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M.V, SIDDALINGAMURTHY Deputy Director of Public Instructicn /ANUARY 1983 Tumkur Distr'ct TUMKUR.

JBoiaasaijasisaSBjassii jgi®[sg[ ja jgjgilggja jSB® B13 {3 0 as SB i3 ©

Haaonal £auc«oon»l planntr^- “ ; H7jR‘S I j L . p&.t^:p^g:S--.---' N IE P A D C

D04193 -a- % & S. I A £ I

During the last ^6 years of post Independence periods Biafcrict of Tuiakux hafi made oominendable progiasa in the field of Education*

^he eatabliahment of a aumber of educational institutions of various typea at all levela all over the distric has brought all children, urban and rural, into ita fold, A grea' awakening has been created among"the mafisefi with consistent efforts*

PRa PRIMABT jSDUCilPlDIf D There has been a conaidejCable expansion in the field of Pre-Primary Education in the district as a result of the ef;fo putforth by th£ various agencies besides the Department of Bdu- cation*

Beside* State Department of Sducation, agencies like the local bodies, the department of Social Welfare, Women*s Welfi oto«, have staxted Nursery SohooLs, or Balawadies in the districts Tte expanaloa during y«ar 1982-e3 i« DOkeHoitlv. m u ae«<] *.o m m lai iapi«M «uu«r m u at qusntitr u le.

gpguLsoRr m m m nmQ^iriQN

The programmes of O .P .B ,, to cover all children upto 10 years in the district were veiy encouraging all these years, t more so during the year 1982-83* Tlie percentage of enrolment enuu rated during the year 198^83 was 95%* Incentives like attendance scholarships, supply of free books, uniforms and midday meals foi schedule caste and scheduled tribea and other backward classes h^ been supplied#

Wide publicity has betn given to tlu, a*P *B ., prograraraa through the press, seminars and conferences at Taluka and Dig trie levele, publicetion of poster* and pamphlets etc., Special endea­ vours were mgde in rural areas*

TiKEH TC JMPmW QUALin IN Secondary School Headffietejc*s -Association is functionin effionently® It is providing leaderslaip for severgl pxogiemmGs of academic value tlirough conference-, Eominais workshops etc*, The

.••2) - £ - • • • 2« These axe arranged foi impio-vetnenti of teachers in particular and eaucatlon in general*

Ten taluks level Oteacher^s Associations axe formed for the suGGOssful implementation of all the programmee evolved at the District Asepciation level. There are efforts to keep all the teachers with the latest developments by organising seminarsi orientation couraee etc*^ Teachers are prepared to meet the ari- eins neBdss

Academic pxogxammea are pushed at two levels* ^t the Taluks levQl general orientation was given to subject' teachers in tfh6ir reapeotive aubdects as per the new enriched eyllabus. The Junior Colleges situated at the taluks ht^adquartere have conducte this programmeg taking full advantage of the resource persons identified* At the district level, the subject inspectors and thie educational officers have conducted seminars, work ship and orien tation progremmee for the benefit off the under qualified in the tQaohlng of Basli£li|Hla^iiKannsdE,Sci6nc6,Math6matiofi end Social Sfeud^a* The Superintendent of Physical Bducation has conducted an orientation pEogramrae In Physical Bducation for the benefit c all the Secondary School physical education teachers* it the taluka level in each taluk 5 to 10 programmes are Qonduoteed and ibutx at the district level 15 programmes are conduc for the year*

Thanks to tht department of Education for the generous auj of audio visual aida to offices and institutione for their effect funotioninjs*

Ctommunication gap is a big Imrdle every where* The gap in thia district i« narrowed down by taking to the following.

1*Two das^a training programme for private high school Qlerks in 3 batches* 2*Two da^^s training programme for Govt*High School clerks in one bat oil* 3*I*wo to Qi 4.Qonfer«ncee of the eeoretariea of the 124 primary eohool Assosiationfi* 5*Monthl^ ^iuamfifilon with the Aggt*jSdu*^fficers for 2 full dayc on all problems and is sues. 6*QuartejEly meeting with the S*S*0^., ' 3 .- ► • • 3* • • 7*Qu?rterly meetings wifch*the secondsry school Hegdmafiters taluks wise, 8,Half yearly meetings with the Secretaries of management • ^ a Conference fi of Principals and Headmasters tMice during the year* -All these have resulted in the efforts for the following, aMmprovements in eohool atmosphere, b;uiientation to Piimary and Secondary School teachers, c)Strengthening of school library,Reading Hoom, Laboiatoxiesi

10,Preparation and exhibition of teaching aids. 11,0onferenoee pertaining to preparation aid use of teeahing aids* 12.0oll6ofeion and contribution through S.B.Os*, 13»Bxhibltion of colicctiong and contribution and SBCsi confer enoes*

PROGRaAIMB. a)Each school to have its Health programme b)Pending for the needy o)Oo-.operative societies to supply reading and writing materials at cheaper rates,^ j, d)InQentives and scholar ships e)Proper use of the SWF and TWF funds for etudents- teachers welfare, f)Plantation and beautification of institutions, g)issistance to the effective functioning of Adult fiducation, h)Iaplem,entiation of uuiveraelisation of Elementary Bduoation, The Ck>vGrnment Teaohers Treining Institute,Tumkur hag been h&lpiug the Department of ^tate Educational Heeearoh and Trainiiig in the following,

1,Sbllow up of Science improvement programme commenoed in 19 7 1 , 2 ,Survey work for Primary Education curiculum revision oomtacnoed in 1977,

. . . 4 ) , 4- " • ♦ * • • t 3*SuxvQy work for Dopartmental sctiviti.CE in oomtEUiiitiy # .education and participation oooiniencGd in 1977* 4^The ungrciCE eye tern# 3, 0-ARB prcgi'arames started ia 1979*

, Government training institute is curiously waiting to hf^lp D .S .E .R .T . in the following,. io Ohildrens * med ica-lanor a tory• Incorporation of Population concept at Primary uuxriculum stage. ‘J?he weolcly publication coming out, from the Office of t Deputy Birector of Public % £ true tion, provides the following to Primary and Seoondary institutione • 1*Lat6gt Qoncepte on matters of education 2*Programmea to improve profefcsional competenoy in teachers# 3*Iafoxmations on Sahitya,Science and sports activities. With a view to be in close touch with the above progtaa the Deputy Diieator*s office has been planning for direct auper- vifiion over the 10 proaeot echoola and aleo planning loi \aouthly review of the us© of the acienc® kite supplied to 107 schools in the district at the monthly meeting. Oommunity centre school at Belagumba is one of the aboi 10 project schools* There is planning for direct supervision over the 5 expezImental schools* The Shiksliak Bhavan at tht Bist.Heedquartere is theoe;a for the district level progiammc. Shikahak Bhavan is under oons«. truotion in each taluk headquarters. shikshak Bhavan is completed. Madhugiri and Tiptur Shikshak Bhavans are under rapid progiess. ^t present the taluks level programmes arc conducted i the Junior oollegee located at the Taluk Headquarters in the tal not having shikshak Bhavan. In this prouchure, an attempt is made to give a clear pictiire of the progress made by the department through facts and flguies* The objective is to have a clear foundation for future planning. In conculusioa, 1 expiess my thanks to the office etsf and the officers who provided the facts and figures and worked h in biinging out fhisBrouchuxe well in tlm«.

M* V. SlDDiLlNGii MURTHY Deputy Director of Public Ins­ truction, Tumkur Dt * Tumkur. I b THB DBVBLgPMBNTfl IN ALL i^SPBGJS OF SIUCiTIQN IN TUMKUR DISTRIGO?^

PHYSIOAL ^SPBOTi Tber^ has been iGa,sonable piovision fox constluo- tion of School build I’'.: a. During 78-791 79-80,80-81,81-82 and

82-83 thcic logs been r , , allotmont for construction of 113 roonie, 17^ roongj 126 rooms, 213 rooms and 42 roome rcepcctively* The total goes *0 668 rooms, There has been significant coverage in the worko .. " ^11 the rooms are completedi there will be a big benefit c::! ‘:68 rooms for the use of school work. Block Developmeni officeiL cm" Lhc conccrn are requested to attend to the pending work seriously,

The allotment; towards repairs of school buildings for 8V82 is fis#2,10,000/-^ and for 82-83 is is Rs,5,13,000/-, Here the coverage of work is auite significant, There is pendency aleo< The Block ^development Officers are requested to complete thjbs wort immediately.

With upgrading of 2 additional Gk)vt,High Schools and 6 Private High Schools, the total composite Jr.Oolleges are 30* The total independent colleges is 8,

With the aevily started 7 (aoveinment High Schools and ' private High Sohoole, the total goog to 217 secondary achoola.

With the newly started 3 Un aided Private Primary Sahoolfi, the total pr&vato schools sro iiided Unaided Total 14 16 30 Tlic total Nursery Schools are Aided Unaided Total 14 23 37 There ia land attached to several institutions in the district, 399 institutions have nearly 1800 acres of land, Tliere haa been efforts for proper use of the land during this year and in the coming years# iibout 30 pumpsete liave been installe In .30 institutions hnve adequate land for cultivation. Unfortunate most of these pump sets are under repair. The Block Development Officeis are requested to make arrangements to repairs all these pumpsets and make them available to the institutions in good condl tions so that cultivation work can be renewed. The schoolg having pUiiap eets with tita£ land attached aie as foilowss —

. . . 2 ) • 0 2.4 •

Nam© of the inetitu- Name of the iri£titu- SNo* fcion. tlon«

I>Pavagada taluk l l #Kuiy£gjLJ.alJii^ Land atta 1«HPS,Palevglli Lan^ ohed-. attaojaed 11. HPS, i mx ut hur -do- 2*HPS,Thirumeni -do- III^Kor ataReie taluk 3«HPS,Pathaganahalli -do- 1 2 .Jetty igjcahara -do- 4, HPS,Ponnasatnudr a , -dp- 13,Thovinakere -dor 5.HPS, B;yadanur 14, M anu V in akur -do-ike (Daealakuate) I ^•HPS,Gangssagara r^or 15,!Thogar ighatta -dO;- 7.HPS,Kr iahnagiri -dOr 16. -do- 8*BPS, -do- 17#Tluiniijadi -do- 9#LPS,K0nohaganahalli .-<3o- IB.Doddaeagger e r ^ o r 10*HPS, Araaikeze -do­ 19 .la 11 aka V -do- aO,Thee tha -do-*

XV>Madhu^lri taluk> 21*HPS,Dandinaditba -do- 22*Xi^fi,!rhigalaiahalli -do- 23*HPS,£oaalapuxa -Tio- 2J>*-.Hpa,Hoaalcere -ao- 25iHP^iSr avandanahalli -do- 26iHPa,Ka8apuxa -do-

IXiiing 8Q^1|§1<«62 and a projeot hac been launohe(j for the beaut if ioalion of the inetitutiona paitioularly with plac o^ productive valu«« Qooonut trees end Nilgirli have oooie up in t number, fitatictioa have been qolleoted aa logarde the plantation oooonut trees# i^s on J0-»9-§2 primary inatitutione have planted 7925 trees and aeoondary eohools have planted 2|000.The t,arget fixed was 10,000 and 2|000 reapeotively* By the end of 82^83 ilf i S^'^^'^d the target fixed will be achieved#

IXiring the year 83-83 equipments heve been provided to «j4e2infititutions. Primary Sohoole are provided with equipmente worth Rs»35fOOO and fre Primary Schoole are provided with equipmen wAtth Rs,30,ODO#

The newly stsrted Ck>vt*Junior OoXlsgee at Medigeghi and NodQ^iAakerG herv© been-preiftded ^equipment worth Rs»25»000 eac There are 7 newly stnrted school during 83^-83.Each school is pro'y ded equipment worth Ss.8W )/-

««# *5) -7 - • • • • With all these, proviisions ooapsred to the requiiements is iaaignifioant♦ Ualess eaoh pxiniai^y Echool eecuxes benefits through its comciittee and each seoondaiy school secures, benefits froni the welfare comniittee and menegeinent, it is impo­ ssible to find adequate equipment in schools* Bgch should has it own plan(Institutions plan) to securc all the required equipment identifying all possible recources locally^

The Departmental Books 860 copies of Sarvagna Sangrahap 2.^) copies of Teoomayakuran, 56 copies of Skanda Purana( pert I II,III and IV each contains 36) 60 copies of Mahabharatha Dersha (Samputa,21,22,23*24- and 25) 100 copics of Hard times, 650 cop;lG of Makkala Malike, 82 copies of Act Babb ins. 24 copies of Huli- Samrada* 6 copies of Swathantra Sangrama Skruthigalu (part I , H III each contains 6 copies) 6 copies of Basavasostrakruthigalu, 472 copies of Yesuvina Neethikathegelu, 24 copies of queens and Loversi 40 copiee of Nigra Vignnnli 100 copies of Pano^yavax Krithigalu (Pa£t I ,n each contains 100 oopiea) 30 copies of Bas Mahakavi, 29 oopi«a of Kavikathamrutha, 490 oopits of Nimuia Hrud Matihu Neevu, 32 oopiee of Shanthaladevi (part I,II each contains 174 copies of Adunika Bharatha Hirmapakaru, 22 copiee of inglaxa iru Kixu Natakagalu, 250 copies of Kannada Dictionery (Part IV) 9728 oopiea of Kannrda Nadu Kann-^digara Parampaxe (eig eeriea) supplied by the Director of Kannada and Oultuxal Depaxtra , Aest.Director of Public Instruction Text Book Committ Bangalore respectively distributed among the iset•iidu.Officers a Heads of High Schools in this district.

The Qapartmental equipmentsi 1.Models of vegetables (12 in box 2*Modelfi of Fults 12 in bojE, 3»Models of Animals 12 in box, 12 bo 4*Modele of Animals 12 in box, 12 box# 5*Mod6ls of Birds (12 bo3« b^Rubber plgy ball 12 doz 7#Modcls of Birds 12 box 7*Pu2zel cubs 6il2 cubes in a box) 12 box* S.Kanneda pictorial alphabet chert 12 nos. 9.Khenjeras small sixe 12 dozens 10*Story charts 60 Nos# 11.Rocking hor£e~l2Nos 12*Nutiition charts 4 charts 12 sets 13.First Aid Box 12 nos 14*Roll up Board 12 Nos 15,Counting a tan arched rods 100 coloured beeds*

• . . . 4 ) - 8 - • « • • • TheiG is no addition in Teaohexs Training Institutes, Primary or Nursery and G,P.Jid., as on 31-3-82 there are;

Teachers Training inetituto: •• 6 Nursery Institutes* *. 2 O.P.iid*, Institute. •• 1*


Ij^ all the ten taluks, the 2731 eohola are alloted to the 109 P«H*Ua and P.H.Oe.ifiaah centre is requested for the inspeo of school ohildron to identify the common ailments and to identif special sick: oases and help them in the maintenance of their heal fiachf> school is also advised to maintain first aid kit for purpos of treatment of children in minor oasee.

The District Medical Officer, Tumkur and Chief Medical Inspector at Bangalore are requested to provide leadership in the same*

Nutrition? 1,26,700 Primary 8chuol going and out of school going kida are supplied with Midday meal on healthy lines to facilitate supply of nutritious food at cheaper ratee, 4 Central Kitchen and 6 Mini Kitchens are functioning.

Incentive a qnd agholar ships > Ohildien coming under various category are given financial assistance with a view to improve regular attendance and educational standards# Children of Political suffers scholar- ahjipa, Karnataka Govt. Scholar ship for merit, special scholar ship for the children of Government Servant died wMle in servico, poverty cum progress scholarship, concession to dependents of service personnel and National Rural Scholarship for the secondai stage talented childrens are provided Rs*100, Rs.6?5jRs*800,Rs. 16000 and 8s*52,150 respectively.

- Total provision goes to Rs,(^725

Sanction made out of the students welfare lund for Qsaureions, Cash prizes for social end Cultural i^ctivities, and

worth Rs. 12,440, Rs* 3980 respectively have been utilised*

.. .3 ) -9 - • ••••

ThGXG are 22450 3*0* and S. T* air Is in the District, 2230 Girls are given attendance scholerehip at Rs.50/-. per stu^de Block I^velopment Officers have been requested to help the re­ maining students#

With a view tc aupply reading and writing materials at cheaper rates, 6O5 Pry.Schools out of 742 Higher Primary Schools have established ro^-.onerefiive societies.

With a view to supply jfree text books to children fis#95000 was provided to about 15000 students derived the benefl The remaining students to be given the benefits,Block Developme officers have been requested for help*

Therefore are efforts to beautify the school buildings, School garden and plants and trees of productive and educetiona

m M Q Y & m m i b AOAimm mMPA&m

The present 10f3f3 system Is given due attention lookin into the following. 1 «BlQh content in each language,each humanities aubjeote, each Science subject and malhematioe* 2«BeAld68 oontent, from the view point of ensuing all aided development of children several oocurricular activities are advocated* requirements of the cumulative Record book are being attended# ^.Literacy, cultural and Morel instruct ion progrommec are put to practice* 5.The ooncepta like, health and Physical Education Moral and spiritual Bducationi Notional and emotional inte^ gration, population concept, attitude towards wild l if e , animals and birda, attiitude towards forest wealth plants and treesi citizenship and Denooracy, community and aocial service and alao work experience are taken or 6*General Education with health and physical education programme, community service and work experjence activit are given suitable treatment* 7«Deviation In studies at the 4*2 level in the science is give due attention*

To improve student learning* librasy work, sup^rviet^d study, discussion classes, workshop, seminar etc., ace encdiuxage

Oompetition at various levels axe planned to make student^ work with the spirit of competition. The seven items taken for competitions are

• . . 6 ) -ID- • • • « • I.SGhool magazine 2#Drama 3*Lit6JCgoy activities Bssay in English,Sasay in Kannada,Elocution in Kenneda,Elocution in iihglish.5 ,Singing of Fational -^nthcmn e.Reoitation and 7*Musi-

Each taluka was gi^'on Rse310-00 for holding the corngeti- tions. For th£ entire district the provision was Rs*3lpO oonipeti- tion were conducted tb" dip trie t level also Rs*60O/— was prov: f 01 ifhe d is tr ic t levs i r; or t It lon« Inc lud ing t he pr ov is ion fo r the (ilstrict level coniputlrIod^ total provision was Rs.3760~00* The entire amount was proviccja -ut of the state level students m lt u L C fund*

TEl^GbEliS and m P R Q V m m T Q IN m S IR PROEBaSlONAJD QOMlPiiiMOI:

When the Bietiiot level Recruitment Ctomraittee was functioning there were raany vacancies. -A^ter tlie abilition of t3 B.Ii#R«0« and on geouring certain deviations in the mode of reori ment of teaahersi speedy action waa taken to recruit 365 generg] teacher at 53 Urdu teaohere, 31 Nursery teacher8f 5 Music teachei 7 Hindi teaohere and 104 Physical education teaohtere. The totaJ recruitment goea to 565, IXiring 83*-83j 526 Kannada teaohere, 36 Urdu teachfiis> 10 Nursery teacher a have been appointed from Employment Exohange lis t, Total goea to 572.

The total poBta in the district are 7117* The peone appointed to Secondary Sohoolg are 88, mACEliRS WSLFiRBt

The N *S*S, R#D* and O.T^D, i^coounts opened are to tlie tune of Rs. 24 ,0 0 ,0 0 0

There are efforts to make ttje triple benefits a auooess* The T*B*S, has btoa intoriitiioed in all the schools excep the newly started* Soon it will be introduced in the newly etarti also. Medical assistance is being given to the teachaa.The aaaietance given during 81-82 was to the tune of Rs*60,322-47 and S2--83 is Rs,5 5 |0 0 0 ,

To keep the teachers abreast with tlie oharges in trends and developmenbS in educgtion several orientialtion programmea weri taken organising teach^ra suitebly,

•«••7} t i -

There 124 teachers assooiatione at the Primary level# 60 teachers associations at the seoondary levels* Programcies takei^ by thetn were*

I.Orientation to new syllabus 2*Special features of the syllabus 3*Pi^Qparation of teaching aids and learningmateriala ^.Exhibition of teaching aids and learning materials ^•Oolleotions and contribution for the developinent physical aspects. G.fixhibition of collections and contribution through and S.B.G.s 7*0onferencea of !Deaali«r issooiationa and School Betterment cotnmitteea* 8 . The new concept a in the syllabus* 9 ,The apirit behind the rational system of l04-3f3


I.Oonferencea of Headmaetera and Prinoipala • a 3 2«0onferGncefi of Seoretaiiea of !FeaQhere Aaaooiatlona • • 5 3*0onfeienaea of Inapeotor of Schoola • • 3 ^.Oonfarenoe of the Seoretariea of Ptlvat® ♦ Management • • a 5«0rlentation to Phyeioal Sdu.teachera * • 3 Or lent at ion In the 3 Sub Bivieton H*Qa for the under qualified in languagea* • • 5 7*0Eientation in the 5 Sub Division H*^ia for the under qualified In finglieh •« 5 8*0rientation in the 3 sub Division H*Qs for the under qualified in Geography • • 3 9»0tlentation aoursea in Physlqal Iddenoa an ! is biologlaal aoienoe for the under qualified : teacher In those subjecta* 1 • • f • 8MTB BJUOATIONAL RBSSAROH AMD TRAlNIHGi BAMGALCRBt

The Department of state Bdupetional Hesearoh and Training waa formed in the year 1975-76 by uniting the academic wings of the Department of Public Instruotion.The objectives of this new Depertment ic to improve the quality of eobool education in all its aspects*

. . . 8 ) - 1 ^ -

• • • 8 • • •

The following aoademic wings are working under the control of this Department*

I.State Institute of Education 2.State Institute of Science 3oEducational Vocational Guidance Bureau 4.State S^VEluation Unit* 5*Bducat ional Te ohroi.ogy 0511, 6,iiudio ViEu^’l 1 .ii oj:t;lon 7 * To a aha r Il^ncatxor. Section, 8 , ‘l’ext-Book Wing* Theee academic unite w ill organise Oreientation couxeefi, workshops, seminarS| exhibitiona eto*, on various subjects require for the qualitative improvements.

Besides the above, the Department has been vested with the responsibility of administering the teacher training institutions both at Primary and Secondary levels.

^hc different typea of teacher training Institutions arei- 1.Fre PrimaxyTeaoher Training Institutions. 2«Primary Teacher Training Inet itutione* 3.B«£d», Oollogefi with extension service centrea* 4.H in d i Shakahakafi 3w3ngliah language Teaching centres e.Tea^oher Oeutrea 7.PEe^vooational Teaohing ccntrea, 8*0orreapondenoe oum vocation course centres, 9.Inservioe Training centres, 10*0riontation training centres, 11.Special institutions-Drama and D^nce teacher training institutions.


Pre Primary Sducation is quite essential now a days* It iBlps to reduce wastage and aiiagnation at Primary level. If the child aompletes its Pre Primary Sducation, then t i will have an enthusiastic zeal to continue its study in primary standards with out any dropout* Pre Primary Schools also n^-td trained teaohers in Pre-Primary education* Hence, Pre Primary teacher training

♦••*9) a -

• •*9•• • institutions ai6 quite essentials to fulfill the demands of trained teachers in pre primary education. The Pic Prliiary teaaher training course is one year course* There are 31 Pro Primary teacher training ,institutione in tbc (>tafce out of which 5 Government and 26 are private# The total enrolment in these institutions is 1,^78 Girls# The minimum qualxfiaat lor: for aximission is SSLO pass (For details Tables t dr?d 7)


Teacher Training Certificate Higher course is of two years course# The minimum qualification for admiseion to this course la SSLC pass# There are 92 teacher training inetitutiona out of whict 34 are Government and 58 are private. Ojat of these, 22 Women teaohc training institutions and others are co-educatilonal* Apart from this one Dance and One drama teacher training institutions are at Bangalore called as Special Institutions. The total enrolment in teacher training institutions are 16,210 of which 6,978 are Boys s 9|232 are Girls (For details table Nos# 6 to 12)

^#B#Sd». Qolleges;

There are 4? B#iiid#t oollegea in the state. Out of them, 6 are Government and 40 aie private# One Regional Ooll6ge,Mysur© and University College, Dharwar# There are two Women oollegea minimum qualification for admisfiion is a Degree of a recognised university# The duration of the oourge is one year# Total ©nrolmei i-a 5|093 out of which 2,600 ©re boys and 2,493 axe Qirle during 1980 (For details Table Noa#13 to 13).


onier^ *re 5 Hindi Shtjcfhak Training Inf. dilutions at Bagalkote,Raiohujr aad # The is to improve the Hindi teaching# The duration of this course is one year# There are two categories of students admitted, one is private and other is depu candidates; Tlie minimum qualification for this is SSLO#The feotsl jgifererigth aji the oouEee is 157 (9 5 boys and 64 Girls).Out of them, private candidatefi are 14-^.and the deputed candidates are 12 (Table Na*l9),

.• .1 0 ) -14- • • • '10 • •« :S.BNG11SH LANGUlGB TEACiHING QBHTREgt Tiifirs ai6 6 Btiglish. Teaching 06ni;)!ng in the of

them 4 are {>rimary at B a n g a l o r e , Myeore, A^er, '-i.^oerga and

2 are Second? ry at Mysore and Dharwado Tbt': a p. u courr-o of 40 c duration# The teachers of Primary and HigU bn;;ooT.'= will be deput to this course.

The object of this coxxrse 1« to i'^je u]/. English language teaching in Primary r,nd .SGOcnQ^r;/ S^jhocii^ '-} e Teacher £ will be trained in batches# Thf; tofcal number of teachers trainee during the year 1979-80 is 2 , 6':3 out of which 2,090 are men and 558 are womenCTable No*23)*

e^TEAaHBRo c m ^ m G i Two teacher centjcee ai^ working in the 3tatie«0aa at Vidyanagar in Bangalore and another at Dhaiwa<3. Ineervic© train is being impartea to Primary School teacheis for improvement oi teaching (Science,MathematioaiKannadatSocial Studiefi «tc.) The courses are conducted with a duration oX 15 daya batohwis^ by deput iQ«^ tlM Pjclttacy $ c ^ o l

60 Ba^ohea of tr«iQi¥ii;i wllh t of 2,6^5 tiaqhti (2,090) men and J56 Womta) Uea trained

Tbsy are alao d^'velopi^S ipetructional mateiiala with reepeot of aoxmal education, workt-experi^nce «tQt(l}8ble H o ,24)


The pre vocational training oentrefi were formerly d^aii nated as Youth Vooatlonal training ctntrea t?y thB Minittsy of Social Walfare, Governiftent of . under the financial aeslet of UNIcaSF during tlse year 1963-64. Sarliar,only 4 Centres were started at Anekal,Kota,Malavalli and Oha Hake re end subsequent three more oentrea at Aliftattl,Koppal and Haaaabhavl wars elart

Thia is a course of J years duration with an intake capacity of 30 qandldates per Btandazd equal to V,VI and VII a tandjar ds ot. goner al syeirTO iduoat ion«

These centres were etat ted with a view to give an eduQi tional as well as Job Skilla to tlie socially^ educationally ai eooiiomically backward children with 100% Central esei^ance f the funds of UNXGEF till the end of III Five year plan*ifterw . . • 1 1 -'1 5 '^ • • • • 'li* <»« ifteiwarda, tlie£e wera brought unc*5r the control of State GkDvexmaeut• No fees of any kxn,'^ w.vs.l be no.llectso, by thf3 ,ctud6n ana stipend of Rs*lO/- per meniih - r ^=11 vi will be paid to the studenta*

The qualification for admission I,” Ir -t."# Etandaxd foi! the first year of VYTG subjects prGscrl’x. 1 gc-ic^rgl subje of V,VI and VIII standards of general pXuc t.hc study of craft subjects like f it;t Ing, blaokraithy, lu'.. ■■■ 'Turning Carpentry with suf.ficlf^nt knowledf^e ti l:r..c-.Cj-7 v^Gll as pi5»otia6l eapecta# it the GP-d of III year, state level oomaion examination will be ccnducii^d* 'JJae passed students aie eligible to Join VJII standaxd Q Hifi'h arhool or Junior Tealinioal sohoolfi oi talce up jobs in faol cr. on self employtaent*

ThB teaching staff of V^JTC consist a of Graduate in Genex auujbaus and craft teaoheaa with H ’l iPeoimtoal oeitifioatea#

The total strength during the year 1980-81 la 318 (Iabl€ No*21 and 22)


The Qorraapondanoa oum vaoation coUjcaeCTOH) psogxatam® for untiained inaeivice ^rimaxy School teaohexa ie being i m 1 21 Oentxefi in the St«te» !Che aiiaium of inetxuetion axe K«t:iua<3ft anglieh,Uxau aod Maxati, Duxing the yeax 198(>B1 1,633 untxal teaahexa axe tmdergolng OOVO (TCH) txaining I and I I year ^(M Qlasaea* ,

9>mgSRVICB m A W W Q QBNgRgai

. ?hexe ire 16 idaervlo^ tcalnlog eeatxea •ttaohed to Gd teaoher training iaatltutlone ia the atate la all district exQ in luaexvice m )m gi'ven txaialng for ot 12 in cif ^ tai eaoh on tb« new fCit a;flliilm« reiaxillaf; melho^oloi^ ^u 4

10,,0RT.iy?i\.TJ.QN 0?R.A]TT]1TG GBNTB-gG?

ThGrc ere tpo 0^:if^ntation tr^jii.tag centxee at IXdc!“ib3llapu.r qnd I)-:'1.K. T® Bsp.p-Iois. The training will be iun-nitjcd to L'h:, Ptih.fiT^ Sch.ol jhere on soionoe and Biology iu’fol'viag \v:i'^i.2z j.c-;--1 .U-;{-o:is plansf pxaotical aspects and ir.or.ryiaept?lor of at D*S#.B*R.T« Centre and on gener eubjr.nt .jnc]dc?'oalispur ♦ The duration of the training is JO da at present. The training will be conducted in batches* IXu: ing th year 1980-81, 228 teachers at D,S*B*R,T, and 277 teachers at Doddaballapur have been trained (Table No.^2) - I l - INDEX

SL.NO. Particulara I"age NO,

1 Preface 1 to 4 2 The Development in all aspects of Education, 5 to 11 3 Brief Review -Statistical Brochure - 81-8 2 of D .S .E .R ^T . 12 to 16 4 INDEX 17 to 18 5 District Map 19 6 Staff of the Office of the D.D.P.X 20 7 Staff of the A, E.O's Office 21 8 List of Degree Colleges, Professional Colleges and Technical Institutions, 22 9 Abstract of Adult Education Centre 23 10 List of Junior Colleges and High Schools 24 to 30 11 Abstract of Pre-Primary and Primary Skjhoolg, if iC -u U . ^ 12 Sanction of Nursery, Primary, and Secondary Schools during the year 1962-19&3 and upgraded of schoola* 33 ‘to 3 13 Schools and Offices Inspected during the year 198 2-198 3 14 School Buildings -Primary Education 40 - 41 15 School Buildings iHigh Schools and Junior Colleges . 16 Class Booms constructed during 198 2*-198 3 ^3 17 Additional Gl*as Rooms required LPS/HPS and High Schools 18 Development Programme 45 to 47 19 Arrangements for Health checkup , 48 to 50

20 Feeding Midday Meals 51 21 Co-operative So cities for supply of reading and writing materials at cheaper rates and Book Bank particularg. . 52 22 Incentive to improve attendance s--, a)^irls Attendance Scholarships. 53 & 5-4 h)Distribut ion of Text Books for SC^^ST 55 & 56 23 Plantation 57 24 Small Saving Achievement 58 59 25 Result in Vllgtd Examination. 60 to 63

Cent d, *. 2) -14 -! c _

- 2-

SL.NO* Particulars Page No..

26 Pre-Primary Schools and Teaching staff and Pupils. _ 64 27 SC/ST Teachers and Pupils in Pre-Primary schools. 64 (a) 28 Single Teacher Schools. 65 29 Primary and Higher Primary Schools 65 (a) 30 No.of High Schools and Junior Colleges 66 (i.*) 31 SC/ST pupils and Teachers in Pre-Primary schools. 66 (a) 32 Enrolment of pupils of Primary Schools (standard wise) 67 to 70 33 Enrolment of pupils in High Schools and Junior Colleges (Standard wise) 71 and 72 34 Enrolment standard wise and Medium wise in Primary and High Schools. 73 to 77 35 Enrolment of Pupils in different Graft Subject in High Schools. 78 36 Pre,Primary Teaching Staff and Schoola 78 (a) 37 ^Peaching Staff In Primary , Higher T9 #0 6 5 38 Number of teachers in High Schools and Junior Colleges. 83 & 84 39 foat Oraduate Teachers in ^Tunior Collagea 8 5 40 Craft Teachers in High Schoola, 86 41 Ministerial Staff in Junior Colleges and High Schoola. 87 42 Institutions and Enrolment in Riiral Area 88 & 89 43 Teachers in Rural Area schools in LPS , HP3/ and High Schools. 90 44 No,of Teachers,Pupils management wise SC and ST cominunity. 91 * 92 45 Minority Medium, TeacViers in Pry and High Schools. 93 & 94 46 Minority Medium sections in Multi Medium, in High Schools and No.of Schools and No.of Teachers, 95 47 No.of Minority Language pupils andTeachers in High Schools and Junior Colleges. 96 48 financial Progress ahhieved in respect of Plan Schemes. 97 to 102 49 Plan of action for plan scheme for 1982-1983, 103 to 107 50 Conclusion. IO8

-oOo- - 1 ^ -

M A P OP T U M K U R T I 3 1? H I 0 T.


' ■■

M M l * Junior 3oU«(«& High BQiU)(>l« C " H t i ^ r Ptittajrjr ooboailts * iiow6r PrtBMwy ciohooZs. K^e'trtct B ^ d a r y ‘ Salufe BQ(imaarl«Bj,

aeusKHJi - K;^ 0 - Total TT'um'b^r of GrovpmTn<=‘nt ‘^Tnrloy^ea wot^Itis- fo r the office of the t)#^puty T)lrpctor of ‘Public InstTOotio'l ,TurA"ur a8 on 30-9^1982.

Sl.^To. Dpsli^atlon: of ^otuilly Vacant. posto V. c -Ic- post. s an ct- Ing. - - • - » - _ - . lonod.

1*T)pputy T)l-rPctor of '^'uhllo Tnstructl on. 1 1 2,'Pl^'Uc^tioriql O-Pflnp-rs, 2 2 Si;h.-]pct Tn3poc^o-rg. 5 4 1

4 • G^'7.p t tp 'I t , 1 1 S, Supprln+en'^ pnt a. 4 4 6 . Superintendovjts of Physical ^'luoatl on 1 1 -

7#Spnlor StHtlatiofil Assistant. 1 1 — 8,First Division Olerke. 10 10 9. Stenofijrapher. 1 1

10*J^onn4 Division Clerlra, 15 15 •m

11, Typists, 3 3 •m 12, Ole ik~0urn~Typl8ts* 1 1

13, Jeep Driver. 1 - 1

14# ■'^oons. 9 •

Tot^l. 55 51 4

G^ovemtnent Tpxt Book DepnrtiTFnt Employees,

1, First Division Cletka. 1 1 ?• Spooni Division niPTirs, 1 1 3. ■^eons. 2 2


I 3L Name Aagt^Edul * Gradiaat e ' Piraft Dvb Second 3>^ Clerics, Clerka, NO, of Officers. • Icspectoi»s • the . ^ — te 2?aluk. 1 • 1 I ♦ 1 • 1 i 1 I I 1 c » 1 \ t 1 c i 1 1 >5» 1 i ' o ' • >> o 1 >> o • 1 c« >> o o o i o 1 ^ •H 1 *H « I 1 O » r-H c O •H I c i s 1 •H g ' o -H c I O J 49 c ^■g +» 5 c 43 ‘ * t1 •H m -P I 1 1 *H I to i 1 CO 1 1 O O i ^ 1 o i O • O o c O 'S’ o C t* 1 ^ o c • (0 C *0 I Ot 1 •• 1 ^ ' g I .1 ® I (O'® L L C t 1 C0t3 _ O CO a s ^ 1 o I > j cc © (S C0‘T3 O “TO 03 ® 1 ^ > ~m ~o 03 1 I 1 tn o i Ber- ' S?, l^-J - I - - 1*TUMEUR 5 5 4 — 3 3 - 1 - 1 2 2 -

2*KUNIGAL 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 «■» 2 2 -

3.TUHJVEKERE 2 2 - 2 2 - 1 - 1 2 2

4*TIPTUR 2 2 - 2 2 - 1 1 2 2 5.C .N . HALIY. 2 2 - 2 2 - 1 1 2 2 6,GUEBI. 4 4 - 2 2 - 1 - 1 2 2

7 * SIRA 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 mm 1 2 1

8.PAVAGADA 2 2 - 2 2 - -- 2 2

9.MAIIHDGIRI 3 3 - 2 2 — 1 1 — 2 2

10. KO rat AGERE 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 -

TOTAL. 10 10 26 28 10 10 21 21 20 19 1

-oOo- List of cjollpfijps in thp 'District -^or the year 1982-1983* -o- 1 • Govt, ^rta Oolle Tumlrur*

2, ^ v t , Scle’ice CoII p ^ ,T'TjTnkur.

Arts ^ OomTriPrce OoII p ^ ,Tumkur* 4. Sri*■fi^renln^ ^ollPe:e,Tum'k:ur^ ‘5, TTRlpq-^haru Oollf=»gp,Tlptur» 6, 'P’irnt ^rade Oollpgp,Filrfi* 7, Sri, Sl

8, StI, Sl'lrjartha Tnstltutp of 'T'^cJiTioloecy Tumkur, 9, Sri, ^ liacrnnpra Iriotitute of Tpohnolo^y TiiTnTrur# 10^ novt.PolytachTil o T^umkur* 11* # S.M.Pnlytpchnlo Tumkur# 12» Vidyoflaya Law nollp«rp,TuTnkur.

1 1 0 Sr}^Sl'1^afi«infi^a CJollperp of ^'^uoatlo'i ,TuTnkur{B,i5df) 14* Srl^Sl'I'lartha nollp‘fl*p of "Rl^uoatlon ’^'uinkur 15# Oolle^5# of T5duoatl on Tumkur ,)

T^jTtT^vrmT jTmiQ-R aoT,T.ii! cr?g, 1. Junior OollPiTp 6h4kkariayakanahs?lly» 2. Sarvo^aya Junior Oollpfire,TuTnkur. 3 . ^lvpk*iriqnaa Junior Ooll o«:e,Tumkur« 4. Sri. Sl'^'lav’^ a Junior Colle gp ,TuTnkur, , Junior Holl •A'Tff , 6* Vlswabharathl Junior Oollocfp fof* Ttiirteur^ 7* Vl'^yav«0?lnl ^amsthe Jr. i#lle ne ,Kff ^^-rf^nslon ,fuiflfur, 8* Vlflya Rharathl Junior OollPifft,Tlptu»t

rr^alATIATf^ I^^ITTTTIONfll^ 1. ^lovt.Tpadiprs Training Institution Tumkw. 2» OoYt.Baslo T’ralnln^ Tnetltuta Ohlkkan^ally, 3. Sri* 3ld^iai^n'a:% T»»iohAi»« Ti

------^000* ------

- - - - -CiASSES-CGrnXJOTED-BY - - - - SL- Name of the NO* Taluk. Directorate (State Plan) - - Gouneil Others*

No* Stiadent 3 No. 3t Indents No. Stiadacstg.

1. TIPTUR 150 4500 2. TUB^’r^KSRE 150 4500

3c 0,!7.HALIY 100 3000 4. 'iU'l^UR too 3000

5. G'JBBI 30 900

6. KG E.1T AGERE 30 900 7. PAVAGADA 30 900 8 . EUNIGAL 30 900

TOTAL 500 15,000 120 3600

-oOo- L lat of Junior Oolleei^s *md Sobool In Tumkur T)lstirlot as on ■^Ou. 9^1982. I .TuTnkur Taluks 1, ^ovt* J-unlor 2 . (rovt. J-unlor Holl pe^e,^'^af3;avalli, Jr.Oolle ^ ,Tumkur. Junior Oollpgp,TuTnkur, 5 . '^l* ^l^'^eF!wara Junior College♦. 6.Tndlra ^ompn’s Junior no lleo'f' ^rts,Science ^ Commeroe,Tuinkur. 7*'jovt.i^l^ School ,Thonda^re, e .G o v t .^ l ^ Sdiool Ooikere. 9. frovt.'^Tnprpflg Grirls H l ^ School ,Tumkur, 10, ^ryan ^le^ School "tiuTnkur. 1 1 ,'^arvo^ay«^ TTlg(h School jTumkur, 12.B q ^ jl ^ 1 ^ School ,T’umkur* 1"5, Sri , ^r^^arlha ^Ifijh Rdhooi ,T'uTnkur« 14.*‘>^azarath MoTnln ’’^asba ^ 1 ^ School ^Tumkur* I'S, ValTBlkl "^l^ School ,^umkur% 16 . J.-p,AT,w-i c^ School ,T’UTnkur. 17*'^ri.Si"’'^alln^enwn‘«^a ^psl'lentjal ^ 1 <3^ School, *=*ldfiae;ane:aTnutt, 1B* ^rl,Slr^^qliTicrf=>Rwara ''^psldl^antlal ^^li^er Secondary School PJ^utt* 19,0en^“ral School TTrdi^prp, 20, '^rl.Siaaar-tha ^ohool ,aollahalll. 2 1, ^rl,SoTT»p?iwara flh School ^ellayl* 22,BpiR(lhara Hu-^al Sphool Beladhara, n-Rrtp«iha Sohonl Qulur* 2 d ,’^amaTnha oh School ^onnudike. 2^, *^an»'pathi ^i^>h School ^phhur, / 26,Sl(i'^ai*anfta Hural ^ 1 ^ ‘=!cho^l Hlrehally* 27* ■^,^1 School ,A.!peyur* 2 8 ,Sri. A-i-a-vesllraT, • • 2* f

3 * ^ Gri-pis School ,TuTnlnir, 36.^rup«it'huTi School jT'uTnkur . ’57.'^^l(iyan lkpf.<^ School T’umkur* Ve ppahhq<1r^T)pq Memori^il "^l^h School ,Tumkur.

Vl^yq pppth*^ School ,'T’T;imkixr,

40, Sri.^'^qhcillnSchool ,Fo t =i. 4% SIRural School ,i^T!^raloar, 4 ^ .'^^l3wabh«irathl School ar K"^DC Mqii^^s-itidra* 2 ,KTTATirT^ 1 , '^^ovt* Jurii or Oolle fi;p ,Kunl s'al 2, (rovt, Jinl or Oollp gp , \Tnru*thur« 3« O-ovt. Ju>ilor OoilP p-p /^ull yur'^ur^fj, 4. Sri ♦ >'51'^^al1.n opQwqra Jr^Oolle ^o^Yedlyur. 5» <^ovt,^l«ih School, Jinnqe;ara^ 6r^ovt,^1oti School ^qk'<^'Rr*=ih!^n 1, « 7*-n^o‘V't,'^1 Scho'ol ,Th qv«!T^f’4r«t*ft* ’ » B,School lT,i,ian1* - 9./TOYt»^1 ^ School SqnthoTn^iv^^-Hhur* ' •' *': •

1 0 . Sch I^nl ^^T'^ ^c^gj^lp ^ 11. H-n-v^*1^: Soh n ^ rn* 12,, dlrls £?h Schr^ol ,Kuni Sri* SIwi School ,Kunifiral * t4.'''TT*l^sw^ra '9ur<^l ^1 School 'BettahalliTnutt* 1 , "Rur^l ^ si ^n tl al ^ S ch ool, ^nk 'in »=ih al 1 imut t• 1 f), S^rp School, Yef^av'mnf! * 17. S* School ,^^onnamachan?ihall,y, 16. Mnmiit! 1 3 oh.o ol, Tel 1 _yu 1 % Sr! ,,'T

4^ thrrlor Oollpt:<»‘ AfU-hT^p^^tna ArnTnctgnri'lr^, "PiOk 5• O-ov+,'^^1 aji School, /Vrjohii^al 1 y, 6.Gnvt*^l£^ '‘School ,Fo^lfiphally. 7 . '^ovt^'w-i^ '’^choni ^T)c,Tiijtiasivq-n* 8.(^o v t.^l^ School ,MqvinqV:0Y«e, 9. Gnv%,^l ^C^OOl ^T)q‘b'bp 10. So];inoi ■'^qriqean^ira. 11. School Samplfi^e* 12,Srl. ^aTTiqn.i^^rioy^ T^uT^l School 'loni-'PuTnkUr. 13. 4n,i'=inpvHsw?aTny %iral Hlxrh School, ng^tahalll. Huv^l School ,Th'^n^'^^ra. 15. T?urql School korp. 16. Sri, ?^fiTnhhullnc^'=‘aw<\Tn ^ur«il School ,Pura# 17* ShtRswalihl Gl'*"ls School ,n’i7ruvf>kp 1^#^apu;1i CpTitral Soh'^'^1 Macli©nahally* 1*5.^T,v. S .S ,J . Opn^^'al School 'Ryalahalll/^qte. 4*TJT"^TTR T AiJTK't 1 , Jurilor OoliPfip ■Rlll^rp, 2 . v^. Jun 1 or 0nil pgp /Trmqvlmlr^ rfi. 3 *TTrjM G.Junior Oooipcyp ^^«», 4, aovt.^^ cai School -Por'Rnyg T’-’r^tur, 5, n.oyt,^lr^ School ^onnavally. e.Gov-h.trish School Thaiasur. 7,0ovt,^1oh School ^on^iainnikehptra* ^ . (royt/Tigj^ Sohooi ^aluyarif'ralu*

Orirls School ,Tlptur. lO.HV^p iTloh School ,nnjptur# n.'^aryorlnyc, Rpgli^titial School ^YT ^na^,Tlptur, 12,K. \r, s.^^i ^ School ^^UTiPses^atta# 13.'^huv^ne owara ^1^1 School Manlklkpro| 1^.Dr. n^.T^.Huehar^pa Memorial n i ^ Soho'^j fJow^an^^k^tte. 15.Parar^Pshlk'^n'l.raswamy School,)?an^apura. 16,WpoiakantP8waraBwaTny Mpmorlal (Hrls School,Tipttir. 17,H^n^ nj^h Bobooi ,fTr,n^hlna^ar,T^ptur, 18. Soli^oi ,FuppalUf ^

4m 7 - • t • 4-» • • 19. Sohool fTqTnpqr'^alll* Sohoni Faraialu* 2l*Mqru+hl School ,"B. rxnw^anakRtte* 22, Sri *T?^n,orqriqtha ^i qh Sohnni ,iroTiehalll. ^■5,^olqTnba S chool j'f^lTi'llske rp.

tJ:J.Y T^MTTTT; 1 * ^ovt« Juril nr nolloap ,^uliyc!r. 2 . '^yqpe^'tha Juni ^ Oolle e^e ,ThlmTna-nahalll, 3. J^yabli<^ra+:>il Vi'^y^peetha Junlnr Oolle ,Mqthl a^lat^'a- 4. froyt.^U^ Sohooi ,an^PVe rp* 5.frovt,^lfi^ Sohoni ,T)asu^l. 6 . ‘npBhppya ViiyqpeetVia 9 ,for Bovs G*^*^^ally, 7.T)r, Am'be'ikar,'ftl'1* • ''^ocle-hy ^ohooi ,o.NJ^ally. B.'R. ^r. 0 JU ^ Sohool jTBoranakanlve*

SqViooI T^Tf^n'^ana'k'prp. 10,^rl*-Sl^^qraTnppwara School ,Yolan adu. 11, Sri* Si'^'^aer'^rjcrq Rural School ,Kari'iikere* % r a l "^Ich ^dhool ,Bplne^ili* l3 *Jana-^hq Sohoni, Spttlke re, 14# Sri, Swaini vlvpkanRTi'^a School ,Kuppur 15.^ r* ^mbe^kar ^f1n.Sor*loty wioh School ,Thi rthapura, 16,T)p8hlya-7i'^v^ip^ptha School,for (rlrla d*^T.^ally* IT.S.v.Tjj.q.filrls Snhnoi,nnllyar* l8 .S r l , ^qvlrar)f?anat,ha vape etha School ,T)n(^aerinlre. 6)rnmt^l taluk; 0 flovt.Junior omipfip ^aubbl. 2''GrOvt, Juril or Onii e ^Tp jITq^qba* 3) Sri .'^Iri'^yaka "Rural J-unlnr Onlle ^^

7) Cto vt ,^1 ffh School ,Moh al a^^ ore« 8 ) (rovt*^^lsh Bohoni jT^osaha^+l, ATnTnqnq^^t,+a« 9) (k)-vt. Qlrle ^ ch^>oi , GiaWd. 10) ^>vq aaan a '^1 ch oni, Gubbl,

«««^ # • r * 4 4 * 5# 1 1 ) ^ri,T<"rlghri«i Rpsl^pntial wriaji Sohool ,(JubM* 12 )'^rin<^yT.k^l Tour'll TTleJi School,ATIt-hir* ScViool 14) T?urql J=5(^ooi ,Tr«^llur. 15) ^'Tqllllrarjuna 'Rursl Sdiool ,T)od'1agunl. l6)T?qncrc,Ti^,+ha "^ural ^Ish School ^Sur^Yiahalll. 17") ^rl^Shqra'lR TTj School ,M,rT,Kotf?, 18)'^'^P^vppwqT^ ^u-^ql f=?chooi jFori'^llorogg. 19) ^ri School, A^al^s^re, 20) v*-4p*> 21) tt5^ School 22) Konri^Tnmc, ^^sl^PHtlal S^ool,M,M,Kav*5l , 7 ) ^T^& ^ALTTFT; 1) Grov-*-* Junior OoiTeeie ,'^'itnay'^lfanahalll.

2)aovtivrwin^0oll©^,r?hnflraTi^ihalll, , * >. 3)Srf .^^n>RYi^-tha J-urjlf)r aollp ,K«^t«?v9eranahalll. 4) Sohh^l ,Rlra; *5) Gffirt.??lfljh School ii*,kltanahalll^ - . ‘ : . •. 6‘-) '^Vioni ^ ‘ r*l, 7) %hool ^vOtlrapatna. ' ' “ ^ 5) i^wral School ,Wu11 VwtitP, ' . ®l) Srl.^^n^lt^n^annthasw^my T^ural Soh-^nl ,Thc,v^rpker»a. 10> '^MiAri’Inrieycj-gwaTny f?urp

School ,TTullo^oret I^Vv^^pna.ll- ^y^n. , r^b«a^ahuTi«9%. 1^4) ^ural ^Igji School ,Tharur* 15')l'^e?>^^RTnwVT^P‘ai'^oh+m ^l-^-SchT>ol.’WrhaPT3ahalli. 16) "3b1iV*>ol^w«j^alun'^ ' ' • • ' 17'^ Sa;1 an ana > s ^1 t-S («^h hoi, ra; ^ ^ v-: ‘ ' M 1 , 16) ftxnp wi Bfihmi. fHrls Sohool ^ ra,

^^lejh Sghofs^ ,^ r a | ! ^ ,

* • » « • - -

ftLTirr t 1 , frovt* Junior Oolleep , 2,rrOvt,^ldi So>^oni Mqf.l^^s'inahalll. 3^T?Trn TTi^ 8oTiool T.^T.Wosakn-i-p* qvotr<^v^ ^1 Schor^l T^glav'^lll.

5 . Sri* S'u'br«iTnbctnypswRr«^swr. ^b e d k a r Soliool Path a ah ally . 14 ,S r i * vnnueiopalaswaTny Q-lrls School ,Pa,vaga4a. 1*5.Sri,Vinavaka Vi^yfi Ppptlia ^ i i ^ Sohool ,'PonnagaTnu'^ra*

1. n-ov+, Jun-^ nr OoiiPsie ,l''^aahu^ci'H • 2 . Junior Onllp^f* /^l-ll sieahl^ 3 . fV'vt, Junior OollP«?e Kor^lapura, 4* (VyTfh^^i S(^nni ,a«^rani . 5 • aovt.^i oh S ohonl, cailkkaTiialura, 6.aovt..^lgh School,I.T),TTalli, 7. Srl.Sl'^'^iartiha ^s i'^e n tia l w-f School .Malhusrltl. B* Jayaman^^^larural "^^ieih Sohool ,^1 trahall 1, q> Sohool ,7o'^lspnalialll. 10• OuTT.i'^py^ra %aral ^ Is ^ School ,^an'1ina'11bba* mJayahbarathi ^ r a l ^ 1 ^ Soho oi ,i^y^lya, I2 ,qri.^qnffana-^ha % ral School ralakare. 1 ■^.T^uTTiU'iwathi T\irnl ^Igh School ,Ka-^ae:athur* 14. Suv^maTnukl School ,Sa,i "^phoaahall 1 • 1‘=^.‘^ural School ,^ogakpra* 16, ’'^'^ha^pswara ^ural ^ 1 ^ Schoni, «?h ravan'^anahalli# 1 7 ,SuvamaTTiukhi ^le^i S(^ool ,Kavana^ala* 18.^^ airla W14i SohoolQ M«i?1hu^ri.

• * ♦ 7* • ♦ - • « ml9 • • .19* Sri. ■'?urql School (r'^ri rrimte , 20. Srl.'^rivci^-c^yjqri^a Ru^^l Sohool ,Polenghally,

10)KQT^ TAtiTTK; 1 • ^ovt. Junior Oolle se ^Kor^tHsp. 2, Sri.‘Bqso'vpgwq-pq Cf^ritral Junior Collpj^ Kolala* 3 , G-ovt.^ls^ ^ohool, Aic'k-l r^Tnpu’’"!^* 4* G-ovt,^''’le:'h ^oh^ni ,lT:4^asan'^r'l Colony.

5* ^nll'^RB^ ^1 S Q^nnl ^TT n-pqtici g0 re , 6.Jav9Tn^np-qla ■^urqi nie^} Sohnol ,TTnlav'in=ihally* 7* Jn^n'-^fh?i ^ohonl ,’^q'tViqi^nah?illl, C Sri. Gqn ^^'^hRr«=‘Rwara ^ur'al ^Ti Sohooi ,fhovlnak:ere* vi^yn SqTTilthl Sohool ,Thee liia. 10 . ^rl.Shlvanan^a HesllPntlal ^ural ^l^ih Sohool ,Thumbaf!l. 11* Sri.^aaaveswara Rural ^ 1 ^ ^ohool 12. '^rl ,MqrlkaTnba HI ^ Sdhoni Dul'^anahally*

AB^T ^ A 0 T.

SI .ATn . '^aluks. Jun1 or Total* Colle f?e8. Schools.

1 , TuthVtut . 6 36 42 . 2 Funi j?al. 4 18 t 2 3. T'u ruYekpre. 4 1^ 1« 4. TlT)tur« 3 20 23 3 15 18 6. aubbl. 3 1 ^ 22 7* SI ra« 3 17 20 . 8 ’’^avaf^^i^a. 1 14 15 9* ^'^a^'hu.pi rl. 3 17 20 . 10 ^ or^t'^^rp# 2 10 12

^ ot al i 3 2 181 213 TiSLE NO, 22, Number,of Pr_e-Primary Schools, No.of Teachers and aarolmenta.

L O C ^ BODIES AIDED' UNAIDED. Name of T o t a l ______CX)VE3NlffENT ______. SI' Soh^^ No,of No,of' MUDLMENT No.ef No,of-iferol« No,of No,of Saro- No*of No.of ^ro- Scli- ?egch-______Sell- Teach- ment 3ch- Teac- Iment Sch- T^ac- Iment ools. oola, ers. oola" era oola, hers. oola" hera. ------M - W - B -■ - -CJi - - - M -w. -B- G- - -M- W B- -G - - - M W-. B - & -

1. TUMKUH 52 10 - 10 295 266 19 - 19 510 ^26 7 — 9 215 189 16 20 736 615

2, k u n i& al 38 8 - 8 163 146 19 - 19 518 432 10 - 10 348 334 1 1 49 40

3. TUHJVEKEHE 39 12 - 12 275 253 24 - 23 288 281 - 3 - 6 1A7 94

4, TIPTUR 24 9 - 9 257 258 6 - 6 196 204 2 - 5 171 194 7 - 11 270 205

5, C. N.HALLY 9 5 - 5 171 154 4 - 5 18 3 140

6, . 26 8 - 7 178 203 16 - 15 390 134 - 2 - 2 79 58

7. SIRA 9 9 - 8 210 199

8, PAVAOADA, 13 5 - 4 105 90 7 - 7 232 196 « 1 - 6 114 55

9. m a d h u g ir i 26 9 - 9 265 263 13 - 13 318 327 3 - 3 128 96 1 - 2 49 23

10.KORATA&ERE 22 14 - 14 319 326 8 - 8 207 18 5 -

TOTAX 258 89 — 86 2238 2160 112- - 110 2659 2185 22 - 27 862 783 35 - 53 1627 123<

— oDn— 2?i3LS K0 .1 No^of Primary Schools*


Privat e Pri^ Total 3?otal Local &ovt. Local Privat e Private G-ovt, SL l^ame of No. Bodies Aided vate No, bodies Aided. unaided. NO, the to Taluk, idLded. B- B G - B - G B- -a- B - B G

1. TUMKJJR 276 275 - - 6 6 1 120 4 t12 4 3 5 2 . KUNIGaL 253 4 252 4 76 3 69 3 7 3. TURUVEECERE167 - 167 - - . 71 1 71 1 4. TIPTUR 171 - 170 « 75 3 70 3 5. C.N.HALIY 179 1 179 1 - - 66 4 65 4 . GUBBI 222 6 - 222 - 69 2 67 2 7. SIRA 207 - 207 - 83 2 33 2

8 . PAVAGaBA 154 - 154 - - - 51 2 51 2

9. MABHUGIRI 222 3 221 3 - - 67 4 67 4 10. BO ratA- gERE, 39 1 - 139 - 43 1 43 1

TOTAL: 1990 14 1986 1 4 721 26 698 26 - 13 10

-.oOo- -33 - Stqitement shovdng the lis t of Govt.^Tew T'rlmary School sanction? ^urln^ the y e a r 1982-83 to scbool ?

*?! p'^’^n.^Tqine of the ^ame of th-^ Village. Date of Taluk, utilised

1 . TIWTJT^; 1. L’^S.Llnorfidfdialll. 11-2-82 2. Ha japura. 18-2-82 3. ^vanapalya. 20-2-82 4. i^allahalll. 20-2-82 5. Bovlpalya. 20-2-82 6. ^nnalanapalya. 2-3-82 7. CJollarahatii. 20-2-82 8* q yqlr an ap al y a. 20-2-82 9* Bown ^ a l l 1palya. 20-2-82 10. KpTnpanahalll. 20-2-82 11. ■^atawa'll. 10-2-82 1?. I

1 7 « 4 M t

a « f CHwlTellf^a re. 87. Jabalapura.

2 8 . ^on’? ayan apal ya, i t v t e . 29. K'l’bban ase tav^ pal ya. 1S-2-8? IQ. G o llah an i. i8-2-ej?

31. ^In^la^r^^ Ka-val, ia-,2-88 32* at tl ^ n ah al 1 y. 18-S2-82 2

OoTi + '1^G-ubbl Tq^ 3'^. Yemrnp'^oidl. 18-2-82 34. J o ^ h a l l i . 18-2-82

35. Bya^an^katte • 18-2-82 36. ^ntqpum^ 18-2-82 7, 37 ATayqgore. 5-2-82 38. '^u j d -an ah al 11 17-.2-82 39. ^'falqnahalli. 8-2-82 40. ^'^a'^ienahalli. 9-2-82 41. Bal anapal ya. 10-3-82 , 8 42. '^kkaTnTnan ah al 1 v* 26-2-82 43,Byn1m ur Goll «=ir'ihattl8-9-82 44.Dn^^a 1?ibur 25-2-82 45. Naa^nah ally Tan^^a. 1-3-82 46. K am an ah all 1. 4«3~82 47. tl '1.'^ an i ap pan apal ya 1-3-82 48. Ramppte 20-2-82 4 9 .'T'hlrnTmn'illT’^nqpe te^ 15-3-82 '^0*'t.AT.Bet^^goll^rnhf^tti22,VB 2 9. M ^rrm rrri^j ^ 51, K'=iT^Tn«^roil, 20-2-82 52,Muiub<^fi:elupaly*i, 20-?-8 2 5 '^. Sin ffo ^oni m ahal 11 20- 2-82 5 4.'BaTig^i^nah^lli, 20-2-82 ^S.Bor^muttcinaballi 20-2-82 5 6 » Ran e v'lpu ra. 20- 2-82 57.'RlttanHkurike, 20-?-82 5 B, J ayan a fnnoTi^h

3« # National Institute ot Educational Planning and A ministration 17-B.SriAurt. Ma^.NewDelhi-llOOlt DOC...... • • • 3»• • 10. 64*T=^oooliqnahalll. 11-2-82 65ifr.’^T, Ool 11-.2-82 66. 19^2-82

6 7 • n PTi ql 1 y. 24- 2-82 68.T''^<\rlp^ly^. 10-2-82

^ attTt:>c't?'PY cjrpooi, q A■^TO^^TON■'^T): Turnkur Tqluk, 1.TTpbbur. 5-8-82 Tlp-tnir. 2, G'lTi £rqri q ^ q t t a . 24-7-82 ■^avqora^a Tq, 3 • ’^^enkatapura. 23-9^82 Tu-niveke re. 4^Mniqvjr)v^a aeje rehallt. 24-9-82 rj.^J^TTally. *5« M a in 1-0.., 17-1-82

^TTTT^q^r scfootj f=?AMnTTOAr'n)* 57“ =!1 -1. 1 o''?'''ilppanahalll. 25-10-82 Kunl,Q:al. 2„'^aluvap;llu. 25-10-82 Tlptur. ^ 3.Sartbavalll, 8-1U82 3. l'MTFTTTrn--RI, 1, Shravan'^anahalll. 12-11-82 2, ChiVkamalur. 12-11-82 3,^'^ya'ianahalll • 20- 11-82 1982-1983. 1. rR'^rv^^chools all Unaided. ATot sanction (luring 82^83* 2. T^rlTnary Schools (al^^e^l) 3. ■^■rf.Tnary School s(iTnal'^e^l) 1. Korataaiere Town. 2. I'uTnlcur T own. 3. Kunis:al Town.

^^nlve rnal laqt1 on Sohptne. (Kunlf^al Taluk) one^ 17 schools* 1. ^unlf/al Taluk. 1. TTunpalya. 1-1-83 2. Grlrlerowiananalya. 3.Hnsur. 4.Kal aaipalya 5.Jlva,1lhattl. 6.TTuilpura. 7. ^ ^rrahara. ft.'^^ae^afi^-ne. ^.T'hlmme e^^wrlanapalya. lO^K"!! araiaknppalua,

11 .BoTnmenahalll. 1 . B an ^1 e^ow^ an ap al ya. l3.BoTnTnenahan 1 . 1 4-. ^ an um an th an a g'i ra. l5.MaiihaH ipalya, 1 ^.Beiarahattppal ya. 17. ^'fal 1 aj^ at-^a. - 3 6 •

LIST OP NEWLY SANCTIONED (JOVT. HIGH 30HD0LS lURINa 82-83. 1. G .H .S. Chikkamalur,'-^ Madhugiri Taluk 2. Gr.H.S. Oorukere,^ Tumkur Taluk 3* Gr.H.S# Manchaladore^ aubbi Taluk 4. Gr*H.S. H o s a h a t t l V ' r of Ammanagha tta (Jubbi Taluk 5* Gr. H. D. Irakasandra colony Tq. 6. Gr. H. S. Baluvail eralu Tiptur Taluk, 7. Da^udi C .N .H alli Tq.

LIbT OP NEWLY START-ip NCN-GOVT. SBC. SCHOOLS lURINa 1982-83. 1 , . Name of tlie maiia-7eF.e.r^t Place. Sri \fasavi Vidya T'e-to, vasavi Hostel, Vasavi Hostel B.H. B.iie Road, Tumkui- Road, Pumkur. ? -1 mru whu v Edn • So c i e , Amru thur Amruthur, Kuniga,! Tq. 3. Rajerxdrapracad . i.Iya Samsthe, Hu liyu rdu rga, - do - Haliyurdur^a 4.Bapu,ji Bdn. Society, Sita taluk -do-

5»r''fahegwari Vidya Samithi, Duddanahalli, ruddanahalli Kora tag ere Tq. 6 . Suvarnamukhi Bdn. Socie ty Kavanadala, Madhuri ri V.Madhugiri Bducation Society Sravandanahalli, ^do- 8. Dr.Affibedkar Bdn.Society,Aralaguppe Arala^ppe, Tiptur Tq Q^Tl'otur Education Society, -iptur TipWr^ \riv0kananda Bdu.Societiy, Ballekatte • Ballekatte

1982-83; 81-82 a 62-03 IX - Buaurtanahalld 1. , Tumkur Taluk Tumkur Tq. LIST OP 2. Gangana^hatta Tiptur Tq. s c h o o l S 3* Venkatapura Pavagada Tq. WITH 4. Melenavalagerehally, Thuruvekere Tq. SCHOOL 5. Malli^ere O.N.Hally. MOTHBRSt 6. Madhuriri Tq. Chtkkamaloor -do- 8. Mydanahalli -do­ 9. Thippujiiahalli, st ra Taluk 10. Alaragalu Kunigal Tq, 11. Sarthavalli Tiptur Tq, 12. Sipttigere Tiptur Tq, LIST OF 5TH STANDARD SAI^OTIONED IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS DTTRTktv; 1982-83. SI.No. Taluk Name of tiie Vi3J.a>^o

1. TUMKUR 1. Grovt. Prac ticin.f? ? riniR,!-' 3-hoc 1 ^ ^ 2. Urdu HPS. Nac^?ial .- i ,^ ■ ■'^IPS. Aregu j J ar 13 i

2. OTBBI TALUK .. ■U IIP S. ^untaramanalial’M. 5. PPS. Pathenahalli

’3. THURUVEKdlRE 6. HPS. Hanchihalli

4. C.N.Halli Badakemdda

5. Tiptur ... £[?3. J. FIPS. Kallahalli

6• Kuni^al

7* Madhugiri ... 10. f{PS, Dabbe^atta

8. Sira . . . 11. HPS. Mekerahalli 12. HPS. aollahalli 13* HPS. Kereyagalahalli 9. Pava.-^ada . . .

tijrata^ore II.B.Seooiidcry Sducation* I*Iaap0Qtion (Under plan sohetne) Posta sanctioned to iteputy Diiector of Pijblic u: on Office, Tumkur• Bradma: 1 ,Fiist Division OlerV, Oue post 2«S6cond Div is ionOlerk One post.

JUNIOR 001,01] (JBS: ' i

1 , Govt.Junior Gollege,,^odalapuia Madhugiri taluk 2, Govt*Junior College,Nagavalli'^ !Cuink:ur taluk 34Gov t*Junior College, Huliyari^ C.N.Halli taluk 4*Govt.Junior College,KadabaC^ Qubbi taluk 1982-^83.

1 ^Govt*Junior College,Medigeeiiir Madhugiri taluk 2«Govt*Junioi: CoUege,Nonavinak:ere K Tiptur taluk


I.Bmpress Girls High School, l\inikur. 2# Gov tgHigh School, for Boye, Tiptur 3 .Govt*Girls High School, Tiptur ^%fk>vt*tJunior Cpllegei^^avagade 5 .Qovt.Junior College,pattanayskanahalli 6#^^ o v ^Ju n io f Oollege, IPunikur ?mOov 14«Junior College ,^Kunigal 8* Government Junior College,Medhugiri 9(1 GovtfcJunior College,Gubbi, 3 S -

Number of Offices,‘3‘unior Colleges K«Bt>er of Offices, «?ui3ior Collies, High High Schools and T .T ;I s Id the Schools and T .T .I s inspected up to26-1-83, District during 1982^1983._ _ ::^2I3 of t he i'aiuls:. AH) BIX) T T la Jr Coll­ High a m > kdo awig Junior High 3ch- Office -Office - eges Schools Office Office Colleges oola.

1 * 14.IMKUR 6 36 4 31

2. aUBBI 3 19 2 17

3. TIPTUR 3 21 2 2C'

4. C.N.HALLY 3 16 3 16

5. TUiSJVElEHS 4 15 3 14

6. KQFIUAL 4 19 5 16

?• SIRA 3 11 3 12

8 . pavagada 1 14 1 13

9. MADHUGIRI 3 17 2 16 10. KiO RAT AGERE 2 10 2 11

TOTAL: 10 10 8 32 104 10 10 27 166


GOVESOTIMT ' lOCMi BOIilES ' ' - - - 3L Waaie of Hent. Rent NO. the Ovm aent- Tol'al Orni ^Tot al Hent- Rent Ealuk. . ed - . _ No. ed i*ree Ho. ed______free.

1, TIBffiUR 383 313 25 45 9 4 2. KUTTIGAL 335 247 10 78 7 1 3.. TITR[JVEKERS 239 237 1 1

4. TIPTOH 243 23c 1 12

5. C .N .E a IIY 249 225 10 14

6. GUBBI 305 287 4 14 2 2

7. SIRA 291 275 7 9 1 1

8 . PA-VAGaDA 210 178 1 31

9. i^udhugiri 295 233 5 57

10.KDRilTAGEItE 190 173 2 15

TOTAL: 2740 2398 66 276 26 18

-oOo^ 4

StateTnpn*^ showlTia: acquisition sohoni 131111 r- la+iner to TTrban to ‘’^ducatlny^ T)opp ri . • • « 3W vt,TJr^u L'^S.Ma'^hufidtl, • • • iTTRTT^r? 17^ 1'ftLTTKt Govt.^Tpw ^'^S.^uruvekeOooupl^'^ • • • 1-11-77 O .M.-ff&XT.I TALTTK: TT do v4; ^ all y, mor^than 30 Yr«* Govt, w^S.Kurubaraah raw! ,0*^^.^ally* • • • 25 year® 3) Govt,^'PG<=l*KaTnalaTnffla*s 8tr?‘<‘t. •«• 25 ” 4)Govt.^rpw Ti^S*O.N.^alll. 9 • • 25 ” SjGovt.lTrlu w-Ps.n.T^.Wally. • • • 25 ” 6)Govt.Tm u ^ i.T^G?i,n.M,Ti?aii. • « • 30 « n^X^xm taluk:> ^ t.^vt.i'^rt 1.^ T1 ptur. ?. Govt.H'^S* Gan'^hlrja^r,Tlptwre Govt.'*=’ata L'^S.'^’lptur* ? \V\G\n^ ^KVWf • GovtJTr^u L'Pf5.Y.^T,T?o8akotp. 30 ye^re^ I^.FTmiGAl, TALTJTC; , 1, (jrovt, T'iata firal . • • • 13—1-1973 2,Govt*?f'an.^^'’^?^. ^^r^ara,T^unlt7al, • • • 3, Govt.Tir^u i?‘ort ^■P^.Fupl^al. . . * 6-1-67

S 2 U 1 M M . * C n r y . T)Govt.ItT^M T)alapura, SIra. .* • 6-7-71 2)Govt.TJr^u 1,'^'R??. <^sar Molialla,gira. 22-5-74 3) Govt.TTrlu T.^'RS,Slra('P5rapch) • • • 2 7«^48 4)Govt,Urau ^■Ry=5,^'^alp,?=?lra.. 5 ) Govt,7ap ?^lra. .» • 1-|-o4 6)Govt.TTrr1u tT-^'»^q,Rukkapatria. • • • 1-6-&4 GITR-RI ^M.TTIC: ^ ^ _» T ) Gov4, ^an ^ral a^vpal ya, Guhbl * , , . 1-1-^ ru 2)Govt,TTr^U ^T^G^.GubM* • • • A rTTifRT;; n^&TjTTK. 1. Govt,nTr?-u ’wt^iRy^.Irorata qre'^<5* 2 .Govt,Mo^pl ^■^G'^^.^orata^T^. . 4 - ^ -

(Sciiool Buildings- Becoadaijr £<3ucat iltoUiiKSiiaig Junicjt Cbllegea)

Government ^cal Bodies SNo. Natae of the ” T~T--- -— — ■*— taluk* Total Own Rented Rent? No« Ftee, 1^*®^ Own aented ISom O w i Esntcd Bent Stee

1* [Bamkur 5 3 2 22 5 2* Kunigal 11 7 4 Tl 2 7 2

3« Turuvekere • 6 3 3 7 7 4* Tiptur 8 7 1 6 8

5. G.N.Halli 5 4 1-f 6 , Gubbi 8 5 3 IP 5 8 2 7* Sira 6 4 2 7 7 1 8« Pavagada 4 4 6 4 3 9« Madbugiri 3 1 2 6 5 3 lO^Koratagere 3 1 2 9 3 4 2

O?otal 57 38 19 159 19 OONSTHaCTION OE 0LA3S BOOMS DUHIHG 198 -

General Scheme Special Con5>on- Bepaiars of -Urgent Bgpairs of nt Scheme. School l3uil dings schDol buildings* 31 Name of NO- the Number Amount Work ta- Amount Taluk, of Sch- Amou23t Aimunt ^o m s tc ool build- school , .... allot ed ken up Allot ed be re­ buildings ings. paired*

iv 4 18, 000-00 1 9, 000-CC ie,ooc«oo - . 61,000^00 61' ,

2. 4 18, 000-00 1 9, 000-00 16, 000-00 - 7 3 ,000- ^ 73^ . 3- TURUVEKT^HE 3 "3.500-00 16 , 000-00 25 rooms 6 1, 000-00 61 .

4. T'IPTUR 4 !0 , 000-00 16, 000-00 24 49,000-00- 49 :

5. C.N.HALIY 4 18 5 000-00 16, 000-00 27,000-00 27 *

6. GUBBI 4 18,000-00 1 9, 000-00 16, 000-00 - 20, 000-00 - 20

7. SIRA 3 13, 500-00 • 1 ■- 9, 000-00 16,000-00 - 67,000-00 " 67

8. PAVA&ADA 3 13 , 500-00 ‘ 1 9, 000-00 16, 000-00 8 Booms 6 7 ,000-00 - 67

9. JUDHUGIRI 3 13, 500-00 * 1 9, 000-00 16,000-00 7 3oonte 30,000-00 - 30"

10.,K0RATAGERE 3 13, 500-00 * 1 9,000-00 16; 000-00 26 aooms 58,000-00 58^

TOTAL; 35 1,57,500-00 7 6 3,000-00 1, 000- 00 90 Booms 5,13,000-00 513 TABLE SO, 21 Rtmiber of Class Booms and Additional Class Sooms required*

Lower Primary Scbools Higher Primary Schools HIGH Schools.

3L Name of Total Addl. total Total No. Addl. Total No. Ho, Total Total Addl. • the ■ No.of No. of Class No^of of Class­ class No.of of class class Taluk* Schools class xboms- Schools* rooms av­ rooms- Schools. rooms rooms rooms requi- ailable* requi^. available. requ­ - available red. red. ired.

1o 214 180 124 212 IOC 36 420 83

2. KOTIGAL 280 83 79 196 175 18 185 50

3. TUHuTSKESJi. 16 / iS7 29 72 216 169 15 18 3 53 4, TIPTUxt v n 1204 33 78 398 - 114 20 160 36

5. C.I^.HALIY 180 209 40 70 303 40 15 148 34

6. GUBBI, 222 245 94 71 aso 215 19 198 26 SIItA. 7. 207 227 66 . 85 279 124 17 163 18

8. p a v a g a d a 154 18 3 35 53 2B0 125 14 143 20

9. m a d h u g ih i 225 260 92 71 327 80 17 153 50

10,,KD HAT AGERE 139 184 25 44 188 38 10 102 23

- Total; 2004 _2173 677 747 2679 1180 181 18 55 393


In this District aining at of regulaJC attendano© in all schools pax tic ul at I:’ ip the Srimary Schoola ii)alao aiming at ^lainten^^^G€ o in t-eaohing and learning the following progxanimea sr . u^r.c ..c.


Mediosl inspection of sohoo:. goi:rg children in all the Pry Schools having 1 to 7 d e e sc s 1^ (.1 vO be taken up during the year 1981-82 In f u l l , Eor this purpose ualuk wise PHUs and PHOa ar( identified an3 achools arc all^^ted 'uo eeoh PHUs and PHOs as per ooi venience of the school children to move either PHU and PHO for med inspection, T3ie Chief Medical Inspector has been requested to inst: for medical inspection of all the children, j^lso airangementa are being made foi establishing at least one first aid kit in each ins fcution for the purpose of serving the needs of the day to day sick children, , Phyaioal Education activities are planned in an enriohed w. to facilitate maintenance of health in children,

2, M D I N a t o OlILDHm on HiaiAIiCHY LINS3; ITiimkur Diatrict ia the at cond district in the atate enjoying Midday meala benefits totally 1,26,700 both aahoola going and pre school children are enjoying the benefit of Midday meala There are Central Kitchen/Mini Size Central Kitchens and other individual feeding centres functioning in this district#


Soholaiahips is being gratited to tht childien from Social Welfare depaitment and also from the dopsrtment for Bgokwari class and minoritieai^ In addition to thege within the department of Education expenditure towarda scholarahipa for 81^82 Ae aa 'followsI • ■ * < • . . . . ■ ...... ,

Allotment' Ixpenditur© Bal'anoe*^ ‘ ------^ ^ ------^ ^ . 1,National Rural Scholarship 52,150-00 50,917-55 1,232-^5 2,Karnataka Govt ,S oho la r ship who obtain first three 675-^30 450»«00 225^ 0 months ,

16,000100 9.853-15 6.14&-89

. . . 2 ) - >^ 6 .

• « • • • •

4«iiJ<3uoat ional oonoession to depends Servioo peisonnel '^0,000-00 19,88>-93 116-07

5#Special eaholarsiiipe tv / ‘ t ohildren of Gov t*SQX\»^ ut*. =:'D0-00 2 4 ^ 3 0 555-70 who died while in pf— v *j•

6*Saholarsliip to oLiZdz^v of Political sufferers 100-00

StafcODient ahowing the i.:n ■ *. sfiiding soholarship sanctioned during '19B.?- 4 t I.National Rural Scholar ship 46i.000«00 17,686-6^ 2B,

2 *JSducational ooncesfiiorr tro’ ' ' ' dependents of service per- 18,000-00 3,4-15-00 1^,585-00 sonnel.

GIRLS iTTMD/iNOB SGHOJU^^SHIP IXiring 81-82 there are 22,451 SO/ST girls out of these 2230‘ students have been given scholership to the tune of Rs*5230>*50

Sohoole are working to mtiCt the lequirementg of tlm re­ maining 20,221 students also. Efforts are mad© to cover these child through bettcrmcait coiniaittees, individual doners, philonthropist and also by various other possible means*

4,Q0-0PgRATIVa aOGMIJSai Most of the childion studying are poor and with the spirit of supplying reading and writing materials at cheaper rates^ efforts are made to oatablish co-operative societies in each school At present there is concentration on 742 Higher Pry.Schools* As on today in 603 schools there are co-operative sociBtieg out of 742* In due course in each one of these 742 Higher Pry#Scboola co-operat Societies will be established* Regarding lower Pry.Schools since th^ feeding schools are attached to their respective Higlrier Pry*Schools the concerned Higher Pry •Schools will help their connected Lowej; Pr;>'*8oj:iio3.£ arrJ th^ oX materials to all the ghildren will be tackled. .l- h/

• ♦ • «

5 .B 0 0 K

There is a big prob2i©ai of supply of fr^e text books to all the deserving Qliildren* There Is need for Rs* 1 ,9 1»839-70 supply of free text books to all the 38,89 2 S.0*students# There are efforts to oo-vcr the remalnings S#0. students# For these there is a system oi Book Bank planned to be maintained in eaoh school*

Book Banks are successfully maintained in the institutions There is a possibility of covering not only SO students also ST/BO and other Qoonomically unfortunate many, ^Is on out of 7^2 Higher Pry*Schools 731 are having book banks* In due course efforts will be made to maintain book bank in all the schools and by this system there by possibility in covering all the need^r students ia ell the schools*


Beautification of schools with plants and trees is considered important and at present there are efforts for growing co-conut plants*

During 1981--82 the target for 10,000/- oo-conut plants and as on today 7923 co-conut plants are s<-en in the schoole*

The progress has been made in medical inspection, feeding arrangementSf grant of scholarships, attendance scholarships for girls, supply of free text bofiike to children thi\jugh co-operative societies establishing of book banla and planting of trees to bfcgin with oo—couut plants* 1\/«?^T)I0 M I^T??P^.CTTOW D m i ^ C r 1981~82.

31. 1^0, Taluk': Tot a* Nqme of the No. of schools of Seh*o- P m J.^C ’ s. tagged into eaoh PHU/?HC*s,

I 2 3 4 ^ 5 ^

1 , T’TWTTR: 392 Gulur, 21 HoTiTiudike. 40 ■^U Uril^re 28 ■^TJ Ky'^tasandra, 27 pxttj i^ebbur, 34 ^IT ^«e!:avalll, 47 Kora, 57 Bellavl^ 34 (rJ^,'T’uTnkur, 104

?, rrTTTf^AL. 345 "^O.Kuni s;q:., 111 ■^^0 Yp-iavanrip 16 *^0 Yedlyiir 23 T>TTU Mqa:aaan'^ra. 24 ''^V,ThRvarekp*re, 9 "^TTQ Ohow'lanakuppe# 10 ■^U. ^nkaTiahalllTTiutt. 6 ^^0. irjjaTil. 17 ^HO. ^mnjithur. 47 ”^O.KittavlngamaTificala 13 ^O.^uliyur^urg*\. 31 T^U.Huthrliurga, 38

3, niTTRTmK'^^'«5 23B Madhthalll. 224-3 Muniyur 2 9 '^’f^U.Ooni Tumkur, 33 ’^'^O.Thari'laga, t7 ’'^G,^avasan*i ra* 39f2 ■p^^.vittalapura* 24 ■^f.^aTnpl ti4-1 ■^0*Koniajil. tf ""^^(l.^ullPkf're. :c. " ■- a 1f+3 4^ 244 ’^tJj^Noriavlriake re, 34 15 Gan i^an a at t a ^ 3 '^^n,'Bal«^vane ralu, 14 ■”^TT, l^-'l'larama'^f^varapura, |2 ^^T^T^inigPre, 32 ■^0»^^'=»n^r<^pura. 15 ■^^U.^alkurlke* 28 ■^nj.Honnavalli* ?| ■^^O.T^lptiir. ' 45 ^^O.fT.L.Kshethra. 7 o • • • • •


247 ■'15TJ Hullyar. 79 H ^Yi =ike re. 25 ■^U.Set+ike re. 22 24 •^Tj THpo-rfchapura. 10 Th 1mm an ah ally,. 13 ^^TT.Kandhlke re. 8 ^HTT, Go'^le'kere . 4 T'^IJ.Kuppur. 9 '^O.^.^T.Hallv. 43 ^^TT.j.o.-^ura, 10

6, OTTB-RT. 245 aubbi . 62 T^priJeKqa^^o?, 16 ^TTT.Kal) : r. 5 S."'Urnc. 35 ^ tt , T) o ^ f'n in ga vl ♦ 11 ^^^n.Arittur. 20 ■^TTii.M.-M.Kote. 13 ■^TT.Mllq^qtta* ^^nT.Doriia^nl. 17 ■^TTU.Bl'^are. 15 ^mi.Ghelur. 20 ^HU.^osakP're. 13

28^. L^-D.-^,T,Hally, ^4 5 3 L^D.Kallerabella. 32 li'?*' T), B ramh a s an d ra, ’^1 'lira. 80 Ti'^lD. Thavareke re. 29 L'P’D. Bukk ap ^ tn a • 26

0 . ^nTFT7flP?T* 245 ^TT.Mcj^huglrl 47 ^^T.Bvalya. 20 IJ, K 01 ai ap ur a. U . B ai avan ah al 1 y, 43 ^^TT.TTosakere. 24 T.m.I.D.Hally. 27 Ti^-n,Mlil^8hi. 28 ■^tj. k' oiafi:enahalli. 42

9. 187 I.'R’D. ^^.K.-^ura. 11 ^O.Pava^ra'^a. 62 L'’^T)*MqY] tralava'^a. 22 *^.K ot aerui'^a. 33 (rovt.^^nspltal Tblramani 14 T,T?T),y^AT^TTosakotp. ■ 30 T,'R't>. T>t-rmTrra^bTmnrl. 15

• * * 3« • • • 3*. •

10. Korata/J^ie. 175 ^o.Koyatigere. 16 ■^TTU ^.UTTiba^i 4 s ^ r3,h al 11 * 7 rp, Y ■^^0,Hoicivqn'^h*5lly. i r'^Tnr>ur a * 8 "^^nj «Bychapura, y "'^U^T^onrarl jQ^atta, 5 "^W^BoTiTnal c\'ievlr)ura, 6 . Jat ■*■! /\ e^ra ra 8 ■^^TUBukkapatna, 6 ■^^n.i^'uraTiikote. 4 ■^TT, a^.nvlnake rp.

^^TTj ^ I g ^ raCol on y 9 '^TT, ■^^enkatapura, ' »

. ^^U.Theptha. -12 ^TT.Mcivritliur 0 ^tttt , T>'i+b a ran ah al 1 V, 12 ^^n.Kolala. ■ 14 ""TTU. ^Iri cr-pnh. al 1 y, 3 FEEDING: 3TAT3MBNT SHDWUJ& THE DI3THIBUTIQ5 OP BSRSyidABIES M D I S C T n m S M L - - - -CHAB&ES K)R 1982-1983 OTDE2 ^ CA M '------

Beneficiaries BeceficiaJpies Incidential charges at 3 paise per day per beneficiaries for 200 days for the year 62-83 out 31 r,,-- .;f ofbudget provision 277.Edn^Pry Sch- ?re Sch. tal NC„ rho 3?otal Cent ral Mini Other other Meals in scbooi(Non-PlanV ool Col, Kitchen sixe feed Chil. C.K ing Cent«al Mini 0th e,r Centres Kitchen 3ize feed­ ing Cent re,

3(a) (t) (o)- 4(a) (t>) (o) (d) 5 (a) (t) ' (o) " ' (d)

72,000-00 1. TUMiaJH 9000 3000 12000 . 6000 mm 6000 12000 36000 36000 78,000-00 2. ExnriGAL 8000 5000 13000 . 6000 7000 13C00 36000 - 42000 33000 33,000^00 3. TUHJVEia<;HS3500 2000 :300 - 5500 5500 - - 1740C 53,400-00 4. TIPTUH 6800 2100 8900 . 6000 - 2900 S900 36000 - 54000 54^000-00 5. C.K.HALLY 5500 3500 9000 “T* - 9000 9000 - - , 3000 6000 9000 18000, 45000 64,OOOrOO 6. GUBBI 5500 3500 9000 T r 63,000^00 7. SIBA 6500 4000 10500 3000 7500 10500 - 18 OOC 45000 40,800-00 8 . PAVAGiiBA 4400 2400 6800 • - — - 6800 6800 - 408 00 9. MABHUGIHI 12000 6500 18 500 . 6000 12000 600 18500 36000 72000 3000 1,11,000-00 10,.KOHATAGERS 5000 3000 9500 * ** - 8000 8000 - - 48 00 54,000-00 - 200 6, 13, 9;'■^..00 TOTALt 66200 35000 1,02, 700 24,000 18,000 59 ,200 1,0 2r70Ct. 1 ,,44,. OOC 3,55, _ _ _ - ^ I. 5 2 ' 0 0-'0peT7a+:lve sooiety with a view +o siipply rRadlne; ari'i wrlttlTig Ti!<=ite t I' iI s at cheaper r'=»te to for the year 1 9 8 2 - '8 3 . — - -0-

Fa,No. Tqluk. T^'^tal No, No.of co~operatlTes eetah- of tt.p . s . llshed.

1 * "^umkiir. 124 122 2. TTuTile:al* 70 79 35. Turuv^kere, 72 72 4* Tlptur, 78 5^ 5. a.AT.-Rally. 70 68 6, GuTshl, 71 70 7. Sira. 85 85 8 , Pav«^era^^a, 53 9. ^^arlhu^rl. 71 71 10. Korntas^Bre* 44 44 4 'T ot al. 747 723 «r ’ • ' »

^tatPTnPn t flhowirii? the t>o s^tlon of ^ook ^ank In the *01 striot forft 1<^B2. ~B3, ^BIo? BoHooTs No*of Book Bank*. taluk. n , r * 0# NO, * ^ .. , Ti.TtS. V L .f .B .

1 • Tutnkur^ 282 124 142 115 « - « * 2, 257 ' 7f 248 79 3* Tip tun 167 72 123 72 • « 4« Turnveke-r^* 171 78 165 72 5*. O.N.Hally. 180 70 180 68 6. GKibb^., 2?2 71 202 66 ?•- Sira* 207 85 207 84 8, ^»ivae^(3a. 154 53 135 53 9* ¥a<1hui

> o ta i,_ ; '"2004’^ • 747 1708 724 ------L---— ™—--- -— - 5 3 - SCFOL «

T a l u k w i s e ^ 1 q t r i'b u t l o n sts■^ipmer}-*’ ^ rn ^ie -^o t *=?G ani ^ pupils 'luirlTig the j e ^ v 3 2 ~ 8 3 *

Sl.ATo. AT qmp frl^p Girls coimning (^rments to Garments to Girls Taluk* the age 'pTnup of 5 to 8 Cri rl 3 OOTnTnlri £T c^'mmi'ns: ixn^pv the B/^^arks, years. UH'^er the as^o aaf group of 10 to ^nrsup '^ f 8 to 12 years. 10 y & ^ T 3 »

1. TuTnkur. 250' 90 50 2^ IT o 1*9 + ^ T6 • 120 30 16 3. T''^'=i^hue:iT4# 230 45 25 4 . Sir^* iro 45 20 5* 190 35 16 6. Ohikk RT3 nyqk “^n all i * 180 35 20 t • "^Iptur. 120 45 25 8. 'T'uinivek^re* qn 35 26 100 30 16 10. ^ubbl. 140 30 16

^otal. 1580 420 230 aCHOLiSSEIP SZPEWDHUEB SOB 1 9 6 2 - 6 3

/ SNo.^ Name of ScJioisxslilp illot ment Expend itiure Balance* Rs* fis«

Spcial oGholaisiixp - - 4 2. Merit gcholaxsliip for tclated 4G000~00 childrens froci ruiol areas. 25197-85 2D803-15

3. Military ScholarEiiip to the childrcn/depcndcat£ of service 18000-00 3^15-02 ^4584-98 personcl

4 . Poverty cum progress scholarship 15000-00 - 15000-00 — 4 " Karnataka Govt*Scholar ship 675-00 675-00

* 6* Scholarship to the children of Political sufferers - ' S 6 - sta te m e n t SBDWING t h e d e t a i l s 0 ? FHES TEXT BOOKS SUPPLIED TO SC STUDENTS K)R 198 2-1983. ‘ -oOo-

I.Std Ilnd Std III IV 3L NO. Ean - 1 Kan - SST-I - SST^ II -am GS- 1‘Kan 33 --GS &M, -

1, Tm(KUR 770 1040 650 400 300 650 700 700 710 200 2. aUBBI 570 1050 700 350 250 8 50 - 300 300 300 100 3. TURUVEKERE 260 530 300 300 200 300 300 300 300 150 4. C.N.HALLY 550 700 400 35C 250 450 - 410 300 300 150

5* TIPTUR 420 560 400 350 250 400 - 300 300 300 200 6. KUNIGAL 1077 66 2 518 518 418 518 518 356 356 356 150

7. MADHUGIRI 890 1020 600 350 250 650 - 550 400 300 150

8 . 3IRA^ 400 350 300 300 200 300 r 300 300 300 150 9. p a v a g a d a 940 740 400 300 200 450 - 400 300 300 150 10* k d r a t a g e h e 450 460 350 300 200 350 — 240 300 a4o 100

t o t a l J 5500 6800 4200 3100 2100 4500 518 3600 3400 3250 1500 -

Contdc,,. 2' 5 Y VI - 711 ...... _ . SL TALUK T0!I?AI NO,» Kan SST &s- Kan ■ ENG GS GM 5hg OS Kan SST GM-

1. T m m jR 300 350 300 1300 632 20 600 400 530 600 400 893 11615 2. GU3B1 125 125 125 650 250 20 200 100 190 150 100 60 6915 TUHUVEKSRE 3, 150 150 150 650 650 2C< 150 10c 250 150 100 60 3120 4. m i Y 125 125 125 650 234 20 150 100 220 150 100 60 5919

5. TiPTUH 200 200 20^ 650 308 20 150 10c 240 150 100 60 58 58 KUITIGAI^ 6. 150 150 600 15c 2C 150 10c 296 150 ICC 60 7523 HiDHUGIRI 7. 150 150 150 500 413 20 150 100 250 150 100 60 7353

8. SIRA 100 100 100 50-" 365 20 150 10c 250 150 100 60 4595

9. p a v a g a d a 100 ICO 100 500 266 2C 150 100 230 150 100 60 6076

10. KOfUTAG-ERE 10^ 100 100 50'^ 240 20 150 10"' 160 150 100 60 4770

TOTALS 1500 150C 6500 315C' 20^" 20 300 2420 200C 13"C 633 61953

ALIOTHSITT: SXPSfCTTUiG b a l a n g b . ?lan te 95,000-00 Plan fe 95,Oor.oo - ___ FIX , Non Plan fe 14, 20 5-0^ Non Plan fel4, 265 -00 -*67 - oiGnt showing the dietribution of Girls ^ttcndaacc Qahol ship to the SO/ST Girls auriiig 1982-83,

SNo#. Name ot the taluk iGB iGB iiGE 5 to8 8 to 10 10 to 12 Total years years . years.

1* iiBO, Tumkiir. 230 90 30 370 2* ABOjKunigal 100 16 146 3, i^BO, [Puruveker e 90 35 26 131 4* iBO,Tiptur 120 43 23 190 5. iBO,O.N,Halli 180 35 20 233 6. ABO,Gubbi 1 ^ 30 16 186 7 . AEO,Sira 180 43 20 243 8 . i^BO,Pava®aaa 190 33 16 241 9. ABOjMadhugiri 230 43 23 300 10«AB0,Koratagcrc 120 16 166

Total 1^80 420 230 2230



SNoi Taluk OoQonut plant liilgirie plants planted planted* 1 • Ihiiiiku r 1180 8000 2. Kunigal 836 7 ^ 3* !TuruvGkGrc 620 1130 4 , Tiptur 680 4368 3. O.N.Halli 620 696 6* Gubbi 1310 3380 ?• aira 733 3613 8* Pavagada 6 ^ 2130 9. Madhugiri 909 12143 10® Koratagerc 373 ' ‘ ’ ■ 130 ......

Total' • ‘ 7923 ■ ‘ . . . . ^77^}. statement showing THS PBDGRESS R SPO ^ UlTDEH mO^L SAYimS PEDM 1-4-1962 to END OF 31-12-1982 PSHPAIKING TO HIGH SCHOOLS AKD JOTIOH OOLLBGES OP TUMKUH DI3T.

TAHGET FIXED 20 Lakhs. HD ACCX)UM! 5000 GTL .HD 1000 lotalJ 6000 Accounts.

Number of accounts Progressive Total of Achievements from oper.ed at Post S'! of the 1-4-198 2 to end of 31-12-1982* Offices,, i.i'- ■■ &

RD GTD Total N3G Purchase HD Assount - GTD Amount Total aiaount

1, TUMCJR 141 55 196 21, 980-00 18,165-00 7,155-00 47, 300-00

2, tnXDi IG i-iL 109 16 125 9,670-00 14,445-00 6,840-00 30, 955-00 3, GTOBI 116 06 122 6,780-00 13,985-00 540-00 2^,30% ^00

4. TUfUVEKERE 116 04 120 9,750-00 22, 185-00 1,440-00 33v 3'’ 5-.Co

5. TIPTUR 149 14 163 18, 225-00 25,455-00 2,655^00 4c j 33'''*" '-’

6. G.N.Hi^lY 86 05 91 4, 000-00 8,595-00 2, 100-00 14; 6..:.-

7. SIHA 75 10 85 2,800-00 15,58 5-00 1,640-00 20, J '

8. pavagada. 47 32 79 10,640-00 7,. 115-00 5,040-00 0 ^ ’

9* madhugihi 61 01 62 8, 610-00 10, 165-00 45-00 18 . t i . . i o <,k d r ^\t a g e r e 80 02 82 7, 600-00 16,425-00 3 i 5— 'v. 'v/

TOTAL; 980 145 1125 1,00,055-00 1, 52, 120-00 21, 7 - STATEJJEHT 3H0WI1TG THE PH3GEESS KEP0HT3 Cr ACHIEfSJiHJTE UITDER 3AVXK&S FH3M 1_4_1982 to end of 31st 2ECEM3EH 1982 AS OF 1_1_T983. TAHGET FIXED: 20 LAKHS HD-ACOeUirrS 5000 CTD ACCOTJHTS tOOO lOTjO; StJOO ACCOTOTS. ------OOO- • ------

Number of accounts opened Monthly pasogreoa dun- Grand lot al of Progressive at Post Offices* ing thm aouthd, achievements fioia 1-4-1982 to \>-L‘ I^anie of end-of 31 st-December 198 2, - HO. the Taluk 3D Accoun­ CTD - Total NSC Pttiw m> CTD NSC HD CTD Grand ts Accou- Acco- chase. Jjoounts d ep B si^ purchase aaotmt- aia&unt- Total* nt s unt s ted. deposi­ deposi­ ted ted.

1. TUMKUH 1050 500 1550 4,000/- 5,000/- 3,25,000/- 1,09,000/- 40,000/-

2. KaiTIG/il 718 3 721 7, 520/- 60/- 1,22,120/- 43,580/- 480/-

3. GOBBI 575 9 584 13,-080/- -.>045/- 80/- 1,77,725/- 35,055/- 560/-

4. TUHCrVEKEHE 365 365 t,970/- 72, 540/- 31,455/- 1,03,995-00

5. TIPTtJH. 532 532 3,300/- 51,510/- 63,8 25/- - 1, 15, 335-00

6. C.N.HAIIY 418 418 935/- 1, 14, 295/- 68,710/- - t,8 3,005-00

7. SIRA. 495 495 200/- 2,4T5/- 1,19,070/- 22, « 5/- - 1,41, 355-0,0

8 . PAVAGADA 438 7 445 h 3 3 0 /~ 140/- 84,180/- 3^,600/- 930/-r 1,19,710-00

9. MABHUGIBI 704 34 738 21,780/- 7,-200/- 340/- 1,64,970/- 52,26 5/- 2^720/- 2,19,975-00

10.KDRATAGEHE 547 8 555 ^,,220/- 80/- 85,680/- 2, 14,700/- 640/.- 3,01,020-00

TOTAl: 58 37 561 6400 35,060/- 82,995/- 5700/- 13,17,120/- 6,75,495/- 45r330/- 20,37,9'15-< -/ Go - LIST OF RANK STU DW TS WHO PiiSSBD V H STM DARD EKAMINATION in m a r c h 1982-,

SNo. Name of the student Sohocl in which studied Tot al marks obtained*

1* Arundhati HPS,Sugur,Tiptur taluk 578

2. T*Ravidas MPS,,G.N.Halli Tq. 368

3. S*P. Raniaawainy HPS,Kestur, Tumkur taluk 561.

T.Govindcgowda HPS,Thavarckore,Turuveker e taluk 555

5 . Mudeegowda T*G, HPS,Jinnagara,Kunigal Tq. 550

6. M • D* Shiva kuma r a MPS|SettikGi6, 0*N*Halli Tq* 544

7 . N*Bhaskai HPS, Badavanahalli,Madhugir i taluk 559

8^ Gavishenkai HPS,Sugur,Tiptur taluk ‘ 557

9 . ‘ M.S.Nandeesh HPS,Rampuia,Gubbi taluk 555

10* M* G, Ghsndr asekar HPS,Mas t igond an ahalli, Turuvekere taluk 528. 3TATEMEHT SHDWIFG THE DETAILS HKL.ATIMJ TO VTISTD IISAMIMIOIT OF APRIL 198 2. ------&MSHAL.- - - -

Hanie of -No.appeased- - No.prciaoted -Pepeentage the SL r h m a ek s. I'TO, - "Boys - Girl S' 2^otal ' Boys Girls 2?otal Boys Girls T o t a l

2608 1754 4362 2431 1586 4017 83 90 92

2. KO rat AGERE 8 50 588 1239 773 369 1142 90 95 92.5

3.MADHQGIRI 1105 644 1749 1049 619 1668 95 96 95

4 . SIRA 1562 742 2294 1480 724 2204 95 81 88

5»PAVAGiU3A 1166 464 1630 921 374 1294 82 82 81.5

6. G , N . m i Y , 1132 712 1844 1119 636 1755 99 89 95

7.TIPTUR 1456 953 2409 1310 864 2274 89 91 90

8. TUHCrVEiCERE 1099 687 1786 998 647 1645 90 94 92

9. GUBBI 1358 759 2117 1268 724 1992 93 95 94

10.KCWIGAL 1942 591 2133 1413 551 1964 91 93 92

TOTAL; 13869 7694 21513 12761 7194 19955 92 90 91


3L Name of - No.appeared* No. promoted - WO, the Percentage,* . - ^ Taluk - -Boys G-irig- - - 3?otal Boys S-irls 2?0tal- 3oys- (Jirls - ^otal.

1. TIMKUR 316 137 • 453 303 120 423 95 88 92 2. KO HAT AGERE 122 43 - 165 114 41 155 - ■ 93 • 95 94 3. JUDHUGIHI 211 64 275 189 61 250 89 95 92 4. SIRA 165 48 - 313 160 48 208 * ' 97 100 99 5. PAVAGADA 222 26 248 1 74 23 197 78 78 78 5. C.N.HATiXy. 125 43 1 ^ ' 123 37 160 ■98 86 95 7. TIPTUH 135 53 • 188 116 46 162 ■ 85 ' 85 S'S, 5 8 . TOHJVKKRRE 105 26 . t31 - '9 2 ' 14 106 ^ ■8'1 54 6o 9. GUBBI, 154 50 • 204 * 135 45 180 ’ 84 90 89 i o . k i w i g a i 148 . 41 ’■.189 - 132 34 •* 166 ' 89 83 86

TOTAL: 1703 531 2234- ’ 1538 469 2007 88 85 86 .

- - - - - — — — — — - - - - - mat mm-' Mr ' ' —r ■ mm rnmr ^ , - .. .. -

-oOo- stgt ement THE DETAII'S RRT.iillNG *0 Vir. STD JSJUINATIOIT 01* ^ m L 196 2.

■3sTi - -

- - Noi appeared ■ - - No .Pro mot ed Perc^t«ge* - 3L Name of _‘fche. Taiuk - Boys- - S-irls - -Total Boys G-irls Total Boys Totals - - -

1. TUMKUR 100 90 190 94 80 174 94 as 91

2. KDRATAaEHE 39 09 48 36 08 44 92 99 95

3. M,U)HUaiRI 1Q2 29 131 93 27 120 91 93 92

4. SIRii 71 33 104 68 32 100 95 97 99

5* p a v a g a d a 131 43 174 99 34 133 71 75

6, C.R.HALLY. 21 17 38 21 17 38 100 100 100

7. TIPTUR 62 36 98 53 28 81 85 81

8 . TURUVEK3RE 131 26 157 85 10 95 65 3 5i

9, GUBBI. 60 31 91 57 30 87 95 9€ 95

10. e u n i g a l . 2 2 4 2 2 4 100 100 100

TOTAL: 719 316 1035 608 268 676 89 8T 65

-oOo- ■SP Table no, 23 TEACH|E_3 ^ ±>UPI13_IN P3SLPSIMAHT SCpDOiS (S.C. S.T..0U1Y)

-G-ov eminent Local Bodies - - - Aided ni3~aidedi SL Name NO, of the No. of No.of No.of No. of No. of No. of No, of No, of Tal-U'k. 3?eachers- - ?UT)ils. Teachers - piapils - Teachers - Pupils Teachers Pupils


M W M W B G E GM WM W B a B G M W M W B G B a M W M W B G 3 G

1.I*UMECUR 2 - 94 71 68 61 4 u m - - - -131 90 59 48 — — — — 38 40 29 18 K«b 140 80 69 48 2. KUNIG Al - - 1 75 58 6 4 - 11 — 2 201 2J0 20 11 — — — 48 36 18 21 3. TUHUVEKEPJi - - r . 44 32 1 4 - 8 - 1 247 236 42 - -- - 17 21 7 ■’V.. «. 30 3

4.TIPTUR. - - - 5 10 2 5 - - - 1 39 30 - 2 - --- 8 11 3 5 - 3 » - 24 13 3 2 5. C.N.HilLLY « - - - 32 23 14 12 17 16 5 6

6.GUBBI 1 20 -- 18 25 20 - 7 - - 208 194 26 14 7 6 — —

7. SIHA 4 - 35 32 23 18

8. p a v a g a d a - 20 8 7 - 1.30 8 2 6 5 —

9. m a l h u g ih i ^ 1 - 1 55 11 35 26 - 4 - - 138 165 47 39 - --- 4 1 - - - - 4 1 1 - -

1 0 .KOratAGERE- 1— : ■ 4 -181 163 14 12 «■» - 79 20 12

ro ITS (M) I C M LPi OJ no c'. OJ o Tot al. 00 00 00 IT- O no •d-

Total I No. STfMTGTH HI 3TAITDAHD !I?OT^^ 3THMGTH IM?HE 3CB0GI AOCCa- ‘ SL c:; of -■ DING TO THE- MSDPJM-OF INSTRUGTIOKSj -I 1^0. the Scb-"' ------f-- 1------'Jaluks oola- - I - - - I I - - - I I I - - - - I I 1*^1 I^ IJ. 1*14^ 15- S^annada Urdu I I ^5 { CD CD *H CC| I r-» I OD nS I -H I >5 I ^ I •H I, ... ^ ' B |r-5 in |b0i»-4S|«|-r^ / Boys Girls Boys -Girls- Boys ^irls Boys- Girls i G 3 I ® f f f i ^ ■ S -H- ;3 | ie-< |S IW iSr-llWjClV ,------« ^ ------i. 1.TTOK0H 210 2049 1 443 •* 1264 909 1 244 8 66 1149 876 8562 1238

2.KUFIGA1 217 2860 2973 2084 1776 1685 1 212 1431 863 13613 1271 3.TUaJVEEERE 152 1235 1196 832 798 8 37 616 675 534 6362 363

4.TIPTUK 141 1115 1269 853 762 . 742 642 556 474 6 267 246

5.C.N.HAIiy 143 1055 1230 860 736 757 6l8 574 429 5951 308

6.GUBBI 181 1787 1658 1195 118 5 1179 831 923 608 8592 774

7.SIHA 186 1474 1117 1103 821 763 331 625 224 6089 369 8.PAVAGADA 131 1409 1205 1088 705 875 454 514 234 6174 234 - 76 _

9.MABHJGIHI }77 1635 1790 1217 996 1045 584 729 390 8 168 218

10.KiOHATAGEHElie 1133 1131 69 4 6 39 518 4 3 3 420 262 4561 669

TOTAL: 1654 15752 15012 11190 9327 9645 6589 7696 4«94 74339 5690 - 76

-oOo- TAULJi 2 -No.of JfiLgh Schools and Junior Oolleges*

High Schools - Junior Oolleges,

SL Hame Total Govt, Local Private Private Total G-ovt Local Private Private WO, of the No. Bodies Aided* 0n-aided - Bodies Aided, -Unaidedi ^aluks -- - BG B G B G B G B G B- G -B G BG BG B s / TTJMKUR 1. 32 4 2 1 23 3 7 5 1 2 3 1 2. k u n ig a l 16 2 7 1 - - 6 - 3 1 4 — 3 — 1 _ 3. TUHUViL - KBRE U 1 5 - “ - 7 1 2 - 4 - 1 --- 2 — 1 - 4. , TIPTUR 18 2 5 1 - 6 1 7 ~ 3 - 2 - - - 1 - --

5.,. C.N. HALLY13 2 2 -— — 10 2 1 3 1 _ 2 6. GUBBI 18 1 5 1 - - 13 -- - 3 - 2 - -- 1 - - -

7 SIRA { • 15 2 3 - - - 10 2 2 - 3 - 2 --- 1 - - -

■** 8, p a v a g a d a 13 1 1 : 11 1 1 1 1 :

9, MADHQGIHI16 1 3 - 11 1 2 3 - 3 -

10.KDRATA- 10-2 6. - 2. GEEJ}. 2 1 - - 1 t o t a l ? 165 16 _35 _ 4 r- 103 11 27 31. 1 18 - - 12 1 TABLE 170.23’ TEaCHIES PUPIL3_I^- PHJLPHIMAHY SCPOOLS {S.C. Am) S.T . OWLY)

- G-ov eminent Local Bodies Aided Hn»aidedi SL Nanie NO. of -tha No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of No.of No. of No* of Taluk, Teacherg- - Pupils. Teachers ” pupils - 'Teachers - Pupils Teachers Pupils

SC - ST - SG 3T 3C ST SC 3T SC ST SC IT SC cjrn SC ST.-

M w M W B G B G M W M «r B GB G M W M W B G B G M W M W B G B G

1.I-UMKUR 2 - - 94 71 68 61 - 4 - -131 90 59 48 — — — — 38 40 29 18 » ... - - 140 80 69 48

2.KUNIGAL - - 1 75 58 6 4 - 11 - 2 201 230 20 11 — — — — 48 36 18 21 3.TURUVSKERE - ,r - 44 32 1 4 - 8 - 1 247 236 30 42 - - - 17 21 7 3 4.TIPTUH, - - - 5 10 2 5 - -- 1 39 30 - 2 - - — — 8 11 3 5 - 3 - - 24 13 3 2

5.C.N.Hi\LXY ^ - - - 32 23 14 12 17 16 c 6

6.GUBBI 1 - - 20 18 25 20 - 7 - 208 19^ 26 14 n 6 « *

7. SIRA 4 - « 35 32 23 18

8 . p a v a g a d a - 20 8 7 - 130 82 6 5 1 if 9. m a d h u g ir i « 1 - 1 53 35 26 - 4 - - 138 165 47 39 - - -- 4 1 -- - 'tA I -t i

10.E0R.^TAGERE- 4 -181 163 14 12 1 - 79 58 20 12 ~ ■

m Lpi Total. OJf|C\]LnoQ CXD CM CO C^OpO'^ C’- o ■r- ^ v^CXJcO O I C\i m C\i no I rn -^1- D- IT\ -ter “T- ~ T— " “ITv ~ T“ ~T~ C\J T- ro CM VjO ir\ TABLE BC.a'^fa) ENBDLMT OF PUPILS

1st s t a n d a r d 31 NO. TOTAL 3C 3T,

Boya G-irls Boys 4irl3 Boys G-irl a.

1. TUMKaR 6356 6093 1464 987 348 299 2. KUNIG.U, 4493 4736 612 600 ICi 104 3. TUHLTVSKStL' 3012 2980 2oi -273 73 ^ 61 4. TIPTUR 3189 3459 486 543 120 134 5. C . N . m i f 2974 3410 59t 677 254 ^ 246 6. GUB3I 3756 3869 532 .575 274 " 300 7. SIRA 340 3 3717 • ■ 740 709 352 262 8 . p a v a g a d a J392 3462 •H88. , : 966 572 554 9. MADHJGISj 4?25 4577 . - 89SI 961 460 ^ 520 ‘

10. KOiRATAGEj: 28 56 3053 6l4 ' 624 271 a 275 ''

— — — — — — ------■ -i- — — — — — — — —. — ^ .. ■-

TOTAL 37656 39356 7327 6915 2645 . 2755

_ - — i—. -s- ^ *

Contd.. . 2) Contd, ,. N0.3(a)-^^ ' ENaDIlOTT OF PUPILS.

- - I I S T-A-N-1>- A- R- D- I I I S 'T A N D- A H D- 3L m , t Total SC 3T Total - - - 30 3T - -

----- Boys G-irls - Soys- -Girla- -Boys - 'jxrls 3oys Girl 3 Boys Girls Boys - Girls*-

1. TmmjR 4903 4208 751 615 266 259 4499 3770 559 486 247 254

2. mmiCrXL 3461 2952 357 287 67 35 28 49 2063 275 IBS 41 25

3. TUHUYSSERE 2100 1795 269 151 44 40 1933 1621 145 121 53

4. Tir-TUR 2633 2370 297 2^^- 86 67 238 4 2104 246 193 62 52

5. C.N. RALLY 2606 2259 447 287 225 189 2361 1984 338 269 153 147

6. GUBBL 2991 2558 375 331 18 2 196 2672 2041 330 23c 151 125

7. SIHA 3006 2278 686 393 262 212 2558 1727 395 161 233 18 2

8 . ^AYAGiiDA 2731 1862 631 Vi 325 V 425 2B6 2417 1321 470^/ i 5 3 y 325 170

9* m a d h u g ih i 3346 28 8 6 677 488 359 2B5 2875 1996 545 271 293 161

10.,KOai\TAGEHE' 1986 1728 356 258 173 124 1593 129*it 271 156 125 8 3 t o t a l I 29763 24896 4846 339c 2109 1693 36141 19923 3574 2226 1588

Contd.. . ) -oOo- 3 Gontd Ta b l e NC. 3 ( a r ^ ^ ' - ENBDLMENT CF PUPILS^

IV T O T ^ I to IV V


- Boys Girl 3 B G B - G -- B G B - G -B - G B G BG B - G -

1. TUMEUR 3920 3159 390 260 159 152 19678 17230 3164 2348 1020 964 3371 2668 311 225 267 116

2. iOTRIGAL 2401 1641 230 145 49 17 13204 11392 1474 1218 258 181 1990 1090 230 87 21 8

3. TUi^UVIL. 1756 1263 165 162 71 99 8801 7659 785 707 246 253 1521 1149 114 130 82 76 K 3 I3 4. TIrTUH 2026 1735 198 144 50 55 10232 9666 1227 1135 316 308 188 6 1397 201 129 61 45

5. G.N«E.U:-LY18 29 1469 261 184 113 104 9770 9122 1640 1417 745 686 1520 1169 179 122 86 70

6. aUBBI 2122 1615 219 152 97 72 11541 1008 3 1456 1 ^ 8 704 693 1781 1146 168 81 44 38-

7. SIILk 2120 1144 310 128 154 155 11087 8866 2131 1391 1021 811 1267 929 236 81 109 35

8. PAViiGADA 1754 957 319 ^ 0 7 ^ ^ 2 5 1 121 10294 7602 2608 1551 15731 131 1797 713 296^ 255 74

9. MADHIJGIia;2305 1426 398 219 193 100 12751 108 8 7 2511 1939 1325 1066 2212 1114 410 126 188 58

10. k d h a t a - GERE. 1354 898 219 103 102 55 7789 6973 1460 1141 671 537 118 5 735 19^ 82 123 37

TOTAIJ 21587 1 5307 2709 1604 1 239 9 30 CSJ KD 66 30 18 530 1211C 233 CO 'vD rn r*~, cr (T\ -CO - C\

Coritd. 4) CJontd* -4- 9- TASLS i(lj) -

VI- 711 JOTAl 7 to VII. 31 T ^ U K . Total SC ST FC,• Total SC 3T Total 3G 3T* 'r*. ^0 ys Girl s B a 3 G B G B a B G Boys Girls G B G

1. TUICKUR 28 26 2303 228 114 135 109 2930 2151 167 147 142 136 9127 7122 706 486 544 363 2. KUITiaiZi 1902 976 174 77 22 12 18 30 871 202 85 27 8 5722 2937 606 249 70 26 3. TUHJWCSHE1365 843 198 126 26 15 1267 848 165 166 33 16 4153 2840 47^^ 422 141 107 4. TI±>TUR 1637 1185 148 11C 48 29 1377 964 167 87 41 26 490C 3546 516 326 150 100 5. C.F.HAI-IX 916 1333 170 100 64 34 1196 808 146 95 53 32 4049 ^ 9 3 495 317 203 136 6. GUBBI 1459 995' 109 89 68 22 1412 844 200 93 95 23 4652 298 5 477 263 207 83 7. SIRA 1571 8 33 215 79 99 27 1487 686 231 60 81 38 4325 2448 682 220 28D 100 8. PAYA&AiJA 1397 613 220^ 6 V I60 68 1270 519 197v " 6 9 / i 56 60 4464 1845 713 201 571 202 9. MilDHUGIHI 18 22 863 318 87 147 50 1688 756 301 95 126 45 5722 2733 1029 308 461 153 10. k d h a t a - OBEE. 1056 /-I u 603 169 68 78 24 953 494 179 66 90 '30 3194 18 32 539 216 . n i

r- ^ t o t a l 16 368 10130 1949 911 847 390 15410 8941 1955 963 344 406 50308 31181 6240 300r, i. *■; {'

-oCo- t a b l e n o * 4 - 7 / ’- -MaDLM2N!D 0 ? PUPHS*

s t a t o a b d v t i i STATOAHD IX SL Naa.s s t a f d a h l z no. uf sc ST ^otal Total " "s c “ 33! Total ~ ” 3c“ ” the NO a*. No. _ No. ^laluka Boys Girls B i “ “ G B B G B G B G S G 4» ». 1, TUMUH 3520 1743 398 156 137 31 50 2774 1202 263 94 118 31 2* EITNI&AL 1606 524 176 38 16 2 1360 415 164 32 9 4 1218 384 117 24 13 7 3. TUHUYS-■ 1298 633 116 45 24 14 867 48 2 86 K3PJB. 34 17 10 801 424 68 24 1t 10 4. TIPTUR 1469 893 153 61 36 13 1304 710 140 10 831 490 81 29 H 6 5. C. fi!ULlYli37 618 162 38 53 29 1003 510 124 23 672 389 65 32 22 W 6. GUBBI 1461 669 179 49 53 30 1068 520 142 24 42 7 820 397 81 15 21 6 7^ SIHA 1341 503 177 34 84 21 1139 414 150 16 88 3 356 113 36 33 16 8* PAVAGADA 1033 310 173 23 131 30 851 242 118 46 717 210 82 17 B i 17 9* MADHIJGIRI1636 641 231 68 138 31 1253 388 206 18 944 330 137 37 62 20 10.KDHu\TAGEHE 970 377 46 60 165 21 797 312 117 23 478 213 65 23 21 13 r>«»

07 10138 4395 1072 3.r

Ta T ^ E 5. - 7<2- ' p u p h s akd tsa c h e b s in j t o i o e o o l ie g e s ,


P.U.G I Year PUC I I Year. Name of Total SC ST. the NO^ No. Total NO • SC ST Tot al No. SC sr Taluks, -- ^ G B G B G B t —B— - B G B G- B . '

- 1. TUMKQH 772 327 155 19 26 9 530 188 98 23 32 1 24 2 - 3 1 2. KUNIGAL 466 78 35 4 3 - 195 39 20 9 - 93 2 2 - - « 1 3. TURUTRTC-RHE 236 84 12 1 4 2 190 34 10 3 7 t n 7 - - - » - 4. TIPTUR 98 23 9 - 2 1 29 4 1 - - - 4a 1 - - 1 - 5. C.N.HAIXY 151 29 13 - 6 3 83 42 5 - 5 47 - - 6 1 - - 6. GUBBI 229 72 17 3 14 12 120 48 7 - 5 45 - 1 - 1 - 7. SIRA 126 20 13 1 2 - 43 8 5 - 2 39 3 ' - — 8 . PAVAGilDA 226 46 34 3 31 6 157 32 16 1 14 24 % 1 - 67 4 - 1 — 9. m a d h u g ir i 535 80 62 4 15 2 266 36 35 6 8 i- 3

- - — 1G.KDRATAGSRE 334 62 41 20 13 4 176 59 2 1 - f 47 1 4

14 - 8 - TOTAL: 3173 821 391 55 118 39 1789 492 199 43 73 15 611 49 TABLE SD.1l(a) -73 ' ENHDIMERT BY STAHDAHDS AND MEDrJM (PRy. e d u c a t io n )

Name k a m a d a UBBD TAMIL MAHilTHI. SL of NO. the Taluk Std 3td Std 3td Std 3td Std 3td Std Std Std Std Std aid Std Std Std Std Std Std I II III lY I II III IV - I II III IV I u i n IV I II III IV

1.TU1/IEJR 10 5 51 7308 6537 5671 1484 1536 1333 1022 - - 2.K:JNIGjiI 8383 5725 4390 3606 846 688 522 436 - -

3.rJXrVEKEHE 578 3 3736 3426 2906 209 159 126 113 _ -

4.TrPTtJR 6167 4500 4117 3411 359 368 255 222 - -

5.C.F.HAIIY 6019 4563 4068 3098 365 30 2 277 200 - -

6.GTIBBI. 7229 5129 4361 3423 401 420 35 2 314 - -

7 . SIHA 6694 4885 4000 3027 426 399 26 5 237 - -

8 . PAVaGADA 66 06 4 356 3555 2613 222 219 162 37 - - - 2£ 14 21 41 g.lADHUGIHI 48 50 5937 9676 3580 352 295 197 151 - -

10.E0RATAGEHE5681 3558 2730 2124 228 156 157 128 - -

t o t a i * 71558 49697 418 6 2 33459 48 9 2 4542 3666 29t0 - - - 26 18 21 11

-oOo- - 7 A -

S n 'by gn'^ ^ e ^ i u m ^

ri^^'c .Xame of H 1 T3 d 1 . ^ILSlfh, m^ioyq^ agi> 1 n t\ i, (Jujar^thi. . xaluk. Sti. Std. St'l, St<^.. Rtit S-^Az St'l* 9t^* St'^i. St'1. ------■ I -- II III lY. I II III ITT. I II III J Y . T II III ITT I II III IV.

1, Tumkur, - - - -- 41 d 267 399 386 2* Kunisr!^!. - • - - - - ' - 3# Turuvekere - - - 4. ^±vtuT. - * » , -J22 135 116 128 5. 6. GublDi, - - - « n Sira. - - _- - . ... 8 . P'^.v'^ernia, - - 9. . . . — . . 10. Kor=?t‘=igere - ~ ......

Total. - - . . S36 402 515 514 - T 9 b l ° W o . l 2 ( a ) rolTfl®T3t "by

Sl.^To.N'qme of the K^^nrja^a. U r'iu . Tamil, Telugu, M'^r^th.i. Talufc. « Std. Std. 3tfi. Std. gt'^. St'=!. St'^. Std. St-I. Sti. St:l* Sti. TT ■•“ - --- - 7 TT T L l . V VI VII. Y VI vrr» v VI VII, V r j. VII.

1, Tumkur, 5073 4370 4440 629 4S9 361 — — ——- - 2* F u n i ^ l , 2852 2662 2506 228 216 195 - - - - — - - - - 3, Turuvekere# 2622 2172 2080 48 36 35 ------Tiptur. ■=^082 2653 2231 96 68 AS ------2567 2170 1957 122 7^ 47 ------6, ^ Gu'b'bi. 2833 2383 2209 95 71 47 ------■ - - - 7.- *Si.T^, 2008 2266 2082 188 1^8 91 ------8,. , 2d55 1973 1755 55 3^^ 34 - -— - ~7 - -- — — 9# M^'^hugirl* 3245 2609 2393 81 76 51 ------— lO.Jorqta^re . _1609. 1398 _79 50 — - - — — —

Totalr 28577 24B67 23051. 1621 1230 956 - - - - « - - - - ‘7/T ■ Ta-ble Wo. 12(b) 'Srrolnpnt 'by OTd Kedlum.

S.T'To..^■^gnue of the F Etigllsb. Malayalam. Slndl. Gxi,1arathl Taluk. sta. std, atal ftd. std. gta. std. sta. '5td. g-ta.sta. sts. Y n. r z j. v 71 711. 7 7T ■'ai. t \t: vii.

1* Tumkur, - ?37 530 280 2, - 3. Tumivekere. - 4, ' Tlptur, - 105 101 64 5, - 6. GublDi. - ?• Sira. - 8. ^qvagada. - 9, Madhugirl* - 10. Koratagere -

Total, - li2 401 344 TABLE 13. - 7 7 - EfraOlMENT BY STAiroABD AMj MEDIUM-(-HIGH SCHDSI-mrCATION)

ITa lae - K/iHWilBA - -ERGIISH UHDtJ TSEBSU - - -TAMU- - lASATHI - - HIl'TBI; 31 NC* Taiuk,^ VIII IX X - Y III IX X jiii IX X VTii li" X Till ix"x”VTii ix”x”Viii ix~ ~x*

1.TUMKUR 4239 3572 3175 1074 807 796 50 21 35 2. KUNIG/lL 1974 1661 1504 156 114 98

3.TUHJYE- 1818 1379 1154 113 70 71 KERE 4.TIPTUR 2058 18 52 1176 204 162 145

5.C.N.HAI1Y 1630 1410 987 125 103 74

6.aUBBI 2049 1509 1141 81 79 46

T. SIHA 1677 1422 1120 116 109 94 22 25

8.PAVAGADA 1268 1015 8 56 75 78 71

9.MADHJGIRI 2064 1462 1099 213 179 175 lO.KjOHATA- GSRS. 1227 984 636 120 125 55

TOTAI: 20004 16266 12648 2277 1826 1625 101 43 60 TiBLE NO. 14 -7? - ' MiiDlMENT OF FVTILS INJ:iFFSimT CHAJT StJBJSCTS IN 3EOONDAHY SCHOOLS.

total MJMBSH o f p u p il s OFPERIF& SHAPTSi -

oS’. ?',:njr . f I- I- . G -j------I I j—i I I O I ’ 1 i other KCk ho f 1 1 tiD 1 I r-1 1 I 3 I I > I o C I +> rsMi b .fi * TO ’ *s •H 0) I • 1 o I U P+ , t)D| '•g == ' o E |C0 *Ht»0r25H r4C e^ ‘ g 1- ^ C ^43 cn+3 I o fH I cn o •HI ro cI a CD I lEi 1 IP I CO ^ -1 !x: O 83 m o pq I PM 4-0---- 1 1 . TmSOJR 1089 2794 626 2. iOJ^IGAL 197 1262 - 1074 - 180 -

3. TUBtyeKERE - 317 546

4. TIFl'JH 513 1058 - 1842 - 134 - 662 -

5. C.N. H,aiY - — -150 - 6. GUBBI 257 257 247

7. 3IHA. - 240 - 457

8 . p a v a g a d a 125 1334 260 9. lADHOGIHT 168 723 - 616 - 10. KD rat AGERE 318

TOTAL: 2349 2797 238 - 5052 - 134 - 1608 - TABLE H O .22. Number.of Pre-Primary Schools,No.of Teachers and airolmenta.

Name of Total GO TE H M M T LOCAL BODIES AIDED UNAIDED, 31 No, of NO. the No.of No.of- WKJlMEtra No.ef No.of-Snrol- No.of No.of Snro- No.of NQ“ of Ebto- Taluk, Sch­ ools, 3 0 ^ ?egch-_ . _ . . , Sch- T e a c ^ mCTt 3ch- Teao- Iment Sch- Teao- Inent oola. ®rs. _ _ _ _ _ ocla ers oola, hers.’ ' ools' Ee^a. ' “ ' ------M - - - W - B --- Gi B-'"-G " -“if-W ""g*-

1. TUMKUH 52 10 10 - 295 266 19 - 19 510 426 7 - 9 215 189 16 - 20 736 615 2, KUNIGAL 38 8 - 8 163 146 19 - 19 518 432 10 - 10 348 334 1 - 1 49 40 3, t u h u t e k e r e 39 12 12 - 275 253 24 - 23 28 8 281 - — ii. ~ 3 * 6 147 94 4, TIPTUR 24 9 6 - 9 257 258 - 6 196 204 2 - 5 171 154 7 - 11 270 205 • 5. C.N.xmLY 9 5 - 5 171 154 4 - 5 18 3 140 6. GUBBI. 26 8 - 7 178 203 16 - 15 390 134 - 2 - 2 79 58 * 7. SIRA 9 9 - 8 210 199

8 . p a v a g a d a . 13 5 - 4 105 90 7 - 7 232 196 - 1 - 6 114 55

9* m a d h u g ir i 26 9 - 9 265 263 13 - 13 31B 327 3 - 3 128 96 1 - 2 49 23 10.K0RATAGEHE 22 / - 14 319 326 8 - 8 207 18 5 -

to t a l . 258 89 86 2236 2160 112 - 110 2659 218 5 22 - 27 862' 783 35 - 53 1627 1230'"-^

—nOn_ i - o - 7 ^ ' LOWER PRIBdAHY SCEDOLS.

Name Total Trained Teachers Un-trained Physical. Ita&guage Craft 3L of No.of- Teachers. Bdn.Tea- I«©chers Teachers. r^C, the Teach- ______Taluk. ers« Gradua- Under Gradu- Under- Gradia- Under- Grradis- Ifeder- p-r ■tea. _ _ _ _Graduates,ates _ _Crradii- _ ates. _Gradu- _atos._ Gradu- Women, ate s. ates. ates.

W M - W- M W -W- - M - W -M- -W- -M- -W- M W

1. TUMUR mm 345 119 - - 336 109 — 9 10 — • — 1. _ * .KUFIGiU. 2 58 - ~ 253 243 55 - — 10 3 -—— m «. . . . „ •M. 3.TURUVi2XERS 174 12 “ - 173 12 - - 1 — —

♦ 4,TIPTUR 134 47 1 - 119 46 - — 14 1 _ .—— 5^C.N. HALIY 194 24 - - 193 24 -— 1 - —-— «... 6.GUBBI 278 63 8 20 256 41 *» 14 2 „ 7. SIRA 286 26 3 - 281 22 -> 2 4 —— . . . ^ .PAVAGADA 8 161 11 2 - 159 11

9. MADHUG IRI 270 40 - - 266 39 - - 4 1

10.E0RATAGERS164 6 - - 156 5 - - 8 1

- - - - - ~ - - ~ TOTAXi 2259 406 14 20 218 2 364 63 22


To-sl Trained Teachers. SL Un-t rained Teachers Phy. Sdn.Tea- language Crafi: Tea- of 1^0^ of'- ______ohers. Teachers chars. m . the Teacli- Taluk, ers. (Graduates Under Graduat eg Under Gradvi,a- Under Crradua— Under 2-radu at es G-radiaates tes. Gradia- tes, Gradu- Ivlen Women at es< at es< ' -M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M w M w “ ~ - - 1.TUMECUR 631 285 15 6 606 269 10 10 '

2,KUFIGia 351 107 27 ~s : 3 279 100 7 - ^ J 4 12 mm M 3 3 .TURUVEKERE O 331 49 12 - 312 46 -- mm C- 2 5 mm 1 4 , t i p t u r , 309 139 27 14 252 16 115 -- 8 1 11 2 1 w mm 1 5.C.N.HALIY 314 89 10 1 291 87 - 10 1 — 1 M. V mm 2 m m 6.GUEBI 264 84 6 35 202 74 1 1 14 3 9 W 3 : 7* SIRA 349 46 14 1 303 42 5 1 12 2 15 8.PAVAGADA 229 40 12 1 197 35 3 - 7 3 1 8 1 •• mm 1 mm 9 * m a d h u g ir i 353 51 9 2 46 313 2 - 14 3 -- 13 — —— 2 m m

10.KDRATAGERE264 41 13 - 221 41 7 - 14 -- - 8 -- -- - 1 -

TOTiUL: 3395 931 -174 -34 --2976 855 25 2 122 36 2 - 82 3 1 - - - 13 1


Uame 31 TRAINED TEACHERS OTTRAllJEI) TEACHERS PHY. ET)N, TEaCHERS- la n g u a g e -TEACHERS CRiVFT TEACHERS- - NO. of the Taluk Graduates Under- Graduates Under Graduates Under Graduat ea Under Graduates Under- gradua- Gradu at es Graduat es Graduates Gradua- - - t e s .-- • , e g , ■ ------t -


M W M W M W M W M W- M V M W M W M W W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M '}! M W M

I.TUMKUa -- - - 45 10 2 8 8 ______2.KUNIGAL T T ^ 2 3 r T T - - 1 1 3, TUHJVEKER£L - - - 20 8 10 ^ - 1 4 , T I P T U R ___ - - 13 3

5 ; c . n . h a l l y ___ - - 15

6.GUBBI - - 26 3 6 1 - -

7*3IRA - - 32 7 2 1 - - - - 2 1

8.PAVAGADA ___ - - 10 2 4 2 - - - - 3 1

9.MADHUGIRI ___ - - 29 1

i o . koratax&er e ___ -- 10 1 10 3 - - - - 2 1 \

TOTAI.,^ _ -_-._230_ 37 66_ 15-- _ - _-l8. 5 _2 ------.. - - - r “ - T - - TABLE HO. 7. - e Z - rJMBEH OP TEaCHEHS { TO BE FUiJRISHEI) SEPASATELY K)R HIGHEH PHIMABY 3CH3CLS,) 3CHEHJIED CASTE AND SCHEDDIED THEBES OHXY.

Ka-s TR.ilI\"EIi TSa CHEHS UrSalliEB TEa CHEES p i i ’EjN'lEACIffiiis ~ I aS gUaGS C^iir'TiuGiffiHS Si pf ______TEACHEHS

Taluk. Graduates Under Graduates Under Graduates Undsr Gradu- Under- Gradua- Under- * Graduates Graduates Graduates ates Gradua- tes, Gradu- ■ - - tes. - - atesj

SC ST SC ST 3C ST 3C ST SC ST SC ST SC 3T SC ST SC ST SC ST - M -W M W M W- M W W M w M W M W -M- W -M-W M W M W- M W M W M W M W M W M W M W 1/1 W — — - — ------T - r -r r t r ~ t t - -r T T — I.TUaiKUR -- -- 60 15 10 3

2. KITFIGAL - --- 25 2 2 1

3.TUHJVRK-EHE 1 - — — 12 9 5 —

4.TIPTUH 4 - - - 23 5 1 - mm - - 4 1

5.C .N . Ha LLY ---- 40 10 8 - fe

6.GUBBI 3 1 -- 19 2 3

7. SIRA - - - - 11 2 2 2 - ^ - - 8 2

8.PA7AGADA ---- 19 3 11 3

9, m a d h u g ir i --- - 31 3 4 1

10. KO HAT AGERE. 1 - . 21 1 5 1

TOTAL: 9 1 261 5_2 51 11 - - 21 4

-oOo- " Ov^ - Table No*6 iamber of Teaciifcrs in High Schools and Junior Ooll6ge.s.-

Jot-l Tiained Teachezs___ , Untrained Teachers* PaliTeac^r s'Language -.v. U : cf the No.ofK* * } of -* "t^ _m _ XT ______^ Graf Gradua- Under -teachers^ Teachers Gxadua- Under Gra- Gra<3uatea Under teachers duetes. Graduates te s • Gradua-Gra- Under tes* dua— Gra— tes. dilates men M. . w. M w . MW M w MW M W M w. . M W M W

1. Tumkur 422 99 300 68 - - 13 7 - — 4 32 3 27 2 28 14 13 6 2. K u n ig al 212 11 148 8 - - 14 - - - 2 — 14 11 1 16 2 7 1 3* Turuvekere 159 16 102 - 9 - 22 1 - - 3 — 12 — 11 3 7 4 1 4# T ip tu r 199 17 8 137 - 7 2 -- 3 — 18 — 6 1 21 3 8 2 G .N .H a lli 163 6 100 2 - - 19 - - 3 — 12 — 10 1 8 3 2 6, Gubbi 10 139 119 4 - - 3 4 - - 2 — 17 — 6 — 16 2 3 7m S ira 134 14 93 7 - - 6 - - 1 — 12 1 11 2 6 3 3 8* Pavagada 96 6 71 4 - - 8 2 - 1 11 2 4 1 1 _ 9# Madhugiri 16 191 123 9 - - 9 - -- 1 — 16 1 16 6 13 1 12 «» 10*Koratagere 113 . 9 83 6 - - 7 1 - - 2 6 - 10 - 2 1 4 4 Total 1 8 ^ 20^ 1278 123 - - 110 17 - P? - 130 7 112 17 118 29 36 11 iABlE K0.7. - TOMBEfi OF TEACHERS lU SECDNDaEY 3CH0CI3. ( 3CHEDUIED CASTE AOT SCHEDOIED THTBES ClilY. )

J^£}*^®scher Langi^age Teacher Craft Teachers iM’v c «3 Under Graduates Under G-raduates Under- (Graduates Under- Gradiia- Under­ graduates graduates Gradu- Gradu- tes. Gradu- - atesi - - _ _ atesi ----- ^tes. -



1. TUMIOJR 4 1 1 - - - 1 ------______2. KUKIGAL 5 2 - -



5. C.N.HALLY 1

6. GUBBI. 1

7. SIRA 1

8. p a v a g a d a 1


10. £0hatAGERE

totals 18 4 2-. - - - - 3 TAJBLE '^5-^ (-POST G-fLlDUATS TEACHERS WDHKO& IF HI&H SCBOCI AKD Jm iCB. COLLBG-ES)

-M^A. - - M.Sc - M.Gom M.Ed M,P,Edi

bL Kame of 3 ^ Total” ~3C ~ ~ “ lotal” Sc” ~3T " Total ~3C “ 3T" ~Total~ or-' Taluks. ______No.______N o . ______No. NO, M W MW MW MW MWMf Mwiw^MWW ’" m” W " m" w" M *~w"’ M W " m” W

1.TUMKUR 69 17

2* KUN3&AL 40 1

3.TUHLTVEKSRE 31 1 12 - - - - - 1

4.TIPTUH 38 1 3 ------

5.C.N.B^-iLLY 34 1 1 - - - - - 1

6.GUBBI. 32 4 5 - - - - - 1

7. SIRA. 22 3

8. PAVAGADA 7 — 2 - - - 31-..-. -


10. K) RAT AGERE 24 1 1--- 5---- - 1-----. - «

TOTM; 322 31 6 1 - _ 73 12 - - - - 22 2 --

-oOo- Table nd. 15 - -SETAHS OP chapt teachers nr high schoois.

' I* TOTaI KO.OP TEa CKESS IN- I SL of I Any other » ^ I I < i • I ' 4 I fiO I I ■Taluk., (ti I I 4^ I I •S' C ffi Craft I +9 •H C3 C I I HI 'za G n I C C O im ^ o C 0 i O CD I O I -H I CCJI—i -H I •H I O I -H r-i "H HP -S ' -H 5h * ft > I ^ 4^ O ft I tiO rH I ^ ^5 I ^4 I CD i O r-i C I O ' g t 1 £0 o Cl -H I , 9 8 % - H CO B 1 |Q|< iO|^|tr|oSo&i |0 I

t. TUMKUR 5 7 3

2. KTJNIGAIi 1 2 5 - 1 3. TUHOVSKEEB 1 5

4. TIPTUR 1 2 5 5. C.N.HAIIY

6. GTJBBl 1 2

7. SIRA 1 2 2

8. pavagada 1 3 4


10. EO rat AG ERE 2

t o t a l *. 10 16 12 - 4 table no. 24 - 8 7 - PAHTICTJLA33 OF IJIHISTSRI^ 3TAPP IN HIGH 3CHD013 AND JtJRIOH COIISOES.

Gc 3CH)0L3 LOCAL BODY AIDEL 3C3DC!LS u n a id e d s c h o o l s . c- c .:: SCHOOLS mr: SDC Libra— Meni— PDO SDC Libra- Men- PDC SLC L ib ­ Men­ P2C SDC Lib--Mp' nan- -alsi ^ - riaUi -ials - - -ra ri- ials

- 1. TULffiUR 2 6 1 21 — — — _ A 5 35 T 110 £ - 9 2. KUNIGilL 1 15 18 - ^ ^ — 11 1 20 _ 2 6 3. t u r u v e k e r e 2 6 11 - - - - - 12 — 30 — 3 - 8

4. TIPTUH - 10 21 - - - « — 9 2 27 : 3 - 12 5. C.N, HAILY - 3 4 - - - ^ 1 18 — 37 mm - - - 6. GUBBI 1 11 19 - « 15 1 43 7. SIRA 1 9 9 - 9 — 31 —

8 • PAlTAG-iU^A 1 4 5 — 13 M. 33 9, m a d h u g ir i t 7 1 15 2 8 — 36 ,> 1 0 .KO ratAGERE 1 2 1 7 - - - 8 1 23 -

TOTAL: 10 73 3 130 8 136 9 390 — 16 ^r6

-oOo- XjUUiii !«VJ, ID, - .


Total No.of Insti- 3L Ta l u k s tutions*. t o t a l- MBDLMElsrT, NO,

Lower Higher Secon- LOWER-PRIMaHY- - - -HIGEEE primary - SSCDNSARYi Primary Pilmary dary - - Boys Grirls -Boys G-iris Boys G-irls. -

1. TIBIKUH 259 96 21 10157 7644 ^9244 16845 5104 1524 2. KUITIGiLL 2 ^ 70 16 8062 68 24 9078 6753 2299 611 3. tuhuvkk“f;he 164 68 14 3926 3525 5 207 6222 1872 877 4* TIPTUH 167 67 14 4111 3910 7967 6745 1814 8 5. O.N.EALLY 173 64 12 3390 2191 9346 8779 1429 6. GUBBI 220 62 16 5491 478 2 9311 7108 213: 7. SIRA 200 77 13 5814 4345 9772 6414 17 :- T 8. PAYAGADA 151 47 12 5111 3426 '.'’‘590 4009 1-: :. , 9. MilDHUGIHI 217 65 15 6926 5726 978 2 6205 216 r •- 7 10.K0RATAGEHE -137_ _ 40 .9 . 7286 6513 2788 1626 1227,

- -totals - - - 1943 - -656- - 142 - - 60278 - 48 8 8 6 - - - -9308 5 - - 69706 20210- . 7

-oOo- Cont d.... 2) CoDtd. TAHLE NO. 16^-3^- _ NO.OP IN3TITUTOTS AND ENBDIMSNT IN mJEAL AESiiS.

SL NO. TiOiUKS - S 3? a S N G- T tLO P SC AND S.T . P-U P I L 3 ^


ST ‘ " 1 1 1^1 • - - - - *SC “ ' ST"

Boys - -Girls Boyg- -Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Gij;^^- ■ 1. TUMKDH 2788 1953 1023 864 1125 916 134 68 482 160 192 53 2. KXTNIGiil 865 594 953 629 193 152 101 36 217 44 16 4 3. TUiUVEKEHE 1030 783 210 156 88 5 761 299 302 141 50 36 5 4. TIPTUB 620 564 168 128 769 3rr6 m 14^ 55 66 13 5. C.N. m iY 1607 1353 731 679 38.3 207 115 46 197 72 80 38 6. GUBBI 68t 653 385 384 1227 882 504 372 220 52 81 19 7. SItJA. 9-41 542 494 344 1448 734 701 331 190 42 114 23 8 . pa v a g a d a 12Z7 721 735 459 1492 622 1021 476 175 16 178 20 9. JUDHUGIHI 1380 979 672 557 1931 1069 975 530 319 63 197 32 10. KDHATA6EHE_ 1444 1128 562 477 417 117 119 27 184 48 64 •< •

lOTAI: 12633 9370 5933 4677 96 70 6127 4265 2466 2274 6S2 1024

-oOo- xiijujj/ I /„ -/ ” Number of leaohers in Bural Areas,

Total 5°*o£ Teachers. Lower Prinfery Schools Hr.Pry Schools Secondary Schools. 3Jb JName of Lower Higher Secon- M W SC ST M W ^SC1 M NO,► the ST W 3G 3T Pry Pry dary Taluk. M w ’’ m"’ vT i ” w" M W M W W

TUMKUR 1. 563 306 206 490 73 15 3 4 2 279 27 25 6 8 3 193 15 3 1 2. KimiGAL 294 346 101 242 52 29 3 3 •> 231 75 46 1 2 - 97 4 3 ... w 3. TURUVTIKDRE 193 354 84 178 15 24 9 7 323 31 23 4 2 1 83 1 TIPTUH, 4. 157 336 89 131 26 19 5 2 - 273 63 18 3 86 3 — 5. O.N. HALLY 198 346 82 18 5 13 13 -- - 277 69 38 18 7 ~ 77 5 1 «» GUBBI. 6. 341 348 103 278 63 30 3 6 1 264 84 23 2 3 - 102 1 1 — 7, SLHA. 228 353 72 220 8 25 6 3 2 342 11 19 4 5 4 68 A I 8. p a v a g .uda 153 231 56 146 7 10 3 2 188 43 15 — 10 1 55 1 1 — MADHaGIRI 9. 275 350 104 253 22 24 - 1 - 321 29 28 2 4 - 99 5 2

10. KD rat AG ERE 164 305 60 160 4 12 - 10 3 264 41 17 - 6 - 55 5 - - 1 -

Total: 2566 3275 959 2263 28 3 201 32 39 tO Cvi ^ 40 47 9 915 44 12 ■! 1 o ^ CVJ




No.of Teachers No.of Pupils - No,of Teachers No,of Pupils. - 3L t a l u k s NO. SC 3T SC ST SC ST SC ST


1. TUIVIKUR 1 2 2 - 363 1C4 76 42 _ __

2, KUNIGiU: 2 - - 279 61 20 11 - — ~ —

3, •TUHUY3ICERS 2 - - 142 26 26 21 . - — ~ 4. TIPTUH 3 - - 125 27 3'5 14 — — — ~ —i .. Mi 5. G.N. H ,^ IY - - - - 44 8 17 2 » —

6. GUBBI 4 - 161 36 58 24 — — — —

7. SIRA 4 1 - 26C 49 97 23 - - — — —

8. PAVAG.U}A 2 — . 181 5 1C2 37 — m m as 9. MilDHUGIHI 6 1 - 268 5C 106 22 _ 10. KOHilTAGSRE 5 4 - 148 53 95 31 - - « - - -

TOTJOji 29 2 8 - 1971 419 634 227 ------; _ _ ; ______- -2- _

______,______AIBIB ______OT a id e d . Toachera No.of iupila - No.of ioachcra' ~ ~ NoTof PupilaT ~ '

KO SC ST SC ST sc si sC ~ ” ~ST ” '


1. TUIffiUH 5 1 1 - 726 277 315 80 _ _ _ 1 107 24 39 17 2. EOI^IGAI . 4 2 _ _ 196 35 16 3 _ _ _ I 37 11 4 ^

3. TU®VEIC3RE - ^ - I 119 69 24 8 1 I : : 25 11 10 9 4.' TITTU3 _ _ 1 - 123 56 36 6 1 1 1 1 '136 47 16 9

5. C.N.HjiiI.Y 1 _ - - 321 101 115 59. - - - _ 9 _ 12 1 6. GUBBI _ _ _ _ 265 55 77 25 - - _ _ 1 '

^ - 1 - 17T 47 93 29 - - I I 21 5 13 1 8. PAVAG,iDA 1 _ - - 236 53 220 66 _ _ _ _ 7 _ g

9. lUDHUGIiO: 2 - 1 _ 371 107 175 49 - - - I 32 1 35 4

10. KOMAGERE - - - - 223 . 73 72 23 - _ _ _ 19 7 13 4

TOTAI 14 3 4 _ 2757 873 1143 348 2 - - 393 106 151 44

-oCo- t a e l s n o . 18 - ^ 3 " Total No.of Minority Medium Pilmary and No.of Teachers working. ------oOe------p-----L------— t t “ ------J URDU , TAJin' TELAGtf MAHAIKif HirDI SNGIISHi JIULAi-' SINli GUJiL ANY ' ' 3L Name of - . - ^ ----- ,-aIA M '“ '-HI .HATHI OTHER > InU. the O 'l 03| •! 03 •|)h bj ® m \ m .roicn os no • m TqI nlr ^ ®|rH| P-» Q3|®f03|5^. Ca|*H | CQ j 5h | Aai-UiS-. r C . 'hO> ‘Ho'N® ‘HO O ‘HiOl'H® | /H ^ H i O ® Ch 0> ,HO. 0310^ OOlOrC lOOfOO IOQIOJC rooi»-C|00 0-CJ ‘M o I'M OjMOl QCfOOj*^ lOOIOrCj COOThI #0 |.Q .O .O •© .4:3 .o 9 s i o O •1*0 lOO'eWOG ^1*0 00 o • •o 4^ iO| OCD OrC l OCO |0-C|0

2. KUJTIGAL 41 8 9 - -

3. TURUVKKEHE 17 23 - - -_____-

4. TIPTUR 11 37 - ----___ 2 17

5. C.N.HAllY 21 42

6. GUBBI 26 60

7. SIRA 24 65

8 . PATAGAHA 11 26

9. MAHHUGIRI 21 47


_ n O n _ -9^^ -

Total No.of Minority Medium Secondsry Scliools and Number of Teacha £ working.

U rd u Tam il T e lu g u Mar a t h i Hindi Englisli M elay elam S i n d h i 'oujarathi irigc other ____ -SO- SNo • Name of th£ ta v-( “ 3T “ “w ““ ai - - - TU - — ta — tn ~ or — — —a?— — — — — ca- -> — — U*« — — — — or*. ». iH >-< 1—J M t a l u k . 'H H CD rH H CQ ^ ca M at M UJ W «1 w O O 'H jCJ 'H o qn 'H o 'H ^ rH D «HO r-i a;> rH H 03 q-| r-i ^ O O o o o o • O O «H O ^ O Q o^ogo^ tH o 'w W o «H ^ o ^ O O «Hrd oxi « ^ c ^ .03 •rCj • U O O O O • ^ • a ♦Xl • o O O O O O O O o OOOo *OOo O o 0) O d O H O O O «D • ^ • CO Oo OOJOOOCD • si * ^ • XI ♦ c. • X{*B5 0X1 a ® O O O (jj JZJCQ ^UJSSJcajSJO) o o o (j> O o o © OuOUJ 52JOOU)

4 / 1* ■ [Dumkur - - - - 3 17 — * ' 2 , K u n i g a l - i ' 3 . 0?uiu veksr e - — —— mm 4-, TiptUii ' - — _ mm

5 . G .1 T .H a l i i - — t 6 . G u b b i - - - - -— mm t 1 . S ir a 1 6 - - - mm

8 * Pavasada - — —_

Madhug ir x 9 . -- - — — 4M i 1 0 . Koratageie ------~

Total 1 6 ' ■ - - - 3 17 - - - - Table 110,19 'otal No.of Minor,itj Modiuiu/oeccaadaiy Seotione in Multi-'dedjHifii 8ciiooi£ and Fo*of !!feaciiei£ woiking,

Urdu iPatail Telugu'^Marati iUndi Borgiigii Malayaiiam Sindiii Gu^retslix ingr o^her SUo*Nanie of tbe OJ m ccr m 01 5f ca CQ CQ « tn m Ul W m 0} t aluk« M a S9 d M a -W d M S3 MMa S d M d g o 0) O CD o o o o Q ■w O o •JJ 'W o «H «H rS4 tH-H qHjCj tH^q-|^%4*r4 O o o -»o ZJ • 43 O o 043 O o • 43 O W • O ♦ ro • U • CD • O * 0 3 • O • CD .» o • « ♦ W' CD ’• o • CD O O • CD • t> • CD O ' o * S O CD O CL' o O o u> O G> O O o .(9 a (9 O (S> o O 9 o o e>o G? ^ o o to i 3 C£> O <9 a (ff a ______3 w «. ca}^4» w co S^4=» Tuittkur 3 ^ - - 49 >4-3 -- — -

2# Kunigal - - 12 36 - - - -

^uruvekcrc- - - 6 30 • - -

4# Tiptur -- 12 72 - - - - -

C^N.Halll •T - 6 24 - -- -

6, Gubbi — 6 30 , - mm - -

t 4 7 . Sira - - 4 2D - - ^ - - 4 4 8# Pava#ada M 4 16 4 i ‘ 4 9#Madliugiri - 9 50 - - # r ~ * 10*Kor atagere - - 5 ^ ~ - - — ...


Total - 113 646 - - TiffllE HO. 20. WC.O? 30S)Cx,S,l'EACHEHS PTtPUS (_ MIN031TY I.^GDJGES) A3 HEHST IANGUAGE IN SECONDAHY 3CHD0LS. 1 I UI2DU _l 1 m a h a t h i - HINDI I - - -TELUGrlf - - TAMIL - i 5N0LI3H. SL Name ! I NO. of • 1 !H: 1 m 1 *H ^ a t 03 1 tH rd O *H 1 O 1 1 1 o o • O -H O O • »H © i * ^ -H o Is; p< 1 is- E4 I I en 1 1 I ^ -H S EH ® ^ o

1. TUIvffiUH 7 14 2.KUNIGAX 213 5 3.TUitlT7F„ KEHE 34 1 83 |.TIPTUR 73 3

5.C.N, HALLY 145 2

6.GUBEI 34 1

7*SIHA 246 2

s ^patagada 55 1



TOTAL: 158 2 27 14 - 9 7- ITEM F 0 .3 . REVIEW OP THE P3DGI0S33 ACHIEVEE UIJDEE PlAK SCHEMES. rHOroHMA^L Financial Progress achieved in respect of PXan Schemes of ianual Plan during the current year 1982-1983 up to the quarter ending with 31-12-1982(^ 5- the end of use. 1982) -oOo-

Out lay SI Name of the Financial pro­ If Expendi­ Other reasons Head of du riDg NO. Scheme. gress achieved - ture is nil for short fall Account. the year. during the curr­ whether it in expenditure ent year up to - is du6 to non and suggestions the end of quain­ sanction of to over come ter ending scheme, them. 31-12-198 2, Yes/No* -3 5 6

A. PRII^RY ESIJOATIOH. 1. INSPECTION:- P77 Edn A^P-rv (Bradma-Suptd. 1 Post) Edn! 1. li^ection 9,017-15 Hecurring there is No problem, expenditure^ 2. TEACHING SO?APg ( W ^ ) 35 posts sanctioned during 1979-1980.- O o ^ P ^ / s c h o ^ o l s 6 ,8 4 , 359-64 R ecurr^g there is 25 Posts -do- 81-8 2 E .D ist. Sector Schemes expenditure. 68 Posts -do- 81-8 2 (II) 1,Teaching staff 51 posts -do- 82-83 (MRP) 119 Posts -do- . 82-83 _48 Posts -do- 82-83 346 posts l i s t ‘ enclosed(l)‘ 3. PHOVIDING IIBSAHIES IR 3CHD01S: 377. Edn. A.?ry Sdn. Allotment 'Jo sanction so far sanction should 2.G-ovt.?ry Schools not received '^o expenditure be made intime. B, 2ist, Sector Schema? . sofar. ( I l l ) Proviciing Libraries in Schools. o^ -2- 1

4.PHDVIDING EQUIPMENT IN 277.Edn. A.Pry PRIMARY SCHOOLS: Allot mo:3t- Edn. 2. Govt,Pry No Sanction so far Sanction should Schools 3. I>ist, not rec ei- ved so far. No expenditure. he made ictima^ Sector Schemes (IV) Provision equipments in Pry Schools. 5. APPOIHTI^IBNT OF SCHDOL ICTHERS Post s 18 sanctioned during79-80 277.Edn.Pry Edn Recurring a. ‘,76,051-69 Recurring No p. r'biem^ 17 posts -do- 80^81 2.G-ovt.Pry Sell- there is expenditure. 5 po^s -do- 81-8 2 ools. B, i)ist. 5 posts -do^- 82-83 Sector Schemes. 6 posts -do^ 82-83 (V) Appt. of 1 post- - «do- - -82-83- School Mothers

51 "posts List enclosed ( 2)- e.ATTENLANCi: SCEOIARSHTF POR GIHL3 277.Edn.A ,Pry Edn ^lotmemt 52, 305/- There is expen- Wo ProTjlem. LISTT Tnm ENCLOSE!)TmvT rt-r^-riT'. (/ 3) 2.Govt.Pry Schools- not received O a- mrlh. rro/n


8. COFSXHUCTIOS OP C1A33 H30MS 277.3dn.A,Pry Edn &RANT_IN_aID. 2.Govt.Pry Schools B.Uiat.Seotor Sell- Qmes«

(■yill) ConstructicD of jAI lot merit' class iDoms grant-ii3- not rec oi— No aarjction Sanction should aid. ( T O ) ved so far. aofar, "be made intime. No Gxpenditura 9- AHSA SUB-?I,AK- - - Not in this District

10.MIILDAY MSiil-S IN SCHDOlSs 277.3dn,A.Pry - Allotment Sdn.7 Other 5s- pcnditure not recsived - - . No aanction Sanction should er Schemes 30 far. sofar. be made intime* Midday Meals in No Exp en d i t u r e Schools (MNP) ^ e r e is allotment in Non Plan fe6, 27,600/- for G.G, 11. PURCHASE OF LAlv'X> iiPTD BUrLlL 277. Sdn. xi^Pry - IHG3 , 1 I 3T SSCIOSiil) ( 5) Edn.7 Other 2'herc is n o --- - I.Ihere aro 4 Central Kitchen and penditure Brother allotment. 6 Mini Central Kitchen buildir^s Schemes. XIII., Pu lu are constructed under Plan for chase of land and 1979-1960 details as followss- buildings. I.CENTS.O; KITaESN‘:-.l Tumkur (2) Kun- igal ( 3) %dhugirl (4) ipt u r. I I,MINI O m T E A L KITGKSN; I.KodigenahpEy ( 2) Badavanahally. 3.Byalya (4) l^adigesi (5) M*N.Kote. 6 P.T. Hally.

2.The list of schools running in Private Houses to be acquired is here with an closed*

Gont d. 41. —4-- ^ f-QO -

1 - - _5_ - 4- 7-

3EGON13ARY EDUCATION: 12.DIHSCTI0N AOT A D M I S T M I O F : 277. Edn.B. Sec. - At the I3PI LcvgI EdK. 1. Direct- - ion 32id Admini­ stration 1. Dir­ ector of Public Instruction, I B.nTSPECTIONu- I Posts .liiat 8nclosed{6!l 277. Edn. B, Sc-e Hecurring & 21,929-06 Recurring and '^0 pro. Edn« 2. Inspoc- expenditure ib 131021. tion. there. 14. &0VEMM3?T HIGH 3CHD0LS;- 4 Schools sanctioned during78-79 277.Bdn,B. Sec. 2 ^do^ 80^81 Sdn.3.Govt, Sec. Hecurring. Rs2,78,976-60 Hecurring . No pro- 5 -^do^‘ 81^8 2 Schools.3, Digt, 7 -do- - 82-83 Sector Schemes, There is exp on- blem« - - - 7 --7 ------I. High Schools. diture. 18 schools (list enclosed) ( 7 )

5. SUPPLY OP LIBRAHY BOOKS. 277. 3dn. 3. Sec ±»dii. Allotment Ho allotment Allotment SQUIPMZNTS AND FJHNITUHE, 3. ijovt. Sec. Schools No expenditure should he B, Dist* Secto r Schemes. made intime* (II)Supply of Library- hooks equipments, fuiu niture. Stationery and ■ Uniforms to Sec. Schools. 16. APPOINTMENT OP PHY. EDN T5ACH5HS; 9 Posts continued from 79-80 277.Edn.B. Sec Edn.3* Hecurring. as9, 266-60 BeDurring there No Pro- List enclosed (8). 3-0vt. Sec. Schools. B, is expenditure, hi cm. Dist.Sector Schemes. (Ill) Appt.of Phy, Sdn. Teachers. eA. -5- ^ / O f - -

< 4

PRIVilTB HIGH SCHDOLS. 17. COMPLETED 5 YEkriZ OP SZISTAFCEs^ 277« Edii. B. Sec, ------Edc*4 Posts to 1 schocl admitted for grant during Non-Govt. Sec. fis7p00,000/- 5,59,475- 32 There ia sen-. ivjo 1978-1979. - - Schools.B.Dist. ction. P^°^lem. 3 schools -—do— 79—80 Sector Schemes* There is expen— _5_schocla_ _ _ -do-______80-81. I.Private H, S. diture* con5)leting 5yrs 9 Schools .List enclosed(9) of existance (l) " grant-in-aid.

18. STAHTED OP GOVT. HIGH SCHDCL TRIBAL 277. Edn. B. Sec AREA 3IIEL.PLAI^. Sdn,9* Trit)le Area - - -Not applicable to this Dist - Sub-Plan.( III) starting of Govt. High School. 19. gam es a n d SPOHTS f o r SCHOOL 277. Edn. B. Sec. Edn. - CHILDREN: Allotment There should 10.Other Sdn.B 0th- . received - - he adequate er Schsmea.(i t ) Games^ 30 far. -- No allotteBt and Sports for Sch­ allotment exter­ ool Children. so far. nal forces are to he? contro­ I I I .C . SP E C m EDUCATION; lled. 20. AWAHi OP SCHOIARSHIrS TO STUDENTS 277. 3dn. C. Spl. Edn. 3. Sanskrit Bdn. (IV)- OP HIGH/HSilSSC. 3CHD0L3. Central Plan Scheme of Award of Schol­ - -AT.D.P. I Level - - - - arships to Students of High/Hr Sec. Sch­ ools studjd-ng Samskritas.

277.3.„.C.Spl.Ed„,3.3,n..rit3 - . _ a T B.P.X. level Providing facilities for teaching of Samakrita in Sec. Schools, 2 2 .MODERNISATION OP SAIvISKRITA PATA- 277. Edn. C. 3pl. Edn. 3. Samskrita Sdn. SHALAS. Z.Modernisation of Samskrita Pata- - - -AT D.P. I.Level ----- ahalas. Contdc •... 6) —6— - foZ» • . - -

III.D>PRS UFI^./1^RSITY SDUCATION 23, CJ0V3HMENT HIGHER SEC. SCHDCLS CO VESTED IFTO JUNIOR GOLXBGES, 277 Edn.D, Pre# Orders for upgra­ Biiriversity Bdn. ding should te 4 Junior Colleges sanctioned made at least * during 1981-198 2. tutions.ulr "^®°'^rnng 301-78 vfor Nov. Recurring one year early. 2 -do- - 8 2-8 3 - G-ovt.Hr Sec. ^ __ schools conveit- Dec, 1982 “ ~ted into Jr only). Junior Gollsgeg .List enclosed Colleges* (10),

24. IV. E. GENERAI- EDUCATION! No ^lot- SoTABLlSHIvIEiNT OF BOOK BANKS. 277. Edn, H. Genl. - Sarly allot­ ment , 152 Book Book Banks 3 Other Expend!^ ment is essen­ ture. There are Banks. 152 by self ef f c rt a. tial. However 152 Book m i . Establish^ self efforts ment of Book Banks. * are being njade.

-oOo- - I o 3 ~ LIST OF GOVEKNMBNT HIGH SCHOOL (OOMKS UNDEa P L M HB/iD) • • • • I,Gk)-vt .High School,Koaigilialli,3}uruvGkGrG taluk 78^-79 2*Gtovt.High Sohool, Anchihalli, Turuvekere taluk ?8‘-79 3*Govt#High School, Ta’varekerejKunigal taluk 78^79 4 , Govt •High School, Na gas andr a, Gubbi taluk 78*-79 5,Govt,High School,Sathemavathur,Kunigal taluk B0'-81 6,Govt .High School,UjoanijKunig al tal uk 80'-8l 7*Govt.High School, Thondager e,Tucikur taluk 81^82 8,Govt*High School,Garani,Madhugiri taluk 81^-82 9,Govt,Hi^ School,Dandina£hivara,Turu-vekere taluk 81^-82 10*Govt.High School,Marida£arxahalli,Pava6ada taluk 81*-82 II.Govt*High School,Thadaaui,Tiptur taluk 81-82 12.Govt.High School,Oorukere,Ohinkur taluk 82-83 13*Gov t.High School, 0*N,Halli taluk Daaudi 82-83 14,Govt,Hi^ School,Balsvaneralu, Tiptur taluk 82-83 '13,Gov t.High School,Hosahatti Village at j^mnianaghatta Gubbi taluk (Tippur, Gubbi taluk) 82-83 15*Ck>vt.High School, Irakasaridia Oolony,Koiatagei:Q 82-83 17*Govt*High Sahool,Manahaladoi6,Gubbi taluk 82-83 18,G o v t.High School, Ohikkanislur,Medhugiri taluk 8^-83


% Date of Date of admi­ SNo* Nara© of the Schools Taluk atarting tting in to advance aalaxy grants# ‘

1. H,H, S*Mavinaha 11 i Gubbi 7 ^ 7 3 1 r V 7 8 2* UGHS,Sira Sira 25r6r?3 V V 7 9 3. G * H .S ,, Tucikur Tumkur 11-7r73 1 r V 7 9 I . G . H . a , , Tiimkur Tumkui: 11-7r73 W 7 9 5, HS, Gowdanaka tte Tiptur 21«6-74 1- V80 6, HS,Beiaguli O .N .H a lli 26~P-74 7* HS,Kataveerahalli Sira 26^6^7^ '1«4~80 8, HS,Seetliakal, Tumkur 3V'10^74 9,HS,Hiriharapura, PavagadG 1-7-74 1-4«80 -ioJi- A^T)IT^T0 ATAL T?OR t^ON-K ^(FOOLS T)IF?I^TG 8 2 - 8 3 .

3l*No'. TVT^wp of the ATo. of '^TaTn<=> of the Teiluk. posts Hl.lotf^^, h

1, fCunl^al* 22 1 , U r ^ u 9 San +li Pin a v ^ fh u r , rt J « 1 t h i r i am a n s ; a l a . 4. ATn "loTnavlnapura. qTTiathlke re « 6. ■^ell'-'^’ p ^ T - a la y a , 7* ICov\r!^ .halll. 8. "Bi^ana^ rp. 9 . S a b e : a n a h a l 11 . 10. £ ^ R t+ 'a # 11. N l t t u r . 12. ■'^^onnap'ura. 13. Y p I acral ana^ l, 14. A r p > k p r p . 15." 'Bommpnahalllpal ya. 16. " ^T>f}c,^KunlP:al. 17. " Jl'IffPre. 18. ” K'o'ippalya. 1 9 . ” K.H oaahani, 20. ^ p t t l b p ^ u , 21. TTosakP rp , 22. ^'^ adak P h a l l i , 2, OMhhi^ 14 1. ^^aecalavaii* 2. C H i P lu r * 3 . ^ a y a v a r a . 4 . ^ '^ ^ .C Avls Q u b b l* 5 . ^ a^i a b a 6. K’aTnaRan'ira. 7 . 0 . ^.'f^ura. 8. K p n o h p n a h a l l 1 • 9. l i a e ^ i i r * 10. K on pm a ^ pn ah al 11, m Yaleplahalll. 12. 'Hoiipnaha'] 11. 13. Klla+kuppp. 14. ^Ikunahalll. f3. 5 •' llrlr ^r) y ^ k 1 y 6 1. TTij mm^nah^l 11. 2. ^ n Ih a l , 3 . pr) ah all 1* 4 . ^ anllkp rp. 5. ^anlanak« r^, 6. ^a+tpi^at’♦-a. 1 .” ^aohanoor* P. " ^nnnav*=^lll. 3. ” A'llriayakanahalll. 4* ” *^HaPhalli. o fo

5 * 8, I.TTr^U 2 * ”. a:^ T P * ’5. 'J T)Hgphalll, •. 4.'-' 'nev'^n'JV’^ikR-n'Oi'^lll, 5. " 'Buchpm.inl 11* 6. ” TTalke r^. 7 * " Sampi H os ah a lll 8*''’ Aklrlasari'^lT^, 6. TTor^tasere Tq, 7 1 , ” Ar^igapura, 2. ” ^ulikunto. . 3 . " K olala, 4 . " Cfhar]vi*:,-p^yf,4 u r f i: a * •i. " SoTTTDura* 6 . ’’ ’''^ a-navlnakurlke. 7 * " M allekavu* 7 . ’''’^H'iTiueclrl n^q.* 11 1. ” TJrrlu 2. ” Hoaakp tp* 3. " 4. »» ATp j»q'i pl^Q -pp^ 5. ” ^ob^^plnlll. ' 6, ” vpV^^ rp . 7 • ” ^'^al 1 '-^n 9 y a k a n a h a l 1 1 , 8 , ” ^ O '^ a^ ri'nh'illl* 9 * ^a^ Phalll. in , »» Do'^'^arnalu-p* 11*” '^a^^vanahalll.

Sli-a T'aluk. 16 1. ” ■’" a lp u '^ a * 2. ” ^ort ?^lra* 3 . ” KallPTnhplla, 4. ” '^avarpkprp* 5 * ” ‘no'^'^afirnhara* 6* ” fV>palM pv^^rahalll* 7 * ” Kunt'o/ynw ^ annhalll, 8* ” *Bi?aTnhaaaTi'lra, 9.** to, *» W«li»«4i€illt, 11* ” 1S>. ” ” ^oTinaaron-laii^^atlrl^ 14,” fJnn'^ihalli, 1 5 , ” H osahalll* 16, »» ^al a n '^111, 1, ” Roppa, 2 , ” H hsrI onDura. 3, ” ^annaTnp^l* 4. ^ "^al-^van i 6 5. ” p] oTnpf^^l 1 1 * 6. »’ O h an n akp 9h ^ v 'i p u ra. 7. *^^pnk a tarn *^n '^h al 11 * ft H ■^■^'^s^a] qDura, • • • 3 • • • 1*1(0., TTTWim T/jlTTK: 23 1« TJr^u Gl-atp TuTnkuri 2. Kothitop 3. B<=)twa^e* 4. 1'%'mloor. 5. Arqlre r^. 6, ^w‘an<^<3ri‘=ihaLll* 7. "Bpllavl, 8. Kps+15 T* 9. n.T^^Kp-rp* 10. 11. 12. 13. ■' cno *pp^ f ' :•-! in Phalli. ■ ^ vnn 'ih *1111 p^i ya. 16* Fo-m, 17. TT-ppai^halll, 18. ^ ori a 8 g cp i»p, 19. ^Tqo^valll, 20. "Bl i a T^in+■+‘e * 21. T^axrori'^anahalll ,'T’uTnkur, 22* TT T*'^ 1 m=» -n=> • 23. re.

119 p'^sts. - /o 7 - ^DDIO?IONAL Hi^TDS K)R NON K^NN^Di^ SCHOOLS DURING 1982-83.

SNo« Name of fche No*of poata taluk. allotted. Name of the place* 1 . Tumkur 15 1.Urdu LPS,M.A.R.P.Golony 2.Urdu Davoodsabpalya• 3. Barline, Tumkur 4. ” for Girla Market,Sqr. 5. ” i^laaettikerepalya 6. Nazarabad. 7. ** Kyathsandra 8 . " Gairhalli 9 . G.H.Riaala 10. ” Honnudike 11# ^1 12. tt flobbur ' ft 13. GlhoIaDibaU4 14. I* Bheemaaandr a 13. '-s* San the pet 2* Q*N,Halll 1. ^ O.N.Halli 2. ^’,O.N.Halli 3* Baragehalli 4. Yakubs a bpalya Kunigal 1^ " Kunigal 2. Kampanaba H i 3% V iiQttultfhopu 4, i} Huli^'urdurga 5* V imruthur 6. Kothagere 7. ^ Kothigere 4 . Gubbi n 1 * K.Kallaha H i II 2 . D.Kunnala 3. It Malaga ti 4. Linganahalli 3 * K^oratagero n 1 . Holavanahalli II 2 * t i iikkir ampur a 3* IT Kor atagere Madhugiri ti 1 . Kotagaralaha11 M 2 . I .D .H a l l i tt 3* Goidhihalll 4. If i)oddatnalur y* Pavagada II a 1 . Pavagada II 2 t Y.N.H os akote 3^ TuruvekeiQ II 5 1 * luruvekere 2. II Mayaeandra II 9» Tiptur Bandoor 3 1» Gurugadahalll ' 2. I* 1 0 , Sira 3. ^ Blndiegere 6 1. 2. - ^sfiarniohalli 3. y Sira 4i UHPGs,Sira 5. ^ HPa,Patt?anayRkatiahQiii Sir a* ^otal 31 poets. -foS- Pfcnnir, "®°*Edu< 17-Ba .v DOC. No ......


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