

Ice-core evidence of abrupt changes

Richard B. Alley*

Environment Institute and Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, Deike Building, University Park, PA 16802

Ice-core records show that climate changes in the past have been large, rapid, and synchronous over broad areas extending into low latitudes, with less variability over historical . These ice-core records come from high mountain and the polar regions, including small ice caps and the large ice sheets of and .

s the world slid into and out of the last carbon dating (2), and other techniques contains one or two ‘‘extra’’ neu- Aice age, the general cooling and are possible. trons). The vapor pressure of this heavy warming trends were punctuated by An especially powerful technique for water is less than for ‘‘normal’’ light water. abrupt changes. Climate shifts up to half correlation is to use the composition of As an air mass is cooled and precipitates, as large as the entire difference between atmospheric gases trapped in bubbles in it preferentially loses heavy water and and modern conditions occurred the ice (6). Because most gases reside in must increasingly precipitate light water. over hemispheric or broader regions in the atmosphere long enough to be well At very low temperatures, heavy water has mere to decades. Such abrupt mixed globally, ice cores around the world been greatly depleted and precipitation is changes have been absent during the few record the same atmospheric composition isotopically light. Empirically and theoret- key millennia when agriculture and indus- in bubbles trapped at the same . Sev- ically, isotopic composition of precipita- try have arisen. The speed, size, and extent eral species show sufficiently variable his- tion and site temperature are strongly of these abrupt changes required a reap- tories to allow accurate correlations at correlated in time and space (10, 11); praisal of climate stability. Records of many times in the past. A complication is colder places and colder times have iso- topically lighter precipitation. these changes are especially clear in high- that air diffuses through spaces in snow Atmospheric and glaciologic factors resolution ice cores. Ice cores can preserve and (old snow) in the upper tens of other than temperature can affect the of local climate (snowfall, tem- meters, until the weight of additional snow isotopic , but several perature), regional (wind-blown dust, sea accumulation squeezes the firn to ice and traps bubbles. The trapped gas is thus a other allow calibra- salt, etc.), and broader (trace gases in the tion and validation. The physical temper- air) conditions, on a common time scale, little younger than the ice in which it occurs; uncertainty in this gas age͞ice age ature of the ice is important. Just as it demonstrating synchrony of climate takes a while to warm the center of cold changes over broad regions. difference complicates some interpreta- tions but still allows rather accurate dating food placed in a hot oven, deeper regions of the large ice sheets have not completed Ice-Core Interpretation in most cases (6, 7). In some circum- stances, the gas age͞ice age difference can warming from the low temperatures of the Dating and Accumulation. On some glaciers be determined precisely with gas- previous global ice age, revealing how cold

and ice sheets, sufficient snow falls each PERSPECTIVE anomalies that record rapid temperature the ice age was. Joint interpretation of the to form recognizable annual layers, change, as detailed below (8). ice-isotopic and ice-temperature paleo- marked by seasonal variations in physical, The amount of ice between two time thermometers gives greater confidence in chemical, electrical, and isotopic proper- lines in a core, corrected for the layer the results (12, 13). ties. These can be counted to determine thinning from ice flow, is the snow accu- Additional paleothermometers are pro- ages (e.g., refs. 1 and 2). Accuracy can be mulation (9). The flow corrections range vided at times of rapid . An assessed by comparison to the chemically from trivial and highly accurate to difficult abrupt air-temperature change causes a temperature difference between the snow identified fallout of historically dated vol- and uncertain, depending on the site and surface and the bubble-trapping depth, canoes and in other ways (3); errors can be its . Buried snow drifts introduce SPECIAL FEATURE and this temperature difference then re- less than 1% of estimated ages. Ice flow noise in the records, and sublimation may laxes over a century or so as the deeper may disrupt layers quite close to the bed be important in especially low-accumula- layers adjust to the new surface tempera- (4, 5), and ice flow progressively thins tion zones, but accumulation typically pro- ture. Temperature gradients cause gas- layers with increasing burial so that diffu- vides a useful history of atmospheric de- isotope fractionation by the process of sion or sampling limitations eventually livery of snowfall to a site (9). obscure annual layers. thermal , with heavier migrating toward colder regions. Diffu- Where annual layers are not observed Paleothermometry. Ice cores are local pa- sion of gases through pore spaces in firn is because of depositional or postdeposi- leothermometers, telling past tempera- tional effects, by dating is conducted by faster than diffusion of heat, so the isotope ture where they are (or where the snow signal reaches the bubble-trapping depth correlation to other well-dated records, fell, if flow has caused ice in a core before the heat does, and the isotope radiometric techniques in favorable cir- to have come from a significant distance). anomaly is recorded as the air is trapped cumstances, and by ice-flow modeling if The classic paleothermometer is the sta- needed. Most ice lacks sufficient appro- ble-isotopic composition of water in the priate materials to allow precise radiomet- ice core (10). Natural waters typically con- Abbreviation: GISP2, Greenland Project 2. ric dating, but mountain glaciers some- tain a fraction of a percent of isotopically *To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: times contain enough material for radio- heavy molecules (in which the hydrogen or [email protected].

PNAS ͉ February 15, 2000 ͉ vol. 97 ͉ no. 4 ͉ 1331–1334 Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 in the bubbles (8). The degree of enrich- enough that when sources are deep cores (Fig. 1) in central Greenland ment reveals how big the temperature predominantly in the Northern Hemi- often are used as reference standards for difference was, and thus the magnitude of sphere, Greenland ice shows significantly abrupt climate changes. These records any . In addition, higher methane concentrations than sim- provide annual resolution for some indi- the number of annual layers between the ilar-age samples from the Antarctic; cators through 110,000 years (older ice has record in the ice and in the bubbles of an hence, changes in the concentration dif- been disturbed by ice flow; refs. 4 and 5) abrupt climate change is a known function ference between Greenland and Antarc- and provide an exceptionally clear picture of temperature and snow accumulation; tica record changes in the latitudinal dis- of events in Greenland (temperature and using snow-accumulation data, one can tribution of methane sources (5, 22–24). accumulation), regionally (wind-blown learn the absolute temperature just before sea salt and continental dust), and more the abrupt climate change (8). Ice-Core Results broadly (trapped-gas records, especially of These paleothermometers agree closely Changes in Greenland. The ice-core records methane). on the size, speed, and timing of surface- from the Greenland Ice Core Project and The Greenland records show that climate temperature changes in central Green- Project 2 (GISP2) changes have been very large, rapid, and land. Results from other regions rest on fewer paleothermometers and are some- what less secure, especially in meteorolog- ically complex areas (10, 14).

Aerosols. Anything in the atmosphere eventually can end up in an ice core. Some materials are reversibly deposited (15), but most remain in the ice unchanged. The details of the air-snow transfer process are very complex but are being elucidated (16). Careful statistical and physical anal- yses are needed to make sense of small, short-lived changes, but large changes in concentrations of most materials in ice reflect changes in their atmospheric load- ing, with high confidence (16, 17). Isotopic composition of dust allows ‘‘fingerprinting’’ of source regions (18). Major provide information on sea salt, continental dust, and biogenic con- tributions; tracks productivity on land nearby; methane sulfonate responds to oceanic productivity; and other insights are possible. Cosmogenic and extraterres- trial indicators also are of interest for some studies.

Gases. Trapped gases in ice-core bubbles are highly reliable records of atmospheric composition, as shown by intercompari- sons among cores from different ice sheets and intercomparison with instrumental records and the air in firn above the bubble-trapping depth (19, 20). The slight differences between bubble and air com- position caused by gravitational and ther- mal effects are well understood and rec- ognizable (8). Chemical reactions in im- pure ice can produce anomalous compositions for some gases (21). How- ever, the ice chemistry warns of trouble, Fig. 1. High-resolution data from the GISP2 ice core, Greenland, and the Byrd ice core, Antarctica, and the close association of the gas and covering the interval (YD) and adjacent times, modified slightly from ref. 37. (a) Byrd ice-chemistry anomalies, rather than be- ice-isotopic data (6, 38, 39). (b–e) GISP2 data mostly from ref. 8, with the accumulation and temperature ing offset by the age difference between originally from ref. 40. (b) Temperature converted from ice-isotopic ratios (41) using the glacial- gas records and ice records of a climate calibration of ref. 12, shown in °C. (c) Accumulation in m ice͞year. The estimate of temperature change, is a clear indicator (5, 21). in the Younger Dryas from (8) is plotted as a circle; uncertainties of about Ϯ 3°C are not much larger than ␦15 Methane is of particular interest in the symbol. (d) Methane data (parts per billion by volume) from ref. 23 (ᮀ) and ref. 8 (x). (e) N data in E studying abrupt changes. It was primarily per mil from ref. 8, with from their figure 2 and x from their figure 4. (f and g) GISP2 sodium (f) and (g) data from ref. 17, normalized to their mean concentration in the millennium before the Little ‘‘swamp gas’’ in preindustrial times and Ice Age following ref. 36 by using the accumulation-rate estimates of ref. 9. Most of the ice-core data, and thus gives an indication of global many related data sets, are available on The Greenland Summit Ice Cores CD-ROM, 1997, National Snow area (22). Methane destruction occurs and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado at Boulder, and the World Data Center-A for , globally, but sources may be localized. The National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO, www.ngdc.noaa.gov͞paleo͞icecore͞greenland͞summit͞ residence time in the atmosphere is short index.html.

1332 ͉ www.pnas.org Alley Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 widespread. Coolings were achieved in a Greenland. No other record is available and downwind of the south show series of steep ramps or steps and warmings that spans the same time interval with an anti-Greenland pattern with millennial in single steps. The more dramatic of the equally high time resolution, complicating warming when Greenland cooled, super- warmings have involved Ϸ8°C warming (8, interpretations. It appears, however, that imposed on the slower orbital variations, 25) and Ϸ2ϫ increases in snow accumula- ice cores from the Canadian arctic islands, which are broadly synchronous in both tion (9), several-fold or larger drops in wind- high mountains in South America, and hemispheres. blown materials (17), and Ϸ50% increase in Antarctica contain indications of the methane, indicating large changes in global abrupt changes. Dating is secure for some Insights wetland area (5, 24). of the Antarctic cores. The implications of these events are cov- For the best-characterized warming, the The Canadian arctic cores show a sharp ered in other papers in this issue of end of the Younger Dryas cold interval cold reversal during the deglaciation that PNAS and are reviewed by ref. 33, Ϸ11,500 years ago, the transition in many is probably the Younger Dryas event (29). among others. Briefly, the circulation of ice-core variables was achieved in three Ice cores from the high peaks of Huasca- warm ocean waters supplies wintertime steps, each spanning Ϸ5 years and in total ran and Sajama in the also show a warmth around the north Atlantic, and covering Ϸ40 years (26). However, most of deglacial reversal in the ice isotopes that some of that warmth is transported by the change occurred in the middle of these may be correlative with the Younger Dr- the Atlantic across the equator from the steps. The warming as recorded in gas iso- yas (2, 30). However, for various reasons, Southern Hemisphere. This circulation topes occurred in decades or less (8). The the exact timing and abruptness of the can be slowed or stopped by fresh water most direct interpretation of the accumula- changes are difficult to ascertain in these supplied to the north Atlantic. A north tion-rate record is that snowfall doubled records, and records of older abrupt Atlantic cooling triggers other processes over 3 years and nearly doubled in 1 year (9). changes are even less secure. that propagate a cool, dry windy signal Several records show enhanced variability In Antarctica the Byrd core from West through the atmosphere into the trade- near this and other transitions, including Antarctica, and probably the Vostok and wind belt. Very strong feedback pro- ‘‘flickering’’ behavior in which climate vari- some other cores from East Antarctica, cesses and hysteresis behavior (34) have ables bounced between their ‘‘cold’’ level show events that are correlative to the caused the changes to be abrupt. The and their ‘‘warm’’ level before settling in one larger millennial events of Greenland, in- larger of the northern changes especially of them (27). cluding the Younger Dryas (6, 31). Byrd involved loss of the cross-equatorial The methane increase at the end of the and Vostok also contain indications of flow, leaving heat in the south Atlantic Younger Dryas began 0–30 years (one events that may be correlative to nearly all (35), and the southern response involves sample) after the warming in Greenland, of the Greenland events (31). However, the complex interplay of the atmospheric suggesting atmospheric transmission of the ice isotopes indicate an antiphase be- cooling signal and the oceanic warming the signal from the north Atlantic region havior, with Byrd warm during the major there. to methane source regions (8). The rela- events when Greenland was cold; dating One abrupt century-long cold event tive changes in methane concentrations in control is not good enough to determine Ϸ8,200 years ago is prominent in Green- Greenland and Antarctica indicate that the phase of the smaller events. The gen- land and other records and affected meth- the increase at the end of the Younger eral impression of the Antarctic events is ane significantly (36). Temperatures be- Dryas involved both tropical and high- that they are smaller and less abrupt than fore and after this event in Greenland and latitude sources (24, 25), and that the those in Greenland, although fewer paleo- many other regions were slightly higher previous large increase about 14,700 years thermometers and other indicators have than recently, showing that warmth is not ago was dominated by the tropics (25). been brought to bear in Antarctica, re- a guarantee of climate stability. Abrupt Other Greenland data also show that ducing confidence somewhat. changes have been especially large when the climate changes were geographically To further complicate the issue, the atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentra-

extensive. The isotopic composition of Taylor Dome core from a near-coastal site tion, insolation, and other important cli- PERSPECTIVE dust in Greenland ice indicates an Asian in East Antarctica appears to be in-phase matic variables were changing rapidly, source (19), and the sea salt is oceanic. with Greenland and out-of-phase with with possible implications for general be- The large changes observed in dust and Byrd during the deglacial interval cen- havior of the climate system. sea salt indicate reorganizations of tered on the Younger Dryas (32). As weather patterns well beyond Greenland. reviewed in ref. 33, non-ice records from I thank J. Severinghaus, T. Stocker, numerous The changes in snow accumulation were broadly distributed sites in the Northern colleagues at GISP2 and the Greenland Ice larger than can be explained by the effect Hemisphere indicate large, abrupt Core Project, the U.S. 109th Air National of temperature changes on the saturation changes (near-)synchronous with those in Guard, the Polar Ice Coring Office, the GISP2 vapor pressure (28), indicating changes in Greenland, with generally cold, dry, and Science Management Office, the U.S. Na- SPECIAL FEATURE storm tracks. Available data indicate that windy conditions occurring together al- tional Ice Core Lab, the U.S. National Science not all transitions were identical, and fur- though with some sites wet perhaps be- Foundation for funding, E. Brook, K. Cuffey, ther analyses certainly are desirable, but cause of storm-track shifts (cf. ref. 28). P. Grootes, P. Mayewski, J. Severinghaus, T. Sowers, their colleagues, and the National most abrupt changes seem to have exhib- Some Southern Hemisphere sites also ex- Snow and Ice Data Center, University of ited broadly similar patterns. hibit the Greenland pattern during the Colorado at Boulder, and the World Data deglaciation, although high-resolution Center-A for Paleoclimatology, National Geographic Coverage. The ice-core record (annually resolved) southern records are Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO, for of abrupt climate changes is clearest in still lacking. However, southern sites near data.

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