Sheffield City Council Place Report to West and North
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SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL PLACE 7 REPORT TO WEST AND NORTH PLANNING AND DATE 15/11/2011 HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT POINT FOR John Williamson TEL 0114 2734944 ACCESS NO: AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 11/03077/FUL 130 Green Lane Wharncliffe Side 5 Sheffield S35 0DL 11/02566/FUL Harrington's Sandwich Bar 235A Burncross Road 11 Sheffield S35 1RZ 11/02480/FUL Land And Buildings Including Corus And Outokumpu Works Off Ford Lane And 18 Hunshelf Road Stocksbridge Sheffield S36 2BU 11/01907/FUL (Formerly PP- Tinker Brook House 01480589) Brightholmlee Road 69 Sheffield S35 0FP 11/00915/OUT Site Of Loxley College Myers Grove Centre Wood Lane 79 Stannington Sheffield S6 5HF 3 4 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head Of Planning To The NORTH & WEST Planning And Highways Committee Date Of Meeting: 15/11/2011 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Committee date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 11/03077/FUL Application Type Full Planning Application Proposal Demolition of existing garage, erection of two-storey side extension, conservatory including creation of access steps to rear of dwellinghouse and pitched roof and garage extension to detached outbuilding Location 130 Green Lane Wharncliffe Side Sheffield S35 0DL Date Received 21/09/2011 Team NORTH & WEST Applicant/Agent Trevor Birchall Design Ltd Recommendation Grant Conditionally Subject to: 1 The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this decision. In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act. 2 The proposed facing materials shall match the facing materials to the existing building. In the interests of the visual amenities of the locality. 3 The proposed roofing materials shall match the roofing materials to the existing building. In the interests of the visual amenities of the locality. 4 The development must be carried out in complete accordance with the following approved documents; Drawings: 947/04/08 A 947/03/08 A unless otherwise authorised in writing by the Local Planning Authority. In order to define the permission. Attention is drawn to the following justifications: 1. The decision to grant permission and impose any conditions has been taken having regard to the relevant policies and proposals from the Sheffield Development Framework and the Unitary Development Plan set out below: GE2 - Protection and Improvement of the Green Belt Landscape GE6 - House Extensions in the Green Belt GE8 - Areas of High Landscape Value and The Peak National Park The proposed extension exceed one third of the volume of the original dwellinghouse, nevertheless the siting and scale of the development is such that it is not considered to detract from the openness of the Green Belt. The scheme will not have an adverse impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties and complies with Policies GE2, GE6 and GE8 of the Unitary Development Plan. This explanation is only intended as a summary of the reasons for grant of planning permission. For further detail on the decision please see the application report at or by calling the planning officer, contact details are at the top of this notice. 6 Site Location © Crown copyright and database rights 2011 Ordnance Survey 10018816 7 LOCATION AND PROPOSAL The application relates to a detached stone dwellinghouse located on the eastern edge of a group of houses in the Green Belt and an Area of High Landscape Value. The surrounding dwellings vary in age, style and appearance. Planning permission is sought to construct a two-storey side extension, a rear conservatory and extension and alterations to the existing store to form a garage. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY There is no relevant planning history SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS One letter of representation has been received, the points raised are outlined below – - Openness of Green Belt will be reduced as a result of extension of detached outbuilding - Vehicular access to rear of outbuilding serving 132 Green Lane and 6 other properties will have reduced visibility as a result of the extension, as such risk of accidents will increase 8 - If permission is granted it is requested that a mirror be placed on the opposite side of the junction SUMMARY OF CONSULTATIONS Bradfield Parish Council: Object to application as in Green Belt and over permitted volume increase PLANNING ASSESSMENT Policy Policy GE2 aims to ensure that the high landscape value of the Green Belt is retained whilst GE4 states that any development permitted in the Green Belt should preserve and enhance the landscape. Policy GE6 relates to house extension and requires development to form a minor addition to the original house and to complement the style of the original building. Policy GE8 states that in Areas of High Landscape Value development must protect and enhance the appearance of the area. Guideline 9 of the Supplementary Planning Guidance: Designing House Extensions states that ‘extensions in the Green Belt will be allowed only if they are a minor addition to the dwelling and are not visually intrusive’. The main considerations of this Guideline are the impact of the extension on the character of the original house and on the open character of the Green Belt. Minor additions are defined as no more than a one-third increase in the volume of the original dwelling, however larger properties will normally only be allowed more modest extensions as an increase of one-third would be more likely to have an adverse impact on the open character of the Green Belt. Design and Impact on Green Belt The proposed extension represents a 41% increase in the volume of the original dwellinghouse. This is 8% greater than the third increase recommended in guideline 9 of the Supplementary Planning Guidance on Designing House Extensions. Nevertheless, both the side and rear extensions are seen within the context of existing dwellings surrounding the property and it is not considered that the proposal will detract from the openness of the Green Belt. Design The side extension is well designed and will retain the character of the dwellinghouse through the use of matching facing and roofing materials. Furthermore, the extension is set back from the front elevation and the roof is set down from the existing ridge to ensure the extension appears subservient to the main property. 9 The conservatory is of a standard appearance and will not detract from the appearance of the property itself or the street scene. Amenity The two-storey side extension is set away from the nearest neighbour No.132 Green Lane by 9 metres. The neighbouring property is elevated above the applicant property and the extension will not be directly in front of main facing windows. As such the extension will not be unacceptably overbearing, overshadowing or overlooking to occupiers of No.132. The side extension is a sufficient distance from all other neighbours to ensure it does not have an adverse impact upon amenities. The rear conservatory is set in close proximity to the rear boundary with 2 Owler Gate. The property to the rear is set at a higher level than the applicant property and there is a boundary hedge between the two dwellings, these factors culminate to ensure that the conservatory will not be overbearing, overshadowing or overlooking to the property to the rear. Highways Originally alterations and extensions were proposed to the outbuilding to the south of the dwelling to form a garage. However, concerns were raised that this would have been severely detrimental to visibility from the access road to the south and therefore this part of the proposal has been removed from the application. The development will result in the loss of the garage however there will still be enough space within the site to park two vehicles. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The proposed extension exceed one third of the volume of the original dwellinghouse, nevertheless the siting and scale of the development is such that it is not considered to detract from the openness of the Green Belt. The scheme will not have an adverse impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties and complies with Policies GE2, GE6 and GE8 of the Unitary Development Plan. Accordingly, the scheme is recommended for approval. 10 Case Number 11/02566/FUL Application Type Full Planning Application Proposal Continuation of use of building as café (use class A3) to complement existing sandwich shop (use class A1), and installation of air handling equipment to rear elevation (amended description) Location Harrington's Sandwich Bar 235A Burncross Road Sheffield S35 1RZ Date Received 03/08/2011 Team NORTH & WEST Applicant/Agent Barber Design Recommendation Grant Conditionally Subject to: 1 The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this decision. In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act. 2 Within 60 days from the date of this permission, the applicant shall install and operate a kitchen fume extraction system, in accordance with the details supplied by Control Aer (Leeds) Ltd, and submitted as part of the document “Cooker Fumes Handling System”, reference CFHS/01; August 2011.