t vary too much. authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Student think its odd that I didn’t vote in even though we might know who worst of Americans. In no way are A founding principle of our coun- Publications, the students, staff, or faculty my first-ever Presidential election? will win the presidency in the next they better qualified than the citi- try is individualism. Why shouldn’t of Georgia Tech, or the University System of Georgia. So do I. Unfortunately my absentee week, the President won’t actually zenship to make laws or elect lead- the individual be the most deciding ballot didn’t arrive until today (that’s be selected until the members of the ers. Yet, we continue to put them factor in picking our next leaders, Advertising Information Wednesday, in Technique time). It Electoral College meet in Decem- on a pedestal because of outdated rather than the states? Now our tech- Information and rate cards can be found wasn’t in my mailbox yesterday; it ber. traditions. nology has finally given us the pow- on our World Wide Web site at was in it today. The Electoral College also has At one time the Electoral Col- er to speak as an individual rather The deadline for reserving ad space and the potential to create a huge co- than through the state, why don’t submitting ad copy is noon on Friday, one Here’s the even more funny part. lege did have a purpose. It was an week prior to publication. There are no My home district is in Palm Beach nundrum: that is, a candidate may imperfect system, but dictated by we take advantage of this? exceptions to this policy. For rate information, call our offices at (404) 894- County, Florida. That’s right, the get the most popular votes, but they the time in which it was created. The media can carry the results 2830, Monday through Friday from 10 one with the 3,000 people who ac- might not get the electoral votes Without telephones, the Internet, of popular votes across the country a.m. to 5 p.m. Advertising space cannot be reserved over the phone. TheTechnique cidentally voted for Buchanan in- they need to become President. facsimile machines and other mod- in nanoseconds. Why should we office is located in room 137 of the stead of Gore. Everyone knows Palm Chances are this historical anomaly ern communications techniques, have to wait a month for the Elec- Student Services Building, 353 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0290. Beach is where old New Yorker mi- might happen this year. That means there was a need to decentralize the toral College to meet? Questions regarding advertising billing norities go to die, so it is impossible that though our country has defi- elections and imbue authority to It is the time to upgrade, to move should be directed to Marcus Kwok at (404) 894-9187, or RoseMary Wells at that they’d vote for such a back- nitely picked Gore by popular vote, the states. That’s why a limited few closer to a perfect democracy. I’m (404) 894-2830. ward conservative like the B-man. Bush looks to be on track to win the were called upon to travel from their not advocating something entirely So, if the Florida election is decided election. So much for the great dem- home to represent their state’s vote ridiculous, like people being able to Letter Submission Policy by one vote, you now know whom ocratic ideal of self-rule. in the Electoral College. cast their ballots from home via the The Technique welcome all letters to the editor and will print letters on a timely to blame, not me, the idiots who In fact, we don’t have a real de- Additionally because of the lack Web or the telephone. The poten- and space-available basis. Letters should be voted for Buchanan. mocracy. Instead we have a system of communication, states had to be tial for fraud in such an election is hand-delivered, mailed to Georgia Tech Campus Mail Code 0290, or e-mailed to A move to electronic options for where we elect state leaders who much more independent from each too great. Just look to how Tech [email protected]. Letters absentee ballots and polling loca- appoint representatives who actu- other. Truly, citizens of Virginia students rig Sports Illustrated on- should be addressed to Chris Baucom, Editor. All letters must be signed and must tions that use a computer instead of ally make the decisions in electing were extremely different than citi- line polls to make it seem like GT include a campus box number or other a punch card would be a dramatic the national leaders who create the zens of Florida one hundred years has the best sports teams in the coun- valid mailing address for verification purposes. Letters should not exceed 350 improvement from the current sys- laws. We’ve created a republican ago. try (not that I’m saying we don’t words and should be submitted by 8 a.m. tem. We have the technology to hierarchy under the assumption that But now we traverse the country have the best sports teams, mind Wednesday in order to be printed in the following Friday’s issue. Any letters not improve, so I’m endorsing that im- the average American isn’t capable in hours on airplanes, our voices are you, just that many of the other meeting these criteria or not considered by provement. of self-government, so there needs carried across the country almost Sports Illustrated readers are igno- the Editorial Board of the Technique to be of valid intent will not be printed. Editors But the huge source of many to be layers of buracracy between instantaneously on the telephone, rant of our true athletic prowess). reserves the right to edit for style, content, and length. Only one submission per problems in the current election the people and the power. But look and our words are carried uncen- However, there is nothing wrong person will be printed each term. process is the Electoral College. That’s who our governmental representa- sored over the Internet. Though there the institution that was created by tives are: they are drug addicts, adul- are still some cultural differences See Elect, page 11 10 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique OPINIONS

OPINIONSSHARE SOME [email protected]

yeah,yeah,sotheelectionis stillupintheairasoftonight, wednesdaynight.canyou believethis?goredoeshave thepopularvote,wearea thepopularvoteshouldmat- termorethantheelectorial college.allihavetosayisthat therepublicansthatiwatched thereturnswitharen’tvery nice. 137 OOM , R BUILDING


Get Some

It’s Wednesday and we don’t know the results OPINIONS Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 11

Traffic from page 9 ing these lots in locations that would BMG teams up with Napster in legitimizing Internet be accessible with little to no traffic time, and it suddenly becomes more attractive than driving for the down- By John Drake of the recording industry which even if Napster were forever banned get the royalties to which they are town commuters. Amazingly, peo- The Lariat had rejected with its from cyberspace, the technology certainly entitled, and Internet users ple begin to see the advantages of bootleg recordings as a threat to would not cease to exist. Copycat will retain the benefit of this In- this and the areas around these rail (U-WIRE) Baylor University — artists’ rights. Web sites could and already have ternet-borne technology. stations become more densely pop- It’s about time a member of the These artists and industry ex- begun to create online communi- The next important step is for ulated, curbing sprawl as well. In recording industry stopped try- ecutives were fighting a losing battle ties similar to Napster. Napster universities like Baylor to give Nap- addition to these satellite lines, cov- ing to fight technology and start- against the dawning of the Digital made it popular, but the Internet ster back to their students. You erage within the perimeter needs to ed working to keep up with it. Age. The music industry simply made it possible. can’t claim to be a well-wired cam- be far more comprehensive than the Bertelsmann media company saw Napster as an illegitimate par- The challenge was to find a pus if students aren’t allowed to current plus sign. announced last week its intention asite that robbed artists of the roy- way to seize the technology and benefit from the Internet’s full range Most parties can agree that At- to team up with Napster and start alties that were due to them. They use it to the benefit of the of possibilities. lanta has huge traffic problems. Still, charging users for the right to swap saw Napster as a competitor. industry.BMG did that. Once BMG and Napster work the notion that worsening these prob- music files online. Many universities, including With this new plan to charge out the details of their agreement, lems by constricting traffic flow is In doing so, the company, Baylor, followed the music indus- users about a $5 fee to trade music Baylor needs to respond by allow- inane. It is a far superior solution to which owns BMG and sells records try’s lead. The plans to ban access files every month, the companies ing access to the new site. Band- get people to accept a system will- by Whitney Houston, Kenny G to Napster from university com- have added accountability to the width concerns notwithstanding, ingly rather than begrudgingly. While and Britney Spears, showed how puters arose in part out of fears of technology’s possibilities. There’s Napster represents an important initial construction of the system the Internet will become a legiti- legal action against Napster and no such thing as a free lunch, and benefit of the digital age and now, would upset some, the resurgence mate medium. the sites that allowed access to it there shouldn’t be any such thing the union of old and new media. of Midtown should serve as partial In joining with Napster, Ber- by the recording industry. as free music. The students have a right to bene- proof that rail access is not equiva- telsmann broke ranks with most Rational thinkers realized that With the new deal, artists will fit. lent to urban decay, as some areas fear. Let’s not put the cart before the horse. Lay the groundwork for person out of town for a holiday (or The United States just isn’t the hours of the night watching the votes public transportation to be viable Elect from page 9 at school) could just go to their lo- same as it was 200 years ago. With come in. Just be reminded the elec- for the citizens of metro Atlanta, cal polling place to cast a vote in our new faster-paced, communica- tion isn’t just a form of entertain- and you won’t have to punish them with computer-based voting. Claims their home district by simply iden- tions-intensive culture, we need to ment (although it has been fun), it’s into using it - it will be an improve- of the “digital divide” say that such tifying themselves to the computer. move our political system forward something that effects our future. ment to their quality of life. voting would be inaccessible to eld- All we are letting technology do to keep up with it. The old way of Unlike ACC football, we, as cit- erly and poverty-stricken Americans now is hurt the election process. doing things isn’t necessarily the izens, have the power to change the who don’t have access to comput- The divide between the close of the best way. I challenge the engineers rules. We are players, referees, the ers. But, by setting up “election com- east coast polls and the west coast and the managers and the creative athletic associations and spectators Join the puters,” that simply have a video polls have been influencing the vote thinkers at our university to think all at once. In this year’s election monitor and buttons to select your unfairly. With live media, the west about ways to optimize the election excitement, we should stop to re- candidate, it can’t be any easier. It coast gets to see who has been pull- process. The politicians could use flect on if we are conducting our Technique. would certainly be easier than deci- ing ahead in the election. This fore- some of our engineering abilities elections in the most fair and effi- phering which holes to punch in knowledge motivates some people now more than ever. cient way. Tuesdays my Palm Beach County ballot. to vote differently and also moti- Despite overwhelming apathy As the ad campaign says: we are Not to mention, counting the votes vates people who weren’t planning toward politics, something has fi- doing something only half the world would be MUCH easier. With one on voting to go to the polls. This nally caught our attention – this dreams of, voting. Why not set an 7 p.m. network of computers, the votes imbalance can be easily rectified by year’s election. Something in us example for the world by pushing could be counted, and recounted in simply extending the hours that polls enjoys the uncertainty and the close our elections to the next level, and Student a very brief period of time, instead are open, so they close at the same race between the two candidates. It letting the will of the people have a of several days. It would make ab- time across the country. So why was so exciting that almost every- more direct influence on govern- Services sentee voting much easier too. A don’t we do it? one I knew stayed up to the wee- ment. Room 137 Send me letters so I don’t have to run U-Wire. [email protected]

Florida dries me up the wall! CAMPUSpage 13 LIFE Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 13 Dr. Barke’s FACE Disabilty Days Dr. Barke brings new energy to See a lot of fun photos from Disability and CAMPUS LIFE Public Policy classes, even in a 200 Diversity Days! Tech’s women’s wheelchair person lecture hall. Page 14 basketball team really flies. Page 15 Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000

Ticketing troubles Disability and Diversity Days Wheelchair Fencing for campus cars By Brent Johnson process. With the online pro- Lord O Tickets cess, the Parking Office is now able to get exact numbers for Every student dreads it. As students with permits, those on you are coming back from a class the waiting list, and those that or a tough day, you recognize a want to change lots. little yellow envelope placed ever Since the integration of the so neatly between the wiper blades new system in December of 1999, and windshield of your car. the Parking Office is now better This year a substantially great- equipped to handle the parking er number of parking tickets has problems on campus, but, as been given out all across cam- Lange said, “Enforcement drives pus. This is due to the large in- the whole process.” crease in the As a result, number of meter many students are maids and other now discovering enforcers now “Enforcement the Ombudsman circling campus. drives the and Appeals Last year, just board, which acts four to five en- whole process.” as a mediator be- forcers were on tween students Peter Lange duty during the and the Parking Systems Support, day. This year, at office. Parking least seven or Since the be- eight are making ginning of the year rounds at any giv- up to Monday, en time, but as Peter Lange, Sys- November 6, over 14,000 park- tems Support for the Parking ing tickets have been written. and Transportation Services, re- Despite this, a good number marked, “We’re still not sure it’s have also been appealed, total- enough.” ing just over 2,000. If a ticket is It is somewhat surprising that appealed, there is usually a good the reason for the increase of chance that the charge will be enforcement really stems from reduced if not dismissed com- student complaints. pletely. Many complaints were filed The Appeals board can de- last year because students could cide whether to dismiss, reduce, By Bill Allen / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS not find parking spaces in lots or uphold the charge depending Wheel chair fencing was one of the many entertaining activities during Disability and Diversity Days. Students that they had paid permits for. on the circumstances of the park- faced off with Pete Collman from the U.S. Wheelchair Fencing Team. More fun pictures on page 15. This seems to be changing with the new online registration See Tickets, page 17 Facilities Department improves campus one sidewalk at a time

By Daniel Weksler Improving myself “We look at it as not only how it might improve Tech, Sometimes changes to cam- pus do not occur through the but also how it affects the most public departments, like safety of the students.” Housing or the Bursar’s Office. Construction and any alterations Dan Morrison that affect the campus usually Associate Director for Residence Life come from the Facilities Depart- ment. The Facilities Department is partment also added ramps for students. Morrison mentioned, responsible for any changes that wheelchair access and unload- “We look at it as not only how it happen to Tech property, wheth- ing. might improve Georgia Tech, er they happen to the buildings The department has also but also how it affects the safety that the students live in or take worked on the parking decks of the students and other issues classes in, or the sidewalks, stair- and adding ramps around the that might concern them.” ways, and roads that help them lots for handicapped access. This means that something get around campus. Soon they will be in charge might seem like a great idea when One of the projects they re- of the new parking deck, both it is first thought of, but if it cently finished was construct- to actually build it and also ren- could create a safety concern, it ing a grid map of all the lights on ovate it whenever it is necessary. may not actually happen. campus, including street lamps The next big project for Fa- Everywhere around us can and the lights attached to build- cilities is the development and be changed by Facilities if they ings. remodeling of Harrison court- want to change things, but in- This was a very big project yard. “We are still finalizing the stead they keep us with a better and with the completion of it, design for the new courtyard look, looking Tech and a safe cam- employees are now able to iden- but it has been funded and should pus. tify which bulbs need replacing start sometime next year,” said They always attempt to give if they are told the location on Dan Morrison, Associate Direc- us a good place to live and park- the map. tor for Residence Life. “We’re ing lots, sidewalks, and recre- Another construction project waiting for a time when we won’t ational areas that benefit us. completed was the sidewalk re- disrupt students that are study- So while we may have anger building around campus. Many ing with the noise coming from towards the Housing Depart- of the sidewalks had worsened the construction.” ment for shafting us, or towards By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS to a bad condition that warrant- Overall, the department al- the Parking Department for giv- The Facilities Department keeps campus ship-shape and pretty by improving and ed replacement. ways considers how the renova- ing us tickets, there is very little cleaning sidewalks, grassy areas, buildings. You name it, they fix it and build it. While they did this, the de- tions will change Tech and affect wrong coming out of Facilities. 14 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique CAMPUS LIFE FFaces A at GeorgiaC E Tech S - Profile on Richard Barke -

By Kim Holton it was supported and the role the eral projects. In the early 1990’s he FACES gal government played in it,” he said. was a part of the Carnegie Commis- “Secondly, I had a dynamic and sion, which helped Congress un- As Associate Dean of Ivan Allen enthusiastic political science pro- derstand how they supported and College, Richard Barke understands fessor here at Tech. This professor used research. He also worked for what it is like to be a Tech Student. convinced me that it was possible to Eastman Kodak by helping their He completed his undergraduate study government with the same managers learn how to become more degree in Physics here at Tech. Af- principles used to study science.” involved in Washington. Further- terward, he obtained his graduate Dr. Barke took that interest and more, he has worked for several na- degree in public policy at the Uni- turned it into a career. He taught at tions’ governments. Also, in the versity of Rochester. the University of Houston before summer of 1996, he was a VIP driv- Barke offers two reasons for such he came back to Tech. He has now er for the Olympics. “I met a lot of a dramatic change from undergrad- been teaching here for thirteen years. interesting people,” said Barke. uate to graduate. “First, I was work- He currently teaches Government “Professor Barke makes class in- ing for Professor Long. I was a of the United States, a political sci- teresting and something to look for- research assistant. I became inter- ence course. ward to,” said Laura Hickman, a By Bill Allen / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ested in the entire process of re- In addition to teaching, Barke Richard Barke, Public Policy professor, speaks to a student. Dr. Barke is search. I wanted to understand how has assisted the government for sev- See FACES, page 17 known for incorporating dynamic projects into his class lectures.

I’m from Palm Beach County. My Congressman is Robert Wexler. CAMPUS LIFE Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 15 Campus briefs Disability and Diversity Days answers question “What if?” Donate toys to a toy drive for Sickle Cell Foundation Omega Phi Alpha, National Service Sorority, is sponsoring a Toy Drive to benefit the Sickle Cell Foundation from now until Friday, December 8. Anyone interested in donating a toy, please contact Candace Swint at [email protected]. Particpate in military activities all next week Georgia Tech Military Week brings the military to campus Novem- ber 13 through November 16. Try the obstacle course, get your “dog tags” made, fly the F-18 simulator, sit in a B-1 Bomber cockpit, observe drill exhibitions, attend the flag vigil, and watch helicopter demonstra- tions in Burger Bowl. Most exhibits are at the Campanile area, and everyone is invited to attend. Learn how to win academic positions on campus On Tuesday, November 14, Career Services will hold a seminar By Scott King / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS entitled “Applying for Academic Positions.” The seminar will be from 11 a.m. until noon in the Student Success Center, Presidential Suite A. Events planned for Hunger and Homelessness Week Next week the Student Center will be holding several events for Hunger and Homelessness Week. Faces of the Homeless, on Tuesday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., will feature a discussion panel of homeless people and people who work with them. On Wednesday, beginning at 7 p.m. and lasting until 8 a.m. Thursday morning, there will be the Homeless Awareness Sleep-Out, during which students sleep-out to increase awareness of hunger and homelessness in Atlanta. Finally, on Thursday from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., volunteers will be preparing the dining area of Café 458, located next to the Martin Luther King Jr. Museum, and cooking food for homeless residents of Atlanta. For more information, contact the MOVE office. Great American Smokeout being held next Thursday Next Thursday is the Great American Smokeout. From 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., employees from the Health and Wellness Center will be in front of the Student Center giving away prizes and information regard- ing smoking’s effects on your health. For more information, contact By Scott King / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS By Rob Hill / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Eric Buhi at [email protected]. Some events that took place: “famous” campus personalities, such as J.R. Spriggle, Dean Wilcox, and Dean DiSabatino all roamed campus in wheel chairs. There was also a women’s wheelchair basketball tournament.

I see good old Rob W. is disqualifying tons of votes from my district. I would feel disenfranchised if I actually voted. 16 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique CAMPUS LIFE Buzz Around the

Susan Keller Justin Little Cash Morris Ben Bryan Campus EAS Senior Physics Senior CS Junior INTA Junior “A 24-hour study “Group and individ- “Sweat shop.” “A restaurant and all- center with coffee.” ual study areas.” night coffeehouse- study place.”

Question of the week “What should the old bookstore be used for when the

new one is built?” Matt Schutz Sandi Kaye Suzanne Michael Malluck ARCH Senior BioChem Junior CS Sophomore CompE Sophomore Feature and Photos by “Batting cages.” “Boxing or Sumo “Places for student “Meeting place for Jon Purvis wrestling.” organizations to meet campus and a place to study.” organizations.”

Daniel, who are you taking naked pictures of? Negative on that one GhostRider. Its raining. CAMPUS LIFE Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 17

Tickets from page 13 ing ticket, but only if the student presents a valid argument. Though some students hold grudges against the Parking office, when asked, most admitted that they felt a parking ticket they received was valid. Still, nobody likes coming back to their car and seeing a ticket when they have only been gone for a few moments. “I just wish they wouldn’t

“It seems I only leave for a few minutes and already have a ticket when I come back.” Geoffrey Loy Sophomore be so sneaky about it!” joked Geof- frey Loy, a sophomore. “It seems I only leave for a few minutes and already have a ticket when I come back.” Though almost every student dislikes tickets, it seems they are a very necessary measure so that ev- eryone’s own parking space is en- sured. Parking in Atlanta is never By David Ziskind / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS By David Ziskind / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS an easy task, and, to quote Peter Ticketing has picked up lately, with tons of students finding the little yellow With new parking meters all over campus, the number of tickets for these Lange, “There’s simply not enough.” flag. Appeals are an option that many students seek after getting a ticket. spaces are on the rise too, with 9% of all ticketing for expired meters.

Parking Statistics FACES from page 15 Total Tickets 2000 (as of November 6) —14,124 Campus Parking Spaces freshman Management major. “Al- you happy. Often times Tech stu- Number of Parking Spaces — 10,000 though it is a large class it feels as dents take courses they think will Appealed — 2037 Number of Parking Decks — 6 though everyone can feel free to give them opportunities. I believe if Number of Parking Lots — 70 participate. I loved the Mock Con- you study something that interests Top 3 Reasons: Number of Permits Issued — 12,500 gress simulation. It gave a different you, you will do good and the op- Unregistered Vehicle — 48% perspective on the government. Po- portunities will come to you. Fur- Parking without appropriate Permit (in the wrong litical science is definitely my favor- thermore, I would say that each lot)—15% Number of Stinger Buses — 8 ite class.” student should recognize how good Expired Meter — 9% When asked if he had words of he or she is. Never hold yourself wisdom to offer the student body back because you feel someone else he replied, “Study that which makes is better.” Nique

Always in fashion.

Well, for the most part...

Does Chris want nakkid photos of himself. ENTERTAINMENTpage 19 Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 19

Napster-approved Overanalyzation (AH!) ENTERTAINMENT The Smashing Pumpkins didn’t let What would happen if English studio woes get them down— their teachers were writing history? The final album is on the Internet! Page 21 Two Bits Man knows... Page 23 Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 Adam Sandler’s ‘Little Nicky’ offers devil of a good time By Daniel Weksler shot at him and kills the guy. gest mentally. The brothers all Heaven rocks! The next place we see the peeper find out that the Devil, instead is Hell, where he is greeted by of passing on his throne to one MPAA Rating: PG-13 the gatekeeper (Kevin Nealon), of his sons, will rule for the next Starring: Adam Sandler, who lets him know where he is 10,000 years. This makes the Harvey Keitel, Patricia by greeting him with an unusu- older two mad, and they head to Arquette New York to create their own Director: kind of hell. Studio: New Line Cinema The movies then follows Running Time: 84 minutes Nicky’s adventures through New Rating: yyyy This movie not only York in an attempt to bring his brothers back to Hell. He meets Adam Sandler has entertained surpasses Sandler’s a girl (Patricia Arquette) and ends millions of people with his mov- past movies, but up falling for her, but unfortu- ies. Whether he’s a college-aged nate things happen. He’s joined kid retaking elementary school proves that he is by a couple of devil-worshipp- as in Billy Madison, proving to worth what he is ing guys and a talking dog named be a great football player when Beefy. The movie also includes channelling anger in The Water- getting paid. many people that are stars or boy, or winning at golf in Happy help connect Sandler’s other Gilmore, Sandler has proven he movies to this one. can make a good comedy. His al gift. From there, we head to The performances put on by newest venture into the genre is the Devil’s (Harvey Keitel) abode Sandler, Ifans, and Keitel were Little Nicky. where we meet Nicky (Sandler) very entertaining. Sandler con- The movie starts out with a and his two brothers. Cassius tinues to do what he knows best peeping tom (Jon Lovitz) sit- (Tiny Lister) has the most phys- and doesn’t disappoint; this is ting on a branch doing his thing. ical strength, but he’s lacking in probably his funniest movie yet. By Myles Aronowitz / NEW LINE CINEMA When a woman and her son no- the brain area. The malicious Adam Sandler offers us yet another comedy with his newest film, Little Nicky. As the tice him, the boy shoots a sling- Adrian (Rhys Ifans) is the stron- See Nicky, page 20 title character—who happens to be the son of the Devil—Sandler is funnier than ever. Places to go, people to meet, things to do, recipes to tweak By Alan Back there weren’t a lot of bands doing make the trek down into the Her Eminence’s Stunt Double it the right way—using a mailing basement to support some of list, putting advertising out, Pollen Central’s favorites. The B-52s. The Indigo Girls. putting a CD out. We just got a Headspace and Timing, re- TLC. Collective Soul. Shawn really good following all of a leased in 1998, found the group Mullins. OutKast. The Marvelous 3. sudden there, and we got good reaching into various unexpect- Turn that list over in your radio play in the beginning with ed styles. A bit of blues, some head for a minute and you’ll see our first record,” he said, referring New Orleans funk, and a shot that the pollen-choked oven to the 1996 debut Following Ceres. or two of folk surface alongside known as Georgia has produced Thomas’ disciplined blend of acts with quite a range of musi- acoustic pop and Southern rock. cal flavors. There are plenty of He described the mix as a other acts hoping to get them- “Everything starts result of collaboration with the selves out onto the counter, but working in the right particular band members at the whether they’re actually ready is time. “The bass player, say, would a whole other question. In the direction, and you come up with a line, and we’d case of Cornbread, though, the can feel it coming.” say, ‘Let’s write a song on that.’ answer just might be yes. We tried to make an effort to get Active in Columbus, Ga., Keni Thomas everybody involved, so that’s why since 1995, the band came to- Cornbread you get such a different feel be- gether with singer/guitarist Keni tween the songs. ‘Angels in the Thomas at its center. Thomas Southland’ is typically the way I had been playing open mic nights write—that Southern, John and doing solo gigs in that area Cornbread made their Atlanta Cougar [Mellencamp] feel.” while serving with a company of debut that same year, playing at “Angels” ended up giving Rangers in the Army. The mili- the Dark Horse Tavern during Cornbread a little unexpected tary experience, he said, allowed the Olympics, and have since exposure—on a different conti- him to tackle the new project turned that hall into their main nent! NOW TV, a television/ with an aggression he thought local hangout. Thomas and cur- Internet service that broadcasts By Alan Back / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS was lacking in other acts. rent company—Dee Rosario to Europe and Asia, got hold of Cornbread’s favorite Atlanta haunt is the Dark Horse Tavern, which played host to them and “I figured at the time that it (guitar), Eddie Whalen (bass), other acts during Atlantis. Above: members Keni Thomas, Eddie Whalen, and Dee Rosario. was good for Columbus, because and Ryan Faulkner (drums)— See Cornbread, page 25

Corrections ‘Merrick’ hails the return of the vampire queen The photo caption on page By Casey Fiesler all sorts of blood-sucking mediums, it—a vampire. Now he comes to spanning her works, and further ex- 27 of the October 20 issue She’s not Prezre Lease even the children’s book Bunnicula her for help. His companion Louis plains the storylines of other books. (article: “New roads for old and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. How- wants to raise the ghost of a dead However, those who have never masters”) transposed the Author: Anne Rice ever, everyone has to grow up some- child vampire, Claudia (you may before picked up an Anne Rice sto- names of two members of Title: Merrick time, so my first step in overcoming recognize these characters from the ry will find an equally enjoyable Blues Traveler. Chan Kinchla Publisher: A. A. Knopf (Random my little phobia was to read an Anne book or movie Interview with the experience. This narrative has all is standing on the far right, House) Rice book. Vampire). As David awaits her an- the making of a classic adventure— and Tad Kinchla is seated on Copyright: 2000 To my surprise, it didn’t terrify swer, he tells Louis of Merrick’s sto- murder, romps through a danger- the left. me. In fact, it was enormously en- ry—one of magic, deception, lust, ous jungle, forbidden love...not to The “Lucky Numbers a win- When I was six years old, I acci- tertaining! Merrick, Rice’s latest, is grief, and mystery. mention voodoo and vampires! ning bet” review on page 25 dentally caught five or ten minutes titled after the main character, and Set in Rice’s vampire playground Even Rice’s writing style is a re- of the November 3 issue in- of Dracula on television—an espe- follows the life of a witch—one who of New Orleans, this narrative is freshing change from most contem- correctly credited the author. cially traumatic experience for a child just happens to be entangled in the the first to combine the two super- porary fiction. Merrick reads like a The article was written by En- who found both Pee Wee Herman world of the vampires. natural genres of Rice’s works—the mixture of 30’s style horror and tertainment staff member and Big Bird to be terrifying—and The narrator of the story, David vampires and the Mayfair witches. Harlequin romance. Though Rice Casey Fiesler. I’ve been scared of vampires ever Talbot, cared for Merrick as a child, Loyal fans will find more to love in since. Needless to say, I’ve avoided but has since become—you guessed this piece, as it references characters See Rice, page 20 20 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT Crossword Humor Me 3. Bro’s counterpart 4. Archer, for short 1234 567 8910 5. Run (crazy) Showing this week on GTCN 6. Maria Von Trapp was one 11 12 13 14 7. Color, as hair By Rebekah Bardwell 15 16 17 8. Collect GTCN Correspondant 9. Girls alternative 18 19 10. All right, I guess This week on Flava 101, GTCN will be bringing you your favorite videos from Treyce, Lil’ Kim, L.L. Cool J and Million 20 21 22 23 24 25 12. Wipe, as oil 16. She, to Pierre Family March. Flava 101 always gives you the freshest hip-hop and 26 27 28 17. Salt, to Pierre R&B videos. Phat Videos takes it to the court this week from the Children’s 29 30 31 32 33 34 20. Thrown in ___ (mixed up) (2 wds) HealthCare of Atlanta inter-squad scrimmage. Get a preview of the 35 36 37 38 21. Pacific wrestlers Georgia Tech’s men’s and women’s basketball teams and see stu- dents hoop it up as well. Interviews with Alvin Jones and Niesha 39 40 41 22. Tooths a bone 23. Actress West and namesakes Butler highlight the show. Your courtside seat gives you all-access to 42 43 44 24. “Baby Don’t Go” singer games, prizes, interviews, and the best pop and alternative videos you won’t want to miss. 45 46 47 48 25. Hairdresser concern 27. ______-ball Flava 101 comes on Mondays at 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. and Thurs- 49 50 51 28. ______of the trade days at 7:00 p.m. Phat Videos comes on Mondays at 3:30 and 7:30 31. Scientific place for military fly- p.m. and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. on GTCN’s Channel 21. For 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ers (abbr) more info about either of these shows, simply visit GTCN’s website 59 60 61 32. Volunteer’s quote (2 wds) at or visit us in on the first floor of the 33. Chopped, it’s not a concern student center on Monday, November 13, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 62 63 64 34. Originates (from) 36. Mahal and others By Kit FitzSimons 35. 3rd part of quote (4 wds) 37. Quartet, i.e. My word play is my bond. 39. To be, to Caesar 38. Some poems Nicky from page 19 Rice from page 19 40. Non-Netscape navigator 43. A lot ACROSS 41. Help Miss Daisy? 44. Treasure ______Ifans also shines so brightly as a writes with an old-fashioned prose, 1. Simple 42. 4th part of quote (3 wds) 45. With 50 DOWN, Peter Fonda great evil character (in contrast to it has a lyricism that fits with the 5. Also 45. Cold War participant (abbr) movie his memorable turn as Hugh Grant’s propriety of narrator and story. 8. Parts of steel? 47. Places to hear “Stat!” (abbr) 46. Kept from taking enough tricks roommate in Notting Hill) that he What makes this book even more 11. Isn’t a quitter 48. 4WD cars 49. Oil producers (abbr) should get more sinister roles in his remarkable is the fact that it comes 13. Very, to Jose 49. Leer 50. SEE 45 DOWN career. As for Keitel, he once again after Rice’s remarkable recovery from 14. Bovine whine 51. _____-Cone 51. Location proved that he can still be funny a diabetic coma in 1998. She even 15. Start of a Bob Davies quote (3 52. End of quote (3 wds) 53. Norma ______and good. Allen Covert, , commented that writing the manu- wds) 59. Term from “Deep Impact” (abbr) 54. Annual measurements (abbr) and Jonathan Loughran provided script helped her in her recovery. 18. Wapiti 60. Painting, perhaps 55. Divorcees great scenes portraying Sandler’s Anne Rice accomplishes some- 19. Exxon, once 61. Put out, as force 56. Sen.’s counterpart roommate and his two worshippers. thing in Merrick that I would have 20. Homework, for one (abbr) 62. The current “8-tracks” 57. NASA, for one (abbr) This movie not only surpasses previously thought impossible. She 23. Not nice, in Nice 63. Language suffix 58. “…more available upon request” Sandler’s past movies, but proves created characters so endearing and 24. Not-quite sgts. 64. Span partner (abbr) he is worth what he is getting paid. real that, even though the thought 26. 2nd part of quote (3 wds) He is able to come up with a new of vampires make me cringe, I found 29. Not-46 DOWN player’s quote DOWN Answers on page 25. No one ever character every time and make that something in them to appreciate. (2 wds) 1. There’s a Search for it in the emails me about the crossword any- character into a great person, while She manages to show the human 30. Ramparts preposition universe (abbr) more. Actually, no one emails me at always ending up with a happy end- side of the inhuman, and tells an 31. “Good for what _____...” 2. “Bow wow!” all. Email the entertainment woman! ing since it’s a comedy. Enjoy it. amazing story in the process.


Sons and slivers. ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 21

Manson a master of entertainment Smashing Pumpkins offer fans a By David Reynolds which is hard for most Americans stage and came back out dressed as truly fabulous online farewell Got the tickets all by himself to swallow and appreciate. Each al- the Pope. With white robe and head- bum crossed the line set by the pre- wear, he knelt down on his knees to By Andrew Pilsch few tracks sound as if they came With missing ribs and in sup- vious album. The music is very loud sing a song off the new album. Half- Missing Billy Corgan’s bald head from Gish—they are slow, build- port of George W. Bush, Marilyn and rocks so much that it shakes way through the song, he ripped off ing, and grand. The grandiose Manson brought his anti-normalcy you down to your organs. Keeping the robe and hat and smeared his Artist: Smashing Pumpkins evocation of wide open space in circus to the Tabernacle in Atlanta in the tradition of controversial be- corpse-like white chest with blood, Title: Machina II “Saturnine” sticks in your head. on Tuesday. The “Guns, God and havior was Manson’s backdrop— only to come back songs later and Label: No label With the James Brown cov- Government” tour featured songs an unborn infant on a cross. sing from a red pulpit with a cruci- Genre: Rock er, “Soul Power,” the Smashing such as the new single, “Disposable Marilyn (Brian Warner) will re- fix made of guns. Tracks: 25 Pumpkins recapture the guitar Teens,” from the new Manson al- ceive credit for not stopping at any As a finale to his unbelievable Rating: yyyyy fury of their masterpiece, Siamese bum released last month, Holy Wood. stunts, he performed another new Dream, and the first disc of Mel- The band was accompanied by song from 40 feet in the air by stand- The career of the Smashing lon Collie and the Infinite Sad- opening act Godhead—the first ing on a raised platform while wear- Pumpkins is truly the stuff of ness. “Crash Car Star” and the signed band to Manson’s new ma- Manson will receive ing a black skirt from his waist to drama (or melodrama—but stick companion (and very similar) jor record label, PostHuman the ground four stories below him. with me on this) and would eas- “Cash Car Star” are great, fast Records. Godhead will release its credit for not stopping It is rare to see such a spectacle, and ily translate into a novel or play. songs and tirades about greed first album in January; 2000 Years at any length to rarer still to be able to see the singer In this way, Machina II, their and show business. This is the of Human Error will feature “Break eye-to-eye from the second level new and final release, is like the bitterness I spoke of earlier— You Down” and “The Reckoning.” impress his fans. balcony. end of a truly great book—you’re the Pumpkins know they became Cut from the same cloth as Man- Though Manson is prejudged sorry to see it go, but glad it all pretentious rock stars, and this son, Godhead played a tight show, with good reason in the nation, the worked out in the end. album is repentance and good- ripping out songs one after another length to impress his fans, going show was an absolute awesome ex- The career of Billy Corgan bye all at once. with very little time between. through the trouble, three songs into perience. One would enjoy a Man- and company has left a string of This album goes so deep into Wearing his trademark black the show, to attach the most amaz- son circus immensely if they could tragedies in its wake (keyboard- the retrospective that it even in- pants, leather griddle up to his mid- ing 15-foot high stilts on his legs look past personal barriers and just ist John Mellovan dead from a cludes a beautiful piano number section and pale white shirtless chest, and even longer stilts for his arms to go to be entertained. Hopefully most heroin overdose, and original (“If There is a God (piano/vox)”) the band wasted no time by open- allow him to walk across the stage people know that Marilyn Manson bassist D’Arcy Warski facing drug and a James Iha tune (“Go”) just ing with fast metal which caused fully erect. It was a stunning scene is just an act. Sure, the real man isn’t possession charges for driving as Mellon Collie did. The album the black clothed crowd to begin to see a lead singer walk across stage a role model and doesn’t want to around Chicago with a plastic ultimately transitions to the slower frantic pushing and shoving—en- ten feet above his fellow band mem- be. He’s simply a man. bag full of crack), but in the end, pop of the second Mellon Collie ergized by the energy. bers heads. Corgan didn’t kill himself (as it disc and the electro-experimen- For those who are unfamiliar with After getting back down to ground Look for Marilyn Manson’s new al- seemed he would around the time tation of Adore. the music of the most controversial level and giving his fans more loud bum, Holy Wood, as well as God- of the recording of Siamese The standout amongst these band around, the lyrics usually go versions of the underground songs head’s 2000 Years of Human Error Dream) and may yet be saved by few is “Home.” No other de- against all normalcy in America, they love, Manson took a pause back- in January. love. Machina II hits the right scription will do, save that the mix of bitterness and joy. Put song is beautiful and amongst simply, it’s been a hell of ride the band’s best work. The al- and this is a hell of an album. bum even ends on a happy note Originally, this record was set with “Here’s to the Atom Bomb,” to be released by Virgin Records, a song about finding yourself and but due to flattening sales of its letting go. bloated and bombastic prede- The only drawback of this cessor, the label passed on re- album is that it was converted to leasing Machina II. Instead of MP3 on a home stereo, and the giving up, the band chose to fi- crude creation shows in the sound nance the creation of 25 5-vinyl quality. Because the songs are sets of the record. These sets were consistently great, however, this given to friends who had been hardly bears mentioning and told to use any means to get the won’t affect your enjoyment in album to fans. This insanely cool the slightest. I highly recommend gesture alone would get the al- this album, and if it were on bum five stars, but it also helps CD, I’d tell you to buy it. Since that this is the bands best album it’s free, you owe it to yourself to since Siamese Dream. download and give it a listen. In 25 tracks using new, unre- leased material, the Smashing A list of sites offering Machina II Pumpkins are able to provide a can be found online at better retrospective of their mu- Courtesy PRIORITY RECORDS sical output than any greatest articles.html?content_id=1302. It Godhead opened for Marilyn Manson in Tuesday’s Election Day concert. Their debut album, 2000 Years of hits album ever could. The first can also be found on Napster. Human Error, will be released in January. Above: James O’Connor, Jason Miller, The Method, and Mike Miller.

I apologize for the crappiness of this section last week. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Entertainment Editor. 22 • Friday, November 10, 2000 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT ...0101010101010101010101010101010101010101...... Two Bits

Overanalyzation is the word of Welcome to the November 10th meaning ‘ruling spear.’ These com- The moose is Jesus. There follows vision between the morning and the day. Scream when you hear it, class of World Life Imitating Art. bine to give ‘son of the ruling spear’ the First Corollary of Overanalyza- afternoon episodes. However, in the but not too loud or your English Instead of focusing on one country or ‘threat to the U.S. Marines’ who tion (AAGGHH!!!) which adds: If late 1980s, the programming was professor might get upset. Overan- or time period, we’re going to cover also ride in boats. Obviously, zeal- Freud was famous, he has to be right, flip-flopped, letting ‘The McLaugh- alyzation (AAGGHH!!!) is the rea- one day throughout history. Pay ous supporters of the Marines hi- and I mean ‘right in as many in- lin Group’ reside in the primetime son that so many people dislike attention to this, there’s a test on jacked the so-called ‘ore-hauling stances as possible.’ and late night range. ‘Sesame Street’ poetry—English professors get so October 13th through November vessel’ in order to keep then from “Now, the two intertwined events was united at last! wrapped up in explaining vague al- 21st one week from Tuesday. attacking our country’s military. that I referred to earlier are the 1969 “Oh, I see our time is up. Thank lusions, drawn-out metaphors, and “November 10th is an amazing- “Besides this, there were two ob- debut of ‘Sesame Street’ and the you for your attention. The reading that bane of engineering majors ev- ly significant day. First, in 1775, viously-connected events occurring 1989 demolition of the Berlin Wall, assignments for next week are pages erywhere, “symbolism,” that they the Continental Congress organized exactly twenty years from the other. both of which occurred on Novem- 16-337 in the text (odd pages only), forget about the poem. the United States Marines. On the I should mention here that, during ber 10th and which are therefore as well as ‘Disney’s Pocahontas 2 Now, many things happen on very same day (200 years later, give the time in question (1969-1989), bonded metaphorically. ‘Sesame Storybook’ and the November 13, one given date, say today, right? or take a few hours) the ‘Edmund there were many religious and phal- Street’ showed the world that there 1941 issue of the Des Moines Daily And most, with the exception of FitzGerald’ and its ore-hauling crew lic icons brought to the forefront of didn’t need to be a separation of Gazette. Explain how the authors anniversaries, are unrelated, right? disappeared on Lake Superior. I don’t mainstream focus, such as Vietnam one whole; there wasn’t an East Ses- were thinking along the same lines. However, since, to English profes- believe in coincidence, so there must Veteran’s Memorial. ame Street and a West Sesame Street Class dismissed.” sors, everything is related and sym- be a connection. “For those in the class who do split by Wall Street, was there? Until next time, this is Two Bits bolic, can you imagine what would “Now, keep in mind, ‘Fitz’ is not see the symbolism there, I refer “Actually there was. It was called Man asking, “Why can’t we get to happen if they were historians? Irish for ‘son of’ and ‘Gerald’ is from you to the First Law of Overanalyz- ‘The McLaughlin Group,’ a public February 7th? Now there’s a day to “Hello, ladies and gentleman. the Ancient Germanic ger wald, ation (AAGGHH!!!) which states: interest show that sat on public tele- remember!” Join the Entertainment staff. You might get the chance to be a substitute editor when I go on random trips.


tuesdays. 7p.m. studentservices room137

Angst is good. I like angst. ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 • 23

The film is tentatively scheduled sponsor,” Thomas commented. “I’m Cornbread from page 19 for release next Thanksgiving and happy for it and that he’s included us, based on Mark Bowden’s 1999 book that he takes an interest in the band.” Try these candidates on for size… the song and contacted Thomas this Black Hawk Down. In late 1997, In the past year, Cornbread has past summer to ask if they could Bowden wrote a series of articles for also made debut appearances at the COTTON CLUB (152 Luckie St.) ROXY (3110 Roswell Rd.) put its video on the playlist. the Philadelphia Inquirer chronicling Dogwood Festival and the Atlantis (404) 874-1993 (404) 233-7699 “They called me and said, ‘We a disastrous military raid in Music Conference. Though the 11/10—Unified Theory, Johnny Hyde, Gondie 11/10 and 11/11—Cowboy Mouth, play major-label stuff, but we’d like Mogadishu, Somalia, during U.S. weather at Piedmont Park refused 11/11—Slam, Gruvinhi, Born Into Chaos Ruby Horse to feature you as an independent involvement in that country in 1993. to behave itself, the band still en- 11/12—Levon Helm, Greta Lee 11/15—Hootie and the Blowfish artist from America.’ I said, ‘Sure,’” Thomas’ Ranger company is a focal joyed sharing the stage with the likes 11/16— Jazz Mandolin Project, Charlie 11/17—Orgy, Crazy Town Hunter Trio, Soul LIve Web site: he recollected. “It’s funny to me, point of the book, a collection of of Brighter Shade, Col. Bruce Hamp- Web site: because who in those countries speaks those articles. ton, and Francine Reed at the Festival. SMITH’S OLDE BAR (1582 Piedmont Ave.) English anyway? But it worked out Until the final decision comes Atlantis gave them a chance to DARK HORSE TAVERN (816 N. Highland Ave.) (404) 875-1522 well.” The video was also featured down regarding the soundtrack, the show off their stuff and pick up a (404) 873-3607 11/10—Rebirth Brass Band, Iris May Tango in American cable and syndication band has plenty of other pots to stir, few pointers to boot. In Thomas’ 11/10—Hanging Francis, Ghost Town, 11/11—Tender Idols, 13 Stories, David outlets, including MTV2. including an appearance at SLABFest view, the chance to play a showcase Falling Up Roland, Lenox, Tau Fight Listen to “Angels” and you can 2000 this weekend. Fifteen local set for record company reps was less 11/11—Blacklight Posterboys, Seven 11/12—Richard Bicknell, Deaundra Peek hear a now-familiar voice in the back- bands will perform tonight and to- important than the contacts they Mexican Astronauts, Favorite 11/13—Midget Handjob, Bicycle Thief ground. Shawn Mullins contribut- morrow at the Three Dollar Café to could make—but being able to do 11/12—Blacklight Posterboys 11/15—Jerry Joseph and the Jackmormons, ed supporting vocals for that track, raise money for St. Jude Children’s both was a powerful combination. 11/15—Good Question, Dexter, Slow Earth Five Pound Bass 11/16—Mercycrush, Modeltones, 11/16—Jack Ingram, Pat Haney, Park continuing a friendship with Tho- He explained, “If you get them Sparkledrive Chisolm mas that began while both were still there, that’s great. Then they can 11/17—Persona, Crave 11/17—Big Ass Truck, Legends of the singing on their own in the early ’90s. see the band and say, ‘You guys are Giant Squid, Jill Sobule, Eleni Mandell “When I was in the Army, I was “There weren’t a lot of great. Now what? What have you ECHO LOUNGE (551 Flat Shoals Ave.) Web site: probably one of the only guys in the got going on?’ and you have the (404) 681-3600 barracks who listened to things like bands doing opportunity to tell them. Or vice 11/10—Nick Savage, Royal Fingerbowl, STAR BAR (437 Moreland Ave.) the Indigo Girls. One of the other [promotion] the right versa…The contacts that we made Hubcap City (404) 681-9018 guys said, ‘I’ve got a CD you might from the panels, people that offered 11/11—Aerial, Jazz June, Adom 11/10—Webb Wilder, Modern El Dorados like,’ and he gave me this Shawn way…We just got a to help and that we’ve kept up with, 11/15—Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, 11/11—Kingsized, Hot August Nights Greasepaint, Lust 11/15—Kenny Howes and the Yeah!, Mullins album…I ended up dating really good following.” they’ve become invaluable.” 11/16—Idaho, Greg Conners and the Curb Jimmy and the Teasers, Yum-Yum Tree a girl from Atlanta; we went out to The weekend turned out to be Keni Thomas 11/17—Macha, Casionova 11/16—Steve Tombstone, Slim Chance, Eddie’s Attic one night when he something of a pivotal moment for Web site: Joel Burkhart, Anna Kramer was opening up for Ashley and Cornbread Cornbread. To him, the position 11/17—Alejandro Escovedo, Glory Mark.” every up-and-coming band wants EDDIE’S ATTIC (515-B N. McDonough St.) Fountain Thomas kept his eyes peeled and to reach is simple: “You finally get (404) 377-4976 Web site: got himself booked as an opening Research Hospital in Memphis. your foot in the door, you’re meet- 11/10—Michelle Malone, Greg Williams, act for the next time Mullins came Other bands include Brighter Shade, ing everybody, and pretty soon Lauren Fincham, Diana Jones, Susan TABERNACLE (152 Luckie St.) through Columbus. “There were Caroline Aiken, and Stereo Popsicle. they’re going to say, ‘Come on in Lewis-Wright (404) 659-9022 maybe 20 people in the bar that SLABFest is an event run by and sit at the table.’ Everything starts 11/11—Caroline Aiken, Ray Bonneville, 11/10—Wicked West Ball Devon 11/11—Blue Lights, In the Basement, night, and they were all my buddies Southern Local Area Bands (SLAB), working in the right direction, and 11/12—Joyce and Jacque, Danzig and Confunkshun from the platoon!” he laughed. “By an organization set up in 1997 to you can feel it coming.” Woolley, Deluxe Vaudeville 11/17 and 11/18—String Cheese Incident the time Shawn got there, I already allow unsigned acts in the Southeast It takes a while to get there, but Orchestra Web site: knew most of his stuff from the to network and share information. the kitchen timer might be about to 11/13—Fred Eaglesmith CDs, so I sang a lot with him. We’ve This is the fourth year for the event; go off for these four. Keep your ears 11/16—Nancy Cook, Barbara Brantley VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (1099 Euclid Ave.) been friends since then.” Thomas credits SLAB founder Chris and nose wide open for something 11/17—Jan Smith, Wakeman and Willner (404) 521-1786 Mullins produced several tracks Horton with getting it off the ground new to show up in the air. Web site: 11/10—David Grisman Quintet on Cornbread’s latest album, No almost singlehandedly. 11/11—Dar Williams Group, Catie Curtis Place Like Home, slated for release “He stuck to it, even when it was Cornbread will be performing at the MASQUERADE (695 North Ave.) 11/13—BBMak early next month. One of these songs nothing but a crappy Web site with Three Dollar Café (3002 Peachtree (404) 577-2007 11/14—Joan Osborne, Michelle Malone Stars 11/10—Rehab, El Pus, Scienz of Life 11/16—The Rippingtons is “Hero,” Thomas’ salute to his some bands on it. But he kept Rd., Buckhead) tonight at 9:15 p.m., 11/14—AFI, The Distillers Web site: fellow soldiers who put their lives developing it, it became bigger and as part of SLABFest 2000. Call (404) 11/16—(hed)pe, Linkin Park on the line for their country. Patri- better, and he worked harder at it. 266-8667 for more details, or visit 11/17—Armani Death Machine, Package, Check out the Tourdates Web site otic? Yes. Sappy? No. Good enough Every year, his little SLABFest got SLAB online at 5 More Dead, Malicious Mischief ( to find out where your to be included on a movie bigger, and this year he finally got You can also check out the band at Web site: favorite bands will be performing next. soundtrack? Quite possibly. 99X [WNNX—99.7 FM] to


I’m back from life away from life. last wednesday I went to cincinnati for an interview, and they drove us to dinner in a limo. I came back thursday night and was way busy. friday night I flew to boston and met some very loud twins. melissa and sharon like their stuffed animals a LOT. georgy is a journalism major (yay). the other sharon is stressed out by mit, but dresses really well now, apparently. boston was fun. I liked the duck statues, riding the t, and seeing the old north church. “listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of paul revere.” and I finished my nsf application. whew! monday a.m. we took the train to connecticut. I’d never ridden a train before, so it was cool. then I bummed around in a free hotel room all afternoon and ate free food. tuesday I had more interviews, but I guess it was a small price to pay for a 4-day practically free trip. I was ready to get back to atlanta, but now that I’m back, I have too too too much to do. such is the story of sarah’s overdramatic life. ahaha, I kill me.

We’re techniquing a break in the post office. (Hi Steve.) Swimming and Diving continues Sports briefs Davidson’s winless streak, 135-88 Golf finishes second at Arthur’s Hill Course The Yellow Jackets finished second in the Golf World/Palmetto By Joseph Jeong meter diving competitions. we didn’t win every event, but we Davis Invitational held at the Arthurs Hill Course in Hilton Head, Now enjoys swim meets Another important win for Tech did all that we had to in order to win South Carolina. came from rookie Eddy Oliver. He and I was pleased with the team’s The team shot 278-272-279-829 for a new team record of 35- The Georgia Tech men’s swim- won the 1000-freestyle event, ex- effort today. Now we will move on under-par. The previous 54-hole record was 834, set last year at the ming and diving team bounced back tending Tech’s unbeaten streak to and look forward to getting back 1999 Puerto Rico Challenge. from a conference loss to Florida four this season in this long-dis- into the Atlantic Coast Conference Senior Bryce Mulder shot an outstanding 12-under-par 60 on the State to beat winless Davidson on tance event. Sophmore Shilo Aya- competition against Clemson in two final day to help the Jackets pull in front of Oklahoma State, who Saturday, November 6. Tech cruised lon had won the event in the previous week.” finished third. Molder, who was named Rolex College Golfer of the to a comfortable 135-88 win to rack three meets. The team will have a bye week- month in October, tied an NCAA record with his 60. up its third dual-meet win of the Georgia Tech head coach Seth end but will return to action in the Even with Molder’s stupendous final day performance, Tech could season. Baron was pleased with the win. “It waters in a road showdown in Clem- not overcome Georgia, who shot a 268-275-279-822. Their 42-under- Tech won eight of the eleven was a good win for us,” said Baron. son, SC, with the Clemson Tigers par performance set a new tournament record and proved just enough swimming events and swept both “I felt that we swam a good meet, on November 17. to leave the Jackets in second place. of the diving competitions in the Tech Senior Wes Latimer finished 12th at 6-under-par, 70-69-71- meet. Leading the way for the Yel- 210. Junior Kris Mikkelsen followed at 4-under-par, 70-68-74-212. low Jackets, who are now 3-1 for The strong finish is consistent with the individual and team talent the season, were swimmers Jorge that characterizes this year’s team. The Jackets play again next weekend Oliver and Ricky Rauch. Both of when they travel down to Florida to finish up their fall season in the them were triple event winners. Rolex Match Play Championships. Oliver’s first win came in the opening event of the meet, the 400- medley relay. Assisted by freshmen Mens Tennis attends ITA Tournament in N.C. Chris Biedrzycki and Brendan Men’s Tennis attended the ITA Region II Tournament in Chapel Forbes, along with senior James Hill, N.C. last week and were quickly eliminated from the event, Nozar, Oliver chalked up his and Roger Anderson made the most progress for Tech, advancing to the Tech’s first win of the meet. He third round in singles play. After defeating fourth-seeded Luscan won his only individual victory in Xavier of Florida State in the second round, he fell in straight sets to the 100-backstroke. He finished the Duke’s Joel Spicker, 3-6, 1-6. meet the same way he started it, Sergio Aguirre could not get passed the second round, falling to with a victory in the 400-free relay. Ryung Koo Lee of Howard University, 2-6, 3-6. His victorious comrades in the 400 Doubles teammates Roger Anderson and David Wright advanced relay were Itai Eden, Biedrzycki again to the quarterfinals in the tournament but were ousted by Andres and fellow triple event winner Ricky Pedroso and Ted Rueger of Duke by an 8-6 score. Rauch. Rauch’s other two wins came in two individual events, the 100 and 200-freestyle. Womens Tennis ends fall season in Alabama Other standout performances for The Women’s team faced slightly better than the men, attending the Yellow Jackets included fresh- the ITA South Regional Tournament in Mobile, Ala last weekend. man Itai Eden’s dual win in the In the B division, Kristen Robertson defeated Tanja Flugfelder, 5-7, 400-freestyle relay and an individ- 7-5, 6-0, in the first round and Lia Fabino, 6-1, 6-1, in the second ual victory in the 500-free. James round. Nozar also came home with a pair Jamie Wong defeated Mojea Pavlinic, 7-6, 6-1, in the first round of of wins, in the 400-medley relay the A division consolation bracket. She then dominated Annika Bengtsson and 50-freestyle sprint. Senior Dustin in straight sets 6-3, 6-3. Thorn continued his string of im- By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Bobbi Guthrie advanced to the quarterfinals of consolation play, pressive diving performances with Senior Dustin Thorn, Tech’s lone varsity diver, captured both the one and She beat Sally Pearson 7-5, 6-4, received a second round bye and victories in both the one and three three meter diving competitions on the road trip meet at winless Davidson. defeated Rochelle Goldthreate, 6-3, 6-0.

TECHNIQUE worldofrandompictures joinus:Tuesdays.7p.m. flagbuildingroom137

I hope Gore doesn’t win the election. I’m getting a job, and don’t want my money taken. Alvin Jones Defensive Monster Basketball team falls to firepower of Barry in California All-Stars exhibition By Derek Haynes The All-Stars not only dom- by Fein and Lewis – but again The story teller inated the Jackets on offense, the Jackets were outdone as the outshooting Tech 51-43 percent, All-Stars hit 15, led by Berry The Paul Hewitt offense was but also on the boards, where who nailed six trays. there, the Paul Hewitt defense the All-Stars held a 45-39 ad- The game was played at the was not. vantage. The Tech defensive Georgia Dome to give the Dome The California All-Stars de- press broke down several times, staff a dry run for the ACC Tour- feated the Jackets 107-86 in an and resulted in many easy looks nament and the NCAA South exhibition game at the Georgia and rebounding opportunities Regional, both of which will be Dome Tuesday. for the All-Stars. played at the Dome this year. Former Georgia Tech star Tech’s outside shooting, Tech plays their first game at Drew Barry didn’t give Tech any which should be a strong point Alexander Memorial Coliseum mercy as he poured in 21 for the this season, was alive at the Geor- Monday against USDBL All- All-Stars, whose offensive fire- gia Dome. Tech hit 12 – four Stars at 7:30 p.m. power was simply too much for the Jackets to handle. Shaun Fein paced the Jack- ets’ attack with 18, and Alvin Jones and Tony Akins scored 16 apiece. Heralded freshman Marvin Lewis, who was the leading scorer in the intrasquad scrimmage Sat- urday, added 14 on 4-7 shoot- ing. Fellow recruit Robert Brooks deservingly saw significant play- ing time after pouring in eight points for the blue team in the intrasquad scrimmage. Brooks scored six points, had five re- bounds, and a steal. However, the box score does not indicate the energy he brought to the floor in the first half. Tech was able to keep the game close until midway through the second half. Winning 77- 72, the All-Stars went on a 15-5 run – started by an intentional foul call on Akins that Troy Ne- smith converted into four quick points. The All-Stars shot 56 percent in the second half, out- scoring Tech 62-45. By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Due to the Jackets’ high-oc- Center Alvin Jones will continue his role as a terror in the paint this season. tane style, 10 Jackets saw action, By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Blocked shots and gorilla dunks are the centerpiece of his game in the paint. and no player spent more than Tony Akins has reprised his role as the team’s starting point guard, 30 minutes on the floor. looking to continue his evasive ways and minimize on turnovers.

You know you’re on a geeky campus when you’re at an election night party until 2 a.m. Football WEEK ELEVEN Guest Cutri- Kischuk Freyman Baucom (McDonald) Shaw Dykes Uhlig Graybeal Hinkel Kohart Flagg (9-6) (6-9) (8-7) (8-7) (6-9) (6-9) (7-8) (5-10) (5-10) (8-7) (9-6) Forecast 105-34 99-40 97-42 97-42 97-42 92-47 91-48 90-49 88-51 85-54 84-55


Six point small this week. No verbs. Danielle back. Second chance. E-mail broken. Miami Hurricanes good. Fire bad. Thinking no verbs painful. I best. bowl again? Maybe. Peach bowl—no invitation. UVA there maybe. Chick-fil-A good. Peach Bowl selection committee bad. Paper short this week. Six- Six game lead. Jody mediocre. Fifth place. Ha ha. Last week - bad things. good record rare. Three lines long for no verbs. Challenge mounting. Still point man happy. Sleep good. Tarzan friend. Random stupidity omnipresent. NFL good. Chris Chandler weak. Lunch for hungry Buccaneers like better english than UGA (sic) newspaper. No journalism majors here. Only random Ivan Allen College majors. Chris Weinke old. Still sucks. Gator Warren Sapp. Falcons fans absent. Georgia Dome like Bucs home game. Falcons bad. Super bowl flule. No verbs? Maybe. Not a STAC major. Ha ha.

I own Football Forecast. The only editor in triple digit wins, thank you very much. turnovers a game that she put up in for UConn after tearing her ACL. nior Regina Tate. The “double dou- 5’10 and can bang the boards; she is B-ball from page 36 her rookie campaign, but one thing’s Primarily a scorer, she can run the ble” queen of the team, Tate can be her high school’s all time leading for sure: every eye will be on “Baby point with the above mentioned play- counted on for stats of 17 points scorer. Solid. Running a close second for the Iverson” as she tries to gel back into ers playing the two providing a lot and 14 rebounds like she did in the Standing alone in the middle will starting spot is Milagro “Milli” the mold of a team that went 17-14 of depth at this position. She draws ACC Tournament upset of N.C. be sophomore Sonja Mallory (6’4”, Martinez. After a freshman year and to the NIT without her. She fouls like a champ shooting free State last year. Expectations were Brooklyn Tech). Mallory came in where Beranato used her sparingly, should push the team over the top throws at a 70% clip. very high for Tate at the start of last raw as freshman last year but has Martinez really came on strong last into the big tournament as her fel- Tech’s frontcourt is just as strong season since she did so well her soph- shown continued improvement. An year, averaging 9.9 ppg and 5.4 re- low New York native Sue Bird did as their backcourt, led by 5’11 se- omore year. Even though Tate got outstanding shot blocker, she pro- bounds. The 5’7” junior has already off to a slow start due to balancing vided a strong presence in the post shown that she is out to dominate her mechanical engineering major not seen since the days of Joanna leading all scorers. She loves to play and the rigors of ACC basketball, Kauffman who graduated in 97’. defense — a rarity in the game — she came on strong at the end. Athletic, she can jump and rebound and she does it well. Martinez is Definitely a WNBA prospect, with the best of them when moti- very aggressive on the defensive end, Tate first has on her mind going vated properly. possessing a physical nature that of- deep into the NCAA Tournament. Mallory is still realizing her po- ten causes turnovers. She moves Standing on the other block will be tential, which to any basketball ob- quickly and handles the ball well. Tate’s mirror twin, senior Jaime server appears to be tremendous. Also adding depth are Alex Stew- Kruppa. The 6’1 Atlanta native is Possessing a big wingspan, Mallory art and Ashley “I’ll Be Right Back” also good for a double double a lot at times last year dominated on the Ebert. Ebert’s alias comes from the of the time. Kruppa led the team in post laying the ball up with ease fact that she is always leaving her scoring and rebounding with aver- over smaller opponents. She has good defenders. The 5’7” junior’s play- ages of 7.7 and 5.5 per. Tall and strength and is very aggressive, giv- ing time has been hampered by the lean, she really runs the floor well ing her all the tools to become a fact that the team has been so deep and can finish with the left or right force in the ACC. since she got here, but she could hand. This year is very crucial for her easily start at other Division I schools. Also providing depth will be pow- as she needs to gain the full confi- The team’s flashiest player, watch er forward Tamika Boatner. The dence of Beranato so that she can Ebert for highlights, as just about 6’2” Memphis native had a severe garner a consistent feel that comes every move she makes is a killer Grant-Hill-like ankle sprain that lim- from playing more time on a regu- crossover, no look pass, or Allen- ited her in the early going her fresh- lar basis. Last year, Beranato would Iverson-like “hands up” move. She man campaign. However, the sit Mallory for long periods of time could step right in if needed at any sophomore showed signs of life late as she went with a smaller lineup, time. in the season, scoring 7 against Duke. often interrupting the shotblock- The two guard position is defi- She posted 10 points and 19 re- er’s game rhythm. That should not nitely locked down by guard Nie- bounds against Australia this sum- be a problem now, as Mallory will sha Butler. The 5-8 1999 ACC mer— the first action she has seen most likely be interchanged with Rookie of the Year tore her ACL while fully healthy. Boatner has all the above mentioned forwards who last season, but has shown no ill you want in a power forward: a mean can also play the 5 spot. effects so far in trying to return to streak for banging in the post, a deft Thus, Beranato comes into this the 19 ppg she put up. There is no turnaround jumper, solid weight, season with talent and depth at ev- doubt that the team’s confidence and jumping ability for rebounds. ery position. Team experience centers around Butler, especially She should really break out this year, matches that talent, and there is no when they go to war against a top providing a serious threat on the reason the team should not win the ranked opponent. N.J.(Next Jor- post for opponents to deal with. ACC regular season and Tourna- dan) has all the tools: confidence, a Rounding out the position will ment Championships. The team is jumper, ballhandling, penetration be Jasmina Pacariz (6’1, freshman, a sure lock to make it back to the to the basket, and timely defense. Sweden), Megan Isom (5’10, trans- “Dance,” as they are just way too Some wondered how aggressively fer from Tennessee Tech) and Fal- loaded not too. she would come back after a knee lon Stokes (freshman, Atlanta, GA). injury, but a dive over the scorer’s Pacariz provides a big body; she can Tech’s first game of the season is table for no reason at Midnight Mania shoot threes. Isom, who must sit against Cornell on November 24 in showed that Butler’s mindstate was By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS out because she is a trasnfer, is slen- the Atlanta Marriot Classic. Call the the same as ever, aggressive. She Ashley Ebert should come off the bench this season as one of this season’s der, but she can handle and run the AA for women’s basketball ticket in- will try to cut down on the 5.7 flashiest players in the ACC, most notable in her ability to ditch defenders. floor. Stokes is a Barkley type at formation.

I’m graduating and you’re not. page 36

Men’s Basketball Swimming Update SPORTS Exhibition season opens against Simming and Diving crushes the California All-Stars. winless Davidson in duel meet. Page 33 Page 31 Technique • Friday, November 10, 2000 N.C. State win puts volleyball back on track Virginia snaps the team’s twelve game winning streak with a shocker in Charlottesville, but surround that with a road win at Maryland and a home defeat of the Wolfpack, and the ACC title is on the line at home against UNC By Rob Kischuk Should the Jackets win out, they Bell and a Cavs hitting error opened Sports Editor will be assured the regular season the game up and paved the way to a ACC championship. This mark has 15-10 victory. Game two was strong- This week marks the end of the been fought for vigorously, and the ly Tech’s, and only one game was volleyball team's conference sched- ladies have shown great poise re- needed for a Tech victory. ule as well as the end of their season. bounding to their true form after The Cavs seemed intent on de- Thus far, the ladies have gone 21-5, an uncharacteristic loss to the Vir- nying Tech of this honor, and put with a remarkable 11-2 record in ginia Cavaliers in an away match. that purpose into action in the re- their conference, which ties them The team got off to a quick start, maining three games of the match. for the ACC lead with UNC. This pulling ahead two games two none Game three was a decisive UVA all winds up with back to back home in early play. The first match was victory, 15-2. Behind 3-9 in game matches against Florida State Fri- relatively even, with the teams fight- four, the Cavs rallied behind four day and North Carolina Saturday. ing for the lead, until a kill by Ky straight kills to recover and eventu- ally win the match 15-10. Match five was a tenuous 12-12 until two Tech errors handed them the game. On a brighter note, the N.C. State Wolfpack visited O’Keefe Gym this past Tuesday night. The Pack (8-20, 1-14) does not present much of a threat on paper, and they put up about as much resistance in Tech’s three match sweep in the match. In game one, Tech’s offense was aflame, torching the unsuspecting N.C. State team, which put up scarce- ly the semblance of resistance. The team notched 19 kills in 30 attempts, a scorching .633 hitting percentage on their way to a 15-1 victory. Amanda Hess broke form with a stunning six kills in this single match. Maja Pachale pitched in four digs to provide some defensive flair to the match. Game two proved to me much By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS more of a close contest, even though The volleyball team has won 13 of their last fourteen games on their way it didn’t appear so at the outset. to a mere two conference losses, for a total of only five losses on the year. The Jackets jumped out to an in- timidating 14-5 lead before the de- enough to salvage even one game prise success stories such as the early fense stalled. The Wolfpack racked for N.C. State. Courtney Adler came blossoming of freshman Kele Eve- up seven points to bring the total to into the game as the setter to log 12 land have contributed heavily to this. 14-12 before Tech stepped in to kills for the team, primarily fed the The road ahead is not a smooth stop the bleeding. ball to senior Teryl Townsend for a one. Florida State gave the Jackets The game would end 15-2, with deadly combination. The last game quite a scare in Tallahassee, and a kill registered by Bell. The kill was ended at 15-13 and the lady Jacket North Carolina dealt the team their the one thousandth kill of her ca- volleyball engine was back on track. only other loss of the season. Still, By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS reer as a Yellow Jacket. This year’s team has surprised the team controls their own fate, In spite of a difficult road loss to the University of Virginia Cavaliers, the Game three would be the closest critics and fans alike, logging a record and they have the home gym to volleyball team is still neck and neck with the Tarheels for the ACC crown. of any of the games, but still not far surpassing all expectations. Sur- support them in the effort as well. Women’s basketball looks ahead to a shot at attending the Big Dance By David Williams son. Anyone looking at the team plus a post season experience in Call him Vitale, only cool in 1996 saw a nice team, but a the NIT. Tech went deep be- team that played a slow down, fore bowing out in the quarter- Women’s basketball players unathletic, methodical type of finals. don’t wear glass slippers , but basketball . Tech’s main strength this year calling this year’s season for the However, starting in 1998, will be depth at every position. Georgia Tech Women’s Basket- Beranato began to acquire play- Where they are most deep at is ball Team “The Road to the Big ers that had a new style of game, at point guard, which poses a Dance” is appropriate. The Big a style marked by ability to use nice dilemma for Beranato. At Dance is the name of the NCAA one on one moves while still play- this point , the starting position Tournament of which the Yel- ing within her offensive scheme. probably goes to Nina Barlin, a low Jacket cagers have not had a This set of players also has tre- 5’9 sophomore from Sweden. taste of since 1993, when super- mendous athletic ability, allow- Barlin is a pure point guard— star Keisha Ford laced up the ing Beranato to literally move she likes to pass and has a knack sneaks for the white and gold. them around at different posi- for finding the open player. Running the show for the tions as each one can play at She can score, and she drives thirteenth straight season will about three different spots. to the hole aggressively, where be Head Coach Agnus Beranato. The added athletic ability also she often draws a lot of fouls. On paper, this may be the deep- has made Tech a team to watch Barlin averages 7.2 ppg to go est team she has ever had, as the out for on the defensive end, along with 3.1 assists per out- talent is superior across the board something unheard until this new ing. Barlin looks to improve upon at just about every position. Be- wave of talent arrived on cam- those stats; starting all 31 games ranato has posted 174 wins in pus. This new sqad has brought last year gave her a wealth of her thirteen year career, but her Tech’s record from having 10 experience. By Dale Russell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS achievements in the last two years wins in 1998, to 13 wins in 1999, Milli Martinez returns as a junior, following her breakout second effort. Her will make a difference this sea- and finally up to 17 wins in 2000 See B-ball, page 35 aggressive style of play and quick ball-handling make her quite a defensive threat.