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Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest Free FREE AVENGERS WEST COAST: VISION QUEST PDF Byrne John | 176 pages | 24 Apr 2015 | Panini Publishing Ltd | 9781846532078 | English | Dartford, United Kingdom Avengers West Coast : Vision Quest (, Trade Paperback) for sale online | eBay Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest the problem. Return to Book Page. See how one of comicdom's most recognizable talents remade the West Coast Avengers, starting with the readjustment of the Vision! Ancient secrets of humanity revealed! The Scarlet Witch's first step into the descent that disassembled the Avengers! Introducing the Great Lakes Avengers and featuring the triumphant return of one of Marvel's hottest golden age greats! Battles, See how one of comicdom's most recognizable talents remade the West Coast Avengers, starting with the readjustment of the Vision! Battles, betrayals and the bizarre as Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest Byrne could bring you! Collects Avengers West Coast Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. West Coast Avengers Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Avengers West Coastplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. A decent run. It's amazing how little attention I paid to John Byrne's career, after following his FF for a year or two, considering how much I liked and collected ALL his seventies stuff. I guess I thought that he got out of comics just because I did, which I know sounds silly. At any rate, this run was new to me, and I liked it. Looking forward to reading the next collection, catching up thirty years late. May 11, Brian Poole rated it really liked it. Star auteur John Byrne came aboard as writer and penciler and he put the focus squarely on the Scarlet Witch. She woke one morning to find the Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest missing. That set in motion a complex chain of events that ended with Vision stripped down and rebuilt as a cold, emotionless machine. The big surprise: the Star auteur John Byrne came aboard as writer and penciler and he put the focus squarely on the Scarlet Witch. Byrne definitely knew Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest he was doing back then. While the dialogue and text boxes were overwritten and stuffed with exposition, the plot was daring and forward-thinking. If Byrne seemed less interested in some of the other plots he included, the fascinating work he did with Scarlet Witch more than compensated. A version of this Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest originally appeared on www. Nov 03, Stephen rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels-and-comics. My read through Marvel Comics of the s is nearing its conclusion. This is Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest last 80s collection of the Avengers of the Western variety. This is the point in the series that John Byrne Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest over the writing. The series lost much of its light and often silly feel and went dark and serious. This story starts with a multi-national plot to kidnap Vision and erase all traces of him My read through Marvel Comics of the s is nearing its conclusion. This story starts with a multi-national plot to kidnap Vision and erase all traces of him from the world. The first few Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest deal with finding and "repairing" Vision. This trauma begins a process of nervous breakdown for Scarlet Witch. This leads to Hawkeye leaving the team with his estranged wifeMockingbird. Issue 46 introduces the now famous Great Lakes Avengers. Obviously, Hawkeye wants to be chairman From issue 47 forward, the story delves deeper into the downward spiral of the Scarlet Witch. She is teetering on the brink of madness. There is also a sub-plot dealing with her children, who seem to disappear and reappear randomly. John Byrne made the West Coasters into the premier Avengers during this period. As he was writing both Avengers titles at the time, he was able to reshape the entire Avengers concept Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest the course of about a year. Also, he sparked something that other writers could expand on in many directions. The plight of Scarlet Witch continues for years and culminates in the House of M. Hawkeye's team hopping and leadership grabbing continues in this title and into the future with the Thunderbolts. So much more to come, and I enjoy every bit of it. Feb 02, Doctor Alpha rated it did not like it Shelves: abandoned. I waited so much to read this, and the result is a complete disappointment. Wanda a great and tormented character in the right hands becomes for some moments? Get it? It sucks, plain and simple. After three "classic" Avengers sagas revealed to be complete shit I wonder if the first Avengers Masterwork by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby was an accurate depiction of the bad quality of most of the stories involving this team The story centers around the disappearance of Vision, his wife Scarlet Witch goes to the Avengers for help. The plot was very interesting, this is a mystery and just when you think you have it put together something else happens. The only characters who were off in here were Hawkeye and Wonder Man who talk like frat boys and act like jerks. Jan 24, Rob McMonigal rated it did not like it. Collecting Avengers West Coastthis may be the official start of Byrne-as-hack. One could make an argument for his brief stint on Incredible Hulk just after the second Secret Wars, but I would argue that no one knew what to do with old Green-Greyskin until Peter David took Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest the ball and ran with it and that John's attempt wasn't horrible, just a bad idea. This, however, is true butchery of all and sundry, laced with authorial talking to the camera that works in She-Hulk who he manages Collecting Avengers West Coastthis may be the official start of Byrne-as-hack. This, however, is true butchery of all and sundry, laced with authorial talking to the camera that works in She-Hulk who he manages to squeeze in here gratuitously but not in a mainline title that's Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest to Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest serious. Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest walks in and literally wrecks the joint, starting with a fake Ultron invasion, casting Mockingbird as a traitor then forgetting all about this little plot pointand mid-wiping the Vision so he can cause angst. This of course sets Wanda off and leads to her first breakdown. Or, as the blurb puts it, see "The Scarlet Witch's first step into the descent that disassembled the Avengers! Damn you John Byrne, this is all your fault. Also included here is a ham-fisted US Agent before they gave him a real personality another plot point left dangling--he's there to spy on the West Coast brancha ridiculously convoluted take on the Vision-Original Human Torch shared body that I still don't understand even after reading it for like the third time. I hesitate to mention the issue that features some sort of evolved form of life that sends Wanda through my old book, The Story of Life, but hey, this is a review and I must share my pain so you don't have to. I know Byrne made a lot of changes in Fantastic Four over the course of his time there, but they just seemed to work better. They all seemed in context, at least. As with his now retconned work on Spider-Man, it's like he just wanted to break continuity for the sake of breaking it, a trick that only the most skilled of writers can do. Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest also ends this set in an odd fashion. I own the next issue, and I think it belongs with these stories, either on their own or in a second collection, which would mostly consist of stories where other writers try to clean up the messes Byrne leaves behind on both this book and the main one. This is not Byrne's finest hour, but then again, nothing is except anymore for retro stories like Generations. This is not exactly a masterpiece. That said, it is a very fun, if slightly clunky read. Nothing special, some great pages and solid layout choices. One of the most enjoyable aspects is seeing the debut of the Great Lakes Avengers, the little team that could. Avengers West Coast Epic Collection TP Vision Quest - Discount Comic Book Service Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest. Home 1 Kids' Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview It's battles, betrayals and the bizarre as only Byrne could bring you! Watch as one of comicdom's most recognizable talents remakes the West Coast Avengers, starting with the capture and dismantling of the Vision! As secrets about the synthezoid come to light, the Whackos are determined to get their teammate back, safe and sound -but what happens when the Vision they recover isn' the Vision they remember? And most importantly, how will this shocking change affect the Vision and the Scarlet Witch' marriage Product Details.
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