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Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-21-1919 Clovis News, 08-21-1919 The ewN s Print. Co.

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There have been many excellent Washington, Aug. 20. Early ac- ' CREAT WESTERN SPUDS IN yields of wheat reported from the AN ECONOMICAL tion to settle unrest in the ranks of various fine fields in Curry County, TERM OF COURT railroad employes who have demand- The Great Western Oil & Refining but perhaps there are none that will ed new wage increases was forecast Compuny, with headquarters at Clo- compare with that of S. S'ilden, who The term of District Court jiul today. vis, started the drill Sunday after- lives northeast of town. Mr. Seddcn now coming to an end has been one After a lengthy conference with noon on their location three rind had in 400 acres and his average of the most inexpensive teniu ever the representatives of the six shop miles southeast of Kenna. yield on this exceptionally largo crop held in Curry County. It Iui3 cotit crafts, Director General Hines went ill": I This locution is on a block of forty was 24 bushels to the acre, making the county only $1020, whereas the . J to the white house to discuss with cost is usually at least three time:. thousand acres of lease owned by President Wilson the problems facing his total yield 9,.r00 bushels. He CURRY much. is THRESHING SCENE IN COl'.nV the Great Western, and is known as marketed th id grain at an average of this This accounted for in' the administration. the Ranger Lake Structure. There $2.00 per bushel or $1),2(I0 for more ways than one. There is ai: This picture wan taken on th-.- r emito I'ros. farm, where one of the Mr. Hines' promised the shopmen's have bem two distinct gas dnnu-.- crop. This exceptional yield exceptional absence of crime in tin good wheat yldj of tic county wa mnde. leaders that he would give careful county this grand traced on this structure, and jrrolu-gist- s consideration facta pre- on as la rue an acreage a thin is at time and the to ull the d predict that the drill will en- rarely ever heard of even in the big jury finished its work promptly ai sented and would endeavor to reach found few bills. The cases have; counter a gas sand at a depth of a final decision in the wheat countries in the older ttatis, that near future, come up for have been bundled HftHT about 1,000 feet on the south dome indicating thnt he will into ef- end now many of our lucul citizens trial POSLie USD order with dupatch. un mm where the location was made. fect nny changes in tho wage scalo fiKrurinpr 400 of lu'ul arc what acres present on Tfl OTSTf"' Large crowds were the without referring the demands to a is worth that will produce a csh crop TfV"fl fl ATTENDING HIGHWAY MEETING UBOR EUT Ir , ground all day long. A string of jcard for investigation. The shop mounting to s.lU,200, or 4N per U I II ULULU IU II. standard drop tools are being usid men's demands were presented in acre. District Highway Superintendent and the derrick and rig are one of the tho spring to the board of railway Mr. Scddcn nays he will put in a D. V. Jones of Clevis and J. L. May. very best built Standard out-fit- s in wages and working conditions, which large acreage of wheal this full, larg Plans are being made for a big Salt lake City, l.tah, Aug. 18. representing the Commercial Club at lhu gtale of Ncw moxco. took extensive testimony and then er if possible than hut year, lie uses Labor Day celebration in Clovis on The governor? of the public land Portales, returned the lutter part of divided evenly for and ngaiitit a raise. tractors which is about the only way tin first day of September. There states unanimously voted today for last week from l.awton, Oklahoma,! Delay in action on the demands even- he could handle this large an acreage are more men belon(:iri to organized the organixi't'cn of n league to work where they have ben attending a good tually' resulted in the recent unauth- at this time. labor unions now than at any time fur fho rt. li- tr nf hi- tv.i1:Ií lumia t.n FATE OF LEAGUE Tfl road meeting in the interest of the orized strikes in many sections of the in the history of Clovis and the d.iy the state3 in which they nre located. "Bankhead Scenic Route" which runs country. Leaders of the shopmen, out- HIT IT LUCKY will he celebrated in a fitting man- Governor Lnrr;:7.olo of New Mexico from Little Rock, Ark., to El Puso lining the reason for their demands, ner. Following is uart of the pro- was elected president ur.d Governor IE SETTIEO SOON and on to California. Mr. Jones was said that they did not rest primarily Tat Hiñes, who formerly lived near gram that has been mapped out for Bamberger of Utah vice president. interested In seeing this route come on the increased cost of living, al- Ft. Vrain, is reported to have made the day: Edward Everett Young of New Mex- directly through Clovis and Portales though that was a contributing factor, some big money in the oil game at Parade will start from the court ico was elected secretary-treasure- r. along the government highway that Is Washington, Aug. 19, This week but were based on the proposition He went there to work house at 10:00 a. m., and will be led The resolution asked the ceding r.urkburnett. eing put in good condition and will reveal the fate of the Peace that the wages of the railway shop- suct with- i rhort while ago and is said to have by Mayor Stone and Johnson's Band. of all unreserved public lands his recommendation m the mutter will Treaty and the League of Nations so men ought to be more in line with hit it lucky In oil leases. The difTerent crafts will be in line as out mineral or other reservations. no doubt be taken for this route is far as the United States is concerned. wages for similar work in other in- follows: Retail Clerks, Railway- - This was adopt-- d at a conference of much better thnn which hud already And as has happened before in legis dustries. It was claimed by the union Clerks, Machinists, Carmen, Brake the governors of the public hind been chosen. lative battles there will be a com officials that the wages paid railroad men, Boilermakers, Maintenance of states, called at the request of Gov-VYu- BROS. START Another route which directly promise out of which each side will shopmen were materially lower than II Stationary Firemen, Copper-- ernor Larrazolo, who presented a MICK this section and which will bring ' claim and declare substantial vic- those paid shopmen in private indus- smiths, Blacksmiths, Carpent-jra- , Bur- - strong plea for justice to the states much auto travel here will be "Indian tory. tries and in shipyards and navy yards It.... Tl..n a...!v..a ...ill I...... 7...... 1 1'. iL'hitth í n n i , iTo n in riv nil lhu Trails Route" which runs from .. Reasons not altogether on the sur under government control. The min NEW THEATRE SLUG. ., ...... u. - - I'oe orgi:n...... anon nviKing me oer.lJ pivfnion pratia irom me .i.....mira in- S. ( by wny Birm- - . face give basis the foregoing pre- imum rate paid by the now Charleston, ., of , . . . j for railroads ...... diction. Yet the controlling factors is 08 cents an hour, which is asked to r...... w ' tki-- .i Tu., I,...: nr.. JI IAC tin A UU3I- - through the oil fields and on to 'l lC f&a, IIIUU fill. llv and motives are so obvious that one be advanced to 85 cents, an increase ness men are invited to take part in Hunlwick Bros, commenced digging Childress, Texas, thence by way of ondors why the tactics of the occa of 25 per cent. the basement of their the parade if they desire. this week on Silverton, Tulia, and Tcxico-Fnrwe- sion involve whispers and party coun Until the shopmen's demands are be After the parade there will be new theatre building which wilt to Clovis, down the valley line to ts of utmost secrecy. But the truth out of the way, Mr. Hines is not tak- Hard- speaking at the Lyceum Theatre. C. erected on lots between Barry Roswell and across to El Paso. Republicans and Democrats have ing up the demands of other classes" W. Harrison will be master of cere- ware Company and the New Stalo Our good roads through this sec li NEKT WEEK een getting some good advice lately, of employes, virtually all of whom Main monies end there will be speeches by Auto Company on North Street. tion are attracting much auto travel. and from quarters outsido of Wash want more money. 0 Judge J. D. of The building will be feet and Humlin Farwell, Judge ington, where the impatience of the and a basement. Sam Bratton of Clovis and others. will be two siories NEW MEXICO'S WHEAT BELT Chamber of Commerce, people for action, affirmative or neg- contain a balcony In the afternoon the sports will be The theatre will M. ative, but takably felt. I I J . , l. L..1, i. i : : - . Clovis, N. PR0GRAP.1 FOR COUNTY 9G0 people. It will be neiu 1 me pum, nd will teat (Albuquerque Journal.) " uuii utr(imiiiig ni Gentlemen: On Monday, August "Report the treaty. Do something. constructed of concrete 2:00 o'clock. A ball game and other The dry farming counties of Ncw " 1Ve Wre8 e Don't give the impression of indeci heated and ven amusement, have been arranged for.:"th, hmei ,0' nd will be properly Mexico are making a most amazing sion, don't waver, go ahead. This is T The building will have both ...... tilated. record this year. The local papers re "" ""...... what the Republicans have been told, heating plant and a hot air a steam late scores of instances in which the short visit to their friends and and It rather upsets some senatorial furnace and will b ventilated by a mencing at 7 :uu p. m. some good wheat crop of this season sells for neighbors in a number of Panhandle plans for a. lively, long drawn out de washed air ventilating system. It i w. .n..j . .k. Curry County Teachers' Meeting enough to pay the purchase price of it now lucAiLv, emu nuuuiri II bate with the slow death process for contain both ladies' and gentle- cuaici will open the Clovis High School will a farm. Colorado towns. Your City is one of the League of Nations covenant, but at rooms which will be prop Commencing at 9:00 o'clock the Building, Monday, September 1st., men's rest The wheat in those counties is gen- those we will visit, above all, the Republicans have been erly fitted up. Speaking of the new dance will be held at the Elks' Home. continuing for five days with the fol erally selling for around $2 per buiih-c- l, This trip is taken solely for the advised to amend the covenant, but building Mr. E. R. Hardwick said to The music for this occasion will be lowing program: according to grade. The yield is purpose of getting better acquainted don't acquire political responsibility the News man this week: "We plan to furnished by Chapp's Orchestra. from twenty-fiv- e to forty bushels per with you. The train will be oper- for killing it; explain the treaty by in- Monday Evening S:15 get into the building by about Feb Nominations have been made for acre. Oats and most row crops also ated on a schedule that must be terpretations, but don't send it back Address Dr. David Hill, President 1st, if are no unnecessary do Labor Day Queen. The candidates there are breaking records. strictly adhered" to, and we shall to a prolonged conference, remember, State University. lays in getting the structure com are Miss Minnie Rogers of the Clerk's One automobile dealer in Clovis, in therefore expect nothing in the way Germany would like to reopen the Tuesduy, Meeting pleted, and when it is completed we Union and Miss Mae O'Neill of Rail- Will be at view of the fall outlook for prosperity of entertainment from your people treaty. will have the greatest theatre In the way Clerk's Union. The voting will rieannnt Hill. of farmers, has made a contract in but will be glad of an opportunity to To President Wilson and the Demo state of New Mexico. We will not close on next Sunday night. Address 10. a. m. Dr. Roberts, Denver for f00 automobiles for de. meet eneh of them. crats has the word been passed that build President Las Vegas Normal. only have the most straight-ou- livery during the fall and winter, it Our present schedule, which will a t victory with the Peace 1 ing in the state, but will continue to Dr. Roberts, president of the State Address 1 a. m. Supt. J. H. is stated. be slightly revised, will put the train Treaty and League unchanged from maintain the reputation of having the Normal at Las Vegas, passed through W:ngner, State Superintendent. The wheat crop of the state is esti into Clovis at 2:16 p. m. on Monday, the form in which it was signed at very best attractions." Clovis Thursday morning enrouta to Address 1 p. m. Prof. Guenther, mated to be 5,000,000 bushels, of the August 25th. The train will leave Paris is impossible. Interpretations points in the Valley. Dr. Roberts is West Texas Normal. value of $10,000,000. By far the your city at 3:4fi p. m. arc essential, is the way the situation CLOVIS WON FROM emphatically opposed to the educa- Wednesday Afternoon 1 :.10 most of it is in the northeastern With best wiches, I am has been truthfully represented by tional amendments to the constitu Address W. O. Hull, President df LUBBOCK LAST SATURDAY counties, where agriculture was not Yours very truly, proleugue Senators and we must ac tion to be voted on next month. He Silver. City Normal. extensive ten years ngo. S. M. RAMSEY, Secretary. cept them. Of course, if Wilson ac- figures that if adopted they will in- Short Talk L. I. Mills, Peters Last Sundny afternoon on the local ccpts interpretations in which he him grounds, Clovis defeated Lubbock in jure the state educational burg, Tenn. Joe Hewitt, assistant cashier at the self is really in sympathy his influence the game of bnll played here Wednesday Evening 8:15 fastest First Nationul Bank is taking his va is such that he can obtain acquiesc this year. The local team had the Short Talk Pres. W. O. Hall. cation now. He plans to leave th ence by diplomatic note from the outclassed but it was an ex- I am ready to discuss wheat hauling Address L. I. Mills. visitors latter part of the week for a visit to other powers, but if the European cellent exhibition of the national with someone desiring thnt kind of Thursday Afternoon 1.10 Texas. countries do not see the full Wilson B FATHER work. H. J. Stahl. Claud. N. M. game. The score was to 3. IT S! ltc ian strength behind the changes it is Directors Meeting. considered that for domestic reasons Discussion of new school laws. The News is a little late chronicl- some countries may not be anxious to Plans for this year's work. A most deplorable hap- ing the arrival of a new boy who ar- accident reopen the treaty. That is why the Talk Pres. W. O. Hall. pened St. on Tuesday rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. near Vrain President would want the suggested Address 2.30 Lincoln McConnell, morning B. Cramer recently. Papa Cramer of this week when Frank changes reduced to the lowest possi Atlanta, Ga. notwithstanding the Smith, who lives seven miles south is all smiles and Boosters9 Excursion ble number and of a character which Friday 9:00 A. M. occurred several days ago, is west of St. Vrain, accidently shot his event it could be argued did not change the making ten year old son. It seems that about Selecting course of study, till strutting around like a peacock. The Amarillo Boosters Excursion, consist- substance but specified the limits of daylight Mr. Smith arose and shot at programs and plans for the school Clovis at American obligations. a stray dog with his piBtol, the shot ing of four lullmans, will arrive in year. missing the dog and striking his son 2:16 p. in., Monday, August 25th, remaining Grade music and glee club work NO BAND CONCERT Miss Eisie Skoog. REVIVAL MEETING who was asleep in the yard a short in our city one hour and thirty minutos. Their ON FRIDAY NIGHT Arithmetic Miss Sue Wilson. STILL IN PROGRESS distance off. The bullet entered the purpose is to get acquainted with our business Responsibility E. boy's heart and death resulted in to The band concert on Friday night The Teachers men and not to he entertained. I am going of this week has been called off, but W. Bowyer. The Union revival meeting stantly. ask every one that is interested in Clovis to he will be held as usual on Friday night Boys' and Girls' Club Work Mrs. continues to attract exceptional The remains of the child were week. Una M. Steed. The ministers are buried at Floyd cemetery Wednesday. at the depot when this special train arrives of next largo crowds. Community Fait1 E. Peterson. preaching some good sermons and shbw Amarillo that the people of Clovis G. McDuff Gamble of Grady was Music by Croft's Conservatory. and the singing is excellent. On BAPTIST ASSOCIATION are wide awake and that our progressive spirit in town Monday and arranged for Teachers will have an opportunity last Sunday night there was a The Portales Baptist Association is second to none. the News to advertise his sale which to attend the Labor Day Celebration record breaking crowd at the will meet in Clovis next week. The will be held next Monday. Mr. Gam- Monday. airdome to hear the tervicea. association will convene Thursday C. W. HARRISON, ble recently sold his farm out there All Curry County teachers are ex- The revival will continue thru- - morning and will be in session until and will have a public sale. He says, pected to attend this meeting every out next week and until further Friday night. This is the annual President Chamber of Commerce. he is not making any day. The public is invited. is made. meeting of the association and much however, that announcement leaving Curry JAMES M. B1CKLEY, business will be transacted. There rash statements about County Superintendent. will be sermons each evening. County. THE CLOVIS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 101.

LABOR DAY PROCLAMATION factories, 800,000 are under 20 years The Clovis News T of age. Their work in the raw silk In America labor has always oc- factories lasts 13 to 14 hours a duy, Official Paper oí Curry County. cupied a position of dignity, because on an average, and in the weaving it is one of the corner stone upon OF mills they average 14 to 16 hours a which our (Teat, prosperous nation day. says the official Japanese report. hr.s been built; and in honor of labor The nay and night shifts alternate EDWARD L. MANSON it has long been the custom to observe weekly, but all must sleep in the same ATTACK OF GRIPPE LEFT NASH- - Edilcr and Publisher and celebrate a national holiday each beds in the fuctory quarters. As a The Ham year. VILLE MAN SO WEAK HE result, tho death rate from consump- Greatest Therefore, I, Benj. F. Pankey, act tion is 30 per 1,000. Santa Fe New Goody-Lan- d Entered at the postoffice at Clovis, ing Governor of the State of New COULD HARDLY CET AROUND Mexican. In New Mexico, as second class matter Mexico, do hereby designate and pro TANLAC SOON RESTORES under the act of March 8, 1879. claim Monday, September 1st, 1919, HOW WE LEAD IN SWINE as Labor Day in the state of New HEALTH. Mexico. Of cattle the world contains prob TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION Labor in its broad sense, which in ably 475 million head, of which the One Year $1.60 eludes every citizen excepting the "i know from my own experience United States has about Six Months ...... 75 idle, confronts two enemies today, that Tanlac deserves all the praise Of sheep the world contains ap which can be and must be exterminat people are giving it," said L. A. Gup- - proximately 500 million head of which ed, namely the red flag and food ton, a n business man living the United States has about one- - A monthly trade day would bring hoarders. The red flag, with its ig at 135 Seventh avenue, North Nash tenth. much additional trade to Clovis this norant and vicious battle cry, is ut ville, Tenn. Of swine the world contains in the fall and winter. It would not take terly out of place in a free and pros "After returning form a trip West neighborhood of 180 million head, of much work to mnp out a special pro-pra- perous nation; food hoarders and with my wife, I had a bad siege of which the United States contains con for one day each month and profiteers, groups of conscienceless I grippe, wich left me in the worst fix siderably more than one-thir- some form of amusement and some , con men, iruaora 10 inoir country, I ever was in. I lost twenty-fiv- e In other words, swine are lees nu nappy bargains by the merchants 'PERFECT j&SZsf : , as great stitute a menace to America pounds and got so weak that I could merous thun cither sheep or cattle in CUM Jl would draw many people to town I as the red bag, III i and should be as hurdly get around. My stomach the world at large, but are more nu- ni ill in iij in in vi from without our cuatomury trade bjiuiiíB i. i' i iiiuiisitinuuiy ueun wun range. would not retain the food I ate and I merous than either in the United -- i.... . '. lements which today arc went steadily down hill. I had always States. to attempting disrupt and plunge the been healthy and stout, and this Or the same classes mny be con There is a great feeling that Clovis country into distress, give Labor Day weakened condition almost put me sidered in this way: could well employ an experienced a new significance and importance out of business. In cattle the United States is sec man as secretary of the Chamber of this year, and I' urge organized that "This Tanlac has certainly restored ond to India, with three other coun- Commerce. Last year when a secre- as well as general labor, lend every my health. I begun taking it on the tries, Russia, Brazil, and Argentina, tary was employed the work was possible effort, consistent with law advice of friends who knew my condi- following. greatly handicapped on account of abiding citizens, towards overcoming tion and I started gaining back my In sheep the United States is sec the war and general conditions that these common enemies. weight right away. I now feel as ond to India, with three made it near impossible to do any real other coun Labor was one of the principal good and strong as I ever felt in my tries, Russia, Brazil, and Argentina, constructive work. Conditions have M ! - t i. i I xorces wnicn orougni bdoui me great life and every sign is following. changed now and Clovis is growing of the grippe victory in the recent world war, and gone. I am building up every day In swine steadily and we have fine crops. the United States is easily Labor today is one of the great forces anü getting first, Some real constructive work along stronger and heavier. and this year has more hogs upon which we depend for the orderly It is nothing but right should Chamber of Commerce lines with the that I than her ten nearest competitors all and peaceful of na recommend Tanlac, combined. right kind of paid secretary at the for it has put The closest of these are tional prosperity and contentment. me in splendid condition." Brazil, Germany head would not be out of place now. and Russia. I hereby invite all citizens to assist Tanlac is sold So say you, Mr. in Clovis by Meara the greater abundance of swine What Business Men? in the appropriate celebration of Pharmacy, in Tcxico by Red Cross is perhaps tho most noteworthy dif- Labor Day. Pharmacy, and in Melrose by Irwin ference of the United States and most THE CARNEGIE CORPORATION Done at the Executive Office this & Pool. (Advertisement.) otner countries. the 16th day of August, A. D. 1919 We are not surprised to learn that Witness my hand and the Great LABOR IN JAPAN WHY THAT LAME the bulk of the estate of Andrew Seal of the State of New Mexico. BACK? Carnegie will bo left to the Carnegie BENJ. F. PANKEY, The destructive effect of war upon That mornine lameness those Corporation to be administered in the Acting Governor. the man power of Europe has done sharp pains when bending or lifting, interest of the public. As a matter of Attested ; Manuel Martinez, much to bring European wages a lit make work a burden and rest fact, we expect Mr. Canegie's will to Secretary of State. tle nearer American standards. In impos- sible. lon't be handicapped by a bad set forth definitely that the creation the task of rewriting the tariff law, back look to your kidneys. You will Sealed Tight ) of this corporation was for the pur- GREATEST leaders find thut comparisons with r KePtRlfibt NATIONAL ASSET make no mistake by following this pose of continuing the work which he European wage scales do not show Clovis resident's example. rf retired from business nearly twenty Petroleum and its products can the radical differences that existed be- p ran Edwin M. Rowden. carnenter. 411 years ago to undertake. It is in fore the war, soys a in well be said to be our greatest na- writer Leslie's. N. keeping with Redding St.. savs: "Doan's Kid his philosophy to declare tional asset, the exports to date ex- But the danger of Japanese competi ney Tills are nil right. My kidneys that just as an administrator and ceeding $4,000,000,000, or more than tion has become all the stronger, and llBe.iriavorG were in n bad way years ago and J guardian may be appointed to control the gold mined in America since its so the authorities are now studying don't know what caused the trouble, and direct the estate of minor heirs, discovery. The annual production of, with double care the wage statistics' but it surely did bother me. My buck so may an administrator be appointed oil is now eight times in vulue the of Japan. From official Japanese was lamp and stiff and made binding for an estate loft to the public. Such production of gold, and it equals, t sources they have compiled data to or stooping almost impossible. The an administrator, we take it, Mr. Car- indeed it does not exceed, the an mail show that in 1910 Auerican wnges action of my kidneys was irregular, negie has designed the Carnegie Cor- out put of all of the minerals as well were more than eight times the aver too. Dizzy spells often bothered me poration to be. as all other precious metals and gems age wages in Japan. In textilo fac- and I felt badly all over. I began It would also be in keeping with combined. There are over 300 by-- ( tories, wages for male laborers ran as taki'ngDoan's Kidney Pills and riirht Wm. Mr. Carnegie's he low as 20 Ratzburg philosophy were to products made from crude oil. They cents a duy in 1910. In from the start and they helped me. point out that the Carnegie Corpora- include benzine, gasoline, naptha, the chemical industry they were even I wo boxes cured me of the tion might be made the foundation kerosene, fuel and lubricating oil, lower. trouble. Anyone who doubts the merits nf of one of the most powerful agents papafin, asphalt products, axle grease The details of the Japanese labor Plastering and Stucco Work Doan's Kidney Pili should for good in the world. For there is coal tar and soaps. situation, revealed by the Japunese ask me.: 60c, at all dealers. Fostor-Milhn- no reason why rich men desiring that government's own figures, demon- Phone 299 Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. their wealth should be administered strated the menace which these starv- Mr. Farmer, you are likely to be in the interest of the public, should ation wages are to American industry. planning to have a public sale this NO FISH IN not put it under control of the Car- Even the department DEAD SEA Residence Room 18 Pierce Hotel fall. If so, let the News print your of labor of negie Corporation. And it is alto- our own government has found it ad- sale bills. We will give you prompt The dead sea is about 47 gether in the realm of probability visable to publish from these Japan- miles long, tf by 90 miles wide and lies 1,200 that there will be men in the future ese sources the startling picture of feet below the surface of the who will do to. In that way one of the woman and child labor situation Mediterran- ean, the lowest lying sea on the face the richest corporations In the world, mats of Ohio. City of Tjlsdo, in Japan. Figures cited by de- Lucsa County, the we- M. of the globe. Its waters are so bitter devoted entirely to the public Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ht partment of labor show that in 19,-29- 9 that fish can not live in them. lfare, might be created. What effect Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. factories in the empire of the We Cheney ft Co., doing business In the City get an idea of its density when it is the growth of such a corporation of Toledo, County aforesaid, Mikado, there were employed at the and Slate stated that in a ton of water Magic III from City night have on the future of society and that eald firm pay the sum of end of 1916, 1,203 boys and 5,571 the Furniture and ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each Atlantic there is 31 pounds of salt as is material for elaborate speculation. and every raee of Catarrh that cannot t girls under 12 years of age, a total of cured by the use of CATARRH against 187 pounds in the same quan- One can give fullest play to the im- HAM9 6,774; and 19,564 boys and 87,709 MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENhX tity from the Dead Sea. Undertaking Co. agination in working it out along any Sworn to before mo and subscribed In girls between 12 and 15 years of age. my prenonce, this 6th day of December, (JOHNSON BROS.I given line. One thing at least can be A. D. 1SS8, A. W. OLEARON. These child operatives arc employed said definitely, however, and that is (8'(il) Notary Public. e mainly in match, glass, filature, cot- Ifnll's Catarrh Is tnlien In- Embalmers and Directors that the present generation hns seen ternally and acts llirmntti the ni.icd on ton spinning, cotton weaving, print- a a Funeral only the beginning of the of the Mucoiii Surfaces nf the Bystetn. Bm( effects for testimoníala, fre. ing, binding and hempen plaiting. Of M. W. Lincecum k Mr. Carnegie's fortune and of his F. J. CHENKV ft CO.. Toledo. O. a total of 543,389 women over 15 LADY ASSISTANT AMBULANCE SERVICE philosophy. Bold by all Iruirrlsts, "5c. AND TRANSFER Hall's Family I'llls for constipation. years of age employed in Japanese .DR.m'.K Day 1'hone 211 Night PHONE 67 Phon 235 Let us do your hauling and moving $1.00 per loal for small wagon, $2.00 per load for big wagon. We do crating and can also furnish storage. Boies for sale. W' A Genuine War When you go to move don't for YOUR LAUNDRY TROUBLES get us. Souvenir a:aUUIl9UKUI!Jll!!"IBIQIIlBTDi:'llJ

Auy Man, Woman, Boy or Girl may earn Why worry about your laundry ' and own this ; rooms when by railing for 48 our man will r rail for your soiled Holding and Hand it

Made In will be relnmrd promptly, nir and

JU ,.:( v.- - n-Vi- Grenade I .. .1 V - 'J Clovis clean. n

The Clovis . Broom Factory la now making excellent broom .. ..iw.A';.'.-'-.t''-- Bank which can bn found on vale with every flrst class groccrmsn For information call at In Clovis. We do not retail our lirooma, but sell direct to the merchant Patronise home Covis The Citizens Bank try by asking for our Steam Laundry brooms. We are In the market of Clovis all along for a little self work- ing broom eon. mi imir'T'ti - ntfisi ..É.uiit All you have to do is buy War Saying Stamps O. M. Reese Subscribe for THE 1U Kb NEWS $1.50 THE CLOVIS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919.

THE NEW CENSUS The First National Bank of Clovis It's Growth and Ambitions. 'I Lovely Fall Modes

We are glad to note our ap In Jununry, 1018, the present man- with tho Curry County that pointing power has chosen census agement of tho First Nutiomil Bunk, Farm Bureau of Curry County lust full and winter in supplying the supervisors for the two New Mexico Glowing Displays Throughout the Store Offer who were at that t'nnj rubidenti of farmers and stockmen with money districts men who are not only towns, conceived other neighboring with which to buy seed wheat and "worthy democrats," meaning men Reliable Guidance to the Newest the idea of establishing a largo bank feed for their stock and never at any who need jobs and are entitled there- to ser- somewhere in Eastern New Mexico, time denied or even questioned any from the standpoint of party a bank that would have strength with- good man about taking care of him vice, but men of intelligence and abil- Whims of Fashion ity in work a in itself and through its friends in along these lines. It is the aim and of the kind from whom supervision of the East, that would be able to take amb'tion of the officers and em- real census enumera ex of -- care of the needs of Eastern New ployees of this bank to treat their tion and classification may be The little touches, the different employment fabrics and trimmings Mexico and Western Texas during customers in a way that they may pected. details which pronounce the style of the latest mode have been any kind of a stringency. There were realize that we have other ideas than The 1910 census was something of three towns that were considered for trying to squeeze a dollar an outrage the state. It was watched with zealous care. this institution, Roswoll, Albuqucr profit out of them, and to show due less to the mistakes of the super- These Garments are que and Clovis. These three places them that we are big enough to know visors than to the solid ivory system were studied from every standpoint thut the only way we can muk? this of classification in the central admin- that might in the future affect such institution one that our customers, as istration. The result was the same. "Built up to a Standard, Not down to a Price" New Mexico of an institution as was contemplated, well as our stockholders, will be was put at the foot and when all things were considered proud of is by building upon a found- the state class In percentage of illiter be- and weighed in the balance, Roswell ation of right, justice unci confidence, acy, and also in education effort cause our intelligent census system and Albuquerque were found want realizing fully that our growth de- Shoes ing. pends altogether upon our customers. charged up to our account all of ttie The New Fabrics Pueblo and reservation Indiuns for That are just a step ahead. It may not have occurred to the We have tryta; and arc still mak- whose education we ar"1 not The most beautiful fabrics for people of Curry County juat what trying very hard to muke our ser- responsi ble in whose the feder- ing the Fall apparel are here in a vast this institution has been able to ac vice efficient in every way but our and education al government has forbidden us to complish so far but we feel that we rapid growth has made it very hard variety of weaves, colors and pat- take any part. The 1910 census gave have reached that point in the build at times, as it has been difficult to terns. Modes For Men New Mexico an unmerited black eye ing of this organization that in mak get help. We expect to advise the and all of beefsteak of explana- AND YOUNG MEN ing the statement at this time that it public in a general letter from time the Silks and Georgette Crepes in a tion we have been able to apply to the is going to be all and more than was to time just what we arc doing, as galaxy of the most acceptable hues of bruise has not Sufficed to take out the Kirshbaum Clothes for Men are ever contemplated, will not be ques- we feel that the First National Bank stain. Mistakes of kind should the new season. shown in the season's best fabrics, tioned by the thinking public. On is a public institution in every re this be avoided in next year's census. No March 1st, 1918, the loans of the spect and that its duty is to the pub- Heavier cloth In a variety of colors and cuts. doubt they will be. First National Dank of Clovis were' lic first and to its stockholders sec- weaves colors. The duties of the census enumera and "Youngfello" styles for the grow- 1205,000.00. On' August lfith, 1019, ond. We want you to know that your tors and supervisors are of course ing boy. They're right. the loans of this same bank were business is appreciated, that we want You should have no difficulty in limited and closely defined by general $720,000.00, besides nearly one-hal- f you to discuss with us at any time want of colors regulations. Some method should be selecting just the material you Ide shirts in a riot and million dollars in loans, which have anything that you may be interested possible in the publication of the re to make your Pall wardrobe the fancy stripes. been told in the East by the sub- in and we will advise you the very suits, however, to show New Mexico you have owned. sidiary corporation of the First Na- best we possibly can. We want you prettiest ever Neckwear in just the patterns you conditions in reference to population tional Bank, the First Mortgage Loan to feel that this is your bank and re- density and distribution; something have been waiting for. Company of Clovis, making an in- commend it to your friends as such that will show that New Mexico's crease of nearly one million dollars and we will try very hard indeed to The newest and niftiest caps. population and development are re Furs loaned in a little over twelve months. not disappoint you in handling your stricted by a federal ownership of Fine handkerchiefs both silk and The deposits and number of custom- business from every standpoint. Have you them win- something more than forty per cent seen in our linen. ers of this bank have increased pro- Trusting we may be able to do of all land in the state, which land is dows? ' portionately. On March 1st, 1918, more good during the next year, and withheld from tax rolls and from Holeproof Hose Nuf sed. the number of checking accounts, years to come, than we have done in to them shown. ordinary methods of development in If not, ask have which the bank had, were about thir- the past and that you will continue the fact of federal ownership. teen hundcrd, making an aggregate to boost for us until you find us un- We got the worst of it from the last deposit of $275,000.00, while at this worthy, we ahull always remain the census. We are entitled to a little time, 've have about twenty-thre- e bank that his your best interests in the best of it in the coming one. Our hundred ninety accounts, with a total mind. supervisors should use all their effort deposit of $017,000.00. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I to sec that we get it. W. L Luikart & Go. The First National Bank of Clovis OF CLOVIS. Anyone who questions the influence of census figures has but to inquire E. P. Kuykenditll purchased l'"0 For Sale Lot 6, blk. 62, original of any of the larger interests that "Ii It's New We Have It" acres of fino wheat land near Pleas- town site of Clovis, New Mexico. have undertaken development in this ant Hill this week through the Reli- Price $r,00.00 cash. C. II. McDonuld, state within the past ten.ycars, edu- gan Land and Cattle Co. Caddo, Texas. cational, agricultural or mineral, to

unex-- : M. D. N. SS3X71 be convinced thnt the bad and MONTHLY RECITAL OF N. and Croft,) Faytho Dennis, plained showing of this state has CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Francis Benls, Ouida Beyers, Gustina been a constant and a serious force nt Hardwick, Carmena Johnson, Margar- work against the growth and help for One of the best recitals of the sum- et Culpepper, Pauline Burris, Wilda growth from the outside. Albuquer-- 1 mer was given by a number of the Thigpin, Maurice Dillner, Mary Kath-ry- n que Herald. pupils of the New Mexico Conserva- O'Connell, Ernestine Griggs, Ger- tory of Music on Friday evening, trude Hockcnhull, Irene Spade, Vir- i ENTERTAINED IN HONOR Aug. 8th, at the High School Audi- ginia Weisinger, Marie Whiteside, r OF MRS. SIMPKINSON torium. Zella Mae Pierce, Ruth Hyatt. A large and appreciative audience Voice department (Teacher, Mrs. Mrs. Dnlton Reed entertained Wed- was present and showed their enjoy- Beaver,) Sam Small. nesday morning at nine o'clock ment of the program by their hearty Expression department (Teacher, in honor of Mrs, L. P. applause. Mrs. Neff,) Lena Merle Pierce, Ger- of Tasadena, Calif. After the All the students did splendidly, re trude Johnson and Blanee Lunewood delightful breakfast was enjoyed by fleeting much credit upon their teach Stevenson. ; those present the party was enU. 'rs nnd tho school. Those taking part taincd at cards until noon, with Mrs. were: Oil leases: Few choice leases in W. B. Mersfelder making the high Piano department (Teachers Endee, Ranna and Glenrio districts. score and being awarded a beautiful Mrs. Sage, Verdi Croft, Musin Croft J. D. Love, Endee, N. M. h:md painted plate. Mrs. H. A. Mil- ler nnd Mrs. Frank Burns cut for the consolation prize with Mrs. Miller winning a beautiful hand embroider- ed handkerchief. The hostess pre- sented the guest of honor, Mrs. Simp-kiiifo- with a beautiful traveling Comfortable as They Can drinking cup. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Reed's SHOE hospitality on this occasion were: Mrs. Be Made C. A. Scheurich, Mrs. E. M. Chapman, Mm. John Muyhull, Mrs. Frederick Moyhall, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. W. B. Mersfelder, Mrs. Frank Burns, Mrs. "The soft hat," some famous man once said, "is always Jno. O. Pritchnrd, Mrs. Milton Brown, Mrs. H. A. Miller, Mrs. S. A. Jones, REPAIRING in good style, and it's a heap more comfortable." Mrs. Chas. Shannon and Miss Grace Parlen of Houston, Texas.

LABOR DAY BOXING EOUTS Was lie right I Well, we have a new shipment of "softs," We have expert workmen and velours, Fedoras, etc., which you should be interested The labor unions will stnge some foxing bouts commencing at 7:00 can do your shoe repairing on in. The prices vary, but they're as near rock-buttoi- n as o'clock al the airdome. The main event will bo twenty rounds by Jess short notice. We use the best they will be for some time. Take our word ior that. Price of Ohio and Walter Brny of EI Paso, tho men to weigh 149 pounds. material and workmanship. 12 rounds "Cave Man" Carlson of F.I Taso vs. Mike Baca of Santa Fe, tho men to weigh 135 pounds. We make your old shoes look Two preliminary bouts by local fighters. like new. The Clovis Athletic Association has hooked some special boxing bouts for Labor Day nii;hl. Mr. Seigner an- nounces that his program will start 1 at 9:00 o'clock after Iho bouts to be pulled off by the lubor unions are MANDELL'S ended. He hus the following fights w staged : leoman Main event 20 rounds between "The Clothcraft Store In This Town" Nick Gundy of El Paso and Johnnie SHOE STORE Connelly of Roswell, both men to weigh 128 pounds. Ten rounds "Tho Wanderer" of Clovis rs. Claude Clary of Amarillo, Shoe Repairing A Specialty 142 pounds. Six Rounds Battling Mote of Ft. SOUTH MAIN STREET Ells vs. Juekiu Rue of Roswell, 133 pounds. THE CLOVIS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919,

New Mexico there will be an inrush of oil mon who wil of themselves at- tract leasort and investors and cause hundreds of thousands of dollars of outside capital to be spent. 100 What this means to New Mexico can hardly be Our (03(191 state with its wonderful climate and Roswell, N. M., Aug. 19. General For You undeveloped resources needs tbo fav- interest in better roads will be ma-- 1 oring hand of outside capital to open terially increased by tho largest road up the gates of prosperity. Tourists convention ever held in tho state. state on their way east and west will The Ozark Trails Association holds get off and look at the new oil cen- its annual meeting in Itoswell, Octo--j ters and invest money in property GIANT ber 1, 2 and 3. Large number of and leases even if they do not di vide delegates from six Kansas, slater to remain. Residents of New Mexico Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas Makes you the very un- should do all in their power to naaist and New Mexico will be in attend-- the developing of oil companies. Out 100 anee. A nroirram or umisunl lnteivnt ( usual offering of siders who come here prepared to and merit is being arranged. spend from $50,000 to $100,00 should stock dividend if you It is expected that there will be receive the support of everybody. 18 cent at least 1000 visitors at the conven- Let no man stand back. Let nil of buy on or before Sept. tion and Roswoll is already at work a package us do our full part in the material ad in arranging details so that there 1st. date the vancoment of our great state. Por After that will be accomodations for all the vis- talcs Valley News. price will go up. You itors. The hotels and rooming houses will be utilized to the fullest and the BEAUTY HINTS are in a class by themselves easily the can buy now at 10c a homes of the city will be thrown open CAMELS likable cigarette you to take care of those who cannot get the most (Texico-Farwe- ll News) share and get one extra accommodations in the regular room-- smoked. You can prove that I Simply compare ' Daughter hasn't begun new ever ing houses and hotels. There will her year at school work. She is at home Camels puff-by-pu- ff with any cigarette in the world at share for every share also be ample facilities those who for satis-factio- perhaps helping mother and I n wish to camp. perhaps any price Put quality, flavor and cigarette Sept. just "spending the vacation." he buy. After If 1 you There will be hundreds of visitors utmost test . i is like most daughters she hat a de- to the come in cars from as far as St. Came are told the price will be 25c sire to be beautiful as possible. Thnt tvtry, how 1st Louis. In addition to the regular whtrtlnteientifictllytttltd Made to meet your taate, Camels never tire it, no matter desire seems to go with all woman convention program there will be ptektgtt of 30 eigtnttot or liberally you smoke them I The expert blend of choice Turkish a share flat. Now is your kind. Well we not ex- are beauty ttnptckit(100ci&rttt) delightful so d, much entertainment provided so that tlftin-pper-covr- and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels perts but we have some ideas on how in a d a 500 every visitor will feel repaid for Mrton. Wo tlrongly rom-mtn- d yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mil- d. Every chance to beat to make daughter more beautiful. coming. thlt carton for tho time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment I raise in price. We'll sell Washing dishes for mother is al horn or offles) tupply or most an ideal way to get the hands when you trtvtl. cigaretty after taste or any "THE WHITE HEATHER" Freedom from any unpleasant as little as $1 worth but in good condition. Of course the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are hands will not be perfectly smooth Winiton-Sale- N. C An astounding climax to an as- enjoyable. we will not sell more and velvety but who has decreed tounding motion picture. The sub in so that hands must be smooth and like In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker lime, but for bidden, love that than $100 worth to any velvet in order to be beautiful? many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, prompted a man to so risk his life in Mother has pretty hands and she has premiums or gifts. You '11 prefer Camel Quality I a desperate undersea battle for a one person. been washing dishes for lo thes. woman, will rest in your memory al- ways. BECAUSE The sheer beauty of the scenes actually photographed on the ocean's floor will Giant is a wildcat. It have you gasping in amaze ment, "ine white Heather" is was offered originally as nothing short of a miracle! Tome! See "The White Heather" at the PAN a pure gamble but it has Lyceum Theatre, Saturday night, August 23rd. ceased to be that. The A COUNTY FAIR SUGGESTION MOTOR Bat Masterson many years. Mending the children's clothes will The County Fair proposition has Gas Well has do wonders in making a maid more ft. dragged on account of everyone be- COMPANY graceful and natural. Some girls ing so busy that the proper time could Mrs. J. W. Welch roared in right beside will not admit it and will insist that not be devoted toward doing the nec- playing tennis, dancing, motoring are Teacher of Piano Twenty Years Experience essary work toward its organization. Subscribers us, wet with gasoline, the real pruce producers. Some even With labor and nintcriul conditions Modern Methods Taught Careful and Thorough think that tossing u King of Spades untold as they are now it would be an im- AND and promising across the table will generate Training a Specialty. possibility to attempt the erection of gruee hut aren't more muscles used ' riches to those who in- a building between now and the time Information and Terms call at :'0H N. Pile or in taking up a hole in small brother's For that the fuir should be held. The Stockholders blouse? Phone No. I'll. vest in this awakening News suggests that the fair be held Here is the real secret of a woniun's this year anyway in a temporury way. beauty from a mere man. No wo- field. The matter for a suitable place for TAKE man 3 more bountiful than she who holding it 3 the biggest problem. Can do housework well but she de- Wanted to Buy Secondhand furn- serves a little motoring, a little ten- iture and stoves. 203. R. M. MUSIC CLUB NOTICE Call Therefore nis, a little golf and a little walking Bishop. ing, perhaps, to make the balance cor- The Clovis Music Club not A special train of Pull- You should buy (iant will rect. hold a on the Tuesday man and diner will meetin.: fourth cars After you eat always take while you can get it at in August on account of the Union leave Denver, Colorado, IN THE GROCERY BUSINESS Services being held. Tho next meet- over the Burlington nt the low price. We have ing will be September 23rd. nine o'clock in the even- Postmaster Wagner is in the gro ATONIC For Salo! 8500 acres to develop in cery business now and is helping C0k YOUR AÜb-TO.Aa- OIL EXCITEMENT ing of August 24th, SPREADING Uncle Sam dispose of the surplus Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat Mo- A few milch cows and the Texas Panhandle, ALL OVER THE STATE bringing only Pan food that has been so much talked d Cms Moling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. tor Company subscrib- about The food that is purchased Kca-sonah- of the Aaia dlf tia mi ejewttle. Kmm itnmaek heavy springers. le right on the line If anybody has any doubts as to ers and stockholders here is shipped out of El Paso. swast sad strong. Idci him Vitality sod a'sp. the coming of a big oil boom in this EATONICIs tin bast ramedy. Tas of tha. exten- and representatives to anda wonderfully benafitml. Onlyooous en terms to re- northwestward state he should follow the develop PERSHING TO START ertwos ilsy lo une it. Pnaltlvaly guarantee the Second Annual toplMMor we allí refund watt, list a bag of the Ranger and ment of companies as noted in the HOME ABOUT SEPT. 1st box tal. You will see. sponsible parties. sion various newspapers. There is not a Stockholders' Meeting SOUTHWESTERN DRUG CO., wonder-pool- Clovis, N. M. Burkburnett s. section where preparations for ag- to be held at St Cloud Paris Saturday, Aug. 16. Before gressive development are not under on August 26th. leaving for Italy tonight, Gen. Joun you way and it will bo but a short time be J.H.McGary We will drill This train is scheduled J. Pershing told correspondents that fore the drillers tocls will be sound- he expected to sail for America about Roswcll, New Mexico honestly and in to arrive at St. Cloud at a well ing every county from Texas to September 1, and shortly after his Denhof Arizona. seven o'clock in the would visit his old home in Phone lOD.Vf:, We firmly be- arrival fairly. Just when the first big wells will morning of August 2Gt h. Missouri and would lIho go to Wyo. Jewelry Go. lieve that we will get come in is a matter of keen discus- Subscribers and stock- Cheyenne, sion by the oil fraternity. oil That holders, dealers and oili- producer! If will be found is an admitted fact for It has just about gotten so in this you a big er representatives in the unanimity of the geologists re- country that when a rich bachelor T we do your few shares of ports seem to settle this question. "Wyoming, Utah, Colo- has nephews they will come miles to When David White, one of thu chief rado and New Mexico crank his automobile for him. be worth a Registered Optometrist Real Service! Want will geologists for the government, stated coming to St. Cloud to nt the oil geologists convention at Phone No. 97 for job printing. Do it attend stock- "Let ut take ear of fortune. Try it. Dallas last March, that the U. S. geo- the annual Your Eyes." logical surveys the holders' meeting should Now! Hurry. warranted belief that New Mexico would develop into arrange to make this Satisfaction Guaranteed We are now feeding one of the largest oil fields in the train. mora world, he simply confirmed the theory people than at any time wo will cost one hun- PHONE No. 450 that other scientists had expressed It have been in the restaurant dred dolara per person for a year back. Since Mr. White's business in Clovis. There ii geologists large for fare, Pull- J. A. KISER Giant statement, for opera' railroad reason for this. We are giving tors have been scouring the state for man and meals on fare All kinds of Hauling our patrons the very best the most favorable structures and the train from Denver, ina- scouts have been leasing land Cotton sible service and plenty of good their Colorado, to Saint Cloud Drayage and Transfer Oil Co. in every section. Every freight train things to eat. from the older oil states is bringing Minnesota, and return Wagon al Mandall's Corner in material and machinery and a man on the same train to OPEN ALL NIGHT Brokerage Co. CLOVIS, N. M. Gin Leavitt who does not see the handwriting on Denver. All those who We have adopted a new pol- General Agents c.n. the wall and protect himself with desire to come on this some leases will have himself to blame For exchange for Cur- icy of keeping our restaurant train will please tele- Famous Building, for failing to pick up a fortune in the ry County Land, in open all night. This will give boom days ahead. graph mc and send in at Mitchell County, Texas, tho wheat haulers a chance to Worth, Texas Counties Active once one hundred dol- Fort Extern GOAT MILK in center of good cotton get something to cat no matter The Amarillo excitement has lars. (At Drug Storra) crop. Should gin from how Into they are in getting In brought the Eastern counties of New wl s . ev 2ÜC 1500 to 2000 hales this at night or how early they want New Mexico Land Mexico to the fore as rerards assured S. C. Pandolfo ll-- Can production. It seems to indicate that t,:I A',:7'.HCOAT year. to get out in tho morning. the gas wells at Amarillo como from fvi.UC lailrh Price reasonable. Par- Oil and Cattle Co. -- President if. "":' Ir.V.utri big oil pools to the west, and Roose (, "".,...( I Mr.,Ki.;.u. Km. Id uto ty actually wants land. Clovis, N. M. velt, Curry, Quay, and Union coun i ''.'.( mote ua-- Sec us. appear to be the most fav mo u.iit mr Por ties would j1 '" Pan Motor Co. Irivalitls! sections ex tPDfCl.illv tnt orably located for the It u...... a oil. tllO1 lid vuiit wink Reagan Land & 0gg& Boss Cafe istence of an immense pool of Of g lo mother's stoitM hi. or a trnd A Ten Spot course nothing but the drill will do Cloud, Minn. enry tiwif tuberculous Shoot Saint wmrjuANN'9 Cattle Co. Open All Night cide the question but it is a certainty GOAT Mll.k LAHORATOHIES that all over the Eastern portion of tawuM..3Mfia(cÍK THE CLOVIS NEW. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919.

SPECIAL ELECTION Constitutional Amendments VULCANIZING Purouant to H. B. No. 405, being Chapter 138, Laws 1919 The follow- Wc caii save you 75 per cent of your tire value. The ing amendments to the Constitution greater part of tire value is in the carcass, yet many of the State of New Mexico will be tires are discarded because the tread is worn out. submitted to the qualified voters at with we make the Special Election to be held Sep- a RETREAD your worn tires practic- tember you 16, 1919. ally as good as when bought them. After we put MANUEL MARTINEZ, cannot on a retread you tell the old tire from the new, Secretary of State. Pi You Can Begin Earn- except the bead, the relrcad is built like a new tire, outside of the bead. SENATE COMMITTEE SUBSTI- inVJ Do TUTE FOR SENATE JOINT Hand-Grenad- e not throw away your tires because you have RESOLUTION NO. 5. ing That cut them or blown them out. ,We can put A Joint Reiolution Providing For An Amendment them in first class shape at a very wnall cost consid- to the Constitution Of the State of New Mexico by Savings Bank ering the milage you will get after having them re- Adding Thereto Another Section to Article VII, the Same to be N um- paired. bered Section 6. You are entitled to more than mere exchange of Be It Resolved By The Legislature Now Of The State Of New Mexico: tires for your money from your dealer. When you 1. Section That the following Boys and Girls may obtain one of need a new tire you can get it here at any time. If amendment to the Constitution of the State, as an additional section these War Relics by earning and saving you want the benefit of our experience, well, put a of Article VII, be, and it hereby is, money and buying at least one War RACINE COUNTRY ROAD TIRE on vour car. It's proposed to be submitted to the got electors of the State, at an election Savings Stamp. the stuff in it to give you milage and service. We to be held on the Tuesday next after know what Racine tires are made of and what they the first Monday in November, 1920. Adults may obtain one of these Souv- have done here on "Section 6. Citizens of the State, your roads. absent from their placet of legal res- enirs by saving and buying three or Let one Racine prove it to you. They arc all alike idence, in the military or naval ser- more War Savings Stamps. vice of not accidently good but made good always. Come the United States or of this State, and being otherwise qualified WAR SAVINGS STAMPS AL- in or telephone us for service. We will be right there. electors, may be allowed to vote at any election for all state officers, READY BOUGHT WILL NOT BE presidential electors, representatives SLOAN & THOMAS in Congress and United States Sena- COUNTED TOWARD GETTING tors, and upon constitutional amend- THOSE TIRE and VULCANIZING CO. ments, under such regulations and THE GRENADE ONLY limitations as may be prescribed by WAR SAVINGS STAMPS BOUGHT Phone 63 CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO law." For the Amendment FROM NOW ON. Por la Enmienda - These Unirme "WEAPONS OF PEACE" Will Against the Soon be Ready for Distribution. Those Who Earn Contra de la r Them FIRST'Will Get Them. THE NUMBER IS LIMITED. For Information call at COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR Build It Now! HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 30 Proposing the Amendment of Section 8, of Article IX of the Constitution of the Stat of New Mexico, En- That building work that you held off during the war titled "State, County and Munici- should be your first consideration during these hustl- pal Indebtedness." Be It Enacted By The Legislature Of National ing days of peace. The SUte of New Mexico: First This town needs more up to date and better homes to Section 1. That it is hereby pro- - fiosed to amend Section 8 of Article make it a real pleasure to live in. the State Constitution to as of the right kind to read as follows: If you can't build a new one, a little "Sec. 8. No debt other than those Bank of remodeling and painting will really restore it to specified in the proceeding section present day standards. shall be contracted by or on behalf of this state, unless authorized by Clovis New Mexico law for some specified work or object: WE HAVE THE MATERIAL TO DO IT RIGHT which law shall provide for an annual tax levy sufficient to pay the interest and to provide a sinking fund to pay Capital $100,000.00 the principal of such debt within fif- Co. ty years from the time of the con- Lone Star Lumber tracting thereof. No such law shall Clovis. New take effect until it ahull have been Telephone 23. Mexico submitted to the qualified electors of the state and have received a major- ity of all the votes cast thereon at a general election; such luw shull be published in full in at least one news- paper in each county of the stutc, if MX. one be published therein, onee each week for four successive weeks next receding such election. No debt shall Regents or Boards of said institu- SSSs K MONUMENTS e so creutcd if the total indebtedness tions." B. - of the state, exclusive of the debts of Sec. 2. That Section 13 of Article Dr J. Westerfield Artistic Marble and Granite Memorials the territory, and the several counties XII of the Constitution of the State DO NOW! Physician and Surgeon. Prices, Material, Workmanship Fully Guaranteed, thereof, assumed by the state, would of New Mexico be amenJed so that IT Office over Sunshine Shop thereby be made to exceed one per said section shall read as follows: I Office Phone 231. Resilience 269 Also Lawn and Cemetery Iron Fencing. centum of the assessed valuation of "Section 13. On and after the 1st all the property subject to taxation day of January, 1921, the said State SAVE MONEY BY in the state as shown by the preceding Educational Institutions shall be con- YOU WILL SEEING US general assessment. The legislature trolled and managed by the Board of BEFORE BUYING. may. however, in order to provide Control created by Section 8 of Arti Let Us Fill That funds for construction and mainten- cle XIV of this Constitution." ance of public highways bridges DR. H. R. GIBSON and the Amendment enact laws authorizing the issue of For Coal Bin With OSTEOPATH Co. bonds, debentures or certificates of Por la Enmienda Treats all diseases, both acute and Rapp Monument indebtedness, payable such at times chronic Office in New 206 West Grand Ave CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO as the legislature shall determine out Against the Amendment Good Old Tile of tax levies, receipt from motor ve- building ou corner north of Fire hicle licenses, or other licenses or rev- Contra de la Enmienda Station and east of Lyceum enues, without submitting such laws theatre. to the qualified electors of the State, (First published August 7, 1919.) phone and not withstanding that the indebt- ROCKVALE Office 383. Residence 300. edness so created may temporarily in- NOTICE OF SUIT Clovis, New Mexico. crease the total indebtedness of the State to an amount exceeding the Lump Coal foregoing limitation: Provided, that In the District Court of Curry Coun- bonds issued for such purposes pay- ty, State of New Mexico. able from ad valorem taxes levied Myrtle Leach, Plaintiff. upon tangible property shall not at THOMAS W. vs. No. 1508 JONES any time exceed the sum of two mil- Veterinarian. - lion dollars ($2,000,000) except to Jess Leach, Defendant. 200 West Otero 8treet. Ready meet allotments of Federal Funds To the above named defendant Jess Kemp Lumber Phone 45. Clovis. N. M. made to the State to aid in construc Leach: tion and improvement of rondB.' ; You will hereby take notice that a For the Amendment suit has been filed and is now pending Company Por la Enmienda LI in the District Court of Curry Coun- To Serve You! which' Service Quality Salicfaction Against the Amendment ty, State of New Mexico, in .... - r t. .uyrue L.eacn, is piuinim, anaj you J. FOSTER SCOTT, Jr. MD. Contra de la Enmienda' the said Jess Learh, are defendant, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON We have plenty of money to said suit being numbered 1503 on the take care of all SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION Civil Docket of said Court, and that Special attention Eye, Ear, Nose good loans NO. 8. farm and can give you the same quick A Senate Joint Resolution Propos- Rowells and Reese, whose business and Throat ing and postoffice address is Clo- Office Over has The Amendment of Section 3 address Sunshine Shop. service that made our company popular with of Article XIV, and Section 13 of vis, New Mexico, are. the attorneys Try Office Phone 46 ; Res. Phone M Article XII of the Constitution of for the plaintiff In said suit. the public. the Stat of New Mexico Relative to Educational and Public Institu- You will further take notice that This tions. the general objects of said action are Be It Resolved By the Legislature as follows, to-wi-t: To obtain by On Your Write or call on us when you need money. Of The State of New Mexico. di- Suction 1. That Section 3 of Arti- plaintiff an absolute decree of Eczema DR. C O. WARRINER cle XIV of the Constitution of the vorce from the defendant Jess Leach, CHIROPRACTOR State of New Mexico be amended so and that the plaintiff be given the that said section shall read as follows: care and custody of Orlena Leach and If you are afflicted with "Section 8. There is hereby creat- 113 South Mala St. Leach grant- Salt Rheum, dry ed a Board of Control consisting of Ila and that plaintiff be Tetter, PHONB 101 four (4) members to be appointed ed all the righta and privileges of a Eczema Acne or Pirn-pie- s, by the Governor, each for term single and unmarried person. buy a jar of that of two years and at a salary of You will further take notice that $3,000.00 per annum, and not more sweet, odorless oint- than two of whom shall belong to the unless you appear, answer or other- same political party at the time of wise plead In said cause and suit on ment Dry ZenzaL For their appointment. Such Board of or before the 2nd day of October, the watery eruptions DR. C. L. McCLELLAND Control shall have the management 1919, that the allegations set forth and control of all State educational the only sure treatment Physician and Surgeon in said plaintiff's complaint will be institutions enumerated in Section 11 is the soothing, healing Residence 202 North Gidding of Article XII taken as true and confessed and that of the Constitution and Moist 75c Office over Pierce Dry Goods Co. of all slate institutions enumerated in the plaintiff will apply to the Court Zenzal, the CLOVIS, N. M. Section 1 of Article XIV of this Con- for, and will take judgment by de- jar. stitution and of all educational, State, against you, a id will apply to charitable, penal or reformatory in- fault stitutions (other than the public the Court for the relief as prayed for schools) heretofore or hereafter es- in the complaint filed herein. MORTGAGE tablished. This provision shall become Witness my hand and the seal of UNION effective on Mears Pharmacy S PILLS and after the 1st day of Court day of August, CHICHESTER January, 1921. The Legislature shall said this the 7th Of Coursa I Mm HTUftM to fi prescribe the powers and duties of A. D. 1919. H CM.stllArairlsiWMsiTlrtitirfVVVr COMPANY such Board of Control and until such (Seal) W. C. ZSRWER, UVw 'V ill) la mm awi tai nraiiKW revision Con-r- CLOVIS, N. M. it made such Board of County Clerk and io of the i MAIN STREET ? have, respect j t ...t A..f vraá shall with to each Court County, State of said institutions, the powers and District of Curry tJ MMkMUWt.!HtMlAirtnaLMtkUtt duties now vested in the Board of of New Mexico. Subscribe for The News. BY Ci'i'wCuHíIS liUUVxjli THE CLOVIS NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21,1910.

Auto painting, l'ert Curless. Tlione !M. tf Scene Your Life! You Never Saw Such a in Mrs. Mary Lyons has recently pur- Two Men at Death Grips on the Bed of the chased a no.w Duick-Si- Ocean Eight Fathoms Eclow the Eyc3 of Man. Mr. unci Mrs. R. P. Killibrew arc visiting at Rosenberg and other points THE STORE THEY TALK ABOUT in Texas. w , J" - "' Mrs. Emma B. Evan has returned from viaiting in Temple, Houston and - y Galveston. Ladies' If" David Hood of Kansas City is here for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Shumate. New Fall Boots C. E. Smyer has moved to his new ü 1 residence recently completed near the Announcinfi the arrival ( ff I k east side school. of two numbers in lad- ies fall boots, a black Mrs. Chus. E. Dennis and sun, Howard, returned last week from a kid, and beaver brown I .1' ); M visit in California.' kid. These shoes aro - : Brooklyn made, with V .. m .. - ben Collins is erecting a live-roo- full leather Louis heels, 1 1 residence in the Liebelt addition on North Rcncher street. imitation tip across too, street soles, at only Mr. S. A. Jov.cs, who 3 convalesc- ing from a recent illness, wil! leave $10.00 Friday for u short vacation. In about two weeks we O. 15. Cable, of the will announce the arriv- Great Western Oil and Refining Co., al of other jrood boots in is in Wichita Falls on business. all f s and colors. selling from Ai Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBride and ''v.... .-. .w.. son, Ollie, left Wednesday for a trip $750 to $15.00 to points in Oklahoma and Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hewit, who now live in Texas, are here for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hewitt. She Director of "Sporting Life" New Fallí Suits J. H. Miller and wife of Albuquer- For Ladies PRESENTS que are here for a visit at the home of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bcpiiiniiif; to arrive now the fall suits. While deliv- The Great Drury Lane Melodramatic Success C. W. Forbes. eries are very slow, yet we are receivinp some every few days and before the season opens we will ho W. H. Doughton purchased the W. showing a very strong line of all that's new in suits, F. Peterson residence on North Mer-- ' and riwether Street this week and will at a price you want to pay. Wait, for the "TheWhite Heather" make this his home. A PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT SPECIAL The wheat wagons ate rolling into Clovis now. The farmers will be How could lilis woman ami prove that sho í;1 iuro, several weeks more getting all their Misses School Dresses at $4.95 was the monster's lejjal wife f The only proof that a court wheat hauled to town. Again wo would reei ionize, lay in the bottom of the mihly sea. eijihl announce the arrival of Misses and small fathoms deep. S. D. Beaver left the first of the women's zephyr gingham and cropo dresses, made week for Wisconsin for a visit. His up in strictly Misses and growing The hns!iai:d seeks to destroy the only evid. nee of his girls' styles, four family is there now and he will re- styles to choose eertiiw-nt- from. Worth considerably more at marriage, the that is buried in home , the silent waters turn with them a few cluys. only of 1 he deep. The olhT tights to prevent him, lhat the honor of the woman he once loved miujit be saved. M.S. Mulind.i and son, loy, of Clmttunooga, Tenn., are here See the slativcrinjjr, yet beautiful scene on the ucean visit imr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hour where two men arap1 in death combat. E. E. liickinun, seven miles north of The eyes of mortal man have never beheld su h a Cl'iVi:!. New of st;',.:'v,el,ic,' splendor. R. M. Bishop is in Kansas City buy- The imagination of hulmans have never conceived such ing iroeils for the furniture store he magnificence as this. and II. Bell will open about Sept. 1st Fall building The in the next door to Osborne wizardy of "The While Heather" is eternal. It is & Wright's. M one that you would be everlastingly sorry i ay you missed. George R. Uay, general deputy, and Dresses D. D. Winiberly, special deputy of the Praetorians, both of Rnswrll were in Clovis for u few days this week in Almost every day we interest of the order. are receiving something

Mrs. W. G. Broome und dnutrhter, new in Ladies Autumn Miss Bertha, left, last Sunday for dresses. Among the late Kansas City and Chkairo to buy new arrivals are serges, trh-otin- es full millinery for Mrs. Broome's store on South Main Street. and satins, styles that are the latest, with Quito a few nootile from this sec-- ' tion attended the Cowboy's Round-u- the new trimmings, in AT THE at Tucumcari this week, howev r the colors of navy, brown number attending was not us large as and black. Some won- it has been in years gone by. LI derful values. I'ctter Mrs. J. E. Lindley und daughter, see thern at mwfTCKTrrrNVti Miss Gaylo, left this week for Roches- ter, Minn., where Mrs. Lindley will $17.50, $19.50 consult Mayo Brother j in regard to ti M slight defect in her herring. $20, $25 E. A. Story returned the lait.r $29.50 part of lust week from Wichita Fulls, ho went to hroth"r-in-luw- , MmJMBiubmum hmi uuyir mmmmmmmmm' where visit a 1 up to $4250 who recently happened to tin ac- sayo ft MY mmm cident from which he lost his A. W. Johnson, I'.urrcll Johmton, Mrs. J, C, Floyd und daughter, AUGUST 23rd. Lionel Johnson and Howard Dennis :'ansy, have returned from u month's "I left Wednesday morning for a trip m intk movies now isil in Oklahoma. to Tucumcari to attend Hie Round-up- . OLD Bill TOY TO GET EJ They will also go on a fi; hing trip be- Miss Gladys and Fern Feay are fore returning home. spending the month at Amurillo vis- iting Mrs. Frank Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. Georjto Roach and John White and his sister, Miss Ella Miss Charlotte Floyd of Amarillo Mis' M'lurine Evans and Miss Pearl White, went to Taibitn last Sunday is here visiting her aunts, Mrs. Jim Hubbard r.rc visit'tig in Amurllo. to witness the drilling by the Great Floyd and Mrs. Tom Cook. Western Oil Company, who have J Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rarry returned started their well there. PERSONAL MENTION S. A. Jones hun been piito sick with y last Siind. y from u trip to California. pneumonia, but is much impitivcd Mr. and Mrs. Cuii W. Cuiiniiiiihuin i.i d on the road to recovery. I nm prepared to make most any of Denton, Texas, uro here for a visit Auto painting. I!": t Cm leys, l'linnc Auto painting. Pert Curless. I'houe examination except Dr. H. R. at the home of Mrs. Put O'Ccemc II, 254. M. 2 tf Mr. und Mrs. C. A. Scheurich re- t. Gibson. Mrs. Cunningham beiri; Mrn. O'Con-ncll'- s turned the of I) neice. Mt. Cunningham is a tirst the week from a Net! i.i in Ken.'ua on e A. R. Austin & recently visit in the western pnrt of state. J. Frank '. hue George Eads, cashier of the printer and has been employed on the the ff trip. put on a new Maxwell truck. business j State Rank, was a Clovis Denton Record and Chronicle. Monday. Musin Croft is in the east buying rt'THC BETTEPOLE" Oil rineer location Iliaaks for kii'ci I treat nil disensos nnd disorders J. E. Fuller and family returned stock for his new music store thut will t cws Office. of women. Dr. II. R. Gibson. TlihfB Editor B. F. Fears of the Farwell this week trom a trip to Missouri. he opened in the Dr. Gibson Ruilding Also Fatty Arbuckle Tribune, nnd his little daughter were Mr. Fuller says he is glad to get back about September 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Wismiller are in Mo- - Judtco Granville A. Riclianlcon Clovin viaitors Monday. home for things look better here. THE Wichita Falls, Texas, where parsed through Clovis Tuesday Conditions, he says, arc more pros- Mrs. Clcve Edgell and children are Deluxe vil from FRI-SAT- , 22-2- AUG 3 they have been for evcral months. to his home at Roiwell, after a! Miss Ella While of Davenport, perous in New Mexico than there, visiting ut McAlister, N. M., this to gays it is a week. Mr. Edgell went up They are plunnmfr to remain hero for trip Wichita Fulls. Judc Iowa, bus hern here the past week and he siys this Just naturally there with . Matinee Each Day a few weeks. Mr. Wismiller still hasi is entirely too hot for any man to' visiting ut the home of II. D. Apple, better country tlmn that even if it them and before returning madc a ftny for long at a time ut the oil city. so old. buuiucss trip to Tucumcari. No. Interests in tho oil iltMa there j man and oilier fr'tttd.?. is not quite Phono 07 for Job printing. THE CLOVIS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919.

Rev. J. C. Roberson and wife of Roswcll will begin a revival meeting () at a tabernacle to bo erected at 208 North Reed. The meeting starts on Money Saved Is Sept 4th. Rev. Roberson and wife belong to the Independent Holiness faith. M Store Mr. and Mrs. W. Howell and daugh- mic Money Made ter, Mia Fannie Dorcas, returned this week from Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. Howell underwent a ser- Tin; Clovis Feed Store now lias a complete ious operation. Miss Fannie Dorcas supply of groceries. We will lie pleased to have also underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis while there. your grocery business, and by trading with us Last week a business man of Clovis For Clovis you can save money. We have a phone, No. 418, told the News: "For goodness sake take that ad out of the News about and deliver to any part of the city. my wanting to sell a house. It was sold severul days ago and folks worry Be me to death." If you have anything To Known as the to sell try the News' classified column, Clovis Grocery it will bring results. CROFT MUSIC CO. W. P. Rambo sold his 480 acre and Store farm 4 miles southeast of Clovis last Feed week through the Reagan Land and Cattle Company to J. M. Teague, who will be recently came here from Alabama It owned and managed by Musin Croft, director purchased quarter section when and a of the Xew Mexico Conservatory of Music and will be lo- he first came. He has crop enough s) on the quarter to almost pay the cated in the price he paid for the land lust spring.

PERSONAL MENTION George Hnrsnaw returned last week from Rochester, Minn. While there he had his tonsils removed. He New Gibson Building on E. Monroe Ave. R. D. Elder of St. in Mrs. says he consulted the big doctors Vrain was Emma li. Evans and son, opposite the Skating Rink. town Wednesday from hit ranch near are spending a wck in about hay fever but they did not give St. Vrain. visiting relatives and friends. him much encouragement about re- lieving the New Mexico variety of this R. 0. Lawton left the latter part of aggravating disease. Fall will soon J. C. Carnahan, who lives south of It will be one of the most up-to-da- te music stores in the last week for a visit with his son at be here and all the hay fever victims Clovis about six miles, recently sold A It us, Oklahoma. will get relief. The disease disap- southwest. A complete line of musical instruments and his farm and will have a public sale pears just as soon as the cool weather on Tuesday of next week. Mr. Carn- Rev. Culpepper of tho Baptist commences, merchandise will be handled, ahan is planning to leave soon on a including Pianos, Phono- church is conducting a revival meet- prospecting trip to the northwest part ing at Ranchvale thia F. A. Dillner purchased through the graphs, Phonograph Records, Violins, Mandolins, Wind week. of the state. Reagan Land and Cattle Co. this week P. H. Saminons is erecting a the Tom Reagan farm half way be- Instruments, Sheet Music, etc. residence in the Liebelt J. 1. bdwards. who lives near tween Clovis and Farwell. Mr. Dill on North Connelly Street. Grady, was a Clovis visitor Monday. ner came from Colorado about a year Mr. Edwards says conditions are cer- ago and this country matches up so Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Miller returned tainly ideal in his neighborhood. He' far ahead of that he has continued the first of the week from a several says he has corn that is twelve feet buying every real good bargain that weeks' vacation trip to California. high and that it will make forty bush- wa put up to him until he has several els per acre. sections. Mr. Dillner was offered a Mrs. Vivian Staker, who has been neat little profit of $1600 on the Rea- here visiting at the home of her sis R. A. Smith has returned from Ar- gan half section the next day after ter, Mrs. E. Peterson, returned Wed kansas, where he has been in the in- his purchase, but declined the offer. nesday to her home a( Richfield, Utah. terest of the Texas-Arkans- Oil and Mr. Croft is in the east now buyhig his stock and hopes Lease Co. Mr. Smith was married in Wanted to Buy Secondhand furn- Mr. Farme.. vou are likclv to be rkansus about a month ago and has iture and stoves. Call 203. R. M. to be able to open his business about September 1st planning to have a public sale this been receiving the congratulations of Bishop. fall. If so, let tho News print your his many friends since returning s ale bills. Wo will give you prompt home. He will again be in the Raker If its news The News wants it enrice. tf Bros, office. Phone us. No. 97.

------" " " WWWWWWV


Curry County is remarkably free New Mexico Conservatory from crime now. The grand jury which was in session last week found few violations of the law and only ívturnod three indictments, and dis- trict court bus now practically cleared of Music the docket of all criminal cases. Dis- trict Attorney Havener says there is much more criminal business in both! Roosevelt and DeBaca Counties now than there is in Curry, nolwitlistaml-- j MUSIN CROFT, Director ing the fact that Curry has a much larger population than either one of her neighbors. IF WE HAD MORE In Every Way ESTABLISHED 1910 SAMUEL HARRIS'! (Tcxico-Farwe- ll News) As Good as They Look Samuel Harris, aged eighty-thre- e and bearing three wounds which he We teach all branches of music and expression, piano, received in the Civil War, is not like "Classics" are the finest "Di:i:.ionc! voice, some men. Mr. Harris owns consid- Brand" shoes for ladies. violin, wind and string instruments. All pupils of erable property in Chicago. Opposite the Conservatory have the advantage of his name on the assessment lists was a property valuation of $1,395. The This elegant footwear represents the best efforts of assessors figured out that this repre-- 1 the Peters Company is the result of more than scnted the value of his property. But thirty years' experience in making tine shoes the Mr. Harris knew better. He figured finest in the west. Three Class Lessons up his property values at $550,000. Then he went to the office of the bo.".rd of review in Chicago last Wed- New and distinctive patterns created each sea- nesday and protested. son and especially -- designed, splendid-fittin- g lasts aV0' Our fall term begins September 1st. All students should There are a lot of protests before the style points. the board of review but the peculiar enroll at once. thing about most of them, is that ths Carefully selected protester prumhlcs because his as- materials and the best oak sessment is made too high. leather put together by highly skilled workmen are I "I could not conscientiously per- - the service points. mit an advantage to be taken of an error by the assessor," ho said to the An enormous out-pu- t the largest or- chairman of the board. "I want to factory pny my full share of the costs cf tho ganization in the world making high-grad- e shoes at administering law and protecting pro- -' the lowest cost of production, are the value points. perty and I want to be assessed cor-- i rertly." The results are Wo need more Samuel Harris'. Peters "CLASSIC" PIANOS I PIANO TUNING For further information and terms, phone or call at Am retiring teaching to enable me Shoes of Exceptional Merit That Studio. to devoto more time to my piano business. Expert tuning, repairing ' Are in Every Way as Good and action regulating done promptly on short notice, l'innos sold on easy j terms, at lower prices than con be as They Look had from any other dealer. We han-- j MiilMMBMBtlllMillliasllMHBMSSHMMSHMBlIBiMilimillStJMMBiH BUM MSV die the highest grade pianos manu- Phone 262 316 N. Pile factured, among which are the fam- -' ous Schumann, Bush & Lane, Cable-Nelso- n Rodes-Bradle- y and others. Co. D. N. CROFT, :j)(w) I'hone 2G2. THE CLOV13 NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1319.

Estimated Cost PAVING PROTEST NOTICE. Name Brick Bitulithic G. W. Singleton U.00-OT- -. 25.00.- - 31.25 R. A. Adams 0..47-OT- -. 25.00.. 31.25 M. Bryant west 70 feet of lots 7 am 1180.00.. 1110.25 o) Uty of Clovis, New Mexico. 1 A. B. Austin; E. E. Graves; Ford All the heirs at law of Sam Holland de- ' ceased, east 70 of lots 7 and 8..48-O- 1 I To Mary Knight; R. F. Pixlev, A. Branendburg; frred Gallamore; R. C. feet 1155.00.. 1085.00 John R. Cook, west 28 of lots 6 0 48-O- Ueid, J. V. Rice; Kate Whitehead; J feet and 402.00.. 434.00 Mamlcll and F. E. Dennis, trustees E. A. Schweining, east 28 f -- t of west o) 1'. tenet; The Atchison, Topeka & r. 48-O- Clovis Lodge No. 1244, B. P. O. E.; feet of lots 5 and 6. . 402.00.. 434.00 Sunta Fe Railway Company; J. V. E. E. Graves, east 84 feet of lots 5 and 6 48-O- 1411.00.. 1333.25 John H. Barry; Ncttio M. Klein; City Rico, W. S. Higgina and ull the Heirs Jeremiah Moriarty .lots 21 and 22 and of Clovis; Lone the west 9 feet of lot 20. .49-OT- .. 1038.75 Star Lbr. Co.; all the at Law of E. K. Rice, deceased ; II. R. 1097.50.. Cush Ramey and J. W. Wilkinson, west 6 Heirs at Law of de- Neal and F. C. Herbert. Sam Holland, feet of lot 1! and east 11 feet of lot 20. 412.50.. 387.50 ceased; Cash Ramcy, J. W. Wilkin- iou and each of you are hereby Zoila M. McFarlm, west 3 feet of lot 18 and tho east 19 49-O- son and C. E. Dennis; Mrs. Daisy notified that the City Council of the 22 feet of lot 412.50.. 387.50 O. W. Puckett, 25 feet of .49-OT- . Conner, Ciiy of Clovis, New Mexico, has, by east lot 18. . 412.50.. 387.50 formerly Mrs. Daisy Merritt, G. W. Singleton 904-O- 387.50 ordinance, provided the improve 412.50.. administratrix of the estate of Frank for A. J. Rodea 10..04-OT- - 412.50.. 387.50 i 64-O- Merritt, deceased. Mrs. Daisy Con- ment by curbing, grading and paving City Drug Company 11 412.50.. 387.50 W. A. Archer 64-O- ner, formerly Mrs. Daisy Merritt, all that portion of Main Street in . ...12 412.60.. 387.50 E. B. Lecoy 13 64-O- 887.50 'flu-r- guardian of said city between the south line of 412.50.. is the Minor Heirs of Frank Lela E. & E. 14415-64-- no danger of building material going Kendall Nannie Kendall OT 825.00.. 775.00 Munroe Avenue and its intersection C. 64-O- Merritt, deceased. Dorothy Merritt Joe McClelland 10 and 17 T 860.00.. 806.25 down. We predicted last spring that building and Dean Merritt, Minor Heirs of with the north line of the right-of-wa- y C. F. Hardwick .. 8..63-OT.- . 412.60.. 887.60 w. Stewart 9 63-O- Frank Merritt, deceased; Joe C. Mc- of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa J. 412.50.. 387.50 Ida B. Osborne & Mollie P. Wrieht -- 10. 63-O- 412.50.. 387.60 material would stay Clelland; Walter C. Fe Railway Company, and that por- high and many took advant- Howell; Carl Jonn . 11. tion of f layior 412.60.. 387.50 Smith, Paul Smith, Grand Avenue in said city C. O. .63-OT- .. age Elizabeth Smith, Warriner . .... 12. 412:60. 387.50 and built homes. This is equally true now Kate Smith and T. E. Smith, Heirs of between its intersection with the east Joe Lehrer ...... 13. .63-OT- .. 412.50.. 387.50 Clyn Smith .63-OT- .. I. P. Smith, deceased; I. C. and A. W. line of Gidding Street and the west 14. 412.50.. 387.50 and the man who plana L. E. Shaw 15. .63-OT- .. 412.60.. 387.50 his home this fall will not Johnson; H. R. Gibson; Kemp Lum- line of Connelly Street, and that por W. W. Gibson .63-O- 412.50.. 887.60 tion of Munroe Avenue between' .16. regret it. ber Company; C F. Hard wick; W. F. Its Mugh Coffy ... 17..63-OT-- . 437.60.. 418.75 Dawson; J. V. Rice, Mrs. T. B. intersection with the east line oí Pile W, F. Swartz 6 and 7. .78-O- 850.00.. 806.25 F. Divers Skccn; C. Jackson; J. W. Stewart; 0. Street and the west line of Mitchell 8. 412.60.. 387.60 Mr. The First National Bank 9. .78-O- 387.60 Farmer, this is a fine time to build that ad- M. and D. N. Street, including all street and alley 412.60.. Croft; Cash Ramey; E.I Miss Belle Benn-jt- t 10..78-OT-- . 412.60.. 387.60 W. Mears; The within said delned lim Henry .78-O- dition to your home First Nutional Ba:k;, G. Coors. Jr . -- 412.60.. 387.60 you have been planning. 8-OT We Dora Rice; Cash Ramey and J. W. its. That said street and alleys and W. F. Baylcss 12 412.50.. 387.60 have a big stock Wilkinson; S. J. Boykin; Cash Ramey their Intersections will be paved with Southwestern Savings Building & Loan of building material on hand Association 13. .78-OT- .. 412.50.. 387.50 J. W. Wilkinson and. Joe C. CcClcl-land- ; either Standard Vitrified Fiber Brick W. H. Fuqua 14. .78-OT- .. 412.50.. 387.50 M. or Bitulithic paving. The esti- and are ready to serve vou. J. Love; W. A. Moore; G. W. total J. W. Wilkinson and F. Divers 15. .78-OT- .. 412.60.. 387.50 Johnson; J. C. Hyatt; Geraldine A. mated cost and expense of said Im- F. Divers 16 78-O- 412.50.. 387.60 Ward; C. E. Lukins; provement, should Standard Vitrified W. F. Swartz 17. 8-OT 437.00. . 418.75 First Baptist P. A. LaShier, H. Brick be used, is $89,000.00, Chas. Reichart and W. Church, A. W. Johnson, Chairman, Fiber I. Luikart. Trustees Clovis Lodge No. ""- - WJ Lester Stone, A. W. Hockenhull, A. and the total estimated cost and ex 40, A. F. & M 0 A. and 7-OT 850.00.. 806.25 S. Vcawy, J. V. Forman and W. II. pense of said improvement should L. C. Copien 8..77-OT- .. 412.50.. 887.50 Harris, Trustees; E. T. Jernigan; J Bitulithic paving is used is $85,000.- - R. C. Reed 9, 10 and 11..77-OT- .. 1237.50.. 1162.50 F. Divers 12 and 13..77-OT-- . B. Westerfield; T. J. M.I 00' ,aid motiiU being the est! 825.00.. 775.00 Alfalfa Gordon; Eva First Savings Bank of Albuquerque, New Co. mated cost and expense to the Lbr. L. Cavcnder; C. abut Cox; Mountain Mexico 14..77-OT.- . 412.50.. 887.50 lim- Mrs. States Telephone & Telegraph Com ting property owners within said Ida Hunter 15..77-OT- .. 412.60.. 387.60 E. F. Reynolds "It Costs No More To Build It Right" pany; The Clovis National Bank; its for said improvements. 16..77-O- T . 412.60.. 387.60 A. B. Austin 17..77-OT- -. Mary Lyons; A. E. Curren; Philo Al That said improvement shall be be 437.60.. 418.75 E. Graves 9 and 10..97-OT- -. Clovis,N.M. tween the intersection t. 850.00.. 806.25 Phone 15 den; E. E. Addington; D. N. of the south Ford Brandenburg 97-O- Croft; 11 412.60.. 887.50 , Zelia M. McFarlin; Harry Highfill and line of Munroe Avenue on said Main Fred Gallamore 12 " 412.60.. 387.60 R. C. Rcid 13..97-OT- .. L. H. Sanders; Chas. E. Dennis and Street and the intersection of said . 412.50.4 387.60 J. V. Rice 14..97-OT- .. W. A. Main Street with the north line of 412.50.. 387.50 Maupin; S. H. Blockson; F S .. Ford Brandenburg ..15 412.60.. 887.50 the right-of-wa- y of the Atchison, To Burns; G. W. Singleton; R. A. Kate Whitehead 4 -. 412.50.. 887.60 peka & Santa Fe Railway Company, J. P. Fenet 98- - FOR SALE OR LEASE You will Adñms; M. Bryant; John R. Cook; E. 5.. 544.60.. 511.60 further take notice that The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe plaintiff A. Schweining; E. E. Graves; Jere including all street and alley inter- an absolute decree of divorce beginning at the S E corner Two Section Ranch, 4 miles west miah Moriarty; G. W. Pucket; A. J. sections and between the curb lines from the defendant Ray Wallis, and of lot 5, block 98, Original town of Clo- and 2 miles south of Grady, N. M., Rodes; City Drug Company; W. A. on said Mnin Street within said lim- vis, New Mexico, running south one for an order and decree of the Court consisting of 480 acres patented Archer; E. B. Leepy; Lela Kendall its; between the curb lines on said hundred one and five tenths (101.6) granting unto the plaintiff May Allen and extending 3and, and Nannie E. Kendall; W. Stew- Munroe Avenue between the inter- feet west to the west aide one school section, 160 acres Wallis, the care, custodv anrl J. of block .nt...i section with the east line of Pile said 98 1674.75.. 157S.25 Messed. This land is in one body, of the said minor plaintiff' art; Ida B. Osborne and Mollie P. J. V. Rice. W. S. Higgins and all the heirs child of and the west line of Mitchell fenced, with 3 room Wright; John F. Taylor; C. O. War Street at law of E. R. Rice, deceased, 19, 17 A 18..97-OT- .. house and out and defendant, R wn. 1089 00 1023.00 "buildings. riner; Joe Lehrer; Clyn Smith; L. Street, and between the curb lines on H. R. Neal and F. C. Herbert, 1, 2 and 3..98-OT.- . 1262.50Ü Price $5,000.00, terms. Jr., and that the plaintiff be granted 1193.75 Cof-fy- said Grand Avenue between Its in- Or will lease for long time at $350 an me right and E. Shaw; W. W. Gibson; Mugh ; privileges of a sin- tersection with the east line of Gid a year. Write me. gle and person. W. F. Swartz; F. Divers; Miss Belle Bennett; Henry G. Coors, ding Street and the intersection with H. C. BAILEY, You will further take notice that Jr.; That there arc no s thereto. provements, the benefits of the samo W. F. Byless; Southwestern Savings, the west line of Connelly Street, and Canadian, Texas. unless you appear, answer or other- You are further notified that the to property and any Builbind and Loan Association; W. H. including all street nnd alley inter other matters wise plead in said cause on or before said City Council has set the 1st day Div-er- sections and connections. with reference thereto, and which the 27th day of Fuqua; J. W. Wilkinson and F. of at FINAL NOTICE September, 1919, that September, 1919, at eight o'clock, time and a the allegations P. A. LaShier, Chas. H. Reich-ar- t That your property abutting upon place full and fair hear- set forth in said plain- p. m., and the City Hall in said city ing and W. I. Luikart, Trustees Clo- said street proposed to be so im- will be given to all owners of To Whom It May Concern: tiff's complaint will be taken All 1 as the time and place for the hearing Lodge No. A. & L. within said paving dis properties abutting upon said streets and confessed and vis 40, F. A. M.; proved and and considering any All bills owing to the estate of the that the plaintiff of contest of said and alleys to be so improved. will C. Copien; R. C. Re id; First Sav- trict and the estimated cost and ex late Jenny McCully must be paid by apply to the Court for and will assessment and said paving, and you Done ings Bank of Albuquerque, New Mex- pense to be assessed against your by the order of tho City December 1st, 1919, to J. C. take judgment by default arc hereby notified to file a notice of Nelson, ico; Mrs. Ida Hunter; E. F. RoyrMds; property is as follows: Council this 16th day of July, 1919. nt Clovis National Bank. you, and will apply to the Court for protest in writing and to contest the the relief Attest: LESTER STONE, Mayor. J. C. NELSON, as prayed for in the com- Estimated Cost said proposed assessment and person-nlliabilit- Administrator plaint filed herein. Name Brick Bitulithic the regularity of the pro- (Seal) ROY McMILLEN, Mary Knight 6..34-O- T 25.00..$ 31.25 Witness my hand and seal of said .$ ceedings with reference to such im City Clerk. R. F. Pixley, A. Mandell and F. E. Dennis l ourt this the 30th day of July, A. (Fiist published July 35, 1919.) I). trustees Clovis Lodge No. 1244, B. 1. 1919. O. E 18..35-O- NOTICE OF - 1740.00.. 1641.25 SUIT (Seal) J5-O- (First published 81, W. C. ZERWER. John H. Barry 17 T - 1715.00.. 1610.00 July 1919.) unto set my hand and affixed tho County Clerk and Clerk Nettie M. Klein 17 86-O- 1715.00.. 1610.00 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT seal of said court, this the 25th day Tin the District Court of Curry Coun- City of Clovis of the District Court of Currv Coun. 1740.00. 1641.25 OF ADMINISTRATOR of July, 1919. ty, State of New Mexico. ty, Lone Star Lbr. Co. 25.00.. 31.25 State of New Mexico. All the Heirs Law Sam Holland do (Seal) W. C. ZERWER, .Hay Al'en Wallis, Plaintiff. at of ceased . 1..48-0T.- . 25.00.. 31.25 In the Probate Court of Curry Coun- County Clerk and Clerk vs. .. of No. 1304 GET READY Cash Ramey, J. W. Wilkinson and C. E. ty, New Mexico. the Probate Court. :Hay Wallis, Defendant. Dennis 1. 2, 3, 4 & 1740.0- 0- 1641.25 In the matter of tho Estate of Ben- To the above named defendant, Ray Mrs. Daisy Conner, formerly Mrs. t) aisy Now Is the time that your hens will jamin W. Copeland, deceased, No. Job Printing at tho Newi Office. WUlis: Merritt, administratrix of the estate of moult or shed their feathers. This deceased. Mrs. Daisy 253. You will hereby take notice Frank Merritt, that a process ia rather slow and Nature Conner, formerly Mrs. Daisy Merritt, Notice is hereby ven that on the suit has been filed and is now pending should be assisted. B. A. Thomas' guardian of the minor heirs of Frank 24th day of July, 1919, Ben F. Moss, in the District Court of Curry Merritt, deceased. Dorothy Merritt and County, Poultry Remedy will helo vour hens whose business and post office ad- New Dean Merritt, minor heirs of Frank State of Mexico, in which May to moult causing dress is Clovis, New Mexico, was duly them to shed earlier Merritt. deceased 6..49-OT.- . 2127.50.. 1997.50 Allen Wallis, is plaintiff, and you the appointed of the C. and be ready to lay when eggs are Joe C. McClelland 6 and 7..50-O- T 2540.00.. 2385.00 administrator estate V. Steed aaid Ray Wallis, is defendant, 50-O- said highest in the winter. If this remedy Walter Howell 6 343.00 322.00 of Benjamin W. Copeland, deceased, suit being numbered Carl C. Smith, Paul Smith, 1504 on the does not make good, we Elizabeth by the Probate Court of Curry Coun- will. A. B. Smith, Kate Smith and T. E. Smith, Civil Noeket of said court, and that & ty, New Mexico, Is now Austin Sons. Heirs of I. P. Smith, deceased 4..50-OT.- . and that he Rowells and Reese, whose business 343.00.. 322.00 Undertaker and I. C. and A. W. Johnson 3 50-O- 343.00 322.00 the duly qualified and acting admin- and postoffice address is Clovis, New R. 1 50-O- Wanted to Buy Secondhand furn- - II. Gibson and 2 711.00 675.25 istrator of said estate. Embalmer Mexico, are attorneys Kemp Lumber Company T for the plain lture and stoves. Cull 203. n m 12.. 25.0- 0- 31.25 Notice is further given thnt all per- tiff in said suit. C. F. Hardwick 7 and 8..4U-OT- -. 825.00 775.00 -. sons who have claims against snid Bishop. W. F. Dawson 9- 49-O- 412.50 3H7.50 the general objects of said action arc Msnafrfr Clovis Cemetery 49-O- T arc required to J. V. Hice 10 412.5- 0- 3X7. 60 estate present the as follows, To obtain by B. .. Job Printing at the News Office. Mrs. T. Skecn 11 412.50 387.50 same to said administrator within the ..49-O- T Phone 14 Itolb Day Nlghi. C. Jackson 12 . 412.50.. ;jH7.50 time prescribed by law. and J. W. Stewart 13. .49-O- .412.50 387.50 .49-OT- .. In witness whereof, I have here 0. M. and D. N. Croft 14. 412.5- 0- 3K7.5 Cash Ramey 15.. .. 412.50.. 387.G0 E. W. Mears 16. .49-OT- 412.50 887.50 CALLED (!Efl 17 m FA1LY The First Nationul Bunk 2747.50 2r.88.75 a m'rlTMrmulMlí': ii sj a sj B w iB1 m wTulmrmümm Dora Rice 8..50-OT- .. 412.50 387.50 Dora Rice D 50-O- 412.50 887.50 Cash Ramey and J. W. Wilkinson 10 50-O- T 412.50 387.50 S. Hoykin TO HEil DEDSÍDE J. ...11 and -OT.. 825.00.. 775.00 Cash Ramey and J. W. Wilkinson. .13 and 14 50-O- 825.00 775.00 Cash Ramey, J. W. Wilkinson and Joe C. McClelland 15. .50-OT- .. 412.50.. 387.60 Cash Ramey and J. W. Wilkinson 16 50-O- T 412.60.. 387.50 Wedding Gifts Tears She Sb Afo, TUnldaf Migbt Die, Says Tens But Nov J. M. Love 2588.76 -- .. . Uij, 2747.50.. . m W. A. Moore 18 and 19 .. 924.00 868.00 "WVVWVW Sis Is Well, Strong Woman and fraUes Cardal Fer G. W. Johnson 20.. .. 462.00.. 434.00 J. C. Hyatt 21..60-OT.- . 462.00 434.00 Her Recorerj. 22-60- Geraldine A. Ward -OT- 487.00 465.26 C. E. Lukins 1285.00.. 1601.25 First Baptist Church, A. W. Johnson, For generations jewelry hat been loyso City, Tsx.-- Mrs. Mary Kll-u- tho better. That was lit yaars ago Chairman; Lester Stone, A. W. Hock- accepted A. S. Voazoy, V. at tho most tuitabla wadding of this placa, says; "After tbt and I am still hero and am a wall enhull, J. Forman and W. H. Harris, Trustees 6 61-O- T 1285.00.. 1601.25 4ft, tar it carries with it the proper strong woman, .. Mrth of my com-anea- and I owe my Ufo to E. T. Jernigan 7..52-OT- 25.00 81.26 little girt,.. my side d Mntlment that B. Westerfleld .61-OT- .. gift of Ibis bind Cardul I had only taken half tho J. 12. 25.00.. 81.25 to hart me. I had to go back T. J. Gordon 1..82-OT- .. 1285.00.. 1601.25 should. bottlo when I began to foot E. W. Mears 12..62-OT-- . Í501 25 bod. Wo bettor. 1285.00.. called tho doctor. Bo 1. 63-O- T Tho misery in my ildo got lato... C. and A. W. Johnson 1 and 2 949.00 899.25 I M. 3- -. 63-O- 462.00. .434.00 4roaUd mo... but I got no bettor. I Eva Cavendcr We are always glad to continued right on taking the Cardul L. C. Cox 4. .63-OT- - 462.00.. 434.00 worao and worse Mountain Telephone & Telegraph offer sug gMllom. 4P until tho misery until I had taken throo bottles and 1 Statca Company 5. .63-O- 462.00. .434.00 was did not need .63-OT- ubearablo...! was In bod for any moro for I was well The Clovis National Bank 0 and 7. .. 3160.00 2976.26 Mary Lyons . 7 and 8..64-O- T 8572.50.. 3363.70 tfcroo months and suffered ouch agony and never felt better In my life... I A. E. Curren 6 .. 462.00.. 434.00 haro never had any trouble .64-OT- .. 'that I vat Just drawn op In a knot... from that I'hilo Alden,4. and the east two feet of 8. 495.00.. 465.00 day to this." C. F. Hardwick west twenty-si- x feet of 3. .64-OT- .. 429.00.,. 403.00 tola my husband If ho would get E. E. Addington .64-O- T 402.00 434.00 I Do yon 2. Denhof Jewelry Company suffer from headache, back D. N. Croft 1..64-OT- -. 487.00 465.26 4B0 a bottlo of Cardul I would try . . 1 Jewelers and Opticians It. ache, patna In aides, or other discom- Bella M. McFarlin. east forty feet of and 685.00.. 651.25 Harry Highlill and L. H. Sanders, east 25 eommonced taking It, however, that forts, each Or do yon I month f teal feet of the west 100 feet of lots 1 and 5-OT 412.60.. 887.50 Official Santa Fa Watch Inspectors Chas. E. Dcnnia and W. A. Maupin, OTOBirf ! callid my family about weak, nervous and faggod-out- f If so, east 60 feet of tho west 76 feet of lots 1 and 2..65-OT- .. (or know eooJd not last giro Cardal, too 826.00.. 775.00 tu.n I I woman's tools, S. H. Blockson, west 25 feet of lots 1 and 2..66-OT- .. 412.50.. 887.60 tcaiy lays union I bad a changa for trial J. ft 8. H. Blockson, east 84 feet of lota 11 and 12..65-OT.- . 1386.00.. 1802.00 F. S. Burns, wtst 66 feet of lots 11 and 12..65-OT- .. 949.00.. 899.25 THE CL0V13 HEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 191.

EIS H - " mm i . i sjssssssssssssjMsssjsjsjssjssMSs"' m f

If you had a large mm of mon- Santa Fe. Thero ii no mure accur ate and painstaking writer in the ey to deposit, would you select a state than Paul A. K. Walter, corres. Do your Jams and pondunt of the Albuuuurque Journal. conservative or over-- 1 i b e r t. 1 uuthor of an article recently publish- Rank! ed in the Bankers' Journal. While Jellies ever "Candy"? Mr. Walter dweb upon natural beauties of the state, its archaeologi cal wonders and the climate, he brings Many women have been so discouraged by this trouble Conservative, of out sucprimng facts about the pro that they have almost stopped putting up fruit. Course ducts of the soil. He shows that New Mexico is an agricultural state rather Yet, there is an easy, simple way to avoid it. Use yi than one where livestock and mining Karo (Red Label) and sugar in your preserving syrup, are lt the predominating interests. instead of The following conclusions and sugar alone. That's Us statements are condensed from the Karo is a fine, clear syrup, with a natural affinity for compilation by the Santa Fe man, in tended to inform bankers and busi the juices of the fruit. nessmen: Twenty years ago, a very It blends the sugar with the fruit juice brings out all The eincient hydrographic engineer em ployed by the then territory after a the "fruity" flavor. conscientious and careful survey, an- nounced that New Mexico had barely You, too, will obtain perfect results this summer if you Clovis National 200,000 acres under cultivation, that will use Y Karo (Red Label) and lt sugar instead of all by extraordinary expenditures and ugar for preserving. economy in the use of water this land may be increased to almost half a You will find your jelly clear and firm your preserves Bank million acres, but thr.t the rest of the rich with state would always be good only for heavy syrup your jams deliriously mellow and In point of strength, we stand grazing or for waste lands. At that "fruity". Not a sign of "candying". first. time the annual crop production did not reach $10,000,000. For Cooking, Baking and Candy-Makin- g Karo (Red Today 2,000,000 acres are under Label) is used in millions of homes. In all cooking and cultivation, the total crop production baking recipes use Karo this year will reach $80,000,000, and instead of sugar. It is sweet, of no man can say what the possible de- delicate flavor, and brings out the natural flavor of the food. velopment of th future may bring. Now New Mexico crops are an FREE Area! cook book including recipes for nually of twice the value of all its Uae sure results in preserving everybody coal, copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc Karo appreciates. Sixty-eig- pages handsomely Ulut-tmte- Junk Wanted! and other mines, and four times the (red label) Write us today. The book is free. value of Its wool, lambs, calves and CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. other products. livestock and1! sugar P. O. I Htm York Clip In other words, New Mexico is I am in the market (or dry bones and above all an agricultural state. Here are some of the figures from the latest Makes perfect sacks and will pay the market price at all United States Crop Reporter as to times. this year's production in staple crops: jamsjeUies and Wheat 2,300,000 bushels. preserves. Corn, 6,268,000 bushels. J. c. White, Agent Oats, 1,854,000 bushels. Phone 449 Clovis, N. M. Barley, 618,000 bushels. Kaffir, 626,000 bushels. Potatoes, 1,120,000 bushels. Sweet potatoes, 450,000 bushels Hay, 465,000 tons. Apples, 208,000 bushels. Peaches, 227,000 bushels. Cotton, 15,000 bales. Beans, 913,000 bushels. .A, These are some of the leading crops, for no other state except Cali- fornia and Texas, has a greater va- riety. New Mexico is not only but it furnishes the rest of the country with a considerable The Ford Model T One Ton Truck is portion of its meat and wool sunnlv. really the necessity of farmer, manufac- The number of sheep on the ranges turer, contractor and merchant. It has is approximately 5,000,000; its wool all the strong features of the Ford car production 20,000,000 pounds a year; The Clovis Oil Co. has been halted j made bigger and stronger. has the its cattle number a million, its dairv It cows 60,000; horses 250,000; mules for a few days to adjust matters. powerful worm drive, extra large emer- 25,000; asses and burros iOO.OOO: The McGee well near Tucuneari More Less goats has been or gency brakes acting on both rear wheels 600,000, fowls on farms 2,000,- - halted for a few days await- 124-inc- ing and controlled by hand lever, h 000, oil concrete wealth and wealth the arrival of some machinery. Some folks think the more care a car owner wheelbase, yet turns in a 40 foot circle, producers. The Endee location has not been As a mineral producer Mexico gives his most thoroughly tested. New given to the public as yet. battery the more service it will and has been came to the fore last year with a The Carter Oil Co., the Weit Col- render. We know it is absolutely dependable. of $40,000,000. One com- total copper umbia Trans-Peco- s Co., the Kansas-Ne- We giving without pany produced 80,000,000 pounds advise your order of Mexico Co., Eddy Oil Co., De- Others say you copper last year, "the less bother with it the delay that you may be supplied as soon According to the troit Oil Corporation, the Rama Oil geological survey, New Mexico last better." as possible. The demand is large and and Gas Co., the Gran Quivira Oil Co. t year produced 782,-00- 0 first to order to receive delivery. $081,000 in gold, the Chickasaw Oil, Gas and Refining first ounces of silver, 8,235,000 lbs. Both are partly right and partly wrong. Co., the Canadian-America- n Oil Co., Leave your order today. Truck Chassis of lead, 08,300,000 pounds of copper, are among the oil companies that are o. 24,100,00 pounds of We can show $"f0 f. b. Detroit. zinc. The value pushing things in New Mexico. you some things that will v of the coal production and New Several drilling contracts have make your battery serve better and last Mexico produces both anthracite and HIGHWAY GARAGE been reported as closed or practically longer. At least drive around and let's get bituminous will this year exceed so within the past week or ten days. $10,000,000, while iron ore shipped The Western Developer. acquainted. out of the state aggregates a quarter AMAZON TIRES, GATES HALF SOLES : i million of tons. Gypsum, sandstone, Starter and Generator Troubles a Specialty cement, clay, salt, arc some of the other mineral resources. WARNING! Taylor Tire & Battery Co. In manufacturing' New Mexico can- Ill South Main St. j not make as good a showing as in ag- TO INVESTORS CLOVIS, N. M. I Tlio Santa Fe New riculture, stock ruisinir or in minimr Don't buy oil stocks or royalty Mexican Still the value of production by mills units until you have first hand infor- and factories, by establishments mation of PUBLISHING CORPORATION classed as industrial, reached $20,- - TEXAS OIL FIELDS 000,000 Inst year. Railroad shops give Get the Truth about Texas Oil Pro- employment to thousands. Despite the duction and Dividend payers. We will fact that New Mexico produces the furnish absolutely free an official Publishers of raw materials which are shipped to State Government report made by all the producing Oil Companies Corn Binders for THE SANTA Atlantic, more than 2.000 miles with a immediate FE NEW MEXICAN and then reshipped to or through New SWORN STATEMENT Mexico to Latin America, or to the showing their production for the sec- Delivery The Oldest and Best Daily Paper In The State southwest; despite the fact that New ond quarter of 1910, as required by All The Capitol, State and National New Mexico offers ideal conditions and state special income tax law. These Wagons plonty of labor untainted by Bolshe reports are now compiled. We will in all Sizes EL NUEVO MEXICANO vism, it lags in manufacturing indus forward to you the complete list ab- tnus solutely publish oil Spanish Weekly tries far, The greater the pium-isc- free. We a free Van Brunt Drills however, for future development. market letter digest. You should SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN have this information if you intend Disc Harrows English Weekly OIL IN NEW MEXICO to invest safely in Texas oil, Inquiries promptly answered. One of the best equipped Job and The gas flow in the Ute Creek well PUBLIC INFORMATION BUREAU Bindery Departments - is approximately 200,000 cubic feet. Oil Operators Building in the South- It was west. Our Solicitor: struck at a depth of 700 feet, Fort Worth, Texas accompanied by o showing of a eood "Every Job or Hook with Our Imprint" grade of oil. Tho Ute Creek well is owned by the American Producers A TEXAS WONDER Long and Refining Company of Wyoming. Distance Phone 28G for kidney and bladder troubles, grav- The Snorty Gobbler Oil and Gas el, weak and lame back, rheumatism Santa Fe, N. Mex. Co., a New Mexico concern, is about and irregularities of the kidneys nd to spud in its well, while the United Skarda Hardware Co, bladder in both men and women. If "THE COMING COUNTRY OP THE SOUTHWEST" Oil company has its well down to not sold by your druggist will be sent Successors to W. Wismiller "THE OLDEST CITY IN ídou feet with a showing oil and THE UNITED STATES" of by mail on receipt One gas. of $1.25. A. W. SKARDA J. S. SKARDA small bottle often cures. Send for The Great Western Oil and Refln- - sworn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall, Co.. Who Will drill thnir flr.t. wen A at 2Q28 Olive at., St. Louis, Mo. Sold Ke"". New Mexico, expect tftf4tfttftfttt to spudby druKsU z J THE CLOVIS NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST It, 191, lb'

TO PROTECT RENTAL 7 PROPERTY BY ORGANIZATION The Clovis property ownert asso- ciation that will have for its purpose 'i inducing people who rent to take bet- ter care of the homes they live in, V ; J had a meeting la3t Thursday even- s .; - TI i . v r v. y r i s ing. Much BUCceBS has been made with the movement and a permanent lift organization bo effected a will at .... i . t w meeting to be held this Thursday i iL. cTl If T Hit Milu -' mmv r t ' a U W m. evening at the offices of the Union 1 11 i Mortgage Co. Every person in Clo- MP vis who owns a house that he rents in riry o. t i ii mm ii ni t to someone is invited to attend this a J iri meeting and to join this association. The object of the association b not for deep fat in any way to regulate the prices of UNSURPASSED rents. Some have criticised the Ready for organization thinking tluit it might cake-makin- Monarch of the Inde- mean an increase in the prices of instant use for g. No pendent Companies rentals, but this it will not do, in fuct the organization when properly ef- tedious "Creaming-in- " process. fected should the price of rents for it will minimize the depre- ciation. Mrs. L. P. Simpkinson, who Costs about half that of the best Sensational owns much rcntul property here, hus interested herself in the organization Olive Oil and malíes perfect French p" 0- - ; lion nnd has induced e owners to join to in Dressing and Mayonnaise. Italian sure the success of the plan, she says. Developments epicures on Olive Oil now prefer "THE WHITE HEATHER" it

Wonderful 68-pag- e Cook Texas Crude lias con- You will gasp at the y JTEULjEi of the men who fight to the death on Book. Write today for it solidated with tlie All-Te- x the ocean floor, eight fathoms down. You will be spellbound at the sheer CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY Oil Company and beauty of the scene. P. O. Box 16t v New York The sublime life that leads a these, together with the woman and a man up to the smash- 3

Uan-gcr-"Vort- ing denoumcnt will hold you so en- properties of the h, SEVEN FATHOMS BELOW the opportunity to see. "The White age is thralled that-C- ome that held by the United States ated the table and those who enjoyed THE EYES OF MAN Heather" will be shown at Lyceum from Union Cen- to see "The White Heather"! which the state receives no in the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy There never was another picture like Theatre, Saturday night, August 23. come in any way, McMillen, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wright, From heater to high runs Be it. tral, East Paris and Hub t!i Adjectives cannot describe it! teas the sure and see You'll like it. Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Cassel, Mr. and absorbing melodramatic story, five-ye- You must see it to believe that such "The Marcella, old daughter of Mrs. Carl Park, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White Heather" produced by Maurice! companies will consti- a picture is possible! N. M. GOVERNOR MAKES Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Downie, was taken Campbell. lorneur, wno made "Sporting Life." i See "The White Heather" at the PLEA FOR HIS STATE to Clovis Tuesday and placed in the Scenes of animation and beauty vie tute the Texas Crude Oil Lyceum Theatre, Saturday night, city hospital for treatment. It will Osteopaths use antiseptics and with scenes of tense thrilling drama. August 23rd. Salt Lake City, Aug. 17. be remembered that she underwent anesthetics in confinement cases and P ,& Refining Company, The fight on the floor of the sea has Lh, Governor Larrazolo of New Mexico an operation while in Topeka, Kans., any other means that is necessary, tf never been equalled for spectacular SLIGHT DIFFERENCE in strongly urging the ceding by the recently, and has been progressing the strongest buy on the effect and beauty. It is a Paramount federal government of the public nicely since, until Sunday. It was Artcraft Special. "The White Heath- As the millionaire climbed into his lands to the states, says there are no thought adviiable to remove her ynarket in Texas Oil er" will be shown at the Lyceum t costly motor car, a shabby urchin more homesteads that can be other where she might have the best pos- 9 o o Theatre, Saturday night, Aug 23rd. sible is Stocks. One dollar a offered him a newspaper. than disappointing to any homestead- attention. She now reported o O "Get away." he snarled. "I don't er who might undertake to make a to be improving and hopes for her SCHOOL BOARD MEETING n ta Abare. Stockholders of want a paper. Clear out!" living on one of them, that the pub- early recovery are extended by the a 1 The newsboy stood fast as ho re- lic domain docs not pay the federal friends of the family. Melrose Oil The Curry County School Board the Texas Crude plied: government to administer it, the Have redeemed contract which has will hold its regular meeting, Friday, that get gov-no- states are compelled to kept me out of the auction business Company are requested "Don't excited, The August 29th. police and only difference between you maintain roads in the territory owned CAFETERIA DINNER since last October. and me JAS. M. BICKLEY, is you are muking your by the federal government upon the Rill appreciate your bustle. to send in their certifi- that second It County Superintendent. million, while I'm still working on lands of which no taxes can be levied. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. O. Howard were Phone me at my expense. my first." The governor of New Mexico points hostesses to a delightful cafeteria Yours for the high dollar in a lcgt-imat- e cates for transfer share "THE WHITE HEATHER" out that his state is particularly dinner given last Monday evening. A way. for share. One two mil- TIRE AGENCY because of the large ncre- - beautiful center of sweet peas decor F.KLE E. FORBES. INCORPORATES A Paramount Artcraft Special by Maurice Torneur, who made "Sport- lion dollar company Santa Fe, Aug. 17. The ing Life." "The White Heather" is unites with a million Tire Agency company of Texico one of the famous Druary Lane filed incorporation paper, the capital- melodramas, one of the six English ization being and a half company, and $100,000, divided into I'lays. There are arenes that look $10 shares. The incorporators are: lute Scottish landscapes; there arei(y) of C. A. Robcreon, 12") shares; C. C. ILJJ with the properties scenes in the London Stock Exchange; (g) Knoles, Douglas Scott and Otis Scott mere nre room in- court scenes; mere four other companies twenty-fiv- e shares, all of Toxico. are underworld scenes and as a cli- JT UIBLIC

three-millio- max there is a death battle on the cluded, offers a n its news The News it, If wants floor of the ocean. It is the most Phone us. No. 07. I) dollar company. spectacular scene you have ever had () Tuesday, Aug. 26 All the added assets go "9 If Having sold out and going to leave Curry County, I will sell on Tuesday, in for the benefit of thj 6 1 CLASSIFIED ir August 26, 1919, without reserve or by bid, miles south and mile east of stockholders wilh les V- - tj- - . ill 1 i. f. Clovis, 2 miles south of Enterprise school house the following property, towtt stock' against them than : A D S : SALE BEGINS AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A. M. before. Production now. RATE 1c CATTLE HORSES You know how Texas Per Word Per Ksue 1 Motley face cow, 5 years old, culf 1 Bay filley, 2 years old, wt. 1000 lbs. Crude paid dividends. by side. 1 Hay hone, ,1 years old, 1(5 hands Commercial Rooming House, bed 1 Motley face cow, 4 years old, calf hinh, wt. 1100 lbs., gentle to work. Watch for bigger and rooms. Also rooms for light house- by side, n 1 Day hone, ,1 years old, 15 hands keeping. Ihonc 232. Mrs. C. F. Quality 1 Red cow, 0 years old, calf by side. high, wt. 1000 lbs., gentle to work. more frequent dividends Wells, Prop. 1 'Motley face cow, 4 years old, calf 1 Sorrel mare, ! years old, 15 hands by side. wt. 1 050 lbs., gentle to work. For Sale A five passenger car. CO from the new Texas if 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, calf by 1 Hay mare, K years old, 15 hands First class shape, $300. 620 North sido. high, wt. 1050 lbs., gentle to work. Crude, liny now at one Wallace. Plus 1 Jcrs'-- cow, 7 years old, calf by sid.'. D 1 Yearling filley. kart dollar. For Sa e The Clov s Feed Mill. ' 1 Jcr.icy cow, 6 years old, calf by sidr. 1 Sorrel mare 5 years old, 14 hands cheap for cash or will trade for farm I A 1 Rlaek cow, 7 old, culf by side. ti high, wt., 800 11,8., been worked. or city property in or near Clovis. 1 Motley face cow, 4 yeari old, calf 13 Apply to tí. M. Day, 211 North Ueid Accuracy by side. CD Street. 1 Red cow, 7 years old, culf by side. IMPLEMENTS 1 Durham cow, 2 years eld, heifer You 1 (arden Plow. For Rent Unfurnished rconn. is our watchword. culf by side, 1 MrCormick Row in good See R. M. Mishop. Hinder, can nefept, on our wm'd 1 Motley face cow, 2 yea:1.- old, heif- shape. er calf by side. Wanted Sewing of all kinds. 1 Disc Harrow. of honor, the assurance 1 Motley face cow, 2 old, heif- Phone 340. Mrs. I. V. White, 313 yea.' 1 Cultivator, er calf by side. West Grand. that these two import- i dang Sod Plow. 1 Moth y face cow, 2 years old, heif- O 1 Walking Lister. s includ- er calf by side. For Sale Cane mill in ant elements are O 1 Cnrt. first class milk cows, as good ns Texas Crude condition. Call on or address A. All 1 High Wheeled Wagon. ed in every prescription you can find anywhere, and good Means, Route 1, Texico, 3 miles 1 Low Wheeled Wagon, with frame. and gentle. norlhwect of Texico. we fill. Tn addition noth- 1 (ialloway Separator. 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, dry. 1 International Feed Grinder. "Hogs sale, E. E. Heed, Two-yea- for ' 8 r old good ones. Oil Company ing hut the purest drills heifers, 1 Fairbanks & Morse well, N. M. f Kngine, 14 Yearling heifers. These heifers CD are used. If you value are all good mill; rtaii. Maxwell car to trade for either Petroleum Securities 4 Two year old steers. cows or horses, prefer work horses. these things and wish m 4 One year old s'eers. Household Goods Company 3. II. Kays, Rte A., Texico 2tp the added service of 1 Thoroughbred Hereford Hull. 1 Cook Stove. 1 Oil Stove, General Agents c.n. Fur Kent 320 acres, 90 acres in promptness, hrinjr your . cultivation anil 200 more can be 1 Dozei Ithodo Island Hens. 1 Organ. 1 Dresser. (10 Main St. broke out. I would like to have this prescriptions to us. put in wheat, and as much new TERMS Sums under $10, cnsli. Over $10, terms of from 2 months to 12 months will be Fort ground as that could be broke this Wortli, Texas security 10 inierest from d;ite. fall. Let me hear from someone. given on approved bearinfi 5', off for cash. This land lays just north of (he old Dannley well. Address Dr. ('. L. Southwestern Dosch, Mayville, Mo. J. C, CARNAHAN, Owner New Beat The Wanted Someone to do generel Drug Co TATE & RAMEY, Auctioneers. DENNIS BROS., Clerks. hoiuework for small family. Sterdy 1 in Rale the middle-age- The Rexall Store S. We assure the public that the cattle this are of best, none excepted position, r sonable wages, d Wells In in Eastern New Mexico. Tate & Ramey. ex- C8-7- lady preferred. References Phone 1 Clovis, N. M. changed. Ü04 North Main St., phone 143. Mrs. S. W. Lane. THE CLOVIS NEWS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1919.

and Injured her arm very painfully. She ha about recovered now. There was singing here Sunday liilfcUt. v? rr Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Clovis Ta 20 rnlli'd at the J. I. Mcndor home Mon- day evening. BLUE EYES. P PIANOS I PIANO TUNING Reduction Am retiring teaching to cn&blc me lily uj o to devote more time to my piano i business. Expert tuning, repairing Having J sold my farm and being obliged give nnsspssínn r and action regulating done promptly to nnr i will ON REFRIGERATORS on short notice. Pianos sold on easy offer for sale, without reserve or bybid, at my farm 4 1-- 2 miles due east of terms, at lower prices than can be Grady, one-ha- lf mile west of Jones & Erwin school house, 30 had from any miles north and 1 other dealer. We han- 1 mile w of dle the highest grade pianos manu- Clovis, onN.MState Highway the following described property on factured, among which are the fam- CSS3 ous Schumann, Bush & Lane, Cable-Nelso- n and others.' Monday, August D. N. 25th CROFT, Phone 262. 1 o'clock p. m. We haAe a complete assortment of the at Celebrated CAMERON NEWS I n harrow. 1 two-ro- 13 Head of Cattle 2 o P. & 0. il or culti- 4 2 s vator with knives, good as White Mountain Refrigerators 1 Jersey cow, heifer calf by side, six new. 3 Other Mr. Chambers of Clovis wns doing years old, extra good. 3 ü farm implements, also hoes, some work on W. Cam- 1 If S forks, mattocks, picks other which we are now offering at a reduc- a truck for A. Jersey cow 6 years old, calf by side. e and eron (he last the week. 1 things too numerous to mention. of Jersey cow, 4 years old, dry. a-So" of Mrs. o tion Harbour's little child was 1 Red cow, 4 yeors old, dry. buried at Blair Thursday a after 7 White Face heifers, 1 year pa3t, ex- hort illness with bowel trouble. Rev. tra good. Harness Muslerson conducted the funeral ser- o Pi 20 vices. Their 4 many friends extend a sets harness complete, collars, brid- There is no better refrigerator on the their sympathy to the bereaved ones. les, lines and breaststraps. market than the WHITE MOUNTAIN Four soldiers ate dinner at the 7 Head Mules Several extra parts of harness sets. home of J. Z. Islcr Suturday. 1 why get new one now? They 1 Span black mules, 6 and 7 years Shop made saddle, extra good and so not a Herman were StulToid, Earl Harrell, old, 10 hands high, good ones. strong with bridle, lariat rope and Clyde and Rome Isler. blanket. 1 Span coming 4 and 6 years old. 5 g. A large Sunday school rally was 1 mare and 1 horse mule, 15V4 hands M 2 conducted by Rev. Nance at New high, extra good and smooth. Hope Sunday afternoon. 3 horse mules, 2 years past. ' 5 - A. B. Brooks sold his of three o Chickens farm 1 Bay mare, 6 years o'.d, extra good quarter sections to Charlie Gann last saddle and work mare. 18 About 3 dozen Plymouth Rock hens. week for $0,000 and has gone to east Texas to look for a location. He has f! a good crop on the farm, and had not -- . sold the crop when the writer last Hogs Household Goods Magic City Furniture Co. heard. ST er 4 meat hogs from 125 to 165 lbs. 1 Kitchen range, good. Although the farmers here are very extra i 1 Heater. RELIABLE HOME FURNISHERS busy with their threshing and other 1 Oak extension dining work, there are a good many of the table. 1 Walnut frame marble hands intending to attend the Cow top table., Implements extra size, marble slab 2x4 feet. boys Round-u- p at Tucumcari this e Sendinghans wagon with bois week. 12 S 3 Rockers and other chair, about 1 doz. d'arc rims, almost new. Also a Míbrcs Hazel and Mildred Rambo, Myrtle Leach sold her farm to Mr. number of small articles not Sun- 1 Top buggy and harness, good. necessary to Claudia and Nora Meador were Merdith last week. Also L. M. Boney mention. guests the Misses Wilson. POINT ENTERPRISE day of sold 100 acres to L. C. Tillman, which Miss Mary Clark of Wichita Fulls Mr. Tillman traded to J. Z. Isler for is visiting at the Joiner home. 160 acres, In order to square up their Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Meador and Mrs. land, as Mr. Islcr owned the other Sunday school was very will at- Mary Meador were at Mrs. McGreg- McD. three quarters in the section Mr. Till- G. GAMBLE, Owner tended Sunday. or's Sunday afternoon. man bought of Mr. Boney, and Mr. con- F. JelT & The aini;K school which was Messrs. John Taylor and Tillnuih owned the other throe quar- TATE RAMEY, Auctioneers Fri- ducted by Mr. Jiff Welch closed Welch attended the singing conven- ters In the section where Mr. Isler DENNIS BROS, JOHN. F. SMITHSON, Clerk night or day. A proirram was Riven that tion at Pleasant Hill Sunday. owned the 160. supper. also a pie supper and creum Miss Jimmic Hums spent Friday Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Leach and Ray and re- A large crowd wns present night with Miss Claudia Meador. nnd A. A. Dethrage went to Clovis port having a good time. Mr. Ed Hurks of Connecticutt is Saturday and returned Sunday. Wilson is visiting her sister here at the bedside of his who Mrs. father, Having been discharged at El Paso, Messrs. Brown, Bunch and Jordan wife are out visiting him from Colo- apparently well. The next morning Texas. is very sick. at Tost, Clyde Isler reached Cameron Friday, made a business trip to Clovis Friday. rado this week. we find one or more on their backs or Thursday a large crowd gath- Mrs. Celia McGregor and Miss Last after being in the U. S. service since Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mills spent the DOLLIE DIMPLE. the floor, stiff, their combs white and home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mary Ruth Woodward spent Saturday ered at the Sept. 18, 1!) 17. He has been at Cob-len- duy with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moss feet in the air." and gave them a surprise and Sunday with Mrs. Fenwick. Struhle Germany since November and Wednesday THE EDITOR'S BUSY DAY It was the editor's busy day, and birthday dinner, everyone having Mr. and Mrs. Crump called on Mrs. was over seas thirteen months. A big girl baby was born to Mr. this was the answer his reader re- brought their with them. McGregor Sunday. dinner Dallas and Cleveland Johnston took and Mrs. Ed Osborne Saturday night, A certain newspaper that made a ceived : guests present from other Mrs. Roberts has returned from a Among the two truck loads of wheat to Here- August 2nd. practice of answering inquiries from "Dear sir, your chickens are dead." placea were Mrs. Suman, Miss Ruby visit with relatives in Oklahoma. ford Monday for J. Z. Isler. Henry and Maud Stovall spent Fri readers received this one: Hughes of Clovis, Mr. Massey and Claud Estes visited Suman and Mrs. day with C. S. Moss and family. "Please tell me what is the matter If its new The News wanti Mrs. Sunday. it. Mr. Barnett of Bclen and Frank Carnahan Mrs. Meredith's son, Rual, and his with my chickens. They go to roost Phone ns. No. 97. of Dallas, Texas. Mona Roberts fell from a wagon RANCHVALE CHIMES

We were visited by a shower of rain and a sand storm Saturday aft- ernoon. Rev. Culpepper started a protract ed meeting in this community Friday evening. Judge Rowells and family and Earl Long and family spent Sunday with Jim Long. Mr. John Anderson and family went to Pleasant Hill to attend the singing convention. Roxie Smith was visiting home folks Saturday and Sunday. Ennis Anderson spent Saturday night with Ike Veazy. See The Pumps The sewing club met withKatiesue Buchanan Friday afternoon of last week. The entertainment that was given at the home of Mr. Kelly was fine and Oxfords We all had a nice time. Cream and cake were served as refreshments. Rev. Culpepper preached a good I am selling at greatly reduced prices, and you will sermon to large crowd Sunday afternoon. say they are the biggest values offered in this town SHU FLY. LUCKY in a long time. They are not odds and ends, but my STRIKE entire stock. BELLVIEW CHIMES cigarette

In spite of the fact that they cost a great deal more (Received too late for last week) It's toasted to in- today Oscnr Lnird's horse threw him at wholesale, I am not going to carry them Monday night and ran Fred Pulliam's crease the good, over. horses into the wire and cut one of them pretty bad. wholesome flavor Mr. Hailey made a business trip to of Kentucky Clovis the first of the week. While the there he purchased a new wagon. Burley tobacco. The ice cream, lemonade and fruit supper at Mr. Kirkpatrick'i Thurs A regular man's day night was enjoyed by all who were present. There wasn't a very smoke and deli The Cash Shoe Store large crowd on account of the big rain. cious! Mr, Jamei Fryar called on Mr. E. A. Story, Prop. Sheehan Tuesday morning. Mr. Fred Pulllam and hit father visited the threshing machina at Mr. Sheehan'i Tuesday tvening.


(SREAT THE BIG BIT STARTS ITS WAY DOWN Drilling 0Operations Have Actually Commence The Great Western Oil & Refg. Co. Have Started After the Liquid Treasure Geologists Tell Us We Will Open Up A Big Oil and Gas Field

The (Ircat Westcvn was organized for the purpose of the share coupon filled out for all that von can invest, and f;T'--' drilling and producing oil in the State of New Mexico. The watch the DIG MT, HITE its way down to the liquid way to make fortunes in oil is to drill for oil, and the only treasure , and then share in the profits. , way 1o get oil and big fortunes in oil, is to STIUKE oil. The driller and his crew are already on the groung, rig- Or Perhaps Ycu Wculd Raiher (Kn Leases ging up and will to soon. start MAK1NU HOLE very The If so LISTEN. We do not hesitate to hay that we have !reat Western proposes to drill this test well on the Keniia one of the best live acre lease propositions that a man can structure to a deplli sufficient to make it a real test for oil buy in the next great oil fields in New Mexico. Yon can and gas and our (Jeologist predicts that we will find bolh secure live, ten, twenty or more acres from a distance of a oil and gas on this vcrv structure and in this particular mm. mile and a half up to within six hundred yanls of flic well well. M.5 .'(V-.- f t;.l jit low prices, but they are commencing to advance in price now that drilling operations have begun. Our Vast Holdings Write for plat of acreage, or call at our oflice in C'lovis I at the old With our Mock of nearly 40.000 acres at Kenna, N'. (urlcy Broom Corn office. Scud in at once 1l and with our large tract of ."),()()() acres on Ihc structure applications for shares at one dollar par value at. Taibau, X. M., together with recently acquired Muck of (no stockholders' liability), ask anyone about us, they us. we 0 acres in the Northwest extension of the great lnirkhur-net-t all know are just home people developing fields, Pool, where big wells are coming in almost daily, this home oil .loin us now before it is too late. should put 1 he (rcat Western in the class of J5ig Dividend paying companies. Application Blank Par Value $1.00 Per Share You can help us,drill this deep test well, and you can Great Western Oil & Refining Co., Clovis, New Mexico. share in the profits, either by buying lease tracts near the (No Stockholders' Liability) drilling or by buying shares which still are selling at the to Gentlemen: Enclosed is my check for if' par value of $1.00 each. pía for which please send me a certificate for " Shares at f'1.00 per share, fully paid and le in We Are a New Mexico Company Ihc Great Western Oil & Refining Ompany. Xow is the time to get in wi'.h the Great Western. Name . Throngs of buyers are passing compliments on the possi- Ú Town and State bilities of great returns from an investment in this com- -' pany. Let this be n tip for you! Send in NOW, TODAY Street GREAT WESTE OIL AND REFONG CO. Clovis, N. M. 3

CRUFFNESS VERSUS KINDNESS to transact business with men who ís THE CONSTITUTION thirty-fiv- e left. be three-fourth- s This will less than vote must be secured in three-fourth- cannot muster up kind words in busi- CONSTITUTIONAL? order that the eighteenth amendment Texico-Farwe- ll Items A churlish, old man ness dealings, whether it be the prop- I This would be a mont may be modified. This seems not to has a large house on the corner lot. or employe. As a general thing, have Texico-Farwe- ll News. rietor tneory wept for the fact that it ocurred to the gifted legal light. There is fence around his prem The people are interested err. no though, it is the little overlooks one thing. The amendment m: m. m m ises and, consequently, it is passible tain legal opinions just now being set i m wmmmm'Mi employe who feels his importance is no longer pending. Any rhange CET READY Rose; lur vvvv,K lu " ' UI is a burden on the business trans forth by Mr. Levy Mayer, attorney to be C. W. Hill arrived from Glen that made now in the eighteenth Now is the time - that your hens will morning a five weeks hi lwn wnt'n in hurrV- acting public. The owner or propiefor the liquor interests. The lawyer amendment must be change yesterday after a in the moult or shed their feathers. The crabby, old man decided that - This stay. He reports good crops, but tor sees the necessity in winning the. proposes to question the constitution- constitution of the United States and process the way kccp peopltí from is rtltfier slow and Nature niichty hot one t0 the public by kindness. The public de- - nlity of the Eighteenth amendment must b taken up in the regular way. should be assisted. B. A. Thomas' - cuttini hi acrcd rner wa mands weeding out of the gruff, to the federal constitution. lino Mr. Cranfill is buildine a new dwel- the The The eighteenth amendment having Poultry Remedy to put up""a sign, so ne nun a sign , will hotp your hens ling just west of the Murphy hotel and the replacing by the kind. Tex- - of reasoning is as follows: Forty-- been made a part of the basic law of to painted and planted it directly across moult causing them to shed earlier with six rooms News. j five states of the Union have ratified the nation by the It is 30x36 building, proclamation of the and be ready to lay when eggs the little worn path. The sign is this: Thirty-si- x , are story high. the amendment. were nee-- votes of the required thrce-fuorth- s nd a bath, one of highest in tho winter. If this remedy W. S. McCoy, formerly of Far-waj- l, Keep Off Tihs Grass If its news The News wants it. essary. If ten states can be made to the states, the matter must Mr. now be does not make good, we will. A. B. This Means You. Phone us. No. 97. change votes there will be but was a business caller here last their taken up in the regular way and a Austin A Sons. week. He is still boosting for the But it happens that humans do not Plains country. like to take such orders. Grown-up- s Eva Cranfill returned to Texico seem to have a little of that childish Monday morning from Oklahoma. disposition to do some things that She is here on a few days vacation, they are asked not to do. So the after which she will resume her work pedestrians who had worn the little in Oklahoma. path across the corner of the lot kept on walking across, only they walked Jeff and Alnx Thomas, who have on one side of the sign or the other. been here the past few weeks, visit- nnnn On the same street, a few blocks ing at the home of their mother, Mrs. up, there is another corner place own- - S. C. Thomas, returned to St. Louis ed by another old man. This second yesterday morninti- - Mrs. A. Thomas man is a kind and happy creature accompanied her husband with no desires to take any spite out i....L. ..I it... Tin. ,.lut,t id trn on the folks who pass by. But he was grossing nicely ,and as soon as the v ii so proud of his awn and didn t want molds it will be but a few arrive the people to make a path across it. "... ready opera- days till it will be for so he painted a sign a very small tion. one and put it up on the corner. Mrs. I!. E. Nobles for Anson, LZ3 Lb Lb w This sign had these words. j Texas, Wednesday of last week for a I visit with relatives. She will go to Please Keep Off The Grass. Mineral Well., from Anson for a short And the people who had previously- - sign, On and after September visit before returning. cut across his lot read the little lc Per Pound 1st, we shall operate Mac D. Nobles has accepted a posi- observed that it was a request and on a strictly cash basis. No charges of any kind tion as traveling salesman for the not an order, and walked around the We have just unloaded a car of fancy Texas will to Company at Wichita street comer on the walk without be,made anyone. Cash or its equivalent Woottn Grocery Tom Watson melons, average weight 25 pounds Falls, and will have Wichita Falls as wearing the grass off the lawn. must be paid for all orders delivered or the goods All of which illustrates the fact each. Guaranteed pulled ripe. Take them just his headquarters. will be returned. If it is inconvenient you to R. A. Hawkins is enjoying a visit that there are two ways of doing as they come Saturday at for from his mother, Mrs. M. E. Hawkins, things either by orders which in pay cashl each time, we issue coupon books in and his sister, Miss Nora, both of clude threats or a mean disposition, denominations of $5.00, $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00. Louisville Ky. His mother will like- or by a simple, pleasant request 25c each These books are ly remain with him all winter, but And the simple, pleasant request redeemable for merchandise. Miss Nora will return in time for is much more apt to keep folks from (No watermelons delivered at this price unless You can purchase them for cash and receive a school. mutilating a lawn or from doing accompanied by a grocery order.) 1 per cent disocunt. Mrs. N. J. Dean, who had been vis any other thing that, perhaps, should iting at the home of B. E. Nobles for not be done than the "This Means We expect to make prices so attractive that it days, her home in An You" sign with no "Please" tacked Conditions compel us to systematize our de- a few left for will pay you to borrow the son, Texas, last week. She was form on it. liveries. Schedules will be worked out and an- money at the bank if erly a Bovina resident. She visited In any event, the crabby old man nounced in next week's papers. necessary and pay cash for your groceries. a daughter there for a few days be still has a path across his lawn while fore returning to her home. the good naturcd, sunny-face- d man Rhoades McVicker returned to his isn't bothered at all. home in Wichita, Kansas, yesterday The above illustration is only 122 North 22?. South morning after spending his vacation sample effect gruff ness has on .the Main Main here with his uncle, S. H. Withers and human mind and will power, and like. B. wise kindness. A. vaca- AUSTIN taking his CO. family. He has been Fone49 & Fone52 tion here the past four years and at Not only does it apply in cases like Mountalnair. He visited Mountain the above, but in all walks of life. "THE PRICE IS THE THING" air for a few weeks on this trip. He The public enjoy doing business with will enter the Military school at Mex- men who are kind and obliging, and ico, Mo., the ensuing term. likewise refrain only when necessary