Recofloor Awards 2013

Recofloor, the vinyl-take back scheme, is hosting its annual awards event on:

Wednesday 13th March 2013 Edgbaston Stadium, The County Ground, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7QU

Recofloor is hosting its annual awards event at Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham. We will be celebrating the success of the scheme in 2012 and presenting awards in recognition of the commitment and achievements of Recofloor collectors.

This year, Sky Sports presenter Gary Newbon will be speaking at the event and presenting the awards.

Venue: Edgbaston Stadium

Edgbaston Stadium has been home to Warwickshire County Club since 1882. After the awards event, delegates can visit the stadium by arrangement. Recofloor Awards 2013

Gary Newbon Event

Gary Newbon has programme been a broadcaster for over 42 years – 36 with ITV and since September 11:00 - 11:30 Registration and networking 2004 a freelance presenter with Sky Sports. He was a Welcome regular host of Sky’s 11:30 - 11:45 Geoff Cleverdon - Altro You’re On Sky John Whitesmith - Polyflor Sports and hosts Sky’s live coverage of Greyhound racing across the UK. Recofloor 11:45 - 12:10 Jane Gardner, Recofloor Gary has covered World Cup football finals, Olympic Games, European Champions Football, world boxing championships 12:10 - 12:30 Tea and coffee around the world and a host of other sport. He is currently presenting Time of Their PVC in Sport Architecture Lives for Sky Sports, with legends of sport 12:30 - 13:00 recounting memorable sporting moments. Roger Mottram, Ineos, BPF

Gary particularly made his name with interviews in European Champions League, 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch and networking and ITV’s Big Fight transmissions. His regular and memorable Introduction interviewees include the late Brian Clough, 14:00 - 14:15 Sir and Chris Eubank. Gary Newbon, Sports presenter

Gary has won three coveted Royal Award Ceremony Television Society awards and was 14:15 - 15:00 nominated in the Sony Radio Awards. Gary Newbon, Sports presenter

15:00 - 15:30 Tea and coffee

To register for this event, and reserve your place, please visit the Recofloor website at:

This event is free of charge and includes lunch and refreshments.

For further information, please call +44 161 355 7618 or email or follow us on Twitter for the latest updates @Recofloor