1963 14/11/13

DRAFT M I N U T E S of the ORDINARY MEETING of The PARISH COUNCIL held at THE COASTAL ZONE, at 7.30pm on Thursday, 14th November 2013.

PRESENT: Parish Cllrs. J. P. Candy, Chair, Seaton Ward * Ms. M. E. Temlett, Vice-Chair, Downderry Ward R. J. Daniel, Downderry Ward D. T. Parry, Ward S. J. Parry, Seaton Ward Mrs. A. Ratsey, Downderry Ward Mrs. A. Robinson, Hessenford Ward Mrs. A. Thorpe, Hessenford Ward Mrs. M. C. Williams, Seaton Ward * Also Councillor, Trelawny Division T. Pullin (Clerk)

1. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS & REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS TO SPEAK ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: 1.1. To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda 1.1.1. Cllr. D. T. Parry declared a disclosable pecuniary interest relating to item 13.3.1., being Chair of the Hessenford Residents Association 1.1.2. Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey declared a disclosable pecuniary interest relating to item 11.4.1., being on the committee of Turning Tide. 1.1.3. Cllr. S. J. Parry declared a disclosable pecuniary interest relating to item 13.1.2., (Tanver Yate), because of a business connection with an interested party relating to that land. 1.1.4. Cllr. J. P. Candy declared a non-disclosable interest relating to item 4.1.4. being a friend of the applicant for planning permission. 1.1.5. Cllr. R. J. Daniel declared a non-disclosable interest relating to item 4.1.2. owning property in the vicinity of the planning application in question.

1.2. To receive requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any) Cllr. S. J. Parry had submitted a written request for a dispensation to speak for information on item 13.1.2. for a six month period from the current meeting. 1.3. To grant any requests for dispensations as appropriate The Chair proposed the granting of a dispensation to Cllr. S. J. Parry to speak for information on item 13.1.2. for a six month period from the current meeting; this was seconded by the Vice- Chair and agreed by the Meeting.

2. 10 MINUTE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PERIOD for public comment on the items below: A member of the public addressed the Meeting regarding item 13.2.1. (Seaton Countryside Park), on behalf of the “Seaton Park Improvements Group”, updating the Parish Council on progress regarding a range of proposals to improve facilities for children at the park. The Group had developed links with St. Nicolas School, Downderry with the aim of ensuring that local children had their input into the projects being discussed. Improving provision for disabled access at the park was highlighted. In response to a request for information regarding who owned the land at the park, the Chair stated that the landowner was . Any new facilities would need to be approved by Cornwall Council. The responsibility for ongoing maintenance of new equipment would need to be decided. FROM THE PARISH WEBSITE

1964 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

2. 10 MINUTE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PERIOD for public comment on the items below (continued):

The Clerk advised that requests for grant funding from bodies other than the Parish Council would best be applied for by the Seaton Park Improvements Group or Friends of Seaton, as these groups would have access to a larger range of grant making bodies than the Parish Council. A quotation for the installation of a skate park was being obtained. Ideas for developing the land adjacent to the new toilet block were being considered. An open meeting of the Seaton Park Improvements Group would take place at the Smugglers Inn, Seaton, at 11am on 30 th November 2013. The applicant for planning permission at Bowithen, Treliddon Lane, Downderry, addressed the Meeting stating that the proposed new dwelling would be an “Eco House” that the existing plot was adequate to include a second house and that shared access to the highway from the existing driveway would negate any requirement for additional new access onto the road. A member of the public stated that he hope the Parish Council would be able to support his written request for a reduced speed limit at . New legislation assumes that all villages will have a 30 mph limit. The Chair apologised for having previously mislaid the letter dealing with this request. There being no further requests to address the meeting, the Chair closed the public participation period.

3. APOLOGIES: Apologies had been received from Cllr. G. A. J. Beach and Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank

The Chair handed over chairmanship of the meeting to the Vice-Chair.

4. PLANNING: 4.1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 4.1.1. PA13/09372 Mr. M. Thackery THE BUNGALOW, DEVIOCK Construction of side and rear extension to bungalow and demolish external utility room (Case Officer – Roz Baker) Cllr. D. T. Parry proposed support of the application; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe and agreed unanimously by the Meeting.

4.1.2. PA13/09525 Mr. M. R. Sims PLOT 45 & 46 COOMBE, DOWNDERRY Proposed construction of two detached dwellings (Case Officer – Jonathan Luker) Cllr. R. J. Daniel reiterated a non-disclosable interest and left the meeting. After discussion Cllr. S. J. Parry proposed objection to the application for the reason that the revised proposal, being set further up the hill would create an over dominating feature out of keeping with the street scene; this was seconded by Cllr. D.T. Parry and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. Cllr. R. J. Daniel re-joined the meeting.

4.1.3. PA13/08875 Mr. Shaun Davies LAND ADJACENT MOUNT BRIONI, BRIDGE ROAD, SEATON Construction of two 3 storey dwellings with attached studio annexe over garages, parking, accesses off highway and site works (Case Officer – Davina Pritchard) Cllr. S. J. Parry proposed support of the application, subject to a condition being imposed that six Monterey Pine trees be included in the approved landscaping plan for the development; this was seconded by Cllr. D. T. Parry and agreed by the Meeting. FROM THE PARISH WEBSITE

1965 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

4.1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (continued): 4.1.4. PA13/08628 Mr. Simon Jaycock BOWITHEN, TRELIDDON LANE, DOWNDERRY Construction of new dwelling (Case Officer – Davina Pritchard) Cllr. J. P. Candy reiterated a non-disclosable interest and left the meeting. Cllr. D. P. Parry proposed support of the application; this was seconded by Cllr. S. J. Parry and agreed by the Meeting. Cllr. J. P. Candy re-joined the Meeting.


4.4. PLANNING APPEALS: No appeals had been received.

5. PLANNING DECISIONS: 5.1. 24.10.2013 PA13/08094 REFUSED Applicant: Mrs. J. Gray Location: Lower Mead, 3 East Camps Bay, Downderry Proposal: Construction of dwelling (resubmission of withdrawn application No. PA13/04137)

5.2. 24.10.2013 PA13/03034/PREAPP Closed – advice given / app. submitted Applicant: Mr. M. Hufton Location: Lowena, West Camps Bay, Downderry Proposal: Extension to already dropped kerb to allow better access to garage off narrow road

5.3. 30.10.2013 PA13/08318 APPROVED Applicant: Mr And Mrs Platt Location: 40 Trerieve Estate Downderry PL11 3LY Proposal: Two-storey extension to rear of property and replacement of first floor windows to front elevation.


7. MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS 7.1. Tree Preservation Orders – Update on identifying trees suitable for T.P.O. status within the Parish. The Clerk informed members that he has been so far unable to make contact with the Parish Tree Wardens, but hoped to move forward on this matter in the near future.

7.2. Notification of intention to apply for planning application 7.2.1. Cllr. J. P. Candy informed members that he was intending to apply for planning permission for the construction of two agricultural buildings at Trerieve Farm, Downderry. 7.2.2. Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe informed members that she was applying for planning permission to pollard one poplar tree and lower the crown of one ash tree within the Hessenford Conservation area. FROM THE PARISH WEBSITE

1966 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

The Vice-Chair handed back chairmanship of the Meeting to the Chair. The Chair suggested that items 13.2.1. and 12.1.1. be brought forward to after item 9. and this was agreed by the Meeting.

8. MINUTES: 8.1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 10th October 2013 It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs. M. C. Williams, seconded by Cllr. D. T. Parry and AGREED by the Meeting to accept the minutes as a correct record.

9. REPORTS ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: The Chair stated that Cllr. S. J. Parry having been granted a dispensation should speak only for information on any matter relating to Tanver Yate. No other matters were raised.

13.2.1. Play Provision for children: Update on discussions with Seaton Park Improvements Group Members noted information given during the public participation period. The question of on- going maintenance of new play equipment was discussed. Cllr. S. J. Parry suggested that the Group should provide regular updates to the Parish Council. The Clerk stated that a suggestion had been made that an outdoor concrete Ping-Pong Table be installed at the park.

12.1.1. Request for reduced speed limit at Narkurs (Mr. R. J. Holman – Letter dated 9 th September 2013) The Chair stated that he had spoken to Police Sgt. Angela Crow regarding this matter and would be setting up a site meeting with Cornwall Council Highways officers. Cllr. D. T. Parry proposed that the Council support the introduction of a 30mph speed limit at Narkurs; this was seconded by Cllr. R. J. Daniel and agreed unanimously by the Meeting.

10. POLICE MATTERS: 10.1. Police matters The Chair stated that he had lodged a complaint with Police Sgt. Angela Crow regarding the low levels of local policing and the lack of P.C.S.O’s being caused by an under resource.

10.1.1. Speed Watch in Deviock Parish The Clerk informed the Meeting that a member of the public has requested that the Parish Council make a new attempt to instigate a Speed Watch Group. Sgt. Angela Crow had agreed to co-ordinate training etc. A group of 4-6 volunteers was required. There were already a few people who had expressed interest.

11. FINANCE: 11.1. Income & Expenditure 11.1.1. INCOME: SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Barclays Bank Interest 9.67 Cornwall Council – Precept Payment: 2 nd Half-Year 2013/14 13,319.00 Total £ 13,328.67 Parish Loan Fund Repayments: St. Germans & District Twinning Association 50.00 (Loan £633.00 over 2 years – First repayment June 2013) FROMDownderry Village HallTHE & W.M.C. - (LoanPARISH £500.00 over 2 years – First repaymentWEBSITE July 2013) 41.60 SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 INCOME TOTALS £ 13,420.27

1967 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

11. FINANCE (continued): 11.1. Income & Expenditure (continued) 11.1.2. EXPENDITURE: SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 VAT £ Nett £ TOTAL £ Wallgate (Inv. 49609) Liquid Soap for Seaton Public Toilets 10.00 50.00 60.00 Cornwall Council - Clerk’s salary August 2013 0.00 1,233.23 1,233.23 PWS - (nv.77208) Cleaning Supplies for Public Toilets 22.55 112.72 135.27 PWS - (nv.78615) Cleaning Supplies for Public Toilets 33.34 166.67 200.01 British Gas - Downderry Toilets Electric Supply 2.10 42.04 44.14 Cornwall Council – Nut Tree Newsletter August 2013 (50% contribution) 0.00 114.45 114.45 Cornwall Council – Clerk’s Salary December 2012 1.00 1,199.91 1,200.91 Cornwall Council – Nut Tree Newsletter July 2011 (50% contribution) 0.00 114.45 114.45 Cornwall Council – Nut Tree Newsletter Feb 2013 (50% contribution) 0.00 114.45 114.45 Timothy Pullin – Clerk’s Mileage Expenses (May – Sept 2013 168 miles @ 60.1p) 0.00 100.97 100.97 Cornwall Council – Clerk’s Salary September 2013 0.00 1,233.23 1,233.23 St. Germans Group Parish – Parish Office Rent April – Sept. 2013 0.00 650.00 650.00 South West Water – Seaton Toilets (11 th July – 10 th Oct. 2013) 0.00 382.19 382.19 South West Water – Downderry Toilets (12 th July – 10 th Oct. 2013) 0.00 355.26 355.26 Downderry Methodist Church – Hire of Coastal Zone in 2013 0.00 286.00 286.00 Direct Debit Payments: None 0.00 0.00 0.00 Standing Order Payments: MR. J. BIRD – Sept. 2013 Cleansing Contract Payment (Downderry & Seaton) 0.00 421.00 421.00 MR. J. BIRD – Oct. 2013 Cleansing Contract Payment (Downderry & Seaton) 0.00 421.00 421.00 SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 EXPENDITURE TOTALS £ 68.99 6,997.57 7,066.56 Ratification of this expenditure was proposed from the Chair , seconded by Cllr. D. T. Parry and approved unanimously by the Meeting.

11.2. Bank Statements & bank account / interest management Date Account Balance £ 30 Oct 13 Barclays Community 1,000.00 30 Oct 13 Barclays Business Saver 34,512.54 Interest 3/6/13-1/9/13 = £7.45 21 Aug 13 Barclays Base Rate Reward 70,000.00 New Instant Access A/C at present paying 0.5% interest (based on Bank of England base rate) 6 Nov 13 Lloyds TSB Fixed Term 64,081.03 Matures on 12 th June 2014 Interest at 1.01% = Deposit £386.56

11.3. LETTERS OF THANKS None had been received.

11.4. REQUESTS FOR FUNDING 11.4.1. Turning Tide: Request for funding £165.00 towards expenses of the Downderry Lantern Procession Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey spoke for information, stating that the requested funds would benefit the Memory Cafe and up to 80 pupils from the local school. Cllr. Ratsey then left the meeting. The Clerk informed members that Turning Tide was asking for £10 for glue and candles, £75 for willow and £80 for specialist paper so that it could run a lantern making workshop for the memory café and the school. The Group would be funding the insurance £50, refreshments £100 and volunteer time”. The Group had run the lantern procession for a couple of years. Without the funding Turning Tide would have to charge the School and memory cafe for the materials, which they probably could not afford. The lanterns would be used for a procession and the Carol Service outside the Blue Plate restaurant on 15th December 2013”. The Turning Tide group had been constituted and had a bank account. Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe proposed that the Council provide funding up to £165.00 ; this was FROMseconded by Cllr. S.THE J. Parry and agreedPARISH unanimously by the Meeting.WEBSITE Cllr. Ratsey re-joined the meeting.

1968 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

11.5. SEATON PUBLIC TOILETS – Expenditure to Date The Clerk presented the following information: 2013/14 Grant received from Cornwall Council: £7,487.21 (Downderry toilets: £5,832.00) Expenditure: April - October 2013: Contract cleaning: £1,475.50 Business Rates (2013/14): £ 762.30 S.W. Water: £1,097.03 (£400.04 25/01-25/04 + £314.80 26/04-10/07 + £382.19 11/7-10/10) Cleaning materials: £ 602.29 Total: £3,937.12

11.6. ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID VAT £ Nett £ TOTAL £ PWS - (Inv.82022) Cleaning Supplies for Public Toilets 15.54 77.75 93.29 Mr. B. Lofts: 0.00 890.00 890.00 Production & installation of Notice Board for Broads Yard, Downderry Mr. B. Lofts: Replacement of Perspex panel to Notice Board outside St. 0.00 110.00 110.00 Nicolas Church, Downderry on two occasions Mr. Ben Lofts: 0.00 15.00 15.00 Replacement of lock and repair to Notice Board at Seaton bus shelter Mr. Ben Lofts: Renovation of public bench on Hill 0.00 65.00 65.00 Mr. Roy Davey: 190.00 950.00 1,140.00 Production & installation of Notice Board at Seaton Countryside Park Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal: 2 x chaplets 0.00 50.00 50.00 K. Johnson: PROW & Small Works Contract 2013 0.00 1,150.00 1,150.00 (as quotation of 10 th Feb. 2013) H. M. Brockbank Mileage Expenses: 61 miles @ 45p 0.00 27.45 27.45 (Community Flood Forum Meeting) Total: 205.54 3,307.75 3,513.29 It was proposed from the Chair; seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. C. Williams and RESOLVED by the Meeting to ratify the above expenditure.

11.7. FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence had been received.

11.8. FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE 11.8.1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 24th OCTOBER 2013 as a correct record It was proposed by Cllr. D. T. Parry; seconded by the Chair and AGREED by the Meeting to accept the minutes as a correct record. The Chair proposed that £200.00 (this being the amount recorded as rents received for the year ending 31 st March 3013), be added to the amount paid to Mr. John Bird for the 2013/14 Cleansing Contract. This proposal was not seconded.

11.8.2. To ratify the 2014/15 Precept recommendation of the F. & G. P. Committee. Cllr. Mrs. A. Thorpe proposed that the Council ratify the 2014/15 Precept recommendation of the F. &. G. P. Committee that the Precept request should be £23,915.00 ; was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Robinson. An amendment was proposed by the Vice-Chair that £200.00 be added to into the budget for grant funding for 2014/15 (but not as an increase to the Precept request); this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. C. Williams. A vote being taken, the amendment was carried as an addition to the original proposal, this becoming the substantial motion that was agreed unanimously by the Meeting.


1969 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

12. HIGHWAY MATTERS: 12.1. TRAFFIC & PARKING ISSUES: Downderry, Seaton & Hessenford 12.1.1. The Clerk stated that he had received complaints regarding the poor state of local roads. The Chair stated that the scheduled road surfacing work at Tregunnick Lane had been postponed until January 2014 because of the B3247 road closure. The Seaton Valley Road works would now take place in November & December 2013. Cllr. S. J. Parry stated that a lack of maintenance of drains and gullies had contributed to the present land slips on the road and that Cornwall Council Highways Dept. should be requested to ensure that these drains and gullies be cleared immediately. Cllr. Parry also reported a pothole on the A387. Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey reported cracks in the B3247 road at the “S” bend to the east end of Downderry.

12.2. PUBLIC TRANSPORT ISSUES 12.2.1. The Chair informed members that because of the current road closure of the B3247 the normal bus service would not be reaching Seaton. A taxi service for residents was being laid on. The Community bus would collect school children at Seaton.

13. CURRENT / ONGOING BUSINESS: - 13.1. PARISH PROJECTS 13.1.1. Rocknose Footpath: To approve revised construction engineering design as recommended by The John Grimes Partnership The Clerk informed members that Mr. Derek Elliott (Project manager) had requested that the Council endorse the revised construction design for this path. The use of gabion baskets to support the path edge had been replaced by thick timber edging, secured by metal ground anchors. It was thought that this method of construction would provide a more ascetically pleasing finish, would involve significantly less earth removal, and should work out cheaper than the original scheme. The Chair proposed that the Council endorse the recommended revised construction design for Rocknose Footpath; this was seconded by Cllr. S. J. Parry and agreed unanimously by the Meeting.

13.1.2. Tanver Yate: To consider possible alternative uses for this land The Clerk informed members that in addition to the provision of allotments the following ideas for alternative use have been received, further to a request made in the Nut Tree Newsletter :- 1) Wildlife Information and Activity Centre (unmanned) for Children and adults 2) Wild flower Meadow - Suitable habitat for butterflies and day months; opportunity to increase this type of habitat that has been much reduced nationally in recent years; low maintenance. Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey suggested that the field should be used in order to generate income for the Council. The Chair stated that he had organised a meeting with the Tanver Yate covenant holders for 10 am on Saturday 16 th November 2013. Various councillors expressed a wish to attend this meeting.

13.2. SEATON COUNTRYSIDE PARK 13.2.2. Distance Markers: Request for the Council to fund installation costs Cllr. S. J. Parry had provided final costings relating to the distance markers and the money the Parish would have to pay to complete the project:- 1) Installation – quote of £312.58 (Ben Lofts) 2) 7 Stainless steel Plaques x £38 each plus vat = £319.20 (inc vat) Donation by Richard Pugh = £200.00 Donation by Bond Timber: 7 Oak posts So costs would be £312.58 + £319.20 = £631.78 - £200 = £431.78 Total request for funding: £378.58 (Excluding VAT that the Council can claim back if it orders the goods)

FROMThe Chair proposed THE that the Council PARISH provide funding up to £378.58 WEBSITE + VAT ; this was seconded by Cllr. D.T. Parry and agreed unanimously by the Meeting.

1970 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

13.2.3. River Seaton – Update on management of the river Further to a recent site meeting with the Environment Agency the following points were made:- 1) E.A. officers would request a survey of a stretch of the River Seaton from below Hessenford Bridge. 2) Main flood problem area being Hessenford: Cornwall Council would clear under Hessenford Road Bridge and 2m either side. A tree was to be removed from the river at Hessenford. Copley Arms to dredge the stretch of silted river bed for which it was responsible. Cllr. M. C. Williams informed members that the E.A. had maintained that fallen trees in the river downstream of Hessenford did not require removal as flood water would simply flow over them.

13.3. Cornwall Community Flood Forum As Cllr. Ms. H. M. Brockbank was not in attendance it was decided to defer this item until the next meeting.

13.3.1. Request for the provision of sandbags – Hessenford Residents Association (Dug Parry, Chairman of Hessenford Residents Association - Letter dated 18 th October 2013) Cllr. D. T. Parry spoke for information stating that he would investigate the supply of sand bags with Cornwall Council and bring the item back for discussion at the January 2014 meeting.

13.4. Neighbourhood Plan The Chair stated that he was to arrange a meeting with the Neighbourhood Plan Officer in order to request that the Deviock Neighbourhood Plan be taken forward. Members requested sight of the draft plan. The Chair informed members that under the new Cornwall Local Plan a tax on new development was to be imposed at £50.00 per square metre. The Parishes would receive a percentage of this new income stream.

13.5. Affordable Housing The Clerk informed members that a pre-planning application regarding development at Treliddon Lane, Downderry, has been lodged with Cornwall Council by Mr. Alan Fox of the C.C.L.T.

Cllr. R. J. Daniel left the meeting at 21.30 hrs

The Chair proposed a time extension of the meeting until 22.00 hrs ; this was seconded by the Vice-Chair and agreed unanimously by the Meeting.

13.6. Parish Clerk job appraisal and Contract of Employment To consider the formation of a Staff Employment Committee The Clerk presented a draft remit of this committee to members. The work of this committee would be to consider and make recommendations to Council on:- 1) Any necessary changes to the Clerk’s contract of employment in line with N.A.L.C. best practice 2) Method and implementation of annual appraisal of the Clerk 3) The Committee would also conduct the annual appraisal of the Clerk 4) The Committee would consist of: The Chair, Vice-Chair & one other councillor) After discussion regarding the appropriateness of having the appraisal interview carried out by committee, the Chair proposed adoption of the committee with Cllr. Mrs. M. C. Williams as the nominated committee councillor; this was seconded by the Vice-Chair and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. FROM THE PARISH WEBSITE

1971 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

13.7. Parish Notice boards: To consider a request from the Downderry & Seaton Village Hall and W.M.C. that the existing parish notice board, on the wall of the hall, be taken over by that body The Chair declared a non-disclosable interest (his wife being on the Downderry & Seaton Village Hall and W.M.C. Committee) and left the meeting. The Vice-Chair took over chairmanship of the meeting.

Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey proposed that the Downderry & Seaton Village Hall And W.M.C. be gifted the notice board and that the Parish Council have no further responsibility for it; this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. M. C. Williams and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. The Chair re-joined the meeting

13.8. Sale of Graveyard Extension Strip Land at Hessenford – Update The Clerk informed members that the sale of this land was currently on hold because of failure to reach agreement on the terms of the “possible buy back after 25 years” clause. The Council’s solicitor had advised that the wording of the original clause would be unenforceable and had suggested that a particular section of the land should be identified for repurchase purposes at a fixed price laid down by a recognised surveyor (if the price not agreed amicably by both parties). Mr. Derek Elliott who had been involved with negotiations regarding the sale for the Council had offered to meet with the Davey family to discuss a way forward. The Chair stated that he had recently visited the Davey family and had negotiated revised terms for the “buy back” clause. The Chair proposed that the clause should state the land for re- purchase would be the area of land currently owned by the Parish Council or part thereof. The price for resale would be the agricultural value plus 15% and the cost of fencing the land. The sale should proceed on this basis. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. A. Ratsey and agreed unanimously by the Meeting. The Chair also stated that the Davey Family had agreed that if the Parish Council wished to buy back part of the land in question at any time this could done, subject to mutual agreement.

13.9. To suggest a possible speaker for the 2014 Annual Parish Meeting The Clerk requested suggestions for a suitable speaker so that one could be booked for 1 st May 2014. After discussion it was suggested that a piece be put in the Nut Tree Newsletter requesting suggestions for a speaker.

14. REPORT BY CORNWALL COUNCILLOR :- The Chair stated that did not wish to make a report as he had already covered all necessary information when dealing with other items on the agenda.

15. NEW BUSINESS :- 15.1. CORNWALL COUNCIL / NALC / CALC, ETC DOCUMENTS The following consultations were noted by members:- 15.1.1. Cornwall Council: Community Network Review Extension to Consultation period to 20 th Nov 2013 15.1.2. Cornwall Council: Planning Consultations: a) Renewable Energy Landscape Supplementary Planning Document b) Mineral Safeguarding Development Plan, Scoping c) Allocations Development Plan Document, Scoping Deadline for comments 20 th Dec 2013

FROM15.2. NEWSLETTERS THE / REPORTS PARISH / BROCHURES, ETC: WEBSITE Countryside Voice – Winter 2013 Magazine was available for members.

1972 14/11/13

ORDINARY MEETING OF 14 th November 2013 (Continued)

15.3. TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF A SAFEGUARDING POLICY STATEMENT AS PART OF THE DEVIOCK PARISH COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS The Clerk had previously circulated a draft policy statement for consideration. Cllr. D. T. Parry proposed that the draft policy be adopted as the Deviock Parish Council Safeguarding Policy Statement; this was seconded by the Vice-Chair and agreed unanimously by the Meeting.

15.4. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY DATE OF MEETING No correspondence had been received.



There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 21.55 hrs