March 2020 Surname List

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March 2020 Surname List March 2020 Surname List Compiled by Rachel Schmidt (E) – Evangelical-Lutheran (M) – Mennonite (K) – Catholic (?) – Unknown (J) – Jewish AAMODT - (E) K181 ARMBURST - (K) B180, W207 BALTRUSCH - (E) M205 ABBT - (E) J061 ARNDT - (E) A081, B303, E071, S371, S453 BALTZER - (E) H273, K190 - (?) K158 ABEL - (E) B325, W170 - (?) G140, K158 ARNOLD - (E) B011 - (K) R172 BALZALTERIN - (K) B089 ABERLE - (E) M254 - (K) F079, S149, S280 - (?) ARP - (E) K155 BALZER - (E) H273 - (M) B248 R153 ARPS - (E) N056 BAMERSBERGER - (E) H290 ABERT - (E) E005 ARSNICK - (K) H068 BAMESBERGER - (E) S404 ABRAMS - (M) B248 ARTH - (K) K122, S431, U010 BAMOZ - (E) E005 ACKER - (E) S243 - (K) S464, Y005 ASCHBRENNER - (E) W170 BANEK - (E) B289, K089 ACKERMAN - (E) B248, E063, O058 ASMUS - (E) N056 BANGE - (E) F059 ACKERMANN - (E) A085, D021, M205 ASPENLEITER - (?) M235 BANIK - (E) D113 ADAM - (E) D021, M155 - (K) L111, T048 ASPENLITER - (K) H256 BANKO - (E) B313 ADAMS - (E) A034 ASPERGER - (K) M233 BANNING - (K) T010 ADAMSKI - (?) B327 ASSEL - (K) B089 BANSEMER - (E) Z049 ADE - (E) T076 ASSMAN - (E) B303 BAR - (?) M175 ADLER - (E) H301 - (K) G133 - (?) M248 ASSMANN - (E) B303 BARBER - (?) M029 ADOLF - (E) K029 ASTOR - (E) M205 BAREUTHER - (E) B074 AHL - (E) A083, F033 AUCH - (E) H281 - (?) M175, W059 BARGMANN - (E) R141 AHRENS - (K) K204 AUERNHEIMER - (M) P087 BARK - (E) M204 AICHELE - (E) D112, M245, W167 - (?) B052, AUHUGE - (E) R136 BARNETT - (E) B259 - (?) R158 G129, H247 AUNHELICHER - (K) S392 BARNHARD - (K) K169 AICKELE - (E) S435 AUSBURN - (E) B242 BAROH - (J) E068 AIPERSCHBACH - (E) K030 AWE - (E) W173 BARON - (K) B318, B324, H172, H310, K173, AISENBREY - (E) B178 AXTMAN - (K) H068, R160 T036 - (?) S358 AKERMAN - (E) W210 AXTMANN - (K) A053, E073 BARREITHER - (E) W204 AKKERMANN - (E) M205 AYEN - (?) K158 BARTEL - (M) P087 ALBERT - (?) S326 BACH - (K) A074 BARTH - (E) H285, S352 - (K) B242 - (?) B294, ALBRECHT - (E) B196, B238, D112, K079, P064, BACHER - (K) M233 M235, S264 S344, T083 - (K) P088 - (?) B315, R060 BACHMAIER - (K) S426 BARTHOLEWMEW - (E) H301 ALBREICHT - (E) S359 BACHMAN - (E) F161 - (?) B243 BARTON - (E) B013 ALDINGER - (E) Q001, W056 BACHMANN - (E) F161, S046 - (K) B184, G152 BARTSCH - (E) Z019 - (K) E052, F040 ALEXANDER - (E) F124, S404 BACHMEIER - (K) B122, D062, D078, D115 - (?) BARTZ - (E) G151 ALF - (E) W103 S337 BAST - (E) G085, H285 - (K) E028, H256, K163, ALL - (E) D021, F033 BACHYNSKI - (K) W188 K173, K179, L134 - (?) M235, W150 ALLEN - (E) H078 BACKER - (E) T076 BASTEN - (K) L075 ALLERDINGS - (E) W056 BACKET - (K) M043 BATH - (?) Z040 ALLERLEI - (E) K089 BACKMAN - (?) M175 BATKE - (E) L024 ALLES - (E) H036, H301 BADER - (E) E036, H233, M005, S077 - (K) S452, BATT - (?) S343 ALLMENDINGER - (?) W150 S464 - (?) H297 BATTERMAN - (E) B178 ALLMER - (?) B229 BADINGER - (K) W090 BAUDER - (E) B235, B236, B325, J023, M247 - ALT - (?) S348 BADKE - (E) S278 (?) R121, W223 ALTERGOTT - (E) D108, L097 BAER - (E) C062, G087, S122 - (K) A074, B318, BAUER - (E) B011, B074, B106, B256, B303, ALTHOFF - (?) L092 N020 - (?) B323, H217 B306, B325, E005, F143, F161, H001, K045, ALTMANN - (?) G098 BAERG - (M) B248 M141, R052, S435, T019, T060, W167 - (K) ALTON - (K) W245 BAES - (E) L036, S278 B122, H307, J085, W116 - (?) B234, H286, ALVINGER - (E) Q001 BAESSLER - (?) L031 K205, M230, N051, S109 ALWINGER - (K) U010 BAEUERLE - (E) R022 BAUERLE - (?) D111, G080 AMAN - (E) B325, F033, K190, S435 - (K) A074, BAEURLE - (E) G151 BAUMAN - (E) B074 - (K) A078, F079, G002, E075, H302 BAHL - (K) O059 V051, W081 - (?) E051 AMANN - (K) E028, H307 - (?) B285 BAHNMILLER - (?) S109 BAUMANN - (E) A085, L133 - (K) G107, H313, AMEN - (E) A034, H118, W043 - (?) W091 BAHNMUELLER - (E) M162, W201 - (?) W150 L111, R052 - (?) S408, W150, Z026 AMEND - (E) K045 BAHRL - (E) B074 BAUMESBERGER - (E) H290 AMMERSKEN - (E) B178 BAIER - (E) D076, H036, H273, S371 - (?) R117 BAUMGART - (E) H243 AMMON - (E) A008, M065, W167 BAIERLE - (E) U005 BAUMGARTENER - (E) H243 ANDERSEN - (E) P084 BAKEN - (E) L024 BAUMGARTNER - (K) B324, G011, H109, K122, ANDERSON - (E) B303, M037 - (K) S346 BAKER - (K) P039 S392, W179, W212 - (?) M198, S358 ANDREAS - (K) M256 - (?) S423 BAKUS - (E) D021 BAUMGEIGER - (E) B313 ANDROSIUK - (E) P090 BALDER - (E) F059 BAUMSTARCK - (K) B134, L111, O059, S149 ANHEILIGER - (K) S149 BALDZER - (E) K190 BAUMSTARK - (K) F079 - (?) W246 ANHELIGER - (K) G002 BALK - (K) M209 BAUSCH - (?) S416 ANHORN - (E) L133 BALL - (K) M087 BAUTH - (?) S343 ANKEL - (?) T058 BALLBACH - (E) P048 BAUTZ - (M) P087 ANTHONY - (E) F147 BALLIET - (E) S122 - (?) S283 BAYER - (K) K110 - (?) A059 ANTON - (K) A074, B318, E075, H236, K163, BALLINGER - (K) B198 BC V1Y 7W3 - (E) S464 R149 - (?) A059, V060 BALLMAN - (E) D024 BEACH - (E) B326 APENBRINK - (E) G101 BALMER - (E) H285 BEAL - (E) J066 ARMBRUST - (K) A020 BALON - (?) S337 BEARGER - (K) V037 BECHLER - (K) B089 BERTCH - (K) W093, W243 BLEICHER - (?) O053 BECHT - (K) B320 - (?) S324 BERTHA - (K) H171 BLEISCHWITZ - (K) S376 BECHTHOLD - (E) N054 - (?) S422 BERTSCH - (E) B238, H290, K030, M065, S385 - BLETH - (?) A084 BECHTOLD - (E) W102 (K) F038, F079, H077, L111, M249, W081, BLETZ - (?) B036 BECIERLE - (E) T019 W188 - (?) G080, M248 BLEY - (E) E005 BECK - (E) B308, D078, E005, F146, F161, J023, BESAI - (E) B317 BLOESCH - (?) K158 S270, S351, S371, W046 - (K) M221, M226 - BESLMEISL - (K) K110 BLONDO - (K) W116 - (?) N060 (?) B315, M230, T058 BETCHIE - (E) K155 BLOTSKI - (K) D062 BECKER - (E) B205, B288, D078, D101, D112, BETTCHER - (?) B229 BLOTSKY - (K) F079 F146, H036, J023, M063, M093, M162, R052, BETTE - (E) S463 BLOTZKY - (E) B308 R059, S275, S404, S435, T014, T027, W046, BETTGER - (E) W222 - (?) B298 BLUM - (E) S056 W167, W173 - (K) B122, B242, B256, G107, BEUCHLER - (K) T036 BLUMENSCHEIN - (E) N010 - (K) B318, M221 H172, I009, S065, S426, V062 - (?) B148, BEUTELSPACHER - (E) B306 BLUMHAGEN - (E) S215 B232, B285, D111, R158, S375 BEYER - (E) S077 BOBENSKI - (E) B313 BECKHAM - (E) Z037 BEYSCHARY - (?) G080 BOBERMIN - (?) H142 BECKLER - (K) B089 BEZ - (?) K158 BOCHERT - (E) S270 BEDER - (K) B324 BIBELHEIMER - (E) B011 BOCK - (E) M241 BEEHLER - (K) G002, H236, S280, W081 BICH - (E) N056 BOCKIUS - (K) B184 BEELER - (E) B317 - (?) B243 BICHLER - (K) D062, S386, W212 BODEMAR - (E) A008 BEER - (K) V047 BICK - (E) W222 BODI - (K) R130 BEESKAU - (E) D113 BICKETT - (E) S463 BOECHLER - (?) E058, V060 BEG - (?) L031 BICKLE - (E) W046 BOECKEL - (?) K194 BEGLAU - (E) W046 - (?) S422 BICKLER - (K) V028 BOEDEKER - (E) S370 BEGLEY - (K) Z054 BIDERMAN - (E) W046 BOEHLER - (?) S200 BEHL - (?) W059 BIEBER - (E) K149, M065, V048 BOEHLIN - (K) I009 BEHRENDS - (?) R117 BIECH - (?) S457 BOEHM - (K) E028, E075, H171 BEHRENS - (?) R158 BIEDERMAN - (?) R121 BOEPPLE - (E) B106 - (?) B229, G129 BEHRMAN - (E) G101 BIEGLER - (E) W173 - (K) D062, E068, F123, BOERKIRCHERT - (E) H305, N056 BEICH - (E) K176 H310, H313, M209, S185, W212 BOERSCHNEG - (K) M174 BEIER - (?) W246 BIEL - (E) E063, H283, W167 BOES - (E) S278 BEIERLE - (E) O058, U005 BIENIAS - (K) R160 BOESER - (?) K194 BEIERLINE - (E) R046 BIER - (E) M155, M205, S341, T076 - (?) K159 BOESHANS - (E) B313, S056, S077 BEILAR - (?) N015 BIERELE - (E) H233 BOESHART - (K) W090 BEISINGER - (K) V046 BIERLE - (E) B196 BOESPFLUG - (K) L121, M176 BEKEL - (E) K045 BIERWAGEN - (?) L031 BOETEL - (E) N056 BEKKEN - (?) O050 BIETZ - (E) H273, J011, M204, S371 - (?) B036, BOETTCHER - (E) K149, S215, S371 - (?) B229, BEKKER - (E) W046 S408 J052, L031 BELITZER - (?) G052 BIFFART - (?) J069 BOETTGER - (E) S288 BELOUSEK - (E) M065 BIFFERT - (E) S270 BOGENRITTER - (?) S337 BENDA - (K) M179 BIGLER - (E) H115 BOGGENRITTER - (K) P088 BENDELE - (E) B303 BIGO - (K) M233 BOGOLOWSKI - (?) S337 BENDER - (E) B011, D021, D101, J066, K176, BILICHMAIER - (E) B205 BOGWANDT - (K) B256 L133, M007, M141, M241, N020, R143, S352, BILLIGMEIER - (E) W167 - (?) B285, S332 BOHL - (K) V028 S424, T027, W043, W116 - (K) D024 - (?) BILLING - (E) F061 BOHLAENDER - (E) G151 - (?) S332 B246, C074, D098, J052, P061, S348, S362, BILLMAN - (K) A074 BOHLANDER - (E) S425 - (?) J069, S332 W223 BINDER - (E) B074, R022 - (K) G152 - (?) D098 BOHLENDER - (E) G085 - (?) J069 BENFIT - (?) S335 BINFET - (K) N020 BOHM - (K) A074, B089, E028 BENIGNUS - (E) D021 - (?) R121, S326 BINZMANN - (?) S324 BOHN - (K) H115 - (?) W246 BENNER - (?) M231 BIPPUS - (E) H027, R022 - (?) K158 BOHNED - (E) M204 BENNETT - (E) J036 BIRK - (E) E005 BOHNET - (E) B248, B306, D021, F159, G085, BENOY - (E) B313 BIRKENSTOCK - (K) D114, H307, V062 S346, S435 - (?) L072, R153, S408 BENSON - (E) B289 BIRNER - (K) V047 BOHNETIN - (E) E005 BENTSON - (E) B289 BIS - (K) K179 BOHRER - (E) M037 BENTZ - (E) H171, S368, W046, W167 - (K) BISCHKE - (E) B178, D021, N056 - (?) M231, BOKAMEYER - (K) V037 D062 - (?) C074, D098 N051 BOLENDER - (E) S425 BENZ - (E) D021, H064, H233, S226, W204 - (K) BISCHKY - (E) F159 BOLINGER - (E) F094 A074 - (?) B229, C074, D098 BISCHLER - (?) G149 BOLLANDER - (E) G085 BENZEL - (E) H301 BISCHOF - (E) G101 - (K) F161 BOLLING - (E) M204 BEOSHANS - (E) B313 BISCHOFF - (E) M251 - (K) B183, E073, F135, BOLLINGER - (E) B205, D021, H171, H263, BERANOVA - (?) B327 H068 K020 - (?) B285, F135 BERG - (E) G054, M255, S385 - (K) S065 - (M) BISHOFF - (E) M251 BOLTZ - (K) H172 - (?) B148 B248 BISHOP - (E) H242 BOLZ - (K) S460, W207 - (?) B148 BERGER - (K) A020, B089, B180, B242, B324, BISWANGER - (?) K158 BOMERSINE - (E) A075 I009, L121, M043, S015, W090 - (?) L131 BITSCH - (E) B011, B326 BOMM - (E) K190, S456 BERGHOLZ - (E) B196 BITTERMAN - (E) B238, H286, S270, W027 - (?) BOMMER - (K) S280 BERGSTEDT - (?)
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