MINUTES OF a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 West Boulevard, , B.C., on Wednesday, January 25th., 1984 at 8:00 p.m.

CHAIRMAN - Ivan Robertson

PRESENT: Directors: Marion Drake, Millie V/right, Pat Harrison, Dave Howden, Garth Thurber, Almaza Kroeschel, Irene Sawchuk, and Ge* y Massing. Also present: Dorothy Asuma, Len Cederholm, Cheryl Ross, and Doris Pinkham.

EXCUSED; Kath Botham, Jim Dent, Road Jamieson, John Poruks, Doug Woods, and Liza Hutchison

ABSENT: Jennifer Hohmann

MINUTES: It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Millie Wright that "the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as submitted."


BUSINESS ARISING THEREFROM: The budget and deficit will be dealt with in the BUDGET: Financial Report.

HISTORICAL A decision on the motion to donate $200.00 to the SOCIETY: Kerrisdale Historical Society can be postponed for a w h i l e .

FINANCIAL REPORT: We are not getting a refund of $1,823.40 from Ottawa o n s a l e s t a x .

Vacation pay will be disbursed in January.

O u r M e m b e r s ' E q u i t y i s s u f fi c i e n t t o b u f f e r o u r p r e s e n t level of deficit per month for a year. Garth Thurber referred the problem of deficit to the Programme Committee to identify potential areas of trouble to see where we can find extra money.

In the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison it is more meaningful to use 4 months actual. It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Almaza Kroeschel that

"the balance sheet as at December 31st., 1983 and the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison for the month of December and four months to date be adopted as submitted.


The audited financial statements as at August 31, 1983 for use at the Annual General Meeting were submitted for approval and adoption. For the year ended August 31st., 1983, surplus was up from $17,336 to $21,158, making an excess of revenue over expenditure of $3,822.

One item taken into account was a number of expenses o f t h e S o c c e r C l u b . T h e i r e x c e s s r e v e n u e w a s t a k e n into our account. It is a problem- which will sort itself out in the following period. Meeting of the Board of Directors - January 25, 19G4

Financial Report(continued)

The Auditors have signed the standard qualification for charitable organizations.

It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Almaza Kroeschel that " the audited statements for the year ended August 31st. 1983, be approved and adopted as submitted."

Voting was deferred to allow consideration of the financial statements.

WINTER BUDGET: Garth Thurber reported on the Budget for the Winter Programme, with revenue of $74,450 and expenditures of $72,450, making a surplus of $2,000.00.

Some course fees have already been raised. At the Finance Committee meeting the matter of better matching of expense portions within periods was discussed, which would help to be more accurate for each quarterly budget. CORRES P O N D E N C E ; A n u m b e r o f c a r d s f r o m t h e s t a ff t h a n k i n g u s f o r C h r i s t m a s bonuses.

A card of thanks was received from Vera Perrault, who won a food hamper raffled at our bazaar.

Notice was received from the Carnegie Centre advising us of their 4th. anniversary on January 20th.

A Raymur Residents' group wish to hold bingo sessions and need money for equipment, and have written to ask us for a donation or may bingo equipment we are not using. MEETING OF COMMUNITY

CENTRE PRESIDENTS: At the Presidents' meeting considerable discussion took place about the new zoo proposals for . There will be a meeting at the Mount Pleasant Community Centre on February 2nd. at 7:30 p.m. and on February 14th. there will be a Town Hall meeting at the Vlest End Centre.

APPROVAL OF AUDITED STATEMENTS: After a short adjournment during which members looked over the audited statements, and with a recommendation for approval from the Finance Committee, it was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Almaza Kroeschel that "the audited financial statements for the year ended August 31, 19C3, be adopted and approved."


KITCHEN; Kitchen equipment keeps disappearing and needs to be locked away. Millie Wright recommended the building of some cupboards on the south wall of the back rear room. Space for hanging coats could be used for counters. Grace Pirie, Millie Wright and Marion Drake m.et with Bea Miller who measured all the kitchen and felt that it is perfectly usable. Millie VJright suggested that if the alterations and additions were taken to the Parks Board they would take a long time to be completed. The cupboards would be portable and they would have to fit in with future renovations. Dorothy Asuma felt we should get some ■

KITCHEN; The matter was deferred for the future report on costs and feasibility.

ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Gerry Massing that "the meeting adjourn."


MEETING of the COmiTTEE AS A WHOLE of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society held at the Centre, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, Wednesday, J a n u a r y 2 5 , 1 9 8 4 .

PROGRAI'ME: At the . meeting of December 14th. discussion took place as to where we could increase charges on programmes in order to bring our revenue up.

It was decided to cut out Wednesday babysitting, and to institute a 20/80 split with instructors working for receipts.

The present deficit of roughly $1,500 a month, could be made up with a 22% overhead.

We are paying for space for the Pool and Arena programmes in our brochure. Dorothy Asuma will look into it upon receipt of a letter from Ivan Robertson requesting funds t o c o v e r t h i s e x p e n s e .

The meeting of January 11th. reported a heavy registration.

The complaint of ladies playing morning badminton has been settled.

Farr Electric will do the wiring for the readograph.

The November bazaar cleared $3,119.38. Expenses were $253.00

CO-ORD- -INAT^'S REPORT; 1) We will not get the tax refund. The Finance Committee will check again, as it is im.portant how the contract i s d r a w n u p .

2) We have increased programme attendance by about 38,000 o v e r l a s t y e a r m a i n l y d u e t o w o r k s h o p s a n d fi t n e s s . The Programme Committee has done very well, especially Mark.

3) The Parks Board is holding a v^orkshop at Pearson Hospital regarding integrating the handicapped into recreational facilities, and they v/ant Board mem.bers f r o m t h e v a r i o u s C o m m u n i t y C e n t r e s t o a t t e n d . A member of our Programme Committee will attend.

4) Our Centre will be used on March 14th. from 9:00 a.m. on to register votes on the plebiscite re. Cambie Bridge.

PERSONNEL:The Secretary to the Kerrisdale Merchants' Association sold her business but will carry on it that position.

Another sidewalk sale will be held in April and they want u s t o p a r t i c i p a t e . MIKUTSS of a Meeting of the Boarr of Directors of the Keri'isdale Community Centre Society, held in the A\jditorium, 585I IVest Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., on Thursdav, February 9th, 1984? at 9:00 p.m.

CEAIRMAF - Ivan Robertson

Directors: Dave Howcen, Millie V/right, Jim Dent, Gerry Massing, Almaza Kroeschel, Kath Botham, Irene Sav/chuk, Liza Hutchison, Verilyn Savv-kins Also present; Park Board Commissioners Allan Bennett and Malcolm Ashford, Doi'is Pinkham

EXCUSED: Marion Drake, Rod Jamieson, Garth Thurber, Ida Foreman, John Low

ABSENT: John Poruks

The Chairman opened the Meeting by welcoming the Parks Board Commissioners and nevj Board members .

APPOINTMENT The next item of business was the appointment for one- y e a r t e r m s o f t h e o t h e r c a n d i d a t e s w h o s t o o d f o r e l e c t i o n . Arthur Sage withdre'.v his name and the following were appointed to the Board: John Poruks, iGordon V/elsh, and P e n n y M a j o r s

CONSTITUTION For president, Ivan Robertson was nominated by Dave Kowden, seconded by ".'illie Fright. There being no other nominations it was moved by Millie 7/right and seconded by Jim Dent that

" n o m i n a t i o n s c l o s e . "


Ivan Robertson was named President by acclamation.

For Vice-presidents, Marion Drake was nominated by Jim Dent and seconded by Dav;; Howden. Garry Massing was nominated bv Dave Howden and seconded bv Kath Botham. V I .

There being no othe: nominations, it v/as moved by Millie '"right and seconded by Dave Howden that

" n o m i n a t i o n s c l o s e . "


Marion Drake and Gerry Massing were named Vice-presidents b y a c c l a m a t i o n .

For Treasurer, '^-arth Thurber \vas nominated by Dave How den and seconded by Gerry Massing . Dave Hov/den was also nominated but declined to run.

I t v / a s m o v e d b y J i m D e n t a x " : s e c o n d e d b y K a t h B o t h a m t h a t

" n o m i n a t i o n s c l o s e . "


G a r t h T h u r b e r w a s n a m e d T r e a s u r e r b y a c c l a m a t i o n .

For Secretary, Davs Howden was nominated by Millie V/right and seconded by Almaza Kroeschel.

There being no further nominatixis it was moved by Kath B o t h a m a n d s e c o n d e d b y J i m D e n t t h a t

" n o m i n a t i o n s c l o s e . "


Dave Hov/den was named Secretary by acclamation. - B O A R D M E E T I K ( F e b r u a r y 9 t h , 1 9 8 4 -

For Solicitor, KisxEjc Jim Dent was nominated by G-errj'' Massing and seconded by Kath Bothar .

There being no further nominations, it v/as moved by Dave Kowden and seconded by ;.':illie v/right that

" n o m i n a t i o n s c l o s e . "


J i m D e n t v / a s n a m e d S o l i c i t o r b y a c c l a m a t i o n .

BOARD MBETI'jC-s : ^oard Mettings are held on the fourth V/ednesdav of every month except December at 3:00 p.m.

ICRSTITUTION OF The Executive Committee will meet on February -P-ftth-^or- :0"M1TTSES ?lst to set un the various Committees. Members attending the present meeting '.vers asked to state their T)references, if any, to serve on the committges .

The Special Projects Com.mittee vill be busy immediately planning our csoital improvements.

The Publicity Committee needs assistance as it is under manned . It takes oime and is presently being looked after by Mafek Shorter. Malcolm Ashford will teach anyone about publicity. Building & Maintenance requires nev/ members. It includes the Kitchen Sub-committee.

Millie V/right indicated an interest in the Seniors', Special Projects, and Programme/ Corfimittees . Kath Botham will continue on the progra.mme Committee. It was felt that the Special Events Committee should have a Board member on it. Linda MacDonald might be annrcached to continue .

Pat Rarrison and Doris Pinkham are interested in the B a z a a r C o m m i t t e e ,

illan Bennett and Valcolm Ashford ^n at the Snecial Proiects msetin:

'"-err^.- Massing, Liza Hutchison and Jim Dent are interested in the programmes . That Committes needs a total of ten nec'le .

Irene Cawchuk '.vould like to serve on the Senior.s' arc Pool Committees.

Vermlyn Sa'.vkins would like to sit on the Finance Committee.

ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Dave Kowden th.at

"the Meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 9:15 p«m. MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., on VJednesday, February 22, 1984 at 8:00 p.m.

CHAIRMAN - Ivan Robertson

PRESENT: Directors: Gerry Massing, Millie Wright, Gordon Welsh, Liza Hutchison, Dave Howden, Garth Thurber, John Low, Irene Sawchuk, Verilyn Sawkins, Penny Majors.

EXCUSED: Kath Botham, Ida Foreman, Jim Dent, Marion Drake

ABSENT: Almaza Kroeschel, John Poruks.

The Chairman, Ivan Robertson, extended a welcome to the new Board members and congratulated them on their election.

MINUTES: It was moved by Gerry .".assing and seconded by Millie Wright that

"the Minutes of the previous monthly meeting be adopted with the following amendment:

"under "KITCHEN' the word "quotations" should be changed to "costs."


BUSINESS h'RlStm THEREFROM: The report on costs for renovations to the kitchen is held in abeyance until Marion Drake returns and Bea Miller can be contacted.

Gordon Welsh felt that we should get the sales tax refund from the federal Government. He will assist Len Cederholm in pursuing the matter.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The total cash expenses are about $30,000. The deficit should be eliminated by the end of the winter programme w h i c h i s b e t t e r t h a n b u d g e t e d .

The reversal of the sales tax has affected the programme's fi g u r e s m a k i n g t h e m l o w e r t h a n u s u a l .

It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Gordon Welsh that

"the balance sheet as at January 31, 1984, euid the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison for the month of January and five months to date be adopted as submitted.


The question of NSF cheques was discussed. They seldom occur, but one man is a repeater. His cheque was drawn on an American bank and okayed by Dave Howden because he was known to be a regular participant in Centre programmes. If we can identify at least one prior occurrence in our records, Ivan Robertson will send him a discipline letter.

SET UP OF COMMITTEES:The Executive Committee has met and set up tentative committee appointments and chairmen. The list will be finalized for adoption at the next Board meeting. Meeting of the Board of . directors,February 22, 1984 (2;

CORRES PONDENCE : The Community Association is opening new and expanded community and fitness facilities on March 15th. and has sent an invitation to the entire board to attend. Board members wishing to do so should phone 327-8371 by Feb r u a r y 2 8 t h . The Christmas Bureau sent us a letter of thanks for the toys donated by children attending our Breakfast With Santa.

Regarding the letter of support for a feasibility study initiated by the Elders Seniors' Network - they have been turned down. The funding organization ( Seniors' Lottery) has reservations about all Seniors' Networks in the city.

Millie VJright went to a Parks Board meeting, and they have accepted the concept of a Seniors' Network. Millie thinks perhr"s we should not rush into it and should wait until we get our building. The Parks Board believes in the principle.

The balance of the correspondence had to do with Special Projects funding applications. All replies to date were negative, including the Kamber Foundation and North Vancouver K i w a n i s .

PROPOSED It is now very likely that we vill be doing a phased devel opment. The $750,000 from the Parks Board is on a four- year basis, and the lottery funding of $400,000 cannot be left too long. The $500,000 federal funding technically must be spent by February 1985.

After this meeting a letter will be sent to Parks Board requesting a phased development to start with our new building.

A schedule has been drawn up by Rudy Roelofsen who has the experience of Dunbar to draw on. They are about to put their contract out to tender. In his letter dated February 14, he set out the following schedule.

March 15 Appointment of an architect. 1/an will ask to have this changed to March 31st.

May 1 Formulation of a programme of the development with a description of what we want in our facilities. We are ahead on this.

June 30 Schematics to be ready.

August 31 Preli.-'inary design complete

October 15 Application for development permit

January 1985 Working drawings complete

March 15 Start construction

October Finish construction The design period could be reduced from 10 to 7 months.

We will have to integrate our plan with the City of Vancouver Health Department if the Health Unit is to have a second fl o o r a b o v e o u r S e n i o r s ' C e n t r e . T h i s m a y d e l a y u s a b i t and a further implication is that another Health Unit (South Main) might be brought in as well, which would mean another ( 3 r d . ) fl o o r . Meeting of the Board of Directors - February

SPECIAL PROJECTS: The Special Projects Committee meeting will be the first or second Tuesday in March, probably March 6th.

KERRISDALE HISTORICAL SOCIETY; Dave Kowden reported that the Kerrisdale Historical S o c i e t y i s p l a n n i n g a P i o n e e r s ' D a y t h i s y e a r a n d celebrations in 19G6. They have requested the facilit ies of our Community Centre to be used for a Pioneers' Day luncheon on June 2nd. from 11:00 to 12:30. The Girl Guides are to do the catering. There will be approximately 250 tickets at $5.00 each, and invited guests will be people who have lived in the Kerrisdale area prior to 1835. The seniors here will be providing assistance. They have asked that tickets be sold by our staff, with the money to be held in trust and turned b a c k t o t h e S o c i e t y . It was moved by Dave Howden, and seconded by Millie bright that "our gym be donated for the luncheon, staff to handle ticket sales, under a system supervised by Dave Kowden, a n d a d i s p l a y r o o m f o r v i d e o t a p e s .


Gordon PTelsh queried whether the gym floor V70uld suffer by being used for the luncheon, but Len Cederholm ex plained that it would not, but that in any event it is due for varnishing about three weeks later.

Please contact Millie Mright if anyone hears of a person wishing to attend the luncheon but unable to afford a ticket.

There will be no speeches, no politicians - s t r i c t l y a s o c i a l o c c a s i o n .

ADJOURNMENT! I t w a s m o v e d b y G e r r y M a s s i n g t h a t

"the meeting adjourn.'


Adjournment took place at ^ :5G p.m.


0?^ MINUTES of a meeting of THE COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE, of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society held at the Centre, 5851 VJest Boulevard, Vancouver B.C. February 22, 1984.

PROGRAMME; Report submitted

Grant applications for summer day camp programme will be prepared and sent in, and Kath Botham suggested that the seniors consider applying for assistance with their on going programmes. New Horizons grants are only for new programmes on a temporary basis to get them started, b t t h e y w i l l b u y f u r n i t u r e .

Rod Jamieson will look at West Vancouver, and also material and particulars prepared by Len Cederholm in order to facil itate the operating budget planning for our new facility . It does not seem that we would need more than one permanent staff employee. We should get particulars reduced to a s u s t a i n a b l e f o r m a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e .

That portion of Grace Pirie's salary which Len Cederholm cannot pick up out of his Parks Board budget is paid for by our Society. Concerning the deficit, the problem was identified at the October meeting when Garth Thurber ex pressed concern. The Winter programme was considered with that point in mind and Len was asked to look into it, to see if fees could be raised. By the next month the deficit rate had decreased substantially. The Programme Committee looked at the entire fee structure to see where we were losing money overall & to continue the idea of cutting back wherever possible. By January 19S4, the deficit was on the way to elimination and we expect to return to normal operations.

All programmes do not carry the same surcharge. Seniors p a y a t w o - t h i r d s f e e f o r r e g u l a r c o u r s e s a n d M i l l i e W r i g h t will consult with Len Cederholm regarding this.

O u r p o l i c y i s t h a t p r o g r a m m e s s h o u l d a t l e a s t c a r r y t h e i r cost. Programmes running at less than a full return, should be considered to try to identify where money is being spent that might be saved.

A comparison v/ill be made of fees for similar programmes a t o t h e r c e n t r e s .

VThen the Finance and Programme committees find something that needs Board action they should bring it to us.

New programmes should not be started if they cannot pay f o r t h e m s e l v e s .

Gordon Welsh asked if each committee made up its own budget, but it was explained the responsibility for budgeting was with the Finance Committee and committees wishing to have provision made for funding should make a submission to the Finance Committee. We are now working with a quarterly budget procedure.

PARKING will be considered in the new development plans.

PLAYGROUND - the condition of the playground is due to the caretaker being over at the South side nursery during the winter months, and Len Cederholm should be contacted when there are problems.

WATER FOUNTAIN - It was suggested that Dr. Jack Altman of the Health Unit be contacted as to whether the fountain is a h e a l t h c o n c e r n . Meeting of The Committee As A Whole - February 22, 1984


feEPORT; Report submitted

No centres have a booklet with an orientation format giving the functions of the Centre, Board and staff. Len Cederholm will have one prepared within the next two months after con sultation and feedback with other centres.

Each year an Integration Workshop is held for Parks Bpard staff and Centre employees. The topic this year is the integration of the disabled into Centres and Pools. Parks Board policy is that they should be admitted for h the usual f e e . T h i s r a i s e d s e v e r a l p o i n t s f o r o u r S o c i e t y t o c o n s i d e r , which Len listed in his notes and will report on.

POOL: Meeting cancelled. HISTORICAL

Dave Howden has been going over 41 years of minutes. There is no record of the activities of the Centre for the period prior to 1963. Pictures and other items of interest have been collected, and Dave has written up a history which is in the word processor now. He talked to early Directors and is meeting with Sheila MacDonald who was secretary of t h e C e n t r e f o r m a n y y e a r s .

The question now is what we are going to do with the inform ation that has been gathered.

SENIORS: Lew Clark, retired from the Hudson's Bay Company, is interested in public relations and has agreed to do an on-going newsletter for the seniors, starting next month.

The seniors are looking for innovations that won't cost anything. We will back other centres regarding health care for seniors, integrating it into Community Centres, with o u r o w n s e n i o r s s e r v i c i n g i t a s v o l u n t e e r s . R i l e y P a r k i s just starting it, and we have invited people from the East End to see our facilities.

A letter of congratulations was received from Mount Pleasant who want our seniors' group to have a liaison with theirs.

I t w a s m o v e d b y G e r r y M a s s i n g t h a t

"the meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 9:5C p.m. MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, March 28, 1984 at 8:00 p.m.

CHAIRMAI^ - Ivan Robertson

PRESENT: Directors: Jim Dent, Penny Majors, Irene Sawchuk, Ida Foreman, Garth Thurber, Dave Howden, Gordon Welsh, Millie Wright, Kath Botham, Liza Hutchison, Verilyn Sawkins, Almaza Kroeschel, Marion Drake, Pat Kinney. Also present: Dorothy Asuma, Len Cederholm, Doris Pinkham, DeForah Maclnnis, Jennette Toews.

EXCUSED: Gerry Massing

ABSENT; Rod Jamieson, John Poruks

AP^INT^NT OF DIRECTOR: It was moved by Dave Howden and seconded by Marion Drake that

"Pat Kinney be appointed to the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society for a o n e - y e a r t e r m . "


Jennette Toews of the Student Employment Centre of the Federal Government came to the meeting to explain t h e s e r v i c e s o f f e r e d t o s t u d e n t s f o r s u m m e r w o r k . Students are now flooding the job market with 32% increases in tuition at UBC.

Their office is on Broadway at Mackenzie on the third floor, and is open only during the summer months. It is a selection and referral agency and covers a large area comprising Marpole, Kerrisdale, and the endowment lands, which is largely residential.

It is a free service and students are paid at least the minim.um wage of $3.65 per hour. Merchants can recover half the student's wages up to $2.50. For $10,000,000 is available.

Students fill out application forms in advance, and employers do the same. Available jobs (general des cription only) are posted on a board and the student can take any card that interests him back to the desk where he will be interviewed. If suitable he will be given the name and address of the employer. Jobs are usually processed in two days.

After Miss Toews left,the meeting, Marion Drake intro duced Deborah Maclnnis, who had been contacted by Joy Bradbury. Mrs. Madlnnis is associated with the Marpole Feniors' Centre and does PR work and fund raising.


NSF CHEQUE: Gordon VJelsh enquired whether the NSF cheque has been collected, and Dave Howden reported that the matter h a s b e e n c l e a r e d u p .

For the record our policy is that when an NSF cheque comes in, it will go to the programme person who will notify the cheque writer. Privileges of a member will be withdrawn until he is in good standing. Meeting or tne Board of Directors, Kerrisdale Community centre March 28, 1984 - Page 2


FINANCIAL R E P O R T : O u r t e r m d e p o s i t s a r e b a s i c a l l y f o r 3 0 d a y s . R a t e s are trending up just now and they are unlikely to come down. Interest on the Senior Citizens' Building Fund is segregated and is added to the fund.

Gordon Welsh was informed that UIC is paid on the 15th. of the following month.

I t w a s m o v e d b y G a r t h T h u r b e r a n d s e c o n d e d b y D a v e Howden that "the Balance Sheet as at February 29th., 1984, and the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison for the month of February and six months to date be adopted as submitted."


CORRES PONDENCE: A letter has been received from the Ask Friendship Society requesting a liaison with our Special Projects Committee in the developing of our capital improvements proposals. They could make an important contribution to our Food Service Sub-Committee. The matter will be discussed later in the Committee as a Whole meeting.

The NPA has written to ask for an opportunity to present their ideas regarding the civic election.

PRESIDENTS' MEETING: A meeting was held at the end of February. Some problems have arisen regarding conflicting demands in the use of playing fields. What is Parks Board policy? Is it in need of a change? Should community organizations be given priority? Demands far outstrip facilities, and also in Kerrisdale, there are fewer playing fields.

ARCHITECT; A short list of architects is being prepared by the Parks Board for their files. The President will be invited to help in the deliberations which will start soon, and an architect will be selected for our new Seniors' Centre.

S A L E S T A X REFUND: We have been turned down for a sales tax refund because we use a newspaper for our brochure, but previously we did not use it. Len Cederholm will follow up the matter.

FUND RAISING:Deborah Maclnnis spoke on fund-raising and did not think we had a problem with PR as our Centre gets a lot of attention. She advised against making a pitch for funds just now when we have already received large grants. The Marpole Centre raised $1,600,000. The first large donor was a lot of work . She recommended that we work in the community first and then build from there. We need more information as to how we should go about fund raising. Marpole is a tight community and very stable. They re ceived grants from Batons, Eronfmans, MacMillans, Koerner, Vancouver and Hambcr and have also received anonymous donations. Most were from back east. The chairman of our committee should be highly visible, and able to make personal contacts. Meeting of the Foard of Directors, March 28, 19P4 (3)


Traditional ways of raising money are changing. It is easier to get money for capital rather than operating costs. We should look at a list of foundations and obtain Revenue Canada T-10 forms which give the balance sheet, the total amount given last year and where it was given. After applying for a grant we should immediately write a letter of thanks even if we are turned down. We should make a list of donors and follow through with a work log giving the name, date of application, amount asked for, and addition al comments, amount received, date and comments.

Good qualifications for a financial development person would be a business background or knowledge of marketing and great sympathy for what we are doing. It would entail long hours. Gordon Welsh suggested Mr. Murphy, a man who might be very suitable and experienced. For door-to-door canvassing, a permit from the city is necessary. Canvassers must carry identification.

It would help to check business license files and directories. Som.e businesses might donate time and/or services.

Garage sales are better than flea-markets, but it takes a y e a r t o b u i l d i t u p .

We need a graphic artist, printer (Budget Printers are good .) and cameraman. The fund-raiser needs contacts,

DISCUSSION; V7e have not as yet resolved to retain anyone. Do we want to do the same thing as Marpole? Gordon Welsh will ask Mr. Murphy to come and speak at the next Special Projects meeting. He was the fund-raiser for the disabled.

Millie Wright reported that West Vancouver used volunteers.

Gordon Welsh said that consulting fees are $40.00 per hour. It would entail 40-50 hours a month - sometimes 80.

Almaza Kroeschel suggested that Norman Young of the Drame Faculty at UBC m.ight also be suitable. The question of whether v^e should pay a fund-raiser was dis cussed, and those voting felt we should pay if necesssary, but not necessarily pay, and that Millie's idea of volunteers was a good one and should be looked at first. The Special Projects Committee will come back with a recommendation. POPE'S VISIT; We have been asked by the Parks Board to provide accommodation for visitors during the week-end of the Pope's visit. Our gymnasium has some programmes finished by 10:00 p.m. and the guests would have to be out by 8:00 a.m. The Parks Board will set the fee.

We have a live-in caretaker who could be used for supervision, but provision of supervvision by Parks Board or the City of Vancouver is preferrable. The people would be here at their .own risk. As a general rule we do not cancel programmes for rentals. The Parks Board approves of using the gym. The request to use our Centre came from the City to the Parks Board through Gordon Liddell.

It was moved by John Low and seconded by Almaza Kroeschel that "we open the Centre to the visitors without the cancellation o f a n y p r o g r a m m e s . "

CARRIED Meeting of the Board of Directors - March 28, 1984 (Page 4)

P O P E ' S ( c o n t ' d . ) VISIT; Further information can be obtained from Andy Livingston. Rules will have to be set up, and provision made for security b y s o m e o n e o t h e r t h a n o u r c a r e t a k e r .

HISTORICAL SOCIETY; It was moved by Dave Howden and seconded by Marion Drake that

"we obtain a painting of our building."


Further discussion is noted in the Committee as a Whole minutes.

ADJOURNMENT .-It was moved by Almaza Fjroeshcel that

"the meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 9:20 p.m.

Recorded by, D o r i s P i n k h a m .

A******** ^ ^ ■ / y MINUTES of a meeting of the COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE, of the Kerrisdale Comm.unity Centre Society, held at the Centre, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., March 28th. 1984.

PROGRAMME: Report submitted

A letter was sent from the Programme Committee to Special Projects regarding parking problems in the lot.

Price comparisons were made for courses with other Centres and we have a good average. Dunbar is doing a s u r v e y o f i n s t r u c t o r ' s f e e s .

The Spring brochure contains 17 new courses.

A grant application has been sent in for the Summer Adventure programme.

Renovations are being done at Dunbar and one instructor has approached re. the temporary accommodation of a preschool programme. Mark Shorter thinks we woiald have room available, so that the additional programme could be worked in. The people would register at Dunbar and we would take a percentage. It would be mainly Dunbar people who will have no space because of renov ations to their Centre wo we would not be competing with ourselves.

There was discussion regarding a trip on the West Coast Trail this summer.

Marion Drake reported that she is going to Parks Board to follow up on their policy for special needs patrons. Are our people at Kerrisdale being trained? Part of M a r k S h o r t e r ' s p r o j e c t f o r t h e y e a r i s t o s t a r t o n t h a t and Len commented on previous programmes. It will be citywide and Mark will have a training manual drawn up at a special workshop. It will be finished in December.

BUILDING & MAINTENANCE;Report submitted.

The Finance Committee will be approached to have funds made available for necessary purchases.*The Building and Maintenance Committee has been allowed a minimum of $750.00 per year but it must be budgeted for*(In the past).The next quarterly budget starts on May 1st. so requests for money should be in before then.

The Parks Board might buy some things so Len Cederholm should be advised first. Other funds can be made available. The committee needs to make recommendations of what should be done with cost figures for the next meeting of the Finance Committee. Len will take the matter of a table saw under advisement. It probably could be delivered within a month if it is approved.

The $263.00 needed at present can come out of the con tingency fund. John Low was asked to give Len a list of repairs needed, including a new sink. John Low asked about the band saw in the workshop and the need for a table saw. The instructor should put in a re quest to Len with full details. Almaza Kroeschel reported that the music system, for fi t n e s s c l a s s e s n e e d s a t t e n t i o n a n d m o r e m a t s a r e required. Len reported that a marathon aerobathon is being held to purchase a backup system for fitness classes. Almaza vrill report to Len regarding the mats. - 2 - Meeting of the Coimnittee as a Whole- Kerrisdale Community Centre March 28, 1984

POOL: Report submitted

CO-ORD- INATOR'S REPORT: Report submitted

Provision for the expenditure of $220.00 for Doug New- stead to attend a conference will be made in the next budget.

The Society Orientation Programme will be held on Wednesday, April 7th. in the Board Room at 7:30 p.m. for the new Board members.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY; Dave Howden reported that the luncheon for Kerrisdale pioneers will be held on Saturday, June 2nd., and tickets are available at our office. At the luncheon there will be displays, posters, etc.

Len Cederholm has a draft copy of our own historical report. Dave contacted people involved with our Centre in the past.

A book is being prepared on the with paintings of particular buildings, etc., and Dave suggested that we might have a painting of our buildings and surroundings. In our Centre we have three painting classes. We might co- mission a painting and pay for it or offer a prize. The lack of information about this building is incredible. Dave has taken a lot of pictures.

The idea of obtaining a painting (approved in Board minutes) will be put forward to the painting instructors for their con sideration with the approval of the Board.

SENIORS:= Millie Wright passed around raffle tickets for a guilt made b y t h e S e n i o r s .

Gordon Welsh proposed that benches should be installed in Kerrisdale - one in front of the Shoppers' Drug Market, and one near Moores. They would cost $375.00 and might be donated with a notice in the Courier giving credit. Millie Wright also suggested that additional benches be put in the parking lot.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: Covered in Board minutes

ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Dave Howden that

"the meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 10:20 p.m. MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, April 25th. 1984 at 8:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Directors: Marion Drake, Ida Foreman, Liza Hutchison, Kath Botham, Pat Kinney, Penny Majors, Irene Sawchuk, Verilyn Sawkins, John Low, Dave Howden, Garth Thurber, Millie Wright, Ivan Robertson.

Also present; Dorothy Asuma, Cheryl Ross, Len Cederholm, D o r i s P i n k h a m .

EXCUSED; Gordon Welsh, Jim Dent, Gerry Massing

ABSENT; Almaza Kroeschel, Rod Jamieson, John Poruks

MINUTES: It was moved by Dave Howden and seconded by John Poruks that "the Minutes of the previous monthly meeting be adopted as submitted with the following addition:

"It was moved by Marion Drake and seconded by Millie VJright that

"the Minutes of the previous monthly meeting be adopted a s s u b m i t t e d . "


There was no new business, and ongoing items will be dealt with in Committee reports.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Garth Thurber reported that all programme revenue has been taken through. Members' Equity shows a decrease as the Readograph was included in the. Profit & Loss Account instead of Special Projects.

Revenue and Expense are in line with the budget.

It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Dave Howden that

"the Balance Sheet as at March 31st., 1984 and the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison for the month of March and seven months to date be adopted as submitted."

CARRIED SALARY INCREASES: Garth reported on the recommendation of the Finance Committee that staff salaries be increased. There have been no increases since January 19C3, and it was suggested that 4% would be reasonable as an increase for staff salaries and 6% for the accountant.

It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Dave Howden that "the above salary increases be approved, effective May 1st. 1984 subject to the approval of the Community Recreation Co-ordinator after performance review.

CARRIED SALE OF Dave Howden brought samples of T-shirts and caps to the T-SHIRTS Special Projects meeting, and requested a float of $1,500 AND CAPS:to cover inventory costs. The merchandise would be sold in the office at $P.OO for a shirt and $5.00 for a cap, v;ith the proceeds going to the Building Fund. We would then evalus'te the success of the venture. The Executive - 2 -

Meeting of the Board of Directors, Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, April 25th. 1904

S A L E O F T-SHIRTS; (continued)

Committee recommended that the advance be made after being assured by Garth that funds were available.

It was moved by Dave Ho^vden, and seconded by Garth Thurber that "the recommendation of the Executive Committee be confirmed."


CORRES PONDENCE: Dorothy Asuma was thanked for obtaining $230.00 from the Parks Board in response to our request for assistance to cover the cost of advertising pool and arena programs in our last brochure. !'^e will continue to ask the Parks Board for help regarding the pool and arena. A l e t t e r w a s r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e S t a n l e y P a r k M a s t e r P l a n Advisory Committee and Citizens' Advisory Committee. The Presidents of the Community Centres are invited to sit on this committee.

The Committee would be working with a consultant and the fi r s t m e e t i n g i s o n M a y 3 t h .

PARKING: \ letter from the Programme Committee to the Special Pro jects Committee regarding parking was considered at their last meeting. A letter was sent to Bert Breakv^^H of the Parks Board to see if the entrance to the parking lot off Yew Street could be closed off.

The President has written to the Parks Board Commissioners about capital funding proposals. They seem to be supportive o f o u r p l a n s .

SPECIAL PROJECTS: Architects' interviews have taken place by Parks Board staff and a selection will be made in the near future to be taken to the Parks Board for approval.

The Parks Board staff is looking at our proposed develop ment with an eye to the specific difficulties of our site in getting a permit from City Hall. If we have everything we want perhaps we might have a site too small as we are 30 spaces short with our present parking. Our parking lot is non-conforming. If the Health Unit gets 25,000 sq. ft. there would need to be a minimum of 84 more parking places. There is the question of whether we would be in favour of having to use our green space.

The Parks Board does not have any monitored parking lots. The West End has paid parking run by the Imperial Parking Company and it is said to work quite well and is no problem to the staff.

HEALTH UNITT There is a question as to vrhether the Health Unit will be constructed in conjunction with our Seniors' Centre. It would be a good idea for Parks Board to write to City Hall regarding this, as we cannot go ahead and do two sets of plans - one including the Health Unit, and one of just our own Seniors' Centre. Mr. Kondrosky will contact the City of Vancouver saying that we have only thirty more days for them to make a commitment that they have the money to pay for the larger building or to find an alternative set of plans. If not, then we have - 3 -

Meeting of the Board of Directors, Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, April 25th. 1984

HEALTH UNIT(continued) to go ahead with our planning on our one-storey building. According to the City Manager, there is no money committed f o r a H e a l t h C e n t r e .

A few thousand dollars will be spent immediately to look into the feasibility of the combined project. The City and Parks Board will probably share the costs.

There is the possibility of building on this existing struct ure a second and third storey of 10,000 sq. feet. Perhaps 42nd. Avenue could be blocked off for angle parking between West Boulevard and Yew Street.

Marion Drake suggested a minipark.

It was moved by Kath Eotham that

"the meeting adjourn."

CARRIED. ADJOURN- ^ENT: Adjournrient took place at C;50 p.m. Recorded by, D o r i s P i n k h a m

il 7 MINUTES of a meeting of the COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held at the Centre, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, April 25th. 1984 at 9:00 p.m.

There was no business arising oat of the minutes. PROGRAMME: Registration went well. Mark Shorter reported that Parks Board paid for advertising in the brochure for the pool and arena. Some members reported that brochures were not delivered.

SPECIAL EVENTS;The aerobathon was a great success.

Ideas were discussed for future programmes, including Break- dancing and educating children in street awareness, drama etc.

The West Coast Trails idea is very interesting.

r4ark Shorter is developing a very comprehensive Programmer Manual.

The Bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 3rd., from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and the next meeting of the Bazaar Committee will be held on May 2nd. V7ork Bees will be held throughout the year. A float fund of $500.00 is required for the purchase o f m a t e r i a l s e t c .

IS: Dorothy Asuma reported that the West Si-de Recreation Guide is getting larger and larger, and some of the other Community Centres want to be included. She wondered if perhaps we would feel we were getting lost in the shuffle. Len Cederholm re ported that the joint brochure is getting bulky and better indexing is necessary. Perhaps it could be arranged so that the programmes of each community centre could be pulled out separately. The Programme Committee will make a recommendation. . It is felt that the comprehensive brochure is a service to the Vjcommunity. Len and the Programmer will discuss the problems '' with the Programme Committee as each centre must decide on a c o u r s e o f a c t i o n .

SENIORS: The seniors are trying to gain more funds, and are still doing all types of programmes. Fifty people attend the clinic on V7ednesdays.

FOOD SERVICES; The committee now has some alternative plans, and New Horizons might provide funds to furnish the kit chen. We want to talk to the architect about some of the probleris. Public Health people are on the committee. Special events and banquets could help to pay costs. It was suggested a questionnaire be prepared to get feedback from the community.

The next meeting of the Food Services Committee will be held on V7ednesday, May 9th. at 10:00 a.m. in the Board Room.

ARENA: A meeting was just hold to arrange the scheduling for next y e a r . T h e d r y fl o o r i s i n f r o m n o w u n t i l S e p t e m b e r 1 5 t h . Lacrosse is in, and we are looking for renters needing a large area with the dry floor. Breakdancing was very success ful. VoA oo act^pQ/\ 3 - 2 -

Minutes of the Committee As a Whole of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, April 25, 1984.

CO-ORDINATOR'S REPORT; Len Cederholm will have a written report for the n e x t m e e t i n g , w i t h s t a t s f o r t h e fi r s t q u a r t e r - J a n u a r y t o March. There is an increase of 6,000 over the last winter session, with the biggest rise in sports.

Vacations have been arranged for the staff.

The aerobathon netted $8,000.

During the Kerrisdale Sidewalk Sale Days there will be a PR table on Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in front of the Canada Trust building dealing with fund-raising. Perhaps o u r T - s h i r t s v j o u l d b e r e a d y .

PERSONNEL: Dave Howden reported that there have been many enquiries regarding the June 2nd. luncheon for Kerrisdale pioneers.

The Personnel Committee is revamping some of the procedures regarding records and is looking at things relative to salary increases etc. Sick leave v/ill be considered.

POOL: Cheryl Ross reported that Spring registration went very well. The lessons are almost booked 100%, and there is a waiting list for preschool lessons. The pool was very busy over Easter. There will be a closure on June 25th. to remove the bubble.

BUILDING & The Committee met with the Finance Committee, which MAINTENANCE: approved a budget of $900 per quarter.

An expenditure will be made of $507 covering trestles and a bar for one programme. A bulletin board is needed in the front hall, and the fabric area in front of the stage in the audit orium should be refinished in panelling, and the ceiling and walls of the gym need painting. A quotation of $1,300 has come in to refurbish the lounge furniture.

The committee is continuing to identify items needing refurbish ing and updating. Len Cederholm has designed a form for all the Centre to use regard ng items needed etc.

A decision on the purchase of a table saw will be deferred for the time being. Jchn Low felt that at this time it might not get a great deal of use. Millie Wright suggested that a used one might be bought, but Jchn is not in favour of purchasing used equipment of this type. Marion Drake pointed out that the saw could be used for building cupboards in the kitchen, thereby saving the cost of outside labour. The matter will be reviewed.

SPECIAL PROJECTS:Reported on in Board meeting. In summary, funding needs a wider community appeal. The food service is receiving a lot of attention.

ADJOURN MENT ;It was moved by John Low that

"the m.eeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 9:35 p.m. MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdaie Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 West Boule vard.,. Vancouver, B.C. , May 23rd. , 198.4 at 8 5 00 p.m.

CHAIRMAN - Ivan Robertson

PRESENT; Directors; Liza Hutchison, . Ida Foreman, Jim Dent., Garth Thurber, Gexry Massing, Irene Sawchuk, Millie Wright, . Ve r i l y n S a w k i n s , M a r i o n D r a k e , . P a t K i n n e y, Also present: Dorothy Asuma, Len Cederholm, Doris Pinkham, Malcolm Ashford.

EXCUSED; Dave Howden, John Low, Kath Botham, Almaza Kroeschel, Gordon Welsh.

ABSENT; Penny Majors, John Foruks.

.Park Board Commissioner, Malcolm Ashford, who is the West Side., liaison for the Parks Board was welcomed to the meeting.

MINUTES: It was moved by Gerry Massing and seconded by Marion Drake that "the Minutes of the previous meeting .be adopted as ■ submitted with the following amendment;

'Under "Minutes" seconded by John Poruks,..» should read "seconded by John Low." ■ CARRIED _ .


-PARKING: The Yew Street exit has been blocked off, and Bert' Breakwell indicated that any further action will be._ held in abeyance for the present.

ARCHITECT; The Parks Board has selected the firm of Howard-Yano as architects for our proposed Seniors' Centre, with. Ron Howard in charge. The project architect will be Michael JKirk.

FINANCIAL REPORT; It is important to keep as much money as possible in ' term deposits. Deferred Revenue is high because of . registration, but a fair amount .will be put. throug-h from that account in the next two months. The read-o- graph sign to be charged to the Special Projects account, has not gone through yet. Revenue is over budget.-The deficit will be picked up in May and June.

It was m.oved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Millie.. Wright that "the Balance Sheet as at April 30th., 1984, and the"' Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison for the month of April and eight months to date be adopted as submitted."


The amount of $900.00 for Building and Maintenance will be added to the budget -..lis month.

There was no meeting this month. X J . o v u c i x c Community Centre Society - May l3rd. 1984

CORRES PONDENCE ; Notice of the Annual Meeting and a brochure from Ask Friendship were distributed, but the meeting had a l r e a d y b e e n h e l d . I t d e s e r v e s o u r a t t e n t i o n a s i t is an organization which will be involved in some way with our new facility. T-Jhen it has been completed we will be better able to entertain the possibility of t h e i r p a r t i c i p a t i o n .

A letter of thanks was received from Pat Scarr, our long-time badminton organizer, for our gift to her upon h e r r e t i r e m e n t .

Point Grey Secondary School made its annual request for a scholarship donation. Our policy is to give $200.00 each year to a deserving student, based on scholarship and community service. This will be finalized as usual and a presenter selected.

The Kerrisdale Merchants' Association has requested that we contnnue our membership, and Len Cederholm will deal with it.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: Parks Board staff has already commenced preparation of plans for our new facility, and their estimate of the cost of our proposal is $2,800,000, which includes a permanent pool roof at $250,000. We are $1,000,000 short of our needed amount. Estimates are one thing, actual costs another and contractor's bids a third. Tenders were 40% over the actual cost estimate at Dunbar.

Special Projects Committee recommended that we try to raise $1,000,000 and engage a professional fund raiser as that seems to be the most feasible method of reaching o u r g o a l .

It V7as moved by Millie Wright and seconded by Garth T h u r b e r t h a t "a professional fund raiser be engaged at such fee and o n s u c h o t h e r t e r m s a s t h i s B o a r d o r t h e E x e c u t i v e Committee shall determine, to raise not less than $1,000,000 for the Society for its proposed capital improvements, but reserving to the Society the right to raise some part directly without payment of a fee on such part."


Malcolm Ashford felt that the better fund raisers work on a straight salary rather than on a percentage basis as it is more cost effective. The question of expenses was dis cussed but no decision made. As time is getting short the Executive Committee might have to arrange the terms.

BROCHURE; The Programme Committee recommended that the Marpole Community Centre be included in the next West Side brochure. It was moved by Liza Hutchison and seconded by Garth T h u r b e r t h a t "the above recommendation be im.plemented. "


Dorothy Asuma said that the brochure must be properly indexed v/ith an accurate map.

Staff from the various Centres must resolve the date of publication of the brochure, and try to have the various programmes start at the same time. Len will consult with other Centres. MEETIWG AVJOURNEV AT S:30 p.m. Moved by PcX Khmey Seconded by MafUon Vfuike MINUTES 0^ a m&ztlng thz COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE the KeAAUdale Community Centre Society, held at the Centfie, 5S51 We^it Bouleoafid, i/ancoavea, B.C. on (iJedneAday, May 23Kd. 19&4 at 8;40 p.m.

Theae waA no bu6lne66 aA.l6lng oat o^ the mlnute6.

PROGRAMME: Report Submitted

The 6ummeA. gAant ^OA day camp6 ha^ been Aecelved. ReglitAatlon pAoceduAei uteAe dl6cu66ed. VunbaA did not uie Time SaveA Pa66e6 thl6 time but we will keep them In iplte OjJ the pAoblemi conceAnlng pAe&chool pAogAamme6. SeveAal questions have aAl/>4.n conceAnlng ^acllltle-& plan ning 0(J the new CentAe, 6uch ai who hai had Input Into the AequlAementh, to what extent the community hai been consulted, how the needi aAe being pAloAlzed, and how the money will be divided between the new centne and Aenov- atloni to the pAe^ent one. The Special PAoj&ct6 Committee hai alAeady pAovlded amweAi to many o^ the queitlom ai iet out In the pAevloui BoaAd and Committee mlnutei. '^■he SenloA CentAe will be pAlmaAlly a day uie, which would ({'tee up aAeai ^oa genenal actlvltlei In the evenlngi. A AepoAt 0({ the Special PAcjecti Committee In July o^ lait yeaA, which li In the BoaAd membeAi' lait yeaA'i booklet, pAovlded a functional deilgn which wai appAoved by the BoaAd. The woAk li being pAloAlzed now with iome mlnoA changei, but theAe may be iome falAly Aadlcal onei In the futuAe. Kath Botham and the PAogAamme Committee will join the Special PAojecti Committee, at leait foA the planning itage. MaAk ShoAteA AepoAted that feedback Indicated moAe ipace li needed foA toti. TheAe aAe fouA categoAlei of ImpoAtance:-

1. SenloAi' CentAe 2. Additional office ipace. e. Additional itoAage Apace 4. Additional pAogAammlng ipace with a laAge multl-uie aAea. The BazaaA Committee li oAganlzlng woAk-beei, and would like the BoaAd to iuggeit Aaffle Ideai.

SPECIAL PROJECTS: The PaAki BoaAd will be pAepaAlng coit eitlmatei, and we need to aalgn pAloAltlei to ipeclflc Itemi. A Pood SeAvlce AepoAt hai been Aecelved. The PaAki BoaAd will IntAoduce the aAchltect Into dellbeAatlom eaAly AatheA than lateA. Veclilom wlllbe caAAled foAwaAd with the aAchltect'i guidance. A Building Committee will be foAmed and convened. Special PAojecti will put pAopoiali In oAdeA of ImpoAtance ai we iee them. Then the Building Committee will ilt down with the aAchltect and dlicuii ilze, etc., and bAlng back the InfoAmatlon to the BoaAd. Len CedeAholm will iee If a Aoom li available ^oa a meeting on May 29th. BoaAd membeAi aAe Invited to attend.


Nothlng to AepoAt. A typewAlteA will be bought foA the main office and they aAe looking at thAee modeli. One could be hooked Into a m l n l - c o m p u t e A . POOL: Nothing to Kzpont. SENIORS: Thz SenioH^' NemtottdA hoi a new ^o^umt with Lew Bridge cu edLton. and Jack Vunnett a6 coAtooni^t. lUttie WAight would like people to buy buttons ^oa the Building Pund, also bricks.

A SenioAs' StAut will, be held on June 15, with the SenioAS being sponsoAed ^oa paAticipation in a walk ^Aom TeAAy fox Plaza to Robs on SquaAe, wheAe a spedjol pAogAOjme will be held. Money Aoised by oua CentAe will all go to ouA Building Fund with the exoeppjon 0(J 3| which will be put aside ^oA expenses o^ the Next StAut.

Oua Five-Pin Bowling team took l{iASt pAize. The Health VAop-In has incAeased to 50. A Hawaiian Luau will be held on May 31st. with a band to enteAtain. The PUACell StAing QuoAtet played at oua CentAe. The choiA is gAowing and enteAtaining at nuAsing homes, neighbouAhood houses, etc. The annual plant sale netted $78.00 and bAicks axe selling well at $25.00 each. ARENA: Nothing to AepoAt.

BUILVING 6 M A I N - TENANCE: Nothing to AepoAt.

MoAion VAoke commented on the state o^ the cuAtains in the stainwell, and lAene Sawchuk and Liza Hutchison will each take one home to wash.

CElfTENJUAL PROJECTS:~ May Maconachie, PAesident o^ the Kitsilano Conmunity CentAe was intAoduced. She is also a membeA oi the Centennial CelebAotion Committee, choAged with the Aesponsibility o^ going aAound to all Community CentAes in the city and asking them to suggest inexpensive events which could be staged ^oa the Centennial celebAation. She passed aAound a list 0(J seveAol suggestions and asked that a small committee be ^oAmed by each CentAe to considex these ideas and woAk as a liaison with othex centxes, and also to be in choAge oi anything at oua own CentAe. PeAhaps we could apply ^oa some funding ^OA a picnic OA hold a bazaoA, oA open ouA new ^aculAty.

May is the West Side AepAesentative on the committee which has been meeting since last ^all to considex pAojects that would not cost much money and would involve a lot o^ people. The next meeting o^ the Centennial CelebAation Committee will be on Monday night. May 28th. The School BoaAd will be involved as well as LibAoxies and a special committee oX the Paxks Boaxd. t e r r y f o x RUN: The TeAxy Fox Run which will be held on Sunday, Septembex 23Ad., was also mentioned by May. All community centxes axe asked to be in volved. They axe hoping ^oa 2,000 Aunnexs, which is too many loA the oAganizex, the Jewish Community CentAe, to handle and they need help with Aegistxation and moAshalling. An oAganizational meeting will be held on May 31st. at the Jewish Community CentAe. Jim Vent will be oua liaison and lAene Sawchuk will help with AegistAotion at oua centxe. People will be asked to sign pledge ijoAms oa give donations. We- would not be Aequixed to keep accounting Aecoxds 0(J monies Aeceived but meAely have to tuxn ovca what is in hand. The pAoceeds o^ the Aun will be designated ^oa canceA AeseoAjch.

MENT: The meeting adjouAned at 9:30 p.m. minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 West Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, June 27th, 1984, at 8:00p.m.

CHAIRMAN - Ivan Robertson

PRESENT: Directors: Kath Botham, Pat Kinney, Verilyn Sawkins, Jim Dent, Irene Sawchuk, Ida Foreman, Millie Wright, G e r r y M a s s i n g Also present; Dorothy Asuma, Len Cederholm, Doris Pinkham

EXCUSED: Dave Howden, Marion Drake, John Low, Gordon Welsh, Liza Hutchison, Penny Majors, Garth Thurber

ABSENT: Almaza Kroeschel, John Poruks, Rod Jamieson

MINUTES: It was moved by Millie Wright and seconded by Jim Dent that

"the Minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as submitted."


There was no business arising therefrom.


At the last Presidents' meeting a presentation was made by Penny Meyerhoff and brochures were distributed cover ing volunteer board of directors workshop training at various levels. Len Cederholm is maintaining a file on the subject that includes this material.

Ivan Robertson attended the Point Grey School graduation and presented our scholarship to a young lady.

A memorandum concerning insurance coverage, arising out o f a n e n q u i r y b y R i l e y P a r k , w a s t u r n e d o v e r t o J i m D e n t .

We have received the Parks Board Annual Report for 1983. In public participation in Community Centres, Kerrisdale moved from fifth to fourth.

Letters were received from K. Patterson and Audrey Daly complaining that the auditorium is too small for the aerobic dance class. The class is held on Mondays from 6 to 7 p.m. The gym is full from 6:30 to 7:30 with a coed fitness class and from 5:30 to 6:30 with cosom hockey. Are we booking too many people into the auditorium? The instructor has been setting the numbers. The maximum is set in conjunction with the size of the room. Kath Botham suggested that the question be looked into.

There are two alternatives;

( a ) R e p l y t o t h e l e t t e r s s a y i n g t h e m a t t e r i s i n t h e hands of the instructor.

(b) Call the instructor in for a discussion.

Gerry Massing suggested a spot check. Mark Shorter is here during that shift, and he will be consulted as to whether he is satisfied after doing an assessment.

A letter was received from Colin Doers, a student at Kerrisdale, who is involved in the Canada World Youth programme in an exchange with youth of other countries. It is a government of Canada programme and he has been chosen to go to Sri Lanka. Each participant is asked to raise $200.00 which is donated to the World Youth Aid programme, and he is soliciting us for a donation of $50.00 from us. We decline to participate. - 2 -

T h e A s k F r i e n d s h i p S o c i e t y h a s s e n t u s t h e i r a n n u a l r e p o r t for the period ended May 1984. They wish to be involved with us in the new Seniors' building.

M a r k S h o r t e r i s g e t t i n g v o l u n t e e r s f r o m t h e fi t n e s s c l a s s e s f o r m a r s h a l l i n g f o r t h e T e r r y F o x r u n . A q u e s tionnaire is to be filled in and turned over to Jim Dent.

A resume of the development process for the City of Van couver has been received from the office of the City Clerk.

SENIORS' Correspondence has been received which will be covered BUILDING; in the Special Projects report, including the architect's impact study for a combined Senior Centre and Health Unit.

We have gone ahead with phasing ideas as previously approved and as approved by Parks Board staff and the Board. A Committee report was submitted for approval of the actions taken and adoption of the recommendation.

Section 5 outlines reasons for a separate building. It is the only way we can go. The architect says there is a fallback position. The concept of the Health Unit deve lopment is an excellent one and not an impediment. Mr. Howard says a two-storey building has more constraints than one-storey but that the loss of flexibility will probably not concern us.

The Special Projects Committee will go ahead on our behalf with the official support of the Health Unit subject to any concerns identified after further consideration of the impact study.

We are behind our timetable and federal funding runs out next February. We are hoping to get the time limit extended. The Regional Development Officer was asked for an extension, but says that this cannot be done with out Treasury Board approval. We have to proceed very quickly with planning. This Board will be notified m o n t h l y o f p r o g r e s s .

It was moved by Millie Wright and seconded by Pat Kinney that

"the report and recommendation of the Special Projects Committee be approved."


Dorothy Asuma reported that the Parks Board impact study regarding the Health Unit will soon go to the Parks Board Commissioners in finalized form. The Staff decided not to present the impact study until our expenditure proposals are prepared and both will go to the Board at the same time. The Health Unit needs 25,000 sq.ft. We would have 12,000 sq.ft. of the first floor. The Health Unit would be on part of the first floor with us and on the entire second floor.

Irene Sawchuk enquired whether anything has been done regarding hiring a professional fund raiser. The reply was that preliminary inquiries haven't been promising and w e h e a r t h a t o t h e r p r o f e s s i o n a l s w o r k i n g f o r o t h e r o r g a n izations aren't doing too well.

FINANCIAL The matter of the financial report was tabled until the REPORT: next meeting.

ADJOURNMENT:It was moved by Gerry Massing that "The meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 9:10p.m. C O M M I T T E E A S A W H O L E

Minutes of a Meeting held on Wednesday, June 27th, 1984 9:15p.m.

SPECIAL Regarding capital improvements, Jim Dent enquired what P R O J E C T S t is covered by the first phase. Ivan Robertson replied and also pointed out that the $800,000 to cover the second phase is now known to be inadequate; $1,500,000 is more realistic.

An administrative link is a two-benefit proposal. More office space is needed, and taking out the wall behind the counter and stairwell and building an indoor link with the pool would yield more office space as well as a better connection to the pool.

Another recommended proposal is a corridor between this building and the Seniors' Building. Cost could be high but the architect hopes to come up with an inexpensive alternative.

12,000 sq.ft. is the total but for every 1,500 sq.ft. only 1,000 will be usable.

A long meeting was held with the architect and two deci s i o n s w e r e m a d e :

1. There should be a fallback position.

2. The only alternative is to build a separate seniors' building. In upgrading this building there is no real cost control and the architect would not stand by his estimates. There is also no way to come near $90.00 per sq.ft. on alterations, but it can be done with a free-standing building.

The Parks Board staff heard the discussion and Malcolm Ashford was at the meeting.

The Health Unit right now is a burden and not a help because they have no commitment from the City of Van

c o u v e r .

The Finance Committee at C i t y H a l l i s s i t t i n g t o h e a r the submission regarding the Health Unit. Either it will not go ahead, or it will go ahead with full city funding.

The Health Unit proposal will mean the loss of some green space. However the architect has gone forward with the proposal that the Health Unit will have to have under ground parking and this improves the situation greatly. It was suggested thattheygo ahead with underground parking at an estimated cost of $500,000 on the understanding that the Health Unit will go ahead later. The architect cannot sit down and start planning until he knows whether the building is to be one or two storeys. The City of Vancouver must be irrevocably committed to funding at least the underground parking. If the second storey could not go ahead it would be out of pocket of the City of Vancouver and we would have underground parking. They will have to excavate. An elevator will be necessary in the Senior Centre if the Health Unit goes on top. If we do any substantial upgrading in our existing building we will need a s e c o n d e l e v a t o r .

Another reason to proceed quickly is that our $750,000 i s f r o m t h e 4 - y e a r c a p i t a l p l a n a n d t h i s i s t h e s e c o n d y e a r. The City of Vancouver is not necessarily standing behind its capital fund commitment. One-third was to have come from the City of Vancouver operating funds amounting to - 2 -

$250,000, with $500,000 from the plebiscite. We can be assured of the City of Vancouver portion now, but later?

It seems certain that Centers slated for funding in years 3 and 4 will be disappointed.

FINANCIAL Pending formal consideration of this month's report, REPORT; it was pointed out by Verilyn Sawkins that there is nothing unusual in the Balance Sheet and we are close to budget.

PROGRAMME; In trying to arrive at common programme periods with other west side Centers, for 1984 the suggested dates are okay with Dunbar. We have not yet checked with the o t h e r C e n t e r s .

The Bazaar date has now been changed to November 17th because of a conflict with Ryerson Church. The Christmas cracker workshop will be held in September. Liza Hutchison would like us to start thinking of ideas for raffles a n d d o o r p r i z e s .

There will be no Programme Committee meeting in July.

CO-QRDINATOR'S We have received a memo stating that liability insurance REPORT: for contract instructors should be carried by each instructor, or by individual Centers employing them.

Kitsilano has purchased a comprehensive general liability policy for $1,000,000 at a cost of $350.00 per year.

If we follow their example, we should also ask the instruc tors to give us a letter from the insurance agent stating that the policy is in full force and effect. Len will check with the J. & T. insurance agency. Garth Thurber will be asked whether the six to eight contract people could be put on a salary basis.

The Finance Committee will decide whether or not to buy the 1963 typewriter we are now leasing. They want $250 for it and Len Cederholm was authorized to offer $100.

A n I B M - 3 0 i s $ 1 , 3 0 0 a n d P a r k s B o a r d g e t s t h e i r s f o r $ 9 0 0 .

SENIORS: The square footage of the Seniors' Centre was reviewed, and suggestions were made to raise money for a mini gym. If a lottery could be held. Seniors could run it and d o n a t e t h e m o n e y f o r t h e g y m .

SPECIAL Ivan Robertson will continue to attend the Stanley Park PROJECTS Advisory Committee meetings. The Committee is made up Cont'd: of representatives appointed by the Community Centers to g o o v e r a S t a n l e y P a r k m a s t e r p l a n d e v e l o p e d b y a c o n sultant.

11 Choir members and 10 Line Dancers have made an applic a t i o n t o N e w H o r i z o n s f o r g r a n t s t o c a r r y o n t h e i r activities.

POOL: Nothing to report.

ADJOURNMENT: I t w a s m o v e d b y G e r r y M a s s i n g t h a t

"the Meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 9:35p.m. MJMJTES oi5 a meeting 0(J >Cfte Bocuid Vlfizcto^ oi th& KeAAl&dal& ConmmUy CzrvtAz Socizty, heZd

CHAIRMAN - Ivan RobeAt&on

PRESENT: Vln.zctoA&: MoAcon VAakz, lA.ene SoMchuk, John Low, Penny MajoAA, MltUe. WAight, Kath Bo thorn. Alio pAtAent: VofLOthy A^ama, Len CedeAhotm, VoAU Ptnkham. EXCUSEV: GaAth IhuAbeA, Aimaza KAoe^cJiel, Vave Howden, Jim Vent, Liza Hutcki&on, VeAttyn Sawktm, Gordon Wet&h.

ABSENT: Rod JamleAon, Pat Kinney, John PoAukd

MINUTES: It wa& moved by MWUe WAight and 6econded by Kath Botham that "the Minute& oi the pfievioa^ meeting be adopted a& submitted."


BUSINESS ARISING THEREFROM: - COMPLAINTS The iitne66 cla&i in the auditoAium tM6 monitoAed but many RE FITNESS weAe absent, and it uxu ielt that a bettex time to /udge the CLASS: situation would be aitex cJUu>6e^ begin in the iall. Pexhap6 the dxop-in aspect can be moAe Ae&tAccted.

- C A P I TA L This will be discussed at the Committee As A Whole meeting. TmUVE- MENTS:

FINANCIAL It was moved by John Low and seconded by Kath Botham that "the Balance Sheets as at May 31st. 1984, and June 30th. 1984 and the Statements oi Revenue, Expenses, and Budget CompoAison ioA the month oi May and nine months to date, and ioA tke month oi June and ten months to date be adopted as submitted, subject to any comments oi the TKeasuxex at the next meeting."


John Low quexied the NSF cheque iAom Allan Eng. He has leit town, and his membexshi^ application will not be accepted until he has paid up his axxeaxs. GaAth Thuxbex has advised that thexe is nothing excepi^nal about the iinanclal statements but budgetaxy InioAnation is Included and should be reviewed. Gaxth will welcome comments at the next meeting.

We axe back in a suxplus position.

CORRES- mmcE: VoAothy Asuma xepoAted that twelve lettexs had been xecelved by the Paxks Boaxd inom KexAlsdale senioAS xegaxding the new SenioAs' Centxe. Lettexs will be dxaited and sent to the slgnees. Len Cedexholm received an insuxance quotation with oux cotxact instxuctoxs covexed at the Aote oi $200.00 pex yeax. The quotation will be submitted to oux solicitoA. We have 8-10 instxuctoxs hexe. The question Is whethex it gives us adequate covexaae. John Low suggested that we might get a bettex xate li we banded togethex with othex Centxes and puxchased a gxoup policy, but it was ielt that it might be bettex to get oux own policy oX thz BooAjd oX Vln.Q.cXoKi>, July 25th. 1984


The. PoAfu BooAd hoi pAzpoAzd a. bAochuAe

SURCHARGE: It uxid moved by John Low and deconded by lAene Sawchuk that "we make a duAchange o^ $2.00 on membeAdhlpd ^oA the 12 nwnthd commencing SeptembeA 1, 1984, to go ^oa the puApoded OjJ oua Capital ImpAovement Fund."


AVJOURNMEHT: It u*w moved by John Low that

"the meeting adjouAn.'


AdjOUAnment took place at 8:30 p.m.



Senior'A' Lacrosse showed a drop of 30% - a large part o f t h i s d u e t o m a j o r r u l e c h a n g e s - t h e b u s s t r i k e a n d lack of media coverage.

Senior 'B' folded first before the start of the season.


1) School Board nights of music were successful - arena filled to capacity both nights.

2 ) S . P . C . A . p e t s h o w

3 ) C a t s h o w

4) Fox and Fluevog great graffitti feat - poor attendance

5) Break-dancing competition - poor media coverage so w a s p o o r l y a t t e n d e d .

Ice skating will resume again September 15th.

Recorded by, Marion Drake -Arena Liaison MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE of the Kerris- dale Conmiunity Centre Society, held at the Centre, 5851 West Boulevard on Wednesday, July 25, 1984 beginning at 8:35 p.m.

TYPEV7RITER; Len Cederholm reported that the typewriter we have been leasing vr.:; purchased for $100.00.

CAPITAL IMPORVE- MENTS; There will be two phases of phase 1. Phase A would be the main renovations to the existing Centre. There would be more office and storage space and closed-in access to the pool and to the new Seniors' Centre. The cost would be $185,000 and would start almost immediately. It was originally decided that there would be one development permit but this would slow down this portion. During the alterations programmes would lose room 7 as the office staff would have to move there. Len will consult with the architects to co-ordinate the necessary closures with the Fall programme.

The Parks Board convened a public infcrmation meeting in our auditorium on July 19th . The main topic was whether the Health Unit should be added to the Seniors' Centre. 85% of their proposed area would be for admin istration, with parking to go underground. In addition t o o t h e r b e n e fi t s t h i s w o u l d b e o f b e n e fi t t o u s b e cause of the professional people based here being available for immediate consultation on various aspects of health care. The Health Unit presentation b y D r . J a c k A l t m a n w a s e x c e l l e n t . P a r k s B o a r d h a s given its approval for the Seniors' Centre and the large Health Unit development. However, until City funding approval is given the architect is only con cerned with the Seniors facility.

There will be a Council meeting on Monday or Tuesday to decide v/hether to fund the Health Unit. It looks as though it will go through City Hall. They might feel that the size of the Health Unit is too much encroachment on parks land. An area will be taken west of the shuffleboard court for extra parking for seniors.

At the public meeting only two of the seventeen people who spoke were against the project and they were against the seniors' project as wnll

The next thing the Special Pr-^jects Committee will address is the raising of funds to renovate the 4,500 sq. feet which the Health Unit will give up, work on Rooms 7, 8 and 10, and an elevator. Millie Wright suggested that there should be a staff room. The mini- gym is a question mark. An additional $1,500,000 could be easily spent. Millie contacted the Rotary Cl\ib. Perhaps they might equip a games room. The Legion has a meeting in September and it was suggested that we request to have a representative at it. VJe also need audio-visual room equipment.

Len Cederholm felt that a fund raiser would be the best idea, and suggested putting an ad in the paper to attract applications. It was also suggested that a person of some prominence would be needed to chair the fund raising. Meeting of the COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE - July 25, 1984


Upgrading the present facility could cost anywhere from $300,000 to $1,300,000.

$100,000 for an elevator $250,000 for the space vacated by the Health Unit. $250,000 for the pool roof $300,000 for the mini-gym (3,000 sq. ft. at $100 p e r s q . f t . ) $ 70,000 for improvements to the link between this Centre and the Seniors' Centre. $100,000 for renovations to rooms 7, 8 and 10, and C a r p e n t r y w o r k s h o p . $200,000 for changing rooms and showers for the mini- gym to be shared with our present gym.

Architects' and other fees end contingencies would be a b o u t a n o t h e r 2 5 % .

Dorothy Asuma suggested that we make an application to the next capital plan.

Renovation to the Health Unit space is the most urgent item and this area could become our mini-gym.

A separate mini-gym and changing rooms are the last thing that could be guilt at this site. Only 6,000 additional sq. ft. are available under the zoning. It is anticipated that 10 new parking spaces will have to be added for the Senior Centre. Malcolm Ashford pointed out that many seniors are not drivers so that the normal parking rules should be relaxed. If the Library come up with some money they could help with the elevator-

Ideas were suggested for possible methods of raising funds for the building. Len suggested an aerobathon. Perhaps Brown Bros, might donate a car to be raffled. The Kerris- dale Merchants' Association are considering ways to help u s r a i s e f u n d s .

The Historical Society of Kerrisdale had a very successful l u n c h e o n h e r e . J o y c e D i g g i n s h a s m a n y o t h e r t h i n g s p l a n n e d . They feel they can make profits on future events which they will donate to us.

For the Fall registration on September 8th., the architect will be asked to prepare drawings for the wall with pictorial representations of the new things to be done. Perhaps a hand-out can be prepared as well.


REPORT; Stats were greater than last year.

Repairs have been made to the south end of the Centre. There was a staff meeting regarding office changes and recommendations will be going back to the architect by the end of the week. The Vancouver Vikings will be holding a paper drive on our parking lot. The date is not yet available. ARENA; Community Centre time is available.

ADJOURN MENT: It was moved by John Low that "the mee ting adjourn." CARRIED. Adjournment - 9:45 p.m. ■4


CHAIRMAN - Ivan Robeation PRESENT: ViaectoKi: Maaion Vaake, Kath Botham, Vave Howden, Atmaza KA.oeAchel, lAene Satochuk, Jim Vent, Veiilyn Saivkin6 . EKCUSEV: Gaath Thuabea, Millie Waight, Liza Hutchison, Goadon Uel6h, Ida Foreman.

Alio Pfieient: Len Cedenholm, Voaii Pinkham

ABSENT: Penny MajoKi, Rod Jamieion, John Lou), Pat Kinney, John PoAaki.

MINUTES: It u)ai moved by Vave Howden and seconded by Almaza' Kaoeichel that

"the Minutei o^ the pAevioui meeting be adopted ai submitted."



PLAYING TTcT^: At the Paeiident'i meeting the Playing Fieldi RepoAt u)a.6 diicuiied and appAoved loithoat any alteAationi. 7 5-80% oi available ^andi will be ipent on the iJJeit Side, moitly in KeAAiidale. (Uith lighti the cat will be $ 1 , 200, 000 and with out lighti it will be $600,00 0.

REPORT:~FINAN^CIAL Nothing &peci{^ic to di&cua.

It wai moved by Vave Howden and seconded by MaAion VAake that

"on the Aecommendation 0($ the TAeaiuACA that the Balance Sheet ai at July Slit., 1984, and the State ment Oj$ Revenue, Expemei and Budget CompaAiion ioA the month July and eleven monthi to date be adopted ai iubmitted."


SOCCER AuthoAization ^oa SocceA Club chequei ii appAoved CLUB by ChAiitine KeaAni. Chequei ihould be iigned by CHEQUES; a membeA o^ the SocceA Executive, oa WAitten peA- miiiion ihould be given to accept ChAiitine'i authoAity.

CORRES- PONVENCE: Will be dealt with in the Special Committee AepoAt. RepoAti have been Aeceived ^Aom the aAchitect. The Health Unit pAoject wai appAoved by City Council, and ouA aAchitect appAoved ai theiA aAchitect, and undeAgAound paAking alio appAoved. TheAe hai been an incAeaie oj^ 25% becauie o^ the need to have money on hand.

The Building Committee activitiei aAe in committee AepOAti

Jim Vent ii looking a^tcA iniuAance ^oa contAact employeei. Minut&A 0^ a mzztlncf O)^ the BocLXd VlfKLctoM - Aaga6t 11, 19S4

TERR/ FOX Jim Vent 6pok^ to McLA.k Shofit&K, about obtaining individuate to woKk on thz TzfiKy Fox Run, and aiked ivhethe^ we coutd takz in monzy and ieeuz azczipte . Thz application {^ofim eaye to pay monzy in at thz Jzu)ieh Community CzntAz, Mafik hae a Hit o^ many voluntzzKi.

It usai movzd by Jim Vznt that

"thz mzzting adjourn."


AdjouAnmznt took ptacz at 8:25 p.m. MIWUTES 0^ a mzztlng THE COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE 0^ thz Kzinl^dcLlz Community Ce.nt^z Soalzty, hztd at tkz CzntA.z, 5851 Wz&t BoulzvaA.df Wzdm6day, August 22, 1984. 8 : 30 p.m.

AREHA: Rzpoat iubmttt&d Htgtt4 0^ Mui-tc uai aeduced ^aom thaze ntght6 to two. PROGRAMME: RzpoKt Aubmtttzd Mzw PaZt pAogaammz6 wzKZ ll&tzd. A gVil ha6 bzzn zon- tactzd who will pat on chtZdKzn'6 bVithday pafittzi. An zxtKo. 6txth pagz t6 bztng tnctudzd in thz Eatt B^ozhuKz at a coit o^ $500. A Chat.&tmai baochuA-z wttl bz pubZt^hzd tn NovzmbzA., It wZZZ co6t $4 6 5 pzK pagz which ihoaZd bz pat In thz badgzt. It waA AagzzAtzd that onz Zamp Aam bz paid to daop In to any Boaad Paxki Boaftd coaHAZA ion ^ItnzAA. Thz mattzA. waA Az^ZA.A.zd to thz PAogaammz Commlttzz ^oA a Azcommzndatlon. Thz FlgaAz Skating CZab haA not bzt bzzn blZZzd. Thzy wlZZ bz chaAgzd $10 InAtzad o^ $30.

SENIORS: ThzAZ waA a mzztlng o^ thz Kltchzn Commlttzz bat thz aAchltzct pAz^zAA to do It hlA way. CO-ORVIN- ATgR'S REPORT: JhzAZ waA a ZlttZz ^zzdback on thz AaAchaAgz.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY': Vavz Howdzn AzpoAtzd that thz HlAtoAlcaZ Soclzty Ia an actlvz gAoap. ThzlA PlonzzAA' Lanchzon waA a gAzat AacczAA. Thz Soclzty haA bzzn InvoZvzd In holding cofi^zz kZatchzA and aAklng what thzy can do to bzcomz actlvz In oaA Soclzty. MzmbzAAhlpA ^oa thzlA gAoap aAz at thz oi^lcz. Thzy aAz pAzpaAlng a hlAtoAy "TAalZ to Point OAzy - NaAvazz to 1935." It Ia a non-pAo^lt oAganlzatlon. Thzy aAz In ^avoaA oaA CzntAz and thz pAoczzdA ^Aom thz AaZz o^ thz book wlZZ comz to aA. Thzy wlZZ alAo have caZzndaAA, and aAz Aannlng a azaIza 0(J plctaAz AzntalA within KzAAlAdaZz. Thz KzAAlAdaZz MzAchantA' kAAoclatlon Ia Azntlng old plctaAZA ^oa AtoAZA. A booth wlZZ bz Act ap on SataAday ^oa ShoppzAA' Vay. In thzlA Zong-Aangz pAogAammz thzy woaZd Zlkz a dlApZay caAZ In oaA CzntAz i^oA thz hlAtoAy 0^ KzAAlAdaZz. MzztlngA aAz hzZd zvzAy SataAday moAnlng.

SPECIAL PROJECTS*. A conczptaaZ Atady haA bzzn madz, and wz wlZZ havz to glvz ap gamzA and aadlo AoomA. Ivan ^obzAtAon zxpZalnzd thz pAopoAzd changzA and wz aAz going ahzad with az- novatlonA hzAZ.

FUNV IJmiWG: Thz mzAchantA havz a pAopoAaZ to hzZp aA. Thzy wlZZ havz a bzzA gaAdzn In thz ShoppzAA' VAag MaAt paAklng lot on fAlday and SataAday oi nzxt wzzk. Thz CzntAz wlZZ havz a lot o^ AzpAzAzntatlon, with oAzakdanclng and j'azzzAclAz. Thz nzxt mzztlng o^ thz SpzclaZ PAojzctA Commlttzz wlZZ bz on SzptzmbzA 28th. when thz aIzz and makz-ap 0({ thz kltchzn wlZZ bz dlAcaAAzd. Thz aAchltzct wlZZ bz bAlnglng an ap-datzd vzAAlon. APJOtiRM MENT: It waA movzd by MaAlon VAakz thz "thz mzztlng adj'oaAn." CARRIED AdjoaAnmznt took pZacz at 9*' MIWt^ES a 6pz(Uixl mzzting the Vtn.ecXoAj) o{^ the KenAJj^date Conmunlty Centre Society, hetd in the BooaxI Room, 5S51 Weit BouteooAd, VancouveA, B.C., on Wexine&day, SeptembeA 12th. 1984 at l-.OO p.m.

CHAIRMAN - Joan Robent6on PRESENT: V^ectoAA: GoAth ThuAbeA, Vave Howden, VeAiZyn Sawkins, MoAion VAoke, MitCie (lUAight, Pat Kinney, Kath Botham, Liza Hutchison, Ida FoAeman Also PAeient: VoAothy AAuma, Len CedeAholm, VoAis Pinkham

The meeting uxu called ^oa the puApose 0(J discussing developments oveA the last {^m days. The Executive uxu called togetheA in July when PaAks BoaAd laid on a public meeting which put us in an impossible position. We even consideAed not taking paAt in it, as not enough time was given. A media event took place at the CentAe oAckestAated by Jim HaAvey, who will use these public issues to get elected as an independent. It was announced on TV as a headline. The KeAAisdale Conmunity CentAe is becoming an election issue. A petition is going to City Council on Tuesday which will ^uAtheA undeAmine oua position. The opposition is getting stAongeA. They o^^eA to help the CentAe but oppose any moAe building, but the SenioA CentAe alone will still encAoach on paAkland. A KeAAisdale Citizens' Committee Is to be ^oAmed to Aoise money. They aAe known to be Aeputable people and aAe agAeeable to Aenovating the CentAe and they Witt assist the UJoAaAy as to access and facilities. It does now mean that the full community is inteAested and will help us to Aoise money. Ivan RobeAtson stated that if the pAoposed Aesolution was not adopted he would Aesign.

It was moved by Pat Kinney and seconded by Ida FoAeman that

"we defeA pAesent capital impAovement plxms and join in a KeAAisdale Citizens' Committee with a view to seeki^ sufficient fundiy^ to complete^ Aebuild ouA existing stAuctuAe includij^ imp^ved lihAoAy facilities, and with Such health facilities as the new stAuctuAe will peAmit."


VoAothy Asuma said a second stoAey could be built. One way of Aaising money would be a local impAovement levy on KeAAisdale. This issue would then be on people's minds.

The aAchitect's costs will be paid by PoAks BooAd and will come out of oua funds. The 1985 monies aAe still in jeopoAdy. The City of VancouveA will also join us to get money.

We need to know whetheA as a last AesoAt we can still build on paAk pAopeAty. MoAion VAoke AepoAted that Al AAgent had the auditoAium booked befoAe this meeting w a s h e l d . MayoA Mike HaAcouAt said he would look at the situation foA a month oa two. He talked to the staff of the PaAks BooAd and the City about the Health Unit. Millie Wnight would like to see a new CentAe. * If we can get the date extended on the fedeAal money we will lose only time. The question is whetheA these people opposed to us will Aoise money. It is still going to be an election issue even if we go ahead with the SenioAS' CentAe only. We have to show we aAe Aeady to compAomise. The PaAks BoaAd expect us to be thcAe on Monday with a pAoposal of wheAe we stand, and possibly with a Aecommendation as to who oua membcAS of the committee will be. The Council is susceptible and the community is Aeceptive. The PaAks BoaAd Aespons- ibility is to designated polling oAeas, not just toCity Council who would consideA the matteA, and if appAoved go to a local levy. A decision made wctfun thiAty days fAom now would get into this yeoA's election. [2] Minut&i 0^ a Apec-cad imeting thz Vifizctofu thz KzfLfU&daZe. ConmxrUXy CzntAz SocAJLty, hzM in thz BooAd Room - SeptmbeA. J 2th. 19S4.

MaAi/}n VfLokz K&ponted that Mae Bnaim &ay& even next yeoA-'i capital allotments should be making money available ^OA access to the libAaay.

VoAothy Asuma enquiaed about encnoachment. The KeAAlsdale Citizens' Committee includes Geonge WainboAn, Helen Boyce, PeteA. Reimea, John Vavidson, VoAothy SomeAset and Joan AndeASon [a membeA. o^ the LibAOAy Boatd.) Jt would cost $4,000,000 ^OA a SenioAs' CentAe and Health Unit; Aedoing this building would double that amount.

Qua membeAS indicating a wish to sit on the Committee axe: HoAion VAake, Ulille WAight, Vave Howden, Kath Botham, Pat Kinney (alt.), also VoAothy Asuma and Len CedeAholm.

»««»« MJSIUTES 0^ a imetZng 0(J th& BoaAd Vl^zctoAi th& K&fi^lidatz Community C&ntAz Soci&ty, hzld In tke. Boan.d Room, 585 1 WzAt BoulzvaAd, VancoaozA, B. C., on Wzdnziday, Octob&A 24th. 1984 at 8:00 p.m.

CHAIRMAN - MaAion VAakz PRESENT: ViA&ctoAA: Kath Botham, Jim Vent, VeAlZyn Saiokln^, lAene SaMchuk, GeAAy Maalng, GaAth ThuAbeA, Millie WAlght, Ida FoAeman, John Loco, Vave Houiden, Liza Hutchison Alio PAeient: VoAothy Aiuma, Rudy Roelo ^ien, Len CedeAholm

ABSENT: Almaza KAoeichel, Rod Jamleion, Penny Maj'oAi, GoAdon Uelih, Pat Kinney, John PoAuki.

PAZildent MaAlon VAake IntAoduced ai a gueit Rudy Roelo^ien 0($ the PaAki BoaAd &ta^^, an open dlicuiilon ^ollouoed AegaAdlng oua conceAni. The Mlnutei ^Aom the lait open meeting contained a lot 0(J In^oAmatlon. MaAlon VAake Ment f.o (l meeting o^ the KeAAlidale MeAchanti' Aaoclatlon and gave them a bAle^ Aundown o^ oua pAoblem. TheAe loai no negative Aeactlon ^Aom them. RepAe&entatlvei o^ the Legion came to the BoaAd Room yeiteAday and iauo ouA modeli. They aAe pAopoilng to build a 3-level paAklng lot with paAklng behind and a hlgh-Alie.

Rudy Roelo^ien aiked how It would Aelate to oua paAklng pAoblem a& we will need paAklng ipace on paAk pAopeAty ^oa oua centAe.

MaAlon VAake met with Ma. KiDndAoikl ^oa an In^oAmatlon meeting. We itlll ilt with OUA oAlglnal pAopoial until something elie comei up that we could accept. MaAlon phoned John fAaieA'i o^^lce but he li In the MaAltlmei - ihe alio got the oAlglnal ^edeAal loAm ^Aom Ivan RobeAtion and WAote a letteA. Nothing much will happen ^OA anotheA two OA thAee weeki AegaAdlng the extemlon o^ the f^edeAal money. It li now In EloAa MacVonald'i depaAtment.

Rudy Roelo^ien ^elt It li too cloie to the election to do anything. A ceAtaln ilant wai put on the ipeechei that weAe made at City Council. People with naAAow InteAeiti got political iuppoAt. All oua iuppoAt li hlitoAy now, and It will be time to AegAoup a^teA the election. The commliiloneAi will have to iet to woAk again to build thlngi up and It li a matteA 0(J poweA agalnit poweA.

MaAlon VAake talked to a lot of^ people and got no negative Aeipome.

Rudy Roelo^ien itated that we have to be able to ihow iuppoAt ^oa oua poiltlon with petltloni and iuggeited anotheA petition iuppoAted by the Health VepaAtment. In pAactlcal teAmi the Health VepaAtment would have to be imalleA.

MaAlon VAake AepoAted that Va. Jack Altman iald eveAythlng li itatui quo, and VoAothy Aiuma enqulAed whetheA that wai ouA BoaAd'i poiltlon, MaAlon VAake iald we might have to teaA down Room 10 and put the SenloAi oveA tkeAc, ipllt the kitchen and dining Aoom ^Aom the actlvltlei Aoomi and build only on pathwayi. Thli li only a counteA- pAopoial. When we ^eel we have to make the puih we will make the declilon at that time, but we aAe now In ouA oAlglnal poiltlon. TheAe li no co-opeAatlon whatioeveA ^Aom the oppo4-cng ilde. GaAth ThuAbeA enqulAed whetheA good mlnutei weAe being taken ihowlng the itand-o^l^ and wai aiiuAed that veAy complete notei aAe being done. We went oveA the petition 0(J the Save-The-PaAki people and f^ound that 42% oi the ilgng^i do not live anywheAe neaA heAe, and many people ilgned without knowing what we weAe doing. vJC • We ^eel the ihu^^leboaAd couAt li paAt o^ the CentAe and Pirrhj^Toe^S^iien thlnki It li paAkland. He pointed out that the VepaAtment oi PaAki 6 R e c A e a t l o n c o v e A i b o t h a i p e c t i a n d t h e A e h a i t o b e a g o o d b a l a n c e between paAki and ^acllltlei. We have a lot 0(5 empty paAki and no empty community centAei. They have to pAeient that balancing point 0(5 view, but then have to decide which li moAe ImpoAtant. Myinut&6 0^ a mz&tlm thz Boafid - WadmAday, Octobz^ 24184

Rudy Ro&lo^6zn &tatzd that the. pKopoizd paaklng gaKage. ti tmpoatblz. GaJith ThuA-bcA f,ztt that an zlzvatoA ioA a 2-6toAzy facility muld add to thz co6t and thought we should pu&h ^oa a 1-6toAzy battdtng and ^oAgzt thz HzaZth Untt. It would not haAm thz AzcAzatlonat uiz 0^ thz paAk and thz ^lAit cholcz would bz thz ihu^^lzboaAd zouAt.

Rudy Rozlo i^izn AzpoAtzd that Jim Loudon wanti u6 In thz nzKt (Jew weefe-6, to again zxploAZ what l4> po66lblz and pAobablz In acqulAlng additional ipacz. Thzy aAz In touch with thz aAchltzct. It -c6 an IntzAnal pAoblzm and thzy aAz going to bz looking at It at PaAk6 BoaAd. Hz alio iald that thz PaAki BoaAd woAki with thz community and city to izz whzAZ moit o^ thz noliz li coming {^Aom. That li whzAz thzy will go. It dozi not pAovldz IzadzAihlp. MaAlon VAakz ^zlt wz ihould kzzp qulzt until a^tzA thz zlzctlon, but Mllllz WAlght aikzd why don't wz publlclzz what li going on. Jim Vznt iald wz could &ay wz aAz Azvlzwlng ouA optlom. Vavz Howdzn znqulAzd whzthzA thzAz would bz any point In oua thinking o^ iomz altzAnatlvzi, and Rudy Rozlo^izn agAzzd wz ihould put ai much thinking Into It ai poalblz. Thzy aAz not authoAlzzd to ipznd moAz monzy at thz momznt. An altZAnatlvz would bz to tzaA down thz LlbAaAy and Hzalth Unit and build thzAZ. All pAopoiali coit a lot 0(J monzy.

John Low znqulAzd about tZAmi 0($ Az^ZAzncz ai to whzn thz ita^^ li to havz thz Aziulti Azady, and Rudy Rozlo^izn iald thzy aAz looking at thz nzw yzaA. Wz aAZ Azvlzwlng oua optlom and looking to thz PaAki BoaAd ^oa amwzAi.

Mllllz WAlght pointed out that oua othzA pAoblzm li paAklng, and aikzd lii thzAz wai any way wz could aAguz oua way out o^ zxtAa paAklng ai moit iznloAi Azach thz CzntAz by bui oA by walking. Thz iaclllty would bz u&zd by thz CzntAz In thz zvznlngi which would nzzd moAz paAklng. Mllllz WAlght ^zlt that a bit moAZ monzy would havz allowed ui to pay ^oA paAklng, and wz could uiz thz lot acAOii thz itAzzt at night.

VoAothy Aiuma Auggzitzd that l^ wz havz any Idzai that could bz ZxploAzd wz ihould get In touch with Rudy and he will advliz on iza&lblllty. Ma/i-ton VAakz ^zlt that wz ihould ilt on It ^OA a little while.

Vavz Howdzn AzpoAtzd that a nzwilzttzA wai iuggzitzd and Pat Klnnzy and GzAAy ^faalng wzaz aikzd to combine thzlA z^^oAti ai to what wz ihould do, but It would not bz iznt out at thli itagz. SzpaAatz IzttzAi WZAZ pAzpaAzd by Pat and GzAAy and wzaz paazd aAound at thli meeting.

Mllllz WAlght izlt It ihould bz iznt out to all thz mzmbzAihlp at a coit 0(J ^750.00 ^OA po&tagz, oa zIaz an ad ihould bz placed In thz CouAlzA ^oA $400. GzAAy Maalng ^zlt that zlthzA way wz would bz engaging In thz battle. PzAhapi wz nzzd longzA tzAm itAatzgy, and to get feedback.

GaAth ThuAbzA ^zlt wz ihould itaAt oua itAatzgy now. ThzAz will bz an Executive Meeting called to haih It out and itaAt that way.

MaAlon VAakz hai gone to a lot o^ placzi and talked to a lot o^ people, 60 thzy havz In^oAmatlon now. Vavz Howdzn izlt that wz did not do nzaAly ai much ai wz ihould havz on thz outildz, and thAough talking to people he IzaAnzd that thzAz aAZ itlll a lot 0|5 rnliconczptlom.

MaAlon VAakz ^zlt that wz ihould let thz executive make 6omz dzcli om on It. o f ^ t h z B o a A . d - O c t o b ^ A 2 4 / S 4

FIWAWCIAL Th& Activity Hcv&nuc ioa6 taken a6 20% ^oA. SeptembeA, 50% ^OA OctobeA, and 30% ^oA NovembeA, which might be a little low. The allocation o<{ Revenue l6 somewhat aAbltAaAy. It wa6 moved by GaAth JhuAbeA and seconded by Millie WAlght that:- "the Balance Sheet a4> at SeptembeA 30th. T9S4, and the Statement 0($ Revenue, ExpenAe^i, and Budget CompaAlion {,0A the month o^ SeptembeA 19S4, be adopted ai> Submitted."


A letteA waA Aecelved ^Aom CatheAlne RogeA^ a^>klng l^ something could be done about the caApet In the lobby a & I t l & W A l n k l e d a n d s t a i n e d .

The KeAAlAdale Hl&to.Alcal Society ient u6 a letteA o^ thanki ^OA the uic oi oua gym {^oA the ?loneeA&' Luncheon. OTHER BUSINESS: VoAothy Aiuma notlf^led ai OjJ the appointment o^ ShaAon AlexandeA to the po<lon pAogAammeA at the pool.

Candidates aAe now being InteAvlewed {,oa the vacancy at the AAena.

We cannot have an all-candidates meeting as theAe Is no T h u A s d a y a v a i l a b l e . GaAth ThuAbeA enqulAed whetheA a letteA had been sent to Ivan RobeAtson thanking him ^oA his e^J^oAts as PAesldent. Dave Howden will see that this Is done.

MaAlon VAake asked li anyone would like to have a touA 0(5 Expo. It Is veAy InteAcstlng and AeseAvatlons can be made by phoning 660-EXPO ^OA a touA between 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. They want us to paAtlclpate and we will see how the pAovlnclal goveAnment wants oua co- opeAatlon.

IMSUR ANCE : Jim Vent AepoAted that J. T. Agency will coveA ouA contAac'' InstAuctoAS f^oA $200.00 {oa a yeaA. Those people who aAe Independent must be upgAaded each quaAteA. It was moved by Jim Vent and seconded by GaAth ThuAbeA that

"we accept the quotation o^ the J.T. Agency to coveA OUA contAact InstAuctoAS at a cost o^ $200.00 ^oA one yeaA."


WORK- um: VoAothy Asuma AepoAted that a woAkshop will be held on NovembeA 19th. by Cynthia ThoAo on ways to contAlbute to the effectiveness of volunteeAS. TheAe will be no cost.

It was moved by John Low that "the meeting adjouAn."


AdjouAnment took place at 9:15 p.m. RecoAded by - VoaIs Plnkham MX.nute.6 0)J a me.zting 0|$ THE COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE Wzdne.6day, Octobzn. 24th. J9S4

PROGRAMME; RepoAt 6abmttted BazaaA uJOAk me.&tlngi claz b&tng held to mak& ChAt6tma6 dzcoAatton^.

We have iubmttted qua appZtcatton to l/tctoAta ^oA a peAmtt to ietl Aa^^te tickets. VolunteeA.i> aAz uAgently needed ^oa the Hattowe' en paAty on SatuAday.

BUILVJNG S MAINTENANCE: The 4>oath watt hai not been mended. MoAe equipment ka6 been puAchaied ^oa the gym, at&o moAe tetteAi ^oa the ReadogAaph.

Reptacement 0($ caAd tabte6 ii .00 and chaiAS with aAmi aAe $2 8 2.00.

The budget ii the 6ame each quaAteA. Nothing et6e i & o n t h e t i & t n o w .

We aAe appAoaching the PaAk6 BoaAd ^OA a numbeA o^ things. A tiit o^ pAioAitiei witt be given to VoAothy K6uma by the 26th. We &houtd go and petition ioA theie things ioA oua CentAe.

MaAion VAake ^>tated that the cuAtain6 ihoutd be tooked at with a view to having them cteaned.

COORDINATOR'S REPORT: RepoAt submitted. Len X.4 Aunning a que-6tionnaiAe on changing the TimeSaveA Pa6.6 6y&tem into a totteAy. At 7:00 p.m. att Time-SaveA pa6ie6 maAked between 10:00 and 11:15 a.m.woutd be given out on the totteAy &y&tem. Re6pon6e 60 ^aA i6 50150. A totteAy woutd give woAking motheA6 a chance to get an eaAty time. PeAhap6 we 6houtd teave it a6 i6.

WoAk6hop6 witt be hetd by the VancouveA VotunteeA CentAe duAing the next thAee month6. MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kerrisdale Community Centre Society, held in the Board Room, 5851 Weist Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C. on Wednesday, November 28, 198U at 8:00 p.m. CHAIRMAN - Marion Drake

PRESENT: Directors: Millie Wright, Liza Hutchison, Gerry Massing, Garth Thurber, Dave Howden, John Low, Verilyn Sawkins, Fat Kinney, Jim Dent.

EXCUSED: Kath Botham

ABSENT: Ida Foreman, Rod Jamieson, Almaza Kroeshcel, Penny Majors, John Poruks, Irene Sawchuk, Gordon Welsh.

Len Cederholm introduced Gary Lappa

MINUTES: It was moved by Dave Howden and seconded by Liza Hutchison that

"the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted as submitted with the following amendments:

"On page 1, last paragraph should read" ... and P e t e r R e i m e r t h i n k s i t i s p a r k l a n d . R u d y R o e l o f s e n pointed out...." instead of

".... Rudy Roelofsen thinks it is parkland. He pointed out...."


"On page 2, fifth paragraph from the bottom should read "Dave Howden felt " instead of "Millie Wright felt...."


It was moved by Gerry Massing and seconded by Millie Wright that

"the minutes of the meeting of September 12 and October 10th. be adopted as submitted.


SENIORS' CENTRE: On returning from vacation Marion Drake spoke to Mr. Kindroski and learned that nothing had been done on the Centre proposal. Dave Howden reported that a special meeting was held of the Executive Committee designed to talk about the expansion project. He phoned Ivan Robertson about the Citizens' Committee, who put a lot in letter form for u s t o d i s c u s s - - t h i n g s w e e x p e c t e d t h e C i t i z e n s ' Committee to be doing, and they were waiting for us. We thought they were to investigate sources of funds, and they were waiting for us. to decide whatuw.e wanted to do.

Garth Thurber and Pat Kinney volunteered to develop and answer that letter to get back to the Citizens' Committee. Garth Thurber has a draft ready to discuss.

Discussion on a Newsletter was indecisive as to whether to put it out now. There is no specific approach or p l a n a t t h i s t i m e . MINUTES of a meeting of the Board of Directors, November 28/8U (2)

FINANCIAL REPORT; We are still carrying some inventory of tee-shirts.

The Building Fund is growing

An auditor's adjustment of $8U7.00 has heen made.

An extra column has been added to the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison to compare income to budget for the year to date. The deficiency is basically what we budgeted for. Garth Thurber questioned the purchase of an electronic scanner for $1,000.U5. Len Cederholm explained that the money came from the Swimclub account. We sponsor the Swim Club, and if they got in trouble our Society would give them $1,000 a year (up to.) This was not used. The pool got a slide through Leisure Concept.

Garth feels that such items should go through normal channels

It was moved by John Low and seconded by Millie Wright that

"the Balance Sheet as at October 31st. 198U, and the Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Budget Comparison as at October 31st. 198'*, be adopted a s s u b m i t t e d . "


SIGNING OFFICERS; A bank card apparently was not filled out for 198h.

It was moved by Garth Thurber and seconded by Verilyn S a w k i n s t h a t

"forms be filled out to bring our signing officers up to date, and that any two of the following be authorized to sign: Marion Drake, Dave Howden, Garth Thurber, Gerry Massing, Jim Dent, Millie Wright.

They will stay after the meeting to sign the required forms.

ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by John Low that

"the meeting adjourn."


Adjournment took place at 8:25 p.m. Meeting of the COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE November 28, I98U

NOMINATING COMMITTEE; It was moved by Dave Howden and seconded by Jim Dent that

"Verilyn Sawkins be Chairman of the Nominating Committee."


She will be assisted by Dave and Jim.

W m a y h a v e t o c a l l o u r r e g u l a r J a n u a r y m e e t i n g e a r l y i n the month, and there may be an Executive meeting in December.

T h i s n e x t y e a r i s g o i n g t o b e v e r y i m p o r t a n t .

Millie Wright suggested that each Kerrisalde Community Centre programme be asked to nominate a candidate, and it should be explained to them that not all will be elected as Directors. Gerry Massing pointed out that nine are to be elected and seven can be appointed. Someone could attend each class to explain what is expected of a Director.

POOL: Jo report. A new programmer has taken charge.

ARENA & POOL; Gary Armstrong is the new Arena programmer. The Arena Committee had a meeting but there is nothing to report from it. Fees and charges come up at this time from the Parks Board, in the midterm of swimming and skating.

In keeping with general inflation a rate proposal is being considered by the Board of Parks Commissioners with increases ranging from k.2% to ^.9% such as adult skating going from $1.80 - $1.90 etc. The pools' schedules are subject to a separate report as the Board has become aware we have some inequities, as some hav. sauna, whirlpool and/or fitness facilities whereas we have only the pool.

T h e P a r k s B o a r d i s r e c e i v i n g b r i e f s a s t h i s t i m e r e garding alternatives. There should be nothing to Kerrisdale except the general increase. We have until January 21st. at the latest to present our comments.

John Low suggested that perhaps we should try to hold fees as at present and let others go up, but Dorothy Asuma pointed out that this is not feasible. Len Ceder- holm said there have been no complaints about the lack of extra facilities at the pool, as we cater towards their needs, with lengths and leisure swimming. Hours were cut back somewhat this year. Patrons do not like it when the pool is closed down.

Dorothy Asuma gave a comparison of our rates with those of other communities.

The question of fees can be discussed at our meeting in January.


T h e s u p p l i e r o f o u r c a r d t a b l e s h a s g o n e b a n k r u p t .

Nothing has been done about the curtains. Some will be cleaned but not all. Meeting of the Committee As A Whole, November 28, 198U

BUILDING & MAINTENANCE; A stereo-cassette system costing $350 is needed for fi t n e s s c l a s s e s , a s t h r e e o r f o u r t i m e s a w e e k m o r e than one fitness class is going on simultaneously.

John Low has received a list of priorities as budgeted by the Department of Parks & Recreation. Right now two small items are near the top of the list for Kerrisdale.

The priorities for the Kerrisdale Centre, Arena and P o o l a r e a s f o l l o w s :

NNR's; (Non-Renewables)

5. Roof repairs to arena - partial $ 8,200 - t o t a l 1 + 1 , 8 0 0 12. Renovation of heating system - gym 50,000

17. Sound system equipment - arena 3,000

3I+. Panel south wall - auditorium 1,000

36. Rebuild boards - Kerrisdale & Kitsilano rinks 60,000

3 9 . A i r c o m p r e s s o r - K e r r i s d a l e & Kitsilano rinks 2,000

1+3. Slowdown tanks - Kerrisdale, Kitsilano & West End Rinks ll+,000


1 , C e i l i n g f a n s - p o o l l o b b y 1 , 0 0 0 3 . C a s h r e g i s t e r - p o o l l + , 0 0 0

6. Usual budget - centre 2,700

Dorothy Asuma pointed out that four other areas are included in the list, as well as beaches and outdoor pools and we will get very little of the above.

We will get the cash register and ceiling fans for the pool.

PROGRAMME! Report submitted.

The Programme Committee recommended that the Board initiate a lottery system on an experimental basis with regard to timesaver passes. Len Cederholm feels t h a t a s f e e d b a c k i s r u n n i n g 5 0 - 5 0 w e s h o u l d w a i t and give out questionnaires at the next timesaver p a s s d a y .

Volunteers are needed for Breakfast With Santa. The Bazaar took in more that $3,000 and netted $2,506 after repayment of the float. U25 people attended. There will be a detailed report in January. The r a f fl e s w e r e n o t a s l u c r a t i v e a s l a s t y e a r a s w e d i d not do as much advance selling beaause of a delay iri getting a permit from Victoria. Letters of thanks are going out to U5 Kerrisdale merchants who contributed door prizes. The Bazaar Committee would like to know where that money goes and how it is spent, and wondered if some of the proceeds could go to capital expenditures. John Low suggested that the Bazaar Committee should come up with their proposals as to where they think Meeting of the Committee f.s a Whole, Nov. 28/8U (3)

PROGRAMME; (continued) the money should go. Garth Thurher felt the money should not he directed to any special group. Seniors will he a s k e d f o r t h e i r s u g g e s t i o n s .

Millie Wright and Grace Pirie attended a series of confer ences at the Hotel Vancouver on public relations. Delegates c a m e f r o m a s f a r a w a y a s O n t a r i o .

We do not have anyone responsible for public relations and Millie felt that is one of our mistakes. She has been in vited to sit on the Canadian Council On Aging, and next week is going to two conferences on problem solving. Many are taking part in different things like this.

Abuse of the aged in families and senior citizens' homes will be discussed.

There is no space here for other programmes.


Report submitted. T i m e - S a v e r P a s s D a y i s b e c o m i n g a p r o b l e m w i t h p e o p l e beginning to line up at 1:30 for 7:00 p.m. and it was suggested that we go to a lottery system. On the next Time Saver Pass Day questionnaires will be given out for feedback. gives out passes for the first part of the morning. Len does not favour a lottery system. The problem will go back to the Programme Committee.

Some Board members went to the workshops given by the Vancouver Volunteer Centre, and found them very informative. Len Cederholm suggested it would be beneficial for us to start a Board library for material obtained at workshops. There is a Guide to Volunteerism for $lU.95, and we will get one copy to start with. Millie Wright would also like a copy.

S o m e o n e f r o m W h e e l c h a i r S p o r t s p h o n e d t o a s k u s t o s p o n s o r eight children going to some Christmas benefit at a cost of $U0.00. It is not our policy to spend money in this


VOLUNTEER O F T H E Y E A R : Gerry Massing reported on the Parks Board dinner to honour volunteers. Our candidate was Earl MacGregor. Each of the persons nominated was presented with a certificate and a biography of all nominees.

Millie Wright was nominated as Senior of the Year.

John Low felt that a discussion should be held on ways of improving meetings and what goes on at them. He suggested that the minutes and committee reports be mailed out a week prior to meetings, also that an agenda be prepared for each meeting with a view to cutting them down to an hour. A policy will be set at the first Board meeting in January. The suggestion was tabled. SPECIAL PROJECTS: A questionnaire was prepared by Sandy James who is working at the Department of Public Health, asking us what went wrong with the project. There were mistakes made on the part of the Health Unit and also by us. It will take another ten days for her to have the whole thing answered, then they will make th'^ir decision to satisfy themselves as to the rights and wiongs. If we continue with our desire to have our Senior Centre we must lobby all the Parks Board and Council members. Minutes of the Committee as a Whole. November 28/8U (U]


Marion Drake phoned Mr. Kindroski vho said nothing much has happened. He said we have to get working and come up with some decisions. We have some help from the architect again — Just schematics. We cannot go without help of any sort. We will have to get together with Jin Lowden or Rudy Roelofsen. Dave Howden feels that we have decide on what we want first before going to the architect. Garth Thurber said that the architect could give us ideas. It must be something without the Health Unit. We would like to see some part of Public Health. Perhaps we could have a little building with two storeys. Garth Thurber would like to see 12,000 sq. ft. in a free standing building out there without Health. We cannot get the adminstrative part of the Health Unit hut perhaps Just one room, which would not supply health facilities. It must be one storey.

Len Cederholm suggested that if we want the Senior Centre and Health Unit here, the Centre could he built out there and the Health Unit where they are now.

John Low enquired whether we have a committee relative to the new building, and was told that the Special Projects Committee will get together and decide what can get through City Hall and Parks Board. With a general discussion the committee will have a better idea as the perimeters have changed a little bit. The committee will bring a recommendation to the Board. A meeting will be called as soon as Garth's proposals have been received. What are we going to say in reply to Ivan Robertson's letter? He had some rather poor suggestions.

If something very important comes up Marion Drake will get in touch with the Board members. We need to show that we have CO- operated as much as possible with that group and show a breakdown with them. A Special Projects Committee will be called by Garth, to be attended by Marion Drake, Dave Howden, Millie Wright, Gerry Massing, Verilyn Sawkins and any other interested Board member.

Verilyn Sawkins would like to see a list of all our prior thoughts in order to learn what has gone before.

A special meeting will be held in Room 7 on December 11th. at 7:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

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