, and Brownside Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 22nd September 2016, 7.30pm at the Parish Office, 3 Lower Lane, Chinley

Present: Councillors Cllrs M Walton(Chairman), R Drabble, A Knox, W Smith, M Travis and P Wilson. In Attendance: Clerk Mrs B Wise, PCSO Karen Green & DC Cllr Lomax.

16/09/90 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs A Bramah, G Hewitt, Mrs J Pettitt and Mrs C Rofer. Also noted apologies from HPB Councillors Caroline Howe & John Kappes.

16/09/91 Registration/ Declaration of Members Interests - None

16/09/92 Community Police

PCSO Karen Green reported that the crime statistics information is not being updated as previously, but some information is available on the website in a different form. However Chinley had again been relatively quite, but she did warn to be vigilant regarding security as the area was again being targetted for theft from vehicles ( 6 per night) and non-dwellings. These had so far been mainly in Chapel, but also included Brittannia Mill and the latest incident being investigated was a non dwelling break-in on Maynestone Road, Chinley and a further one in . A current concern in the area was the increased litter problem. Chapel was sharing with Chinley in suffering from this anti social behaviour and she had patrolled with the Chapel clerk in the park and youth centre to address this issue with the mainly young people responsible. Alert is now more centralised and Chapel & Chinley Neighbourhood Watch facebook carries more local information.

16/09/93 County Councillor

Derbyshire County Councillor Lomax reported that the latest scam to be aware of was one demanding bank details for payment to avoid baliffs entering. He said he would chase the litter collection problem with Derbyshire County Council.

16/09/94 Borough Councillors - None

16/09/95 Open Forum – None

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16/09/96 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd June 2016.

The meeting noted that the minutes, signed at the August meeting, of the Parish Council meeting held in June 2016 had identical numbers to those of the May meeting. It had therefore been necessary to change these. No changes had been made to the content of the minutes.

RESOLVED: That the renumbered minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd June 2016 be approved for signature of the Chair as a true and correct record.

16/09/97 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th August 2016.

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th August 2016 be approved for signature of the Chair as a true and correct record.

It was noted, with reference to minute 16/08/84, that the annual visual tree survey had been carried out as resolved. Cllr Wilson will report in full to the October meeting but it had been explained to Mr Derek Hallam that, as the trees on Squirrel Green are in the Conservation Area, the Parish Council would need to contact the Borough Council Arboriculture Officer, Monica Gillespie for approval to remove the couple of branches causing problems with his braodband phone wires.

16/09/98 Chair’s Progress Report

Cllr Walton advised the meeting that the focus for the previous month had been Buxworth Allotments, for which an item for report on progress was included on the agenda. The signs for the playground had been identified as the focus for October.

16/09/99 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk’s report was received.

16/09/100 Playgro und Inspection Reports

The weekly playground and cycle facility Inspection Reports were received.

It was noted that litter continues to be an issue, particularly at Chinley, where there is also a broken fence rail.

RESOLVED: To approve fixing of the broken rail by the General Purposes Group.

At Buxworth path sweeping, particularly with the approach of the Autumn leaf fall and trees shading the playground were the main issues together with outstanding painting of parts of the equipment.

RESOLVED: To ask Mark Appleby to sweep the path and steps.

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16/09/101 Community Centre

The meeting noted that the architect, Helen, was amending the plans to address the issues raised by the consultation. The biggest issue had been whether a Community Hall or Sports Hall was being provided. Grant Aid and Lottery funding were being explored regarding meeting requirements for the £750K/£800 maximum. Mike Davies is working on funding for the architect and also starting serious conversations about applications for funding. Land ownership issues and the whole or part interest the Community Association need to get the funding is being dealt with by Cllr Martin Thomas.

16/09/102 Buxworth Allotments

The meeting received non-compliance correspondence relating to the planning permission HPK/2015/0174 – Buxworth Allotments Car Park, granted to the Parish Council. It was understood to indicate that High Peak Borough Council would not be pursuing this issue further and agreed that the outstanding balance of the contractor’s account can now be paid.

A very successful meeting had been held at Buxworth Memorial Club to discuss management/administration issues etc. Two representatives from Chinley Allotments Association had attended to share their knowledge and experience and a willing volunteer had agreed to take the lead on establishing a Buxworth Allotments Association, with the assistance of the four other persons from the allotment tenant’s waiting list who attended the meeting. Parish Council representatives were Cllrs Walton, Drabble and Knox and the Clerk.

16/09/103 Forge Mill Development S106 monies

It was noted that a meeting between Councillors Walton and Wilson, High Peak Borough Councillor Caroline Howe and representatives of Copperleaf was scheduled for Monday 26th September 2016.

16/09/104 Grounds maintenance

RESOLVED: To form a working group comprising Cllrs Walton & Mrs J Pettit and members of the General Purposes Group to review the grounds maintenance contract and all additional grounds maintenance requirements and make recommendations on the best way to achieve successful delivery.

16/09/105 Snow Warden Scheme 2016/17

RESOLVED: That participation in this scheme was not appropriate to this Parish Council at this time.

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16/09/106 Buxworth Project Report

RESOLVED: To undertake wider discussion at Buxworth with the residents.

RESOLVED: That, before entering into the wider discussion, Cllrs visit and walk around the site to familiarise themselves with it and its potential.

RESOLVED: That the letter drafted by the Chair be amended slightly and sent to Anna Smith to establish what progress has been made regarding the proposals for the Children’s Playground at Buxworth and determine what further action is required to push it forward.

16/09/107 Memorial Tree – Squirrel Green

The meeting received the request from Andrea Price to plant a cherry tree between the present one and the old lamp post (going down Princess Rd) in memory of Suzanne Lakei.

It was agreed that the position suggested was not suitable and the only reasonable position had been identified as being between the seating area and ‘squirrel post’ a few feet away from the remaining cherry tree than its original partner had been.

RESOLVED: To approve planting of an ornamental cherry tree by the friends of Suzanne Lakei and to provide a plan detailing the exact position for this.

16/09/108 Planning Applications

The following planning applications were received and comments approved:

1. HPK/2016/0439 – Loft conversion with dormer to front elevation. 6 Portland Grove, Chinley. No objections.

2. HPK/2016/0393 - Proposed dropped kerb, 4 Cracken View, Hayfield Road, Chinley. Mr Lee Benstead. No objections.

It was noted that: 1. The appeal (Ref: APP/M9496/C/15/3137597) re Land and building known as Maynestone Farm, Hayfield Road, Chinley made by Mr H Hallam against the enforcement notice issued by the National Park Authority had failed and the enforcement notice upheld.

2. Notification of Lawful Development Certificate (NP/HPK/0816/0760) for proposed use of a building as a C3 dwelling house, dating back 20 years. Higher Hills Cottage, off Chapel Road, Chinley had been received from the Peak District National Park Authority.

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16/09/109 Approval of Costs Associated with Parish Assets

The meeting received costs associated with Parish Assets valuation, sale and lease arrangements and noted that most of these should ultimately pass to purchasers.

RESOLVED: To approve total legal costs of £1,700 comprised of £800 for valuation of Grazing Land site and Old Allotment site and £300 per job for each of the two sales and the new Community Centre lease arrangements.

16/09/110 Accounts for Payment

RESOLVED: That the accounts listed below be accepted for payment.

Chq no. Payee Description Amount DD Fleur Telecom Broadband (Sept) 22.00 SO Jackson Carpets Ltd Rent 3 Lower Lane (Sept) 277.00 DD Npower Light/power 3 LL (Sept) 44.00 DD BT Unlimited Anytime Plan 130.85 002573 Mrs B Wise Clerks Account (Sept) 1,028.30 002574 HM Revenue & Customs PAYE & NI (Sept) 255.73 002575 CB&B Com'y Ass. Path Light Elect. 2nd Qtr 35.00 002576 Came & Company Insurance 1,241.00 002577 HPBC Sweep car park entrance 54.00 002578 Grant Thornton 2016 Annual Return 360.00 002579 B Wood Plant Hire Drainage - Stubbins Park 3,930.00 002580 Sportfish Waders - FOCP 46.74 002581 Rosena Bankole Parish Room Cleaning 25.00 002582 e-on Electricity Squirrel Green £ 39.09 002583 DP Hague B'wrth Car Park Balance £ 1,000.00

TOTAL £ 8,488.71

16/09/111 Annual Return 2016

The meeting received the 2015/16 Annual Return Report from the External Auditor, Grant Thornton. It was noted that all was in order and no action required, however attention was drawn to two other matters.

1. A £20 overstatement had been entered in Section 2, Accounting Statements- Box 3, other receipts for which the correct figure had been confirmed and this would require ‘Restated’ figures for 2016 on the 2017 Annual Return.

2. The order of signing the Annual governance statement (Section 1) and the Accounting statements (Section 2) was not clear - the two resolutions having been minuted as the same minute number and in future the minute references should clearly demonstrate that the Annual Governance Statement was considered, approved and signed before the Accounting statements.

RESOLVED: To approve the External Auditors Report for 2015/16 and note the other matters.

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16/09/112 Fleur Broadband/Phone

The meeting noted that the Council’s broadband provider Fleur was promoting an enhanced package for broadband and phone service provision. Cllr Walton agreed to investigate what, if any, benefits would be derived from this and if these would outweigh the change over disruptions.

16/09/113 Bu xworth Allotments Plots Access Paths

RESOLVED: To accept the quote (6731 dated 14/9/2016) received from Goddard Plant Services for plant, labour and materials to construct allotment site plot access paths with level compact surface, at a total cost of £884 plus VAT.

16/09/114 FP20 – Dressing Work

RESOLVED: To accept the quote (67312 dated 14/9/2016) received from Goddard Plant Services for plant, labour and materials to lay down surface hard standing dressing to the middle section of Footpath 20 between the two stretches previously redressed, at a total cost of £320 plus VAT.

16/09/115 Christmas 2016

RESOLVED: To approve tree lighting events at Buxworth School on Friday 2nd December 2016 at 6.30pm and at Squirrel Green on Monday 5th December 2016 at 7.00pm.

It was agreed to have the same arrangements as recent years and invest in new lights for the two large trees.

It was noted that the Rev, Hilary Edgerton had moved from the area and it was agreed to request Foday to lead the prayers and Carol singing at the two lighting events.

The meeting discussed a request received for the trees to be put up a week early in time for the xmas market being held by the Community Association on Friday 25th November 2016. It was felt that this was too early to agree to.

16/09/116 Newsletter

It was noted that the request for items for the Autumn/Christmas newsletter had been issued, but the copy for proof reading still needed to be compiled. It was agreed that it needed to be printed before the October meeting and distributed by the beginning of November at the latest. Cllr Wilson agreed to assist with proof reading when the copy became available.

RESOLVED: To approve printing and distribution costs of £673.47 plus VAT.

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16/09/117 DALC – July 2016

Circular 14/2016: General – Appointment of new CO for DALC; Change of Venue for Annual Executive Meeting & AGM – Chatsworth; Training & Events; NALC Smaller Councils Survey; Information Commissioner's Tool Kit (Circulated)

Circular 15/2016: General – Council Tax Referendum Principles; New DALC Service Cemeteries & Burial Grounds; Tesco Bags of Help; Neighbourhood Planning (Circulated)

16/09/118 Correspondence

The following items of correspondence were received: 1. PP Parishes Forum – invitation to AGM and Parishes Day, 24th Sept. 2016 2. DCC – Invitation to Liaison Forum at County Hall Matlock on Monday 31st October 2016. 3. Linda Page – Thanks for the drainage works to the park and confirming that the contractors have made a tidy job. 4. DCC – Consultation on diversion to Footpath 39. 5. Tony Brackenbury – copy of report and objections to diversion of Footpath 39 on behalf of Blackbrook Conservation Society. It was agreed to submit support for these objections to DCC. 6. ADP – Community Centre update – Plans 7. Peak District NPA - invitation to Parishes Day on 24th September 2016 8. ADP - Community Centre update – Costs 9. ADP – Community Centre Grant Applications Info. 10. Angie Seymour – Week 24 Greenfields butterfly report 11. Peak District NPA – Press Release, Peregrine falcon shot in PDNP 12. Peak District NPA – Press Release, Businesses invited to take 5 steps to be better and greener. 13. HPBC – agenda for Council Executive meeting 14. DALC – acknowledgement of receipt of memo re Community Centre. 15. Peak District NPA – copy of Planning Decision Notice from the Inspectorate re the Appeal by Mr Hallam at Maynestone Farm, Chinley. 16. Community Association – notice of AGM on Wednesday 12th October at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. 17. Edith Longden – Information about Stubbins Park access. It was agreed that one large (14 foot) field gate should be fitted to the widened access. 18. DCC – Temporary road closure notice for Un-Named Road, Wash to facilitate gas mains renewal works 19th October 2016 to 15th November 2016. 19. Fields in Trust – invitation to submit nominations for 2016 Fields in Trust Awards. 20. Linden Vernon – confirming he is making enquiries regarding the Buxworth Village Entry sign. Update to follow.

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21. DCC – request for consent applications for attaching seasonal decorations to street light columns. 22. Plantscape – thanks for choosing their Floral Features for the summer. These will be collected during the 4/5 weeks starting w/c 26th Sept. 2016. 23. DCC – request for registration of suppliers for hire of venues and meeting rooms. 24. 21c – Public Consultation (29th June – 5th October 2016) document “Better care closer to home” - delivered 19th August. 25. RBL Hayfield Branch – invitation to Chair of the Council to attend ‘Salute the Somme’ commemorative event at the Art Theatre, New Mills on Saturday 22nd October 2016 at 7.00pm and poster for same. Chairman will check his diary for availability.

16/09/119 ReportsR from Working Groups/Council Representatives - None

16/09/120 Human Resource Issues

The meeting received notification that the Clerk wishes to retire at the end of the current financial year – 31st March 2017

RESOLVED: Dealing with retirement and replacement to be handled by Cllrs Walton, Wilson and Mrs J Pettitt.

There being no further business, the meeting was concluded at 9.35pm

Signed as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Chairman …………………………………………………………


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