Editorial Overview Who We Are

We, UFJ Financial Group, or MUFG, have compiled our integrated report, MUFG Report 2020, in order to explain our efforts to create sustained value to our investors and other stakeholders. Referencing the framework provided by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)* as well as the Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Corporate Vision this report introduces our business model through the opening section (“Who We Are”), and explains the methods we have used to create sustainable value through “Value Creation Initiatives,” “Sustainability Initiatives” and “Our Strengths Supporting Value Creation.” Further details on our financial status and sustainability initiatives are available on our website. In addition, our plans call for issuing a Sustainability Report in autumn 2020 to deliver another publication detailing our response to sustainability issues. Our * A private-sector foundation established in 2010 by companies, investors, accounting organizations and The corporate vision serves as the basic policy in administrative agencies to develop an international framework for corporate reporting. mission conducting our business activities, and provides guidelines for all group activities. Who We Are P. 1 Sustainability Initiatives P. 54

The corporate vision also is the foundation for Our vision Initiatives for Addressing Environmental and Social P. 1 Corporate Vision P. 55 Issues toward Sustainable Growth management decisions, including the formulation of P. 2 Trajectory of MUFG’s Pursuit of Value Creation—Our History Corporate Vision P. 56 Our Approach to Environmental and Social Issues management strategies and management plans, and P. 4 Trajectory of MUFG’s Pursuit of Value Creation—Our Strengths P. 58 Responding to Business Opportunities serves as the core value for all employees. P. 6 Trajectory of MUFG’s Pursuit of Value Creation—Value Creation Process Our values Response to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial P. 63 P. 8 Financial Highlights Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations P. 10 Non-Financial Highlights Our Strengths Supporting Value Creation P. 66 Our Code of Conduct serves as the standard for Management Message P. 12 all group employees to make decisions and act Responsibility Attitudes Customer as a Corporate in the on a daily basis, and is essential to realizing our Focus Citizen Workplace Code of

P. 67 Improving Employee Engagement Conduct P. 12 Message from the CEO Corporate Vision. P. 68 Human Resources Strategy P. 22 Our Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Acting to achieve the Corporate Vision P. 72 Corporate Governance P. 24 Message from the CFO P. 82 Communicating with Stakeholders P. 30 Dialogue with Outside Directors P. 84 Risk Management Value Creation Initiatives P. 34 P. 88 Compliance P. 90 Internal Audit

P. 35 Special Feature: Growth Strategies in ASEAN P. 38 Special Feature: Support Society’s Digital Shift Financial Data / Corporate Data P. 91 To be a foundation of strength, committed to meeting the needs P. 40 Business Group Performance of our customers, serving society, and fostering shared and P. 92 Ten-Year Summary of Major Financial Data P. 42 Business Overview sustainable growth for a better world. P. 94 Financial Review for Fiscal 2019 P. 42 Retail & Commercial Banking Business Group P. 98 Consolidated Financial Statements P. 44 Japanese Corporate & Investment Banking Business Group Our mission P. 102 Company Overview P. 46 Global Corporate & Investment Banking Business Group P. 48 Global Commercial Banking Business Group P. 50 Asset Management & Investor Services Business Group Be the world’s most trusted financial group P. 52 Global Markets Business Group 1. Work together to exceed the expectations of our customers Definitions of Specific Terms Used in This Report 2. Provide reliable and constant support to our customers MUFG: Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. R&C: Retail & Commercial Banking Business Group the : MUFG Bank, Ltd. JCIB: Japanese Corporate & Investment Banking Business Group 3. Expand and strengthen our global presence the Trust Bank: Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation GCIB: Global Corporate & Investment Banking Business Group the Securities Business: Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings Co., Ltd. GCB: Global Commercial Banking Business Group Our vision and its subsidiaries AM/IS: Asset Management & Investor Services Business Group MUMSS: Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. Global Markets: Global Markets Business Group MUAH: MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation Krungsri: Public Company Limited Bank Danamon: PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. FSI: First Sentier Investors 1. Integrity and Responsibility 2. Professionalism and Teamwork Disclaimer 3. Challenge Ourselves to Grow This report contains forward-looking statements with regard to the expectations, forecasts, targets and plans of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (“MUFG”) and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “the Group”). These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Group and are stated in this document on the basis of the outlook at the time that this document was produced. In producing these forward-looking statements certain assumptions (premises) have been utilized that are subjective and may prove to be incorrect. Should any underlying assumption provide to be incorrect, actual results in the future may vary materially Our values from some of the forward-looking statements in this document. The Group has no obligation or intent to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document. In addition, information on companies and other entities outside the Group that is included in this document has been obtained from publicly available Details on our corporate vision are available on our website. https://www.mufg.jp/english/profile/philosophy information and other sources. The accuracy and appropriateness of that information has not been verified by the Group and cannot be guaranteed. All figures contained in this report are calculated according to generally accepted accounting principles in Japan, unless otherwise noted.

MUFG Report 2020 1 Who We Are Origin ▶ Today ▶ Future

Trajectory of MUFG’s Pursuit of Value Creation—Our History

Regardless of the passage of time, we strive to remain sincere in our engagement with customers and to achieve sustainable growth hand in hand with them.

In addition, we hope to make an ongoing contribution to the sustainable development of society in Japan and the rest of the world by fulfilling an essential role in the social infrastructure.

These aspirations support our unwavering commitment to our mission.

1656~ 2005~ 2008~ 2012~ 2017~ MUFG’s Strengths Strengthened global investment MUFG was inaugurated as a Enhanced our presence in the Began offering an array Accumulated over the Hard-earned trust backed by a banking operations and initiated financial group equipped with ASEAN region, a key market of solutions supported by Course of Its History history spanning more than 360 the provision of services comprehensive functions and the region in terms of our growth a groupwide integrated years and a robust customer base employing collaboration between largest customer base in Japan strategies management approach Group companies

Supported Japan’s modernization and Started to take on the challenge of The merger of Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Invested US$9 billion in Morgan Stanley Invested in commercial in Thailand, periods of high growth, expanding achieving business model reforms via the Group and UFJ Holdings (U.S.) during the global financial crisis Vietnam and the Philippines Trust and alongside the country’s economy MUFG Re-Imagining Strategy Reliability

1656 2005 2008 2012 2018 Konoike Exchange Bureau opened in Osaka MUFG inaugurated Strategic alliance with Morgan Stanley MUFG Corporate Vision renewed Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ rebranded to MUFG Bank (Precursor of Sanwa Bank founded in 1933) Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mitsubishi Reorganized business groups based on client UFJ Securities inaugurated 2013 segmentation and transitioned to a structure Human 1880 Conversion of Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri), comprising six business groups Mitsubishi Exchange House established by Resources 2006 a major commercial bank in Thailand, into a Integrated corporate loan-related business of the Bank Yataro Iwasaki Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (now MUFG subsidiary and the Trust Bank (Precursor of founded in 1919) Bank) inaugurated Yokohama Specie Bank established 2019 (Precursor of The Bank of Tokyo founded 2007 in 1946) Conversion of Bank Danamon, Indonesia, into a subsidiary Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS inaugurated UnionBanCal Corporation became a wholly owned subsidiary of MUFG 1927 Customer Mitsubishi Trust established Base Kawasaki Trust established Capital and operational alliance with 1941 Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Tokai Bank established Industry and Trade (VietinBank), a national bank in Vietnam Conversion of Australia-based asset manager First 1948 2014 Sentier Investors into a subsidiary Yachiyo Securities established ACOM became a subsidiary of MUFG (JGAAP only) Network Integration of Union Bank operations and 2020 2010 MUFG Bank Americas business 1959 Capital and operational alliance with Grab, Singapore Toyo Trust and Banking established Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities inaugurated 2015 Moved to a “company with three committees” structure

2016 Financial Capital and business alliance with Security Base Source: Konoike Limited Bank Corporation in the Philippines Partnership Company

Economic and social trends at home and abroad Source: The Mitsubishi Archives 2005 Transition to limited deposit guarantee 2008 Financial crisis triggered by Lehman Brothers 2012 The Abenomics stimulus package initiated 2017 Basel III regulations finalized “payoff” scheme in Japan 2010 The debt crisis emerges in Europe 2013 The BOJ introduces quantitative and 2018 U.S.-China trade friction 2006 The Bank of Japan (BOJ) terminated zero qualitative monetary easing policies interest rate policy 2011 The Great East Japan Earthquake 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic emerges 2015 Japan’s Corporate Governance Code enforced Source: Kanagawa Quantitative easing measures introduced Prefectural Museum of Cultural History by the European Central Bank 2016 The BOJ introduces a negative interest rate policy

2 MUFG Report 2020 MUFG Report 2020 3 Who We Are Origin ▶ Today ▶ Future

Trajectory of MUFG’s Pursuit of Value Creation—Our Strengths

We have long nurtured “trust and reliability” along with our “human resources,” “customer base,” Well-Balanced Revenue Portfolio “network” and “financial base.” Financial MUFG’s sources of revenue consist of six business groups (R&C serving individual customers and SMEs Base domestically, JCIB serving major Japanese corporate clients, GCB serving individual customers and We will help our customers achieve growth by employing our strengths in diverse aspects. SMEs overseas, GCIB serving global large corporate clients, AM/IS and Global Markets operations). Together, these operations constitute a well-balanced portfolio, one of our distinctive strengths.

Global Markets R&C 26% 23%

Through our steadfast adherence to our mission Fiscal 2019 Composition of net of providing safe and secure services despite operating profits by Trust and AM/IS JCIB the passage of time, we have been able to earn business group Reliability 5% 18% the trust of customers. This hard-earned trust is an invaluable asset. GCB 18% GCIB 10%

Domestic: 49% MUFG’s pursuit of value creation is supported Overview of Business Groups and Their Main Operating Companies by approximately 180,000 employees at home Approx. Human and abroad. We are striving to create an Retail & Commercial Banking (R&C) Global Commercial Banking (GCB) Resources environment that helps diverse workers realize 180,000 employees Having positioned domestic individual customers and SMEs as This business group boasts robust networks in both the their full potential and grow hand in hand with targeted customer segments, this business group employs a and Southeast Asia and provides financial services to local SMEs and groupwide, integrated approach as it strives to meet diverse individuals overseas through its partner banks,* such as MUFG Union customers. customer needs via the provision of a range of financial services and Bank, Krungsri (Bank of Ayudhya) and Bank Danamon, etc. Overseas: 51% solutions. Its lineup includes such financial services as housing loans, * This business group is in charge of MUFG Union Bank, Krungsri (Bank of consumer finance, corporate lending and settlement as well as those Ayudhya), Bank Danamon, VietinBank and Security Bank, etc. associated with asset management, inheritance and real estate in addition to business and asset succession solutions. MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation, Krungsri and Bank Danamon

Number of domestic individual customers MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Employing diverse channels, we provide a range Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS and ACOM Customer of services through Group companies to Approx. 34million Base individual customers and corporate clients in Number of domestic corporate clients Japanese Corporate & Investment Banking (JCIB) Asset Management & Investor Services (AM/IS) Japan and overseas. Approx. 1.2 million Serving major Japanese corporations seeking to expand globally, this Employing its sophisticated specialist know-how in the areas of asset business group provides loan, settlement, forex and other services management (AM), investor services (IS) and pensions, this business while offering comprehensive solutions backed by Group companies’ group provides such services as consulting while constantly striving specialist expertise related to M&A and real estate to help customers to further enhance its asset management capabilities and develop achieve growth in their corporate value. products capable of better meeting the diverse needs of customers We maintain a number of Group companies at home and abroad. MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, boasting top-notch capabilities in a variety of Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, The Mitsubishi UFJ Factors, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management, business fields, including banking, trust banking, Domestic: Approx. 600 bases Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting and Mitsubishi UFJ Capital First Sentier Investors and MUFG Investor Services Holdings Network securities and credit cards. Taking full advantage of their robust networks at home and Overseas: Approx. 2,100 bases in Global Corporate & Investment Banking (GCIB) Global Markets abroad, we help customers achieve growth more than 50 countries while contributing to sound social development. This business group is charged with corporate & investment banking This business group primarily handles customer-segment sales & operations aimed at providing large global corporate clients with trading (S&T) operations*1 associated with interest rates, bonds, forex high-value-added solutions employing a groupwide, integrated and equities while comprehensively managing assets, liabilities and approach, with the Bank and the Securities furnishing core functions. various risks via treasury operations.*2 *1 Collective term for sales operations (involving the provision of financial MUFG Bank and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities products and solutions, including forex and derivatives, to customers) and Our capital adequacy ratio remains robust at a trading operations (involving the trading of marketable products between level well above the international regulatory banks or through an exchange). Financial *2 Including ALM (which is the integrated management of liquidity risk and requirement. Furthermore, we have earned high Moody's* A1 interest rate risk inherent in assets (loans, etc.) and liabilities (deposits, etc.)), Base global investment and other related operations. ratings from domestic and overseas rating * Long-term rating for the holding company MUFG Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking and agencies. Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities

4 MUFG Report 2020 MUFG Report 2020 5 Who We Are Origin ▶ Today ▶ Future

Trajectory of MUFG’s Pursuit of Value Creation—Value Creation Process

We will help resolve issues confronting customers and society and deliver unique value that only MUFG is capable of creating as we move ahead toward our vision of becoming the world’s most trusted financial group.

MUFG’s Business Activities Value delivered to stakeholders Provide solutions that accurately meet needs of customers and society

Our Strengths

Commercial Banking R&C Help resolve issues society is now Retail & Commercial Banking Trust and Pages 42 – 43 confronting through our business activities Lending, deposits, Business Group Reliability settlement, etc. (domestic individual customers and SMEs) Global warming & climate change Shareholders Page 58, pages 63 – 65 JCIB Further enhancing shareholder returns Japanese Corporate & Investment Page 44 – 45 Banking Business Group Cross-sectoral environment and Investment Banking (Japanese large corporate clients) social issues Human Pages 58 – 59 GCIB Resources M&A, capital market- Global Corporate & Investment related operations, etc. Pages 46 – 47 Business incubation & job creation Banking Business Group Page 60 (global large corporate clients) Our Vision GCB Social infrastructure Customers & town planning Asset Management/ Global Commercial Banking Pages 48 – 49 Services that go beyond Investor Services Business Group Page 61 Be the World’s Customer expectations (overseas individual customers and SMEs) Base Management and Aging population & low birth rate Most Trusted administration of assets Digital Transformation Page 62 entrusted by customers AM/IS Financial Group Asset Management & Investor Pages 50 – 51 Services Business Group Financial innovation Pages 38 – 39

Global Markets Global Markets Network Pages 52 – 53 Global Markets Business Group Workstyle reforms Environment and society Page 71 Sales & trading, etc. Initiatives to help realize environmental and social sustainability

Financial Base

Foundations supporting our business activities

Employees Risk management Pages 84 – 87 Compliance Pages 88 – 89 HR systems to assist employees in the Corporate governance Pages 72 – 81 pursuit of professional Group Code of Conduct & our corporate culture success

6 MUFG Report 2020 MUFG Report 2020 7 Who We Are

Financial Highlights

ROE EPS Financial Results under the Medium-Term Business Plan

(%) MUFG definition* (Yen) Earnings per share (EPS) (left axis) (Trillions of yen) FY2017 results FY2018 results FY2019 results FY2020 targets Medium- to   JPX definition  Profits attributable to owners of parent (right axis)  long-term targets

ROE (MUFG definition) 7.53% 6.45% 3.85% Approx. 7% to 8% 9% to 10%    Below FY2017 result 68.0% 71.0% 70.2% Approx. 60% Expense ratio (68.0%)  Common Equity Tier 1   ¥40.95 capital ratio (finalized Basel 11.7% 11.4% 11.7% Approx. 11% III reforms basis)*  3.85% * Estimated Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio reflecting the risk-weighted assets increase, as calculated on the finalized Basel III reforms basis.    3.28% Financial Position Compared with Global Peers (G-SIBs)*1    Market Capitalization

  (Trillions of yen) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (FY) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (FY) 

Profits attributable to owners of parent * ×100 [(Total shareholders’ equity at the beginning of the period  + Foreign currency translation adjustments at the beginning of the period) + (Total shareholders’ equity at the end of the period + Foreign currency translation adjustments at the end of the period)] ÷ 2  Net operating profits increased thanks to growing revenues reflecting the consolidation of Bank Danamon and First Sentier Investors as well as an increase in net trading profits. However, the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic caused the Group to incur the one-  time amortization of goodwill due to plunges in its subsidiaries’ stock prices. Because of this, profits attributable to owners of the JP Morgan Bank of Wells Fargo HSBC Citigroup Goldman MUFG BNP Barclays Deutsche parent fell significantly, resulting in lower ROE and EPS. America Sachs Paribas Bank (As of March 31, 2020; source: Bloomberg) Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio

Expense Ratio Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio (%)  . . (%) Expense ratio (left axis) (Trillions of yen) (%) Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio . . . General and administrative expenses (right axis) Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio (finalized Basel III reforms basis)* .  . .    . .  Gross profits (before credit costs for trust accounts; right axis)  70.2%   

 11.9% HSBC Barclays Deutsche Goldman JP Morgan BNP MUFG Citigroup Bank of Wells Fargo    Bank Sachs Paribas America (Rates as of December 31, 2019, excluding the rate for MUFG as of March 31, 2020; based on data disclosed by each firm) Credit Ratings*2    11.7% Moody’s Holding U.S. Firms European Firms Company Ratings    A1 MUFG

A2 JP Morgan Bank of America Wells Fargo HSBC    2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (FY) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (FY) A3 Citigroup Goldman Sachs * Estimated Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio reflecting the risk-weighted assets increase, as calculated on the finalized Basel III reforms basis. Baa1 BNP Paribas

Although the Group maintained a tight grip on general and The volume of CET1 capital, the numerator for CET1 capital Baa2 Barclays administrative (G&A) expenses attributable to domestic ratio, decreased. However, ongoing efforts to control RWAs operations, overall G&A expenses grew due to the expansion resulted in reduction in RWA volume (the denominator), Baa3 Deutsche Bank of overseas operations and higher expenses for regulatory enabling the Group to maintain a robust CET1 capital ratio. compliance purpose. However, an increase in gross profits (Ratings as of May 31, 2020; based on data disclosed by each firm) surpassed the increase in G&A expenses, resulting in the *1 Comparisons with European and American G-SIBs to which a G-SIB buffer (announced in 2019) of 1.5% or greater is applied improvement in expense ratio. *2 BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank: Non-preferred senior ratings Others: Issuer ratings or long-term foreign currency denominated debt ratings

8 MUFG Report 2020 MUFG Report 2020 9 Who We Are

Non-Financial Highlights

MUFG’s Track Record and Ranking as a Finance Result of Sustainable Financing Arranger in the Renewable Energy Sector Number of Members of the Board of Directors

Total Independent outside directors Environment Social Others Fiscal 2030 goals (Millions of US$) Company with a Board (Trillions of yen) Company with Three Committees 20 of Corporate Auditors   3,453  No. 1 18 17 17 No. 1 16 16 (Trillions of yen)  15 15 15 Social  No. 2  3.7 and  Others No. 1 12  No. 2    9 9 8 8  7  6  4 Environment   8 2

   2019 2030 (FY) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (CY) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (FY) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance ASSET FINANCE/Lead arrangers LEAGUE TABLE

Through the provision of financial services to our customers, we intend to help create a sustainable society and contribute to the In conjunction with our transition to a “company with three committees” governance structure in 2015, we increased the number of realization of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To this end, we have set our goal for sustainable financing at independent outside directors. We ensure that independent outside directors always constitute a majority of the Board of Director membership. a cumulative total of ¥20 trillion. In fiscal 2019, the first year following the formulation of this goal, we extended a total of ¥3.7 trillion, making steady progress. Moreover, we are acting as project finance arranger and lender for solar, hydroelectric, wind and geothermal power generation and maintaining a world-leading presence among private global financiers in the renewable energy financing field.

External Recognition Ratio of Female Managers Number of Business Matches Made* in All Managerial Positions* Inclusion in ESG-Related Indices MUFG is included in a number of prominent ESG-related stock indices at home and abroad (as of May 31, 2020). (Number of cases) Cumulative total Year’s result (%) Ratio of female employees Ratio of female managers in all managerial position   Approx. 121,000  49.6%     


  MUFG has received a sliver MUFG Union Bank has received full marks for  rating on the PRIDE Index seven consecutive years in the Corporate  which evaluates Equality Index, which measures LGBTQ equality   companies’ inclusivity in organizations according to the Human Rights efforts toward LGBTQ in Campaign, the largest LGBTQ advocacy group in Japan. the United States. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (FY) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (CY) *The sum of business matching cases conducted by branches and those established at * Total for the Bank, the Trust Bank and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities in Japan In 2019, WIN, one of our seven Enterprise business matching events held in Japan and overseas MUFG Union Bank was Resource Groups in North America, was awarded awarded as a Noteworthy the Spotlight Impact Award by the Association of As we aim to help our corporate clients create new business As we aim to create an organization and culture that Company by DiversityInc. ERGs & Councils* for its excellent achievements opportunities and achieve corporate development via the encourages diverse staff to achieve personal growth and for diversity. in promoting diversity. expansion of sales channels etc., we offer business partner career success, we set a target of raising the ratio of female *A premier organization dedicated to increasing the impact, referral services while hosting large business negotiation staff in all managerial positions at the three major Group effectiveness and recognition of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). meetings for clients from a range of differing industries. In companies to 24% by the end of March 2021. As of March 31, fiscal 2019, the number of successful business matching cases 2020, our efforts had successfully raised this ratio to 25%. Note: The inclusion of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. in any MSCI index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a amounted to approximately 9,000. sponsorship, endorsement or promotion of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSIC index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.

10 MUFG Report 2020 MUFG Report 2020 11